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We close our page in classmates from prying eyes. How to close a page on classmates from strangers

Hello, friends!

Today we will touch upon the issue of confidentiality on VKontakte. Against the background of recent high-profile scandals related to the arrests of users for reposts and saved pictures, in 2018 they added to the VK functionality, or rather returned the ability to completely restrict access to their page.

Let's figure out how to close the VKontakte page and protect ourselves from unpleasant incidents.

There are currently two levels of privacy settings.

  • Profile type

Here you can choose only two modes: "Open" - all users will be able to visit your page and "Closed" - no one except friends can go to your profile.

  • Flexible privacy settings

With their help, you can do incredible things. If desired, you can adjust the options so that each of your friends will display your page differently. Flexible privacy settings allow you to hide only some personal elements and not to classify the entire account.

Using a combination of the described tools, you can easily protect your personal information from prying eyes. The full functionality of the settings is available both from a computer and a phone.

There is a whole section dedicated to privacy options in your account settings. It contains 27 parameters that you can adjust to your liking.

The most uncompromising of these is the “Profile Type”. With its help, you can completely prohibit unfamiliar users from visiting your page in two clicks.

To hide your personal data from everyone, go to your account settings.

Go to the "Privacy" section and scroll down to the bottom. In the “Profile type” column, set the “Closed” mode.

In response to an attempt to make the profile private, you will receive a message stating that the restrictions will apply to subscribers. Confirm your intentions with the click of a button.

All changes in the "Privacy" section are saved automatically, so you are already in VK in hidden mode. Close the page permanently or use this function as a temporary measure, it's up to you.

On my own behalf, I will say that social networks were originally created as a means of communication and bringing people closer together. They continue to pursue this goal now. So, climbing into such a "shell", you will protect yourself from new acquaintances and communication with interesting people.

How other users see your page

What does a closed page mean for other members of the social network? This means that your profile information is no longer available to anyone other than your friends. A subscriber, registered or unregistered person on the social network will not see detailed data about you, but something will still be available to them.


  • main photo (you can watch it only in reduced size);
  • status, if any;
  • the mark “online” or the time of the last visit to VKontakte;
  • the number of friends, including common ones;
  • number of entries and gifts;
  • personal information, if it is filled in (date of birth, city of residence, education, etc.).

On VKontakte, it is possible to hide your friends so that they are not displayed in the list. Read more about this in a separate article.

How can I prevent this information from being displayed? To do this, you will have to erase some data. Go to the "General" section on the page for editing personal data. Select “Don't show date of birth”. On the “Contacts” tab, remove the city of your residence or replace it with a fictitious one.

Likewise, clean up the remaining sections and be sure to save the results at the end.

Now your, once public, page has found powerful protection. You can only access it through your consent.

If you need to hide account information only from one member of the social network, then the fastest and most effective way is to add him to the black list. Go to the page of the person you want to add to the emergency. Click the ellipsis button and choose Block from the pop-up menu.

After making all the necessary settings, you can go to your page and look at it from the person of a stranger. This is done using a special function available to everyone. It is located in the same section in which we chose the type of profile.

At the very bottom there is a text with a proposal to check the correctness of the privacy settings. By clicking on the blue inscription-link, you will enter the observer mode and see how your account looks from the outside.

Previously, it was possible to view "through the eyes" of an unregistered person, an unfamiliar member of a social network, or any of your friends. Unfortunately, at the moment there is only the option of viewing as an unknown user.

How to view a private profile

Viewing a closed profile, like a closed community on VKontakte, is possible only if its owner accepts your application. Otherwise, you will not be able to see anything except the avatar in a reduced form and the person's full name.

It will also not work to write a private message in VK if the page is closed until you are friends.

I beg you, do not try your luck using various services and programs that promise you to get to the closed page by ID. You will not get access to the profile you need, but you can easily pick up problems.

You will not be able to see the latest updates and the latest news from a closed account. But there is good news as well. You can find an archived version of the web page on the Internet and view it as it was before it was closed.

Saved copy in search engines

If a user has recently hidden their account, then there is a possibility that search engines still have a version of the open web page.

To check for a saved copy, you need the full URL of the profile in VK. Copy it and paste it into the search box of your favorite search engine.

As a result, you will receive a list of found pages of the social network. To the right of each URL is a small triangle arrow. Click on it and in the drop-down list open the saved copy of your account.

If the account you need is not found, try your luck in other search engines. Didn't it work there too? Then the only hope is for the web archive.

Wayback Machine Internet Archive

This is a service that pursues the impossible goal of collecting archived copies of all web pages on the Internet in its repository. In this case, all changes made on the site are saved.

This means that if a VK user made his profile private, then somewhere in the archive an open version of the web page could be saved.

Go to the service website and copy the URL of the hidden page from VK into a special field.

If the requested web page is in the archive, then the service will provide an opportunity to view all its versions. Navigation is done in the form of a calendar, so you can select any date and see all the records that have ever been posted on the page. I used the web archive to find posts that had been removed from the wall a long time ago.

Using WayBack Machine, you can even view deleted social network accounts.


It turned out to be quite difficult to fit a description of all privacy options into one article, and besides, it is not necessary, because it is in the article about

Therefore, if you decide that a private profile is not for you, be sure to read this article and set up an account for the most comfortable stay on the social network.

See you in new blog posts.

Today we will talk about how Vkontakte can close a page from outsiders, more precisely, how to limit access to it as much as possible - unfortunately, the functionality of the social network does not provide for the ability to completely hide the page.

To ensure that your profile information is not available to everyone, you can use the privacy settings. Ready? Then let's get started.

Select the item on the left side of the page " My settings"Which is next to" My audios», « Posts" etc. In the same place, go to the " Privacy b ".

You will be presented with possible privacy settings - for example, “ Who can see my photos" or " Who can see my audio recordings". You are free to choose whether you want to hide the selected information from everyone or give access to it to certain people: for example, “ Who can see the list of my groups» - « Only friends". There is also a convenient function “ Some friends»: You can choose from your friendlist those for whom you want to keep the information visible.


Also at the very end of the privacy settings page there is a separate block “ Other". We are interested in his subparagraph " Who can see my page on the Internet».

The VK functionality provides the following options to choose from:

  • everyone;
  • any people, except for those who came from search engines;
  • only to those who are already registered on Vkontakte.

If you choose the last option, then it will be possible to find your page only through a search in the VK itself, and unauthorized users will see from the link to you that the page is available only to those who entered the site.

"How other users see my page"

At the very end of the privacy settings block, the functionality will offer you another trick - take a look at a sample of how your page looks to others. To do this, follow the link of the same name.

You will be shown your profile with restrictions and an inscription above it " Almost everyone sees your page this way. Want to know how a certain person sees your page? " If so, you just need to enter your friend's name or a link to someone's page in the field below this entry.


Even if you hide everything that was available in the " Privacy", Visitors to your page will still see the following:

  • your photo on the avatar;
  • brief information - birthday, country, language, if specified;
  • whatever is on your wall;
  • the content of the two photo albums by default is “ Pictures on my wall" and " Photos from my page».

The problem can be partially solved as follows:

  • remove the avatar;
  • put a fictitious date of birth, fill in only the required fields for registration;
  • do not leave anything on the VK wall that you do not want to show to strangers - unfortunately, it is impossible to hide the entries on it, unless they were left by other people.

Black list

However, there is still one way to completely and completely hide your Vkontakte profile, but it is quite cardinal. This is a blacklist. You can send a user to it like this:

  • go to " My settings»;
  • select the sub-item " Black list»;
  • paste a link to someone's profile and click " Add", Or on the person's page under the video block, select" Block such and such».

For quite a long time, the social network has been very popular. However, unfortunately, this is the place where all infa is initially publicly available, and everyone "passing by" can comment on your photo, read the feed or even write a message. Naturally, some people don't like it.

Hide personal information

So, you are tired of publicity, and you have a reasonable question, how to close a page on Odnoklassniki forever so that no outsider can visit it. This is very simple to do - just follow these steps:

  • To make a closed page on Odnoklassniki, you first need to go to the social network and log in.
  • Then, under the avatar, look for the "Close profile" section.

  • After clicking on the link, a whole window will open in front of you, in which you will need to click on "Close profile".

  • At the end, in order to hide the information on the lock, you need to confirm your action.

How to close access to a page in Odnoklassniki to the end and what needs to be "turned" to hide the infa? You need to have 25 OK on your account (you can replenish your account in several ways). Only after that it will be possible to perform this function.

What does the function do?

With the help of this function, the owner of a page on a social network has the opportunity to hide his information from strangers, except friends.

So, ? After the page is hidden, the "uninvited guest" will not be able to visit it - only your friends will be able to look at the page. And only they will be able to send you invitations to various groups, send gifts and view photos. In addition, after the information is hidden from everyone except friends, you will stop receiving messages from strangers (here's the answer, from people who are not your friends - they simply cannot write to you if your page is hidden from prying eyes).

At the same time, your actions will not be limited by anything, you will still be able to use all the opportunities and tools provided by the social network.

Is it possible to close information for free?

Many people who want to save money are interested in,. Unfortunately, this cannot be done - before connecting to the service, you will need to purchase Oki. Therefore, you still have to spend money, but you will need to pay only once - after that you can hide the information once and for all. By the way, you can pay for the service in several ways at once, from electronic money and a bank card to a mobile phone.

How do I close the page permanently?

Hello everyone. In this article, I will show you how to close a profile (page) on VKontakte in a new design, on a computer, as well as using an Android phone, new detailed instructions for 2018.

In my opinion, this is very convenient, since each person will be able to restrict access to other users based on their own interests. In order to set up privacy in VK, you need to do the following.

How to close a page in VK from outsiders in a new design

How to close a page in VKontakte on a computer

1. Open your VKontakte page in any browser installed on your computer.

3. On the right side of the settings page, select the "Privacy" section.

4. In the privacy section, many items are open to everyone, we customize them at our discretion.

How to close a profile in VK from the phone in the application

1. Launch the VKontakte application on your phone or tablet.

2. Open the menu by clicking on the icon in the lower right corner.

3. Go to the settings by clicking on the "Gear" icon located in the upper right corner.

4. In the settings, select the privacy section.

5. Close the profile.

How to close a page in VK from a phone in a mobile version

1. We open VKontakte, in any browser installed on the phone.

2. Go to the menu by clicking on the icon in the upper left corner.

The new design of the Vkontakte website has moved the page settings familiar to users from the main menu to another place. At the same time, the possibilities for changing privacy remained the same: users can still hide sections and comments, block their page from viewing by external users who do not have registration on the site, decide who can comment on their posts. Let's take a closer look at how to close a page in VK from outsiders.

The settings in the new design are located in the upper right corner of the page, next to a small photo of the user and their name. To open them, you need to click on this circle - a pop-up menu will appear, where you should select "Settings".

There you can edit the general appearance of the page, hide the displayed sections, change the data, enable or disable notifications about comments and "likes", configure which sections are visible to other users and friends, and optionally hide what you do not want others to see.

In the mobile version of the site, the section with settings is located at the bottom of the main menu of the page: under the tabs "News", "Photos", "Applications", etc.

How to close a page from external users

To hide the page from external users, go to the "Settings" section, select the "Privacy" tab, scroll down the page and find the column "Who can see my page on the Internet". There you can choose from three options:

  • absolutely everyone, including search engines (this means that if someone enters a search query in the browser, he may come across your page among the results found, and the person will calmly follow this link);
  • everyone except search engines (this means that if you leave a link to your page somewhere, anyone will be able to click on it and see your profile, but at the same time, when searching on the Internet, your page will no longer appear);
  • only for those who have their own Vkontakte page (if a person does not have his own page or is not currently authorized, then he will not be able to view your profile).

From this list, you must select the item that you need. Usually, the default is “the page is visible to everyone”, but it is recommended to specify “only to site users”.

In earlier versions of the site, it was possible to completely hide your page from those who are not on the friends list: outsiders saw only the photo and username, and the rest of the information was hidden. To access it, one had to submit a friend request and wait for it to be approved.

In the latest versions of the site, it is impossible to close the page as it was before. The new design also did not bring this option back. The only way to close the page is to add users to the blacklist. If a person does not want someone specific to visit him, then this will help, but it will not work to block absolutely everyone.

Another option is to close all sections from those who are not on the friends list, including personal data, but at the same time, the profile photo and posts on the wall will be visible to everyone. This can be done in the settings in the "Privacy" tab in the first section "My Page", as well as in the next "Posts on the wall". You can only hide photo albums and videos manually.

How to hide music, video and photo sections in the new design

In the new design, only audio recordings can be hidden from strangers at once, and photo albums (except for profile photos) and videos can only be removed manually. For audio recordings, go to the page settings and to the "Privacy" tab. There will be a separate column "Who can see the list of my audio recordings", in which you must select the one you want from the options offered.

  • go to the "My Photos" section;
  • select the desired album;
  • hover the cursor over it;
  • in the buttons that appear, select the handle icon, i.e., edit mode;
  • click on "who can see the album" and select the one you want;
  • remember to save the settings.

They do the same with videos, but you will have to edit each video separately. You can hide "Videos with me" and "Photos with me" in your profile settings.

The only thing that definitely cannot be hidden from strangers on the Vkontakte website is profile photos ("avatars") and posts on the wall. The owner of the page can only restrict the ability of unauthorized people to comment on posts. what is done in the page settings in the "Privacy" section. There is another way out, but it will only affect future entries.

There is a lock icon in the post post window. If you click it before posting a post, then it will only be visible to users from your friends list. But this does not work with reposts from other people's pages, and old posts will still be visible to everyone if they are not deleted.

So, the new design of the Vkontakte website has moved the section with page settings to the upper right corner. By selecting "Settings" and then the "Privacy" tab, you can restrict access to your page and certain sections. But some manipulations will have to be done manually later: for example, this way you can hide photos and videos.

To check how the page looks for different groups of users or different people from the list of friends, you can on the same page "Privacy": if you scroll to the end, then at the very bottom there will be a link, clicking on which the user will switch to view mode. By selecting different people, he can see what parents, close friends, or users that the person does not know and who are not on the friends list see on the page.

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