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World wide web in the form. History of the World Wide Web

Driving in address bar of their "www" browser, the user is often unaware of the exact meaning of the term and its accompanying connotations. At the same time, the term “www” itself (an abbreviation for “ world wide Web" - World Wide Web) has a wonderful history that is being written to this day. In this article I will tell you what WWW is, introduce the reader to the history this concept, as well as describe the framework on which the World Wide Web runs today.

To begin with, it is worth deciding what WWW is. As mentioned above, the term "WWW" is an abbreviation for the World Wide Web (translated from English - "World Wide Web"). Today WWW is a collection of digital information sources designed as hypertext documents.(they are also called web pages).

The term WWW is often identified with the term "Internet", which is fundamentally not true. If the WWW (World Wide Web) is essentially a collection of web pages, then "Internet" is a huge number of computers connected by a network together. Although this network of computers provides the WWW, nevertheless, it is these computers connected together that are called the "Internet".

Therefore, it would be more correct to say not “I will look for something on the Internet”, but “I will look for something on the World Wide Web”.

What is WWW - the history of creation

Knowledge of what WWW is would be incomplete without understanding the genesis of this phenomenon. The World Wide Web (WWW) was invented by British scientist Sir Tim Berners-Lee in 1989 when he and his colleague Robert Cayo tried to create a reliable tool for exchanging data between physicists. As a result, the concept single network, which includes terms such as URL (single resource locator), HTTP protocol, (hypertext transfer protocols), and HTML language(Hypertext Markup Language). At the same time, the concept of this network made it possible to exchange data between computers with different operating system, which became the most important trump card in its subsequent development.

Berners-Lee is also the creator of the first web browser (1990) and the web server (1991) - the prototypes of the structural units of the World Wide Web that exists today.

With the evolution of the project the task WWW development took over "World Wide Web Consortium"(1994), who has since created and implemented technological standards for www. To date, more than a hundred recommendations have been implemented, and the members of this consortium are many organizations from various countries peace.

WWW structure

Understanding what WWW means would be incomplete without understanding its structure and principles of operation. The WWW is based on the functioning of many web servers (programs that run on a computer and use the HTTP protocol for data exchange). Typically, a web server receives a request for a file over the network, finds it on its own and sends it to the address specified in the request, and some servers may create desired file(document), as they say, "on the go."

To view information from the web server, the user uses a special software called "web browser", which allows you to correctly display hypertext (specially marked up text, often using hyperlinks).

The hypertext itself is created with using HTML a special hypertext markup language. Files on HTML-based is the basis of the World Wide Web, and when such a file is placed on a web server, it is already called a "web page". A system of web pages is called a "site", "website", or "web resource".

What is WWW v.2.0

It is worth supplementing the concept of what WWW means with information about the so-called "second version of the WWW" (WEB 2.0). Essentially, this term means active involvement simple user content creation and distribution (blogs, social media and so on). At the same time, the technologies for creating web pages in Web 2.0 have not changed significantly compared to Web 1.0.


Above, I described what WWW is, what is its history and features of functioning. Originating in the late 80s of the XX century as a tool for data exchange between physicists, WWW has gone through several stages of its development, and now connects billions of people around the world. At the same time, its possibilities are far from being exhausted, and a fascinating future awaits us, built on the Internet and WWW functionality. Don't miss it.

In contact with

World Wide Web, World Wide Web, WWW, Web, Web are all names for the same service, which was coined in 1991 and uses the HTTP protocol to transfer hypertext documents and other files from a Web server to clients.
The popularity of the WWW is due to the fact that it was the first way to obtain information of any kind from the Internet in an intuitive and nice shape. On this moment this technology has developed a lot and, perhaps, it has no competitors.
How WWW works is as follows. The user runs a program that understands the HTT protocol, and special language The on which the WWW content is generated. This program is called "HTML viewer", or in English - browser (browser). At the same time, HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is a "hypertext markup language", i.e. the language with which hypertext is created. Next, the user types the address of the www-server. The browser contacts the server with a request to return the document located at this address. The server sends the document. The browser receives the document, processes it and, if it contains pictures, also asks the server to give them back to it, as well as other document materials. This document is usually called a page, as well as a WEB page, or an HTML page. After that, the browser processes all incoming data and displays the finished page on your screen.
Some page elements (test, pictures, buttons) can be links. If you click on them, your browser will send a request to the server specified in the link to ask him for the document that is indicated in it. In this way, you can move from document to document, from server to server, which turns the entire Internet into one giant network, linking documents and servers to each other with hyperlink threads. In addition, there may be places on the page for entering some information and a link to a program on the server that should process this information. For example, you can enter your full name. and the person's address and click the "Get Phone" button.
Then your browser will send this data to a program on the server that will process it (in this case will find suitable phone) and return HTML pages with the processing result.
The overwhelming majority of interactive WEB-pages and sites are built on this principle.
A website is a set of pages united under one domain name. For example: is a website, and is an HTML page /index.html on the website WWW itself does not do very much, but the use of programs that process user requests makes its capabilities enormous. Writing such programs, as well as creating beautiful, easy-to-use pages, is the job of web developers.

Already today, the number of Internet users reaches 3.5 billion people, which is almost half of the world's population. And, of course, everyone knows that The World Wide Web has finally enveloped our planet. But until now, not everyone can say whether there is a difference between the concepts of the Internet and the World Wide Web. Oddly enough, many are absolutely sure that these are synonyms, but the well-educated guys can come up with arguments that will diminish this confidence.

What is the Internet?

without going into complex technical details, we can say that The Internet is a system that brings together computer networks Worldwide. Computers are divided into two groups - clients and servers.

Clients called ordinary user devices, which includes personal computers, and laptops, and tablets, and, of course, smartphones. They send a request, receive and display information.

All information is stored by servers that can be classified according to different purposes:

  • web server,
  • postal,
  • chats,
  • radio and television broadcasting systems,
  • file sharing.

Servers are powerful computers operating continuously. In addition to storing information, they receive requests from clients and send the necessary response. At the same time, they process hundreds of such requests.

More in our brief educational program worth mentioning worth mentioning Internet providers, which provide communication between the client and the server. A provider is such an organization with its own Internet server, to which all its clients are connected. Providers provide communication on telephone cable, dedicated channel, or wireless network.

This is how you get on the Internet

Is it possible to do without a provider and connect directly to the Internet? Theoretically possible! You will have to become your own provider and spend a huge amount of money to get to the central servers. So do not scold your Internet provider for high rates - these guys also need to pay for many things and spend money on equipment maintenance.

The World Wide Web has engulfed the whole world

World Wide Web or simply web - "web". Actually it is represented huge amount pages that are linked. This connection is provided by links through which you can navigate from one page to another, even if it is located on another computer connected to .

The World Wide Web is the most popular and largest service on the Internet.

The World Wide Web uses special web servers for its work. They store web pages (one of them you see now). Linked pages with a common theme, appearance, and usually located on the same server is called a website.

To view pages and documents on the web are used special programs- browsers.

It is the World Wide Web that includes forums, blogs and social networks. But directly its work and existence is provided by the Internet ...

Is there a big difference?

In fact, the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web is quite large. If the Internet is huge network linking millions of computers around the world to sharing information, the World Wide Web is just one way to share this information. In addition to ensuring the operation of the World Wide Web, the Internet allows you to use e-mail and various instant messengers, as well as transfer files via the FTP protocol,

The Internet is what connects numerous computer networks.

The World Wide Web is all pages that are stored on special Internet servers.


Now you know that the Internet and the World Wide Web are different things. And most importantly, you can show off your mind and explain to your friends what this difference is.

During recent years many attempts have been made to develop the concept of a universal information base data, in which one could not only receive information from anywhere in the world, but also have convenient way links information segments to each other so that the most important data can be quickly found. In the 1960s, research in this area gave rise to the concept of " information universe” (docuverse a documentation + universe), which would transform all information activities, in particular in the field of education. But it is only now that a technology has emerged that embodies this idea and provides opportunities for its implementation on a planetary scale.

WWW is an abbreviation for "World Wide Web". Official definition The World Wide Web sounds like the world's virtual file system- “a large-scale hypermedia environment focused on providing universal access to the documents.

The WWW project originated in early 1989 at the European Physics Laboratory elementary particles(European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland). The main purpose of the project is to provide non-professional users "on-line" with access to information resources. The result of the World Wide Web (WWW, W3) project is to provide users of networked computers with enough easy access to a wide variety of information.

Using the popular software interface, the WWW project has changed the way information is viewed and created. The idea is that thousands of information servers are randomly scattered around the world and any machine connected to the Internet online can be converted into a server and stuffed with information. From any computer connected to the Internet, you can freely install network connection with such a server and receive information from it.

The first such server was organized at CERN "e, and The World Wide Web Consortium (or W3C) was created there to develop and support WWW technology standards. The W3C: Website WWW server is an integrating server to support Internet WEB technologies.

Later, many other organizations joined the project. A great contribution to the development of WWW-technologies was made by the National Center for Super-computing Applications (NCSA).

Information WWW-server uses hypertext technology. To write documents in hypertext, a special, but very simple HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) language is used, which allows you to control fonts, indents, insert color illustrations, and supports sound and animation output. The language standard also includes support for mathematical formulas.

The concept of hypertext.

Externally, hypertext differs from plain text by the fact that part of the words or entire lines in it, being highlighted in a special font or color, are sensitive to the appearance of the mouse pointer on them. When hitting such an area of ​​text, the pointer (often an arrow) changes its original appearance, becoming, for example, a palm. Clicking the "mouse" in this position leads to the initiation of an event, most often to the loading of a new document into the viewer, attached to the selected line of text by a so-called hypertext link. As a result, the user has the opportunity to choose the order of viewing certain pages, moving along alternating threads - cobwebs of links. If the computer is connected to global network Internet, then the browsing scenario may include resources from all over the world, access to which occurs via the Hypertext Transfer Protocol, or HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol). After what has been said, the idea of ​​these resources as the World Wide Web becomes clear.

Since the non-trivial nature of the interaction between the client and the server HTTP protocol with remote network resources hidden from end user Behind the interface of a friendly hypertext page viewer (browser, from the English browse-browse), getting started on the Web is not a big problem.

So, hypertext cannot be displayed correctly by a regular text editor, although the latter is quite suitable for its preparation. A specially designed hypertext language HTML markup allows you to turn necessary elements documents, including not only text fields, but also graphics, in the field of "mouse sensitivity", or in hypertext links. There are a number of good reasons why it is necessary to dwell on this language in a little more detail below.

For the convenience of entering information, special forms and menus are provided. Viewers allow you to access not only WWW servers, but also other Internet services. With their help, you can surf through Gopher servers, search for information in WAIS databases, get files from file servers By FTP protocol. Usenet NNTP network news exchange protocol is supported.

The whole benefit of the WWW is to create hypertext documents, and if you are interested in any item in such a document, then just “poke” it with the cursor to get the necessary information. It is also possible to make links in one document to others written by other authors or even located on a different server. One of the main advantages of the WWW over other means of searching and transmitting information is "multi-media". In WWW, you can see text and image, sound and animation on one page at the same time.

WWW is currently the most popular and most interesting service Internet, the most popular and convenient tool work with information. The most common name for a computer on the Internet today is www, more than half of the Internet data flow is accounted for by the WWW. Quantity WWW servers today it is impossible to estimate with any accuracy, but according to some estimates there are more than 300 thousand. The growth rate of the WWW is even faster than that of the Internet itself.

WWW works on the principle of client-server, more precisely, client-servers: there are many servers that, at the request of the client, return to him a hypermedia document - a document consisting of parts with a diverse presentation of information, in which each element can be a link to another document or part of it . These links in WWW documents are organized in such a way that each information resource on the global Internet is uniquely addressed, and the document that you are reading at the moment can refer both to other documents on the same server, and to documents (and in general to Internet resources) on other Internet computers. Moreover, the user does not notice this and works with the entire information space of the Internet as a single entity. WWW links point not only to documents specific to the WWW itself, but also to other Internet services and information resources. Moreover, most WWW client programs (browsers, navigators) not only understand such links, but are also client programs for the corresponding services: ftp, gopher, Usenet network news, Email etc. Thus, software WWW are universal for various services The Internet, and the WWW information system itself plays an integrating role.

The Internet is taking an increasing place in our lives. No other human-made technology has gained such widespread popularity. Internet - the World Wide Web, which covers the entire Earth, enveloping it with a network of TV towers. He began to gain his popularity back in the relatively distant 1990s. In the article, we will discuss where it came from and why it became so popular.

Internet as World Wide Web

The second name of such a plan was given for a reason. The fact is that the Internet unites many users around the world. Like a spider's web, it envelops the entire globe with its threads. And this is not an ordinary metaphor, it really is. The Internet is wires and wireless network, the latter of which are not visible to us.

But this is a lyrical digression, in fact the Internet is connected with the World Wide Web (www, or the Word Wide Web). It covers all computers connected to the network. On remote servers users store necessary information and can also communicate online. Often this name is understood as the World or Global Network.

It is based on several very important protocols, like TCP/IP. Thanks to the Internet, the World Wide Web, or otherwise the Word Wide Web (WWW), carries out its activities, that is, it transmits and receives data.

Number of users

At the end of 2015, a study was conducted, on the basis of which the following data were obtained. The number of Internet users worldwide is 3.3 billion people. And this is almost 50% of the total population of our planet.

These high rates were achieved thanks to the spread cellular networks 3G and high speed 4G. Providers played an important role, thanks to the massive introduction of Internet technologies, the cost of maintaining servers and manufacturing fiber optic cables. In most European countries, the Internet speed is higher than in African countries. This is explained by the technical lag of the latter and the low demand for the service.

Why is the Internet called the World Wide Web?

It is not paradoxical, but many users are sure that the above term and the Internet are one and the same. This deep misconception, hovering in the minds of many users, is caused by the similarity of concepts. Now we will figure out what's what.

The World Wide Web is often confused with the similar phrase "World Wide Web". It is a certain volume of information based on the technology of the Internet.

History of the World Wide Web

By the end of the 1990s, the dominance of NSFNet over ARPANET technology was finally established in the world. Oddly enough, but one research center was engaged in their development. ARPNET was developed by order of the US War Department. Yes, yes, the first to use the Internet were the military. And NSFNet technology was developed independently of public services almost out of sheer enthusiasm.

It was the competition between the two developments that became the basis for their further development and mass introduction into the world. The World Wide Web became available to the general public in 1991. It had to work somehow, and Berners Lee took over the development of the system for the Internet. For two years successful work he created hypertext, or HTTP, the famous electronic tongue HTML and URL. We do not need to go into details, because now we see them as regular links for site addresses.

Information space

First of all, this information space accessed via the Internet. It allows the user to have access to the data that is on the servers. If we use a visual-figurative way, then the Internet is a three-dimensional cylinder, and the World Wide Web is what fills it.

Through a program called a "browser", the user gains access to the Internet to surf the Web. It consists of an innumerable set of sites that are based on servers. They are connected to computers and are responsible for saving, loading, viewing data.

Spider webs and modern man

At present, Homo sapiens in developed countries are almost completely integrated with world wide web. We are not talking about our grandparents or about remote villages, where they don’t even know about some kind of Internet.

Previously, a person in search of information went straight to the library. And it often happened that the book he needed was not found, then he had to go to other institutions with archives. Now the need for such manipulations has disappeared.

In biology, all species names are made up of three words, such as our full name Homo sapiens neanderthalensis. Now you can safely add the fourth word internetiys.

The Internet is taking over the minds of mankind

Agree, we draw almost all information from the Internet. We have tons of information in our hands. Tell our ancestor about this, he would greedily bury himself in the monitor screen and sit there all his free time in search of information.

It was the Internet that brought mankind to fundamentally new level, it contributes to the creation new culture- mixed or multi. Representatives of different nations mimic and adapt, as if merging their customs into one cauldron. Where does the final product come from?

It is especially useful for scientists, there is no longer a need to gather at consultations in a country that is 1000 km away from yours. You can exchange experiences without a personal meeting, for example, through instant messengers or social networks. And if an important issue needs to be discussed, then you can do it via Skype.


The World Wide Web is a component of the Internet. Its work is ensured thanks to storage servers, which provide information to the user upon request. The Web itself was developed thanks to US scientists and their enthusiasm.

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