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Register a new skype. How to register on Skype and create an account - step by step instructions

Hello dear readers. On this page I will describe in detail how to register in the Skype program. First, some theory and history.

The 21st century is the century of computer technologies. Computers have become so firmly established in our lives that many no longer imagine their existence without daily meetings with " electronic friend". Is it good or bad? The question is ambiguous. But the undeniable fact is that a computer is not only a friend, but also an assistant that allows you to solve everyday tasks much faster and easier. With the help of computers, calculations are made, buildings and structures are designed, decisions are made. And yet, for millions of people, a computer is a means of communication with relatives and friends.

2) losing the password from your page

How can these problems be solved?

Situation: You start the program, enter your login and password, and the program gives you the following inscription " This username and password combination was not found.» (Fig. 35)

You may be denied entry to the program for the following reasons:

1) the password does not match the login (if you have more than one account, and you entered the password and login from different ones)

2) the CapsLock key is enabled (it depends on what letters the password is typed in - lowercase or uppercase, whether you can enter the program: Knopka and knopka are different passwords). If the password is typed in uppercase (small) letters, turn off the CapsLock button.

3) the wrong keyboard layout is enabled (passwords consist of Latin letters, so for correct input, enable the English layout by pressing the key combination Ctrl + Shift or Ctrl + Alt)

Having found the reason why you cannot log in to Skype, fix it, then enter your username and password in the usual way and click on the " Login to Skype».

The second important problem that users face is the loss of a password. Skype password can be restored. To do this, you need to follow a series of steps.

1) In the login window, above the password entry field, there is a link " Can't sign in to Skype? (Fig. 36). Click on it with the left mouse button 1 time.

Figure 37. Password recovery page

On the password recovery page, you see the inscription " Enter your email address. mail” and under this inscription the data entry field. Click on the field with the left mouse button 1 time and enter the e-mail address you specified during registration (see Section 1). Click on the "Submit" button with the left mouse button 1 time. An email with instructions to reset your password has been sent to your email inbox (Fig. 38).

Figure 38. Email with password recovery instructions.

Figure 39: a) field for entering a new password; b) new password confirmation field; c) "Change password and sign in to Skype" button

In the field for entering a new password (Fig. 39-a), enter a new password. Duplicate it in the confirmation field (Fig. 39-b). Then with the left mouse button click 1 time on the button " Change password and sign in to Skype"(Fig. 39-c).

Your password has been changed! You can use Skype again!

If you have questions, the answers to which are not reflected in this tutorial, you can always use the technical support of the Skype program. To enter the technical support page, select the "Help" tab in the program window and select the "Help: answers and technical support" option from the drop-down list (Fig. 40).

Figure 40. The process of going to the technical support page.

The program will redirect you to a web page containing a lot of the most up-to-date information on how to use Skype.

Dear readers!

We really hope that this article was useful to you and helped you deal with a wonderful program.Skype.

Communication with loved ones is one of the main values. And if it becomes a little more in your life, our goal will be achieved.

Stay in touch!

Any software uses registration data to identify the user within the system. A person, on the other hand, uses virtual "passport data" for authorization, the ability to use standard functionality. Today we will talk about what is Skype registration, consider the characteristic features of the procedure.

What is a Skype account

In the process of narration, we will consider the features of creating an account on different devices and platforms. However, to begin with, let's answer the soaring question, what is a Skype account?

Account- a set of personal information by which the system identifies the user, synchronizes and issues the required data. An analogy with a passport, which also has a unique code and information about a citizen of the country in question, will help to simplify the understanding of an ephemeral object.

The difference between the two objects lies in the real and virtual layers of being.

Signing up for Skype

If you are determined to become part of the project, you will have to create a new account, taking into account the requirements prescribed by the system. Below we will talk about all the available methods on the computer and mobile phone.

Registration in Skype on a computer

You can register in three ways - by phone, email and using the online service.

Registration by phone

In order to register in Skype on a computer using a phone, you must:

This completes the registration procedure for Skype using a phone number. Now, in order to log into Skype, use your phone number as a login.

Registration via mail

You can use your email as your Skype login. Consider how to create a Skype account using it:

  1. Launch Skype and select "Create an account".
  2. Click on "Use an existing email address".
  3. Enter your email address and create a password to sign in to Skype.
  4. We indicate the full name and wait for "Next".
  5. Check your email - you should receive an email with a verification code. Enter this code in the confirmation field and click Next.
  6. Specify the phone number to which the verification code will be sent. Specifying a phone number is necessary for additional account protection and this item cannot be skipped.

Registration is over, now to enter Skype, use your email address as a login.

If you don't have an email, you can quickly create one in any email service. Or, when registering in step No. 3, select "Get a new email address" - in this case, you can create a new mailbox in the Outlook service.

Registration using a browser

The registration procedure for Skype online differs little from the standard designed for a personal computer. The passage of the provided stages will take up to five minutes, after which unlimited possibilities open up.

For your attention, step-by-step instructions for putting your plan into practice:

The registration process for Skype on a laptop is not fraught with problems, and the same methods are used as for a regular computer.

Sign up for Skype on your phone

Step-by-step instructions will tell us how to register on Skype on the phone, the points of which are presented below:

Please check that you entered your Skype phone number correctly during registration, as an error will lead to the procedure for linking a new number sequence. Banal advice - make sure that the entered information complies with international standards and check with the real number.

Additional registration questions

How to create a new skype account if you already have one

Many are interested in how to create a new Skype account if one already exists. All you need to do is sign up for a new Microsoft account with a new email address and a new mobile phone number.

In this case, user information will not be synchronized with the old account, but you will get much more. Separation of personal and professional activities is a good form both in social networks and in popular instant messengers.

How to sign up for Skype without a Microsoft account

The forums often raise the question of how to register on Skype without a Microsoft account. We hasten to satisfy the impatience of users - no way. Rather, a Microsoft account is created along with the Skype login, it is not needed directly for registration. This is due to the fact that the account creation system has undergone significant changes. In order to strengthen the protection of the account from hacking and identity theft, Microsoft was forced to sacrifice the usual way to create an account through the desired login. Now account login is either an email address or a mobile phone number , but old users can still log in with their old Skype login as before. Once created, an account is also assigned technical identifier in the form of live:… (this is not a login! Login is an email or phone number) It is used primarily for internal purposes.

Instead of a conclusion

Skype is a popular messenger for sending text and voice messages, files of "doubtful" content, the size and number of which are not limited by the system. However, their safety is guaranteed, as the software uses a modern data encryption system.

To register on Skype you need: Skype, email and a couple of minutes of time.
If you haven't got mail yet, it's time to create it. tells how to do it quickly and easily.

There are two ways to register on Skype. It all depends on whether it is installed on your computer.

If it is installed, it remains only to register. And you can do it by going through a couple of steps of this simple instruction.

If you haven't installed Skype, install it. During the installation process, you will be able to register. You can read about how to install and register on skype at the same time.

If you already have Skype installed on your computer, launch it. To do this, click on the skype icon on the desktop. Or, another way, click "START" and select "Skype" there.

Click on the word "Register" as shown in the picture.

The application page will open. Fill out the questionnaire (an example is our picture below). By the way, no one forces you to indicate your real name and surname - you can specify a fictitious or pseudonym.

You can register on Skype by entering your facebook details. But, it is better if you register in the usual way, following our instructions. Let everything be separate - this is the best option.

Select country and language. Although most likely they are already selected automatically. But, information about the location, phone number and date of birth when registering Skype is not required.

Login and password must be written in English letters. If the text appears when entering the login "Skype login cannot be used"- it's okay, just the specified name is already taken by someone. You need to select a name from the list or enter some other one.

ADVICE. The password, on the one hand, is better to make it more complicated. On the other hand, it should be such that they themselves can easily remember. Be sure to remember your Skype login details (login and password)! Better write it down somewhere! To write a good password, you can do this: switch the keyboard to English, then enter some word in Russian. For example, the word "best" would be written as "kexifz". The word is easy to remember and it will be difficult for an attacker to access your data.

Enter the words from the picture and click on the big green button. If the first time you fail to correctly enter the text from the picture, do not be discouraged and try again.

If the questionnaire is filled out correctly, the following page will open. Skype is a free program, so the inscription about depositing money should not confuse you. Just select a rejection and click the "Continue" button. Congratulations, you are now a new Skype user! Skype registration completed.

ADVICE. The page can be closed. If you are not going to view it anymore, click on the Skype logo in the upper right corner.

And then, on the "exit".

Launch Skype if it is not running. Enter your login, password. Then press the button, (see the picture below).

Good to know. If you check the boxes "Auto. authorization when Skype starts" and "Start Skype when on. computer”, then the program will start automatically every time, and you will not have to enter your data every time. Usually everyone does that. However, you should not do this if someone else uses the computer, because an outsider will be able to log into Skype and gain access to your correspondence, and even worse, start writing something of their own on your behalf or even change the password. To avoid this, it is better to uncheck the box next to “Auto. authorization at startup.


Ready. If you liked this article, then on our site you can find a list of other equally useful topics related to this wonderful program. If one of your friends has not registered yet, then send them a link to this article and start your conversation!

Registration in Skype can be carried out in two ways. Both in the first and in the second case, this process is not difficult and is simple and fast (in a few minutes), besides it is completely free.

Registration through the site

If you want to sign up for Skype, follow these steps. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Go to the computer (laptop) in the browser, after checking the availability of access to the Internet.
  2. Enter in the address bar of an open browser the address of the official website that provides the Skype program:
  3. Everything should immediately be displayed in Russian. At the top right you will see the inscription "Login" - click on it. You will see a menu that opens with the following sub-items: "My account", "Open". Below (under these menu items) will be the text “First time on Skype? Register."
  4. Click on the "Register" link.
  5. In the new registration window that opens, you need to fill in all the fields (the corresponding inscription “This information is required” reminds you of this): country with a telephone code, phone number, password, e-mail address.
  6. Click alternately on the "Microsoft Service Agreement" and "Privacy and Cookie Statements" links at the bottom of the page to read them (they will open in new tabs).
  7. Click next.
  8. After that, proceed to fill in the data: country, phone (only your own), password. If you want the confirmation password to be sent to your email address instead of your phone, click "Use an existing email address".
  9. Click next.
  10. The Add Details window opens. Enter your first and last name.
  11. Click next. A window will open where you will be notified that the confirmation code has been sent to the phone number you entered earlier (or to "soap" - the email address you specified earlier). Enter it and click Next. After correct confirmation (entering a four-digit code), an account will be created. The browser (beta) version of Skype will open. Click "Get Started" to get started.

Another way to register on the official website is to create an account with Microsoft. To properly register on Skype, you can do this:

1.Follow the link and you will find yourself in a form for filling in personal data. Do not be confused by the fact that you create a Microsoft account after clicking on the above link, in this case it is the same as registering for Skype, since Microsoft bought this messenger and all the rights to it.

2. Enter data such as: first name, last name, email address, password (you need to enter it twice to be sure), country, date of birth, gender, captcha (protection from robots and bots).

If you are a novice internet user with no email, click the blue "Get a new email address" link.

3.Click "Create an account".

Registration from the program

To sign up for Skype, you need to do the following:
1.Download the program from the official website (the address was given above). If the program is already on your device, go to step #5, if it is already installed, go to step #6.

3.Select the type of your device (if you have a computer, click on the first tab).

4.Click "Download...".

5.Open the downloaded installation file (for computers it has the ".exe" extension) by double-clicking, click "Run" in the window that appears, and the installation will begin.

6.Open the program by selecting it from the Start menu.

7. You will see the Skype start window.

8. Click "Create an account" (depending on the version of the program version, there may be another inscription - "Register a new user").

9. Enter the required data: first name with last name, email address, country (region), and (if desired) - optional: date of birth, city of residence.

11. Enter the verification characters from the picture at the bottom of the form to fill out, that is, captcha (captcha drawing - arrow "d", input - arrow "e"). If you do not understand or see the picture, you can press one of the help buttons (arrow "e") to update it, ask for help or ask the system to "pronounce" the cherished signs.

12.Press the "I agree with the rules" button, having read them beforehand.

13.If you are prompted to deposit money into your Skype account, you can skip this step by clicking "Continue".

14.Registration is over! You will receive an email with your Skype identification data: login and password.

Choose one of the ways to register in the Skype messenger: on your device after installing the program or on the site to quickly start communication in the browser version - and communicate freely and for free! It's easy!

For more than a decade, Skype has brought together users from all over the world. This free program allows you to communicate via the Internet with other users, no matter where in the world they are. You can communicate through a microphone, webcam, or limited to text messages. Before registering for Skype, you need to install the Skype program from the developer on your computer or mobile device.

Registration on Skype is simple and does not take much time. Among the advantages of this program, it is worth noting that it is absolutely free, you can communicate with your friends, colleagues, relatives via the Internet for an unlimited amount of time. The only paid service on Skype is calls to mobile and landline phones. The cost depends on the region chosen for the call.

Registration in the service

To start using the services of the program, you need to create your account. Registration on Skype is free and will not take more than 10 minutes. In total, there are two ways to register on Skype.

First way

First you need to run the program and click on the button " Create an account».

This field will open a page in your browser where you will need to enter registration data, such as full name, place of residence, pseudonym, etc.

When all the data is filled in, click on the " I agree(a)" and your account will be created. A page like this will open in front of you, where you can manage all the features available in Skype.

Now that the account has been successfully created, you need to enter the program using your login and password.

As we can see, registering a new user on Skype is quite simple and does not take much time. If for some reason you want to change your account, you can always register a new one using a different mailbox.

Second way

The second option is perfect for owners of pages on the social network Facebook. This method involves registration without e-mail and you can get an account quite quickly, literally within one minute.

First you need to launch the Skype program on your computer or smartphone and in the lower right corner click on the “ Login with Facebook“.

In the window that appears, enter the email and password from your Facebook account and click on the " Entrance».

In a few seconds, Skype will open in front of you with your Facebook account and you can start chatting.

Advantages of Skype

  1. Free video and audio calls to Skype users
  2. Low rates for calls to landline and mobile phones
  3. Collective audio conferences.
  4. Collective video conferences.
  5. Voice mail and answering machine function. Even if you are offline, the program will record the message addressed to you.
  6. File sharing. Through Skype, you can share small files, such as: documents, photos, small programs.
  7. Forwarding. When switching to a new account, you can forward calls and messages from the old account.
  8. Screen demonstration. The ability to show the interlocutor your screen. This feature is useful when you need to explain to the interlocutor how to understand a particular program. Through this option, you can demonstrate an illustrative example.
  9. The program is available in Russian.
  10. The ability to send SMS at a favorable rate.


Operating system Windows/XP/Windows 7/8/8.1/Windows 10

Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard (or later)

Linux Ubuntu 10.05/Debian 6.01/Fedora 16/OpenSUSE 12.2 (or newer)

RAM Minimum 1 GB
Hard disk space 75 mb
CPU 1 GHz and above
DirectX 9.0 or later


The first plus is that registration in skype is free, like most of the services provided. Perhaps this is the best program for communicating over the Internet with great functionality. If you need to call friends, relatives, no matter what country they are in, then Skype will be simply indispensable in this case.

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