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Windows 10 program failed. What to do if during Windows installation you get the error "The license agreement could not be found

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Recently I decided to reinstall Windows, but during installation, when the process came to select the local drive on which to install the operating system, Windows gave the following error: Setup was unable to create a new or find an existing system partition. This error appears when trying to install the Windows 7 operating system. When trying to install Windows 8 or Windows 8.1, the error "We could not create a new or find an existing partition" appears. I saw both of these mistakes with my own eyes and therefore I will boldly say that they are solved in the same way. I will also give the data that I found on the Internet: the same error in Windows Vista will sound like this: "Windows cannot find a system volume that meets the requirements for installation." All these errors differ from each other only in spelling, so let's start solving it, but before that I will describe the symptoms of this disease. In addition to the errors mentioned above, you may notice that the system recovery partition is not created (in different operating systems, the volume of this partition is different. So, up to Windows 7 inclusive, this partition takes 100 MB, and in Windows 8 and above - 350 MB.)

How to get rid of the error could not create a new or find an existing system partition?

In an attempt to get rid of this problem, several actions were taken, which I also propose to do to you:

  • Change of Windows distribution. Create a new one, it is desirable to apply a new distribution kit.
  • Formatting and deleting all partitions on the hard drive. Use disk formatting whenever possible if there is no important data. After deleting partitions, there are several options to try:
    • Install Windows to an unallocated area.
    • Create one partition and try to install not it.
    • Create 4 sections and try on one of them. There is information that when you create 4 or more partitions, the system recovery partition is not created and the installation can be successful.
    • Create one partition and try to install Windows in the remaining unmarked area.
  • You can try the same steps through the command line using. Press Shift + F10 to invoke the command line.
  • In BIOS, switch SATA mode from IDE to ACHI, or vice versa.
  • Try resetting your BIOS settings to default.
  • Disconnect all other flash cards or other USB devices from the computer.
  • In BIOS, put the boot from the hard disk in the first place, put your boot disk in the second place. If the hard disk already has an operating system (for example, if you want to do a dual boot), then during boot use the F10 or F12 keys to bring up the boot menu, where you select your flash card or CD. If there is no OS installed on the hard disk, then the system will automatically boot from your distribution kit.
  • I also heard that a flash card must be inserted into a computer only after turning on the computer (in my opinion, this is nonsense).
  • If you have multiple physical disks, disconnect all but one.

In most cases, the above options should help and the system should be installed. If these actions did not help you and you are still seeing the inscription "could not create a new or find an existing system partition", then read on.

Installing Windows from your hard drive

I think no one will be surprised by the information that Windows is possible, from a flash card or from a CD (DVD) disc. All these options have in common that the operating system image is located on external media (flash card, CD-ROM, or deployment server). Now we will try to install Windows in a more complex and dramatically different way. During installation, the Windows image will be located on the hard drive itself, where we are going to deploy this image! To do this scam, follow my advice:

  1. Boot from a regular installation disk (you already have it here).
  2. Get to the hard disk settings window, where we ran into our mistake.
  3. Partition your hard drive the way you want. If there is no important information on the disk, it is best to make one partition for the system, and leave the rest of the area unallocated. The section for the system must be formatted.
  4. After that press the key combination Shift + F10 (or Alt + F10), which will open a command prompt window.
  5. In the Command Prompt window, enter the command:

    which will list all disks.

  6. Most likely, there will be two disks listed there - your hard drive and a flash card. There will be a number next to your hard drive, which you need to specify in the next command. Most likely it is number 0.

    The answer to this command will be a list of existing sections. If, on my advice, you have created only one section, then you will see it. If not, then look for the partition on which you want to install Windows and remember its number.

  7. Given the partition number, run the following command:

    select partition 1

  8. Then we make the section active:


  9. We format:

    format fs = ntfs quick

  10. assign

    This exits the Diskpart utility, but does not exit the command prompt window.

  11. With the following command, we go to the root of our flash card (CD-disk):

    cd d:

    UPDATE: And so that this moment passes without any complications and visitors stop complaining about possible errors in the comments, I would like to explain that the letter D: is not necessarily the letter of your flash drive and it can take the form of any other letter of the Latin alphabet. To find out for sure, you need to sequentially enter the commands in the command line window


    list volume

    The answer to these commands will be a list of all logical partitions on your computer and the corresponding letter names, among which you must find your USB flash drive, understand and remember the letter of the flash card and use it instead of d: in further commands. In order to find out the drive letter without interfering with our main affairs, it would be better if you open another command line window, for which, read point 4 again.

  12. We execute the command:

    xcopy d: c: / e / h / k

    which copies all the installation files from the flash card to the C: drive. Wait for copying to finish.

  13. We execute the command:

    bootsect / nt60 c:

    Which adds special boot code to the C drive, making it the bootable Windows hard drive.

  14. This completes the creation of the bootable hard disk. Now you can remove the flash card and restart your computer. The next time you boot, your computer will initiate a Windows installation straight from your hard drive. When the operating system is installed and the desktop appears in front of you, you must perform the following steps.
  15. Press Win + R and call the application


    In the window that opens, go to the Boot tab and remove the Windows Setup (or Windows Installation) item from there.

  16. Open the C: drive. Now we need to clean the disk from the installation files that we no longer need. Here is a list of files and folders that need to be removed, you can take from your installation flash drive.
  17. Congratulations, you have dealt with the problem.

In such a difficult, but rather interesting way, you can get rid of the error The installer was unable to create a new or find an existing system partition. Good luck to you!

setupprep.exe Windows 10 Setup Is the preparation process for installing or upgrading Windows 10. This file is part of the Media Creation Tool. Minimum Windows version supported by Windows XP Service Pack 3. After downloading updates, it may be located in a hidden folder: C: \ $ Windows. ~ BT \ Sources or installation media.

On Winx64 system, it can be known as setupprep.exe Windows 10 Setup (32-bit)

Some problems you may encounter
  • Windows 10 setup is already running.
  • Please use a different installation disc that says% s-bit is available. When you insert it into the drive, Windows 10 Setup will automatically restart.
  • Could not find required XML version
  • Error sending media data for staging to hard drive
  • The installer was unable to start correctly. Restart your computer and start installing Windows 10 again.
  • The installer was unable to launch the traditional user experience layer
  • The installer was unable to start Install.exe
  • The installer was unable to determine the user interface language
  • Windows 10 Setup does not support command line arguments. Run the command "setup.exe /?" at the command line in the root directory of the installation media.
  • We found that the installation is happening from a network location. An intermittent network interruption may have occurred. Try to install again
  • The selected architecture does not match your computer. For example, if your computer is running 64-bit Windows, you must use the 64-bit version of the tool. Try running the tool again and make sure the correct architecture is selected.
  • There was a problem starting the installer. Close the tool, restart your computer, then try running the tool again.
  • We need at least 350 MB of space to run the installer. Free up some disk space and try again.

At one time, the error "The installer could not create a new or find an existing system partition" pretty frayed my nerves, but fortunately now I know the reason and several ways to work around or fix it, which I am sharing with you.

The message "The installer could not create a new or find an existing system partition" can sometimes be received when installing Windows 7 or installing Windows 10, the error looks something like this:

In this case, partitions on the hard disk can be created, formatted or deleted, but when you select a partition for installation and click Next, a message appears stating that Windows cannot be installed on this disk. Most often and as a rule, this error occurs when installing Windows from a USB flash drive.

Causes of the "Setup was unable to create a new or find an existing system partition" error:

  • In the BIOS of a computer or laptop, the first device in the boot list is not a hard drive, but any other device - DVD, USB flash drive, network boot, etc.
  • More than one hard drive or SSD is installed in the computer, the unnecessary one can be disabled during the installation of Windows
  • Incorrect boot settings in BIOS
  • The USB flash drive from which Windows is being installed is not suitable for this, it is recommended to recreate the bootable USB flash drive with another program and use another Windows image, preferably the original one.

The most common reason for this error is the first. Starting with Windows 7, the installer checks the BIOS settings and does not always do it correctly, if the installer decides that the hard disk you specified for installing Windows is not the first in the list of devices to boot, then it does not allow the installation to continue and displays a message: “The installer could not create new or find an existing system partition. "

To fix this error, you can do the following:

1. Go to the BIOS and configure the list of devices to boot in such a way that the hard drive is always the first in it, in some BIOS there is even a special Fixed Boot Order item - which fixes the order you specified and does not allow it to change. In some, usually old BIOSes, the boot order of devices cannot be configured, you can adjust more precisely, but when a USB flash drive is connected, such a BIOS for some reason always puts it above the hard drive. If the boot order can be configured, then use the Boot-Menu to boot from the USB flash drive, you can call it with the F8-F12 keys, less often Esc, F1 or F2, and then the Windows installation will take place in normal mode.

2. There is another more reliable way to solve this problem, you need to partition the hard drive and copy the installation files to it, make it bootable and reboot, in this case the Windows installation will start directly from the hard drive and will run normally without problems. To do this, you need to start the installation and in the installer create one partition on the hard disk, which will be drive C, then press Shift + F10, a command line should open in it, you need to run several commands:

diskpart- the utility will start

list disk- will show a list of available disks, the list should contain at least one hard disk and a bootable flash drive, it is easy to understand which disk you need to select by size, remember its number, to select a disk with which we will work, enter the command:

select disk 0(select disk 0, if you have a hard disk with a different number, indicate it)

list part we display a list of partitions on the disk, in the installer you should have created one partition, remember its number and specify it in the next command, for example, we need a partition number 1:

select partition 1

active- we make this section active, that is, it will be used when loading

now it remains to format our system partition, for this enter the commands:

format fs = ntfs quick

assign letter = C(C is the drive letter that you want to assign to the partition, if C is busy you can choose another one, we remember it, it will be useful to us at the stage of copying files)

exit- exit the disrpart utility and continue working in the command line.

We need to determine the letter assigned to the flash drive in order to copy the files from the flash drive to the newly created and formatted partition on the hard drive. To search for a flash drive letter, you can type the command cd e: or simply e: where e is a possible letter of the flash drive, sometimes letters are assigned not from the beginning of the alphabet, but from the end, try if the disk with the letter you selected does not exist, you will receive an error message, if the disk with such a letter is present, the command will be executed, in this case run the command DIR it will show a list of folders and files - from them you can understand which drive the letter belongs to. After the letter assigned to the flash drive is found, you can start copying the files.

For example, the letter of the flash drive is E, the letter of the hard disk partition is C, then the command for copying files will look like this:

xcopy E: C: / e / h / k

when copying is over run the command:

bootsect / nt60 c:(where c is the letter of the partition on the hard disk, do not confuse)

The last command makes disk C bootable, after which you can remove the USB flash drive, configure the BIOS to boot from the hard disk and restart the computer, if everything is done correctly, then the Windows installation should start and go through normally without any problems with choosing a partition or disk for installation ...

After the installation process is complete, you can delete unnecessary entries from the boot menu using the msconfig command, as well as delete the installation files from the hard disk, they most likely will not be needed anymore.

I hope this detailed instruction will help you find the reasons and fix the error: "We could not create a new or find an existing system partition."

Those users who independently downloaded the official installation image of the Windows 10 operating system are, of course, familiar with the special Media Creation Tool utility. This is a proprietary tool from Microsoft designed to create bootable media for installing and updating the operating system.
But sometimes you may have problem when launching Media Creation Tool... For example, the error "Setup was unable to start correctly, please restart your computer." Or the application does not start at all.
There may be several reasons for this.
The most common reason is that the Media Creation Tool does not work due to the fact that it is incorrectly recognized by your security system and blocks any suspicious activity. Therefore, it is worth starting by disabling the antivirus program and the firewall (firewall).

Checking the work of Media Creation Tool. Did not help? Go ahead.
The next possible reason is that your account does not have enough rights to run the program. Try right-clicking on its icon and in the menu that appears, select "Run as Administrator". Alternatively, you can try to create another Windows account with administrative rights and try to see if the utility will start now.

The next reason why Media Creation Tool doesn't work is because of problems with the local network. Try the following. Run. Then enter the following commands in turn:
ipconfig / release
We release the IP address if it is obtained from the DHCP server automatically.

ipconfig / renew
This will update our IP address.

And finally, clear the DNS cache:
ipconfig / flushdns

Now you need to check that you have access to the Internet and then check the operation of the Media Creation Tool.

Another way that sometimes it also turns out to fix the problem when starting the Media Creation Tool is to clean up temporary system files. To do this, you need to write the following address in the address bar of Windows Explorer:
Press the "Enter" key. This will open a folder that stores temporary files of the software that is running or was running on the system. It looks something like this:

We completely clear its contents and reboot.
Well, if the Media Creation Tool does not work after that, then there is only one way out - download the installation image and create a boot disk on another computer, and then go to this one and reinstall the OS.

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