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  • Monoblock freezes. What to do if the computer freezes? Processes and programs

Monoblock freezes. What to do if the computer freezes? Processes and programs


Monoblock malfunctions: does not turn on, makes noise, heats up, freezes, slows down

Monoblock computers, like everything in this world, are imperfect and do not last forever, over time, failures and malfunctions may begin in the operation of these universal machines. As a rule, the most common problems with All-In-One PC: noise during operation, overheating and shutdown, slows down and freezes during operation, does not turn on or turn off. Below we will consider how these problems can be solved on your own, useful tips on what to do first, and when it is time to take the monoblock to the service.

Why does the monoblock not turn on?

There are several options for malfunctions when they mean the monoblock does not turn on (does not work). Let's look at what are the signs of a breakdown and what solutions to the problem are possible.

No response, doesn't work at all

If your all-in-one does not turn on when you press the power button, what should you do? First - if it does not show any signs of life at all, does not make any noise, the lights do not light up, then the first thing we check is whether there is a power supply, the power cable may be damaged or faulty. If everything is in order with the cable, the power supply of the monoblock may be faulty, you cannot determine this yourself, you need to contact the service. It is also possible that the motherboard or computer processor has failed, in which case the monoblock will not turn on either. One solution is to diagnose with the help of a specialist and fix the problem, most often this will be the replacement of a faulty component.

No picture, no noise

Another case when they say the monoblock does not turn on - the indicators light up, noise is heard, but the screen is still black. The most likely cause of such a malfunction is a screen breakdown, that is, the monoblock monitor does not work, it is also possible that the video card is faulty or there is a break in the cable between the screen and the video card. The solution is to diagnose and then replace or repair faulty components.

The screen is on, there is noise, but the OS does not boot

The next version of the same problem is that the monoblock does not work - the lights are on, the fans are noisy, the screen is on, but it is black or there are incomprehensible inscriptions, the operating system does not load, it is impossible to work with the monoblock. The most common cause of failure here is a faulty hard drive. The solution to the problem is to replace the disk and install a new OS. In this case, you can handle it yourself - first, we will replace the hard drive with a new one, it is not particularly difficult, then we install the new Windows 7 OS on the monoblock.

Noisy, freezes, gets hot

All these three problems most likely have one reason - the cooling and ventilation system (radiators) is clogged, so the elements of a monoblock, most often this is a video card and a processor, begin to overheat. And when the electronics overheat, they start to work incorrectly and unstable, as a result, the computer starts to make noise, the fans run at full power, freeze or, at best, slow down. The solution to this problem is to clean the monoblock computer from dirt, you can do it yourself. To clean quickly, just vacuum all the cracks and holes you find, but it's better to open the back cover of the monoblock and clean everything thoroughly, you'll have to tinker a little, but the effect will be long.

Also, due to overheating, the monoblock can spontaneously turn off, most likely, the overheating protection is triggered so that the processor or other component does not burn out.

Doesn't turn off completely

There is such a problem that when you turn off the monoblock, the screen goes blank, but the computer does not turn off completely, a quiet fan noise is heard, the computer is still working. The solution to the problem is to remove the battery on the motherboard for a few minutes, the BIOS settings and other programs sewn into the motherboard will be reset, and then it will turn off completely.

© All-In-One PC Club

Monoblocks are reliable devices with a well-thought-out cooling system. Despite this, devices are subject to standard computer "diseases" - failure of the power supply, burnout of processors and other electronic systems, including the screen. If the monoblock does not turn on, determine the cause of the problem, then, in most cases, it is recommended to take the PC to a service center.

The computer may not boot due to hardware problems or problems with the Windows operating system (sometimes Linux is installed). A black screen occurs when a video card breaks down, a matrix cable is disconnected, or a malfunction occurs in which the motherboard does not start. If there is no image, check all the causes of the defect and contact the service center specialists. All possible problems are described below, why the monoblock does not turn on.


Due to the compact case, it is rather problematic to place a cooling system capable of maintaining an acceptable temperature of the components at high loads. The most common cause of problems is overheating of the graphics chip, processor, or failure of the power supply. Of the other breakdowns worth noting:

  • The video card chip has moved or other defects of the video processor have appeared due to overheating or heavy load. At the same time, visual artifacts (bands, glare, dots) are displayed on the display. In other situations, the screen may not turn on at all.
  • Failure of one of the "bridges" on the motherboard. This hardware problem can be caused by a short circuit or continuous operation at excessive temperatures. A common cause of a malfunction is the discharge of static electricity when a USB flash drive is connected to the USB port.
  • Damaged hard drive or solid state drive. Modern HDD and SSD models from well-known manufacturers are reliable and durable devices, but old memory media break down quite often.
  • Software problems of a different nature. In some cases, the BIOS settings get lost, in others, the system stops starting. Malfunctions of this nature can usually be fixed at home using a recovery disk or USB flash drive.

Solving problems requires special tools and skills. Unlike a PC with a separate system unit and monitor, it is more difficult to replace a broken component in compact computers.


First of all, make sure the power supply is fixed. Remember if there were any voltage drops in your network. Due to constant operation at high temperatures, the capacitors in the unit could “swell up” - then you don’t have to change the entire module, just install new ones.

System problems

Software defects in which the PC does not start begin to be diagnosed by looking at the BIOS settings. You can enter the menu at the initial stage of loading by pressing a certain key combination. For different motherboard manufacturers, this combination is different:

  1. On Award and American Megatrends, pressing "Del" or "F 11" usually works.
  2. On Lenovo all-in-ones, press F2 when the company logo appears on the screen.
  3. On Samsung, entering BIOS is similar to Award motherboards.

Once logged in, follow the steps to reset your BIOS settings.

  • On most PCs, menu navigation is done using the buttons on the keyboard. You can use a mouse on ASUS boards or other models from modern manufacturers.
  • Select the "Reset" tab, it may also be called "Reset and Recovery" or "BIOS Settings".
  • Select "Reset BIOS settings to factory settings". To do this, press the "Down Arrow" key, and when the element is set active - "Enter". Confirm the reset.
  • Reboot your PC by selecting the "Save & Exit" option in the "Exit" tab, which may also be called "Save and Exit".
  • If mouse control is available in the BIOS settings, enter the "Advanced Mode", and then return to the first step. This is especially true for ASUS motherboards, in which "Easy Mode" is loaded by default - you cannot reset the settings from it.

There are times when a normal reset does not help. In such a situation, try booting from a recovery disk or take your computer to a service center.

If the screen is on, but there is no image and the cursor is flickering, the hard drive is probably out of order. Contact a specialist and replace the component. In monoblocks, it is recommended to use an SSD, as this type of drive heats up less and has higher performance.

Hardware failures

Unlike full-sized system blocks, monoblocks are usually sold immediately "assembly", from one manufacturer. For most models, the buyer receives a guarantee that will instantly disappear after any manipulations with the case, not to mention electronic circuits. It is for this reason that repairing this type of device at home is a dubious decision.

You can independently clean the dust, due to which the PC overheats - this procedure does not require a complete disassembly of the case. In some situations, the computer does not turn on due to a broken power button - clean the contacts with alcohol.

The most expensive repair procedure for All-in-One computers is screen replacement. This module is built into the case, and it is very difficult to buy it separately. If the display is broken, contact the service center and be prepared to pay a considerable amount for repairs.


If the all-in-one does not turn on, determine the cause of the problem - an OS error or hardware failure. Try to restore the system from a "rescue" disk or reset the BIOS settings. If nothing loads at all, take the device to a service center. There are a huge number of workshops, but it is advisable to carry out repairs only in official ones - otherwise there is a risk of losing the warranty.


Tightly, Windows 7 stops responding to any commands, it's even impossible to open the task manager? Such problems appear quite rarely. I must say that a computer is a fairly complex system, and its performance depends on a huge number of factors. The article will discuss the main ones. After reading, you will learn how to deal with most of the problems that lead to "friezes" on your own.


The first answer to the question of why the computer freezes tightly is the simplest and most common. It is possible that uninvited guests who are well disguised have settled in your computer. Usually, viruses not only threaten the security of the system, but also noticeably load computer resources. Sometimes this workload leads to

Everyone knows how to deal with such a scourge. It is enough just to install any anti-virus program, update its databases to the latest ones and run the full one. It did not help - call and check the processes for suspicious ones. Also, it will not be superfluous to look into autoload by entering the name of the utility “msconfig” into the “Run” window.

However, if the computer freezes tightly after turning on, installing new software, and even more so checking the PC, will not work. In this case, use any antivirus distribution kit that can create a bootable USB flash drive or CD.


Releasing each new model of the device, manufacturers are trying to make it "more fancy" than the previous one. And this requires more power. The latter, in turn. increases heat dissipation. For a while, the regular cooling system copes with its work, but after a while its efficiency decreases - as a result, the computer freezes tightly. What to do if such a disaster occurs?

Dust, which cannot be removed, clogs the radiators and interferes with air circulation. Settling on the cooler, dust masses slow down the rotation speed of the propeller. Previously, such problems led to the failure of the device. Today, fortunately, computers have become smarter, infinite or no video card will. Modern devices have the ability to communicate with the motherboard, making it responsible for temperature control. As soon as the values ​​​​reach a critical level, the controller first tries to unwind the cooler screw, but if this does not help, the system slows down the device, reducing the voltage. Soon the computer freezes tightly.

To prevent such troubles from happening, remember a few simple rules:

Very often, due to this problem, the computer freezes tightly in games or other graphic applications. To check how hot the computer components are, you can download some program. Luckily, there are plenty of these on the internet.

RAM problems

RAM is the most important element of a computer, which has a very large impact on its performance. The normal operation of the RAM depends on the compatibility with the motherboard, with the BIOS, with other installed brackets. A minor failure, the smallest factory defect - and the computer freezes tightly when turned on, not wanting to work even with low performance.

If you are going to upgrade or change "RAM", fully study its characteristics, go to the website of its manufacturer and motherboard manufacturer in advance, study what speeds are supported, what tests have been carried out and whether it is recommended to use devices together.

If the computer freezes tightly before changing the configuration, you can check if the RAM is failing using Windows 7 tools. Just click on the "Start" button and type "memory checker" in the search box. During the execution of the procedure, the program will display all the errors if they were found. There is only one recommendation: there are errors - change the memory.

HDD instability

A hard drive is a device that stores absolutely all data (both user and system). Accordingly, Windows accesses it all the time, reading and writing do not stop even for a minute. And this means that the performance of the system directly depends on the speed of this component. Over time, “broken” clusters and unreadable sections may appear on it, which will lead to system failures. Often, because of this problem, the computer freezes tightly on the Internet, because while surfing, the browser constantly writes and deletes many small files.

Recovery of a broken HDD

If the HDD is worn out, you need to check it with special software tools that will find all bad sectors and mark them as non-working. The OS will stop using "bads" and stop freezing. To check, start the command line by entering the name of the program - "cmd" in the "run" window. In it, run the command "chkdsk [drive letter]: / f / r" for each partition.

Experienced users can determine the status of the HDD by the sound of its operation. If it starts to click or whistle, most likely the equipment is faulty and needs to be replaced. Be vigilant, often, if the hard drive starts to “crumble”, it will soon fail, and it is very difficult to recover data from such a device. Also, if the computer freezes tightly after turning on, the hard drive is likely to wear out.

Incorrect BIOS setting

If the computer freezes tightly after turning on, very often the reason for this system behavior is incorrect BIOS settings. Someone may think that an ordinary user should not even try to fix something, he should contact a professional. But still, the computer freezes tightly - what to do if there is no way to call a specialist?

If you approach the BIOS configuration with care, even a beginner can handle this procedure. Examine the complete information about your computer, and especially about the motherboard. Usually such data is easily found on the official website of the manufacturer. Find out which parameters are most important, what they are responsible for. When using the BIOS setup utility, never change multiple settings at once. Change a few first, reboot, test your computer. Only then continue editing. A separate mention is the item that is in every BIOS - "Load Fail-Safe Defaults". It brings all the parameters to the optimal - according to the developer.

Sometimes on the motherboard manufacturer's website you can download and install a new BIOS version. Never refuse such a procedure. Updates often fix critical bugs and improve stability. It is likely that after installing the new version, the freezes will disappear. The main thing is to study the instructions in advance.

Windows Services

The operating system is running a large number of services all the time, enabled by default or added during operation. The system can work fine without most of them. If some service does not respond or takes too much CPU time, the computer freezes tightly.

To see which of them are in the system and which are running, open the administration window ("Start" - "Control Panel" - "Administrative Tools") and double-click on the "Services" shortcut. To get comprehensive information about a particular service, double-click on its name.

First of all, pay attention to those that start automatically. The download method is indicated in the "Startup type" column. There is only one editing rule - if you do not understand the description, do not disable the component, but learn more about its operation from the Internet. Try to check the stability of the system after each individual manipulation.

Processes and programs

Each program launches its own process (sometimes not even one), if it enters an endless loop or malfunctions, while the computer does not always freeze tightly, Windows 7 still tries to shut off oxygen to unresponsive components on its own. Revealing a hung element is very simple - it usually takes up the lion's share of RAM and almost all of the processor time.

Solving the problem using the task manager

You can view the list of running processes in the task manager window. Press the combination "CTRL + ALT + DEL" on the keyboard. If you are sure that some program does not carry a payload, but at the same time takes 90-100% of the processor time, feel free to terminate it (by pressing "DEL" on the keyboard or by calling the context menu). You can also go to the location where the program is stored from here. This will be useful if you do not understand exactly what you are interrupting.

Checking processes is not always the best solution, but this procedure can often help if the computer periodically freezes tightly. Remember that some programs can load the processor to one hundred percent in the most active phases of their work. However, the hung utility will not stop using maximum resources, and the one that performs its functions without failure will switch to passive mode again after some time. Also, don't try to end the process called System Idle. It is used to poll other programs and system resources, and the variable in it does not display the processor load, but just the remaining free power.

7 reasons why your computer slows down.

Many people who have a computer run into a problem when it starts to slow down and work slows down. Why does the computer slow down? The reasons can be different, and here are some of them.

1. Temperature plays a very important role. People who work on a computer do not care about the temperature of their processor. This needs attention. How can it be defined? Just feel the radiator with your finger, be very careful here, because you can get burned and get an electric shock. This method is best not to use. The easiest way is to take and download a program that is designed for this. For example, you can download a program called Everest, it will help determine why your computer slows down and fix the problem. In the event that the temperature of your processor exceeds 50 degrees, then think about what can be changed. Try to check the operation of the fans, if you have thermal paste, then apply it to your processor, because the old one has probably dried up a long time, so you need to update it.

2. Pay attention to the register. Try not to download or install a large number of programs. And most importantly, you need to make sure that the program has been completely removed from the computer. CCleaner will help you with this. This program will help you figure out why your computer slows down. This program is not difficult at all. After you run the program, click "registry", check all the necessary checkboxes there and only then click on the "search for problems" button. what can this program do? It can fix all wrong extensions or programs, when a problem is found, click on the "fix" button. The program will delete everything that you have selected and want to delete it permanently.

3. Swap file. In the event that your computer has very little RAM, then if you play online games, the computer will slow down. Right-click My Computer, then click Properties, then Advanced. Search for "change virtual memory" and then specify the memory settings that will make the computer run faster.

4. Automatic start. Computer memory is damaged most of all by computer programs, but not all.

5. If your hard drive is overloaded, then the computer will slow down

6. Presence of viruses

7. Try not to load your computer with unnecessary programs. It is best to do a complete cleaning of the computer once a week.

Many people who have a computer run into a problem when it starts to slow down and work slows down. Why does the computer slow down? The reasons can be different, and here are some of them.

You can increase the performance of a laptop or computer in our service center or call a computer mater to your home.

1. Temperature plays a very important role. People who work on a computer do not care about the temperature of their processor. This needs attention. How can it be defined? Just feel the radiator with your finger, be very careful here, because you can get burned and get an electric shock. This method is best not to use. The easiest way is to take and download a program that is designed for this. For example, you can download a program called Everest, it will help determine why your computer slows down and fix the problem. In the event that the temperature of your processor exceeds 50 degrees, then think about what can be changed. Try to check the operation of the fans, if you have thermal paste, then apply it to your processor, because the old one has probably dried up a long time, so you need to update it.

2. Pay attention to the register. Try not to download or install a large number of programs. And most importantly, you need to make sure that the program has been completely removed from the computer. CCleaner will help you with this. This program will help you figure out why your computer slows down. This program is not difficult at all. After you run the program, click "registry", check all the necessary checkboxes there and only then click on the "search for problems" button. what can this program do? It can fix all wrong extensions or programs, when a problem is found, click on the "fix" button. The program will delete everything that you have selected and want to delete it permanently.

3. swap file. In the event that your computer has very little RAM, then if you play online games, the computer will slow down. Right-click My Computer, then click Properties, then Advanced. Search for "change virtual memory" and then specify the memory settings that will make the computer run faster.

4. Automatic start. Computer memory is damaged most of all by computer programs, but not all.

5. If your hard drive is overloaded, then the computer will slow down

6. Presence of viruses

7. Try not to load your computer with unnecessary programs. It is best to do a complete cleaning of the computer once a week.

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