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Yandex statistics for a large list of requests. What are they looking for on the internet?

The specialists of our company decided to find out what requests are most often asked by the Yandex search engine users in the city of Vladimir, the choice of this city is due to the location of the main office of our company in it.

To analyze statistics, we chose the Yandex service

Fig.1. Yandex query statistics

This service allows you to view the statistics of requests to the Yandex search engine for given phrases for the last month.

At the beginning of the review, we will describe the methodology for compiling the rating, then we will present the final results, divide requests into segments, determine the most popular topics and directions, the further, the more interesting it will be.

What is the popularity of website promotion services?

To begin with, let's determine how popular SEO promotion services are in Vladimir and the region, compared to the regions traditionally active in this direction.

In addition to statistics on the number of requests, the service has the ability to view statistics for a specific request in a specific region, from which we can find out:

1. The number of page impressions for a specific query from a particular region

2. The popularity of a particular query in a particular region, the average value of which is 100%, i.e. if we see a popularity index of more than 100% in any region, this is an increased interest, if less than 100%, this is a reduced interest.

Fig.2. Statistics on the request "website promotion" in the region of Moscow and the Moscow region, popularity 176%.

Fig.3. Statistics on the request "website promotion" in the Vladimir region, popularity 119%.

In general, as expected, the most popular topics of SEO and search engine promotion are in Moscow, the Moscow region and St. Petersburg. Nevertheless, in Vladimir and the Vladimir region, there is interest in SEO topics and is determined by an indicator above the average, equal to 119% of popularity, this circumstance cannot but rejoice. The region has all the prerequisites for the active development of this direction.

Search query analysis

Most users, when searching for a product or service, often add the name of their region to the search bar, for example, if you are looking for website development services while in Vladimir, then most likely you will ask a query indicating your city, " website creation in vladimir". In some cases, such a clarification is justified, despite the fact that Yandex takes into account your location and, by default, gives results with the priority of sites located in the same region as the user.

If you look at the query statistics for the phrase "in Vladimir", a large number of hits will be devoted not to the city and region, but to political and cultural figures bearing this name. The leader in this list is currently a popular TV presenter, the high frequency of the request is due to the search for repeats of radio and TV programs with his participation for subsequent listening and watching online.

Fig.4. Statistics for the query "in Vladimir"

However, among others, in third place we see the query "Vladimir 2014" with a total of 322,735 impressions.

Fig.5. Statistics for the query "Vladimir 2014"

Let's look at the statistics for the phrase "vladimir 2014", the number of impressions reflects the number of all queries and phrases that include words from the query, such as " vladimir solovyov sunday evening 2014", as well as "bus schedule vladimir 2014" or "concerts in vladimir 2014" . By sorting the statistics results, we can get a selection of the most popular queries and topics by region.

Fig.6. List of popular queries for the phrase "Vladimir 2014"

Based on the data obtained, we can determine the rating of the most frequent requests with reference to 2014 and the region we have chosen, in the rating we will not take into account requests that are repeated on the topic, except for those that have an additional territorial reference (the most popular bus routes, etc. ), while excluding interest in a single concert or event not directly related to the city.

The list sorted by our parameters was 101 items, the full list can be found in this file.

In this review, we segment the received data for ease of perception and clarity of information.

Rating of popular routes

Based on the data obtained, we have prepared a rating of the most popular destinations of interest to Yandex users in Vladimir.

Regular buses were the most in demand in Vladimir, the request " bus timetable vladimir 2014” ranks second in our ranking with 4,370 impressions. The mention of the electric train is found only in the 12th place, with the request " electric train vladimir moscow timetable 2014” and the number of impressions equal to 905.

The next group of requests is made up of users who are interested in a particular brand of car, among which, Renault Logan has become the most in demand in Vladimir at this point in time. Inquiry " Renault Logan 2014 in Vladimir» Users typed in the search engine 168 times.

The next group of requests can be conditionally called "infotainment", i.e. users were interested in any events and activities.

Most Popular Request

This group contains the leader of our rating, the most popular request among Vladimirtsev at the time of compiling our rating is the request " vladimir city day 2014” with the number of impressions 14035. It should be noted that the statistics data on which the analysis is based date from September-October 2014, this year, the holiday was celebrated on October 11, the coincidence of these time periods caused interest in the request.

Next, we can single out a group under the conditional general name " reference", people who searched in Yandex wanted to find certain information and get help, the main questions are " when" and " how much".

Fig.10. Popular reference information of the city of Vladimir

The next group, conventionally designated as "information”, it is compiled according to the interests of users on the principle of searching for certain information, which in the future can be the basis for further actions, or the user is simply interested in a certain event in the city and wants to know its details and news.

Fig.11. Popular news and other information

The next group is formed from requests, the purpose of which is to find reviews, ratings, or get a list of more complete information about certain places in the city.

Separately, we can highlight queries about the weather, statistics were updated in mid-November, statistics are given for the previous month, i.e. user request period end of September - beginning of October.

Fig.13. Weather in Vladimir

The last list includes all other requests, after a brief consultation and having determined the decision unanimously, we named this group appropriately - “the last group”.

The group includes requests that have a double or ambiguous interpretation, or for certain reasons, we decided not to include them in the previous, rather strictly segmented groups.

Fig.14. Queries of interest to Yandex users in the region Vladimir and Vladimir Region

As a result, we determined the most popular topics and the news, routes and events of interest to the residents of the city. This rating reflects only a general picture of the interests of users, and the method of its compilation is not the only possible one.

If you were interested in this material and want to know more information, we suggest that you read our company's overview of the situation with regional and SEO services on the example of the Vladimir region, you will find a lot of useful information in it and learn what you need to pay attention to when choosing a contractor for provision of SEO services.

Thank you for taking the time to review our review, if you have any questions, please contact us, we will be happy to answer any of them!

Today, the demand for a particular group of goods, as well as the value of certain services, can be judged based on the Runet service "Wordstat". Popular Yandex queries in the form of statistical data are of interest not only to a professional group of users. Objective analysis of a word or phrase allows each interested person to determine the “actual weight” of information and outline the most accurate direction for the search process as a whole, as well as develop (for themselves) a specific scenario of actions, depending on their needs. What is the meaning of this term and how is such a service useful? You will find the answers here and now!

Many-faced Yandex

Everyone needs something, and people are constantly looking for something, based on a certain “algorithm” of actions. We don't go to the grocery store to buy shampoo and ask why the music is so loud while we're at a rock concert. Everything in our life is more or less ordered and systematized, filled with meaning and reasonable by definition. Popular Yandex queries reflect the purposefulness and interest of users. This is a kind of aggregator of our life, able to notice the direction of our thoughts and confront the fact - where are we going, what are we interested in and what is important for us. In other words, it can summarize statistical data that reflects the quantity, quality and objectivity of the most frequently used words for searching or phrases and phrases that are not bound by the rules of syntax. Ladies and gentlemen, this is what we think, and we decide how we should react...

Efficient search

To find the most valuable information, you need to "score" a specific request. For example, if you enter: "I want to buy a car," you will see a list of Internet resources that sell or poll and publish various materials related to general issues on motor transport, or considering specific auto topics. However, such information does not always meet your expectations, because many users forget to specify the data specifying the request: car brand, properties (used or new), color and price parameters. Even in this case, popular Yandex queries may turn out to be useless for you, since it is quite possible that the desired car is sold in a place that is not very convenient for you (a remote city, region or region), that is, you should always take into account the versatility of the search process. Only in this case you can quickly find the object you are looking for without unnecessary frustration.

How can the statistics of popular Yandex queries help me?

Of course, this is a question that requires a precise definition. First of all, it should be understood that search engines are designed to greatly simplify the process of finding the information required by the user. The most relevant sites and other sources of useful content move up the hierarchical ladder of global demand. In other words, each search engine uses a mechanism for carefully selecting (ranking) the most meaningful sources of unique information. At the same time, search engines exercise a kind of control over the practical activities of a particular Internet resource. It should be noted that Yandex succeeded well in this. Yandex query statistics allows literally every registered user to analyze and objectively evaluate the direction of their actions, which can be related to any life activity: work, life, family, etc.

Where millions aspire: people, events, interests and much more

So, it is time to move on to the main part of this article, so to speak, to the climax of the story. After all, you probably want to know what or who exactly is an indicator of an intriguing phrase: "The most popular queries in Yandex." However, the most complete answer can be formulated only based on the results of the annual indicator, the results of which can be found in the corresponding heading of the Yandex search engine - "Research / newsletters".

What interested users the most in 2013?

The word "Minecraft" has taken a leading position. It was the game-constructor that became a kind of champion in terms of search queries of the past year. Mobile social network "Instagram" won the second place in terms of user interest. Further, the popularity list was continued by requests: "online postcards", "mobile Internet messengers" and "web photo editors". By the way, the word "slow cooker" was also quite often entered into the search bar.

However, women, as always, were most interested in the topic “how to lose weight”, and men devoted their time on the Internet to the IT industry and invariably showed interest in sports events, remaining devoted to the “fans” group.

Women's emancipation has nothing to do with it, or predictability of events

Culture as such is not in fashion today, but Ksenia Sobchak is the number one figure. People are more interested in the events that took place in "House-2" than in any adopted law in the state legislative framework. For example, Andrei Panin is a popular man in 2013. And this is our "achievement", which is formed and based on our opinions, in addition to everything else, it is just a reflection of the finished wording - "popular Yandex queries". takes into account literally every element of our attention. Women do not change their natural beginning: family, wedding and summer cottage. Men are most attracted to science and sports. Of course, the stronger sex is still captivated by technical innovations and the results of advanced technologies ... Everything is as usual, except for the “predestination” of unpredictable political events! The world is developing, and the system sees some regularities...

How it works?

So, having an account, you can always use the free Yandex. wordstat. Statistics can be displayed according to several search criteria:

  1. According to - the very first check-box (activated by default). Allows you to get the result for the most frequently used queries or phrases entered by the user.
  2. By region - most often used by webmasters and marketers to determine the demand of the population (local interests).
  3. Request history — detailed analysis by months and weeks.

In the first case, information is displayed in two independent windows. The list of words on the right is associative.

Careless influence...

The most popular Yandex search queries will always be part of us, the surrounding society. The weather forecast and critical reviews, as well as "mind-blowing news" are the result of information impact. We are all subject to influence from the outside... However, it is you, dear reader, who can influence the overall result of the completeness of an opinion and regulate the meaningful value of information; the “vector truth” depends on you, and only you have the right to “one”…

Information for consideration: popular search queries "Yandex"

If you notice some predetermination of some Yandex aggregator services, don't be surprised. not only looking for unique content, but also being the first collectors of "identifying" information - we are calculated, predicted and reduced to a common system of interaction. Alas, we are all part of a single Internet network! And it's not about whether we want it or not, it's about non-stop technological progress.


It is worth noting that the most popular queries in Yandex are also a highly competitive "product". Therefore, in order to reach top positions in search engines, website developers have to roll up their sleeves and purposefully work on the project for more than one month. The result of their efforts is getting our recognition. And it depends only on us, ordinary users, whether this or that Internet resource will be in the top. After all, the situation can be radically opposite, so be always in trend, ladies and gentlemen.

Greetings, dear reader. In this article, we will analyze the topic of what goods are sold on the Internet, what people are interested in at a given time, and learn how to make an express analysis of various goods and services.

What can we use this for, you may ask? Good question, let's look at all this with live examples.

A certain Artem, an aspiring entrepreneur who previously worked in a small company as a sales manager, wondered about his own business. Artem decided to sell the latest technology, starting his business by selling Google Glass glasses (smart glasses that recognize voice commands).

First of all, he signed an agreement with a supplier, purchased the first batch, launched a website and an advertising company. Artem was sure that such a cool novelty should definitely be popular and bring good money from sales.

As some have already guessed, Artem forgot to analyze the market. Demand for these glasses began to dry up, at least in Russia. Most have already bought these glasses immediately after the release + due to the sharp increase in the dollar at the moment (02/23/15), the glasses began to cost more than 100 thousand rubles, which further reduced the likelihood of their purchase.

What tool can be used to learn how to analyze demand?

How to find out the current demand for a product or service

The Yandex Keyword Statistics service will help us with this, we will focus on this service, because. The Yandex search engine in 2014 occupied and approximately the same occupies now in 2015 - 58.4% of all search queries on the Russian Internet, which means it contains maximum information.

Let's take the same example with Artyom and the new Google Glasses.

To determine the current demand for glasses, we fill in the phrase "google glass" (without quotes) in the service search box.

8910 impressions per month were recorded by Yandex on request containing the words google glass , in the screenshot you can see the most frequently scored phrases. The data is for the previous month.

Please pay attention to such an indicator as DISPLAYS. Many people mistakenly believe that impressions are the number of people, but this is not true.

P okazas are not the number of people, since 1 person can score both 2 and 3, and more times google glass + [additional word], as a result, the search engine sums up all impressions.

Here is an example for easier understanding:

Artem, when looking for a supplier of his goods, scored the following phrases:

  • Google Glass;
  • Google glass price;
  • google glass buy in russia.

As a result, 3 positions will be displayed in Wordstat:

1. Google glass - 3 impressions;

2. google glass price - 1 impression;

3. google glass buy in Russia -1 display.

The essence, I think, is clear, if it is not clear, ask in the comments.

Earlier, I said that in 2014, 58.4% of users used Yandex, respectively, in order to calculate a more accurate number of impressions in all search engines, the number of 8910 impressions / 58.4% * 100% = approximately 15257 impressions were registered in all search engines.

This calculation is very rough, but allows you to assess the demand for goods at the current moment as soon as possible.

For a more accurate calculation, you can use keyword statistics from other major search engines.

As a result, we can conclude that this product is of interest. For more accurate conclusions, you should pay attention to commercial words, such as: buy, price, cost etc.

To consolidate the material, indicate in the comments which topics you have checked.

How to find out what people buy online in winter, summer or holidays.

Still, the Yandex Keyword Statistics Service can help us in this matter.

To analyze seasonal goods, I propose to consider the situation using the example of a tire store.

In order to see when people are looking for tires, just enter the query "buy tires" into the search bar and switch the checkbox to the "History of requests" tab (see screenshot, indicated by an arrow).

Looking at the chart above, we can conclude that people are actively looking for tires at certain times. March-April (summer tires = when the snow melts) and October-November (winter tires = when the snow starts to fall).

By analogy, you can analyze requests and understand what they buy in the winter, what they buy in the summer, as well as what goods they buy for the new year, with the exception of the Christmas tree and New Year's toys.

We use this method to determine seasonality.

How to identify future demand and analyze demand for the previous period

For the analysis in this matter, 2 tools will help us:

With Yandex. We are already familiar with Wordstat, I will show with an example how best to conduct an analysis.

Suppose we want to know the demand for the service "breast augmentation" and take the second query "breast plastic surgery" for a better understanding of the situation. We drive both phrases in turn into the Wordstat search bar, put a check box on the "History of requests", as a result, we look at the statistics for the previous 2 years.

We see that the demand for the service of "breast plastic surgery" is falling. My guess is that artificial breasts are no longer in vogue. Let's check the breast augmentation request for a more accurate confirmation of our guess.

The same thing, demand is falling, although the graph shows that there is a certain seasonality at the end of the year, due to the New Year holidays. Apparently someone wants to give himself a gift. =)

We turn to the Google Trends service, the interface is not difficult, we fill in the query “breast augmentation”, select the comparison by Countries and regions - I select Russia.

As a result, we get a graph with the results for the previous few years. The graph clearly shows a gradual decrease in interest in this service. One can make a superficial conclusion that this direction is not very interesting in the future.

But for example, the request "fitness", on the contrary, is only becoming more popular every year.

The graph clearly shows how its popularity is growing. Also in Google Trend, there is a “Forecast” checkbox, when activated, Google completes the chart for a year in advance, this happens based on previous data, if there is enough of them for analysis.

A question for filling, do you think the demand for the “plastic windows” service is growing based on the data in the chart below? Justify your answer.

Write your answers and arguments in the comments, after 10 answers, I will give my comment.

To help you, additional information and a hint for you - pay attention to the growth of the Internet audience over previous years and correlate the data with the history of requests.

What do people buy in an online store in my region?

In order to find out, we need to open our favorite Wordstat service.

We can view this information in 2 ways:

1. by enabling the checkbox - "by region"

2. specifying the search region

Consider both options using the example of our hero Artem. Artem realized that selling glasses from Google is most likely not profitable, because. the market is very limited by high price and low demand. So he decided to do smartwatches.

Let's analyze this request.

Method 1

Step 1 - Turn on 1 check box "By regions";

Step 2-Select the "Cities" tab.

Now we see that the greatest demand for this product is in Moscow, then St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, etc.

Method 2

Step 1 - Click on the choice of region, the default is Russia;

Step 2 - Select the desired region, in my case it is Moscow and the region;

Step 3 - Click the Select button.

As a result, we see all the statistics on the number of requests and on key phrases. We can also see statistics on the history of queries, etc.


In the course of reading this article and completing the assignments, we know and can answer the following questions:

1. What they are looking for on the Internet. How, based on this, with the help of commercial words you can understand what people want to buy.

2. What phrases people use to search for our services.

3. How to find out the seasonality of the goods.

4. We know how to identify future demand for goods and how to analyze the future period.

5. How to find out the exact situation for each region.

Bonus for pinning

Based on statistics, write what brand of car people are most interested in at the moment in Russia, give an answer in the comments:

1. Lada (Vaz);

2. Toyota;

3. Nissan;

6. Mercedes.

In which region is this brand most often searched?

Analyze the future demand for Lada (VAZ) for the coming year.

The largest and most popular search network on the Internet "Yandex" announced the most popular search queries of Internet users this year. What people search for the most in the search engine, what topics they are interested in, and what search phrases they drive into the search bar.

So, in the first place is the topic of health, and everything related to it - medicines, symptoms, types of treatment, a variety of diseases, proper nutrition, pregnancy and vitamins, cough and its treatment, herbs and ointments, information about childhood diseases and methods treatment; healthy lifestyle, about allergies (May is the peak month), about clinics and doctors.

The topic of health is devoted to more than 4% percent of search queries - an average of 7.5 million per day, or more than 5,000 queries per minute. This is one of the largest search topics - 2 times more than the topic of cooking, and approximately equal to the topic of cars and everything connected with them, according to RIA Novosti

In terms of the number of requests from computers, the topic of health is second only to school topics and the topic of cinema, and on mobile devices it is in the lead.

Health inquiries cover many areas, with the largest topics related to finding information about medicines, diseases and symptoms, as well as clinics and doctors. In addition, many requests are devoted to pregnancy, childhood illnesses, operations, tests, and healthy eating. At the same time, many topics intersect, as they often ask at the same time, for example, about diseases and nutrition, pregnancy and vitamins, symptoms and medications.

The most popular category of health queries is medicines, accounting for 34%. It includes questions not only about medical preparations, but also about all “conditionally curative” means - various herbs, substances that may have some kind of healing property, food additives, as well as various devices and medical equipment.

“Most of all, they are looking for medicines, least of all - homeopathy. Only 0.4% of queries about medicines are devoted to homeopathy - the least in this category, ”the Yandex company explained.

seasonal factor

In about 30% of queries, people mention specific diseases or any health problems, as well as describe symptoms. The most commonly mentioned cough is more than three times more common than the common cold.

The peak of requests for cough and runny nose falls on January - this is due to the seasonal epidemic of viruses.

“But this year, a surge in requests was also observed in September - most likely, this is due to the unusually sharp September cooling and unstable weather in several large regions of Russia at once,” the company added.

“In the summer, people get sick less - this can be seen from the number of health requests. In winter, people are more likely to seek illnesses and cures. But March turned out to be the most difficult month - in March, the most inquiries about health in general, as well as the highest interest in medicines. In December, the number of requests related to diagnostics and various analyzes increases, and polyclinics are looking for more in June,” the study says.

Most of the requests about diets are made by users in April.

“Apparently, due to the fact that before the summer they want to lose weight more. And the lowest figure is right before the New Year, when it’s useless to think about healthy eating, ”they believe in Yandex.

The peak of inquiries about allergies is observed in May. The most characteristic words for this month are “lilac”, “bird cherry” and “dandelion”.

“But each month has its own set of the most popular allergens,” the company notes.

In every fifth health query, people indicate a specific body part that is of interest. At the same time, teeth are the most “popular” in matters of children's health, muscles are the most “popular” in matters of fitness, and the stomach is in the lead in nutrition, and hair is in the lead in cosmetology.

And of course, given the approach of the New Year, search queries will increase sharply on the topic of the holiday and everything connected with it - the celebration of the new year and Christmas. In addition, this festive trend will last until the month of April, until mid-May. Since from December until the very spring - continuous holidays are planned.

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Search query analysis is used by every competent optimizer. Statistics show what people most often look for on the Internet using search engines.

Its main purpose is compilation. If you don’t have one (most often we are talking about blogs), search query statistics are accessed when writing articles, “sharpening” it for a specific keyword.

The main tool for selecting keywords, most webmasters consider Yandex query statistics. (Wordstat) - Yandex query statistics

Yandex Wordstat ( combines all kinds of word forms, while most often not taking into account prepositions and interrogative forms. If you just write in Yandex Wordstat what you are interested in, then the service will show you the total number of impressions of a given word, word forms and phrases in which it was encountered.
For example, let's write:

request statistics
(Impressions: 31535. Lyrics included: Yandex query statistics, search query statistics etc.).

In order to achieve specification for a certain word form in Yandex Wordstat, you need to use special operators.

The most common is to enclose the desired search query in quotation marks ("" ). In this case, the specific keyword in any word form will be taken into account.

"query statistics"
(Impressions already 4764. Included: query statistics, query statistics etc.).

exclamation point operator ! allows you to take into account only the exact values ​​of the keywords.

(There are already 4707 impressions. Now we have found out the exact number of impressions of the query we are interested in. Please note that the ! operator is in front of each of the words).

With the help of the - (minus) operator, it becomes possible to exclude specific words from the display.

Using the plus + operator, you can force Yandex statistics to take into account conjunctions and prepositions. You will receive data on word forms with these parts of speech.

Bracket operators () - grouping and | - or. These operators are used to compile a group of keys under one query at once.

It should be noted that the operators can be combined with each other in various ways to significantly reduce the time of collecting statistical analysis data.

Yandex search query statistics show not only derivatives of the entered words, but also associative queries that users used along with your queries. This possibility contributes to a significant expansion of the semantic core (the tab on the right - "What else were looking for people who were looking for ...").

The first tab "By words" contains the total number of impressions of specific search queries. Using the region tab, you can determine the particularity of the same keyword in a particular search region.

The "On the map" tab reflects the frequency of using queries on the world map. To track the frequency of this request for a certain period, you can use the "by months", "by weeks" tabs. This is especially true for seasonal queries.

  • Firstly, Yandex statistics does not provide data on the number of people who searched for specific queries, it only gives the number of impressions of search results containing this query.
  • Secondly, Yandex Wordstat by default shows data for the last month. It should be borne in mind that some requests may be seasonal in nature, and there are also requests, the so-called “ups of interest”.
  • Thirdly, the figure that stands on top of the query includes all the keywords that contain the query itself and its word forms. Special operators should be used.

Taking into account all the opportunities that provides, and the competent use of all the tools, this service becomes the most important component that most webmasters use when promoting modern resources.

Google Query Statistics

Google has two services that can be used as keyword statistics. Google statistics for keyword selection is often used as an additional tool to expand the semantic core. This service usually independently determines the language and region for the search, the task of the optimizer is to compile a starting set of words. As a result, the system will offer you similar requests, indicating the frequency of their impressions and competitiveness.

Google search statistics are more for comparing the popularity of multiple search terms. In addition, a visual representation of changes in the dynamics of the popularity of the request in the form of graphs is offered.

Rambler query statistics

Rambler query statistics are not as popular, since the Rambler search engine is not so actively "used" by Internet users. The main difference from Yandex statistics is that there is no combination of results for different word forms. In other words, you can get accurate statistics on the frequency of a request in the right number and case without using additional operators.

Rambler's search query statistics would be a convenient addition to Yandex if this search engine were more authoritative in Runet. It is worth noting that Rambler statistics allows you to determine the number of views, both the first and any other pages regarding a specific set of words.

Search queries - frequency and competitiveness

What else should a beginner optimizer know about target queries? It is customary to subdivide all search queries into high-frequency (HF), mid-frequency (MF) and low-frequency (LF). As well as highly competitive (VC), medium competitive (SC) and low competitive (NC).

Of course, the best option would be a high-frequency and at the same time low- or medium-competitive request. But these are rare. It happens that a low-frequency request is highly competitive. Usually high-frequency ones are highly competitive requests, medium-frequency ones are medium-competitive, etc.

It must be borne in mind that these terms do not carry any specific quantitative meanings, since these figures will vary for each subject. It should be understood that the promotion of a particular site will be determined not only by its subject matter, but also by the specific situation on the market.

It should be borne in mind that the competent use of search engine query statistics is one of the components of the optimization process. Visitors who come in for certain search queries should get the information they were counting on, only in this case they will want to return to your resource.

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