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Replacing lighting lamps with your own hands. Buy an LED strip of the right size and better than a white glow

Installation of lamps
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Replacing lamps of different types is one of the areas of electrical work. To ensure an optimal level of lighting in the premises of an apartment and a private house, it is necessary to change lamps in a timely manner. If this task is beyond your strength or you do not want to do the replacement yourself, contact the professionals.

The company "Domashnye Masters", employees who serve customers in Moscow, provide services for replacing lamps of different types in lamps of different types. We employ only experienced electricians who perform work efficiently, quickly and accurately.

Chandelier lamp replacement

The most demanded service of our company related to lamp replacement. The need to call the master can be caused by the failure of the lamp, and individual parts of the lighting device (for example, the cartridge), as well as burning of the contacts. Our employees will replace a used lamp with a suitable power, electricity consumption, color temperature:

For our electricians, the parameters of the chandelier and the complexity of its configuration do not matter; they will cope with any task quickly and efficiently.

Replacing the lamp in the ceiling light

Replacing lamps in ceiling-type luminaires is a laborious task, since work usually requires dismantling the outer decorative part of the luminaire. At the same time, it is important to choose the right lamp that is suitable in size and will provide the required level of illumination.

Replacing spotlights bulbs

To change lamps in spotlights, you need to do the same procedure as when changing in ceiling lamps - turn off the power supply, remove the decorative cover, remove the burned-out lamp and carefully screw in a new one.

Replacing lamps in recessed luminaires

Recessed luminaires differ from other types of luminaires in their design - they are recessed deep into the surface of the ceiling or wall. This is why replacing lamps in them can be difficult. Invite a professional from the Home Craftsmen company and save yourself from having to carry out the replacement yourself.

Replacing the choke in the luminaire

Failure of a fluorescent lamp can be associated with a breakdown of the choke, which forms the pulse necessary for the lamp to work. If necessary, our electricians will replace the old choke with a new one with the corresponding power absorption level.

Lamp replacement prices

We offer you the best prices for electrical work. Replacement cost:

  • lamps (LED, halogen, incandescent, energy-saving) - from 50 rubles;
  • cartridge in a chandelier or lamp - from 150 rubles.

We are waiting for your applications and are ready to restore normal lighting in the house or apartment!

It would seem that the answer to the question of how to change a light bulb is known to almost all people from childhood. But for some reason, accidents occur regularly while performing such actions.

This indicates that the training of citizens is far from ideal, and in a number of situations they do not possess any special skills and notions about the necessary security measures at all. Which leads to disastrous consequences.

Correct replacement of a light bulb begins long before its dismantling / installation, since the contractor or the owner of the premises must perform a number of preparatory work in advance. These include the preparation of protective ammunition, tools and equipment.

Ignoring any of the above points to your own detriment, since the efficiency, safety and quality of lighting largely depend on them. They must be taken into account before you are going to replace any light bulb.

When preparing to replace any lamps, be aware of the danger of electric shock. Therefore, all work must be performed using special tools, testing instruments and equipment.

That is, pliers, screwdrivers and everything else must have insulation that can protect against damage. Moreover, with its help, you can protect yourself from electricity when its voltage is less than 24 volts, and in other cases it does not guarantee anything.

The most important thing when replacing a worn out lamp is the correct choice of a new one and compliance with safety measures. Which imply the use of special protective equipment, control devices, as they exclude electric shock, other types of injury

Work must be carried out exclusively in protective ammunition, which are rubber gloves, special goggles.

The contractor must have with him measuring instruments that will help to make sure that the circuit is working, lamps and thus provide an adequate level of safety. These include indicator screwdrivers and other similar equipment.

The most important aspect of any replacement is safety, which can only be ensured by fulfilling certain requirements. Some of which are ignored by most performers. And it turns out as shown in the photo

In addition, a person who decides to replace the lamp on their own must figure out in advance how to turn off the power in the room and do it correctly. If the issue is not given due time, the necessary security will not be provided, and this is fraught with disastrous consequences.

How is the replacement done

You need to understand that you have to perform any actions in power grids at your own peril and risk - do not call an electrician to replace the lamp? But in case of any consequences, they will have to be held accountable and it can even be criminal. It should be remembered that any such procedure must be carried out in compliance with security measures.

Who is entitled to carry out the work?

Guidance documents indicate that only people who have received proper training, have practical skills and have been instructed should be allowed to perform such work. True, in a domestic environment, every consumer is faced with such a task, using electricity for a lighting system.

The order of work

First of all, the network must be de-energized. Moreover, setting the switch to the off position would be insufficient. Since it does not guarantee safety at all.

Before performing a replacement, it is necessary to de-energize the room, and use special glasses and gloves for protection. In addition, you should provide yourself with convenient access to a replaceable lamp, for which step-ladders are used. Therefore, the actions of the performer in the photo are wrong.

For example, there are many cases when electricians were mistaken and the switch did not open the phase wire. Therefore, the current continued to flow to the lamp, which was a surprise to the performer.

The same often happens when switches with the popular backlight lamps are used today. As a result, only a complete de-energization of the room where the replacement will be carried out will be able to exclude an electric shock.

To do this, it is necessary to turn the introductory machine to the off position. They are usually installed in switchboards, which are located near the apartments. If the chain was mounted a long time ago, then plugs can be used instead of automatic machines, which means that they must be unscrewed.

In addition, the contractor is obliged to check the absence of so-called "bugs". Their danger is that the connection of the wires is carried out directly, bypassing the plugs, which threatens with electric shock.

A switch in the off position is not a guaranteed way to avoid electric shock. To do this, it is necessary to de-energize the entire room, that is, to break the circuit using an introductory machine

If the luminaire is powered from an outlet, then you need to pull out the plug from there. But it should be remembered that residual voltage is also life-threatening. And such a phenomenon occurs quite often, therefore the protective measures should be the same as when changing any other lamp.

After the room is de-energized, using a screwdriver-indicator, you need to make sure that the desired result has been achieved and that no current is supplied to the luminaire. Only after all the above operations is it allowed to directly perform the replacement.

But even during it, you should not lean, lean against metal objects, or carry out this procedure in high humidity conditions.

Use an insulated tool for all operations when replacing lamps. In addition, to avoid injury, it must not be held by metal parts.

When the lamp is located at a height, then the performer needs to stock up on a solid stepladder, a ladder. With the help of such equipment, it is allowed to carry out the replacement at a height of up to 5 meters.

If it occurs above, then it is necessary to use special equipment, which are cranes and so on.

In addition, work at a height exceeding 5 m is called high-altitude work and must be performed by specialists with an appropriate permit.

Gloves are a must when working on electrical circuits, of which all lamps are a part. Moreover, they must protect not only from electric shock, but also from cuts in case of damage to glass flasks.

You should not take the listed information about safety measures as frivolous - the same physical education teacher, warehouse worker or any other performer who uses unauthorized equipment and does not have the appropriate skills may be held responsible for the result of their actions and their consequences.

Dismantling / mounting lamps

To perform this procedure, it is necessary to perform a number of mandatory, but simple actions in a strictly specified sequence. And without using any special tool.

These include:

  1. Removing lampshades, chandeliers, protective glasses, any decorative elements that prevent access to the lamp. All such operations must be carried out in protective ammunition (gloves, goggles).
  2. Dismantling lamps - it is done by twisting movements from right to left. In this case, do not grab the hot glass with your hands, which can cause a burn. This applies to incandescent lamps. To rule out trouble, you must use a protective one with a rubber glove. It also protects against injury if the glass bulb is damaged.
  3. Installing a new light bulb is performed with a twisting motion, that is, from left to right.
  4. Installation of lampshades, decorative and protective elements.

Regardless of the type of lighting fixtures, the replacement procedure is similar and technologically simple.

But when preparing, one should not forget that the glass elements must be wiped with a rag, this will eliminate the greasy marks left by the fingers. Since they can lead to early breakdown, which occurs as a result of local overheating.

Before starting to replace lamps, you must make sure that there is no current on the base of the lamp, chandelier, or any other electrical appliance. This can be done using a conventional indicator screwdriver.

During work, the performer must hold the instruments only by their insulated parts, which is guaranteed to prevent injury.

Before installing a new lighting fixture, find and bend the contact of the lamp holder. Since they often do not provide the necessary contact. The same procedure must be performed when the installed lamp is not shining. Why should it be dismantled again.

Even if glasses are used to test the functionality of a newly installed lighting fixture, you should still not be near it. Since explosions often occur that can cause injury.

This primarily applies to incandescent lamps. The reason is that their quality is often quite low, which leads to various unpleasant consequences.

The procedure for replacing lamps itself is extremely simple and the same for most cases. For dismantling, rotary movements are made from left to right, when installed from right to left. Some species are removed from the socket like a plug from the socket and also plugged in. In this case, do not overload the glass parts, as they may not withstand

Sometimes the performer is unable to cope with dismantling the lamp. In this case, it must be unscrewed together with part of the cartridge. And you should also remember that you should not put pressure on the glass elements, as this will damage them, after which injury is possible.

Replacing damaged lamps

It often happens that glass bulbs are damaged during dismantling / installation. In such cases, the base itself can be unscrewed with pliers. But before that, you should collect the scattered fragments.

If such a nuisance occurs with a mercury-containing device, then caution should be exercised. Their depressurization can lead to rapid and significant poisoning with vapors, which in a matter of seconds are able to fill a volume of 50 cubic meters.

And the excess of permissible norms at this moment will be more than impressive - 160 times. Therefore, if damage is caused, the contractor must immediately evacuate all people in it from the premises.

Then perform airing - its duration should be at least 20 minutes. Moreover, these measures are mandatory and the absence of any signs of exposure to mercury vapor should not reassure a person.

If the lamp to be replaced cannot be unscrewed, then it is necessary to dismantle it with part of the lamp holder. this procedure almost always ends successfully and quickly

Since they do not have a color, odor, but this does not prevent the poison from quickly accumulating in the body, which will lead to poisoning. From which all systems of the body, organs of vision, without exception, will suffer.

It is allowed to continue replacing the depressurized mercury-containing lamp only after thorough ventilation and cleaning the cullet.

Moreover, for its implementation, rubber gloves, glasses, as well as a cotton-gauze bandage, which can be replaced with any wet piece of cloth, must be used without fail.

After eliminating the consequences, you should call the specialists of the Ministry of Emergencies, who will establish whether it is safe for people to be in the room. They also need to transfer a depressurized mercury-containing lamp.

Disposal: an important part of the replacement procedure

Handle the dismantled lamp with care. That is, it does not need to be placed on hard surfaces, in places where someone's careless movement will lead to injury.

When performing a replacement, it is forbidden to load the network, make any changes to the design of lamps, lamps, as this is fraught with trouble

But it should be remembered that only safe incandescent lamps and their LED counterparts are allowed to simply be thrown into the general waste bin. Since they can not cause any other harm, except for injuries during careless handling.

The lamp replacement procedure is considered successful only after they have been disposed of. It should be remembered that mercury-containing lamps are dangerous and must be taken to special points or thrown into containers.

And only after all of the above, the replacement of the lamp can be considered complete and positive results in terms of safety, comfort and economy can be expected.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The first video will help you understand the correct procedure for replacing lamps:

The video will help you figure out how to dismantle with a damaged glass flask:

The main point when replacing all kinds of lamps is the observance of numerous safety measures. Which require the performer to possess certain knowledge, skills, use special tools and equipment. Only all of the above will make it possible to carry out the replacement correctly, that is, it is safe for the health of the performer and all the inhabitants of the house.

Hello everyone!
I have a lot of information on the site for the repair and replacement of LED backlighting, and for repair lcd backlight and replacing CCFL lamps no information.
Well, this article, in some way, will correct this flaw.
Everything you need to know about backlighting before getting inside a monitor or TV.
1.The first and main signs of lamp problems:
- the image has acquired a permanent or periodic pink tint;
- the backlight goes out completely after switching on or after a while, while the sound remains, and the picture is viewed if you bring a lighting device to the monitor. A similar symptom may indicate problems with the inverter, which is responsible for transmitting the signal to the lamps.
  1. Quantity lamps in LCD monitors are usually at least 4, and in TVs it can be counted as one or several. It depends on many factors: the age of the device, its diagonal, etc.
  2. Before replacing, you need to make sure that the new light elements are suitable for the parameters. For this, there are tables for the correspondence of lamps to display diagonals. Better to follow her. It is possible that you will be able to put a lamp with a length difference of 1-2 mm, but it will take more time and effort.
  3. The lamp replacement process for a beginner will take about 3-4 hours if you follow the instructions and do not experiment.
  4. Caution does not hurt! When working with an inverter, be extremely careful, because its voltage output is approximately 1000V. And when you change the lamps, try not to break them, because they are very fragile and contain mercury vapor.
Process replacement lamps lcd backlight TVs and monitors.
For the lamp replacement procedure itself, you will need:
- a well-tidied room and a clean surface;
- rubber gloves (medical gloves are perfect);
- a sharp thin knife (clerical for example);
- heat shrink tubes;
- Screwdriver Set.
So, you need to get to the lamps. First monitor (TV) must be freed from the protective plastic box - unfasten it from the narrow panel, which is located along the perimeter of the screen in front. Then carefully remove the entire LCD module from the metal frame by unscrewing a few screws.

Now the most difficult work, which requires patience and accuracy, begins - to disassemble the electronic panel and the module into components. To remove the matrix (and you will have to remove it), you will need to arm yourself with tweezers and peel off the protective film from the electronic board (matrix decoder). This should be done carefully, because the thickness of the decoder is only 1 mm, and it is connected to the matrix by the thinnest data lines. If you try to cut the film or pull it harder, then a breakdown will inevitably occur, after which it will be impossible to restore the element's performance.

Removing the matrix, like other elements, is required with gloves, because finger stains will subsequently be reflected in the image. In the same way, dust and other debris will make themselves felt, so their contact with open elements should be minimized.

After removing the matrix, a set of filters and an optical fiber, where the lamps are located, will fall into the field of view. They can be arranged in pairs in pencil cases at the top and bottom of the monitor, or in horizontal rows along the entire perimeter of the screen. In rare cases, it may not be necessary to completely disassemble the LCD module, because sometimes the cases with lamps are removed in more accessible ways. But all this can be learned only in the process of work.

When you get to the lamps, you can immediately notice the faulty ones - the blackened cathodes will tell you about it. But if visually the lamps look the same, then you will have to figure out which one to change. The way to substitute a working (better than a new) lamp will be the simplest. If this method cannot be carried out, then using a special device, you can create a resistance of about 1kOhm-2W through the inverter.

After replacing the lamps, perform the reverse process - collecting all the parts of the device into the original structure. Collect carefully so that there are no fingerprints or dirt, dust and foreign objects. If done correctly, your TV or monitor will work normally.

Replacing a standard CCFL lamp with an LED one.

In devices with an LCD system, CCFL lamps or, in our opinion, fluorescent lamps are used, which glow not by heating the cathodes, but as a result of applying voltage to them. Therefore they are called cold cathode lamps. Such a light source should ideally change to an identical one. But we will take a quick look at replacing with an alternative LED lighting system:

  • First, you will need to disassemble the device according to the above scheme.
  • Remove lamps and remove inverter.
  • Buy an LED strip of the right size and better than a white glow. You can find ready-made designs with a set of LEDs and a control device for them.
  • The LED strip is glued onto double-sided tape where the fluorescent lamp was.
  • Wires are connected to this structure, which are output to the board and soldered to where the 12V power is indicated.
  • The operability of this circuit is checked and a monitor or TV is assembled.

This method has advantages and disadvantages. CCFL lamps unambiguously illuminate brighter and more evenly (more useful for the eyes), but LED strip is more affordable and more budgetary. This backlight is not adjustable. Although you can try to independently create a more complex control scheme, which will take more than one hour (maybe a day) or it will be spent and buy a ready-made design with a controller. But, perhaps, the main advantage of LED backlighting is significant energy savings and durability (120 years !!).

Replacing a light bulb in a lamp - it would seem, what could be easier? However, even in this matter, people face problems. How to choose and how to change a light bulb? What nuances should be considered when replacing lighting in a particular room? What to do if you need to replace the lamp built into the pendant

Types of lamps used

What is the difference between different types of lighting devices and what are their pros and cons?

  • One of the most famous types of lighting fixtures is a glass bulb with a coil inside, most often made of tungsten. The action of the electric current causes the coil to heat up and emit a warm yellow light. The main advantages are low cost and availability for the buyer, the disadvantages are low efficiency: a much larger resource of electricity is spent on heating the air than on light output, and a short lamp life.
  • A more modern and sophisticated look for standard incandescent lamps. The tungsten filament is placed in a flask filled with halogens - vapors of bromine, iodine, chlorine, which increase the evaporation time of the tungsten filament and significantly extend the service life of the device. The light is smoother and brighter, similar to daylight. The main obstacle to the widespread use of halogen lamps is their cost - it is much higher than the cost of incandescent lamps.
  • They got their name from the phosphor substance, which allows you to convert energy into light. They are famous for their good efficiency indicators: even low lamp power gives good illumination indicators. A large number of compact versions are now produced, adapted for standard luminaire holders. An important feature of the operation of such a lamp is the content of mercury vapors inside the bulb, so they must be disposed of at special collection points.
  • This model has less energy consumption and good light performance. These bulbs are much more durable than incandescent bulbs and are the best option to use. However, their cost is even higher than the cost of halogen lamps: the price of one piece varies from 250 to 700 rubles.

Each of the listed types of lamps has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. Despite the obvious advantage in terms of durability and environmental friendliness of modern halogen and LED lighting fixtures, people are stopped by factors such as their high cost. Also, people often have no idea how to work with such varieties and how to change the light bulb. It is often worth paying attention to the energy consumption in certain areas of the house. Halogen bulbs are perfect for kitchens and rooms, as they have the best balance of durability, energy savings and cost. Before changing the light bulb in the bathroom and toilet, you need to understand what level of illumination you need to provide. If buying LED elements is too expensive for your pocket, you can replace them with halogen bulbs, which will provide good overall light and are durable enough.

How are lamps mounted?

How to change a light bulb in a chandelier? To do this, you need to know what types of fastening of lighting devices exist. There are several ways in total. The most famous is the right-hand thread mount, where the bulb is screwed into the socket in a clockwise direction. Before changing a light bulb, you need to understand what type it belongs to: when installing an incandescent or energy-saving lamp, you should not press on it; to fix it, you just need to turn it clockwise. In addition, there is an option of fixing with two guide pins: they are placed in the groove, and then it is installed with a click. The third type of light bulb requires a 90 degree rotation after placing it in the groove.

False ceiling

First of all, you need to ensure your own safety by turning off the power supply and equipping the workplace in such a way that it is convenient to work. Convenience of work is extremely important, since the procedure must be carried out carefully and carefully so as not to damage the ceiling covering. This is especially important when replacing lighting fixtures installed in suspended and stretch ceilings. At the first stage of work, it is necessary to unlock the ring that fixes the lamp in the body. After that, it is carefully turned out and replaced with a new one. The wattage of the lamp should be determined when replacing it in order to maintain the same level of illumination in the room. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to fix the ring back by fixing the bulb in the socket.

When buying an LED element, be sure to check the quality of combustion by pointing the phone camera at the lamp. If the light pulsates, most likely it will not last long due to poor build quality, and therefore it is worth buying another. When choosing lighting devices for a room, it is better to dwell on lamps of the same type and model: then the illumination and temperature of the light will be harmonious. How do you change the light bulb to provide more light for the room? For this, it is not necessary to choose a more powerful or capacious element. It is enough to replace all yellow light bulbs with white light fixtures: this will help to increase the luminous flux and achieve a higher illumination level.

In almost any suspended ceiling, spotlights are used, the shelf life of which, unfortunately, is not eternal. Sooner or later, you have to face the fact that one or more bulbs have burned out and need to be replaced. If you did not install the lighting yourself, then you are also unfamiliar with the replacement technology, but it is not so difficult. You can change an ordinary spot light with your own hands. For this, we give step-by-step instructions below.

In suspended ceiling systems, one of the following types of lighting fixtures is used:

  • Halogen bulbs. They are installed with the smallest clearance relative to the base and provide a bright diffused light that is comfortable for human eyes to perceive. The terms of operation directly depend on the correct installation (on average, up to 4 years). It can be used in damp rooms thanks to the low-voltage models of 12 and 24 V. Since there are often sudden voltage surges in our power grids, it is recommended to install special stabilizers on the branch. Replacing a halogen with a new light bulb is more difficult than a traditional one, and the work requires the utmost care.
Halogen spotlight
  • Conventional incandescent lamps. Everyone is familiar with their characteristics and replacement scheme.
  • LED bulbs. Economical (the highest efficiency factor) and durable (up to 100 thousand hours of continuous operation) option for spotlights. They are compact, functional and provide good panoramic illumination for any room.
  • LED strips. They are installed behind the canvas in rooms where it is planned to equip a recreation area with pleasant soft lighting. They look very impressive in the false ceiling.
  • Energy saving models. They are good because they have low power. However, they cannot be used in rooms with high humidity, their service life is limited by on and off cycles (the more often the light turns on, the less the light bulb "lives").

In addition, inside such bulbs contain mercury - a chemical element that is dangerous to human health, so if they break, people need to be evacuated from the premises and a set of disinfecting measures.

Fixing lamps

Let's talk about the types of fastening:

  • Traditional right hand thread for standard chucks. Everyone knows how to change the lamp in such a system.
  • Bulbs are also produced that are attached with two pins. They act as guides and snap into place. Here, when replacing, the main thing is not to overdo it in strength. If it gets into the groove, it snaps into place easily, but if you press hard, the lamp can be damaged.
  • There are designs in which the light bulb must be immersed in the socket and rotated exactly 90 °, then the element will snap into place.

Fixing a light bulb in a false ceiling

Replacing the lighting fixture

  • The first important rule is safety. Disconnect the power supply on the dashboard on the required branch, before replacing the lighting fixture.
  • Find a stable ladder or stand. Take a replacement lamp with you. For plasterboard ceilings, wear protective goggles.
  • Unlock the damaged light bulb in the housing by finding the locking ring. When performing the actions, you should hold the ring, as it is springy and can slip out of your hands. Externally, the ring resembles an ordinary spring wire.
  • Next, unscrew the burned out light bulb and check the power, marking and dimensions of the base with a new one. If all parameters match, replace the bulb.
  • Now put the ring back in place and secure it carefully.
  • Turn on the electricity and check how the appliance works.

Replacing a light bulb

  • Inspect the light bulb carefully before replacing it. If you have energy-saving models or incandescent lamps, you do not need to press them, it is enough to turn counterclockwise. If the coating is visible, and inside there is another cone - this is a halogen version, which is fixed with pins, then you do not need to twist anything.
  • If there are mirrors in the false ceiling, work carefully so as not to scratch the surface. The same applies to tension analogs, which are very sensitive to mechanical stress.
  • it is better to use one model, otherwise the lighting will not look harmonious. If it's time to replace your lamp and you can't find the same one, purchase a complete set of new items.
  • If there were LED lamps that gave poor lighting, to increase the light flux, change them not to a model with a higher power, but to white elements. This way you get the lighting you need and save energy.
  • To replace the light bulb, use a dry cloth or cotton gloves to avoid leaving prints.

2) Replacing the light bulb.

There are three reasons to replace the lamp:

A) You only want to change the power of the lamp, without switching to a different type.

B) You want to switch to a different type.

C) Your previously installed light bulb has burned out.

Everything is clear with the first two points, and the replacement should not cause any problems. As for the option when the lamp burned out, difficulties may arise here. They are associated with the possible presence of various factors, due to which the lamp burned out and the consequences. But in order to establish why the light bulb is out of order, you will first need to unscrew it and carefully examine it and the cartridge itself.

To replace the lamp, you first need to reach for it. Use a stool or chair. If their height is not enough, then the best option would be to use a stepladder or ladder.

A burnt out lamp can be either structurally intact or destroyed (“exploded”). Or another option is possible, when the lamp, when unscrewing it, separates from the base. In this case, the lamp itself is in your hand, and the base remains in the holder.

If the bulb is not structurally damaged, then dismantling it will not cause problems, but when the bulb is destroyed, this is a really serious problem. And to unscrew the base, it is necessary, if possible, to contact an electrician, or to observe certain precautions.

Suppose that for one reason or another you did not use the help of an electrician when the above problem occurred and decided to unscrew the base yourself. Then be extremely careful and careful.

First of all, you should make sure that the light switch is set to the "OFF" position. It is not always possible to do this for some reason. But even if you know exactly the correct switch position, you should not neglect the precautions.

The easiest way to eliminate this problem is to unscrew the cartridge itself. Typically, lamp holders are made up of two pieces. You can try to unscrew the part of the chuck where the base is located. If this succeeded, then everything is in order, it will not be difficult to separate the base using simple tools. But what if, for some reason, the cartridge cannot be unscrewed?

In this case, it is strongly recommended that you seek the help of an electrician serving your area or another competent electrician. Of course, the option is possible when, for one reason or another, you decide to cope with this task on your own. Then you will need a voltage tester and special pliers or round-nose pliers. It will not be superfluous to also have special safety glasses available.

Turn off the machine on the electrical panel, which is responsible for the power supply of your particular room. Using the voltage tester probe, check separately the presence / absence of voltage at the base case, then at the electrode. If there is no voltage, you can start unscrewing the base using the above tools. But even in this case, you need to make sure that the handles of the tools used have high-quality insulation.


As you have seen from this article, choosing and replacing a light bulb are not such simple decisions and actions. But in reality, with attention, accuracy and consistency, this will not bring much trouble.

I would like to return once again to the issue of ensuring the safety of replacing "problem" bulbs. Do you know the expression "Minesweeper makes only one mistake"? So an electrician can also make a mistake only once. Therefore, the greatest advice to you is - do not neglect safety measures!

Gennady, - Engineering systems in the apartment

The source of light in our life plays a very important role, and modern man feels terrible discomfort with its absence. The problem of failure of a light bulb is the simplest and most common electrical fault. To quickly restore a lack of light, you need to know how to change light bulbs.

The places of installation and the bulbs themselves, at present, are so diverse in design, power consumption and required voltage, material, principle of operation. All these characteristics need to be known when replacing the lamp.

It is advisable to change the bulbs during the day with a sufficient source of natural light. For replacement, you will need pliers with insulated handles, a screwdriver, a flashlight (for working in dark rooms - a pantry, bathroom, basement), a replaceable light bulb, rubber gloves.

Before changing the light bulb, it is necessary to de-energize the power supply section (turn off the circuit breaker in the electrical panel or unscrew the plugs). Replacing a light bulb involves removing some parts of the luminaire structure (shades, protective frames).

Incandescent lamp

The burned-out light bulb is unscrewed counterclockwise with one hand, the cartridge is fixed with the other hand. How to change light bulbs, if in many cases the bulb of an incandescent lamp can be damaged (crack, "explode") and detach from the socket. In this case, holding the cartridge with your hands, remove the rest of the flask with a rag. Eyes must be protected with goggles. Unscrew the base of the old light bulb with pliers. This will protect your fingers from damage and will give force to the base if it is screwed in tightly or "stuck". A replaceable bulb is screwed in clockwise until it stops. You do not need to be very zealous, as you can damage the flask.

Energy-saving lamps

The design of the energy-saving lamp has a standard Edison base, and instead of an incandescent lamp, it has a compact fluorescent tube. Replacing it is a little easier than an incandescent lamp, since in the area of ​​the base it has a choke unit that helps to change a burned out lamp with a comfortable grip.

Replacing lamps in built-in luminaires

More knowledge of how to change light bulbs is required when replacing them in built-in (spot) lamps. Here you need to take into account the type of base. It can be threaded in different diameters. Also popular is the pin type with a different number of pins. The lamp can be either LED, halogen or fluorescent. The required electrical power for them is also different, 12V or 220V. It is necessary to pick up an identical light bulb either according to the packaging from the burnt out (where the marking is indicated) or according to the sample.

Recessed luminaires are mounted in the ceiling with double spring struts. The lamp should be taken by the edges and slowly pulled down. Sometimes you can not pull it out completely, a certain length is enough to unscrew a lamp with a screw base. If the luminaire is completely removed, then, having screwed in a new bulb, it is necessary to compress the springs to the base and insert into the mounting hole, slowly insert the luminaire into the ceiling.

The pin bulb is fixed in the luminaire with a retaining ring. It must be squeezed with your fingers and pulled out. The light bulb will hang on the wires. Disconnect the lamp from the terminal. Connect the new one and recessed into the plafond, fix it with a retaining ring.

A very popular solution for both apartments and offices is lighting with spotlights rather than a single central lighting fixture. This way of organizing lighting has many advantages. First, the placement of lighting fixtures is not limited. Secondly, the light created by the point element is characterized by a small scattering angle, that is, most of the luminous flux falls directly on the object of illumination. Thirdly, this concerns devices with LEDs, with their help it is possible to organize colored lighting, and thereby obtain an original design solution.

Device device

A spotlight is a lighting fixture with a small emitting surface.

It consists of two parts: decorative (visible) and functional. The latter is a frame where the lamp is attached, and clamps with which the device is mounted to the ceiling.

Products can be installed in the ceiling, both stretch and normal, in the wall, on the steps of the stairs, in the floor. In the latter two cases, it is recommended to give preference to sidewalk lighting fixtures, since their bodies are designed for heavy loads.

Light sources can be any kind of light bulb

  • Incandescent lamps are the most common electrical light source. Differs in high color rendering index, low cost, insensitivity to voltage drops. However, its efficiency does not exceed 4% and its service life is short.
  • Luminescent - gas-discharge light sources. It is characterized by a much higher light output and a long service life. However, light bulbs contain mercury, which requires special conditions for disposal and are characterized by low power.
  • Metal halide - high pressure gas discharge lamps. In terms of light output, they are superior to incandescent devices, but inferior to luminescent ones. Their advantage is that in case of replacing incandescent bulbs with them, no revision is required.
  • LED or semiconductor - characterized by low power consumption, very long service life. Light output is somewhat inferior to luminescent, but surpasses all other lighting devices. The disadvantage is the relatively high cost.

How to replace an incandescent light bulb

In a spotlight, this procedure is carried out in exactly the same way as in any other. The supply of current in the room is turned off, the cover of the device is removed, a burned-out light bulb is unscrewed from the device and a new one is carefully screwed into its place.

How to replace a halogen lamp

It will take a little longer to replace a halogen bulb.

  1. The decorative cover of the device is removed, then the fixing ring.
  2. Under no circumstances should a halogen or metal halide bulb be held with bare hands, as any traces of grease on the bulb will damage the bulb, and this, in turn, will shorten the life of the appliance.
  3. The burned-out lamp is unscrewed and a new one is attached in its place. It is recommended to hold the flask with a napkin.
  4. The fixing ring and the cover of the device are installed.

Installing an LED lamp in a spotlight

If LEDs were installed as light sources, then one point should be clarified before the procedure. An independent device, in which the body is designed for an LED element, and an element in which an LED lamp can be installed, are also called luminaires. In the second case, in order to replace the lamp, the procedure already described should be carried out.

If we are talking specifically about an LED lamp, then it will have to be replaced entirely along with the body. Despite the seeming cost of this method, the design of the device is highly energy efficient and compensates for the replacement method.

  1. The power is cut off.
  2. The new device is tested with a short-circuit tester between the wires.
  3. The cover of the device or the mount is removed, if we are talking about ceiling lighting, the wires are disconnected. For this, either the insulating caps are removed or the insulating tape on the wires. The wires are disconnected.
  4. Luminaires are installed according to the instructions. As a rule, the device is screwed into the tube, and the latter is screwed into the box.
  5. The wires are connected according to the marking - the colors must match. Then the caps are put on, or the junction is insulated with tape.
  6. The wires are put into the box. The cover or cover of the device is aligned with the box and is attached with screws through the holes.

The video shows the process of replacing the LED light source in more detail.

If you suddenly forget to replace a burnt out light bulb or are too lazy (greedy, in the end) to do it, then it may end up costing you a little more - for the minimum amount for malfunctioning external lighting devices. Quite an unpleasant situation, given that the cost of a new light bulb is usually 15-50 rubles, and they are sold in every, perhaps, even without exception, a car shop. At the same time, if you have never done this before, then know that changing a light bulb in a headlight is one of the easiest actions that you can think of from DIY activities (do it yourserf! - do it yourself!). And here are just a few simple points. Why, you don't even need any tools for this, except for a clean glove or rag.

So how do you change a burnt out light bulb in your headlight? First of all, you need to remember that, according to it, in the dark or in conditions of insufficient visibility, you are prohibited from moving with a faulty headlight even to the place of repair or parking. Therefore, in this case, you will have to go to a passing car or ask someone to get a new light bulb. In this case, it is better for you to immediately remove the burnt out light bulb and go to the store with it to show it to the seller. In other cases, it is also better to remove the light bulb in advance and come to the store with it so that the seller picks up a new one for you, although there is nothing complicated in determining (more precisely, even reading) the type of light bulb you need.

First of all, open the hood of your car and find the headlight housing itself - it will be a large black housing - you are unlikely to confuse it with anything else. Look at the back of this headlamp assembly and find a socket - a bundle of wires that fit into the removable cover. On most vehicles, this socket will have three wires coming out of it, and the plug of those wires will be trapezoidal.

Remove this bundle of wires by unplugging the plug at the base of the headlamp assembly. Now it's time to tackle the lid block! We also need to remove it, and here there are three types of installation of covers with a light bulb:

  1. Plastic Clip - You will see a lever protruding from the top of the lid. Press on it with your thumb and at the same time pull on the cover, but be careful - it can quickly slip off.
  2. Metal clip - just pull the cover up and to the side and it is removed in your hands. Try not to drop it, because it can roll anywhere under the hood and it won't be easy to find it.
  3. A screw cover is the most common type of fixing a block with a light bulb - just unscrew it by resting your fingers on the special ribs of this cover, turning it counterclockwise.

Removing the cover block with a clamping mechanism

Now, when the block-cover is in your hands, from its inner side you can see a light bulb sticking out of it. In the vast majority of cases, you just need to pull it out of the groove, applying a little effort and holding on to the base. In some cases, it may be necessary to turn the light bulb slightly in order to release it, but this is rare these days; however, if the light bulb does not come out, try it.

We insert a new light bulb to replace the burned out one. Remove the new lamp from its packaging by holding it through a clean cloth or glove. The problem is that a tiny fraction of sebum or sweat can get on the surface of the light bulb, which will cause the light bulb to burn out faster. Insert the light bulb into the block cover instead of the burned out one.

Slide the cover assembly back into the headlight housing, making sure the O-ring remains on the meta and the cover is firmly in place.

Reconnect the wiring by inserting the three-wire plug into the jack. Check the operation of the headlight. If the new light bulb also burns out quickly, then, most likely, there is no point in immediately running after a new light bulb to replace it again - perhaps the matter is in the car's wiring.

Unfortunately, car manufacturers do not always make replacing a light bulb in a headlamp as affordable as we described above - the options can be very different - from the inconvenience of operating the bulb cover block due to interfering hoses to removing the entire headlight for such a replacement.

We also note that if you went to the store for a new light bulb, removing the burned out one, then also be sure to reassemble the headlamp unit in the same sequence and connect the wires - even if the trip is very short. Firstly, it is impossible for dirt and even dust to get inside the headlight, and this will happen if you do not tighten the cover block; secondly, no one canceled the daytime running lights (unless, of course, it was from the DRL that the light bulb burned out) and, in addition, the removed bundle of wires, dangling in the disconnected position, can easily close by touching the metal elements of the engine compartment.

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