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Register in contact with a new page without a number. How to create a page on VK without a phone number

Hello dear blog readers! Today we'll talk about how to register correctly in VK. VKontakte is one of the most popular social networks in the Russian-speaking segment. At the moment, the number of registered users is over 140 million.

Let's answer this question! Many of you, especially those who first encounter this service, are wondering how you can register on VKontakte and why?

Having created your profile on this social network, you will be able to communicate with your friends, classmates, classmates, and make new friends. In addition, in this social. There are many interesting communities on the network where you will find useful information for yourself on a wide variety of topics.

It is important to know that VKontakte registration is free!

Below there will be a step-by-step instruction by which you can easily register on this site.

Create a new page

To do this, go to the site from any device: a stationary computer, mobile phone or tablet. Until 2011, you could register your account via email.

To date, there is no such possibility, and the VKontakte page is tied only to your mobile phone number. One number - one profile. This is done in order not to fill the resource with multiple accounts. Of course, many do not want to indicate their mobile number. But you can activate the page only by specifying your cell phone number.

In order to create a new page right now, just follow the link where you will be prompted to register.

Step 1... Enter your data.

In the window that opens, you need to enter your first name, last name and date of birth. Data must be entered with a capital letter and without errors. By clicking on the "Register" button, proceed to the next step.

Of course, you can use fictitious data. But then, if your page is blocked, you will not be able to restore it, since the support service for defrosting often asks to send a spread of the passport with your photo and full name.

Step 2... We enter a mobile phone.

Step 3

Enter the received numbers in a special field and click "Send code". Linking to the phone is needed so that, if necessary, you can restore access to the profile.

It happens that the first SMS does not come for various reasons. Perhaps you made a mistake entering the phone number, then we press “Specify another number”, correct the numbers and ask to send the code again. If everything is correct, then click “I didn’t receive the code”.

Another message will be sent to you. And in the open window, select either “No need, SMS arrived”, if it did appear, or select the second option. If you did not wait for the message, then the support service offers a call from the robot, which can dictate the required number of numbers. Then we press the button “Yes, let the robot call”.

Step 4... Enter the password and enter the site.

After you send the code, a field labeled “Password” will appear. We come up with our own safe and reliable set of letters of the Latin alphabet and numbers. We enter the invented cipher into a special cell and be sure to write it down in some reliable place so as not to forget. There are even special programs for saving passwords.

Note that there is a colored ruler under the Password box that turns bright green if it is secure. At the same time, an inscription about its quality even appears.

After completing all the steps, click “Login to the site”. You will be congratulated and asked to enter additional information about yourself. You can read about how to set up a VKontakte page and how to design it on our website, but for now click on “Skip”.

After that, a window opens with a proposal to specify an e-mail address. I would suggest doing this to make your profile more secure. But you don't need to provide an e-mail. We select "Specify later".

Are you on your profile? Almost. The service provides you with one more service “A beautiful address for your page”. You can come up with it yourself or choose from the presented ones.

Now you are logging into your VKontakte page. You can safely use the social network: edit your profile, upload photos, listen to music, you can also add your audio and video files, and join communities, subscribe to notifications from them, look for your friends and make new ones.

Registration without phone number

Some people want to re-create their VK profile. Often I would like to start some of them without a real surname, but use a nickname.

After analyzing information from various sites about whether it is possible to create a second page in VK without a phone number, and after trying some of the proposed methods, I came to the following conclusions.

Through Facebook and anonymizer

The VKontakte developers offer to register via Facebook, where you can create a profile using e-mail.

But alas! Mobile is required again.

Particularly advanced people argue that using an anonymizer, you can deceive the system, and VK will recognize you as a foreign guest. Then, through Facebook, it is allowed to register only by email.

Using a virtual mobile number

It may be that you need to create a second VKontakte page. In this case, you can purchase a virtual phone number through various services.

I read a lot of reviews trying to find a free virtual number service for you, but I realized that no one provides such a service.

But there is good news - the registration number costs very little. Among the paid services, the most popular is

You can register for the service by filling out a simple form. After confirming the e-mail, as well as payment, you can select the network or site in which you intend to use it. Please note that the cost for each site is different.

The cell for the social network VKontakte often contains "0 items." Do not be alarmed! We need to wait a little (20-30 minutes), the situation will change. But then don't yawn! Act quickly. Virtual numbers are being actively disassembled like hot cakes.

Having received the coveted set of numbers, we very quickly register a new user in VK. We have 20 minutes at our disposal. So, go to the VKontakte page, use the number received on the service and click “Get Code”.

On this page, we are waiting for the confirmation code.


Creating an account using a virtual mobile number is considered one of the most effective methods. This number cannot be traced. Its main advantage is anonymity. It should be noted that there are also disadvantages. If you lose access to the used service, you will not be able to restore access to the page.

Summing up, I will say that earlier the registration process for VKontakte was easier than now. But, of course, even now some restrictions can be bypassed. In any case, the rules of the VK social network are prohibited, and the page may be blocked.

I hope this article was interesting and useful to you. If suddenly something was not clear or there are questions, then you can always ask them in the comments. I would be glad to answer. Good luck to all!

This article offers information on how to create a VK page without using a phone number. This issue worries most users, including those who communicate through multiple profiles. To start a number for everyone is quite troublesome.

It should be borne in mind that the mobile number is a certain confirmation that the user is a living person and not a robot.

It also makes it possible to re-access the profile when the need arises. However, users are still interested in the question of how to create a page on the VKontakte social network without using a phone number. It is necessary to understand in more detail with a similar situation and understand whether this is possible. If the answer is yes, what should be done?

Not all users will like the first way of developing events. Moreover, not everyone considers it relevant. After all, in order to answer the question of how to create a page on the VKontakte social network without using a phone number, you just have to go through a special authorization using Facebook. If a profile exists on this social network, you will not need to activate your own mobile number to create a profile. You need to go to the main page of VKontakte and look at the right side of the window.

There should be buttons "Register" and "Login Facebook". Click on the second line. After that, the user profile from Facebook will be copied into a new social network and it will be created. The system will prompt you to make changes and just use all the capabilities of the network. This is a pretty good way to create a VKontakte page without using a phone number. However, this is not quite what most are expecting.

It is worth noting a rather non-standard way of solving the problem. It consists in passing a small registration on a specialized site called Pinger. This option exists in order to generate phone numbers. In other words, the user completes the registration of the profile on the social network to the invented number. This is not the best option, but it performs well. You need to find the Pinger site again and register on it. It will not be difficult for the user to enter the following data:

country of residence;
name and surname;
come up with a nickname.

Then you need to confirm your own actions and wait a little. Soon a special activation letter will be sent to the specified address. Then another letter will come, where the generated fictitious mobile phone number will be indicated. It is necessary in order to create a new account on a social network.

After Pinger

Thus, all the data required for registration already exists. It is possible to register a VKontakte profile. It is worth noting that this is very easy to accomplish. Although, there are pitfalls here as well. We will talk about them a little later. You must click on "Register", which is located on the main page of the social network. A window will appear on the screen where you need to specify personal data and a phone number. You must enter your first and last name, then open the letter from Pinger. It will come after activating the profile on the site. Follows in the field "Phone number" a combination from "Pinger". After that, all problems will be resolved. Then you just have to use your new account.

Thus, a method was considered how to create a VKontakte page without using a phone number that belongs to a real user. Next, you need to fill out your own profile and upload an avatar. The profile will then be ready to use. There is a significant flaw in this approach, though.

For example, it will be impossible to restore access to the profile through the phone, if the need arises. That is why most users tend to get new SIM cards for their own pages created on social networks. It is also worth noting that if scammers steal data, the VKontakte administration is unlikely to return it if there is a fake number, since the page created in this way may be recognized as illegal. Therefore, you need to keep this in mind and be prepared for such turns of events.


Most users are interested in the question of how to create a page on the VKontakte social network without using a phone number. In this case, you cannot do without programs if you want to use Pinger. It should be noted that not everyone trusts such services. What should be done in this case? Not so long ago, it was possible to enter an email for confirmation. As of today, it is necessary to provide a mobile phone number. This is not very convenient. Especially if you need to create multiple pages.

In this case, you need to download and install a specialized application designed for registering on VKontakte. They have various names. In addition, according to the assurances of manufacturers, they perform the same functions. The main thing that is required in this case is the payment of an account fee, the amount of which ranges from 50 to 150 rubles. Thus, it is possible to register social media profiles many times. After making a payment to use the program, you need to specify your personal data in the appropriate fields and write your own e-mail. Although, in many cases, such actions can lead to the loss of access to e-mail.

So, we can conclude that applications designed for registration are just a way to "divorce" users. As a result, the user will be left without money and without e-mail, as well as without a VKontakte account. In addition, there is a great risk of infecting your computer with viruses.

User question


Can I register on the VKontakte network without specifying my phone number? The fact is that I do not receive an SMS with an activation code (the operator says that everything is in order with the network; the phone in the workshop was also checked).

For the sake of simple registration on the site, changing the number is somehow frivolous (there are already a lot of contacts in the phone and I don't want to lose all of them) ...


Good day!

Honestly, I myself only had to face a couple of times when SMS did not come straight at all - moreover, after contacting the operator, everything began to work in a regular mode (and that was 15 years ago, when cell phones were just starting to enter mass circulation ). Nevertheless, I admit that everything is possible in our country ...

In this article I will give several ways how you can register in this social. network, if you have a problem with receiving SMS to your number (like the author of the article), or you do not want to send it to your phone so as not to receive tons of spam.


VK needs a phone number to increase the security of access to your page. If your mobile number is not indicated during registration, then difficulties may arise if your page is blocked or hacked.

In any case, with this registration option, I recommend not to keep very personal data on the page, and not to conduct any correspondence that compromises you. Those. do only what you are not ashamed to show to everyone, and what will not harm you if someone outside sees your notes ...

Also, a phone number is needed to support the VK mobile network (when registering without it, you will not be able to use it normally).

Methods for registering in VK, without a regular mobile

Using the Online Sim service (paid method, but cheap)

A specialized site for obtaining temporary mobile numbers for registration on some services (i.e., you get a virtual mobile number specifically to complete your task). The service is paid, but the cost of service is symbolic ...

First, you need to register on the service, top up the internal wallet for the amount required for registration (today only 19 rubles for VK, 3 rubles for OK and Facebook). And then you will be given a number, which should be indicated when registering in VK (see screen below)

The service is simple, fast, with a friendly interface. You can replenish your internal wallet in dozens of ways (there shouldn't be any difficulties).

Using the SMS site (free + paid methods)

Both free virtual mobile numbers and paid ones are available on this service - you can rent for 3 hours, for 1 day or for a week. The price is more than affordable (only 60 rubles for 3 hours).

Regarding toll-free numbers: they are often unavailable, VK reports that there have already been registrations for them. Therefore, I would not strongly rely on this free ...

Using the 5 SIM service (paid)

Another similar service that provides an online mobile number for a small fee. By the way, all mobile operators and all popular sites are available on this service (see the side menu on the left).

The service will help a lot when SMS from the desired site does not come to your number, or you do not want to show your number (for example, you are afraid to get hooked on a subscription).

5SIM - the main page of the service

Using the universal service (paid, cheap)

In some ways, the service is similar to the previous ones: you can also get a temporary number for registration in the social. networks. But! There is also a function for renting a virtual number for a certain period. Moreover, it will be possible to use it in any country and city (i.e. not even in Russia, Ukraine, etc.) where there is Internet. It can be very helpful when you go to another country and do not know if a Russian telecom operator will work there at all ...

SMS-REG is a universal service that helps to register in social networks. networks and rent mobile numbers

With T ext Free (Free)

It is a free international service that simplifies communication using text information. Here you can get an international mobile number, which is quite suitable for registration in the social. networks. By the way, you can log in to this service using your Twitter or Facebook account.

Other free services (list)

There are quite a few services, like the previous one. In general, I must say right away that free services have one big drawback: all numbers in them (almost 90-95%) are either already used for registration in many places, or half of the SMS does not come to them. Therefore, I still recommend using the paid virtual numbers recommended above.

  • - several numbers are provided: Russia, Ukraine, Great Britain, etc .;
  • - only a few numbers are available, but the service is working!
  • - 2 dozen numbers from different countries are available;
  • - you can choose a virtual number from almost any country in the world!
  • - simple service, numbers from Canada and the USA (free);
  • - 5-6 countries with different numbers are available (numbers change frequently);
  • - there are both paid and free numbers. Service in Russian;
  • - the service is paid, but there is a free trial access. To register for one time, it should be enough ...

Via Facebook (free)

For users from other countries (not from Russia) - it is possible to log in to VK using a social account. the Facebook network (and registration in it requires only an e-mail). This means that if you have a Facebook account, you can log in to VK (the logic is brilliant).

In order to enter the VK site as a user of another country, you must use some kind of anonymizer. For example, (one of the most popular).

I note: many users notice that this method works once after a time - sometimes everything goes in normal mode, sometimes - all the same, VK asks for a number. It is possible that the anonymizer does not always work correctly ...

Using your home phone (free)

You can register in VK using a regular landline phone. Just when registering, you need to indicate the number in the international format, then ask the VC for the robot to call you and dictate the code.

The method is quite working, but there is one significant drawback - it is problematic to subsequently restore access to the account in the event of its hacking or blocking. However, all of the above options before him - also have this disadvantage.

On this, in fact, everything, additions are welcome ...

Register vkontakte without a phone number it becomes more difficult every year, but still it is possible. The contact's management gradually taught social network users to link their phone numbers to personal pages.

At first, linking a phone number to a page was optional, almost optional, but over time it becomes more and more difficult to register and use VK.

Many functions are now unavailable to network users who have not verified their phone number. Even if you were able to register a few years ago and bind only mail, and now you do not have a phone attached, then you will not be able to create a group or edit your personal information, and when you want to join the community or like, you will be asked to enter annoying captcha.

Still, there is a lot of benefit from pages that do not have a mobile phone number attached. For example: spam (in spam programs, a service with automatic captcha solving is usually used, so they are not afraid of them), a second account (you never know if you come into contact just to listen to music, but do not want to shine online in front of your friends, otherwise will start writing to you. By the way, read the article about) and many other functions.

Why do you need to bind a phone number to a personal VKontakte page?

It is obvious! For added protection.

In addition to protecting against spammers who send messages and wind up various actions manually, you can always restore access to your account in the event of a hack.

Imagine a situation when they know your mail (login) and password, then 95% of people have the same passwords everywhere, which means you will simply change the password from the mail and personal page and you will no longer be able to log into VKontakte under your own name. And if you linked a phone number, then you can always restore access to your page.

If the fraudsters can still find access to the mail, then they will not have access to your phone. Only if you do not give it to them yourself or if it is not stolen from you, but even if it is stolen, modern phones are tracked and blocked in a minute.

In addition, you can connect to VKontakte a confirmation of entry by SMS, which completely eliminates the likelihood of hacking. Even if the hackers have your username and password, and even though all the data from the mail, without the code that came to you via SMS, they will not be able to enter your page. Therefore, you better link your phone number right now, otherwise you risk being left without an account later.

By the way, many conspiracy theorists believe that the mandatory binding of phone numbers is needed to collect personal information for the FSB.

How to register in VK without a phone number

Method one: use a landline phone

You can always create a VKontakte page without a mobile phone. To do this, you need at that stage of registration, where you are asked to indicate your phone number, indicate the city phone number in 11-digit format and click "let the robot call." Then a robot will call you on your home (city) phone and dictate a code that must be indicated on the site.

Thus, registration in VK without a phone number becomes quite simple and you can register as many pages as you like on one phone number, which is amazing.

Method two: register via Facebook as a foreigner

Consider the second way to register VKontakte without a mobile phone number:

As you know, the social network VKontakte enters the foreign market and tries to actively interact with other social networks, including Facebook. VK has the ability to register via Facebook, but only for foreign citizens. There is no such opportunity for the CIS countries.

Therefore, in order to deceive the system, you need to make the site think that you have entered from another country. For example, from Canada. To do this, you can find any anonymizer on the Internet and get in touch.

For the CIS countries, there is a prominent standard registration form:

It is best to use a new starter pack so as not to unlink it from an existing account. Unfortunately, the procedure for unpinning a number is possible only a few times. And in order not to buy a new SIM card every time to create a page, we will now tell you how to register in VKontakte without a phone. The first method is quite legal. It is called "registration via Facebook".

Method number 1: how to register without a phone

In the usual ration of the project, there is no function for registration through a foreign social network for Russian users. It is only available to foreign visitors. Therefore, in order for VKontakte to register without a number and use this method, it is necessary to make the project believe that you are not a Russian user. You will need to change the location information, thereby making the site think that you are a resident of some other country.

Making edits

You can correct the data in different ways:

Connect the proxy server you are using.
... Use a browser with built-in functionality for complete anonymity.

In order to resolve the issue of how to register in VKontakte without a phone via Facebook, you will need to use only foreign proxies. You can get them on special sites. So, "I want to register with Vkontakte," you say. First, you need to go through a similar procedure on Facebook and completely fill the page with information. Then, after entering the VK authorization page using a foreign IP, you can see the "Via Facebook" button. You should click on it - and you're done. This is a free registration for VKontakte without SMS. As you can see, the trick is not too complicated.

Alternative way

Let's look at other options for resolving the issue of how to register "VKontakte" without a phone. There are many sites and applications with which you can trick the social network and get a new page. One of these projects is This system independently selects a mobile phone number with which you can create an account. So what is needed to get the data? First, go to the specified site and register. To do this, you will need an e-mail address and some information. From above, select the "Activation" and "Get a number" tab. Then we choose the social network "Vkontakte". They may write to you that now all the operators are busy, and you will need to wait. After a minute or two, try again. After several unsuccessful attempts, you will still get a number. You can use it when registering. The social network "VKontakte" will send a code. After that, you will need to go to the service again and click on the "Finish" button. In the field next to the number that you entered during registration, you can see the code. Copy it and paste it on the new account creation page.

Choose IP Country Features

There is a great program that will tell you, First you need to create an e-mail. Then open the Choose IP Country program and select Turkey. Go to the site, click "Free Test" and choose a phone number. You will have a plate to fill in the information, there you must enter your number to which the robot will call you when registering in VKontakte. Then click Sign Up. Checking your e-mail, you should receive two messages. Open the first letter and press CUCK HERE. Click Add voice app, enter the name VK. Then we copy the phone number. Go to the registration field "VKontakte", enter the country of Israel and copy the phone number from the program. After that, the robot will call your number and dictate the activation code. Enter this code, create a password and click "Login to the site". That's all, you have created a new VKontakte page. As an afterword, we note that among the Russian-language services that provide a virtual phone number, you can pay special attention to SMSC, since the services of this resource are provided free of charge. By the way, all stages of VK registration, not related to the number, have a standard procedure.

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