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SEOsprint tasks. How to complete paid tasks List of changes after the update is released

It's no secret that the Internet is full of ways to make money. And all earning technologies are available to any network user. You just need to understand them and start working on the network. You need to understand which way of working will suit the performer’s abilities.

Many people earn additional income on the Internet thanks to mailers or exchanges, where they need to complete certain tasks and get paid for it. This method of earning money is usually used by the following category of people:

  • Pupils
  • Pensioners
  • Beginners
  • Students
  • Moms on maternity leave
  • And just those who want to have additional income

This type of work is the simplest; you can earn money without having any specific knowledge. / How to make money by completing tasks for beginners/ - it's not difficult at all.

A video on how to complete tasks can be viewed at the end of the article.

What is needed to complete tasks

To start making money on tasks, you will need the following:

  1. Availability of Internet and computer access
  2. You need to work every day, otherwise you won’t be able to earn good money. You can't allow yourself to be lazy
  3. It is necessary to allocate 2-3 hours a day to work on the Internet

How to make money on tasks

I will tell you how to complete Seosprint tasks.

If you have chosen a task in SEOSprint only clicks, everything is also simple, we find the site that the advertiser asks for, make 5-10 transitions on it and copy the links of these transitions into the report. The advertiser may also ask you to click on the advertisement.

I personally completed reusable seosprint tasks; they can be added to your favorites and completed daily.

If you are not lazy and complete such tasks every day, then you can consistently earn from 100 rubles. up to 500 rub.

Depending on your time, in 2-3 hours you can complete up to 100 tasks, tasks vary from 1 rub. up to 5 rubles, do the math yourself. Moreover, when performing the same tasks every day, thinking and searching for any site will not be difficult, everything will be automatic.

Add 50-100 tasks to your favorites and complete them every day.

Earn money on tasks can be done without difficulty, anyone can handle this task, because almost anyone can currently own a computer.

On similar sites, tasks are completed in the same way.

If you don’t believe that it’s possible to make money on this project, here’s a screenshot of my payments

You can complete tasks on the following sites

With this mailer you can make money by surfing websites and completing many tasks.

There are a lot of opportunities for earning money on any of the listed resources, and if the performer completes tasks diligently and actively, then the earnings will be constant. Moreover, on each resource there are a lot of tasks to complete.

Video on how to complete tasks

Paid tasks are a very simple, interesting and more profitable way to make money on the Internet. In this article, we'll look at how to do paid jobs, where to find them, and where to start.

Such tasks are on the same basis as paid clicks. If you are already registered on some of them, then you can safely go to the “Tasks” or “Completing tasks” sections there and start.

First you need to do a little preparation. To do this, get yourself a separate mailbox for spam, since many tasks require registration, after which all kinds of advertising or mailings will be sent to your email. And we don’t need this, right? Therefore, a spare box for such things will not hurt.

What paid tasks are there?

  1. The simplest and most popular are click-based ones. Prices for such tasks start at about 30 kopecks. The meaning of these tasks is that you need to go from a search engine to someone’s website, make several transitions there and click on some advertisement.
  2. More expensive are tasks with registration. In this way, advertisers attract users to their projects for a certain fee.
  3. There are tasks with the condition of simply registering on the site and that’s it. They are called “Registration without activity”.
  4. And there are tasks with the condition of a long stay on the site, the so-called “Registration with activity” tasks. When performing such tasks, the conditions stipulate not only to register, but also to make, for example, several clicks or read several letters.

Please read and grade the assignment carefully before completing it. If you do not find anything difficult in the task, then you can safely begin to complete it. Usually, the task describes everything point by point. Therefore, do everything in order, if necessary, copy the links and immediately paste them into the report. Upon completion of the work, send a report on the completion of the task.

Start with simple and easy tasks. Over time, it will be possible to move on to more complex and highly paid tasks. The main thing here, as elsewhere, is practice. Start, practice and you will see that there is nothing complicated here. Over time, you will develop favorite tasks that you will do easily and automatically.

Confirmation of task completion

To confirm the task, you need to leave a completion report at the end. Usually you need to indicate your login (nickname) so that the advertiser can see you on the project and your statistics.

  1. There are tasks that require you to leave a review or vote on a blog or social network.
  2. Other types of paid tasks may be classified as other. These include downloading files, buying or selling various product codes, etc.

The main thing is that all tasks clearly state what needs to be done and in what order, so you shouldn’t bother too much. It's not that difficult actually.

In this type of earnings, as a rule, there are no restrictions. If you like it, you can sit and complete tasks as long as you like. Earning money depends only on you.

  1. Don’t immediately rush to complete expensive tasks; very often, completing them takes a lot of time, because you will have to follow the links of several advertisers at once. Therefore, to begin with, it is better to start doing tasks cheaper. They take less time and are much simpler in complexity.
  2. You can simply do more cheap tasks and in total get the same thing if you complete several expensive ones. But this is not for everybody. Who likes what.
  3. Almost all SARs have the ability to add tasks to favorites, i.e. If after completion you liked the task, you can add it to your favorites and do it every day. It is optimal to make yourself a list of easy and simple tasks, add them to your favorites and do them automatically, without straining.

Checking and paying for assignments

Payment for tasks occurs after the advertiser has logged in and checked the completion. If the user pays attention to the tasks and does everything correctly, then the advertisers approve the completion and the user receives a certain amount specified in the task. If the advertiser does not go to the site and check the completion, the system will automatically approve it and confirm it within 3- 5 days.

And finally, watch the video on how to perform simple click tasks on Seosprint

How to complete click-based paid tasks on Seosprint Video

That seems to be all. Good luck to you in such an interesting and exciting way of earning money as completing paid tasks on the Internet!

The best sites for making money on tasks

Rubles (paid by WMR): Seosprint
Dollars (paid by WMZ): Wmmail

If you are interested, please ask questions and leave comments under the article in the field below.

How to complete paid tasks updated: May 8, 2016 by: admin

Life is about tasks. They are everywhere: big and small, important and not important, urgent and not so urgent.

My wife asks me to book tickets for the New Year, I ask my subordinate to prepare documents for the transaction. If I don’t book tickets today, tomorrow they will cost more. The employee does not prepare the documents on time - the deal will be canceled and the company will lose money.

The success of a project or company depends on the results of completing tasks. Hence the first problem of any business is the execution of tasks.

The manager wants his subordinates to complete tasks clearly and on time. If a task is not completed or completed but incorrectly, the employee is to blame. The task execution machine malfunctioned. The car needs to be replaced. This is the psychology of a leader. And I thought so until I realized that the reason for the unclear execution of tasks was not the employees.

They are not robots, but smart, thinking, creative and responsible people. I chose them for the team myself. The problem is with me: I, like many managers, do not pay enough attention to setting goals.

Formula for an effective problem

The formula for an effective task that employees take on with joy and zeal consists of six simple rules.

1. Identify the problem

Behind every task of a leader there is pain.

If I ask a subordinate to do something, it means that I need it for some reason. But managers do not consider it necessary to explain this to their subordinates. As a result, the employee thinks that the boss just wants to burden the subordinate with routine tasks.

Related article: Where to look for freelancers for remote work

For example, I ask a manager to analyze a lead report. The main job of a manager is working with the client. Analysis distracts from the main work. The manager stupidly collects data and makes a report anyhow, just to quickly get rid of a routine and unimportant task.

A correctly posed task is a problem that the employee must solve in the best possible way and creatively. This is not an order or a direct instruction.

By solving problems, rather than stupidly following orders, an employee develops. He comes up with unconventional ideas that help the company move forward.

2. Describe the meaning of the problem on a business scale

If an employee does not understand why exactly he is preparing the same analysis, he will do it poorly. Explain what will happen to the result of the work after.

Marketing specialists will work with the analysis of the report. Based on the collected data, they will adjust the product’s advertising campaign, which will attract new customers. Conversion will increase, the company will grow.

This way the employee will feel the importance of the task for business development.

3. Formulate the essence and conditions of the problem

Describe the result you want to get. If necessary, conditions and restrictions. Give your manager clear time frames.

Count the number of leads for the last three months. I need to understand whether conversion has actually decreased. If yes, then at what point? Make a list of possible reasons.

4. Explain deadlines

Managers often set a deadline for a task, but do not explain why this particular date is important. As a result, for the employee the deadline is only day X, by which routine work must be completed.

Related article: How to set a task for a subordinate so that he sincerely wants to complete it

The analysis is needed by Monday. In three weeks we are launching a large-scale advertising campaign. Marketers will need time to adjust sites.

You explained to the employee the reason why the task must be completed within a certain time frame. He understands that the work of other people depends on the completion of a task, and takes a more responsible approach to solving the problem.

5. Motivate

The employee receives a salary. Managers often think that this is enough motivation. But that's not true. Employees do not always understand why this or that task fell on their shoulders. Explain your choice to the manager.

A marketer can analyze the data. But I would like you to do it. You know your clients better and collect more complete information.

The subordinate feels special, a hero, a superman and is eager to fight with enthusiasm.

6. Put the task in writing

If you set the task correctly, but did it orally, and the employee wrote it down in a notebook under dictation, something will definitely get lost. After you have discussed the task orally, create a written summary.

Forming a habit

Knowing how to set a task so that it is completed is half the battle. We must constantly apply knowledge in practice. This is impossible without automation. You'll have enough for a week or two. Then urgent matters will appear and you will not describe the task in detail. Once - no big deal. But where one time is a hack, a second and third will always appear. Soon you will spit on this disastrous business, and again turn into a distributor of orders for robots.

Something must constantly remind you of the correct setting of tasks so that the scheme becomes a habit. Megaplan helps me. Task setting form - automatic reminder.

The name of the task is always the desired action. What should your employee do? The answer to the question is the correct formulation of the problem.

Updated January 22, 6:45 (Moscow time). A small update has been released that has made some changes.

List of changes after the update was released:

1. The problem with the accrual of female crew and award lists for completing the corresponding personal combat missions has been fixed. The method described below is suitable both for players who had problems with accruing rewards after completing a combat mission, and for those who demobilized a tanker.

How to get a well-deserved reward:

  • Select the 15th combat mission in one of the branches.
  • Open it.
  • Accept the reward.
  • All earned rewards will be credited in full.

2. Changes have been made to the description of some personal combat missions.

Since January 15, personal combat missions have become available in World of Tanks - a completely new gaming facet, where everyone will be faced with the need to take on more and more new challenges in order to eventually become the owner of at least one excellent battle tank! And this is not counting a lot of other valuable awards.

If you set yourself only maximum goals, then if you successfully complete the tasks, there will be four more tanks in the Hangar:

You can find personal combat missions in the “Combat missions” section (upper left corner) in the game client.

Personal tasks are combined into campaigns and are performed only in random battles. The first campaign, “Long-awaited reinforcements,” will consist of four operations, including chains of combat missions for each class of vehicle.

The performance of combat missions is limited by equipment levels:

  • StuG IV— IV-X levels
  • T28 HTC— V-X levels
  • T-55A— VI-X levels
  • Object 260— VI-X levels

Operations are available for execution sequentially, i.e. you can get the Object 260 heavy tank only after completing previous operations.

Discussion of operations on the forum:

Each chain of combat missions includes 14 main and one final combat mission. Each task contains basic conditions and additional ones, which are not necessary to be fulfilled, but by simultaneously fulfilling both them and the main conditions, you will significantly increase the reward received:

Chains of combat missions in high resolution:

Attention! To complete combat missions, you must activate them manually. Five combat missions can be completed at the same time (one at a time in a chain of missions). After completing the basic conditions of a combat mission, it will be automatically taken into account, and you will have the opportunity to activate a new mission. You can replay combat missions for which additional conditions have not been met.

Having completed the main conditions of the final combat mission of the chain, the player will receive four reward sheets. Completing additional test conditions allows you to receive an additional award sheet. A unique tank can be obtained by earning twenty reward sheets in one operation. Having completed four chains of combat missions with honors, the player receives the required number of reward sheets in advance, as well as the opportunity to skip completing the combat chain for the least comfortable class of equipment.

In all operations, with the exception of Operation StuG IV, combat missions 1 to 14 will be available for completion immediately, without requiring sequential completion - just select one of the challenges to complete.

Rewards for completing combat missions:

  • Women's crews. For completing the final task of each chain of combat missions, the player will receive female crews. Among other things, female crews by default have the “Combat Friends” skill, which replaces the “Combat Brotherhood”.

The “Battle Buddies” skill will only work in an all-female crew.

  • Unique technique. Four new tanks are available exclusively to players who have completed personal combat missions. Tanks are considered promotional and have standard features: the ability to use a crew without retraining and increased experience income.

Look out for the publication of reviews of new tanks in the near future.

  • Additional bonuses. By fulfilling the conditions of combat missions, players will receive rewards: game credits, free experience, equipment, Hangar slots and a premium account.


Memorial signs

First merit

Women in uniform

Issued once for completing any personal combat mission of any season

Awarded once for obtaining 5 tank girls
Milestone rewards

Awards are given only for completing task chains of each vehicle class with honors. Medal levels are not tied to specific operations.

Completed 15 personal combat missions with honors Completed 30 personal combat missions with honors Completed 45 personal combat missions with honors Completed 60 personal combat missions with honors
Light tanks:
Medium tanks:
Heavy tanks:
Tank destroyer:
Self-propelled guns:

Personal combat mission planner— your indispensable assistant when performing personal combat missions. The main feature of the project is tips on the equipment you can use to complete tasks. For each task, the equipment present in the Hangar is selected, which can be used to perform a particular task. In addition, here you will find a list of all tasks, performance characteristics of gift equipment and other useful information.

By using the resource.

Greetings dear readers of my blog site! Today we will talk about making money by completing tasks. I get asked very often: is it really possible to make money this way and how much? This is what we will talk about, there will be a lot of information, so take a notebook, you may need to write something down, or add this article to your bookmarks so that you can come back and read it in the future if you forget something.

I will also not ignore such points: how to learn how to complete tasks, which tasks are better to choose, what to look at, where to press... =) In general, you should get the most detailed instructions, the main meaning of which, in principle, is suitable for most projects where you can perform tasks in Internet for money.

I tried to consider all the nuances, and at the end I gave some important tips and a secret scheme, so sit back, it will be interesting, let's go!

Earning money from tasks on the Internet, description and a little background:

This type of earnings began to emerge around 2003-2004, and to date it has gained very high momentum and continues to grow. More and more new types of tasks are constantly appearing, for example with the advent of social networks and Youtube.

  • The biggest advantage is that this is online work from home and it is available to almost all people who have access via the Internet, no matter where you are: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, etc.
  • And what is also important, they do not require any contributions or fees from you, everything is absolutely without investment.
  • Receiving earned money in a way convenient for you: Webmoney, Yandex Money, Qiwi and other payment systems.

Actually, how do you get money for tasks?

Here I would highlight 2 ways:

  1. I call it “lazy” earnings, now you’ll understand why. Here a person makes money by: surfing, clicks, reading letters. To do this, you don’t need any skills at all: click → look at the advertised site → get money, that’s it! But for such work and the corresponding payment - pennies.
  2. By performing simple tasks such as registrations, clicks with transitions, likes, reposts, voting, etc. You will already be required to take certain actions and skills (which can be easily acquired), but the pay for this is much higher. But there is nothing complicated: you undertake the implementation, after which you send the report for verification and if everything is done correctly, you immediately receive payment. The most important thing is to carefully read the descriptions of the tasks.

Completing tasks on Wmmail, Seosprint, Socpublic and other similar sites:

Friends, it may be a discovery for you, but if you want to really make money on this kind of projects like: Wmmail, Seosprint, Social Public - do assignments! Don't get hung up on emails, clicks and surfing!

Of course, you need to do it, not everything in a row, but those that are easy and with decent pay, as well as from trusted advertisers (good reviews and a large number of payments), after reading the entire article, learn how to do this. There will be very interesting information towards the end of the article about how to build your work to get more!

There is also no need to completely give up reading emails and surfing; with their help you will increase your statistics and rating. The higher your rating, the more tasks will be available to you. Having completed 1-2 tasks in 5 minutes, you will receive payment equal to reading 20-30 letters, and maybe more.

In this article, completing tasks will be considered using the Wmmail project as an example, but all the principles laid down here are suitable for many other projects where there is a so-called task exchange.

How to learn to complete tasks?

So that you can immediately apply and consolidate in practice what you learn from this article, be sure to go through an easy and completely free registration that takes no more than 3-5 minutes! Otherwise, you won’t be able to follow some links from this article without authorization on the project, so register:

If you have problems with registration, then follow this guide!

Let's take a look at the “tasks” section on Wmmail:

Let's go to the section - "Tasks" and get acquainted with it:

  1. Paid tasks - a link to the main page of the section in which we are currently located.
  2. Unfinished tasks – a list of tasks you have not completed.
  3. Completed tasks – a list of tasks that you have completed.
  4. Statistics – Your statistics on task completions for the last 30 days (paid and unverified tasks are displayed).
  5. Blacklist – a list of advertisers that you have blacklisted.
  6. TOP 100 – list of the most popular advertisers.
  7. Settings – personal settings.
  8. Search for a task: by number, by advertiser id, by task name or description.
  9. Display in the list only tasks with auto-confirmation (payment for such tasks immediately after completion by entering a control word).
  10. Filter the cost of tasks (tasks below the specified cost will not be displayed).
  11. Page selection.
  12. Selecting a task category.
  13. Selecting the type of tasks.
  14. Icon next to the task number (clicking on the icon hides the task): Blue - the icon means that you have not completed this task yet. Green – You have already completed this task and received payment for it. Yellow - You have already completed this task, but the advertiser has not yet verified it. Red - You have already completed this task, but the advertiser refused to pay.
  15. A red icon means that the task is pinned to the top. Yellow with blue letters NEW is a new task.
  16. Title of the task.
  17. The site on which the task will be completed.
  18. Number of reviews on the task.
  19. Task rating (from 0 to 5). The higher the better!
  20. Sorting tasks by cost: Green arrow ↓– from expensive to cheap, blue – from cheap to expensive.
  21. Cost of the task.
  22. Special icons: Alarm clock means a reusable task, Country flag - the ability to complete tasks only for residents of the specified country. Globe - tasks can only be completed by residents of the specified countries (a list of countries is visible when you hover over them). Globe with a yellow padlock – the task includes IP address restriction.
  23. Job statistics. 67 – 89 – 2 means that 67 users have received payment for the task, 89 have been rejected, and 2 people are awaiting verification.

All tasks are divided into “types”:

This makes it easier and more convenient to search for the tasks you need. Now more details about each:

Clicks- the essence of the tasks is to click (transition) on advertisements on the specified site. There is nothing complicated here, and if you get used to it, you can make good money!

Registration with activity- the essence is the same as above, only after registration you need to perform some actions - gain a rating, click on an advertisement or gain a level in the game, etc., etc. The tasks here take a long time, but the pay for it is quite high! Prices for tasks here can reach $10-$30, and sometimes they give even more!

*Important! In this category there are many tasks for registering in games, followed by playing. If you love online games, this is the ideal option for you - Play and get money!

Posting to the forum- an ideal option for those who like to communicate on forums.

There are two options here:

  1. The advertiser is developing his forum, then your task will be to write a certain number of messages (for example, 30, 50, etc.),
  2. The advertiser is promoting his services or goods - which means he will need to register on the specified forums and write advertising messages there.

*Important! Be careful, because... Vivid advertising messages are often removed by moderators. Here you need to know when to stop.

Posting to Blogs- the same as above, only messages will need to be left on blogs. The tasks here are very easy and quick to complete because often you don’t need to register on blogs, just indicate your email and username.

- cheap tasks and usually take a lot of time, however, if in parallel you enable downloading of files from several tasks and at the same time do other tasks, you can make good money!

Transfer of credits- transfer of credits from different surfing systems, or credits from the wmmail system. Sometimes it’s useful if you don’t have enough credits, otherwise, in my opinion, it’s a waste of time.

Articles- the advertiser indicates in the assignment the topic of the article, the volume, and, usually, the keywords that should be used in the article. Your task is to write an article according to the specified conditions. Ideal for those who like to express their thoughts on “paper” =).

The site has a separate section “My Articles” on the left side of the menu, so I highly recommend not working there, articles are bought there very rarely, and the system’s commission is very high! Waste a lot of time! It’s much better to complete article writing assignments, and you’ll get paid faster and save time.

Social network- mostly easy tasks with decent pay, such as: like, invite friends, join a group, repost, leave a review using your account, or transfer votes, etc.

Other- tasks not included in any of the categories. Here you usually need to download and install various applications on Android, etc.

Autopay tasks and answers to Wmmail tasks:

It’s worth saying a few words about tasks with automatic payment, so if you check the appropriate box (point 9 in the picture above), then you will be given a list of such tasks, the essence of which is that after completing the task you can receive payment immediately by entering the verification word (in the task conditions they write where to find it).

Many beginners, having completed several of these tasks, begin to search the Internet for answers to such “autotasks,” but I dare to disappoint you, even if you find them and start churning out tasks, you will quickly be identified and get an account BAN! Therefore, I recommend doing everything honestly!

How to complete tasks on Wmmail?

I’ll try to find time and make a video on how to complete tasks on Wmmail, but for now, use these instructions:

Step 1) Go to the “Tasks” section, select any type of tasks, then open the task that you liked.

Step 2) We read the description of the task, if everything is clear, click “Start the task”, after completing the task, click “Confirm the completion of the task”

Step 3) In the “Task verification” column, enter the data required in the description and click “Submit”

That's all, as you can see everything is very easy. Tasks are paid within 5 days, but in most cases within 1-5 hours.

Features of completing tasks:
1) How to choose good tasks? A few tips from me:

  1. Having selected the category that you like, click on the green magnifying glass - this is how we sort tasks with a large number of payments, thereby weeding out unscrupulous advertisers (only those tasks for which there were practically no payment refusals will remain at the top of the list).
  2. Try to carefully read the description of tasks, especially if it is highly paid; failure to comply with some small point may result in refusal of payment.
  3. Before doing so, look at the advertiser’s rating and the number of reviews on his wall. Reputable advertisers won't turn you down for a few cents if done correctly.
  4. Before completing it, look at the rating and reviews of the task. You should not complete tasks with a rating below 4. In the comments about a task they often write something like: “the task cannot be completed,” or “there is no advertising block on the site.” Such tasks can be safely closed.
  5. If the author has more than 3 tasks of the same type, then I advise you to read their conditions, because Having read one, you will be able to complete all the others, reducing the execution time.

2) What are the best tasks to choose and how to structure your work to earn more? Secret scheme:

I decided to learn everything myself, over time I gained experience + good people helped with advice, in the end I got this instruction for you with the 2 best schemes for working on tasks (I repeat that all links and names of task types are given for the Wmmail project, for others projects are all similar):

Scheme No. 1) Tasks with instant (without delay) repetition in sections:

Add these tasks to your “Recommended” category. To complete them, you will need accounts (the more, the higher the income) in the following social networks and services:

  1. Mailboxes:,,,
  2. Accounts on Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ (Gmail mailbox)

Scheme No. 2) Reusable tasks in the section:

Add these tasks to your “Favorites”. To learn how to quickly perform them, search for “How to quickly complete click tasks” in a search engine.

On a note!

  1. I recommend working according to Scheme No. 1, it is more difficult to master, but in the end you will earn many times more money, and you will spend many times less time and effort.
  2. Do not take on too “abstruse” tasks; the description of the tasks should be clear and understandable so that you can immediately estimate how long it will take to complete it.
  3. By completing the best reusable tasks and adding them to your favorites, after a while you will already have good experience in completing these tasks. Gradually, you will collect a lot of selected tasks and by doing them every day you will know how to do them practically by heart, thereby significantly reducing the time to complete and the effort expended, and accordingly, in the free time you can do even more tasks, which will lead to an increase in income.

    A very important point: I advise you to work on tasks in parallel in 3-5 projects, for what? It’s very simple: in my experience, in a couple of hours I completed all the best tasks that I had in my favorites, and there was no further work. After that, I immediately moved to another project and there I completed all the tasks that were in my favorites.

How much money can you really earn from tasks?

Thus, when you have many good tasks collected in your favorites in each project, you simply have no downtime: go to 1 project and complete all the best tasks, then immediately go to the second, third, etc. until all the good tasks are over. With this scheme, it is quite possible to earn 500 rubles or more per day. Just below you will find the best sites with tasks for earning money that pay, so I recommend working on them according to the principle that I described above.

Total: by applying everything described above in this article, as well as gaining experience, you can earn 5,000-7,000 rubles per month, working 3-4 hours a day, these are quite realistic figures. What if you spend more time on this? Agree not bad! You can put money on your phone and pay for the Internet and utility bills.

The best Russian sites where you can earn money by completing tasks:

1) VIP- This unique project has been running since 2003! Let me emphasize the main feature: here, various tasks, surfing, emails and clicks are carried out using a specially designed program, it tells you everything you need to do - it’s very convenient. Money can be withdrawn both in rubles and dollars:

Detailed instructions for working on this project - I’ll put it first, a site with very great capabilities, it has been working steadily since 2008. To have as many tasks as possible for work, you need to log in with a foreign IP address. Unfortunately, the site does not yet support the Russian language, but the interface is simple and intuitive. As a last resort, you can use Google translator. Payouts in dollars ($):
Detailed instructions for working on this project will be available soon. After registration, to log into your account, leave the “Secondary Password” field empty. After registration, you must view the orange links every day; I will explain why later.

2) Ebesucher- A very unusual project, its main feature is making money from autosurfing (browsing sites automatically). There is also a section with clicks/letters for work. Perhaps this is one of the most “ancient” projects in this area, you won’t believe it: it has been working since 2002! Completely in Russian. The main currency is euro (€), payments are available in rubles:

Detailed instructions for working on this project and.

To receive money on foreign sites, Paypal is mainly used (usually the withdrawal fee is lower) or Payza.

Answers to frequently asked questions:

How to earn votes on VK (Vkontakte) or Oka for Odnoklassniki for free for tasks? Well, I’ll say right away that it won’t work for free; in any case, you’ll have to work. In general, the essence is the following: by completing tasks in the projects listed above, you earn money for which you can easily buy those same votes on VKontakte and oki on Odnoklassniki.

How to make money and get money for Steam games, skins for cs go, etc.? The meaning here is the same: by completing tasks in the projects that I indicated above, you earn real money with which you can easily buy game money, coins, currencies for the games you need.

Still have questions? Feel free to ask in the comments! Comments from “experienced” task performers are also welcome; perhaps you have information that should be added to the article.

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