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Knowledge com library. Electronic library systems

The electronic library system (ELS) ZNANIUM.COM is a collection of electronic versions of publications (books, magazines, articles, etc.), grouped according to thematic and target features. ELS implements a document search and selection system with easy navigation, bookmarking, virtual bookshelf formation, page-by-page copying service, collection and display of ELS usage statistics, as well as other services that contribute to successful scientific and educational activities.

The electronic library ZNANIUM.COM contains the works of the largest Russian scientists, heads of state bodies, teachers of the country's leading universities, highly qualified specialists in various business areas.

Library fund - textbooks, teaching aids, teaching materials, monographs, abstracts, dissertations, encyclopedias, dictionaries and reference books, legislative and regulatory documents, special periodicals and publications issued by publishing houses of universities.

ZNANIUM.COM topics - more than 21,000 sources in total:

  • Fiction (677)
  • Literature for children and youth (15)
  • Literature for high school and entrants. Pedagogy (855)
  • Home, life, leisure (128)
  • Applied Science. Technique. Medicine (5097)
  • Natural Sciences. Mathematics (2006)
  • Social Sciences. Economy. Right. (10117)
  • Humanitarian sciences. Religion. Art (2395)
  • Special section (2)

EBS ZNANIUM.COM is an independent development of the Scientific and Publishing Center INFRA-M. ZNANIUM.COM partners are the following publishing houses:

  • Flint
  • Dashkov and K
  • BHV-Petersburg
  • mechanical engineering
  • Terevinf
  • Fizmatlit
  • DMK press
  • CIPSiR
  • Logos
  • Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University
  • Young guard
  • Higher School (Belarus)


  • 15 years of publishing experience in the Russian market of educational literature.
  • The rights of the authors are transferred to for a long period of time, and therefore there is no need to beware that a certain book will suddenly disappear from the catalog.
  • Getting new products to EBS earlier than to bookstores.
  • Acceptable prices.

The target audience

The main target audience of ELS are students and teachers. Therefore, the present and future of ELS ZNANIUM.COM is a movement towards the creation of an electronic information resource integrated into the scientific and educational environment of higher and secondary educational institutions. The electronic library will also be of interest to specialists in various industries.


  • Advanced search for documents by metadata and navigation through the Catalog.
  • Page navigation through the document.
  • Quick jump to the table of contents of the book.
  • Automatic "bookmark" and subsequent return to the page on which the reading was interrupted.
  • Zoom and rotate the page.
  • Creation of virtual "bookshelves" of the reader.
  • Saving named bookmarks.
  • Getting copies of individual pages of text in PDF (no more than 10% of the document volume).
  • Saving the history of page accesses for each user.
  • View and download additional materials (applications) to the book.
  • Creation of lists of recommended literature for students (teacher service).
  • Viewing and unloading of ELS usage statistics by the Subscriber's users (librarian's service).
  • User administration in ELS (librarian service).
  • Statistics block (attendance, book lending, etc.)

For faculty

  • Publish the results of research activities (monographs) in paper and electronic form at the expense of the publisher.
  • Place a collection of scientific papers in the EBS with obtaining a certificate "On electronic publication".

For university

  • Place in EBS electronic versions of university publications (monographs, textbooks and teaching aids, educational and methodological materials, work programs in disciplines) for the last 10-15 years. This will significantly increase the number of those who will be able to get acquainted with the scientific activities of the university.
  • To place electronic versions of university periodicals in EBS in combination with the possibility of solving the following problems: prepress preparation of the publication, conclusion of contracts with authors, promotion of the publication.
  • Place electronic versions of VAK journals in the EBS (regardless of the year of issue) with the transfer of rights under the terms of a non-exclusive (simple) license.

Contract offer

1. User agreement

The User Agreement defines the terms and conditions for the provision and use of services (services) of the ZNANIUM Electronic Library System (hereinafter referred to as the System), establishes the rights and obligations of the parties to the Agreement, as well as the User's responsibility for violating the terms and conditions of using the System.
The Parties to this Agreement are the Copyright Holder and the User, collectively referred to as the Parties.
This Agreement is governed by the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
This Agreement is a public offer. By registering on the site, the User joins this Agreement and is obliged to adhere to all the rules and fulfill all the conditions stipulated by the Agreement.

2. Terms and concepts

The Parties have agreed on the interpretation of the following terms used in the Agreement:

  • a) "Works" - the results of intellectual activity protected by law, in respect of which the Copyright Holder, under this Agreement, grants the right of access to the User.
  • b) "Electronic Library System" (hereinafter - ELS) - the Znanium database, which is a collection of Works presented in an objective form and systematized in such a way that these materials can be found and processed using a computer that provides access to the Works.
  • c) "Copyright holder" - the owner of the exclusive right to the EBS Znanium.
  • d) "User" - an individual registered in accordance with this Agreement.
  • e) "Personal Account" - a workspace for working in the ELS of the User who has gained access to the ELS resources.
  • f) "Administrator" - a person appointed by the Copyright Holder and managing the ELS, who interacts with the User and ensures the reliability of the ELS.
  • g) Content - an information array containing texts, books, programs, phonograms, photographs, graphics, videos, messages and any other materials located on the pages of the site, to which the User gains access by registering in the System.
  • h) Online reading - a service (service) provided by the System, which gives the User the opportunity to view and read online books and other materials from the catalog of full-text publications hosted in the System.

3. General conditions

1. This Agreement shall enter into force from the moment the User expresses consent to its terms (acceptance) by registering on the System website. Before carrying out the registration procedure, the User is obliged to carefully read all the provisions of this Agreement.

2. The Copyright Holder reserves the right to change and / or supplement this Agreement unilaterally at any time without any special notice to the User. Changes/additions come into force after 5 (five) working days from the moment the new version of the Agreement is posted on the website, unless otherwise provided in the Agreement. The User's continued use of the services (services) of the System after making changes/additions to this Agreement means the User's consent to such changes/additions.

4. Subject of the Agreement

1. The subject of this Agreement is the provision to the System Users of the services (services) provided for by this Agreement. The system provides Users with access to the ZNANIUM Electronic Library System (ZNANIUM) and includes the following types of services:

  • access to the electronic catalog (list) of full-text publications;
  • access to online reading services for site materials (free and/or paid);
  • access to information processing services: bookshelf;
  • access to navigation and search tools in the System;
  • other types of services implemented in the System.

2. All currently existing services (services), as well as any change, development and / or addition of new ones is the subject of this Agreement.

3. The User understands and agrees that all services are provided in accordance with the internal regulations of the System. In order to use the services of the System, you need an electronic device with Internet access, and you must also go through the registration procedure (see below). All issues related to the acquisition of Internet access rights, the purchase and adjustment of the relevant equipment and software products are decided by the User independently and are not subject to this Agreement.

4. The services (services) provided for by clause 1 of section 4 of this agreement are considered to be provided to the User of proper quality from the moment the system provides the User with access to the services provided by the EBS, regardless of whether the User has started using these services.

5. Registration

1. In order to use the services of the System, the User must go through the procedure of registration and confirmation of data. When registering, the User is obliged to provide reliable, complete and up-to-date information about himself by filling out the proposed Registration Form. If this information changes after registration, the User undertakes to update it as soon as possible.

2. The User agrees that his personal data, which he provides to the System Administrator during the registration procedure, provided for in the registration form, can be processed by the System Administrator for the purposes of executing this Agreement, maintaining statistics and recording information, including for recording and generating generalized depersonalized data on social groups registered in the ZNANIUM EBS.

3.During the registration process, the User receives a Login and Password generated by the System to access the personalized part of the System's services. Your identification as a User is based on the Login.

4. The User is solely responsible for the confidentiality of his Login and Password, as well as for everything that will be done in the System under his Login and Password. The User has no right to transfer his registration (Login and Password) to third parties, and also has no right to receive them from third parties. The System does not bear any responsibility for any agreements between the User and third parties.

5. The User agrees with the obligation to immediately notify the System User Support EBS Administrator about any case of unauthorized (not allowed by the User) access to the System under his Login and Password and / or about any other security breach or finding vulnerabilities in the site security system.

6. The Copyright Holder is not responsible for possible loss or damage to data that may occur due to violation by the User of the provisions of this part of the Agreement.

7. The User is warned that the System Administrator has the right to delete the User's account or suspend the User's access to the System for the following reasons: there is evidence that the User violates this Agreement;

  • the information provided by the User is not complete, reliable or up-to-date;
  • The user violates the legislation of the Russian Federation on intellectual property;
  • The user account has not been used for more than 24 months since the end of the last subscription.

6. Obligations of the User

1. The User accepts as a given that the Copyright Holder owns the exclusive right to use the software, multimedia product and Database, access to which is provided by the EBS, and, to a certain extent, the right to use the works that are posted on the pages of the site. The user undertakes to respect the rights of authors and other copyright holders when using the content, access to which is provided by the EBS.

2. The user agrees not to take any action that may be considered:

1) as disrupting the normal operation of the resource and website of the System, including:

  • implementation of unauthorized access to the full texts of publications and personalized services;
  • unauthorized access to the server and user accounts;
  • probing, scanning or testing the resource's security system;
  • TCP/IP spoofing;
  • decoding, decompiling, dismantling and any impact on the resource software;
  • interference with other users in the use of the resource;
  • use of the System services for any kind of spam;
  • intentionally transmitting viruses and/or "hacking" a system or network;
  • using any automated systems to access the site, including commercial applications for bulk file uploads as a replacement for client software

2) as violating the confidentiality of information provided by other Users;

3) as assistance to acts aimed at violating the restrictions and prohibitions imposed by this Agreement, including violation of copyright and related rights to works accessed by the System, by:

  • unauthorized reproduction of the full texts of works, including the creation and recording of copies of works in the memory of electronic computers and on any type of media;
  • distribution of works, including the transfer of copies of works to third parties in any way, both on a reimbursable and non-reimbursable basis.

7. Online reading

1. The service (service) of viewing and reading books and other materials from the catalog of full-text publications hosted in the System is provided to the User on the basis of a subscription to online reading, except for the cases of providing free access implemented in the System (literature not protected by copyright law). in most cases is available free of charge).

2. Various types of subscriptions are implemented in the System depending on the products chosen by the User (subscriptions that allow access to a certain set of books and other materials systematized on a certain subject or other basis, as well as a subscription for full access to all books and materials posted in System).

3. Subscriptions have a different validity period.

4. The terms of access to On-line reading can be found on the main page of Znanium.

1. The System website may contain links to external resources. Since the System Administration does not control such sites and resources, the User confirms that he visits and uses external resources at his own peril and risk, and, therefore, the System Administration is not responsible for the performance of such sites or resources, as well as for the content, advertising , materials, goods and services available on such sites or resources.

2. The User also agrees that the System Administration is not responsible and has no direct or indirect obligations to the User in connection with any possible or incurred losses or damages associated with any content, goods or services available on or obtained through external sites or resources.

1. The User accepts the provision that all the services of the System or any part of them may be accompanied by advertising. The User also undertakes not to limit the display of such advertisements or advertisements by means of blocking advertisements. By using the Services, you acknowledge the right of the System Administration to place such advertisements without prior notice and without any compensation to the Users.

2. The nature of the placement and the amount of advertising displayed in the System as a whole are determined and changed at the discretion of the Administration. Correspondence and business relations of the User with advertisers or participation of the User in promotions held by advertisers, carried out using the System website, including payment, delivery, including conditions, guarantees and presentations of relevant services or goods mentioned in or found as a result of such relations, give rise to rights and obligations solely between the User and the advertiser.

3. The User agrees that the System Administration does not bear any responsibility and does not have any obligations in case of causing any losses or losses incurred by the User as a result of interaction with advertisers and (or) the presence of advertising in the Services.

10. Confidential Information and Intellectual Property Rights

1. The User acknowledges and agrees that the System services, as well as any software used by the System, may contain confidential or other information that is the property of the System Administration or other copyright holder, protected by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. All program code and specifications of the System, as well as all other program codes and specifications for the operation of the services, are subject to appropriate licenses.

3. The User also acknowledges and agrees that the content of advertisements or information received in the process of providing the Services are protected by intellectual property law.

4. Except as permitted by the System Administration or the advertiser, the User undertakes not to modify, lease, rent, sell, assign, pledge, modify or make derivative works based on the content provided by services or software, in whole or in part.

11. Disclaimer of warranties

The User accepts and agrees that:

1. The use of the services and services of the System is carried out by the User at his own peril and risk;

2. Services are provided in the form established by the System Administration;

3. The System Administration does not assume any responsibility, including for the non-compliance of services with the goals and expectations of the User;

4. The System Administration cannot guarantee that:

  • services will fully comply with the requirements of the User;
  • services will be provided continuously, quickly, reliably and without errors;
  • the results that can be obtained in the process of using the services will meet the User's expectations;

5. The System Administration is not responsible for any direct or indirect losses resulting from:

  • the use or inability to use the services, including for any damage to the User's computer, mobile devices, any other equipment or software, arising in connection with the use of the services (services) of the System;
  • unauthorized access to the User's communications;
  • statements or conduct of any third party on the resource.

6. The inability to use the EBS services, even if it arose due to the fault of the Copyright Holder, is not a basis for terminating the agreement between the User and the Copyright Holder. The Rightholder must within a reasonable time (but not more than 30 calendar days) take all measures to ensure that the User can use the EBS services.

7. The user is fully responsible for the accuracy of the required registration data. Services are considered to be provided to the User of proper quality also if the User provided incorrect or inaccurate information during the registration process, but sufficient for the provision of services.

12. Other terms

1. The User and the Copyright Holder agree that all possible disputes regarding the Agreement will be resolved in accordance with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 2. Recognition by the court of any provision of the Agreement as invalid or unenforceable does not entail the invalidity or unenforceability of other provisions of the Agreement. 3. Inaction on the part of the Copyright Holder of the System in the event that any of the Users violates the provisions of the Agreement does not deprive the Copyright Holder of the right to take appropriate actions to protect their interests later, and also does not mean that the Copyright Holder waives his rights in the event of subsequent similar or similar violations.

The User confirms that he is familiar with all the clauses of this Agreement and unconditionally accepts them.

This is a library that is always there, all knowledge in one touch!

The INFRA-M Scientific Publishing Center presents the Electronic Library System (ELS) - a single electronic space for education and science in universities and libraries, for teachers and students throughout Russia and abroad.

EBS is a comfortable 24-hour on-line access to a wide range of scientific and educational literature.

Znanium fully complies with all regulatory requirements for EBS.

More than 15,000 works in the main collection, as well as over 2,000 works in additional collections from leading Russian publishers with daily replenishment.

Only the most necessary services and functions for everyday educational and scientific activities that do not require much time to master:

  • electronic bookmarks;
  • reader's virtual bookshelf;
  • comfortable navigation in the book and search by various parameters;
  • copy service;
  • compilation of recommended lists of literature by teachers for students of their university;
  • simple administration and a wide range of statistics for libraries of any level.

Employees and students of the Russian University of Cooperation have access to ELS "Ibux"
To get a personal account for remote access to iBux: register yourself on the territory of the university, or get a login and password in the university library.
ELS "Ibux" provides ample opportunities for selecting books both by thematic navigator and through search and filter tools.

The electronic library system "Ibux" is the best textbooks and teaching aids for higher education.

Domestic newspapers and magazines

  • Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU

The scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU is the largest Russian information portal containing abstracts and full texts of more than 13 million scientific articles and publications. On the eLIBRARY.RU platform, electronic versions of more than 2,000 Russian scientific and technical journals are available, including more than 1,000 open access journals.

User registration in the Scientific Electronic Library is a prerequisite for obtaining access to the full texts of publications hosted on the eLIBRARY.RU platform, regardless of whether they are in the public domain or distributed by subscription. Registered users also get the opportunity to create personal collections of magazines, articles, save the history of search queries, customize the navigator panel, etc.

  • Generic databases

Catalog of individual editions "EastView"

Journals of Grebennikov Publishing House LLC:
Logistics today
Management Today (Nos. 1-6 2015, Nos. 1-6 2016)
Corporate Finance Management (Nos. 1-5 2016, Nos. 1-2 2016)

Access is provided from all computers of the Russian University of Cooperation.

  • National digital resource "RUKONT"

In the department of access to electronic resources, users can get acquainted with books and periodicals of the multidisciplinary resource "RUKONT".
Access to the materials of periodicals is possible both within the walls of the library and outside it. Accessible periodicals.

Help legal system ConsultantPlus

The ConsultantPlus system is a reliable assistant for many professionals: lawyers, accountants, heads of organizations, as well as for government specialists, scientists and students. It contains a huge array of legal and reference information. Access to the legal system is carried out from the local network of the university, the legal system contains all the information banks necessary for the educational process. The information banks of the system are replenished and updated on a weekly basis.

University Information System RUSSIA (UIS RUSSIA)

Open educational video portal

Test access

An archive of important publications is collected manually. Database with rubricator: 26 industries / 600 sources / 8 federal districts of the Russian Federation / 235 countries and territories / main materials / articles and interviews of 5000 top officials. Every day, a thousand news, full text in Russian, a million of the best stories from news agencies and the business press for 15 years. Full-text search, key phrases, export to Word and other text editors, array sorting by ten topics. Personal collections of stories and bookmarks are available from any user device. Internet services by industry and country. Access to is open from all library computers and the internal network.

ELS of Publishing House "LAN" is a resource that provides online access to scientific journals and full-text collections of books from various publishers. You can work with the resource from the university network without prior registration or from anywhere in the world where there is access to the Internet, after registering your personal account while inside the university network.

The administration of the library and information center recalls the need to comply with the rules for working with licensed electronic resources: the user is not allowed to fully or partially copy the information contained in the submitted electronic resources for the purpose of subsequent distribution without the written consent of the Owner of the electronic resource.

International Labor Research Institute

The International Labor Organization (ILO) has provided free "on-line" access to new publications from its research institute IILS.

International Statistical Institute

A commercial organization dealing with the compilation of bibliographic databases of scientific publications, their indexing and determination of the citation index, impact factor and other statistical indicators of scientific works.

An open resource for all Internet users.

Collection of e-books of the Business Ebook company on the Ebook Central platform

Business Ebook Central are e-books on history, art, social sciences, literature and linguistics, health and medicine, business, science and technology.

The Business Ebook Central database includes the following sources:

at least 20,000 full-text books in English by the world's leading publishers HarvardUniversityPress, MP Press, PrincetonUniversityPress, GeorgetownUniversityPress and others in various areas of business, economics and management:

economic development and social policy;

information and international management;

organizational change and strategic planning;

production management and quality control;

finance and accounting;

personnel Management;

career management.

Access to the electronic books of the collection is possible from all computers of the University with branches. Access from home requires self-authorization from the territory of the PRUE.

Scopus covers about 50 million publications / 21,000 titles of publications / 5,000 publishers.

Scopus uses the latest high-tech tools to identify, analyze and present research literature.

Scopus indexes:

400 Trade Publications titles

370 book series (continuing editions)

5.5 million conference papers from conference proceedings and journals

Articles accepted for publication ("Articles-in-Press") by more than 3850 journals and publishers, including Cambridge University Press, Elsevier, Springer, Wiley-Blackwell, Nature Publishing Group and the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)

The database contains about 50 million records:

21 million entries from 1996 to 1823

Scoupus also covers 359 million scientific web pages indexed through Scirus and about 24 million patent records from five patent offices (US Patent & Trademark Office, European Patent Office, Japan Patent Office, World Intellectual Property Organization and the UK Intellectual Property Office ).

Access to the SCOPUS database is possible only from the IP addresses of the University.

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