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Voltage surge protection for computer. How to save your computer from risks

How to protect your computer system from power surges?

Spring, everything is blooming. For some, this is the beginning of warm days and relaxation. But unfortunately, this also means it's time for lightning storms. If a thunderstorm with lightning begins now, is your computer system sufficiently protected? A powerful power surge can destroy the computer system, and all data stored on the hard drive can also be lost. This can be caused by one powerful surge or a series of several medium voltage surges over a certain period of time.

The tips below provide information on how you can protect your system from becoming a victim of electrical surges:

1. Turn off the power and unplug the cord during bad weather.

2. Use high quality surge protection device.

During power surges, there is more voltage in the electrical network than usual. A high-quality protection device can absorb excessive voltage from the network, preventing damage to your computer. Before you buy similar device You should carefully study the ratings of such devices and choose the best. You should also remember that although this device helps protect the system, there is still no 100% guarantee that it will withstand a lightning strike. Yet complete shutdown power supply system The best way protection.

3. Use a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply System).

A UPS can protect your system from damage from surges by giving you the ability to completely shut down your computer before the power goes out. The UPS's built-in battery allows computer users to:
- save all files;
- close programs;
- turn off the computer correctly. Some high quality UPS have a function automatic shutdown power to the computer, while preserving all the data it uses.

4. Contact a refurbishment company hard drives if your system has been affected by a voltage surge.

If the hard drive actually contains important information, then you're really better off contacting a restoration company. A voltage drop can render the read/write heads unusable or even destroy the head. Continued use may result in complete loss of data on the hard drive. The data recovery laboratory will replace the necessary parts and extract all information from the damaged hard drive.

When the wind is blowing and lightning is flashing, it's important to know how secure your computer is. A power surge can be devastating to your PC system. By following these tips, you can properly protect your computer.

It happens that the voltage in the electrical network fluctuates greatly. This is very undesirable for a computer - voltage drops can cause PC malfunctions, spontaneous reboots, etc., and voltage increases can even damage the power supply and electrical circuits of the PC.

To protect against power supply deficiencies, three types of devices are used: surge protectors, stabilizers and sources uninterruptible power supply.



OGAOU SPO "Belgorod Construction College"

Article on discipline

"Computer science"

Topic: “Operation of computer devices. Protection against power supply shortages. Cleaning your computer"


teacher of computer science and information technology

Chelombitko Elena Mikhailovna

Belgorod 2014

Operation of computer devices.

I suggest you familiarize yourself with some recommendations for the safe and rational use of computer devices.

System unit. It is advisable to place the computer system unit in a place where it is not subject to shocks and vibrations. It should not be placed near heating devices (radiators), or in places with high humidity. It is unacceptable to bet on system unit printer - vibrations generated during its operation can damage the computer. All cables connecting the computer system unit with other devices should be inserted and removed only when the computer is turned off.

Monitor. Essential for efficient work with a computer has correct use monitor. Therefore, the following recommendations must be followed:

  1. The monitor is a fragile device, and if you drop it from the table, you will have to buy a new one. It must be placed so that it stands securely, not on the edge of the table.
  2. Place the monitor in such a way that it is comfortable to look at. Rotate the monitor so that you are looking at the screen slightly from top to bottom, at a right angle, rather than from the side. So the screen should be slightly tilted - the bottom edge should be closer to the user.
  3. It is necessary to set the image adjustments correctly. After all, if it is not adjusted correctly and you look at the monitor for many hours in a row, you will soon damage your eyesight. First you need to adjust the brightness and contrast of the monitor. You can check this like this: the black color on the screen should be really black, and not whitish. The image should be as clear as possible.
  4. The monitor becomes dirty with dust. You should regularly wipe this dust off the screen with a soft, slightly damp cloth or special wipes for monitors.
  5. The monitor should be positioned so that there are no bright reflections on it; do not damage your eyes - install the monitor so that there is no glare.

Keyboard. It is a fairly reliable and unpretentious device, but it should not be abused. Do not place food on the keyboard or leave drinks near it - crumbs and liquids can damage it. It is advisable to cover the keyboard with a lid after work - this will prevent dust and dirt from entering.

Protection against power supply shortages.

It happens that the voltage in the electrical network fluctuates greatly. This is very undesirable for a computer - voltage drops can cause PC malfunctions, spontaneous reboots, etc., and voltage increases can even damage the power supply and electrical circuits of the PC.

To protect against power supply deficiencies, three types of devices are used: surge protectors, stabilizers and uninterruptible power supplies.

Network filters.The cheapest of all, they usually contain 3-6 sockets for connecting devices. Their purpose is to protect against impulsive interference, i.e. very short-term (thousandths of a second) voltage surges. Powerful impulse noise is very dangerous; it can completely burn out the power supply, and even electrical circuits PC.

Surge Protectors. U devices designed to maintain a certain level of voltage at their output in the event of significant fluctuations in voltage at the input, which protects electrical equipment from unstable power supply, voltage surges, high frequency interference, high-voltage pulses and network failures. The use of voltage stabilizers will help save on the repair and replacement of electrical equipment damaged due to surges and surges, as well as solve problems with malfunctions. Emergency jump - and the stabilizer will turn off internal network from a voltage source that has become dangerous. The voltage has returned to normal - the power supply will be restored.

Advantages of the stabilizer:

  • protects against serious power surges, corrects voltage surges;
  • eliminates electromagnetic interference;
  • protects against the consequences of a short circuit in the network (and they can be serious);
  • protects telephone/modem/fax connection (prevents noise and connection dropouts);
  • may have an LCD/LCD screen or LED indicators for system control;
  • a medium power stabilizer can cost about the same as a regular one network filter.

Uninterruptible power supply (UPS).They contain batteries, which ensure uninterrupted operation of the computer and other devices connected to them not only during short-term, but also during long-term power failures, including complete power outages. The UPS has a number of advantages: high reliability factor, long service life, noiselessness and ease of connection. The uninterruptible power supply can operate in offline mode for quite a long time.

Cleaning your computer

Computers, like many other devices, require periodic cleaning.

External cleaning.

Before cleaning, you must turn off the computer and disconnect the power cables from the system unit and monitor. The outside of the system unit, monitor (except the screen), keyboard, and mouse pad can be wiped with a damp soft cloth soaked in water or a weak detergent solution. It is prohibited to use caustic substances, bleaches, glycerin and aromatic soaps for cleaning. The rag should not be wet so that water does not get inside the system unit and monitor.

Before wiping the monitor screen, look at the documentation for it; other instructions may be indicated there. detergents. You can’t use a soap solution - it will take a very long time to wash away soap traces. You should also not rub the screen too hard - you can damage the screen.

After cleaning the PC, it is better not to turn it on for 2-3 hours so that drops of liquid that could accidentally get inside have time to evaporate.

Internal cleaning.

System unit The computer is polluted not only from the outside, but also from the inside, since it contains 1 or 2 fans that drive air through the system unit (for cooling). Therefore, it must be cleaned of dust from the inside.

Keyboard. If the distance between the keyboard keys is greater, you can try removing dust and debris with a vacuum cleaner. On some keyboards, the keys can be easily removed by pulling them up. Then you can remove the keys and remove the accumulated dirt with a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth.

Disk drives. The read-write heads of disk drives become dirty, which leads to errors when reading or writing information. To eliminate this contamination, you can purchase a special drive cleaning kit. There are two types of cleaning kits: dry and wet. Dry - dirt from the drive heads is scraped off with a special cleaning disk, wet - a cleaning solution is applied to the cleaning disk, which washes away dirt from the drive heads. On average, the drive cleaning procedure should be carried out once every few months.

CDs. Can be cleaned with a special disc cleaning kit. Or, gently wipe the surface of the disc with a soft cloth dampened with water. In case of severe contamination, you can wipe the surface of the disc with glass cleaning solution.

High competition between manufacturers computer equipment forces them to make more and more durable and reliable computers. However, even this does not guarantee their safety in the event of voltage surges. electrical network. Uncontrolled power surges are one of the most common reasons failure of electronics of computers and laptops. Let's look at a few simple but effective ways How to protect computer equipment from problems with the electrical network.

Local uninterruptible power supply

To prevent the failure of computer equipment, it is necessary to take measures to prevent unwanted voltage fluctuations in the electrical network. To do this, you can install a voltage stabilizer throughout the entire apartment or house, but such devices are quite expensive. In addition, to install them when the repair is already completed, it becomes necessary to break the integrity of the walls to connect the device to electrical cables laid in the walls. In such a situation, it is more rational to resort to local protection computer equipment at the place where it is connected to the network. For these purposes, a UPS for a computer is ideal, which will provide protection against unexpected voltage surges in the electrical network. Such devices are required in homes with frequent significant deviations of the actual voltage from the norm.

Backup power in case of power outage

Emergency power outages in the central power grid also often cause the failure of computer equipment, which is very expensive to replace and repair. Continuing to work on the computer even if the power goes out also allows you to install an uninterruptible power supply, which also serves as a backup source of electricity. This feature is extremely useful where power outages occur frequently, and this not only interferes with work, but also threatens the performance of computer equipment. Besides, necessary measures to protect your computer from voltage fluctuations in the network are:

  • Regular check electrical outlets for serviceability;
  • Timely repair of sockets when a malfunction is detected;
  • Prompt troubleshooting of electrical problems in an apartment or house;
  • Turn off your computer from the network when it is not in use.

Following these simple rules will help minimize the risk of computer equipment breakdown due to power outages.

Nowadays, power surges, unfortunately, are far from uncommon. Unstable power supply may not have the best effect on the operation of various electronic devices, especially computers. With a serious increase in network voltage, the likelihood of PC components failing is very high, but even if this does not happen, you may lose important data if you are forced to reboot.

To protect the system unit from electrical failures, it is necessary to use an uninterruptible power supply or, as it is often called for short, a UPS. In this case, certain requirements must be taken into account. It is advisable to also connect all devices that work together with the computer to a UPS. In this case, if the voltage goes out, the computer can continue to work, and other devices can be turned on or off as desired.

The UPS (uninterruptible power supply) must cope with electrical overloads, radio frequency and impulse noise, short circuits, emergency increases in voltage, as well as its temporary absence. In general, a high-quality surge protector can cope with all these requirements, the price of which will be almost the same as the cost of an average quality UPS.

Network filterPilot seriesX-Pro

What exactly to choose is up to you, but you should keep in mind that only an uninterruptible power supply will allow you to continue working in the event of a power outage. It is also necessary to take into account the quality of your electrical network.

UPS classes

All uninterruptible power supplies for home use are divided into three main types. The simplest and most inexpensive solution used to protect electrical equipment is Off-Line UPS or Standby (Back-UPS). It works quite simply: if the voltage external network goes beyond the “operating” range, then this device switches to the internal battery in 4-8 milliseconds, and as soon as the network returns to the desired range, it switches back. If the battery operates for more than 5-10 minutes, the device automatically turns off.

The disadvantage of such a UPS is that if the voltage fluctuates very often, it will, accordingly, often switch to battery operation, which will greatly affect the battery life. Also, devices of this class cannot stabilize the voltage and have poor noise filtering.

Uninterruptible power supplies of this type are recommended to protect devices from short outages electricity in networks with stable voltage and absence of serious interference. The cost of Back-UPS equipment starts at 1,500 rubles, depending on the capacity and manufacturer.

Next type UPS - Line-interactive or Line-Interactive (Smart-UPS). Its operation can be represented as an Off-Line UPS, which is connected to the outlet not directly, but through a stabilizer AC voltage. In this case, even if the voltage home network will change constantly, the specified voltage will be provided by the stabilizer. Switching to battery operation occurs only in the event of a power outage. The cost of such sources within one brand is slightly higher than that of Standby UPS, but the starting price of the most inexpensive solutions is the same 1,500 rubles as Back-UPS devices.

One of the disadvantages of this type of device is stepwise voltage stabilization. For example, if the voltage drops to 210 V, the uninterruptible power supply will not react to this circumstance in any way, but if it drops to 200 V, it will return its value to the required 220 V. Also, line-interactive UPSs have only passive alternating voltage filters, which cannot correct serious network interference.

Smart-UPS UPSs are deservedly the most popular products on the market. Having average cost, they are able to provide reliable protection your computer equipment in networks with small amplitude fluctuations and stable frequency.

The most expensive type of device is On-Line uninterruptible power supplies. They transform alternating current to permanent and then back. With the help of an On-Line UPS, interference of any kind is filtered, and it is also distinguished by its instantaneous transition to battery mode and output current (only “sine”), which has no distortion, being generated by the device itself.

Sources of this class provide 100% protection for those connected to it electronic devices and are able to ensure their normal operation in the most critical and unstable electrical networks. Typically, such uninterruptible power supplies are produced for use in industry, and using them at home is not a very economical solution. The initial cost for such products is about 12,000 rubles.

Battery and battery life

Over the years, since the introduction of uninterruptible power supplies on the market, their prices have remained quite high. And only with the arrival of new promising companies that offer quality solutions for more low prices, the situation has changed.
Technological developments recent years boiled down to improving the parameters of the devices themselves and their batteries. This happened through a combination of circuits and the use of modern elementary base. New functions appeared, such as display, smart controller, etc. The price also gradually decreased.

The uninterruptible power supply itself does not contain large quantity very expensive and scarce components. Most of its cost is the battery. Sources intended for home use have one battery.

Switching uninterruptible power supplies are typically equipped with a lead-acid battery. It is extremely rare that manufacturers use batteries of a different type, for example, nickel-cadmium.

Batteries various models have different voltage. It can be from six to forty-eight volts (most often 12 V), with a maximum capacity of six to twenty-five ampere-hours. For a “home” type UPS, it is usually not possible to increase the battery life by installing extra battery, although there are exceptions. The service life of batteries from leading manufacturers depends on the type of uninterruptible power supply and ranges from three to six years.

One more important characteristic of this device is its battery life, during which the UPS will maintain power in the event of a power outage. Most models can give you five to seven minutes, which should be enough to save everything necessary files and get out operating system. If you usually need more time, then you can choose an appropriate UPS model that can maintain operation for about twenty minutes.

Time parameter battery life directly depends on the battery capacity and the power of the equipment connected to the UPS. True, the manufacturer in the names of their products and on the boxes of devices, as a rule, indicates not the battery capacity, but its full power, which is most often measured in volt-amperes (VA) or sometimes in watts (W).

The weakest uninterruptible power supplies have a power from 300 to 500 VA, providing a battery life of 2 to 5 minutes under full load. More powerful representatives, from 600 to 1000 VA, allow you to work on the computer during a power outage for up to 10 minutes. UPS models with a power value from 1100 to 2000 VA even increase the battery life for an average computer to 20 - 40 minutes.

At the same time, do not forget that the operating hours indicated by us computer equipment from the battery is very conditional and directly depends on the number of connected devices and the required for them normal operation power. For example, a system unit equipped top video card and high-performance central processor coupled with a 24-inch monitor, will consume much more energy than a regular one office computer. If other devices are additionally connected to the UPS peripherals, such as a printer or scanner, then they, when turned on, can significantly reduce offline time work.

To maximize your PC's offline time, immediately after a power outage, close all “heavy” applications (games, editors, editing programs, encoders, etc.), leaving only the most active ones running. necessary programs. This will reduce the load on the microprocessor and graphics adapter who are more energy dependent than others internal devices. Also turn off unused equipment and reduce the brightness settings on the monitor.

You should not lose sight of one more important detail. The more powerful the UPS, the larger its dimensions and weight. So a kilowatt (1000 W) device can reach almost half a meter in length and weigh about 20 kilograms. Keep this in mind and when choosing, always take into account the size of your workplace.

Sometimes some users have a very tempting prospect of installing another more powerful battery. Theoretically, this could significantly increase maximum time work, but in reality this will most likely render either the battery itself or the device unusable. Of course, on the Internet you can find options for a “successful” replacement, but they extended the “autonomous” time by no more than 2 times. Is it worth the risk?


The largest and most popular manufacturers of equipment that is designed for all kinds of power include: APC, EATON (Powerware), Ippon and PowerCom. All of them are quite widely represented on Russian market in all price segments.

The former has been producing high-quality products for many years and is a world leader in the production of power protection equipment. True, the cost of APC uninterruptible power supplies is higher than that of competitors.

EATON, a large American corporation that now produces UPS systems under its own name, based on the developments of the previously famous Powerware brand, is asking for a slightly lower price for its products.

If you are looking for inexpensive but functional solutions to protect your PC from voltage collisions, then PowerCom and Ippon equipment is at your service.

By choosing the right uninterruptible power supply, you will reliably protect your computer from voltage surges and associated unpleasant consequences!

Negative phenomena such as voltage drops in the electrical network occur quite often. They can be caused not only by malfunctions on transformer substation, from which the house is powered, but also an excessive load on power cables. Even more often, phase imbalance and increased current in the electrical network can create a switched on welding machine in the house next door.

Voltage monitoring relay for protecting household appliances and equipment

Voltage drops

Unstable parameters of the electrical network can be guessed by a number of signs such as flickering of an incandescent light bulb or unstable operation of equipment with electric motors: a hair dryer, blender or vacuum cleaner. There can be many reasons for an unstable energy supply. If we consider the most common ones, we can highlight:

  • simultaneous switching on of household appliances during peak hours or switching off electrical appliances powered from one feeder;
  • burning, oxidation or breakage of the “neutral”;
  • incorrect connection of wires after replacing metering devices or when replacing wiring in an apartment by unqualified personnel;
  • lightning discharges on overhead power lines (OHL) (Fig. below).

Damage to overhead power lines by lightning discharges

If the decrease and complete disappearance of voltage does not go unnoticed, since the lighting is turned off and the TV is turned on, then short-term changes in current c are a process that is almost impossible to detect.

It would be unfair not to mention such a phenomenon as “neutral break in three-phase network with an asymmetrical load” or the disappearance of “zero” in common parlance, from which not a single user of the benefits of electrification is immune. In such a situation, in addition to the main phase, the opposite phase of the neighbor comes into the 220 V socket through his switched on device or light bulb.

In this case, the voltage in the network rises above 300 V. If, due to short-term surges of current, they may best case scenario, “plugs fly out” on the electric meter, fuses burn out or incoming circuit breakers turn off, then an increase in voltage above 300 V carries with it real threat home equipment.

Triggering of incoming circuit breakers due to increased voltage in the network is not enough. Increasing the potential significantly above the nominal value can damage turned on household appliances: refrigerator, computer, washing machine and TV. As a rule, such breakdowns due to changes are non-warranty case, and expensive equipment has to be repaired at your own expense.

Surge protection

The best way is to reconstruct the power supply system and audit the connections on each switching device. But practically this is not feasible.

There are several reliable methods for preventing an apocalypse in the power supply of your home, which any owner can do. Taken measures will allow you to keep expensive household appliances in good working order, these include:

  • purchase of household voltage control relays (RKN) or multifunctional devices protection (UZM), and installing them in the electrical network according to the connection diagram immediately after the incoming circuit breakers;
  • providing nutrition household electrical appliances in the network after the voltage stabilizer;
  • use of an uninterruptible power supply (UPS).


A smart way out for protection electrical circuits against increased current, the use of a voltage control relay (VCR) or a multifunctional protection device (UZM) will be used. The principle of operation of these devices is quite simple: the built-in microcontroller continuously monitors the incoming voltage in the network and turns off the power supply to the apartment, house or office if it differs from the previously set value, either up or down. Moreover, the measurement occurs even after the power supply has been completely turned off, and switching on is performed automatically after the voltage returns to the set range after the expiration of time, which is also set manually.

Voltage monitoring relay with indicator light

Thus, these devices will protect the consumer from both low and high potential, and power will be supplied only after the network has been stabilized.

Voltage relays allow you to select a time delay before power is supplied to the wide range- from 10 seconds to 6 minutes.

For refrigerators and air conditioners, restarting after an emergency stop should occur no earlier than after 5 minutes. This is due to the operating principle of compressors. In addition, compliance with operating conditions will significantly extend the life of electrical appliances.

This type of surge protection is installed in the electrical panel on a 35 mm wide DIN rail.

The advantages of using RKN and UZM are:

  • optimal ranges for setting the maximum and minimum voltage;
  • disconnection from current overload and short circuit;
  • response speed is about 0.2 sec;
  • sufficient load capacity - from 25 to 63 A;
  • powerful contacts and overheating protection;
  • compact dimensions and easy installation;
  • information display showing current network voltage readings.

Voltage Control Relay Models


The operating principle is similar to the undervoltage release and maximum voltage(RMM). This device monitors the incoming voltage, and if its value is too low or too high, it turns off the power supply to which it is connected.

The release is turned on manually by pressing the “Return” button.

Circuit breaker with built-in trip unit IEK

The advantage of RMM is its compactness, simplicity of design and affordable price. The disadvantage is the lack of automatic restart, and, as a result, spoilage of food in a switched off refrigerator or defrosting of the electric heating system in winter.

When installing voltage monitoring relays and other automatic means protecting the electrical network from surges requires strict compliance with the Safety Rules for the operation of consumer electrical installations (PTBEEP).

This equipment is a relatively expensive, but no less reliable option for protecting your home network from surges. It is “able” to constantly provide the output voltage in the set range, regardless of what oscillations occur on the primary winding.

When choosing the type and power for your home, you should consider specifications and the total energy consumption of all simultaneously turned on devices.

Automatic voltage stabilizer with informative display

The advantages of stabilizers are:

  • long service life;
  • accuracy and speed with increasing current;
  • constant voltage value.

The main difference from voltage stabilizers is the presence of uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) batteries. Therefore, the devices can not only maintain the voltage in the required range, but also ensure continuous operation of household appliances without emergency shutdown for some time.

The cost of uninterruptible power supplies is quite high and depends on the type of battery and technical parameters devices.

Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

UPSs are most often used to protect individual appliances and household appliances, such as personal computers(PCs), TVs and refrigerators, which are more sensitive to high or low voltage.

How to protect yourself. Video

This video shares tips on how to protect connected devices from power surges.

To make the final choice, you should contact a specialist who can select the most suitable device depending on individual conditions and technical capabilities. But it is worth noting that installing a voltage control relay is the optimal and inexpensive way protect your home from force majeure situations.

It is important to understand that surge protection is a wise investment that can protect your home appliances and property from unwanted consequences.

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