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Protecting your phone from wiretapping: how to secure your smartphone - a guide. Wiretapping of mobile phones and their protection

The world is becoming more volatile and frightening, and more and more people are beginning to worry that the government is spying on them. After all, it’s much easier to do this now, because so much information is stored on devices like the iPhone. Our contacts and places we visited, social networks - our phones store a lot of important information about us and our actions.

Luckily, they also come with built-in features that can help us protect our digital privacy from government surveillance.

DISCLAIMER: While these tips may help you protect your data and phone, I am not a security consultant and have no knowledge of government surveillance practices. Technologies and methods used by the state are changing much faster than they become known to the general public. Therefore, the level of security offered here will be limited.

Security on the web, chats and email

Communication is a key thing, access to which is very important when surveillance. Encryption and certain application precautions can help you.

Use a VPN when surfing the Internet

A virtual private network, or Virtual Private Network, or VPN, redirects all data from the Internet through a private “tunnel” that is protected from surveillance by encryption. Although there is information that government agencies can hack some VPNs, using them will increase your security.

To use a VPN, you'll need two things: a VPN app and a subscription to a VPN service provider that provides encrypted access to the Internet. iOS has a built-in VPN app, and many similar apps can be found in the App Store, such as:

  • ExpressVPN - The application is free. Subscription cost $8-13/month.
  • IPVanish VPN - The application is free. Subscription costs $6.50-$10/month.
  • VPN by NordVPN - The application is free. Subscription cost $5.75-$12/month.

Always use Private mode when surfing the Internet

When you're on the Internet, the Safari browser tracks the pages you visit, your browsing history, and this information can be accessed quite easily by those who have access to your iPhone. Avoid leaving traces, use Private mode. This feature built into Safari ensures that no history is saved in the browser. To enable it, do the following:

  1. Run Safari
  2. Click on the icon with two squares in the lower right corner
  3. Select an item Private
  4. Click on the button + to open a new browser window in Private mode.

Use encrypted chat

Listening to conversations can provide a lot of useful information - as long as the conversation can't be hacked. To do this, you need to use a fully encrypted app to chat. This means that every step of the chat - from your phone to the server to the recipient's phone - is encrypted. This is how Apple's iMessage platform works, as well as several other applications.

IMessage is a great option because Apple has been steadfast in its opposition to creating backdoors that would allow the government to access conversations. Just make sure that no one in your iMessage group is using Android or another platform, as the encryption won't work for everyone in the group.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), an organization that fights for digital rights and access policies, has a helpful Secure Messaging Scorecard to help you find the best chat app for your needs.

Get rid of email - unless it's fully encrypted

As noted in the previous part, encryption is the key to protecting your personal communications from prying eyes. While there are several fully encrypted apps for chats, finding something for email is much more difficult. In fact, some providers that support email encryption have been shut down under government pressure.

One suitable option is ProtonMail, but make sure your recipient also uses this provider.

As with chat, if the address is not encrypted, the entire conversation will be compromised.

Log out of your social media accounts

Social media is increasingly being used to communicate and organize travel and events. Government access to your social media accounts will jeopardize your connections with your friends, your activities, your movements, and your plans. Make sure you always log out of your social media app when you are not using it. You should also exit at the operating system level, to do this you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Click Settings
  2. Select Twitter or Facebook
  3. Log out or delete your account (this will not delete your social media account, only the data stored on your phone).

Password and device access

You can spy not only through the Internet. This can happen when police, immigration or customs agents, or other government agencies gain physical access to your iPhone. The tips below will make it more difficult for them to access your information.

Set a complex password

Everyone should use a passcode to lock their iPhone, and the more complex it is, the harder it will be to hack the phone. We all saw this during the standoff between Apple and the FBI over the iPhone during the San Bernardino terrorist attack. Since a complex password was used, it was very difficult for the FBI to gain access to the device. A four-digit code is not enough.

Make sure you use the most complex password you can remember, containing numbers, letters (uppercase and lowercase).

You can set a complex password as follows:

  1. Click Settings
  2. Select an item Touch ID & Passcode
  3. Enter code if required
  4. Select an item Change Passcode
  5. Select an item Passcode Options
  6. Click Custom Alphanumeric Code and enter a new password.

Set up automatic data deletion on your phone

iPhone has a feature that automatically deletes data if you enter the wrong password 10 times in a row. This feature is very useful if you want to protect your data from access, but cannot control the location of your phone. You can enable this feature as follows:

  1. Click Settings
  2. Select an item Touch ID & Passcode
  3. When prompted, enter your password
  4. Enable the feature Erase Data, moving the slider to the right.

In some cases, turn off Touch ID

We believe that the fingerprint identification offered by Apple's Touch ID fingerprint scanner is very secure. Unless someone forces you to use their fingerprints to unlock your phone. Recent reports following protests say police have bypassed these protections by physically forcing people they arrest to place their fingers on the Touch ID sensor to unlock their phones.

If you find yourself in a situation where you might get arrested, it's a smart idea to disable Touch ID. In this case, there will be no point in forcing you to put your finger on the sensor, and you can rely on the strength of the complex password you create.

The function is disabled as follows:

  1. Click Settings
  2. Select Touch ID & Passcode
  3. enter password
  4. Disable the slider Use Touch ID For.

Set the auto-lock interval to 30 seconds

The longer your iPhone remains unlocked, the more likely it is that someone who gains access to your phone will see your data.

It is best to set the auto-lock interval to be as short as possible. During normal use, you will have to unlock your phone more often, but the period of possible unauthorized access will be much shorter. To change settings:

  1. Click Settings
  2. Select Display & Brightness
  3. Select Auto-Lock
  4. Select 30 seconds.

Disable lock screen access

Apple makes it easy to access data and features right from your iPhone's lock screen. In most situations this is very convenient - a few gestures or button presses and you get what you need without having to unlock your phone. But if you can't physically control your phone, anyone can access your data and apps using these features. Disabling these functions will make using the phone only slightly less convenient, but at the same time more secure. You can change the settings as follows:

  1. Click Settings
  2. Select Touch ID & Passcode
  3. enter password
  4. Move the following sliders to the off position:
    1. Voice Dial
    2. Today View
    3. Notifications View
    4. Siri
    5. Reply with Message
    6. Wallet.

Use the camera only from the lock screen

If you want to film something—like a protest—your phone will be unlocked. And someone will be able to grab your unlocked phone and gain access to your data. A short auto-lock interval will help, but not completely in a situation like this. It will be better if the phone remains locked. You can achieve this while still being able to shoot by launching the Camera app directly from the lock screen. In this case, you will only be able to use the Camera application and view the captured photos. For everything else you will need to enter a password.

To launch the Camera app from the lock screen, swipe from right to left.

Set up Find My iPhone

The Find My iPhone feature is very useful for protecting your data when you cannot physically control access to your iPhone. Using it, you can delete all data from your phone via the Internet. To do this, first set up Find My iPhone.

Then read the article on how to use Find My iPhone to delete your data.

Privacy settings

Privacy protection features in iOS allow you to restrict access for apps, ad units, and other entities to data stored in apps. To protect against spying and surveillance, these features also include several useful options.

Disabling Frequent Locations registration

Your iPhone is trying to learn your habits. For example, it tries to use GPS to determine the location of your work and home so it knows where to wake you up in the morning and tells you how long your commute will take. Logging your favorite places can be useful, but the data also tells you a lot about where you go, when you go, and what you can do there. To make it harder for people to track your movements, turn off Frequent Locations:

  1. Click Settings
  2. Select Privacy
  3. Select Location Services
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and select System Services
  5. Select Frequent Locations
  6. Delete all saved places
  7. Move the slider Frequent Locations to the "off" position.

Turn off app access to your location data

Third-party apps may also try to access your location data. This can be useful - when Yelp can't figure out where you are - but can also make it easier for people to spy on you. You can disable application access to this data as follows:

  1. Click Settings
  2. Choose Privacy
  3. Choose Location Services
  4. Or move the slider Location Services to the off position, or highlight each app for which you want to turn off access and select Never.

Other actions

Here are some more tips to help you protect your personal data.

Sign out of your iCloud account

A lot of important personal information is likely stored in your iCloud account. Make sure to always log out of your account if you are at risk of losing physical control of your device. To do this:

  1. Click Settings
  2. Select iCloud
  3. Click Sign Out at the bottom of the screen.

Delete your data before crossing borders

Recently, US Customs and Border Protection has begun asking people entering the country - even legal residents - to provide access to their phones as a condition of entry into the country. If you don't want government agencies looking at your data on your way into the country, don't leave your data on your phone in the first place.

Instead, back up everything on your phone to iCloud before you travel (a computer will also work, but if you have it with you when you cross the border, it may also be checked).

After making sure that all your data is safe, restore factory settings on youriPhone. This will delete all your data, accounts and other personal information. As a result, there will be nothing to check on your phone.

When your phone can no longer be verified, restore all your data from your iCloud backup.

Update to the latest operating system

Jailbreaking an iPhone is often accomplished by knowing the security holes in older versions of iOS, the operating system that powers the iPhone. If you always use the latest version of iOS, then most of the “holes” will already be fixed. Whenever a new version of iOS comes out, you should update—as long as it doesn't conflict with other security tools you use.

A mobile phone has long become an integral part of the life of every modern person - important information, including confidential information, is transmitted through it.

But the difficulty is that this device cannot always be considered completely safe in terms of privacy - the phone can be used to listen to calls and copy text messages or even all user actions in the operating system.

How can you protect your phone from such programs and determine the presence of surveillance - read our material.


How is it done?

What methods are used to organize surveillance of a person using his mobile phone?

Wiretapping of a mobile phone is always carried out using special programs that are distributed via the Internet.

The most functional and properly working programs are usually paid, while simpler ones are freely distributed.

Important! It must be taken into account that the use of such programs is always illegal and violates the confidentiality of communications and privacy. Therefore, the proven fact of their use is a crime.

This program is installed on a phone that must be listened to and operates unnoticed, just like a virus.

It works continuously, excluding moments when the phone is turned off, and at the same time, completely invisible to the user (its presence can only be determined by several indirect signs).

In the course of its work, it collects and transmits information to the specified device (or), to which the spy has access.

How to install?

This software can get onto your phone in several ways, depending on its type and operating principle.

Most commonly used following installation methods:

2 Indirectly, by using and performing certain actions (for example, entering a code) in the online service, as a result of which the service “learns” which device needs to be monitored;

3 By transmitting it via bluetooth and subsequent automatic installation into the operating system;

4 By inserting a memory card into the device, on which it was originally recorded (after installing the memory card, the virus software begins to be automatically installed into the system unnoticed by the user of the device);

5 When connected to a computer, the program can be automatically transferred to the device and be established thereon;

Although spyware has a lot in common with virus programs, they are, however, most often not transmitted through files or any other means.

Thus, if you left your phone unattended next to a person who you might suspect of spying on you, then it makes sense to check your phone for signs of wiretapping.

Important! A special case is the installation of physical “beacons”, for example, to track the geolocation of a device. But this method is quite technically complex and expensive. In addition, such a “beacon” can be detected by the user, so its use is most often impractical.

What does it convey?

Depending on the type of spyware, it can transmit certain information to the spy's phone.

Paid programs have wider functionality and are capable of collecting almost all information about actions on the phone and operating system; simpler ones can, for example, be sent to the monitor’s phone, etc.

The types of data that can be collected are:

1 Geolocation– the current location of the phone or even the distance it has traveled during the day;

2 Physical audition monitoring outgoing and incoming calls in real time or in recording;

3 Call log data– outgoing, incoming, missed calls, etc.;

4 Messenger data– , incoming and outgoing messages, transferred files, etc.;

5 Information about installed programs, downloaded files, etc.;

6 Contact data, browser history, bookmarks, etc.

Thus, depending on the complexity and functionality of the program, the spy can gain access to almost any confidential user information.

The types of transmitted data depend on the functionality selected.

Still others allow you to track only certain parameters.


By what “symptoms” can one determine that the phone is already under wiretapping?

There are several indirect signs that, although they do not provide an absolute guarantee that the phone is being tapped, can nevertheless lead the user to such thoughts.

These are signs such as:

  • Phone battery remaining warm or hot, which is at rest and blocked, which indicates that some program is also running in the background (this does not happen with productive and powerful devices, since virus software does not take up a large amount of processor resources);
  • The smartphone began to discharge very quickly, and this state occurred suddenly, this is also due to the additional load on hardware resources that it puts on;
  • Booting up the phone and turning it on or off completely now takes longer than usual (although this is also possible when installing the next update, downloading a “heavy” resource-intensive program, physical wear and tear of the phone or its malfunction for another reason);
  • The screen backlight blinks when the device is turned on and off, can also be both a sign of presence and malfunction;
  • Interference during conversation, most reminiscent of pulsating noise- This is a clear sign of wiretapping, but it does not always appear.

Since many signs are nonspecific, and can be a symptom of another problem, they all need to be considered in a comprehensive manner.

One sign cannot clearly indicate surveillance, but if you have previously left your phone unattended next to a person who can be suspected of this, then this is a reason to conduct a check.

How to protect yourself from wiretapping?

Different people may be interested in listening to your conversations - from a jealous spouse to competitors in a professional environment.

Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to protect yourself from leakage of confidential information.

To do this, it is important to follow simple precautions and also use some specialized programs.

It is clear that the best way to protect against leakage of confidential information through your phone is not to use this device to transmit it.

However, sometimes it is impossible to avoid this.

1 Don't leave your phone unattended anywhere;

2 If this is not possible, then buy a separate phone to transfer confidential information, for example, old information on which it is impossible to install spyware;

3 Set a password or pattern on your phone in order to prevent unauthorized persons from entering the operating system;

4 Do not insert a memory card into the device, which do not inspire confidence in you;

5 Do not connect your device to suspicious computers;

6 Set a password so that it cannot be initiated so easily;

7 Do not open dubious files do not follow dubious links;

8 Periodically run an antivirus program to scan the device (although often malicious software is not detected in this way);

9 Check download lists and remove any dubious files from there, although again, spyware may not always be visible there;

11 On old telephone sets that are not identified, You can change SIM cards periodically.

These measures are usually sufficient at the everyday level - they help reduce the reporting of jealous spouses and hyper-controlling parents.

For more serious cases, the use of other methods involving the use of additional devices will be required.


Developed special devices for protection against wiretapping:

  • Cryptophones– special telephone sets equipped with special devices for. The disadvantages of such a device are its high cost, voice delay for several seconds, and also the fact that the second subscriber must have the same device;
  • Scambler– a special device installed directly on the phone. Incoming and outgoing data information is encrypted in real time;

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Telephone privacy is a part of the Constitution that protects the rights of every person. If this part is violated, the violator will face criminal liability. How to find out if your cell phone is being tapped? What if someone is invading your privacy? How to remove wiretapping from a mobile phone? There are a number of signs that can indicate the presence of wiretapping. Let's take a look at the main ones.

Is the phone tapped?

Many people are interested in this question, especially those who have any concerns. There are hundreds of professions where activities involve the transfer of such information, which is confidential. How do you know if your device is in the palm of a third party?

Important! There is a very simple way to detect wiretapping. Try to tell someone false information with provocations. If these words are repeated behind your back or in wider circles, then you need to become more attentive and begin to analyze the situation.

There are many signs of “espionage.” Let's talk about each of them.

Extraneous noise or echo during a call

If during a conversation you are used to hearing some extraneous sounds, then it’s time to be wary. Various gurgles, clicking sounds, an incomprehensible hum, grinding or popping noises are all signs that there is a possibility that the device is being tapped.

Important! To detect, you will need a sound sensor with low frequency settings. If the needle of such a sensor goes off scale, then you have cause for alarm.

The functionality of the mobile device is impaired

Try to pay attention to the correct operation of your smartphone. If your cell phone constantly reboots, discharges very quickly or heats up, then you can try the following actions:

  1. The 100% way to get rid of wiretapping is Hard Reset.
  2. Reboot the device and hold down the Power and Volume keys while turning it on.
  3. A context menu of the operating system will open in front of you, in which you need to select the Reset item.
  4. After selecting this item, all data will be deleted and the phone will return to factory settings.

Important! If you yourself want to spy on your loved one or child, but so that they don’t suspect anything, so that no bugs and glitches arise after installing a spy application, then first deal with the issue.

How to disable wiretapping of a mobile phone if there are other signs? Let's try to deal with them first.

A few more signs of wiretapping

There are several other signs that indicate that more than two people are listening to your phone conversations. And it doesn’t even matter what operating system your device runs on. Here is the list:

  • The connection between two subscribers takes a very long time.
  • Turning off the device takes several minutes.
  • The smartphone independently installs third-party software or reboots.

In this case, an antivirus program will help get rid of it:

  1. Go to Google Play Market and download the antivirus utility. For example, Dr. Web or McAfee. Or choose another software from our separate review about.
  2. Launch the software and start analyzing the OS.
  3. After analysis, the utility will display a list of all viruses and malfunctions; all you have to do is click “Cleaning”.

What other ways can you learn about privacy?

There are isolated cases when certain users received incomprehensible SMS messages with strange sets of symbols and letters. This is explained by the fact that hacker programs use the injection principle and can exploit any device services for their own purposes without your knowledge. Check your internet and communication bills - you may have been overpaying for a long time.

How to remove wiretapping from a mobile phone? You can try other methods, which are outlined below.

Special Applications

You can equip your mobile device with special software that can detect the presence of wiretapping:

  • The most popular program for this area is SpyWarn. You can download this application from the official website of the utility manufacturer.
  • Also on Google Play you can find two more good applications for this matter - Darshak and EAGLE Security. These utilities are able to distinguish between real and false stations, which is very helpful in disabling functions such as wiretapping.

Why not contact your mobile operator?

If you are already firmly convinced that your device is being tapped, then the most effective method is to contact your mobile operator. Specialists have the appropriate gadgets and tools to detect “espionage.” They will analyze the line and provide you with the results of the procedure. If they are positive, then contact the specialist.

Recently, the question of how to check a phone for wiretapping has become increasingly relevant. Indeed, in the world of progressive technologies, along with the active use of computer equipment, telephones, radio and the Internet, various spy applications and programs are created that can damage office equipment and communication devices. Today it is not difficult to independently check whether the phone is wiretapped. How to do this is described in the article. This does not require any special skills or assistance from specialists.

Distinctive features of wiretapping

Cell phone wiretapping itself has its own characteristics, by which it can be easily distinguished. It's quite easy to access another person's phone. And if you suspect that your own device is being tapped, then it is better not to hesitate and send it for diagnostics.

Detectives and other specialists know exactly how to check a phone for wiretapping, but since you can do it yourself, it makes no sense to spend money on the services of other people. Of course, such diagnostics cannot guarantee a 100% result, but the presence of an extraneous network will certainly be detected.

Signs of attachment to a listening device

Not every person knows how to check a phone for wiretapping, but you definitely need to remember the main signs of attachment to a listening device. These include the following factors:

  1. The battery drains quickly. This symptom cannot always be called an accurate indicator, since in most cases it is present in devices on which many applications and games are installed. It’s a completely different matter when the phone is not in the hands of its owner all the time and there are no programs running on it. If, in a calm state, a mobile device is discharged in just an hour or two, then this is the first signal that there is wiretapping on it.
  2. The device automatically turns off, reboots or turns on the backlight. If all of the problems listed are not related to disruptions in the operation of the system, then there is a high probability that interference is being created on the side. When the phone is still tapped, nothing new or unnecessary is displayed on the screen, but periodic glitches may occur during operation.
  3. During a conversation, extraneous sounds are constantly heard. The presence of other connected networks prevents the subscriber from calling another number, since this takes many times longer than without wiretapping. In addition, as soon as a special listening program is connected to a telephone conversation, minor interference and a very noticeable echo of both voices are observed. Sometimes there are situations when one subscriber hears only himself, but not his interlocutor.
  4. Cell phones interfere with radio, TV, and stereo systems. Even when turned off, the phone may make noise when approaching any other devices.
  5. Literally half an hour after replenishing the account, an impressive amount of funds was written off for no reason. If such a problem is detected, you should immediately call the operator to clarify the circumstances. If his mistake is not here, then we can assume that along with the funds, all the information it needed about calls and messages was sent to the listening program.

If you suspect the operation of eavesdropping systems, it is recommended to contact law enforcement agencies. Based on the fact that modern devices operate according to innovative principles, only special equipment can better understand them.

It is necessary to remember that you can install wiretapping on every phone, regardless of its cost or year of manufacture. Of course, the very first models lend themselves to this only after installing bugs, and not using a network or the Internet, since they do not have operating systems, but even these cases are a cause for concern and contact the authorities.

More details on how to check a phone for wiretapping in Russia will be discussed below. This information will make many people think about the state of their device. Every person needs to check their phone, since it certainly won’t make things worse, but it wouldn’t hurt to make sure there’s wiretapping.

Number combinations

Wiretapping of a mobile phone, or rather its presence, can be freely checked by dialing a certain combination of numbers. They are few known, but each is valid. The best combinations of numbers are:

  1. *#43#. This number allows you to see call waiting information.
  2. *777# (for Ukrainian subscribers). The combination shows the current balance and operator menu.
  3. *#06#. The code automatically displays a window where the IMEI data is displayed.
  4. *#21#. This code helps you check your phone wiretapping in just 5 seconds. This number allows the user to find out who, besides himself, receives notifications about calls and SMS to this number.
  5. *#33#. In this case, data is displayed about the services that support the mobile device and the devices from which they originate.
  6. *#62#. The combination shows the number to which calls and data are forwarded, if available.
  7. ##002#. This code is used to disable call forwarding and configure calls to be accepted only by the owner of the phone.
  8. *#thirty#. A set of numbers provides information to clearly identify the numbers from which incoming calls are made.

All these combinations make it possible to provide your phone with reliable protection from connecting to unknown networks that cause harm. In fact, there is nothing difficult about checking your phone for wiretapping. The combination of numbers is available to all subscribers. But it should be borne in mind that not even all operators know about it, so you shouldn’t check your device too many times.

Hidden codes for iPhone

Owners of devices from Steve Jobs probably guessed that they had hidden functions, or rather codes. Thanks to them, you can view a lot of information: from signal strength to the forwarding status itself.

The phone allows you to:

  • hide your own phone number (#31#);
  • find out the signal strength (*3001#12345#*);
  • familiarize yourself with the unique code (*#06#);
  • determine the point where messages arrive (*#5005*7672#);
  • bar calls and call standby mode.

Hide number

At the same time, how to check your phone for wiretapping, you should also know how you can hide your number. To do this, you just need to dial the combination given above and call other people's numbers as an unknown subscriber.

Find out the signal strength and unique code

Sticks and dashes are now the embodiment of signal strength, which lacks precision. After turning on the field mode, you need to dial the number indicated above, and then hold down the power button. When the screen goes dark, you need to press the center button and wait until the home page appears. The number in the upper left corner will indicate the signal strength.

To determine the phone code, just dial *#06#. The settings will immediately appear there, where the required item will be present.

Where do messages come?

Each SMS message, before reaching the subscriber, passes through a special center using an identification number. You can recognize it using the combination *#5005*7672# and the call button.

Call barring and call waiting

This mode makes it possible to block calls both incoming and outgoing. "Waiting" allows you to hold an ongoing or incoming call. You can carry out interesting manipulations with the following combinations:

  • *33*PIN# - enable call barring;
  • #33*PIN# - disable the previous ban;
  • *#43# - call in standby mode;
  • *43# - turn on standby mode;
  • #43# - disable waiting;
  • *#21# - forwarding.

A few tips from experts who have encountered similar problems more than once will help eliminate the possibility of your mobile device being tapped:

  • Do not transmit confidential information over the phone;
  • For business negotiations, a cell phone is not the best way;
  • a conversation carried out in a car on the move is much more difficult to listen to due to noise and frequency changes;
  • There is no need to take risks and trust your phone repair to an unfamiliar company with questionable customer reviews.

Knowing how to check your phone for wiretapping, you don’t have to fear for the integrity and safety of the device, as well as for yourself. Now it’s clear that doing this is not so difficult, so you shouldn’t immediately turn to specialists who will carry out diagnostics for a long time. The help of specialists will be required only if the wiretapping is serious and cannot be removed using simple combinations.

In the conditions of the fiercest struggle between competitors in modern business, many companies pay very serious attention to means of ensuring security and protecting any secret information from unwanted leakage to competitors.

One of the ways of unauthorized access to information is wiretapping of telephones, both mobile and landline. Is it possible to protect yourself from such interference?

Protection against wiretapping of landline phones

In most cases, protection against telephone wiretapping comes down to building a closed communication line, periodic prevention of possible unauthorized connections and vigilance of the owner. You need to understand that they can listen either through a bug in the room, from the device itself to the exit outside, or on general telephone communications, for example, by connecting to a PBX or telephone bus (the latter is unlikely). Most often, for wiretapping, they are connected to the telephone itself, a telephone socket, or a cable not far from the telephone.

Protecting your phone from eavesdropping means:

  1. A fairly reliable method of protecting against wiretapping of landline telephones is using a scrambler– a specially designed device that is mounted together with a telephone and encrypts the transmitted speech. But a significant drawback of this anti-wiretapping technology is the need to install scramblers on both subscribers conducting a conversation with each other.
  2. An effective way to combat listening devices is use of cryptophone, as an independent separate device for connection to a landline telephone, due to which very complex encryption of conversations is carried out.
  3. Periodic control of places available for connection. Carefully mark the telephone itself near the bolts so that you can see if someone breaks in without your knowledge. And check periodically. Check the telephone socket and local PBX on new devices.
  4. If a previously uncharacteristic crackling sound appears in the handset, a drop in the quality of the sound signal, or noise appears in the handset, you must be vigilant! Put misinformation on the phone and see what comes of it.

The listed means of protection against wiretapping vary in degree of effectiveness and price, and are selected depending on the requirements for protection against unauthorized access.

Protection against wiretapping of mobile phones

Cell phones are tapped, for example, like this: . Or authorities may confiscate information from mobile operators. It is very rare that anyone now tries to install a bug into a cell phone.

So, protection against mobile wiretapping comes down to the following:

  1. To prevent third parties from accessing it— it’s impossible to install such a spy program remotely
  2. To using antivirus software- often turns out to be useless, but also often finds tracking programs
  3. To the vigilance of the owner- this will help: and understanding that chatting on the phone needs to be done within the bounds of accuracy

If you suspect spyware, it is better to reflash the phone completely, preserving everything important.

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