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Yandex metric how to arrange guest access. How to open access to Yandex metric

When working with website promotion or setting up advertising campaigns, I need to get access to Yandex Metrica or the client's Webmaster. And two out of three do not know how to properly provide these very access. This post is a little cheat sheet.

This can be done in three ways:

  1. Throw off the username and password for your Yandex account. The most senseless and merciless option, among other things, you give access to mail, and to the wallet and a bunch of other attached services of the box. Not suitable for security reasons.
  2. Add the site to your own account in Metrika and Webmaster, and go through verification there, implement your Metrica code. Already better, but it turns out that there are 2 counters hanging on the site at once - we clog up the code and slow down the site. Also not a fountain way.
  3. And finally, the third option is to give guest access to Metrica or Webmaster. The best solution - do not burn your passwords, do not produce counters, give access only to the necessary resources and set the access level - you can give full, but you can only allow viewing.

How to make guest access to Yandex Metric

This is done quite simply:

  1. We go into your account in Metrica, open the counter and click on the last menu item - Settings.
  2. We are looking for the Access tab. This tab will contain a list of all accounts that have access to this counter, here they can be deleted.
  3. Click the Add User button.
  4. In the pop-up window, enter the username and, if desired, your comment. Login is the first part of the email, which is up to @ Do not forget to select the access level - with the possibility of full meter control ( will not be able to delete), or allow viewing only.

For clarity, a screenshot

Now the person you gave access to the metric just needs to update the list of counters in your account and a new counter will appear there.

How to make guest access to Yandex Webmaster

Here the scheme is even simpler.

  1. We go into the tools and select open the desired site from the list.
  2. Click on the penultimate menu item Access rights. Here, if necessary, access can be closed by resetting the rights.
  3. In the Delegation of rights window, enter the login of the person to whom we want to give access, and press the yellow button. Everything is ready.

The only thing is that in order for the site to appear in the account of the person who was given the rights, you must first add the site in this account:

By itself, it will not appear in the list, as it was with Metrika.

That's all. After the end of cooperation, do not forget to delete unnecessary accesses in order to avoid surprises, especially if you broke up with an employee on a bad note =)

Having access to Yandex Metrika and Yandex Webmaster (and similar Google services) helps a lot in working on the site. But it often happens that when you ask a client to provide it, the client finds it difficult to do this, since he uses other Yandex and / or Google services on the same account: mail, Disk, etc.

I have to explain that a password that gives full access to the account is not needed, it is enough to open a guest view of the Yandex metrics and Google analytics counter with a few mouse clicks and do the same for me as a webmaster and webmaster tools from Google, but only to them and nowhere else. Mail and other services used will not be available.

This is usually followed by the question "how to do this?" To make it more convenient for the client and me, I wrote this step-by-step instruction as an answer to this question.

It is assumed that in all these services the site is already registered, so this is only about providing access, and not about how to register your site in them and configure it correctly.

Access to Yandex metric

Yandex.Metrica is a free web analytics system with rich functionality, but quite easy to use. To give access to Yandex Metrica, you just need to follow 6 simple steps.

  1. Go to the address and if you are not logged in yet, enter your username and password.

After entering your username and password correctly, a page with a list of your counters will open.

Now access to your Yandex metrics is open to the user whose login you specified. You can delete it by closing access to statistics by clicking on the "Delete" cross.

There is another way to provide access to Yandex.Metrica - add a representative. It differs from the one described above in that the added Representative will have full (and not guest) access to all counters in your account and not only view statistics, but also edit them. Use this method consciously.

If you don't know which one is better, then use the one that is described step by step above.

Access to Ya.Webmaster

Access to Google Analytics

Access to Google Tools for webmasters

Guest access to the counter

The liveinternet counter was once one of the most popular on the Russian Internet. Until now, on many sites, this is often the only counter. For lack of something better, you have to work with him. Therefore, in this small manual I had to include a description and screenshots about providing access to the counter and statistics on the Internet.

Guest access is intended only for viewing site statistics, without the ability to make changes.

When it is necessary to assess the quality of the site, they provide guest access to Yandex Metrica statistics.

Providing access to the metric is required if you ordered a site audit from another webmaster or, for example, want to add your site to the teaser network.

It is quite simple to do this, but your guest must be registered and authorized on Yandex.

The metric counter can be accessed by:

  • guest, so that the user can only view site reports. At the same time, the data of Webvisor, Direct and Target Call will be unavailable for him, it is impossible to save the segments and the report itself. Just look;
  • with the ability to edit the counter;
  • representative access to Yandex Metrica. It provides for equal management of the Yandex.Metrica counter from different accounts. The representative will have the rights to view reports, edit and even delete account counters.

I needed to give guest access to Yandex Metrica when I monetized my culinary site (I added my site to the teaser lady network and).

How to provide, give access to Metrica.

Procedure. To open guest access to Metrica, log into your Yandex.Metrica account and select the required counter.

In Settings, go to the ACCESS - INDIVIDUAL ACCESS tab.

Click on the ADD USER button.

Give the new user a name (login) in Latin letters and select the access level from the drop-down list (guest, with the ability to edit the counter, representative). SAVE new user.
To give him public access to view statistics, to view the counter, turn on the switch to the ON position - a field with a link will appear, by which the site statistics will be available.

Provide this link when adding the site to the teaser network. The moderator will have guest access to the Yandex.Metrica counter, access level View only. When adding a site, you can also provide a link to LiveInternet statistics, this is also not difficult.

N in fact, everything is elementary here, and I already mentioned this in the article on Metric 2.0. But all the same I will repeat myself and write in more detail. For example, I or someone else asked you to make access to metrics statistics for analysis. You ask the one who needs access to login from any Yandex mail under which it is convenient, go under your login in your statistics. Here is a list of your counters (or some one)

WITH right from the counter there is a button called "access". Click on her

T You can also choose the access levels for the guest and sign any comment.

  • View only
  • Full access

How to give guest access to Direct

D Access in Yandex.Direct is hidden under the name "Registered Representatives". The link in the interface is here. It's at the very bottom under your list of campaigns.

T There are several options for granting access.

  1. You ask the person who needs access to give you a Yandex login that has never been advertised in Yandex.Direct.
  2. You register a separate clean mail yourself, make access and drop the login password to someone in need.
  3. You register your login directly from the access grant page.

T The third option is the simplest, I recommend it for use. Yes, I must say that an even simpler option would be to give a direct username and password, but it may be that Direct is in your personal mail and you do not want random people to get into it. This is a natural desire.

TO The access levels in Yandex.Direct are very different from those in Metrica. There is no level only for viewing campaigns and statistics. Any of the access options implies that the person who has access can do whatever they want with the campaigns. There is of course the so-called "Chief Representative" and there are all the others. The chief can add new representatives, all others cannot. That's all the levels. This is the reality and you need to be ready for this. Of course, it is unlikely that the director will rush to copy your campaigns and sell to competitors, but it is still possible. Okay, they scared a little, now to the instructions themselves.

D in order to grant access. Click on the link to appoint a new representative. See the screenshot below. For the first two access options described above, simply enter the login and personal data (any, even taken from the ceiling).

P After entering the data, you go back and fill out Step 2 and click "Register"

AND a new representative appears on the list.

V from and everything is left with the username and password you registered, throw off the one who needs access. You see everything is banal and simple. Good luck!

Guest access to Yandex services - Metrika and Direct - is a limited opportunity to view statistics on the site and reports on advertising campaigns. Provided by the account owner.

The function will become indispensable if several people are working on improving the resource. Thanks to guest access, the site owner will demonstrate the data necessary for adjusting the promotion strategy, without fear that the settings will be changed. It is also necessary to provide access to customers so that they can evaluate the results of the work - for example, if a specialist maintains a client's RK from his account.

How to provide guest access to Yandex.Direct

An unlimited number of users can be granted access to an advertising account in Yandex.Direct. Each of them will be able to make changes to ads and campaign settings, get acquainted with statistics, transfer funds, etc. At the same time, only the main account representative can add and remove users (representatives).

Previously, to add a new representative in Yandex.Direct, you had to scroll down the page with campaigns and click on the "Registered representatives" section.

After updating the interface, this tool has been moved to the pop-up menu located at the bottom of the page.

Click on Show More and find the Campaign Access - Registered Representatives section.

In the window that opens, you will see a list of account representatives. To add a new one, click on the "Assign a new representative" link.

Fill in the form fields, indicating the login of the representative and his personal data - full name, contact phone number and email. When all the fields are filled in, click on the "Register" button.

After registration, the new representative will appear in the list.

By clicking on "Edit" next to the selected representative, you can adjust the user settings - change contact information, configure notification settings, change the Metrica counter number and much more. The entered information must be saved by clicking on the appropriate button under the form.

To remove an unnecessary representative, click on the "Remove" button. The user will lose the ability to manage advertising campaigns and will be moved to the "Remote Representatives" section.

Please note that all new representatives of a Yandex.Direct account receive unlimited opportunities in campaign management. The only thing these users cannot do is add new representatives and change the main one. Therefore, for security purposes, Yandex recommends granting access only to your personally registered accounts. Otherwise, the service does not guarantee the safety of funds in the advertising account.

Any user can access the Metrica counter. The setup process will differ depending on whether the person is registered with Yandex or not. Let's go through both options step by step.

For users registered in Yandex

To provide another person with limited access to the Metrica counter, log in to the service and click on the settings icon next to the required counter in the list.

You can also grant access from the menu of the selected counter by clicking on the "Settings" section.

In the settings window that opens, find the "Access" tab and click on it.

The service will offer to choose the type of access to statistics - "Public" or "Individual". In the first case, the data on the site will be available to any user, and in the second - only to the one whose login you specify in the settings. To grant limited access to the second type of user, click on the "Add User" button under the "Individual Access" section.

In the pop-up menu, specify the username, configure the rights and, if desired, write a comment. Please note that Yandex does not send notifications about the provision of access to Metrica by email - you will have to inform the specialist about it yourself.

In the "Login" field, you may only enter the Yandex mail data (email account login up to the @ symbol).

The set of capabilities that another user will receive will depend on the specified rights. When choosing "View only", a person will be able to familiarize himself with the settings and statistics for the selected counter. The user will not be able to save and add reports to favorites or form segments. Full control over the counter - except for deleting it - will appear if you select "Edit".

Save the changes by clicking on the "Add" button.

At any time, you can revoke access rights by clicking on the icon with a cross in the line of the selected user.

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