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  • The value of the align attribute specifies the alignment to the right. Default value

The value of the align attribute specifies the alignment to the right. Default value


Aligning the contents of a container

on the edge.



The values

center Aligns the text to the center. The text is centered horizontally in the browser window or container where the text box is located. Lines of text are strung together on an invisible axis that runs down the center of the web page. A similar method of alignment is actively used in headings and various captions, such as figure captions, it gives an official and solid look to the text design. In all other cases, center alignment is rarely applied. the reason that it is inconvenient to read a large amount of such text. left Aligns the text to the left. In this case, the lines of text are aligned to the left, and the right edge is "ladder". This alignment method is the most popular on sites, since it allows the user to easily find with a glance new line and comfortable to read large text. right Aligns the text to the right. This alignment method acts as an antagonist to the previous type. Namely, the lines of text are right-aligned, while the left remains "torn". Due to the fact that the left edge is not aligned, namely, from it, reading new lines begins, such text is more difficult to read than if it were aligned to the left. Therefore, right-justification is usually used for short headlines of no more than three lines. We do not consider specific sites where the text has to be read from right to left, it is possible there similar way alignment and come in handy. But where have you seen such sites in our country? justify Justification, which means left and right justification at the same time. To perform this action, the browser in this case adds spaces between words.

Default value

HTML 4.01 IE Cr Op Sa Fx

DIV tag, align attribute

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diem nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut lacreet dolore magna aliguam erat volutpat.

Result this example shown in fig. one.

Rice. 1. Aligning elements with align attribute

Hello dear readers of the blog site. In this article, we continue to explore the basics of styling CSS markup and consider the properties vertical-align, text-align, text-indent and some others, designed to style html text.

Aligning text with CSS

Let's start with the style attributes that control the rendering of text in block elements. Let's start with text-align properties which is actually a replacement for the align attribute (used to align the content of html elements like p paragraphs).

Style property text-align asks horizontal alignment text and has only four possible values:

text-align: left | right | center | justify

The available values ​​for this rule determine the alignment, respectively: left - to the left, right - to the right, center - to the center, and justify - to the width of the page (simultaneously left and right by increasing the distance between words). For example, the text in this article is aligned to the width of the page (if you notice it has even borders on both left and right) using the text-align: justify rule.

By default, horizontal alignment is left-aligned, so it is not necessary to specifically specify text-align: left unless a different alignment has been specified in the parent elements.

Examples of using the property:

p (text-align: justify)
h1 (text-align: center)

Next CSS property text-ident asks indent for the red line, for example for text in the paragraph tag p. This rule, like text-align, only applies to block elements. Syntax:


Absolute and relative indentation values ​​are allowed here. Absolute values ​​(px - pixels, em, ex, etc.) can be specified both with a plus sign and with a minus sign. Relative magnitude usually given as a percentage (%). The relative value is calculated from the width of the area that is set aside for the text. So, the css rule text-indent: 50% will set the red line equal to half the length of this line itself. By default, the "red line" indent is zero. Example:

p (text-ident: 10px;)

Next, let's look at vertical alignment - the property vertical-align... This property is already applicable to everyone. html elements and for almost everyone it means alignment with each other inline elements with text relative to their baseline. Except for the table tags td and th, in which all content will be vertically aligned. Syntax:

vertical-align: baseline | sub | super | top | text-top | middle | bottom | text-bottom |<величина>

Let's consider each value in more detail:

  • baseline - alignment of a piece of text to the baseline parent element... This is the default;
  • sub - a piece of text is displayed as a subscript or subscript for the parent element;
  • super - a piece of text is displayed as superscript or superscript for the parent element;
  • top - aligns a piece of text to the top edge of the parent element;
  • text-top - aligns the fragment to the top edge of the parent element's text;
  • middle - alignment of the center of the text fragment to the center of the parent element;
  • bottom - alignment of the text fragment to the bottom edge of the parent element;
  • text-bottom - alignment of the fragment to the bottom edge of the parent element's text;

The figure below shows the behavior of test fragments for different values ​​of the vertical-align property in Internet browser Explorer 11:

In addition to the above values, you can specify numerical values... So, CSS rule vertical-align: 0 will mean the same as vertical-align: baseline. And the rule vertical-align: 10px will offset the text up 10 pixels from the baseline. To move the text down, the value must be specified with a minus.

The shift can also be set in relative units measurements, for example in em and in ex or as a percentage.

For vertical alignment the contents of the table cells in vertical-align should use the values:

  • top - to align content to the top border of the cell;
  • bottom - to align content to the bottom border of the cell;
  • middle - to align to the center of the cell (used by default).

For achievement desired result, you usually have to experiment with different meanings style properties vertical-align. Numerous possible values give too different results in different cases.

White-space and word-wrap options to control line breaks

Next in line is the white-space parameter, which is responsible for displaying whitespace characters on the html page.

As we know, by default the browser combines all consecutive whitespace characters: spaces, line breaks and tabs, - in one space. An exception tag

, the text placed in it is displayed as is, with all spaces.

The white-space property has the following syntax:

white-space: normal | pre | nowrap | pre-wrap | pre-line

It is clear that the normal value is used by default and leaves everything as described above, all consecutive spaces are combined into one and line breaks are set automatically.

Using a value

It will be a complete analogy when using the tag 
The browser will render the page taking into account all extra spaces and hyphenation as added by the developer.  If the line of text turns out to be too long, then it will be added horizontal stripe scrolling.

The nowrap value prevents the browser from wrapping lines and the text is displayed on a single line. The only thing, adding a tag
will allow the text to be wrapped to a new line.

The pre-wrap value preserves all sequences of spaces and line breaks, but if the line does not fit into the specified area, the browser automatically wraps the text on a new line.

Well, the pre-line value converts spaces to one space, line feeds are saved and the browser can break lines that are too long to avoid horizontal scrolling.

Usage example:

p (white-space: pre;)

Consider next word-wrap parameter , which rolls over to indicate whether to transfer or not long words that do not fit in the specified area. This property is not often used, but sometimes you can't do without it:

word-wrap: normal | break-word

The normal value tells the browser to break text only at spaces, and this is normal browser behavior. And the break-word value allows the browser to insert line breaks inside words. Example:

p (word-wrap: break-word;)

Text shadow parameters - text-shadow property

For fans of various embellishments in the CSS3 standard, it became possible to set a shadow for the text. Clever use of the text-shadow property allows you to noticeably animate web page... Syntax:

text-shadow: none |<цвет> <горизонтальное смещение> <вертикальное смещение> [<радиус размытия>]

The value none cancels the shadowing of the text and is set by default.

Shade color is set in any available CSS format and is not required parameter... By default, the shadow color is the same as the text color.

Horizontal offset of the shadow can be specified in any unit of measure supported by CSS. If the value is positive, the shadow will be positioned to the right of the text, with negative - to the left. Zero value will position the shadow directly below the text and only makes sense if the shadow is blurred.

Vertical offset of the shadow also can be set in any unit of measure supported by CSS. A positive value will move the shadow below the text; a negative value will move it above it. A value of zero will position the shadow directly below the text.

In any unit of measurement, and shadow blur radius... The higher the value, the wider the shadow becomes and the more it smoothes. If this parameter is not set, then the blur value is assumed. equal to zero... Since the smoothing algorithm usually has different browsers is different, the appearance of the shadow may differ slightly depending on the browser.

Let's consider an example:

p (
text-shadow: red 1px 1px 2px;
font-size: 2em;

And this is how the text of paragraph p will look like using of this rule style in Internet Explorer 11:

This will conclude the article. To find out more about CSS properties do not forget to subscribe to blog updates and read the articles from the "" section. Until next time!

For images, the standards do not define a default alignment with respect to text and other images on the same line — it is not always possible to predict how these components will look.1 In HTML documents, images are usually “inline” with only one line of text. As is customary in printed media mass media the text "wraps around" them, so that several lines can be adjacent to the image, and not one at all.

Fortunately, document creators are able to somewhat control the alignment of images in relation to the surrounding text using the align attribute of the tag. ... The HTML and XHTML standards define five values ​​for the align attribute: left, right, top, middle, bottom. The left and right values ​​cause the text to wrap around the image, offset to the corresponding edge. The remaining three align the image in vertical direction in relation to the surrounding text.

All popular browsers, including Opera, Firefox, Netscape, and Internet Explorer, agree that the align = bottom attribute is the default vertical alignment, and position images equally above the top-most character in a line of text, see Fig. 15.11.

At the same time, browsers disagree on how to position images with the align = middle attribute relative to the text. In fig. Figure 5.11 shows that Netscape and Opera position the image based on the middle line of the text. Regarding Internet Explorer browsers

Rice. 5.11. Standard alignment of embedded images

Rice. 5.12. Internet Explorer and Firefox align the middle line of the image with the middle line of the tallest item, not the middle line of the text

and Firefox, they position the image in the centerline of the tallest element, which is not necessarily text (Figure 5.12).

In addition, browsers support, to varying degrees, five additional features of vertical image alignment: texttop, center, absmiddle, baseline, and absbottom (raise your hand if you haven't guessed what they mean):

The align = texttop expression tells the browser to align the top edge of the image with the top edge of the tallest text element in current line... Otherwise, top is in effect and aligns the top of the image with the top of the tallest element, text component, or image on the current line. If the line contains no other images protruding above the text, texttop and top have the same effect. Opera does not support texttop, but other popular browsers interpret it strictly according to this description.

First introduced to Internet Explorer and Netscape, the value for center is interpreted in the browsers of Internet Explorer, Netscape, and Firefox in the same way as the value for middle. But let's not forget that each of them understands the meaning of middle in his own way. Opera ignores the expression align = center.

If you give the align attribute of the tag value absmiddle, the browser will set the absolute middle of the image against the absolute middle of the current line. This is not the case for the middle and center values, which align the middle of the image with the baseline of the current line of text. While Netscape and Opera do not distinguish between absmiddle and middle, Firefox and Internet Explorer use these values ​​to selectively align images to centerlines. In other words, Firefox and Internet Explorer treat absmiddle in the same way that Netscape treats middle.

Rice. 5.13. When aligning images with the alingn = absbottom attribute, browsers respect the descenders

bottom and baseline (default)

The bottom and baseline values ​​have the same effect as if you did not include the alignment attribute at all. The browser aligns the bottom of the image with the baseline of the text. This should not be confused with the effect of the absbottom value, which also includes parts of the letters that fall below the baseline. 1 (If you still have your hand raised, you can lower it.)

The align = absbottom expression tells the browser to align the bottom of the image with the true bottom of the text on the current line. True Bottom is the bottom-most point of the text, including any descenders (for example, Bottom part character "y"), even if there are none in the string. The baseline runs along the bottom edge of the "v" in the "y" symbol. Opera, the bearer of the standard, ignores the absbottom value, and other popular browsers treat it as described (Figure 5.13).

Use top and middle to align thumbnails, bullet points, and other specialty images with nearby text. In other cases align = bottom (selected by default) achieves better appearance... When aligning one or more images on a line, choose the attribute value that will give the best appearance to your document.

Greetings Friends! Today we will talk about paragraph tag and about the alignment attribute... In general, all content on a page should be broken down into paragraphs. Paragraph content is written between tags


... When we display 2 consecutive paragraphs, then an invisible field is formed between them, which repels them from each other. The tag is block tag therefore they take up the entire width of the page.

For example, let's take a page with this code:

Page with paragraphs.

First paragraph: Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry "s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Second paragraph: It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using "Content here, content here", making it look like readable English.

Let's see what this case looks like in a browser:

You've probably noticed that there is a tag in the page code strong, this tag makes the text bold.

Tag attributes

For each tag, you can, in some cases even need to specify attributes. Through the attribute, we tell the browser exactly how to display this or that element on the page.

The attribute is specified inside the parenthesis of the opening tag and has the following syntax: attribute_name = "value"

Alignment attribute

For example, we have a paragraph on a page and we want to align its content. To do this, we write the attribute inside the opening tag align, which is responsible for aligning the content within the paragraph, and give it one value.

Paragraph content.

This attribute has 4 values:

1. Left- Aligns content to the left. This is the default. That is, if we do not specify the attribute for the paragraph align, then the content inside the paragraph is by default aligned to the left. This can be seen in the previous example.

2. Right- Aligns content to the right.


This is how it looks in the browser:

3.Center- Aligns content to the center of the page.


4.Justify- Aligns content to the width of the page.


Lesson summary:
We learned today what it is paragraph in html. Paragraphs are used very often in html. Also learned what a tag attribute is. And learned the alignment attribute align. Which can take one of the following values: left (default),right,center,justify.


Aligns a block of text to the edge.

Styles must be used instead of this attribute


The values

left Aligns the text to the left. In this case, the lines of text are aligned to the left, and the right edge is "ladder". This method of alignment is the most popular on sites, since it allows the user to easily find a new line with a glance and comfortably read large text. center Aligns the text to the center. The text is centered horizontally in the browser window or container where the text box is located. Lines of text are strung together on an invisible axis that runs down the center of the web page. A similar method of alignment is actively used in headings and various captions, such as figure captions, it gives an official and solid look to the text design. In all other cases, center alignment is rarely used for the reason that it is inconvenient to read a large amount of such text. right Aligns the text to the right. This alignment method acts as an antagonist to the previous type. Namely, the lines of text are right-aligned, while the left remains "torn". Due to the fact that the left edge is not aligned, namely, from it, reading new lines begins, such text is more difficult to read than if it were aligned to the left. Therefore, right-justification is usually used for short headlines of no more than three lines. We do not consider specific sites where the text has to be read from right to left, there may be a similar way of alignment and come in handy. But where have you seen such sites in our country? justify Justification, which means left and right justification at the same time. To perform this action, the browser in this case adds spaces between words.

Default value

Example. Text alignment

P tag, align attribute

Duis te feugifacilisi. Duis autem dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit au gue duis dolore teisi feugat nulla facil Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci taion ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex en commodo consequat. Duis te feugifacilisi per suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex en commodo consequat.

Browsers: Desktop Mobile ?

Internet ExplorerChromeOperaSafariFirefox
1 1 1 1 1
AndroidFirefox MobileOpera MobileSafari mobile
1 1 6 1


The following conventions are used in the browser table.

  • - the element is fully supported by the browser;
  • - the element is not perceived by the browser and is ignored;
  • - during operation, the appearance of various errors, or the item is supported with caveats.

The number indicates the browser version from which the element is supported.

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