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Call the police phone number. What is a single number? Calling a district police officer or a police squad

The need to call the police is usually sudden. Outsiders break into the apartment. You are pursued by mysterious people with obviously bad intentions. A bag was snatched from your hands or from a passerby nearby. There are suspicious faces near your car, looking inside. You can rarely predict when and how you will need the police.

Changes in recent years also apply to law enforcement agencies. Everywhere they take place in different ways: in Russia, for example, the police have been completely reformed into the police, Ukraine is creating the police in parallel with the existing police. Calling methods are also changing: the good old “02” cannot be dialed from a mobile phone.

However, there is also good news. You can still call the police. True, you will need a three-digit number, but it's still not difficult. True, you have to learn some paradoxical things. That you can call without a SIM card at all. That for different operators the numbers may differ. Etc.

Questions and answers about calling the police from a cell phone

  • Is money debited from my account when I call the police?
  • No, calls to the police are free of charge for all operators. Other emergency services can also be dialed free of charge.
  • What if I have a zero balance?
  • Even if you have a debt on the account, it will not hurt you. Still, you call the emergency services, and this is a special case.
  • How to make a call if there is no SIM card in the smartphone?
  • Then dial a single emergency call number - 112. Your call will be received by the operator who will be the first to record it. You will be connected to a single call center that will put you in touch with the right service. Moreover, based on which base stations received your signal, law enforcement will detect your location.
  • I don't have a SIM card, but I have Wi-Fi and Skype or Viber. Can I call the police with it?
  • Alas. Internet telephony services are not designed to call emergency services. It doesn't matter if it's Skype, Whatsapp, Viber, Tango, Telegram - it won't work. The only exception is a call to a specific city number of the department through a paid system of external calls. But it is difficult to imagine a situation where it is more convenient than dialing a short number.
  • Does the call method depend on what phone I have?
  • No, only from your carrier.
  • Will the police soon come to such a call?
  • As with a call from a landline: it depends on whether the outfit is ready, how far from the site you are. If you're somewhere nearby, you're in luck. No, you'll have to wait, alas.

Police call numbers from mobile for different countries

If you travel frequently, you may need to call law enforcement anywhere - both at home and abroad. It is not so difficult to remember how to call the police from your mobile number in your city. But what if you became a witness, and even more so a victim of an attack somewhere abroad? It is not always possible to ask passers-by - either they are simply not around, or the language barrier interferes.

We provide a table of numbers for some of the countries that we have found to be the most relevant.

  • Russia- 002 (Beeline), 020 (Megafon, Tele 2, Rostelecom), 102 (MTS, Motive), 112 (common rescue service number), 102 (universal police call number)
  • Ukraine, Belarus - 102, 112 (common for all emergency services)
  • Bulgaria - 166
  • Moldova - 902
  • Poland - 997
  • Czech Republic - 158
  • Croatia - 192
  • Montenegro - 122
  • France, Spain, other EU countries - 112 (single number for all emergency services)
  • Georgia - 121
  • Turkey - 155, 112 (single number)
  • Egypt - 122, 446-765 (tourist police)
  • Thailand - 191, 1155 (tourist police)
  • Israel - 100
  • USA - 911 (single number for all emergency services)
  • Japan, South Korea - 119 (easy to remember: 911 is reversed)

All these numbers are universal, you can call them from mobile and stationary devices.

Before traveling abroad, enter the police numbers of the countries you are going to visit into your mobile phone notebook. An emergency is urgent because it happens unexpectedly, and there will be no time to interview passers-by or look for numbers on the Internet. Even seconds of delay can make a difference.

It’s good if you know English at least within everyday limits: it will be incomparably easier for you to describe your problem, wherever you are, and at the other end of the phone you will be more likely to be understood.

We hope you don't have to follow the above instructions. But it is better to be prepared for troubles, then they will not be so destructive for you.

You can call the police both from a landline and from a mobile phone. The number you need to call to do this depends on your location and also on the phone operator.

  • Make sure that calling the police (or the police, depending on the state you are in) is really necessary. A false call in itself is an administrative offense, and if it is accompanied by a false report about an impending or already committed terrorist act, it is also a criminal offense.

  • To call the police from a landline phone, while in any city of the Russian Federation, dial 02. In the future, as the city telephone network is transferred to digital PBXs, this number is planned to be changed to 102.

  • On the territory of Ukraine or the Republic of Belarus, dial 102 from a landline phone.

  • If the wired telephone is connected to a PABX, first dial the exit code for the city network, and only then - 01.

  • To call the police free of charge from a GSM cell phone, call 112. Such a call can be made when a SIM card of any operator is in the device, even a blocked one or with a negative balance, as well as in the absence of a card at all. Moreover, it will work even in international roaming. In addition to it, you can use the following numbers: in the Republic of Belarus - 101, in Canada and the USA - 911, in Israel - 106, in Australia - 000. The main thing is that the phone is turned on and there is enough energy in the battery to maintain its performance. If the battery is about to run out, and there is a working socket and charger nearby, put the device on charge, and only then make a call.

  • After calling 112, a connection may occur not with the duty unit, but with an autoinformer. The phrase pronounced by him may sound like this: "To connect with the fire brigade and rescuers, press 1, with the police - press 2, with the emergency medical service - press 3, with the gas service - press 4." Press key 2 and wait for the operator's response.

  • If there is a SIM card in the phone on the territory of the Russian Federation, Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus, you can call the police by dialing 02 (or 102), as from a landline phone. If the machine does not support 2-digit dialing, try 02*, 020 or 002 - one of these should work. In case none of them fit, dial 112 as described above. On the territory of Ukraine, Kyivstar subscribers can also send SMS to number 102.

  • If you use a CDMA phone (for example, connected to the Skylink operator), first try calling 902. If this did not work, try all the options described above.

  • Please note that IP telephony systems (such as Skype) are not designed to call emergency services. The companies serving them do not guarantee the possibility of calling such services and are not responsible if the user is unable to reach them, being in an emergency. Therefore, learn to keep your cell phone with you everywhere: at home, on the street and at work. If you find yourself in a situation where there is no other way to report what happened, call someone you know through the IP telephony system and ask them to call the emergency service.

  • After answering, tell what happened, where you are, what is your name. Answer other questions, if any. Do not end the call until the operator asks you to do so.

From childhood, we were taught to memorize three basic phone combinations: 01 fire department, 02 police and 03 ambulance. They could save a life in an unforeseen or emergency situation. Time passes, time changes, and now we, as adults, teach our children how to act in difficult moments. So, do we know how to call the police from a mobile phone? After all, so much time has passed and new gadgets no longer perceive the combinations that we were taught in the distant past. Let's talk about this topic.

Mobile numbers to call the police

Today, the former number 02 is not supported by modern mobile phones. About 30 years ago, they called the police on it. Now even the name of the emergency department has changed, not to mention the number by which it can be called. The minimum number of characters that must now be dialed is three digits. Moreover, each mobile operator may have a different set of these numbers.

Police phone for Tele2

Calling the police from a cell phone for Beeline subscribers

You can call the police department from the phones of the Beeline operator using a number very similar to the previous one, only one more zero is added to it at the beginning - 002.

Other sets of numbers were formed in the same way, which should be dialed in case of unforeseen situations - by adding 0 to the previous composition:

Through the Internet, you can call any organization from the list or all of them taken together on the website

A call to the police from MTS and Megafon operators

These operators have identical emergency numbers to those used by Tele2.

That is, in order to get through there, you need to dial 020. To the gas service - 040, the fire department - 010, and the doctors - 030.

The above-mentioned mobile operators also support the function of online calling for operational assistance via the Internet, you just need to go to their official pages: or

What is 112?

Everyone has probably heard how the hero or heroine of a foreign blockbuster dials 911 if some kind of trouble happens to them.

So in Russia there is also something similar - 112, a single code for calling rescuers. With the help of this short set of numbers, several emergency rescue teams can be called through the dispatcher at once.

This single number does not depend on the operator, its tariff, besides, you can call it with a zero balance, a blocked phone and in the absence of a SIM card in the device.

To call the police using 112, dial this combination on the phone, and then select the second item in the voice menu, which is intended to communicate with the operator responsible for connecting with the police department.

Reference! In order to call the rescue team, since 2014, the following single numbers for landline and cell phones have been introduced: for the fire department - 101, for the police - 102, for the ambulance - 103 and for the gas service - 104.

Other ways to contact the police via phone

Keeping up with progress, organizations that guard the law offer everyone to download a special application. With it, in difficult situations, you can contact them as quickly as dialing a number on the phone.

It will be helpful to look at:

In the event of an emergency, this program will help you contact the nearest police department. It also has an option to auto-detect the location of a person in trouble. In online mode, through the application, you can report a missing person.

To download the program, it is enough to type in the Play Market and App Store search engine - the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then a matter of technology.

Work on improving the options and interface of the application is ongoing and now all residents of the Russian Federation who are located in any corner of the country with Internet access can become users of the application. By the way, this is the only minus of the application - without access to the Internet, you should use the standard emergency dialing.

In any country in the world, this or that organization monitors the rule of law. For someone it is the police, and for someone it is the police, gendarmes or carabinieri. In order not to get into trouble and turn to them for help in time, you should know their call numbers or have them in the phone book, maybe this will save someone's life.

Various situations can happen in our life. Therefore, knowing how to call emergency services from your mobile phone is simply necessary for each MTS subscriber. In this article we will talk about how to dial the police number. As a rule, you have to call the law enforcement agencies suddenly and often the person starts to panic. In especially difficult situations, it is even difficult to remember the number 02. The rules for dialing the police number from a mobile phone differ from the standard city dialer, where you simply dial 02. Therefore, it is advisable to enter numbers in the telephone directory in order to quickly call the police. Law enforcement agencies in Russia have been reorganized and the former militia has already been renamed the police. Today, calling 02 from a mobile phone is no longer possible.

Phone number combinations

There are several options for calling law enforcement officers from a cell phone or other device, namely:

  • For MTS subscribers, you need to dial the number "0 20".
  • If you need to make a call from a payphone or landline phone, then you should dial the familiar number 02.
  • When a call is not possible for a long time, for example, all lines are busy, then you need to dial the number

Call features

When you need to call emergency numbers, all MTS subscribers should know a few features.

First of all, this call is not charged. Moreover, a person can call law enforcement agencies, even if his balance is in the red or the SIM card is in financial blockage. Also, the call is free from a payphone or from a landline number.

The dialing rules do not depend on the mobile model. From any device, you need to dial the above combination.

Many MTS subscribers may be interested in the question: is it possible to call emergency services using Internet services? For example, use skype or viber. Unfortunately not, such a challenge may be available to us in the future.

Many will probably be surprised, but you can call the police even with a blocked SIM card or without it at all. The functionality of the mobile phone is not lost if you remove the card, all the menus that are in it remain available to you. In this situation, you can only dial 112. This is the Ministry of Emergency Situations, it will be able to record your call and transfer information to the appropriate authorities. This call is also free.

The time of arrival of the squad at the specified address is not affected by the method you use. It all depends on the readiness of employees and the remoteness of the object. If you are near the site, then the squad will arrive within a few minutes, and when the place is significantly removed, you will have to wait. In order to speed up this process, you can contact a specific city number of a specific section. But this is almost impossible in an emergency. Firstly, you will need time to recognize it, and secondly, calls to such numbers are always paid. Therefore, it is much easier to immediately dial a three-digit combination.

Every person should know the rules for calling the police from a mobile phone in order to use this if necessary. We will tell you how to call the police from the mobile phone of the most popular operators. If you witnessed a crime, were involved in an accident, or don't know how to report other wrongdoing, use our recommendations.

How to call the police from a mobile phone

There are several ways to call the police from a mobile phone.

  • Single emergency number 112. In order to call the police from 112, you need to dial it on your phone, then use the answering machine to wait for the instructions regarding calling the police and follow them. On the phone, clearly tell the operator the essence of the problem, the address where you are and wait for further instructions. You can call the police using the number 112 even with a negative balance and a blocked SIM card. Moreover, such a call can be made even from a phone that does not have a SIM card inserted. This call is absolutely free.
  • Calling the police from short numbers of mobile operators. In order to use this method, you need to dial the short number assigned to your mobile operator. To call the police from an MTS or Motive number, dial 102. For Megafon, Tele 2, Rostelecom operators, this is number 020. Calling the police from a Beeline number is carried out by dialing 002. These numbers are valid on the territory of all regions of Russia.

Remember these ways to call the police from your mobile phone, because at some point your concern can save a person's life, including your own.

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