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Yandex search queries by keywords. Data for semantics — Yandex Wordstat

(Last update: 01/13/2019)

Hi all! Post updated . Today we will talk about the Wordstat Yandex service (Yandex wordstat) and the Yandex Wordstat Assistant tool. Service from allows us to select keywords for the site. To be honest, I myself have not paid attention to such tools before to find the best keywords for my blog. Now Wordstat Yandex my most faithful friend and assistant. Nowhere without him.

Selection of keywords in Wordstat Yandex

Before writing a post, the first thing I do is select keywords in Wordstat Yandex (keyword statistics on Yandex).

Selection of words (wordstat) is a free service that helps to get information about requests from Yandex users. For example, it allows you to find out how many people per month search for a particular phrase, and see queries that are similar in meaning to your phrase.

Keywords for the title of the article

Selection of Yandex keywords - when writing an article

Selection of keywords in Yandex or to how to choose the right title for an article

That's all for me. I hope you found it useful. See you again. Bye Bye!

The topic of this article is the statistics of search queries in the currently largest search engines Google and Yandex.

I think many people realize that in order to successfully promote your site on the World Wide Web, you need to fill it with unique content (content). With this, it seems, everything is clear, sit down at the computer, remember, compose, write down. But not everything is so simple.

Of course, the first and most important thing here is unique content. However, a significant role is played by the correct and competent, from the point of view of optimizing search queries, compiling an article, for which it will be necessary to compose a semantic core. This is where statistics services come to the rescue.

To get a more or less reliable picture of keyword statistics, it will be enough to use the main statistics selection services:

  1. Keyword statistics from Yandex
  2. Google Keyword Tool
  3. Rambler search statistics

You can get to the service for selecting keyword statistics from Yandex at

Everything is quite simple here.

I just want to draw your attention to the fact that keyword statistics can be requested:
- by region,
-by months and weeks.

It is necessary to request keyword statistics by region if you are going to promote the site on a regional scale, thus attracting the target audience from your region. For example, if you are going to promote a beauty salon website, you will need to take into account the statistics of search queries in your region.

A request for keyword statistics by month (week) is necessary if you offer seasonal services or your product is in demand at certain times of the year. For example, when promoting the website of a travel agency or an online store selling seeds, this should be done without fail. This will allow you to predict the seasonal rise and fall in the number of visitors to your site for certain queries.

After you have entered a key query and clicked the Match button, the service will give you a list of search queries for the keyword, as well as the number of impressions of this query per month. The left column will contain queries containing the keyword. Associative search queries may appear on the right, i.e. requests similar to the one you specified.

I want to remind you that search queries are divided into:
1. HF - High-frequency requests (over 5000 requests per month)
2. MF - Medium frequency requests (from 1000 to 5000 requests per month)
3. LF - Low-frequency requests (up to 1000 requests per month)

Building a semantic core is the topic of one of my next articles. But for now, I'll tell you that it's often better to pick a few low-volume queries and work your way through them than one high-volume one.

Google search statistics

Google's keyword selection tool is very similar to the Yandex keyword statistics service. At least the functions they perform are similar. You can find it at .

Here, by analogy with Yandex, the number of requests per month for a specific keyword is displayed. The number of requests in the world (total) and in the target regions is shown.

In addition, the tool from Google shows, based on the analysis, the level of competition for each keyword.

Since the Google Keyword Tool was originally designed to find keywords to buy links, you will also find an approximate cost per click here.

Rambler search statistics

This service is not highly developed, and does not offer any special features. The Rambler search engine currently receives a minimum number of visitors. Therefore, using it to select keywords is not entirely rational.


Perhaps the most visited service in Russia is wordstat from Yandex. To select, just follow the following link and enter the query you are interested in in the "Keywords and phrases" field. After clicking on the "Pick up" button, a table will appear in front of you, on the left side of which the most popular queries will be displayed, and on the right side related queries will be shown.

Do not forget that the issuance of query statistics is different for regions, so if you are interested in regional, use the By tab. In the same place, you should specify your choice - region or city.

Rambler (Rambler) - no less famous than Yandex, but clearly inferior in terms of, and more recently, fully using search technologies above the designated company. To go to the request statistics check service, click on the link In the empty rectangular box, enter the words or phrases of interest, then click the "Calculate" button.

This service is clearly inferior to Yandex, but there is also a regional issue: check the box next to the item "Geography of requests" or click the link "Statistics by geography" and click the appropriate button.

Google has two products that allow you to create an objective assessment of the queries you enter: using the keyword selection service, you can select the most relevant query, and the Google Comparative Search Statistics service gives you an idea of ​​the query being promoted.

The keyword selection service (AdWords) is Wordstat from Yandex, you can find it at the following link Search query statistics can be viewed on this page

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Before you start making a site, you need to know exactly who will look for it and why. More importantly, statistics are needed. requests if it is planned to be promoted.

You will need

  • computer, internet


Refine the list of parameters that you are interested in in queries. In addition to the typed words, the period of data analysis can also be important - a week, a month. Understand what kind of audience you need. For example, in Russia the most used search engine is Yandex. And to work with domestic Internet users, be guided by its indicators. If the real location of the site visitor is not so important, then it is necessary to analyze Google and Rambler.

Go to and enter the desired word. Specify the region if it matters (in our case, most likely, you need to select "Russia". Enter a word or phrase that denotes your product or service. Click the "select" button. You will receive two columns: the left one with data on your request, right - with data about what else interested these people.

Go to the "regions" tab to find out how popular this query is in different parts of Russia and the world. There are also two columns here: absolute number requests and regional popularity as a percentage. This data can be visualized on a map. To do this, go to the appropriate tab. If seasonal fluctuations are important to you, open by month and week.

Free search statistics and word selection service from Yandex. The service was mainly created for evaluation by Yandex Direct advertisers. But in the future, it became a tool and SEO optimizer.

How will it help:

  • Selection of effective keywords for a contextual advertising campaign or for search engine promotion (semantic core).
  • Traffic forecast, assessment of the frequency of impressions of key phrases and the niche as a whole.
  • Assistance in developing the structure of the site.
  • Identification of trends by phrases.

How to work with the service?

To work with Wordstat you need registration in the service via email or social media. If you already have an account in other Yandex services, you can use it to work with word selection.

Login (upper right corner) > Register

Word tool

When you log in, you have the "By Words" tool displayed by default.

  1. Request input field- in this line we enter a word or phrase for which we want to see the data.
  2. Service tools- display of words by regions and history (trend) of the request.
  3. All regions- select the region for which statistics will be displayed.
  4. Platform- select the platform for which statistics will be displayed.
  5. Last update- date of the last data update in the service.
  6. Left column of Wordstat- a list of requests is displayed, which contains the word or phrase entered in paragraph (1).
  7. Right column of Wordstat- a list of phrases is shown that people who entered our word or phrase could still search for.

Let's take a closer look at how the left and right columns of Yandex Wordstat work.

Left column

The left column displays all the phrases that contain our entered query.

For example, we enter the query Yandex wordstat. We will see all the phrases that contain our query, while the word order will not matter.

This must be remembered! The number next to the request is the number of impressions of this phrase per month, and not the number of clicks on this phrase! For example, if we go to the search engine, we will type the phrase Yandex wordstat and click find - this will be 1 impression for this phrase.

The number displays all the requests included in it.

For example: In the number of impressions 60 897 on demand wordstat yandex includes all query numbers below that contain the phrase Yandex wordstat or wordstat yandex word order doesn't matter.

And in the number of impressions 2295 for the phrase yandex wordstat key includes the number of impressions per phrase yandex wordstat keywords.

If we click on the phrase yandex wordstat key, then we will verify this. We will display all the phrases that are included in this request.

This is the basic principle and logic of the "By words" tool and the left column of Wordstat. For a more advanced display of statistics, there are word selection operators.

Basic operators Yandex WordStat

There are two basic operators:

  1. Exclamation point.

They can also be used together with each other. Consider the essence of the application of each operator on the example of a simple query.

Exclamation point

Prescribed before the word! you fix the ending of the words preceded by a sign ! .

That is, writing !buy! phone, the displayed impressions will no longer include declensions of words, for example: telephones, bought and other modified endings and declensions of words before which it stands!. But here these displays include all the phrases that I have exactly spelled buy a phone, for example, these impressions include such requests: how to buy a cell phone, where to buy a phone, etc.

The exclamation point fixes only the exact spelling of these words before which it stands.

Through the basic "Exclamation Mark" operator, the user can view the results for a specific query without any declension of one or more words contained in the phrase.


By entering a phrase "buy a phone" in quotation marks, you will see the number of impressions of only this request without any other additional words, that is, this request may include phrases: buy phones, buy phones, bought a phone, etc. This does not include other additional words, for example: how to buy a phone, where to buy a cell phone, etc.

Combined use of quote + exclamation mark operators

Having written " !buy!phone", you will fix both the request itself and the endings of the words. Thus, you will know the exact frequency for a specific query without additional words, allowing you to predict the number of transitions for this query. But remember, the number of impressions is not the number of clicks, so this is only approximate data, you also need to understand that the number of clicks decreases depending on the position of the site in the search engine results for this query.

Additional operators

There are 5 more main auxiliary operators that open up even more opportunities in Yandex Wordstat:

  1. Plus operator. To use it, specify the symbol + . It helps to find search queries that contain stop words such as conjunctions, prepositions, etc.
  2. "Square brackets" operator. Symbols are used with a key phrase written between them. With its help, the arrangement of words in a phrase is fixed, that is, they remain in the same order as you wrote them. The operator is relevant when you need to analyze the popularity of similar phrases for various queries.
  3. "Or" operator. Used with symbol | and is important for the rapid selection of semantics for a web page, as well as in the process of comparing or "shifting" in the statistics of some phrases.
  4. minus operator. To use it, the symbol - . It removes, if necessary, queries containing words that are unnecessary for studying statistics.
  5. "Group" operator. Symbols are indicated () , inside which the above operators are written in order to use them together.

Operator usage examples

We present below examples of the use of all the above operators, both basic and additional.

"A plus"

We are shown all the words that contain the word Work and preposition on the. The + operator, as it were, fixed the preposition on the.


We are shown all requests where there is a word window but no word price.

"Square brackets"

We fixed the exact spelling of words with an exclamation mark, we fixed only the words between them with quotation marks, and we fixed the word order with square brackets.

"Group" and a complicated query

Another handy feature provided by the WordStat service. It allows you to set the length of requests (2.5 words, and so on) with the occurrence of keywords and parse them. This feature is especially useful in cases where the webmaster is working on a site dedicated to a very popular topic and, having collected the maximum number of pages, cannot get all the search phrases related to this niche.

On a note. Yandex Wordstat statistics, when analyzing one query, gives a maximum of 41 pages, but it often happens that there are much more phrases for a query, and not all of you can see it.

To collect all phrases whose length contains 3 words, the following construction is used: samsung samsung samsung

By asking such a query, you will collect not the maximum number of pages of search phrases of different lengths, but 41 pages of only 3-word phrases containing the keyword "Samsung". If you analyze queries step by step, the length of which is from 2 to 7 words, then you will be able to collect absolutely all the statistics for the word Samsung.

Right column of Wordstat

Shows what else people searched for by entering this query shoes.

Request history

The "History of requests" tab was created in order to study the dynamics of requests over the past 2 years, as well as determine their popularity depending on the season. For example, find out how consumer interest in the Samsung Galaxy S9 is changing. There are chart settings for weeks or months, it is also possible to filter the device type, for example, display only on smartphones.

Absolute value- This is our actual value of impressions in certain periods of time.

Relative value is the ratio of the absolute value (impressions) to the total number of all impressions. This indicator shows the popularity of a given request among all other requests.

It is impossible not to mention such a function as obtaining the frequency of a request in a particular region. The ability to divide the total request frequency by region allows you to analyze how often a certain phrase is entered by users of a particular region, and how popular it is here.

So, a query containing the words "buy" and "Sochi" most often introduced by residents of the city of Sochi, and this is logical. However, delving into the possibilities of this function, you can discover much more unexpected results.


The free Yandex WordStat service is the most important tool for SEO specialists and Yandex Direct advertisers. It allows you to study in detail the statistics of search engine queries and analyze the selection of words in order to attract more target audience to the promoted site. Today we have studied all the most important functions of the service, the successful application of which will help you make your resource more visible and bring it to the leading position in search engine results.

Greetings, dear readers of the site. Today I will talk about the Yandex Wordstat keyword statistics service - how to use it correctly, what syntax is supported, and what operators you will need to get reliable data. Many webmasters misinterpret the numbers, resulting in real traffic that is significantly lower than expected.

- good because it gives first-hand information - directly from the search engine, in addition, it allows you to twist and turn data from different angles - look into history, look at demand by region and do much more.

These figures show the demand of the audience and make it possible to understand whether or not it is worth investing resources in promoting the project according to the selected requests. The final data is used to set up Yandex Direct and Google Adwords (contextual advertising services) and for SEO promotion (search engine optimization).

Main features of Yandex Wordstat

First, let's get acquainted with the general features of the service. It has an input field (similar to a search box) and a few checkboxes that toggle shows:

  1. The total number of requests with the ability to layout on desktop (desktop computers), mobile and tablet PCs.
  2. Distribution of requests by region - which is useful for regional sites.
  3. Request history - shows the change in demand over time, which allows you to identify trends and cyclical demand. A very useful option for seasonal sites.

The main window looks like this:

Here we see the number of phrases containing this query. The table below shows numbers for different phrases with the specified key, and on the right are queries that are close in meaning to the specified one (a good hint for expanding the semantic core of the site).

According to general statistics, it is impossible to predict traffic, as it takes into account a lot of unnecessary phrases. To have the “correct numbers” it is necessary to use special operators - they will be discussed below.

General figures are good, but if, for example, you have a store that operates only in St. Petersburg, then the final data of the search engine is of little use - you need to know the demand in the northern capital. To do this, put the point "By regions":

Now we see that the potential of St. Petersburg is 6,000 requests out of a total of 80.

Demand for many topics is not constant. Even such a request as "" has a 2-fold fluctuation in popularity in different periods (chart below). Try looking at the historical chart for the queries "buy winter tires" or "flower delivery". To look at the chart from the past, put a dot on the “History of Requests”:

At first glance, everything seems simple and understandable, but if you use like this directly, you will get significantly inflated numbers, since in the examples above, data is shown not for exact queries, but for all phrases, in which they are included.

Clarifying syntax in Yandex Wordstat

Let's take another look at the screenshot showing the statistics for the search term "keyword". On it, we see that this phrase was mentioned by users in the search engine more than 62 thousand times during the month.

And it seems that getting into the TOP-1 of the search for it will bring the site at least 15-20 thousand monthly traffic. Looking ahead, I’ll say that in real life, a site that occupies the first position in the search for a given query receives no more than 200 visitors for it - a difference of 100 times is not a joke.

Imagine that you invested 100 thousand in the promotion of your project, hoping that you would earn 200, but there were 100 times fewer buyers and you earned 2 thousand - this is the failure of the entire business plan.

It may seem that the Yandex query statistics are lying and you need to look for another tool. But do not rush, you just need to learn how to use wordstat correctly.

There is such a thing - the syntax of search queries - this is when the addition of special characters allows you to set the search engine with more precise search criteria. The query syntax works both in regular search and in Yandex Wordstat - let's learn how to use it.

1. Eliminate all unnecessary (quotes)

The first reason for inflated results in query statistics is that it takes into account not only the phrase that you entered in the service line, but also all the phrases in which it is included.

Please note that in the example above, we see numbers not only for the query “keyword”, but also for “Yandex keywords”, “keyword statistics”, etc. This list is cumulative.

But, if we take our request in quotation marks, then all prefixes and tails will not be taken into account. It will turn out like this:

Now we see that the figure of 62 thousand requests has decreased to 1906 - this is much closer to the truth, but not ideal yet.

2. Get rid of word forms (exclamation mark)

Queries "keyword", "keywords", "keyword", etc. we consider different, but the search engine, by default, considers them the same, which again blurs the statistical data.

In order to exclude unnecessary word forms from monthly impressions, it is enough to put an exclamation mark before each word from the query, as in the example below:

Now we see only 411 requests, but these are the very cases when the user entered only the selected words in the right cases and declensions.

3. Compliance with word order (square brackets)

Another not obvious feature of the search engine is indifference to the order of words in a phrase. For Yandex Wordstat, the query "keyword" and "keyword" are the same. In this phrase, this moment is not critical, but there are queries where a lot depends on the word order.

The square brackets () operator is responsible for maintaining word order.

4. Accounting for prepositions in statistics (plus words)

The next feature of search engines is that they do not take into account prepositions in statistics. It is believed that these words do not carry a semantic load and can be neglected.

To take into account prepositions, you will have to use an additional operator - this is a plus sign.

Using "+" you can include the necessary prepositions in the account and discard phrases that do not contain them. It is written like this:

5. Exclusion from accounting of individual words (minus words)

Often there is a need to get general statistics for a phrase without specifying it with quotation marks, but without taking into account certain additives. For example, when selling a service, we need to calculate the demand for it. Naturally, there are people who want to get it for free - it is not advisable to take them into account.

We can exclude the word "free" with the "minus" operator. However, the minus removes any words behind it from the statistics, not just “free”.

Here's how the syntax is used:

You can use any number of negative words at the same time, separating them with spaces and prefixing each with a “-“ sign.

6. Combining statistics for similar queries

There is an opportunity in Wordstat not only to refine queries, but vice versa - to combine data for similar phrases.

How it works: Let's say you have 4 keys for which page promotion is planned - these are "Yandex wordstat", "yandex wordstat", "yandex wordstat" and "yandex wordstat".

We can take general statistics for all 4 requests. To do this, we use parentheses and a vertical bar (straight slash). Separate the options with a slash inside the brackets.

Example: (word1|word2) same part

There may be several blocks with parentheses, and the common part may be completely absent, as in the screenshot below:


At the same time, several different operators can be used in the query - this allows you to accurately find out from the search engine the demand for certain topics in different periods of time and in different regions.

Remember that when searching, neglecting the special syntax can distort the real picture dozens of times.

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