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Web Developer mozilla browser extension. Web Developer for Firefox - installation and plugin features for layout designers and webmasters

Vlad Merzhevich

Although the extension is available for two different browsers, the Firefox version is up to date and regularly updated, which is not the case for the Chrome version. In addition, it supports the Russian language. Therefore, in the future, the description will only go for Firefox.

Installation is quite simple, just go to the author's website with Firefox and click "Download", after which you will be redirected to the site where you need to click on "Add to Firefox" (Fig. 7.1).

Rice. 7.1. Adding to Firefox

You can also go directly to the page with the extension.

After adding, a warning window will appear (Fig. 7.2), click the "Install now" button and the installation procedure is completed.

Rice. 7.2. Install Web Developer

Another way to install different extensions is to use the menu Tools > Addons. In the search box, we type “web developer”, press Enter, the add-on we need will appear in the list below (Fig. 7.3).

Rice. 7.3. Firefox add-ons window

The extension itself looks like a menu bar above the tabs (Fig. 7.4), and it is also available through the menu Tools > Web Developer. The panel can be turned on/off via the menu. View > Toolbars or by right-clicking on the extension bar.

Rice. 7.4. web developer in browser

Let's go through the Web Developer menu items.

Disable cache

Disables the browser's built-in cache. Typically, images and copies of viewed pages are stored by the browser on a local disk to save download time. When the page is reopened, the browser compares the local copy with the original, and if they match, the local copy is loaded. In some cases, the local version of the page is loaded, even if the original is modified. For example, in the browser settings, a check can be set every two hours to see if the cached page has been updated on the server. However, Firefox doesn't allow you to fine-tune the cache like Opera does.

You can also refresh the page bypassing the cache using the key combination Ctrl + F5 , it is supported by all browsers.

Java is a programming language developed by Sun Microsystems. Small programs in this language (so-called applets) are used to extend the functionality of web pages. Firefox has built-in support for this language, which can be disabled via this menu item. Doesn't work in Firefox 3.6.

Disable JavaScript

A programming language designed to run scripts - programs integrated with a web page. JavaScript is widely used when creating web pages to enhance their functionality, for example, create various menus, forms, effects, etc. If you select the Disable JavaScript > Completely, then all functionality on the site will stop working. This menu item can be used to test the site without scripts, as well as to bypass various restrictions that site authors set, such as disabling the right mouse button. Web Developer says that there are no restrictions that cannot be bypassed.

Disable META redirect

With a tag you can automatically redirect to the specified document after a certain period of time. The tag is used for this. and the Refresh value of the http-equiv attribute (Example 7-1).

Example 7.1. Automatic forwarding


Forwarding can be used in chats to update the current document or redirect to a new address. But it is also used with malicious intent, for example, to frequently display contextual advertising or banners. This menu item allows you to block a similar tag .

Disable minimum font size

In the Firefox settings, you can set a minimum font size, it will be used for text that is smaller than the specified size. This allows you to make browsing easier to read, especially on sites that display text in a font that is too small for comfortable reading.

To set a minimum font size, select from the menu Tools > Options..., open the Content panel and click the Advanced button in the Fonts and Colors group. You can select the minimum font size from the drop down menu Smallest font size.

Web Developer allows you to quickly enable or disable this feature. However, if the minimum font size is not set in the settings, this item does not affect the result in any way.

Disable Page Colors

Turns off any colors set with the background or background-color property. Background images that are set with background are also affected.

Disable Popup Blocker

Pop-ups are usually used for advertisements, so they are usually blocked and not allowed in browsers. This item allows you to quickly turn this option on and off.

Disable proxy

A proxy is usually understood as a server or program that allows you to connect to the Internet, as well as for the purpose of making requests on behalf of other clients. If in the Firefox settings ( Tools > Options.., the Advanced panel, the Network tab, the Configure button) is set to "Use system proxy settings", then this item is inactive.

Disable Referrers

Referrer is one of the headers of the HTTP protocol and allows you to get the address of the page from which the user came to the site. If you care about the security of your data, enable this item.

Cookies, or cookies as they are called in jargon, are small text files on the local computer that store information useful to the site. With the help of cookies, you can remember the user's name, his status and other information that is used on the site. Firefox sets cookie preferences via menu Tools > Options..., the Privacy panel. For security reasons, you can generally disable the acceptance of cookies from sites.

Cookies themselves are a set of some parameters:

  • unique name;
  • meaning;
  • path - send cookies only if the path and the page address match, the path "/" means any page;
  • domain - for which site address the record is relevant;
  • expiration date - tells the browser when the cookie can be deleted.

Disable Cookies

Disables accepting cookies from sites.

Delete Session Cookies

Cookies are often used to verify user authentication. After entering the name and password, a unique code is generated and stored in cookies. When you visit the site again, this code is checked, and if it matches the server code, then the site “recognizes” the user. Selecting this item deletes all saved sessions.

Delete Cookies for a Domain

Deletes all cookies for the site that is currently open in the browser.

Delete cookies for the path

Deletes all cookies for the site, the path of which matches the path of the site opened in the browser.

Information about Cookies

An additional page opens, where all cookies from this site are presented in tabular form. Their parameters can be edited or cookies can be deleted altogether (Fig. 7.5).

Rice. 7.5. Information about cookies from

Add Cookies

Allows you to artificially set cookies for the current site or any other, as well as set the necessary parameters (Fig. 7.6).

Rice. 7.6. Window to add

Adding is usually required to debug the operation of cookies and the behavior of the site when they are present.


This menu is responsible for the styles of the current page.

Disable styles

Designed to disable styles on some basis.

All styles

Disables all styles used on the page.

Default Browser Style

Disables the style for all elements to which it is added by default by the browser. For example, the text inside


Has a different size.


After disabling the style, the text size of these elements will be the same.

Inline Styles

Disables styling within a tag