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Legislative base of the Russian Federation. Chapter i


On participation in (as amended on June 29, 2004)

Document's name:
Document Number: 85-FZ
Type of document: the federal law
Host body: The State Duma
Status: Inactive
Acceptance date: 04 July 1996
Effective start date: July 11, 1996
Expiration date: August 09, 2006
Revision date: June 29, 2004



On participation in international information exchange

(as amended on June 29, 2004)

Repealed from August 9, 2006 on the basis of
Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 149-FZ

Document as amended by:
(Russian newspaper, N 126, 07/01/2003) (entered into force on July 1, 2003).
(Rossiyskaya Gazeta, N 138, 07/01/2004).

Chapter I. General Provisions

Chapter I. General Provisions

Article 1. Purposes and Scope of this Federal Law

1. The objectives of this federal law are to create conditions for the effective participation of Russia in international information exchange within the framework of a single world information space, protection of the interests of the Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation and municipalities in the international information exchange, protection of the interests, rights and freedoms of individuals and legal entities in the international information exchange.

2. This Federal Law does not affect relations regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Copyright and Related Rights".

International exchange confidential information, mass information is carried out in the manner established by this Federal Law, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts.

Article 2. Terms used in this Federal Law and their definitions

Article 2. Terms used in this Federal
law and their definitions

Documented information (document) - information recorded on a material carrier with details that allow it to be identified.

Confidential information - documented information, access to which is restricted in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Mass information - printed, audio messages, audiovisual and other messages and materials intended for an unlimited circle of persons.

Information resources - individual documents and individual arrays of documents, documents and arrays of documents in information systems ah (libraries, archives, funds, data banks, other types of information systems).

Information products (products) - documented information prepared in accordance with the needs of users and intended or used to meet the needs of users.

Information services - actions of subjects (owners and owners) to provide users with information products.

The owner of the documented information, information resources, information products and (or) means of international information exchange- a subject exercising the powers of possession, use, disposal of the specified objects to the extent established by law.

The owner of documented information, information resources, information products and (or) means of international information exchange is a subject exercising the powers of possession, use and disposal of these objects to the extent established by the owner.

The user (consumer) of information, means of international information exchange (hereinafter referred to as the user) is an entity that applies to the owner or possessor for obtaining the information products he needs or the possibility of using the means of international information exchange and using them.

Information processes- processes of creation, collection, processing, accumulation, storage, search, distribution and consumption of information.

International information exchange - the transfer and receipt of information products, as well as the provision information services across the state border of the Russian Federation.

Means of international information exchange - information systems, networks and communication networks used in international information exchange.

Information sphere (environment) - the sphere of activity of subjects associated with the creation, transformation and consumption of information.

Information Security- the state of security of the information environment of society, ensuring its formation, use and development in the interests of citizens, organizations, and the state.

Article 3. Objects and subjects of international information exchange

Article 3. Objects and subjects of international
information exchange

1. Objects of international information exchange: documented information, information resources, information products, information services, means of international information exchange.

2. The subjects of international information exchange in the Russian Federation may be: the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, public authorities and local governments, individuals and legal entities Russian Federation, individuals and legal entities of foreign states, stateless persons.

Article 4. Obligations of the state in the field of international information exchange

Article 4. Obligations of the state in the field of international
information exchange

Bodies of state power of the Russian Federation and bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation:

create conditions for providing the Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation, municipalities, individuals and legal entities of the Russian Federation with foreign information products and information services;

provide timely and sufficient replenishment of the state information resources of the Russian Federation with foreign information products;

contribute to the introduction of modern information technologies that ensure the effective participation of the Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation, municipalities, individuals and legal entities of the Russian Federation in international information exchange;

ensure the protection of state information resources of the Russian Federation, municipal and private information resources, Russian funds international information exchange and compliance with the legal regime of information;

stimulate the expansion of mutually beneficial international information exchange of documented information and protect the legitimate interests of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities, individuals and legal entities in the Russian Federation;

create conditions for the protection of domestic owners and owners of documented information, information resources, information products, means of international information exchange, users from low-quality and unreliable foreign information, unfair competition from individuals and legal entities of foreign states in information sphere;

contribute to the development of commodity relations in the international information exchange.

Article 5. Participation of municipalities in international information exchange

Article 5
international information exchange

1. Municipal formations participate in the international information exchange as subjects of law representing the interests of the population of municipalities on issues related to the jurisdiction of local self-government.

Local self-government bodies have the right to speak on behalf of municipalities on issues of international information exchange within the framework of their powers established by regulatory legal acts that determine the status of these bodies.

2. Municipal information services and funds mass media municipalities have the right to independently participate in international information exchange.

Chapter II. Legal regime of participation in international information exchange

Chapter II. Legal regime of participation in international
information exchange

Article 6. Ownership of information products and means of international information exchange

Article 6. Ownership of information products and
means of international information exchange

1. Documented information, information resources, information products, means of international information exchange are objects of property rights of owners and are included in their property.

Relations related to the ownership of Russian information products and means of international information exchange are governed by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Relations associated with the right of ownership arising from the provision or receipt of information services are determined by the agreement between the owner or owner of information products and the user. The provision of an information service does not create for the user the right of authorship to the received documented information.

3. Information products are goods, if this does not contradict the international treaties of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 7. Documented information, the export of which from the Russian Federation is not limited

Article 7. Documented information, the export of which from
Russian Federation is not limited

Export from the Russian Federation is not limited:

laws and other normative legal acts establishing legal status public authorities, local governments, organizations, public associations, as well as the rights, freedoms and obligations of citizens, the procedure for their implementation;

documents containing information about emergency situations, environmental, meteorological, demographic, sanitary-epidemiological and other information necessary to ensure the safe operation settlements, production facilities, security of citizens of foreign states;

documents accumulated in open collections of libraries and other types of information systems;

mass media and other information in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 8. Restrictions in the implementation of international information exchange

Article 8. Restrictions in the implementation of international
information exchange

1. The export from the Russian Federation of documented information related to:

state secret or other confidential information;

the all-Russian national treasure;

archival fund;

The possibility of exporting such documented information from the territory of the Russian Federation is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation in each individual case.

These restrictions also apply to the movement of documented information from the territory of the Russian Federation when providing access to users located outside the territory of the Russian Federation to information systems and networks located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

2. The right to import into the territory of the Russian Federation foreign information products that can be used to carry out activities or crafts prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation or other illegal actions is granted to legal entities authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

3. The owner or holder of documented information, information resources, information products, means of international information exchange has the right to appeal against the actions of officials to restrict international information exchange, if, in his opinion, these actions are not justified and violate his rights.

Article 9. Use of the means of international information exchange

Article 9
information exchange

1. Means of international information exchange are used on the territory of the Russian Federation only at the will of their owner or a person authorized by him.

2. The protection of confidential information by the state applies only to those activities in international information exchange, which are carried out by individuals and legal entities that have a license to work with confidential information and use certified means of international information exchange.

The issuance of certificates and licenses is entrusted to the Committee under the President of the Russian Federation on Informatization Policy, the federal executive body authorized in the field of countering technical intelligence and technical information protection, and the federal executive body authorized in the field of ensuring the security of the Russian Federation (paragraph as amended by Federal Law of June 30, 2003 N 86-FZ Federal Law of June 29, 2004 N 58-FZ.

The procedure for issuing certificates and licenses is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

3. Upon detection of abnormal modes of operation of the means of international information exchange, that is, the occurrence of erroneous commands, as well as commands caused by unauthorized actions of service personnel or other persons, or false information the owner or possessor of these means must promptly inform the authorities for control over the implementation of international information exchange and the owner or possessor of the interacting means of international information exchange, otherwise he shall be liable for the damage caused.

4. The requirements of this Article shall apply to communication networks to the extent that they do not contradict the Federal Law "On Communications".

Article 10. Inclusion of information systems, networks in the composition of the means of international information exchange

Article 10. Inclusion of information systems, networks in
composition of the means of international information exchange

1. The inclusion of information systems, networks in the composition of the means of international information exchange is carried out in the presence of international code. The procedure for obtaining an international code is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

2. Inclusion in the composition of the means of international information exchange of state information systems, networks for which special rules access to information resources is carried out with the permission of the federal executive body authorized in the field of countering technical intelligence and technical protection information, and the federal executive body authorized in the field of ensuring the security of the Russian Federation (paragraph as amended by Federal Law No. 86-FZ of June 30, 2003; as amended by year Federal Law of June 29, 2004 N 58-FZ.

Article 11

Article 11. Replenishment of state information
resources of the Russian Federation through international
information exchange

The procedure for determining the composition of documented information imported into the territory of the Russian Federation to replenish the state information resources of the Russian Federation (including purchased documented information), the procedure for its acquisition (including procurement), the procedure for its use are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 12. Access to the means of international information exchange and foreign information products

Article 12. Access to funds of international
information exchange and foreign
information products

1. Access of individuals and legal entities in the Russian Federation to the means of international information exchange and foreign information products is carried out in accordance with the rules established by the owner or possessor of these means and products in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The owner or owner of the means of international information exchange and information products is obliged to ensure the openness of the access rules established by him and the possibility of familiarizing the user with them.

2. Denial of access to the means of international information exchange and foreign information products may be appealed to the courts of the Russian Federation if the owner or owner this tool international information exchange and information products is under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, or in international commercial arbitration.

3. Access to communication networks is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law "On Communications".

Article 13. Prevention of monopolization in international information exchange

Article 13
international information exchange

Prevention and suppression of monopolistic activity and unfair competition in the field of international information exchange are carried out by the federal antimonopoly body in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 14

Article 14. Ensuring the protection of citizens, legal entities in
Russian Federation and the state from unreliable,
false foreign documented information

1. Distribution of unreliable, false foreign documented information obtained as a result of international exchange, on the territory of the Russian Federation is not allowed.

2. Responsibility for the dissemination of such information lies with the subject of international information exchange that has received such information and (or) disseminates it on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Article 15. Coordination of activities in the field of international information exchange

Article 15. Coordination of activities in the field
international information exchange

Coordination of activities in the field of international information exchange is carried out by the Informatization Policy Committee under the President of the Russian Federation in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Chapter III. Control and responsibility in the implementation of international information exchange

Chapter III. Control and responsibility for
information exchange

Article 16. Control over the implementation of international information exchange

Article 16
information exchange

The implementation of international information exchange is controlled by federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation within their competence, determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 17. Certification of information products, information services, means of international information exchange

Article 17. Certification of information products,
information services, means of international
information exchange

1. When importing information products, information services into the Russian Federation, the importer shall present a certificate that guarantees the compliance of these products and services with the requirements of the contract. If it is impossible to certify information products and information services imported into the territory of the Russian Federation, the risk for the use of these products and services lies with the importer.

2. Means of international information exchange that process documented information with limited access, as well as the means of protection of these means are subject to mandatory certification.

3. Certification of communication networks is carried out in the manner determined by the Federal Law "On Communications".

Article 18. Licensing of activity on international information exchange

Article 18
international information exchange

International information exchange activities in the Russian Federation are subject to licensing in cases where, as a result of this activity, state information resources are exported outside the territory of the Russian Federation or documented information is imported into the territory of the Russian Federation to replenish state information resources at the expense of federal budget or funds from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, if this does not contradict international treaties of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation. The procedure for licensing is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. *eighteen)

Article 19. Suspension of international information exchange

Article 19. Suspension of international
information exchange

In the event of unlawful actions in the implementation of international information exchange by the bodies specified in Article 16 of this Federal Law, international information exchange may be suspended at any stage for a period of up to two months.

The actions of these bodies to suspend international information exchange can be appealed to the court.

The liability of the parties for non-fulfillment of agreements on international information exchange as a result of the suspension of international information exchange is determined in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 20. Responsibility for violations in the international information exchange

Article 20
international information exchange

Behind illegal actions when carrying out international information exchange, individuals and legal entities of the Russian Federation, individuals and legal entities of foreign states, stateless persons on the territory of the Russian Federation bear civil, administrative or criminal liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 21. Disputes

Article 21. Disputes

Disputes arising from international information exchange may be considered in court, arbitration court or arbitration court in accordance with their competence.

Chapter IV. Final provisions

Article 22. Entry into force of this Federal Law

This Federal Law shall enter into force on the day of its official publication.

Article 23

Article 23
compliance with this Federal Law

1. Propose to the President of the Russian Federation to bring the normative legal acts issued by him into conformity with this Federal Law.

2. Instruct the Government of the Russian Federation:

bring the normative legal acts issued by it into conformity with this Federal Law;

prepare and submit State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation within three months from the date of entry into force of this Federal Law in in due course proposals for amendments and additions to the legislation of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of this Federal Law;

adopt regulatory legal acts that ensure the implementation of this Federal Law.

3. State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation shall bring their regulatory legal acts in line with this Federal Law within three months from the date of its entry into force.

The president
Russian Federation
B. Yeltsin

Revision of the document, taking into account
changes and additions
prepared by legal
Bureau "KODEKS"

On Participation in International Information Exchange (as amended on June 29, 2004)

Document's name:
Document Number: 85-FZ
Type of document: the federal law
Host body: The State Duma
Status: Inactive
Published: Russian newspaper, N 129, 11.07.96

Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N 28, art. 3347

Acceptance date: 04 July 1996
Effective start date: July 11, 1996
Expiration date: August 09, 2006
Revision date: June 29, 2004

Repealed due to the adoption of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 149-FZ "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection"

Article 1. Purposes and Scope of this Federal Law

1. The objectives of this Federal Law are to create conditions for the effective participation of Russia in international information exchange within the framework of a single world information space, to protect the interests of the Russian Federation, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities in international information exchange, to protect the interests, rights and freedoms of individuals and legal entities in international information exchange.

2. This Federal Law does not affect relations, regulated by law Russian Federation "On Copyright and Related Rights".

The international exchange of confidential information, mass information is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by this Federal Law, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts.

Article 2. Terms used in this Federal Law and their definitions

Documented information (document) - information recorded on a material carrier with details that allow it to be identified.

Confidential information - documented information, access to which is restricted in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Mass information - printed, audio messages, audiovisual and other messages and materials intended for an unlimited circle of persons.

Information resources - individual documents and individual arrays of documents, documents and arrays of documents in information systems (libraries, archives, funds, data banks, other types of information systems).

Information products (products) - documented information prepared in accordance with the needs of users and intended or used to meet the needs of users.

Information services - actions of subjects (owners and owners) to provide users with information products.

The owner of documented information, information resources, information products and (or) means of international information exchange is a subject exercising the powers of possession, use, disposal of these objects to the extent established by law.

The owner of documented information, information resources, information products and (or) means of international information exchange is a subject exercising the powers of possession, use and disposal of these objects to the extent established by the owner.

The user (consumer) of information, means of international information exchange (hereinafter referred to as the user) is an entity that applies to the owner or possessor for obtaining the information products he needs or the possibility of using the means of international information exchange and using them.

Information processes are the processes of creating, collecting, processing, accumulating, storing, searching, distributing and consuming information.

International information exchange - the transfer and receipt of information products, as well as the provision of information services across the State Border of the Russian Federation.

Means of international information exchange - information systems, networks and communication networks used in international information exchange.

Information sphere (environment) - the sphere of activity of subjects associated with the creation, transformation and consumption of information.

Information security is the state of protection of the information environment of society, ensuring its formation, use and development in the interests of citizens, organizations, and the state.

Article 3. Objects and subjects of international information exchange

1. Objects of international information exchange: documented information, information resources, information products, information services, means of international information exchange.

2. The subjects of international information exchange in the Russian Federation may be: the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, state authorities and local governments, individuals and legal entities of the Russian Federation, individuals and legal entities of foreign states, stateless persons.

Article 4. Obligations of the state in the field of international information exchange

Bodies of state power of the Russian Federation and bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation:
create conditions for providing the Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation, municipalities, individuals and legal entities of the Russian Federation with foreign information products and information services;
provide timely and sufficient replenishment of the state information resources of the Russian Federation with foreign information products;
promote the introduction of modern information technologies that ensure the effective participation of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities, individuals and legal entities of the Russian Federation in international information exchange;
ensure the protection of state information resources of the Russian Federation, municipal and private information resources, Russian means of international information exchange and compliance with the legal regime of information;
stimulate the expansion of mutually beneficial international information exchange of documented information and protect the legitimate interests of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities, individuals and legal entities in the Russian Federation;
create conditions for the protection of domestic owners and owners of documented information, information resources, information products, means of international information exchange, users from low-quality and unreliable foreign information, unfair competition from individuals and legal entities of foreign states in the information sphere;
contribute to the development of commodity relations in the international information exchange.

Article 5. Participation of municipalities in international information exchange

1. Municipal formations participate in the international information exchange as subjects of law representing the interests of the population of municipal formations on issues related to the jurisdiction of local self-government.

Local self-government bodies have the right to speak on behalf of municipalities on issues of international information exchange within the framework of their powers established by regulatory legal acts that determine the status of these bodies.

2. Municipal information services and mass media of municipalities have the right to independently participate in international information exchange.

Chapter II. Legal regime of participation in international information exchange

Article 6. Ownership of information products and means of international information exchange

1. Documented information, information resources, information products, means of international information exchange are objects of property rights of owners and are included in their property.

Relations related to the ownership of Russian information products and means of international information exchange are governed by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Relations associated with the right of ownership arising from the provision or receipt of information services are determined by the agreement between the owner or owner of information products and the user. The provision of an information service does not create for the user the right of authorship to the received documented information.

3. Information products are goods, if this does not contradict the international treaties of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 7. Documented information, the export of which from the Russian Federation is not limited

Export from the Russian Federation is not limited:
laws and other normative legal acts establishing the legal status of public authorities, local authorities, organizations, public associations, as well as the rights, freedoms and obligations of citizens, the procedure for their implementation;
documents containing information on emergency situations, environmental, meteorological, demographic, sanitary and epidemiological and other information necessary to ensure the safe functioning of settlements, production facilities, the safety of citizens of foreign states;
documents accumulated in open collections of libraries and other types of information systems;
mass media and other information in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 8. Restrictions in the implementation of international information exchange

1. The export from the Russian Federation of documented information related to:
state secrets or other confidential information;
the all-Russian national treasure;
archival fund;
other categories of documented information, the export of which may be restricted by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The possibility of exporting such documented information from the territory of the Russian Federation is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation in each individual case.

These restrictions also apply to the movement of documented information from the territory of the Russian Federation when providing access to users located outside the territory of the Russian Federation to information systems and networks located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

2. The right to import into the territory of the Russian Federation foreign information products that can be used to carry out activities or crafts prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation or other illegal actions is granted to legal entities authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

3. The owner or owner of documented information, information resources, information products, means of international information exchange has the right to appeal to the court the actions of officials to restrict international information exchange, if, in his opinion, these actions are not justified and violate his rights.

Article 9. Use of the means of international information exchange

1. Means of international information exchange are used on the territory of the Russian Federation only at the will of their owner or a person authorized by him.

2. The protection of confidential information by the state applies only to those activities in international information exchange, which are carried out by individuals and legal entities that have a license to work with confidential information and use certified means of international information exchange.

The issuance of certificates and licenses is entrusted to the Committee under the President of the Russian Federation on Informatization Policy, the State Technical Commission under the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for issuing certificates and licenses is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

3. Upon detection of abnormal modes of operation of the means of international information exchange, that is, the occurrence of erroneous commands, as well as commands caused by unauthorized actions of service personnel or other persons, or false information, the owner or owner of these means must promptly notify the authorities of control over the implementation of international information exchange and the owner or owner of the interacting means of international information exchange, otherwise he shall be liable for the damage caused.

4. The requirements of this Article shall apply to communication networks to the extent that they do not contradict the Federal Law "On Communications".

Article 10. Inclusion of information systems, networks in the composition of the means of international information exchange

1. The inclusion of information systems, networks in the composition of the means of international information exchange is carried out in the presence of an international code. The procedure for obtaining an international code is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

2. Inclusion in the composition of the means of international information exchange of state information systems, networks for which special rules for access to information resources are established, is carried out with the permission of the State Technical Commission under the President of the Russian Federation and the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation.

Article 11

The procedure for determining the composition of documented information imported into the territory of the Russian Federation to replenish the state information resources of the Russian Federation (including purchased documented information), the procedure for its acquisition (including procurement), the procedure for its use are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 12. Access to the means of international information exchange and foreign information products

1. Access of individuals and legal entities in the Russian Federation to the means of international information exchange and foreign information products is carried out in accordance with the rules established by the owner or possessor of these means and products in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The owner or owner of the means of international information exchange and information products is obliged to ensure the openness of the access rules established by him and the possibility of familiarizing the user with them.

2. Denial of access to the means of international information exchange and foreign information products may be appealed to the courts of the Russian Federation, if the owner or possessor of the given means of international information exchange and information products is under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, or to international commercial arbitration.

3. Access to communication networks is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law "On Communications".

Article 13. Prevention of monopolization in international information exchange

Prevention and suppression of monopolistic activity and unfair competition in the field of international information exchange are carried out by the federal antimonopoly body in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 14

1. Dissemination of unreliable, false foreign documented information received as a result of international exchange on the territory of the Russian Federation is not allowed.

2. Responsibility for the dissemination of such information lies with the subject of international information exchange that has received such information and (or) disseminates it on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Article 15. Coordination of activities in the field of international information exchange

Coordination of activities in the field of international information exchange is carried out by the Informatization Policy Committee under the President of the Russian Federation in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Chapter III. Control and responsibility in the implementation of international information exchange

Article 16. Control over the implementation of international information exchange

The implementation of international information exchange is controlled by federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation within their competence, determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 17. Certification of information products, information services, means of international information exchange

1. When importing information products, information services into the Russian Federation, the importer shall present a certificate that guarantees the compliance of these products and services with the requirements of the contract.

If it is impossible to certify information products and information services imported into the territory of the Russian Federation, the risk for the use of these products and services lies with the importer.

2. The means of international information exchange that process documented information with restricted access, as well as the means of protecting these means, are subject to mandatory certification.

3. Certification of communication networks is carried out in the manner determined by the Federal Law "On Communications".

Article 18. Licensing of activity on international information exchange

Activities on international information exchange in the Russian Federation are subject to licensing in cases where, as a result of this activity, state information resources are exported outside the territory of the Russian Federation or documented information is imported into the territory of the Russian Federation to replenish state information resources at the expense of the federal budget or the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Federation, if it does not contradict the international treaties of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation. The procedure for licensing is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 19. Suspension of international information exchange

In the event of unlawful actions in the implementation of international information exchange by the bodies specified in Article 16 of this Federal Law, international information exchange may be suspended at any stage for a period of up to two months.

The actions of these bodies to suspend international information exchange can be appealed to the court.

The liability of the parties for non-fulfillment of agreements on international information exchange as a result of the suspension of international information exchange is determined in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 20. Responsibility for violations in the international information exchange

For illegal actions in the implementation of international information exchange, individuals and legal entities of the Russian Federation, individuals and legal entities of foreign states, stateless persons on the territory of the Russian Federation bear civil, administrative or criminal liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 21. Disputes

Disputes arising from international information exchange may be considered in court, arbitration court or arbitration court in accordance with their competence.

Chapter IV. Final provisions

Article 22. Entry into force of this Federal Law

This Federal Law shall enter into force on the day of its official publication.

Article 23

1. Propose to the President of the Russian Federation to bring the normative legal acts issued by him into conformity with this Federal Law.

2. Instruct the Government of the Russian Federation:
bring the normative legal acts issued by it into conformity with this Federal Law;
prepare and submit to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation within three months from the date this Federal Law enters into force in accordance with the established procedure proposals for introducing amendments and additions to the legislation of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of this Federal Law;
adopt regulatory legal acts that ensure the implementation of this Federal Law.

3. State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation shall bring their regulatory legal acts in line with this Federal Law within three months from the date of its entry into force.

The president
Russian Federation
Moscow Kremlin.
July 4, 1996
N 85-FZ

Documented information (document) - information recorded on a material carrier with details that allow it to be identified.

Confidential information - documented information, access to which is restricted in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Mass information - printed, audio messages, audiovisual and other messages and materials intended for an unlimited circle of persons.

Information resources - individual documents and individual arrays of documents, documents and arrays of documents in information systems (libraries, archives, funds, data banks, other types of information systems).

Information products (products) - documented information prepared in accordance with the needs of users and intended or used to meet the needs of users.

Information services - actions of subjects (owners and owners) to provide users with information products.

The owner of documented information, information resources, information products and (or) means of international information exchange is a subject exercising the powers of possession, use, disposal of these objects to the extent established by law.

The owner of documented information, information resources, information products and (or) means of international information exchange is a subject exercising the powers of possession, use and disposal of these objects to the extent established by the owner.

The user (consumer) of information, means of international information exchange (hereinafter referred to as the user) is an entity that applies to the owner or possessor for obtaining the information products he needs or the possibility of using the means of international information exchange and using them.

Information processes are the processes of creating, collecting, processing, accumulating, storing, searching, distributing and consuming information.

International information exchange - the transfer and receipt of information products, as well as the provision of information services across the State Border of the Russian Federation.

Means of international information exchange - information systems, networks and communication networks used in international information exchange.

Information sphere (environment) - the sphere of activity of subjects associated with the creation, transformation and consumption of information.

Information security is the state of protection of the information environment of society, ensuring its formation, use and development in the interests of citizens, organizations, and the state.

the federal law
On participation in international information exchange
July 4, 1996 No. 85-FZ

(with amendments and additions dated June 30, 2003 No. 86-FZ; dated June 29, 2004 No. 58-FZ)


Article 1. Purposes and Scope of this Federal Law
1. The objectives of this Federal Law are to create conditions for the effective participation of Russia in international information exchange within the framework of a single world information space, to protect the interests of the Russian Federation, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities in international information exchange, to protect the interests, rights and freedoms of individuals and legal entities in international information exchange.
2. This Federal Law does not affect relations regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Copyright and Related Rights".
The international exchange of confidential information, mass information is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by this Federal Law, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts.
Article 2. Terms used in this Federal Law and their definitions
Documented information (document) - information recorded on a material carrier with details that allow it to be identified.
Confidential information - documented information, access to which is limited in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Mass information - printed, audio messages, audiovisual and other messages and materials intended for an unlimited circle of persons.
Information resources - individual documents and individual arrays of documents, documents and arrays of documents in information systems (libraries, archives, funds, data banks, other types of information systems).
Information products (products) - documented information prepared in accordance with the needs of users and intended or used to meet the needs of users.
Information services - actions of subjects (owners and owners) to provide users with information products.
The owner of documented information, information resources, information products and (or) means of international information exchange is a subject exercising the powers of possession, use, disposal of these objects to the extent established by law.
The owner of documented information, information resources, information products and (or) means of international information exchange is a subject exercising the powers of possession, use and disposal of these objects to the extent established by the owner.
The user (consumer) of information, means of international information exchange (hereinafter referred to as the user) is an entity that applies to the owner or possessor for obtaining the information products he needs or the possibility of using the means of international information exchange and using them.
Information processes are the processes of creating, collecting, processing, accumulating, storing, searching, distributing and consuming information.
International information exchange - the transfer and receipt of information products, as well as the provision of information services across the State Border of the Russian Federation.
Means of international information exchange - information systems, networks and communication networks used in international information exchange.
Information sphere (environment) - the sphere of activity of subjects associated with the creation, transformation and consumption of information.
Information security is the state of protection of the information environment of society, ensuring its formation, use and development in the interests of citizens, organizations, and the state.
Article 3. Objects and subjects of international information exchange
1. Objects of international information exchange: documented information, information resources, information products, information services, means of international information exchange.
2. The subjects of international information exchange in the Russian Federation may be: the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, state authorities and local governments, individuals and legal entities of the Russian Federation, individuals and legal entities of foreign states, stateless persons.
Article 4. Obligations of the state in the field of international information exchange
Bodies of state power of the Russian Federation and bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation:
create conditions for providing the Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation, municipalities, individuals and legal entities of the Russian Federation with foreign information products and information services;
provide timely and sufficient replenishment of the state information resources of the Russian Federation with foreign information products;
promote the introduction of modern information technologies that ensure the effective participation of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities, individuals and legal entities of the Russian Federation in international information exchange;
ensure the protection of state information resources of the Russian Federation, municipal and private information resources, Russian means of international information exchange and compliance with the legal regime of information;
stimulate the expansion of mutually beneficial international information exchange of documented information and protect the legitimate interests of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities, individuals and legal entities in the Russian Federation;
create conditions for the protection of domestic owners and owners of documented information, information resources, information products, means of international information exchange, users from low-quality and unreliable foreign information, unfair competition from individuals and legal entities of foreign states in the information sphere;
contribute to the development of commodity relations in the international information exchange.
Article 5. Participation of municipalities in international information exchange
1. Municipal formations participate in the international information exchange as subjects of law representing the interests of the population of municipal formations on issues related to the jurisdiction of local self-government.
Local self-government bodies have the right to speak on behalf of municipalities on issues of international information exchange within the framework of their powers established by regulatory legal acts that determine the status of these bodies.
2. Municipal information services and mass media of municipalities have the right to independently participate in international information exchange.


Article 6. Ownership of information products and means of international information exchange
1. Documented information, information resources, information products, means of international information exchange are objects of property rights of owners and are included in their property.
Relations related to the ownership of Russian information products and means of international information exchange are governed by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
2. Relations associated with the right of ownership arising from the provision or receipt of information services are determined by the agreement between the owner or owner of information products and the user. The provision of an information service does not create for the user the right of authorship to the received documented information.
3. Information products are goods, if this does not contradict the international treaties of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Article 7. Documented information, the export of which from the Russian Federation is not limited
Export from the Russian Federation is not limited:
laws and other normative legal acts establishing the legal status of public authorities, local authorities, organizations, public associations, as well as the rights, freedoms and obligations of citizens, the procedure for their implementation;
documents containing information on emergency situations, environmental, meteorological, demographic, sanitary and epidemiological and other information necessary to ensure the safe functioning of settlements, production facilities, the safety of citizens of foreign states;
documents accumulated in open collections of libraries and other types of information systems;
mass media and other information in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Article 8. Restrictions in the implementation of international information exchange
1. The export from the Russian Federation of documented information related to:
state secrets or other confidential information;
the all-Russian national treasure;
archival fund;
other categories of documented information, the export of which may be restricted by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
The possibility of exporting such documented information from the territory of the Russian Federation is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation in each individual case.
These restrictions also apply to the movement of documented information from the territory of the Russian Federation when providing access to users located outside the territory of the Russian Federation to information systems and networks located on the territory of the Russian Federation.
2. The right to import into the territory of the Russian Federation foreign information products that can be used to carry out activities or crafts prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation or other illegal actions is granted to legal entities authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.
3. The owner or owner of documented information, information resources, information products, means of international information exchange has the right to appeal to the court the actions of officials to restrict international information exchange, if, in his opinion, these actions are not justified and violate his rights.
Article 9. Use of the means of international information exchange
1. Means of international information exchange are used on the territory of the Russian Federation only at the will of their owner or a person authorized by him.
2. The protection of confidential information by the state applies only to those activities on international information exchange, which are carried out by individuals and legal entities that have a license to work with confidential information and use certified means of international information exchange.
The issuance of certificates and licenses is entrusted to the Committee under the President of the Russian Federation for Informatization Policy, federal executive body authorized in the field of countering technical intelligence and technical protection of information, and the federal executive body authorized in the field of ensuring the security of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (As amended by federal laws of June 30, 2003 No. 86-FZ ; dated June 29, 2004 No. 58-FZ).
The procedure for issuing certificates and licenses is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
3. Upon detection of abnormal modes of operation of the means of international information exchange, that is, the occurrence of erroneous commands, as well as commands caused by unauthorized actions of service personnel or other persons, or false information, the owner or owner of these means must promptly inform the authorities of control over the implementation of international information exchange and the owner or owner of the interacting means of international information exchange, otherwise he shall be liable for the damage caused.
4. The requirements of this Article shall apply to communication networks to the extent that they do not contradict the Federal Law "On Communications".
Article 10. Inclusion of information systems, networks in the composition of the means of international information exchange
1. The inclusion of information systems, networks in the composition of the means of international information exchange is carried out in the presence of an international code. The procedure for obtaining an international code is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
2. Inclusion in the composition of the means of international information exchange of state information systems, networks for which special rules for access to information resources are established, is carried out with the permission of the federal executive body authorized in the field of countering technical intelligence and technical protection of information, and the federal executive body authorized in the field of ensuring the security of the Russian Federation and Federal Service security of the Russian Federation (As amended by Federal Law No. 86-FZ of June 30, 2003; No. 58-FZ of June 29, 2004).
Article 11
The procedure for determining the composition of documented information imported into the territory of the Russian Federation to replenish the state information resources of the Russian Federation (including purchased documented information), the procedure for its acquisition (including procurement), the procedure for its use are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
Article 12. Access to the means of international information exchange and foreign information products
1. Access of individuals and legal entities in the Russian Federation to the means of international information exchange and foreign information products is carried out in accordance with the rules established by the owner or possessor of these means and products in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The owner or owner of the means of international information exchange and information products is obliged to ensure the openness of the access rules established by him and the possibility of familiarizing the user with them.
2. Denial of access to the means of international information exchange and foreign information products may be appealed to the courts of the Russian Federation, if the owner or possessor of the given means of international information exchange and information products is under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, or to international commercial arbitration.
3. Access to communication networks is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law "On Communications".
Article 13. Prevention of monopolization in international information exchange
Prevention and suppression of monopolistic activity and unfair competition in the field of international information exchange are carried out by the federal antimonopoly body in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Article 14
1. Distribution of unreliable, false foreign documented information obtained as a result of international exchange on the territory of the Russian Federation is not allowed.
2. Responsibility for the dissemination of such information lies with the subject of international information exchange that has received such information and (or) disseminates it on the territory of the Russian Federation.
Article 15. Coordination of activities in the field of international information exchange
Coordination of activities in the field of international information exchange is carried out by the Informatization Policy Committee under the President of the Russian Federation in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.


Article 16. Control over the implementation of international information exchange
The implementation of international information exchange is controlled by federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation within their competence, determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Article 17. Certification of information products, information services, means of international information exchange
1. When importing information products, information services into the Russian Federation, the importer shall present a certificate that guarantees the compliance of these products and services with the requirements of the contract.
If it is impossible to certify information products and information services imported into the territory of the Russian Federation, the risk for the use of these products and services lies with the importer.
2. The means of international information exchange that process documented information with restricted access, as well as the means of protecting these means, are subject to mandatory certification.
3. Certification of communication networks is carried out in the manner determined by the Federal Law "On Communications".
Article 18. Licensing of activity on international information exchange
Activities for international information exchange in the Russian Federation are subject to licensing in cases where, as a result of this activity, state information resources are exported outside the territory of the Russian Federation, or documented information is imported into the territory of the Russian Federation to replenish state information resources at the expense of the federal budget or the budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation, if this does not contradict the international treaties of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation. The procedure for licensing is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
Article 19. Suspension of international information exchange
In the event of unlawful actions in the implementation of international information exchange by the bodies specified in Article 16 of this Federal Law, international information exchange may be suspended at any stage for a period of up to two months.
The actions of these bodies to suspend international information exchange may be appealed to the court.
The liability of the parties for non-fulfillment of agreements on international information exchange and the result of the suspension of international information exchange is determined in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Article 20. Responsibility for violations in the international information exchange
For illegal actions in the implementation of international information exchange, individuals and legal entities of the Russian Federation, individuals and legal entities of foreign states, stateless persons on the territory of the Russian Federation bear civil, administrative or criminal liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Article 21. Disputes
Disputes arising from international information exchange may be considered in court, arbitration court or arbitration court in accordance with their competence.


Article 22. Entry into force of this Federal Law
This Federal Law shall enter into force on the day of its official publication.
Article 23
1. Propose to the President of the Russian Federation to bring the normative legal acts issued by him into conformity with this Federal Law.
2. Instruct the Government of the Russian Federation:
bring the normative legal acts issued by it into conformity with this Federal Law;
prepare and submit to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation within three months from the date this Federal Law enters into force in accordance with the established procedure proposals for introducing amendments and additions to the legislation of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of this Federal Law;
adopt regulatory legal acts that ensure the implementation of this Federal Law.
3. State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation shall bring their regulatory legal acts in line with this Federal Law within three months from the date of its entry into force.

President of the Russian Federation B. Yeltsin
Moscow Kremlin
July 4, 1996
No. 85-FZ

1. The objectives of this Federal Law are to create conditions for the effective participation of Russia in international information exchange within the framework of a single world information space, to protect the interests of the Russian Federation, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities in international information exchange, to protect the interests, rights and freedoms of individuals and legal entities in international information exchange.

2. This Federal Law does not affect relations regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Copyright and Related Rights".

The international exchange of confidential information, mass information is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by this Federal Law, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts.

Documented information (document) - information recorded on a material carrier with details that allow it to be identified.

Confidential information - documented information, access to which is restricted in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Mass information - printed, audio messages, audiovisual and other messages and materials intended for an unlimited circle of persons.

Information resources - individual documents and individual arrays of documents, documents and arrays of documents in information systems (libraries, archives, funds, data banks, other types of information systems).

Information products (products) - documented information prepared in accordance with the needs of users and intended or used to meet the needs of users.

Information services - actions of subjects (owners and owners) to provide users with information products.

The owner of documented information, information resources, information products and (or) means of international information exchange is a subject exercising the powers of possession, use, disposal of these objects to the extent established by law.

The owner of documented information, information resources, information products and (or) means of international information exchange is a subject exercising the powers of possession, use and disposal of these objects to the extent established by the owner.

The user (consumer) of information, means of international information exchange (hereinafter referred to as the user) is an entity that applies to the owner or possessor for obtaining the information products he needs or the possibility of using the means of international information exchange and using them.

Information processes are the processes of creating, collecting, processing, accumulating, storing, searching, distributing and consuming information.

International information exchange - the transfer and receipt of information products, as well as the provision of information services across the State Border of the Russian Federation.

Means of international information exchange - information systems, networks and communication networks used in international information exchange.

Information sphere (environment) - the sphere of activity of subjects associated with the creation, transformation and consumption of information.

Information security is the state of protection of the information environment of society, ensuring its formation, use and development in the interests of citizens, organizations, and the state.

1. Objects of international information exchange: documented information, information resources, information products, information services, means of international information exchange.

2. The subjects of international information exchange in the Russian Federation may be: the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, state authorities and local governments, individuals and legal entities of the Russian Federation, individuals and legal entities of foreign states, stateless persons.

Bodies of state power of the Russian Federation and bodies of state power of the subjects of the Russian Federation:

create conditions for providing the Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation, municipalities, individuals and legal entities of the Russian Federation with foreign information products and information services;

provide timely and sufficient replenishment of the state information resources of the Russian Federation with foreign information products;

promote the introduction of modern information technologies that ensure the effective participation of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities, individuals and legal entities of the Russian Federation in international information exchange;

ensure the protection of state information resources of the Russian Federation, municipal and private information resources, Russian means of international information exchange and compliance with the legal regime of information;

stimulate the expansion of mutually beneficial international information exchange of documented information and protect the legitimate interests of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities, individuals and legal entities in the Russian Federation;

create conditions for the protection of domestic owners and owners of documented information, information resources, information products, means of international information exchange, users from low-quality and unreliable foreign information, unfair competition from individuals and legal entities of foreign states in the information sphere;

contribute to the development of commodity relations in the international information exchange.

1. Municipal formations participate in the international information exchange as subjects of law representing the interests of the population of municipal formations on issues related to the jurisdiction of local self-government.

Local self-government bodies have the right to speak on behalf of municipalities on issues of international information exchange within the framework of their powers established by regulatory legal acts that determine the status of these bodies.

2. Municipal information services and mass media of municipalities have the right to independently participate in international information exchange.

Chapter II. Legal regime of participation in international information exchange

1. Documented information, information resources, information products, means of international information exchange are objects of property rights of owners and are included in their property.

Relations related to the ownership of Russian information products and means of international information exchange are governed by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Relations associated with the right of ownership arising from the provision or receipt of information services are determined by the agreement between the owner or owner of information products and the user. The provision of an information service does not create for the user the right of authorship to the received documented information.

3. Information products are goods, if this does not contradict the international treaties of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Export from the Russian Federation is not limited:

laws and other normative legal acts establishing the legal status of public authorities, local authorities, organizations, public associations, as well as the rights, freedoms and obligations of citizens, the procedure for their implementation;

documents containing information on emergency situations, environmental, meteorological, demographic, sanitary and epidemiological and other information necessary to ensure the safe functioning of settlements, production facilities, the safety of citizens of foreign states;

documents accumulated in open collections of libraries and other types of information systems;

mass media and other information in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1. The export from the Russian Federation of documented information related to:

state secrets or other confidential information;

the all-Russian national treasure;

archival fund;

The possibility of exporting such documented information from the territory of the Russian Federation is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation in each individual case.

These restrictions also apply to the movement of documented information from the territory of the Russian Federation when providing access to users located outside the territory of the Russian Federation to information systems and networks located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

2. The right to import into the territory of the Russian Federation foreign information products that can be used to carry out activities or crafts prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation or other illegal actions is granted to legal entities authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

3. The owner or owner of documented information, information resources, information products, means of international information exchange has the right to appeal to the court the actions of officials to restrict international information exchange, if, in his opinion, these actions are not justified and violate his rights.

1. Means of international information exchange are used on the territory of the Russian Federation only at the will of their owner or a person authorized by him.

2. The protection of confidential information by the state applies only to those activities in international information exchange, which are carried out by individuals and legal entities that have a license to work with confidential information and use certified means of international information exchange.

The issuance of certificates and licenses is entrusted to the Committee under the President of the Russian Federation on Informatization Policy, the State Technical Commission under the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for issuing certificates and licenses is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

3. Upon detection of abnormal modes of operation of the means of international information exchange, that is, the occurrence of erroneous commands, as well as commands caused by unauthorized actions of service personnel or other persons, or false information, the owner or owner of these means must promptly notify the authorities of control over the implementation of international information exchange and the owner or owner of the interacting means of international information exchange, otherwise he shall be liable for the damage caused.

4. The requirements of this Article shall apply to communication networks to the extent that they do not contradict the Federal Law "On Communications".

1. The inclusion of information systems, networks in the composition of the means of international information exchange is carried out in the presence of an international code. The procedure for obtaining an international code is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

2. Inclusion in the composition of the means of international information exchange of state information systems, networks for which special rules for access to information resources are established, is carried out with the permission of the State Technical Commission under the President of the Russian Federation and the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for determining the composition of documented information imported into the territory of the Russian Federation to replenish the state information resources of the Russian Federation (including purchased documented information), the procedure for its acquisition (including procurement), the procedure for its use are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

1. Access of individuals and legal entities in the Russian Federation to the means of international information exchange and foreign information products is carried out in accordance with the rules established by the owner or possessor of these means and products in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The owner or owner of the means of international information exchange and information products is obliged to ensure the openness of the access rules established by him and the possibility of familiarizing the user with them.

2. Denial of access to the means of international information exchange and foreign information products may be appealed to the courts of the Russian Federation, if the owner or possessor of the given means of international information exchange and information products is under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, or to international commercial arbitration.

3. Access to communication networks is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law "On Communications".

Prevention and suppression of monopolistic activity and unfair competition in the field of international information exchange are carried out by the federal antimonopoly body in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1. Dissemination of unreliable, false foreign documented information received as a result of international exchange on the territory of the Russian Federation is not allowed.

2. Responsibility for the dissemination of such information lies with the subject of international information exchange that has received such information and (or) disseminates it on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Coordination of activities in the field of international information exchange is carried out by the Informatization Policy Committee under the President of the Russian Federation in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Chapter III. Control and responsibility in the implementation of international information exchange

The implementation of international information exchange is controlled by federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation within their competence, determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1. When importing information products, information services into the Russian Federation, the importer shall present a certificate that guarantees the compliance of these products and services with the requirements of the contract.

If it is impossible to certify information products and information services imported into the territory of the Russian Federation, the risk for the use of these products and services lies with the importer.

2. The means of international information exchange that process documented information with restricted access, as well as the means of protecting these means, are subject to mandatory certification.

3. Certification of communication networks is carried out in the manner determined by the Federal Law "On Communications".

Activities on international information exchange in the Russian Federation are subject to licensing in cases where, as a result of this activity, state information resources are exported outside the territory of the Russian Federation or documented information is imported into the territory of the Russian Federation to replenish state information resources at the expense of the federal budget or the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Federation, if it does not contradict the international treaties of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation. The procedure for licensing is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

In the event of unlawful actions in the implementation of international information exchange by the bodies specified in Article 16 of this Federal Law, international information exchange may be suspended at any stage for a period of up to two months.

The actions of these bodies to suspend international information exchange can be appealed to the court.

The liability of the parties for non-fulfillment of agreements on international information exchange as a result of the suspension of international information exchange is determined in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

For illegal actions in the implementation of international information exchange, individuals and legal entities of the Russian Federation, individuals and legal entities of foreign states, stateless persons on the territory of the Russian Federation shall bear civil, administrative or criminal 2. Instruct the Government of the Russian Federation:

bring the normative legal acts issued by it into conformity with this Federal Law;

prepare and submit to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation within three months from the date this Federal Law enters into force in accordance with the established procedure proposals for introducing amendments and additions to the legislation of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of this Federal Law;

adopt regulatory legal acts that ensure the implementation of this Federal Law.

3. State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation shall bring their regulatory legal acts in line with this Federal Law within three months from the date of its entry into force.

The president
Russian Federation

Moscow Kremlin.

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