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  • Register in e-mail gmail com. Gmail inbox: how to sign in and out? To go to settings

Register in e-mail gmail com. Gmail inbox: how to sign in and out? To go to settings (gmail or gmail) is the world's largest email site. It belongs to the Google search engine. Here you can create an e-mail for free, and also get a Disk (storage for your files) along with it.

one . We open the site Click on "Create an account" at the bottom.

2. We fill in the form on the right side.

Name and surname. Here you need to indicate your data, preferably real. After all, if suddenly in the future you have difficulties with entering the box, then thanks to this information it will be possible to return access. If desired, this data can then be hidden.

Username... A very important field is the name of your mailbox (login). It should only consist of English letters; numbers and dots can also be used. It just needs to be invented and printed.

This is the e-mail address where the letters will be sent. It is this that will need to be told to the person so that he can send you something.

There may be problems with choosing a username. The fact is that each such login is unique - it belongs to only one person. And very many names have already been registered, which means that they cannot be selected.

Let's say I want to get the umnik login. I type it in the field and press the Enter button on my keyboard. The system does not allow such a name - it says it is too short.

Okay, so I add a couple more letters and press Enter. But Google again does not like it: it turns out that such a name has already been taken by someone.

Below the system shows the logins that are free for registration. Google automatically added them from my first and last name, and also added something similar to the one I had invented.

You can choose any of them. But I advise you to work a little more and find something better - shorter and easier to remember. The fact is that it will no longer be possible to change this name.

Of course, you can then register another mailbox, set up forwarding of letters to it from the old address. But why such difficulties, if you can immediately choose a normal name.

To simplify the task, after entering the desired login, press the Enter button and see what the system offers. It will show a different free title after each click. Maybe something will do.

If the name is free for registration, then after pressing Enter, the field for its input will not be highlighted in red.

Many people at first do not understand how important it is to have a good address. Of course, if mail is needed not for correspondence, but for something else (registration on Google Play, for example), then any name will do. But if you plan to receive letters to her, then the address is very, very important.

Ideally, it should be simple and not too long to dictate over the phone. It is desirable, however, without numbers and dots. And no "babies", "beauties" and "kitties"!

It's funny when a serious guy's business card says puzatik45.

Password and password confirmation... Here you need to type the alphanumeric code with which you will open your box. Only letters of the English alphabet and numbers can be used in it, the size must be at least eight characters. It is highly desirable that the letters be of different case (both large and small) - so it will be more difficult for hackers to break into the box.

Be sure to write this password down somewhere safe!

It is checked: it is forgotten instantly, but you simply cannot enter your mail without it.

Date of birth, gender... These fields are also required. Information from them will not be used anywhere. As with the first / last name, it is better to provide your real details. This will make it easier to regain access to the mailbox if problems arise with the login.

Other information... Mobile phone, backup email mail and country - this data can be omitted.

3. After filling in all the required fields, click "Next". If the system does not start up, it means that some field is filled in the wrong way. It will be highlighted in red, and just below it is written what is wrong with it.

4 . A window will appear in which the conditions for registration in the mail will be written. They must be accepted, otherwise you will not receive the box.

The "Accept" button will become available only after you read them.

That's all! The mailbox is registered and Google is happy to provide its address. We write it down in a safe place and click on "Go to the Gmail service".

Your new mail will open immediately after that.

E-mail address

If you carefully read what I told before, then you should remember about the username. I said that this is exactly the address of your e-mail box. But this is not entirely true: every mail on the Internet has one more part in addition to the login. In the case of Google, this is @

It turns out that the correct name of the e-mail box consists of the username (login) and the prefix @ And this address should be one continuous word without spaces. There is no dot at the end.

An example of a well-written address:

This is the full name that needs to be dictated to people, written on business cards, websites and in other places. If you give the person only a shortened version, he will not be able to send the letter - it simply will not reach. But only the address should be your own, not the one that is written in this picture :)

How to find out the address of your mailbox

As soon as you get into your new mailbox, Google greets you and briefly talks about the possibilities of mail. We close this window - it will no longer appear.

To find out your email address on Gmail, you need to click on the icon with the letter of your name at the top right. A small window will appear where it will be written.

How to enter your mail after registration

Okay, we have the box. But how to get into it after a while: a day, two, a month, a year ...

Everything is very simple: usually a program for the Internet (browser) remembers data from mail and downloads it automatically. You only need to open google site, and in the upper right corner, click on the picture with small squares, where to select the mail icon.

Immediately after that, your mailbox should open with new and old letters. And if suddenly the program for the Internet forgets the data from the mail, then you will need to enter them.

Why do I need a Gmail inbox

Of course, first of all, you need mail to send and receive emails. In addition to text, you can send documents, photos, and other files.

But Google has created a bunch of other useful services that also become available to you after receiving a mailbox on A little about the most popular ones:

Disk ( Free storage for your 15GB files. You can upload data there from a computer, phone or tablet, and then open or download them remotely (for example, from another device). Or make some files available to other users.

Documentation ( Through this service, you can create documents, tables, presentations and forms. They are saved to your Google drive and at any time they can be uploaded, downloaded, and also edited by several people at once.

YouTube ( The most famous video hosting in the world. Through your Gmail account, you can subscribe to interesting channels, as well as publish your videos and even earn money on them.

Google Play ( - applications, games, books, music and movies for Android phones and tablets.

Google+ ( - social network.

All this becomes automatically yours after receiving mail in Gmail. That is, along with the mailbox, you are given an account in each of these systems, which, by the way, do not have to be used at all.

If you have problems when you try to enter Gmail mail (it does not matter from a computer or mobile device) or you see the message “Add Gmail to your Google account” and “The name is already taken. Try something else ”, this article should help you solve this problem.

The reasons why you cannot enter the mail from Google may be different, and therefore I will give several possible solutions, and I hope I will help all those who are here and are reading this manual.

Sign in to mail - first steps

After that, the very first thing to try is to clear your entire browser history (cookie). From the reviews of several users on the Internet, this is what helped them.

If it worked, great, if not, read on:

  1. Click on the following link: Login to Gmail
  2. The Gmail login form will appear, where one of your addresses will already be entered. And below there will be a link "Log in to another account" or "Sing in with a different account"(if yours is in English) - click on it.
  3. After that, all your addresses will be displayed, including the one that is needed. Choose an address, enter your password and log into your mailbox. If an empty login form appears instead of addresses, enter the required address, password and login.

This option is also possible if, when you try to enter the mail, a window appears Add Gmail to your Google account and the message “This name is already taken. Try something else. "

On the same page, where “Name is already taken” answers you, there is a circle with a little man in the upper right corner (or with your avatar). Click on it and select Add account. Next, enter your address, password and click Login.

Account information

I think it will not be superfluous to once again make sure that you enter all the data required to enter the mail correctly. Passwords are very case sensitive, so make sure you don't have the Caps Lock key on. Also check if the username is correct i.e. email address that is written up to @

Let me know in the comments how you did it.

To register with Google for free, you can use one of two options: create a new Google mail (that is, create a Google account), or use an existing email address, for example, on or Yandex.Mail.

Before moving on to these options, it should be noted that Google is not only a search engine, but also a whole set of services, which include:

  • Search;
  • YouTube ();
  • Google Play (Google Play);
  • news;
  • cards;
  • mail (;
  • disk;
  • the calendar;
  • Google Wallet (Google Pay)
  • and etc.

Registering with Google for free means creating a new Google email (in other words, creating a Google account), or linking an existing mail in order to use all Google services. In other words, by registering with Google, you thereby create a Google account on your computer, as well as simultaneously start Google mail, register for Google Play, Google Play Market, Google Plus social network, Google Maps, Google Drive, Google Documents and get access to the rest of Google's services and capabilities.

Thus, if you register with Google for free, then as a result you will have a universal key - an email and a password, which opens access to all Google services.

In order to use these services, you need to register with Google. There are two options for this:

  1. create a new Google account,
  2. or use any mail.

Let's consider each of them.

I Create a Google account to sign up for Google for free

Step 1. Open any browser (Yandex, Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla, etc.).

Step 3. The "Create a Google Account" window will open, in which you must fill in at least the required fields:

Rice. 2. Create a new Google account (that is, open a new @ mail)

8 in Fig. 2 - you can select the desired language from the drop-down menu, for example, Russian, if you have a different language option on the screen.

1 in fig. 2 - Enter the name, surname.

2 in Fig. 2 - Now we need a "Username". Coming up. This can be either your name or a fictitious nickname. You can use letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers and periods. The main thing is that the username should be unique, unique and unrepeatable for the entire Internet.

3 in Fig. 2 - By the way, Google tells you which available usernames you can choose for your e-mail address. But you can ignore these prompts and come up with your own name for Google mail (or Google account).

4 fig. 2 - We will consider the option "Use the current email address". In the meantime, we do not pay attention to this link, because it is not needed to create a new Google account.

But it should be borne in mind that when registering on foreign sites, including in foreign online stores, letters to confirm registration, for example, to the mail Mile ru ( may simply not reach.

To register in Google with the mail that you already have, follow the link

and click "Use current email address" (Fig. 2). The "Create a Google Account" window will appear:

Rice. 6. To register with Google, you can use any email address

6 in Fig. 6 - you can immediately select the "Russian" language, if necessary.

1 in fig. 6 - Enter the name, surname.

2 - We indicate the available e-mail - no errors, because there will be a letter with a code to confirm that this mail is yours.

4 - Come up with a password of at least eight characters. It may be the same as the password for an existing email, but from a security point of view, the same password for email and for a Google account is bad.

The "Confirm email address" window will open (the address that was specified in Fig. 6):

Rice. 7. Enter the confirmation code to register in Google with your mail

To confirm your email address, go to your mailbox and look for a letter there. If it is not there, then it is possible that it got into the "Spam" folder. In the mail to Mile ru, a letter from Google to confirm the address looks like this:

Rice. 8. Confirmation of email address required

We open the letter, find the code there and enter it in the “Confirm e-mail address” window (Fig. 7).

After the mail is confirmed, we get to the "Welcome to Google" window:

Rice. 9. To register with Google, you must indicate your date of birth, gender. If you wish, you can specify a phone number.

1 in fig. 9 - it is not necessary to enter the phone number, but it is still advisable to do this for the security of the account, including for the ease of its recovery.

2 - when entering age, you must take into account the age restrictions of Google, about which see in more detail above after Fig. 3.

3 in Fig. 9 - choose a gender in the menu from four options: female, male, not specified, optional.

Rice. 10. You must accept Google's privacy policy

As you can see in Figure 10, you can immediately set the security settings for your Google account. See more about them, right after fig. 4.

How to sign out of Google and then sign in

It is enough to register in Google once, and then you can log out of Google and log in again. You need to log out of your Google account, for example, in order to log into another Google account. In addition, you always need to log out of your Google account if you logged in there from someone else's device.

In order to log out of your Google account, in the upper right corner, click on the icon with your name (1 in Fig. 11), then click “Log out” (2 in Fig. 11):

Rice. 11. Exit from Google account (or exit from Google mail)

To enter your Google account, go to.

Enter your username and password. If you have started a new Google mail, then you enter its address and password to it (which you entered during registration - Fig. 2).

If other mail was used (for example, [email protected]), then to enter your Google account you need to enter her email (for example, [email protected]) and the password for the Google account (entered during registration - Fig. 6).

Google account on Android phone

Today, Google email on the website is created very often, because it is necessary for those who use electronic devices based on the Android operating system.

You can create a new account on your smartphone by following the steps described above.

Perhaps it will be easier for someone to register with Google, first on a computer, and then use this Google account on an Android smartphone, for example, as an account.

Safety regulations

You can make security settings in your Google account. Perhaps more important than such settings are basic security rules that every user should use to avoid unpleasant surprises:

  • it is important to create complex passwords for logging into the system;
  • for greater security, the password can be changed periodically (once a week, or once a month, or at least once a year);
  • do not include the dates of birth and the names of your loved ones, as well as your own, in passwords;
  • do not share your login information with anyone;
  • if an account is needed to do your work or for financial transactions, it is better to create a separate one;
  • log in to your account as little as possible from new devices and in unfamiliar places.

How to create mail on - a free service from Google? It couldn't be easier. In this case, you will receive the most functional and secure email service... But that's not all, along with your e-mail you will receive Google account, and with it - access to numerous free services from Google. E-mail Google provides free of charge.

1. What services from Google will be available with Gmail?

  • Google drive- cloud storage (15 GB),
  • Youtube- access to create your own channel on a popular video hosting,
  • Google+- this is a social network, if you have your own website, then for promotion on Google I recommend publishing article announcements here,
  • Google play- a huge portal for downloading games, programs, books,
  • Google Docs- presentations, tables (free xls alternative), drawings,
  • Blogger- free hosting for hosting sites,
  • Google keep- to save the necessary information in one click,
  • Google calendar- to plan meetings and affairs,
  • Google hangouts- online chat and video and voice communication (alternative to Skype),
  • Google photos- storage, editing, publication of photos. Photos are stored on disk,
  • Google translator- translation of websites and texts.
Most recently, Google's Gmail service came out on top in the world in terms of the number of users, overtaking the popular service.

2. What are the benefits of mail?

  • functionality that is many times higher than other mail services,
  • access from any device connected to the Internet,
  • the ability to connect the forwarding of letters from your other mailboxes,
  • security, protection against hacking (work through the encrypted https protocol),
  • automatic sorting of incoming letters,
  • spam protection, one of the best spam cutters.

3. How to choose a name for the email address?

If you need mail for an online business, I recommend using your real name or the name of your site, this will cause the maximum confidence of your partners and clients.

Since Google is very popular, getting the desired name for the email address is quite problematic. Keep in mind that you can use dots when creating it.

IMPORTANT! Before proceeding with the registration instructions, I think we should provide you with such useful information. Do not confuse the service with The latter has nothing to do with Google. is a paid mail service.

4. How to create a mail on

To create an email on follow the link:

Register mail >>>

Enter your details, including your phone number to reset your password if necessary, enter your country, click "Next".

On the next screen, confirm your agreement to the Gmail Privacy Policy and Terms of Service by clicking Accept.

5. How to set up a secure login to your mail, protect mail from hacking?

At this step, I highly recommend you set up security and login. If you want to protect your mail from hacking, set up 2-Step Verification login to Gmail mail: by entering a password and sending a code to the phone. Moreover, when it is activated, you can define your computer as reliable, then when you log in from it to the mail, you will not need to enter the code sent to your phone every time. Settings can be done at this link:

Here's a video explaining double authentication from Google Developers:

6. How to sign in to mail?

You can always enter your mail, either by typing in the search box "" or from any page of any of Google services, clicked on the button, which is located in the upper right corner of the screen. Then press to the Gmail mail icon and voila - you are in your mail!

So here interface of your new mail The first welcome email from Google arrived.

7. How do I make the basic settings?

There are a lot of settings and useful functions. A separate article would be needed to describe them. To use mail, it will be enough to make a few settings, which I will now talk about.

  1. Install the Gmail app button. To access mail from your phone, install the Gmail app on your mobile phone by clicking this button and follow the simple instructions.
  2. "How to use Gmail" button. Be sure to check it out, there is a lot of useful information here.
  3. The Select Subject button gives you a choice of background for your mail.
  4. The Change Profile Photo button allows you to set your profile photo by selecting and uploading a photo from your computer. The photo will be displayed in the upper right corner of the screen.
  5. The button "Import addresses and mail" will allow you to configure the forwarding of letters from all your other mailboxes, so that you can see all letters in one application. You will be able to receive letters and send on behalf of any of your mailing addresses.

8. mail inbox - how to set up?

It should be noted here that Google mail has one of the best spam cutters in the world, while other mail services do not fight spam at all.

Further, if all letters end up in one folder "Inbox", then you will very soon have thousands of unread letters. Therefore, it is better to set up automatic sorting of letters. In particular, I am annoyed by mailings that cannot be unsubscribed from. So, you can make settings for sending them to a separate folder (create a shortcut for it) with simultaneous deletion.

The automatic sorting of incoming emails in Gmail is very solid to set up using this helpful video:

So, you now know how to create a mail on, how to set up a secure login and protect your mail from hacking, how to perform basic mail settings, including the very important automatic sorting of incoming emails.

I wish you inspiration for all your plans and projects!

Write your questions in the comments.

Currently, any user of the world wide web can get himself an email account, because it is very simple to do this. It is quite another matter which resource to choose for this. Most Russians use services from or, but foreign users are increasingly registering on For those who are not in the know - this is an email service owned by the most famous search engine in the world, Google.

It should be noted that mail from Gmail is very convenient and thoughtful. However, in our opinion, the greatest beauty of this service is that there is so-called two-step identification, which allows you to link your email account to your mobile phone. Therefore, no one can read your letters except you, since in order to enter the mailbox, you must first enter the code that came to your cell phone. For those who keep valuable information in the mail, this is a very important service.

Free mailbox registration

Now let's go directly to registration. Go to the link and click "Create an account". It looks like this:

Or like this:

What is your name... It is not hard to guess that here you must indicate your first and last name. It is up to you to decide whether they should be real or fictitious, however, we believe that it is better to indicate real data, since this is not only more convenient for your interlocutors, but will also help restore mail in case of loss of access to it.

Come up with a username... You have to come up with a nickname () that you will use for authorization in mail. It is worth noting that most of the "simple" logins are already taken by users, so you will most likely have to come up with something special. We hope this will not be a problem.

Create a password... The password must be complex. Do not try to use simple qwerty or 123456 types - attackers pick them up very quickly. You can create a complex password this way: take a Russian word, for example, "Mowgli". Write it on the English layout - you get Vfeukb. Wonderful. Now add some numbers and symbols here, something like this:%? Vfeukb1975. We received a 12-character password, which is very difficult to guess. And if you use double authorization, then it will be simply impossible to get into the mailbox.

Confirm the password... Enter the password above again in the field.

Date of birth, Gender... Whether it is worth indicating this information is up to you.

Mobile phone... At this stage, it is not necessary to add the cell number.

Alternate email address... If you have another mailbox, you can specify it. In case of loss of access, all the necessary information will be sent to him.

Prove that you are not a robot... It is easy to prove it - you just need to enter a captcha, which, however, is not so simple. However, after a couple of attempts, you will probably be able to enter incomprehensible characters.

The country... Here you need to specify the country of residence, although usually it is automatically set for your region.

NECESSARILY check the box next to the "I agree to the Terms of Use ...", as without this it is impossible to continue registration.

After filling in all the information, click on the "Next" button. Congratulations, registration is complete!

In the next step, you will be prompted to add your photo, but you can choose not to - as you wish.

In order to go to mail, at the top of the page of the same Google, click on the dotted icon, and then select the mail service.

Dual authorization

And now we got to the fun part. Now we will tell you how to enable double authorization so that no one can get into your mailbox except you, of course.

On the right side of the screen, you can see an avatar. Click on it and in the drop-down menu select the "My Account" section.

Enter your phone number and follow the instructions.

Finally, I would like to remind you that it is highly advisable to use only the one in your name as a phone number. If you lose this phone, you will hardly be able to regain access to your account. Be careful!

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