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A call to 112 may be anonymous. Mobile emergency phone numbers

In Russia, a single emergency call number is starting to work. Now by calling "112" you can call the police, fire brigade and ambulance. The innovation has already been appreciated in Tatarstan, Kursk and Astrakhan regions.

On August 12, amendments to federal legislation come into force. Now the 112 emergency assistance system has been approved at the state level. The regions have more powers to create such a service.

The Kursk region has become an experimental platform for the introduction of a telephone rescue service. Back in 2008, a special center appeared here, where they do not just process information. During the call, an employee of the unified dispatch service draws up a caller's card: indicates the nature of the appeal, writes what is happening. At this point, the operator also needs to be a psychologist.

“It’s always hard to work with people. People call differently. Everyone has a different psyche. You try to make a person calm down,” admits Elena Fomenko, senior dispatcher of Service 112.

The person who calls 112 Service most often needs urgent help. Many are on the verge of life and death. The specialist must immediately decide which services to call for help. The main thing is not to lose the call, dispatchers say. Prevent the caller from panicking and hanging up.

The number "112" is not random. An analogue of the European system of emergency assistance. These figures are familiar to residents of many countries. The European Union began introducing the system back in 1998. One of the inventions is the ability to make not only calls, but also send SMS with a request for help. Russia is working on it now.

"The system provides for the possibility of receiving SMS to the number 112. This technology is currently being developed," says Sergey Mogilnikov, Deputy Head of the Information Technology and Communications Department of the Russian Emergencies Ministry.

This service has already been successfully launched in Tatarstan. During the time, all guests could write and call the international standard rescue service. The regions of Russia, at their discretion, are allowed to introduce foreign languages ​​and the languages ​​of their territory.

"The subjects of the Russian Federation themselves determine in which foreign languages ​​to receive calls," confirms Mogilnikov.

"911 Rescue Service" is the largest and perhaps the most famous in the world. The famous three digits in the United States appeared in the middle of the 20th century. For more than 50 years, experts have been creating a unified response system. Today this number is familiar even to small Americans. Television commercials are made on how to use the system. They are not adults, but toys. So the child remembers information better.

The rescue service in Russia is just gaining an audience. Where the number "112" is already available, thousands of lives have been saved. The response time of operational services was reduced by 2.5 times. The chronicle of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation speaks eloquently about the statistics. In the winter of 2013, during a traffic jam on the Don highway. There was a pregnant woman in the car. A cell phone call was the last hope.

In those regions of Russia where the service is already operating, according to statistics, residents most often call when they need medical help. Another part of the calls are reports of accidents. There are also false calls. If you call the number "112" in Moscow, the system will work like a switch. You will be offered the opportunity to connect with other operational services.

It is planned to launch System 112 in all regions of Russia by 2017. It is impossible to create a high-quality rescue service without the interaction of departments, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Regional Development, experts are sure. At the same time, the main issue is funding. Indeed, millions of dollars are spent on emergency services in Europe and the United States. At the same time, reminding: any saved human life is priceless.

In emergency situations, people have to wait a long time to connect with the operator, which can sometimes cost them their lives. Internet forums are littered with such examples. About why you have to wait for help - in the material of the correspondent Tatyana Grigoryants.

A call to 112, paradoxically, quite often occurs almost in a lottery mode, experts explain. You may be lucky, and the operator will immediately answer you; or you might be unlucky and have to listen to an answering machine. And first in Russian, then in English. This is how this emergency switch is arranged, says the chairman of the security commission of the Civic Chamber of Russia Anton Tsvetkov.

“In the meantime, it’s just a switch that connects you to one or another emergency service. Moreover, it’s faster to call the emergency service directly than through this switch. ) - for example, 002, for someone - 020 ... That is, so that people do not get confused."

We didn’t get confused, because it’s impossible to dial the well-known numbers 01, 02 and 03 from a mobile phone to everyone since childhood. Although this does not negate the ability to directly call the same ambulance or police from a cell phone. If you know the number. And each operator, therefore, has his own.

"Each telecommunications system has its own dialing system. And, for reasons unknown to me, when they went through the certification system, for some reason it was not laid down that they should have a call on 02, 03, 04 in exactly the same way ... Perhaps , this is because for many telephones 01 is a call to one or another subscriber, which is tied in his memory.

However, even if you first learn from your operator the cherished numbers of the ambulance, police or fire service, this also does not exclude the moment of the lottery, notes the chairman of the independent trade union, an ambulance paramedic Dmitry Belyakov.

"Now 02 is not a very emergency phone. And 03 is not a very emergency phone. You can also hang there for half an hour and wait for an answer. It's not about where to call. It's about how it all works. And it works from hands out, by and large."

Although, according to Dmitry Belyakov, number 112 has its advantages. For example, an application for this number is legally binding, the paramedic continues. Another conversation is that it is something that slows down the system in many respects.

"I myself work in an ambulance. I can say that the calls that 112 sends us to an ambulance are mandatory, but there is such a thing ... Let's just say, completely non-core calls ... It's just that the service itself is "sewn up" .

And there are frequent complaints about the long connection, which they talk about on Internet forums:

"I dialed" 112 "from the phone 15 times, constantly" all operators are busy ", after a minute or so they ask to call back and hang up (automatically). And so for about 15 minutes!"

“My mother-in-law died like that on the street. It became bad on the street. Strangers called an ambulance for 30 minutes. We didn’t have time.”

And a very fresh example recently surfaced in court. The maniac's wife managed to dial an emergency number, but did not wait for the connection with the operator. Security specialists consider it necessary to prescribe clear algorithms for interviewing operators so that immediately, at the stage of receipt of a complaint, it would be possible to understand what kind of assistance and who needs it. And also - which services: often the application needs to be sent further to more than one address, experts explain. But a single number is needed. However, not as a switch. Like a service. In the meantime, the system for receiving emergency calls is being improved, experts advise nevertheless to find out from their operators the direct numbers of the ambulance, the police, and the fire department. Just in case.


22.02.2019, 10:07

America wanted Ukraine to fight with Russia, and Ukraine wanted the USA

ROSTISLAV ISHCHENKO: “Just yesterday, Klimkin made a statement that the Azov Sea treaty would be denounced in the near future. how the territorial problem is regulated, including the delimitation of the sea, then the advantage is with the strong. There is no need to explain who is stronger in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov. "

All of us, as children, were forced to memorize emergency numbers so that in the event of an emergency we could immediately call an ambulance, fire, police or gas service. But times are changing, and today people use landline phones less and less, because they have been replaced by the so-called mobile phones. And until now, most subscribers of mobile operators (MTS, Megafon, Beeline, TELE2) do not know how to call an ambulance from a mobile phone.

In this review you will find emergency phone numbers for cell phones relevant for 2014 in Russia. Starting this year, the phone numbers will be changed to three-digit ones: 101,102,103,104; These same numbers will also be available from cell phones in the future. But first, let's remember the emergency numbers for city phones that are relevant today (as of 2017):

  • 010 - Ministry of Emergency Situations or fire service
  • 020 - police (former police)
  • 030 - ambulance
  • 040 - emergency gas service

All these phone numbers will suit you if you use a regular landline phone. But if you decide to dial such a number from a cell phone, then you will not be able to get through, because mobile phones have their own emergency numbers, which we will talk about below. And in order to respond in time to certain situations, quickly find the necessary information and learn how to manage your number directly from the phone, we have prepared special reviews for subscribers of different operators. Here you will find an article that contains useful commands and Beeline numbers, for MTS subscribers there is a separate review with important MTS numbers and commands. A separate review highlights useful MegaFon commands and numbers.

Rescue phone number for mobile phone

The GSM standard supports a single emergency telephone number, by calling which you can report your problem. You can call here for any issue related to an emergency situation: to call an ambulance, police, Ministry of Emergency Situations. This number is available not only in Russia, but also in European countries.

112 - rescue service phone, analogue of the 911 phone - operates in all regions of Russia.

By calling this number, you will be taken to the nearest branch of the Unified Duty Dispatch Service. That is, if you are in Moscow, then by dialing the number 112, you will get exactly to the Moscow branch, in Tyumen - to the Tyumen branch.

The EDDS operator will receive your call and, having determined the nature of the problem, will send a request to the appropriate service. Emergency call 112 is the same for all mobile network operators, and a call to it is free of charge for you. You can make a call even if you have no money on your balance, your SIM card is blocked or, in general, it is not in your phone.

But do not forget that you should not call this number “just like that”, because people on the other end of the line solve the real problems of other citizens.

How to call an ambulance from a mobile phone

Getting into a situation where we need to call a doctor for ourselves or our loved ones, we most often do not know how to call an ambulance from a mobile phone. And therefore, it is better to take care of obtaining this information in advance than to look for these treasured figures on the Internet at a critical moment. It is best to write down the ambulance number in the phone book so that it is always at your fingertips. Each operator provides its own short phone number for an emergency call to an ambulance and it is free for you. Therefore, we will give phone numbers for each of the operators:

  • Megafon - 030
  • MTS - 030
  • Beeline - 003
  • Tele2 - 030

As you can see, the numbers are based on the number "03", which we all know well, just another "0" is substituted at the end of the number or at the beginning, so remembering such a phone number is very simple.

How to call the police from a mobile phone

If you find yourself in a situation in which you need immediate police assistance, then you can use the unified rescue service phone or call the short number that you see below in front of your operator. Calls to these numbers are free for you.

  • Megafon - 020
  • MTS - 020
  • Beeline - 002
  • Tele2 - 020

All numbers are based on the standard '02' landline number, so they are easy to remember.

How to call firefighters (MES) from a mobile phone

If, God forbid, you have a fire and you don’t know how to call firefighters from your mobile, then it’s best to use a single number 112, because you should know it, or call the number that is below opposite the operator your cellular connection. The call will be free.

  • Megafon - 010
  • MTS - 010
  • Beeline - 001
  • Tele2 - 010

You only need to know the number "01" for landlines and depending on your carrier, add another "0" to the beginning or end in order to get the fire department's cell phone number.

How to call the emergency gas service from your mobile

If you find a gas leak in the apartment or elsewhere, then immediately call 112 and inform the dispatcher about it. Alternatively, you can call the gas service directly at the number below in front of your mobile network operator.

  • Megafon - 040
  • MTS - 040
  • Beeline - 004
  • Tele2 - 040

Just like all other emergency numbers, this one is based on the generally accepted number "04" to which the number "0" is substituted.

Why can't I dial 01, 02, 03, 04 from my mobile

The answer to this question is quite simple: it's because cell phones don't support calling two-digit numbers. You can only call at least three-digit numbers. Therefore, for calls to emergency numbers, you can substitute the * symbol at the end of the number and make a call. So the numbers will look like this:

  • 01* - Ministry of Emergency Situations or fire department from a cell phone
  • 02* - police from a cell phone
  • 03* - ambulance from cell phone
  • 04* - emergency gas service from cell phone

There are other cellular network operators in our country, but we have given only the most common ones. If you did not find the emergency phone number of your operator here, then contact its official website for information.

Calls to emergency numbers are free, they are available even when your balance is at zero.

In the countries of the European Union and North America, there has long been a single number for the rescue service. It is unlikely that someone has not heard about the 911 number used in the United States. Every American knows that this is the number to call when in trouble. A single number appeared in Belarus as well. Remember - 112!

The GSM standard, which is used by most mobile phones in the world, has the functionality of an emergency number. The vast majority of phone manufacturers follow the rules and support a quick emergency call. As a rule, the number can be dialed without even unlocking the keypad.

You can call 112 if your phone does not have a SIM card, or it does not catch the operator's network, or you have a negative balance. How it works? After dialing the number, the phone tries to send a signal to your operator and, in case of an unsuccessful attempt, redirects it to one of the available networks. For example, if your MTS network does not catch, the phone will call through Velcom, Life and so on.

Keep in mind that even if you make a call to an emergency number without a SIM card, the operator will see a unique phone number (IMEI) and, if necessary, will most likely be able to identify you. It would be presumptuous to assume that the call is completely anonymous.

So, what happens when you call 112. As Viktor Kiyko said, the dispatcher of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the nearest emergency unit will answer you, who, if necessary, will switch you to any of the emergency services (102, 103, 104), since a single number 112 connects you with the 101 service. You must remember that such a call will always be free for you.

Reference: On October 26, 2015, in Rechitsa, the hostess, born in 1938, discovered smoke in her house and called her granddaughter. After the bell rang, the granddaughter dressed and walked to her grandmother's house. At the same time, neither the elderly woman nor her granddaughter reported what was happening to the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Arriving at the place, the girl found a strong smoke in her grandmother's house. It was no longer possible to enter the house. Only after that, the granddaughter ran to the neighbors, who, in turn, reported the fire to the Ministry of Emergency Situations by phone. The untimely message led to a long time for the free development of an emergency, which caused the death of the mistress of the house.

Another similar incident occurred on March 21 this year in the village of Gostivel. Man born in 1958 found smoke in his house. He reported this not to the rescue service, but to a neighbor. He also did not call the Ministry of Emergency Situations, but independently began to extinguish the fire. Having poured a bucket of water on the hearth and thinking that everything was extinguished, he left two more buckets of water for "every fireman" and left the house. After 5 hours, the man who asked for help died in a fire in this house.

I think that many have heard about the single number of the rescue service 112. However, few people know how it really works and what is the state of the system in Russia at the present time. In this article, I will talk in detail about everything that is directly related to the operation of an emergency phone: where is it better to call, what will they answer you at that “end of the line”, who serves number 112 and why knowledge of the principles of the system can.

A bit of theory

In the countries of the European Union and North America, there has long been a single number for the rescue service. Hardly anyone has heard of the 911 number used in the US. Every American knows that this is the number to call, . In Russia, before the advent of mobile phones, there was no question of any single number. Each emergency service was called by one of the numbers - 01, 02 or 03.

At this point it is worth stopping and identifying an important point. If you still have a landline (home) phone, then most likely you will not get through to 112 from it. The fact is that in Russia, due to bureaucratic and financial problems, only three pilot zones are still functioning (Kursk region, the Republic of Tatarstan, Astrakhan region) and technical design of the 112 system has been carried out in 22 regions.

As for mobile phones, things are a little better. The GSM standard, which is used by most mobile phones in the world, has the functionality of an emergency number. The vast majority of phone manufacturers follow the rules and support a quick emergency call. As a rule, the number can be dialed without even unlocking the keypad.

Get to the point

You may know that you can call 112 if your phone does not have a SIM card, or does not catch the operator's network, or you have a negative balance. How does it work? After dialing the number, the phone tries to send a signal to your operator and, in case of an unsuccessful attempt, redirects it to one of the available networks. For example, if your MTS network does not catch on the highway, the phone will call through Beeline, Megafon, and so on.

Keep in mind that even if you make a call to an emergency number without a SIM card, the operator will see a unique phone number (IMEI) and, if necessary, will most likely be able to identify you. It would be too infantile to hope that the call is completely anonymous.

Now let's talk more about mobile operators. Each of them, in accordance with Article 52 of the Federal Law "On Communications", is required to have a service responsible for the operation of an emergency number. However, one should not unconditionally hope that the requirement is met by everyone and in full. Smaller regional operators may maintain a small emergency telephone service staff.

So, what happens when you call 112. In fact, everything is very primitive: the operator of the rescue service of your mobile provider will ask what reason you are calling for, perhaps he will find out the address and switch to the required number - 01, 02 or 03. There is also the option that not a living person will speak to you, but a robot that will ask you to enter a number on the phone keypad to switch to one of the services.

It must be remembered that such a call will always be free for you.


Despite all the advantages of a single rescue service number, you should not forget about some problems.

Firstly, as I have already said, the mobile operator may not provide the service in the proper volume, and the number will always be busy.

Secondly, it is easy to see that dialing to the necessary service goes through a third party (cellular operator), which has a bad effect on the speed of delivering alarming information.

Thirdly, the employee of the mobile operator who serves the number 112 may not know the city well, and his duties usually include finding out the exact location of the incident.

Based on this, taking into account all the circumstances, it may be more correct to call directly to a certain emergency service (Ministry of Emergency Situations, police or ambulance). However, this is not so simple.

According to the GSM protocol standards, calls are not made to numbers that are shorter than three characters, but a USSD request is sent. Thus, to call one of the services, you need to use substitute numbers, and they are different for different operators.

If you are a subscriber of MTS, Tele-2 or MegaFon, use the numbers 010, 020, 030, 040, or 001, 002, 003, 004 if you use mobile communications from Beeline.

I hope you never have to call the emergency services, but in any case, you should know how best to do it.

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