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Why do you need google play games. What is Google Play Market for Android, how to download applications to your phone and tablet

Every owner of a smartphone or tablet running on the Android operating system has heard this term. We will tell you what it is and why you need it.

Google Play is a service that provides access to many applications running on Android. In Russian it is called "play market" or "google play".

When we buy a smartphone, when we turn it on for the first time, we see that some programs are already installed. They will not be enough for almost every user - one needs a player, the second needs a navigator, and the third needs games. All this and much more is in Google Play - a directory with a list of programs, utilities, games and other media products.

It would not be entirely correct to call this service a store, since most applications can be downloaded absolutely free. The service interface is simple and logical. Today, content is broken down into six broad categories:

  • Entertainment.
  • Applications.
  • Movies.
  • Music.
  • Books.
  • Press.

To make it easier to find, each category has subsections, for example, "New items", "Top sales", etc. If you know the keyword or part of the name of the application of interest, just enter it in the search bar.

Google Play features and benefits

Proven software. You can leave comments for all applications in the Play Market. Thanks to them, developers can fix errors that occurred when using the program, and users, after reading reviews, understand whether to install this software. The specialists of the "corporation of good" carefully monitor the posted content, so the likelihood of getting an outright virus on your gadget is extremely small. A service was created to ensure security.

Regular updates. After installing apps, Google Play prompts you to update them. Some users in order to save Internet traffic and space in the memory of their smartphones. It is undesirable to do this, since this process eliminates flaws and allows you to keep games and programs up to date.

Popularity of the offered content. New films are regularly shot, new newspapers and interesting programs are released, and previously unknown applications are rapidly beginning to enjoy success. The owner of an Android smartphone can be sure that the products offered on Google Play meet the principles of relevance, modernity and popularity.

Payment Methods

It is not difficult to purchase paid products, there are quite enough payment methods:

  • Credit and debit bank cards of well-known payment systems.
  • Payment using a mobile operator: funds are debited from the subscriber's balance.
  • Electronic payment system PayPal.

Security and permissions

Most people prefer free or shareware products, because the desire to save money is quite natural. Shareware programs are installed free of charge, but have limited functionality that can be expanded for an additional fee. In completely free applications, you need to be prepared for constantly included ads.

It is important to be careful with the list of permissions for a particular product. is the ability for them to access the main functions of the phone. Some of them are quite reasonable, for example, an organizer with voice-based notes will definitely require access to a microphone. But if a video player asks for the ability to control contacts or a camera, then this should be alarming. It is unlikely that secret agents are following you in this way - more often it is associated with the creation of contextual advertising. Fortunately, in recent versions of Android, there is an option to disable suspicious permissions.

Google Play is not the only source for finding apps. The installation file of any program can be obtained by the owner of the gadget on third-party sites, but you will have to spend time searching and. With this method, there is a risk of getting dangerous software in the form of a virus, while Google Play offers excellent collections of software products, automatically installs them into smartphones and monitors security.

Everything you need to know about Google services.

Modern phones on the Android operating system have pre-installed Google services. They are a collection of special applications without a visual interface. This software is intended for the stable operation of programs created by Google.

Why do we need Google services?

1. Stable operation of the application store. The most popular feature of the Android operating system is to download and install applications. Also, users can purchase paid products.

If your phone does not have Google services, you cannot open the app store. In this case, you will have to use alternative sources, for example, thematic sites. This carries the risks of contaminating your smartphone with dangerous software.

2. Google Maps is a handy application for viewing maps. Through this service, you can determine your current location, launch satellite navigation or plot routes. Also, clients are provided with high quality satellite images. Maps may not work without Google services. For example, even if the program opens, the user will not be able to log in to the system, since the Google account is closely tied to the services of the corporation.

3. Watching YouTube. Today YouTube is the most popular video hosting site, where visitors share videos among themselves. Without Google services, it is impossible to install the corresponding application - it will automatically close, displaying an error.

There are several solutions to the problem, for example, loading an outdated version that remains functional without installed services. However, users lose the ability to log in, create a list of videos they liked or write comments. An additional way to visit a video hosting site is to open a browser. Of course, the app is much more user-friendly as it has improved optimization for smartphones and additional benefits.

4. Receive notifications. If you don't have Google services on your phone, you might have problems with messages and notifications. Some apps have Push notifications sent through the search company's servers.

5. Games. To use some games (especially online), you need Google services for authorization and other functions.

Disadvantages of Google services

Despite the advantages of using Google services, there are certain disadvantages. First of all, users note an increased consumption of battery power. In the "sleep" state, services can drain the battery by several percent overnight. This is why some smartphone owners wish to remove the Google app suite.

Can you use smartphones without Google services?

Google Services is a useful but optional piece of software. If the user decides to delete them, he will have to face the following features and problems:

  • Lack of instant notifications.
  • Inoperability of programs (YouTube, Google Maps, Gmail).
  • The need to install applications from alternative sources (Google Play will not work).
  • Lack of automatic updates.
  • Lack of synchronization.

Disable / remove Google services

Disabling services is very simple - just open them in Google Play and click the "disable" button.

You can delete services, but it's more difficult. The standard capabilities of the phone do not allow such an operation, but the use of alternative software easily solves the problem. True, for this you need.

  1. Install Titanium Backup, a powerful file manager that allows you to back up and manage system applications.
  2. After installation, click on the shortcut and wait while the program scans the phone's file system.
  3. In the directory that opens, select "Google Play services" and click on the inscription.
  4. As a result, you will be prompted to freeze or uninstall the application. Click on the second item and wait until the services are completely uninstalled.
  5. After completing the procedure, it is recommended to restart your smartphone and check the result.

Thus, deleting Google services is fairly straightforward. It will save battery power and unload RAM. This is especially true for older smartphones.

Updating Google services

Sometimes Google services refuse to function properly. You may have problems accepting notifications or working some programs. In this case, you need to update the applications that are experiencing problems.

  1. Launch the Google Play app store.
  2. Search for the name of the Google app.
  3. Click the Refresh button.
  4. Wait while the phone downloads the required files.

Then, following the same instructions, you need to update the Google Services themselves. Here is the link to this app on Google Play.

To ensure that the phone always updates its services on its own, you can configure this feature in the app store. The function will help with this.

The owner of the Android operating system is the IT giant Google. This explains the fact that most of Google's services, including the Play Market, are built into mobile devices running on the Android platform and integrated into the main menu of the operating system.

True, in fairness it should be noted that not all users of Android devices are happy with this. After all, it is quite possible that someone uses other proven and familiar sources to satisfy their needs, and someone simply unnecessarily uses the Google Play application store.

Speaking of Google software, it is necessary to highlight the Google Play Services application, which is preinstalled on almost all Android devices. What is it for, and is it possible to get rid of such a "gift" imposed by the digital giant? To unequivocally answer this question, let's figure it out in order.

The main task of GP services is to ensure the stable operation of the following key functions:

  • Authentication in Google services
  • Synchronizing contacts
  • Access to the latest privacy and power saving settings
  • Google and GP app updates
  • Accelerated application search (including offline mode)
  • Other.

Removal of "Google Play Services" may result in malfunctioning of applications up to their complete termination.

However, there is another side to the coin. You suddenly began to notice that the battery charge of your device began to drop shamelessly, not allowing the device to hold out in working order even for a day. In this case, it is worth checking which software has become so actively "eating" the energy of your Android. The fact is that more and more complaints from users are received on Google Play Services. The situation sometimes develops in such a way that they manage to use up to fifty percent of the charge. Why is this happening?

The fact is that Google Play services are activated automatically (correspondingly, all applications from Google), and then continue to constantly "hang" in the device's RAM, receiving and transmitting data to the corporation's servers.

Based on the foregoing, each user must decide for himself - how much he needs a particular program and its normal functioning, and only after that draw conclusions, you can delete Google Play services, or it’s not worth it. If you decide that this software is unnecessary for you, then the continuation of the article is just for you.

Google Play Services - can I uninstall?

Yes, you can, but you just need to understand that you need to approach the uninstallation of any program responsibly, with an understanding of what you are doing to the gadget.

In general, we have written a lot on this topic, therefore, if you are not quite ready for the procedure, then it is worth looking through, or how in general. Besides, it will certainly be useful to know.

If, after our 500th Chinese warnings, you definitely decided to remove Google Play services, then follow the special instructions.

If your device is not yet rooted, then you need to first. Then you can use the MyPhoneExplorer program, which you need to download from the developer's website and install on your PC and.

The application allows the user to simply connect his smartphone (or tablet) to a computer via USB or Wi Fi and organize himself comfortable work with contacts, sort out SMS-correspondence and deal with things in the calendar.

I am glad that MyPhone supports Russian, so it will be quite easy to work with this software. With the start of work, you will be prompted to synchronize everything, and after that your communicator will be under complete control.

In addition to all sorts of useful things, we will be able to work with the file system and even call any of the installed programs. When working with applications, you will immediately see:

  • Version
  • The size
  • Installation date.

In addition, as for Google Play services, like other applications, you can save it to your computer as an apk file, completely remove it from your device, or install new programs.

Another powerful application tool. After installing and running the program, we will see the system request for the "Superuser" rights, allow.

Then, we will see a list of installed applications. I would like to immediately draw attention to such an important point. If you do not have complete confidence in the need to remove any program, then it is better to “freeze” it, and not completely uninstall it. In this case, the currently unnecessary application for the operating system will be completely hidden. At the very least, if something goes wrong, you can restore the application to work.

So, after launching and granting root-rights, go to the "Backups" tab:

Then, we find the program to be "frozen" (in our case, "Google Play Services"). By the way, for convenience, you can use filters, for example, "Only system applications":

Click on the name of the program and press the "Freeze" button:

If you come to the conclusion that you need to return this or that application to work, then we do all the described points, and at the last step we click on "Defrost".

In the case of a decision to completely remove the program, again go the same way, but after the "tap" by name, click on "Delete".

In conclusion of the material, to help our readers, a video material:

Google is the official application from the company of the same name Google, which turns a smartphone into a full-fledged tool for finding information on the web. It can be used directly from the home screen, automatically launching the browser when you enter a request. This software is also used as a component of other programs - keyboards, virtual assistants using speech recognition.

How it works?

Control your smartphone or tablet using commands. Please note that there are more of them in English. Russian is partially supported. The application is capable of performing the following types of tasks:

  • Calendar and reminders - set an alarm, create notes and reminders for every day.
  • Navigation - get information about your location, traffic jams, navigate your way on the maps or check the status of your flight at the airport.
  • Useful - quickly inquire about the time, exchange rates, familiarize yourself with the meaning of the event, word, phenomenon you are interested in.
  • Communication - open social networks and messages, setting the timer at the right time.
  • Additional features - turn on the flashlight, player, wireless networks by saying the desired words into the device speaker.

The app has two search modes, as well as its own display widget. Take a look at the main features:

  1. Text input. There is a small window in front of you - write a request into it, after which the program will open a page with the results in the main browser or directly in its interface.
  2. Voice input. By clicking on the microphone icon, it will be possible to activate the text printing mode using a conversation. This feature can automatically be turned on with the phrase "Ok Google".


The Google application is one of the options for finding information on the Internet. It is simple, stable and takes up little memory. It can be used through a headset. A big plus is compatibility with most modern browsers.

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More and more often, on various Internet resources, we see a couple of logos next to each other: AppStore and Google Play.

Irreconcilable competitors coexist in touching constancy. What is this same Google Play, and why did it appear so often on the pages of sites?

Droid supermarket

Google is more than a serious corporation. And when she set about creating her own, she approached the matter more than thoroughly.

Do not compare with various " vinkillers», In the development of which more people took part than later used them.

On September 23, 2008, the first version of Android was officially presented, and on October 22, the Android Market began to work - a store in which users of a fresh OS could download a wide variety of content:

  • Applications;
  • Music;
  • Movies;
  • Books;
  • Entertainment;
  • Magazines.
A few years later, Google started a rebranding, as a result of which the service got its modern name - Google Play.

But still, what is it for?

Depending on the manufacturer and model of the device, both the stock version of Android and proprietary firmware, for example, MIUI, which is used in large gadgets, can be installed on it.

In both cases, pre-installed applications are provided to cover the basic user experience. Some of them are quite enough.

But, as a rule, the owner's desires are not limited to the basic set of programs, he needs additional content, at least the same games. Google Play allows you to get such content almost safely, and, importantly, often for free.

Yes, there was a scandal in March 2011 when malware was found among the service's applications. But even the holy Apple is not immune from this: in the App Store, the "apple" analogue of Google Play, a similar case took place in 2015.

In general, store users are protected from the need to download applications from dubious resources. In addition, they regularly receive a variety of information about new arrivals and updates.

Do not smile sarcastically - this is not always perceived as spam.

And here you can also find reviews and recommendations from other users who have already downloaded and rated this or that application. Moreover, the reviews are real, and not custom-made, as often happens on less serious resources. The value of such an opportunity can hardly be exaggerated.

What you need to use Google Play

First of all, you need availability, without which you simply won't be able to download anything from the Google Play Market.

The corresponding service must also be installed on the smartphone. It is usually pre-installed, but some older models may not have it.

Especially this sinned, which at one time had a stormy "romance" with. Instead of Google services, she installed them on her smartphones “ small soft»Analogues, but users did not appreciate this policy.

Especially when you consider that replacing them with the usual Google ones was very difficult - in some cases, the gadget had to be rooted.

In addition, sometimes for some reason this service can be removed from the device. In this case, download the latest version of the application from the website.

Where does the content come from

In 2015, the number of applications on Google Play exceeded one and a half million. Of course, they are not developed by Google itself.

To be able to sell your programs on this site, you need to get a special developer account, the opening of which costs $ 25.

There are geographic restrictions that do not allow citizens of certain countries to distribute their applications through this service for free, or to receive money for their purchase.

The latter is available only to residents of three dozen countries, which, however, includes Russia.

Many media and social networks have acquired their own Android apps in recent years. It is they who are invited to download the regular readers of this or that publication in order to be able to more quickly access the latest publications.

Google is quite sensitive about its reputation, therefore, before allowing any application to download, it is meticulously checked for the presence of malicious code.

And at the beginning of last year, the service acquired its own antivirus called Google Play Protect.


No matter what anyone says - Google Play on an Android smartphone is one of the musthave services.

Even if you are fundamentally not going to buy anything there, the amount of free content is more than enough to merit the attention of any user.

And with the existing problems, such as: lack of space in memory, constant updates, network load, competent configuration will cope.

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