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High tech. What is render? Rendering, methods and programs


What is Render (Rendering)

Render (Rendering) is the process of creating a final image or sequence of images from 2D or 3D data. This process takes place using computer programs and is often accompanied by difficult technical calculations that fall on the computing power of a computer or on its individual components.

The rendering process is present in one way or another in various areas of professional activity, be it the film industry, the video game industry, or video blogging. Often, rendering is the last or penultimate stage in the work on a project, after which the work is considered completed or needs a little post-processing. It is also worth noting that it is often not the rendering process itself that is called the render, but rather the already completed stage of this process or its final result.

the words "render".

The word Render is Englishism, which is often translated into Russian by the word “ Visualization”.

What is 3D rendering?

Most often, when we talk about rendering, we mean rendering in 3D graphics. It should be noted right away that in fact there are no three dimensions in 3D rendering as such, which we can often see in the cinema wearing special glasses. The prefix “3D” in the name rather tells us about the way of creating a render, which uses 3D objects created in computer programs for 3D modeling. Simply put, in the end we still get a 2D image or their sequence (video) that were created (rendered) based on a 3D model or scene.

Rendering is one of the most technically difficult stages in working with 3D graphics. To explain this operation in simple terms, you can make an analogy with the work of photographers. In order for the photo to appear in all its glory, the photographer needs to go through some technical steps, for example, film development or printing on a printer. Approximately the same technical stages are burdened with 3d artists who, to create the final image, go through the stage of setting up the render and the rendering process itself.

Building an image.

As mentioned earlier, rendering is one of the most difficult technical steps, because during rendering there are complex mathematical calculations performed by the render engine. At this stage, the engine translates the math data about the scene into the final 2D image. During the process, the 3d geometry, textures and light data of the scene are converted into combined information about the color value of each pixel in a 2D image. In other words, the engine, based on the data it has, calculates what color each pixel of the image should be painted with to obtain a complex, beautiful and complete picture.

Basic rendering types:

Globally, there are two main types of rendering, the main differences of which are the speed with which the image is rendered and finalized, as well as the quality of the image.

What is Real-Time Rendering?

Real-time rendering is often widely used in gaming and interactive graphics, where the image must be rendered as fast as possible and displayed in its final form on the monitor display instantly.

Since the key factor in this type of rendering is interactivity on the part of the user, the image has to be rendered without delays and in almost real time, since it is impossible to accurately predict the player's behavior and how he will interact with the game or with the interactive scene. In order for an interactive scene or game to work smoothly without jerks and slowness, the 3D engine has to render the image at a speed of at least 20-25 frames per second. If the render speed is below 20 frames, then the user will feel discomfort from the scene watching jerks and slow motion.

The optimization process plays a big role in creating smooth rendering in games and interactive scenes. In order to achieve the desired render speed, developers use various tricks to reduce the load on the render engine, trying to reduce the forced number of miscalculations. This includes lowering the quality of 3D models and textures, as well as writing some light and relief information to pre-baked texture maps. It is also worth noting that the main part of the load when calculating the rendering in real time falls on specialized graphics equipment (graphics card -GPU), which allows you to reduce the load from the central processing unit (CPU) and free up its processing power for other tasks.

What is Pre-Render?

Pre-rendering is used when speed is not a priority and there is no need for interactivity. This type of rendering is used most often in the film industry, in working with animation and complex visual effects, as well as where photorealism and very high image quality are needed.

Unlike Real-Time Rendering, where the main load fell on the graphics cards (GPU), in the preliminary rendering, the load falls on the central processing unit (CPU) and the rendering speed depends on the number of cores, multithreading and processor performance.

It often happens that the rendering time of one frame takes several hours or even several days. In this case, 3D artists practically do not need to resort to optimization, and they can use 3D models of the highest quality, as well as texture maps with very high resolution. As a result, the picture is much better and more photo-realistic compared to rendering in real time.

Rendering software.

Now, there are a large number of rendering engines on the market, which differ in speed, image quality and ease of use.

Typically, render engines are built into large 3D graphics programs and have enormous potential. Among the most popular 3D programs (packages) there is such software as:

  • 3ds Max;
  • Maya;
  • Blender;
  • Cinema 4d and etc.

Many of these 3D packages have renderers already included in the package. For example, the Mental Ray render engine is included in the 3Ds Max package. Also, almost any popular render engine can be connected to most of the famous 3d packages. Popular rendering engines include:

  • V-ray;
  • Mental ray;
  • Corona renderer and etc.

I would like to note that although the rendering process has very complex mathematical errors, the developers of 3D rendering programs are trying in every possible way to save 3D artists from working with the complex mathematics underlying the rendering program. They try to provide relatively easy-to-understand parametric render settings, as well as material and lighting sets and libraries.

Many render engines have found fame in certain areas of work with 3D graphics. So, for example, "V-ray" is very popular with architectural renderers, due to the availability of a large number of materials for architectural rendering and, in general, the good quality of the render.

Visualization methods.

Most render engines use three main calculation methods. Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages, but all three methods have the right to be applied in certain situations.

1. Scanline (scanline).

Scanline rendering is the choice of those who prioritize speed over quality. It is due to its speed that this type of rendering is often used in video games and interactive scenes, as well as in the viewports of various 3D packages. With a modern video adapter, this type of render can produce a stable and smooth picture in real time with a frequency of 30 frames per second and higher.

Work algorithm:

Instead of rendering "pixel by pixel", the "scanline" rendering algorithm is that it defines the visible surface in 3D graphics, and working on the "row by row" principle, first sorts the polygons needed for rendering by the highest Y coordinate that belongs to this polygon, after which each row of the image is calculated by intersecting the row with the polygon that is closest to the camera. Polygons that are no longer visible are removed when moving from one row to the next.

The advantage of this algorithm is that there is no need to transfer coordinates about each vertex from the main memory to the working one, and the coordinates of only those vertices that fall into the visibility and rendering zone are broadcast.

2. Raytrace (raytrace).

This type of render was created for those who want to get a picture with the highest quality and detailed rendering. Rendering of this particular type is very popular among fans of photorealism, and it is worth noting that it is not casual. Quite often, with the help of ray tracing rendering, we can see stunningly realistic shots of nature and architecture, which not everyone will be able to distinguish from photography, moreover, it is often the ray tracing method that is used when working on graphs in CG trailers or movies.

Unfortunately, for the sake of quality, this rendering algorithm is very slow and cannot yet be used in real-time graphics.

Work algorithm:

The idea behind the Raytrace algorithm is that for each pixel on a conventional screen, one or more rays are traced from the camera to the nearest three-dimensional object. The light beam then goes through a certain number of bounces, which can include reflections or refractions, depending on the materials in the scene. The color of each pixel is calculated algorithmically based on how the light beam interacts with objects in its traced path.

Raycasting method.

The algorithm works on the basis of "throwing" rays as if from the eyes of the observer, through each pixel of the screen and finding the nearest object that blocks the path of such a ray. Using the properties of the object, its material and scene lighting, we get the desired pixel color.

It is not uncommon that "raytrace" is confused with "raycasting". But in fact, "raycasting" (method of casting a ray) is actually a simplified "raytrace" method, in which there is no further processing of the bounced or bent rays, and only the first surface in the path of the ray is calculated.

3. Radiosity.

Instead of the "ray tracing method", in this method the rendering works independently of the camera and is object-oriented, in contrast to the "pixel by pixel" method. The main function of “radiosity” is to more accurately simulate the color of a surface by allowing for indirect illumination (scattered light bounce).

The advantages of "radiosity" are soft, graduated shadows and color reflections on an object from nearby brightly colored objects.

The practice of using the Radiosity and Raytrace method together to achieve the most impressive and photorealistic renders is quite popular.

What is Video Rendering?

Sometimes, the expression "render" is used not only in working with computer 3D graphics, but also when working with video files. The video rendering process begins when the user of the video editor has finished working on the video file, setting all the parameters he needs, soundtracks and visual effects. In fact, all that is left is to combine everything done into one video file. This process can be compared to the work of a programmer when he wrote the code, after which all that is left is to compile all the code into a working program.

As with the 3D designer and the user of the video editor, the rendering process is automatic and without user intervention. All that is required is to set some parameters before starting.

The rendering speed of the video depends on the duration and quality required for the output. Basically, most of the calculation falls on the power of the central processor, therefore, the speed of video rendering depends on its performance.

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This guide will help you build the perfect rendering and animation PC.

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Relevance: November 2018

Rendering is the process of rendering 2D or 3D models, creating images or animations from them using certain computer programs. If you want to build a PC just for these purposes, if you want to get the most out of it in terms of performance for every ruble spent, then this guide is for you. Build a PC yourself, you do not overpay for unnecessary and unnecessary functionality, you collect the car strictly for your work needs. Our guide will help you with this.

First, we'll take a look at which PC components are essential for this kind of creative work, and then we'll get the most out of them! Go.

Section 1: Examples of PC Assemblies for Rendering and Animation

These assemblies are perfect for rendering images and videos in programs such as Maya, Cinema 4D, Blender, Modo, etc. You can read more about why these particular components were chosen below.

Important: Since you build your own PC, be sure to purchase the operating system separately. To avoid compatibility issues, we recommend Windows. You can buy it.

Budget build for rendering and animation

This budget build builds on the excellent performance of Intel's lower-end Kaby Lake processor line. The case in this build is pretty cheap, and the money saved has been poured into dual channel DDR4 memory, a mid-range graphics card with 4GB VRAM, and a roomy hard drive. Despite the budget of the assembly, there are no compromises in it - neither in terms of the quality of components, nor in terms of storage capacity.

This assembly even has an SSD on which you can install the system and a couple of frequently used programs.

CPU Cooler: Stoke

Balanced build for rendering and animation

As usual, mid-to-high-end builds give great performance for the money! We ourselves use a graphics card from this assembly, so we can personally vouch for its excellent performance, especially when it comes to rendering and animation.

In assemblies of this level, there is a larger SSD, on which you can already store not only the operating system and frequently used software, but also the projects you are working on at the moment.

This assembly also features a six-core processor with a new architecture from Intel.

Unlike the previous budget build, here all of the below mentioned treats are packed in a full-fledged mid-tower case. The cooler here is also much more efficient and quieter than the stock one.

High performance build for rendering and animation

So we went to the professional level. This build delivers excellent performance, but is disproportionate to the price increase. A slight chill of the law of diminishing returns is already felt here.

In this assembly, we have the R7 2700X, which has one of the highest performance per core, as well as in multi-threaded mode. Accordingly, this configuration is ideal for creating, editing and animating 3D models. In rendering, this assembly will give way to more expensive options, unfortunately.

In the assembly we also have a powerful and efficient cooler, an excellent video card for CUDA rendering, three terabytes of storage for your masterpieces, a high-quality power supply.

If you like to play games, then this assembly will handle almost any game in 4K resolution.

Important: If your software uses CPU for rendering, take a look at the section with alternative components for this build.

Assembly for professionals

We warn you, you are standing on the edge of a waterfall. Then there is only darkness, crazy performance and astronomical price tags.

High clock speeds, 8 cores, 16 threads - this CPU has a great combination of multi-threaded performance and performance per core. Perfectly balanced.

1 TB of extremely fast SSD makes starting up, shutting down, accessing files and running programs a breeze.

Cooler: Fractal Design Celsius S24

Forge of the Gods!

If money is not a problem for you, but you want the best in life, here is a collection for you:

The AMD Threadripper 2990WX has 32 cores and 64 threads. Two RTX 2080 Ti, 64GB RAM and 2TB lightning fast SSD, and an extremely reliable and efficient PSU - quiet, aesthetic, colossal computing power.

PSU: Seasonic Prime Titanium 1200W

Cooler: Corsair H115i

Section 2: Choosing components for rendering


A long time ago, rendering was done exclusively with the help of processor power, so it was the central component of PC assemblies for such tasks.

Today, the main player in this area is the video card. Nevertheless, the processor has not lost its importance, since in addition to rendering, the processor is used for absolutely all tasks that are performed on a computer. Therefore, a weak processor is not the optimal choice, even if you only use the video card for rendering.

Intel's current 8000 series of processors has the most optimal combination of per-core and multi-threaded performance to date. AMD Ryzen is still a great choice with excellent multi-threaded performance, but it is inferior in performance per core to solutions from the blue team.

Video card

Unlike other design tasks, the value of a video card for rendering can hardly be overestimated, since the speed of this process depends on it. GPU rendering is much faster - up to 10 times faster in some cases!

In this case, your choice will most likely fall on NVIDIA:

When comparing both GPU rendering methods (AMD's OpenCL and NVIDIA's own CUDA), CUDA has significantly better performance. While OpenCL is compatible with almost any graphics card, CUDA is exclusive to NVIDIA only.


You don't have to worry too much about RAM. Most consumer PCs today use DDR4. In budget-level assemblies, memory is usually in two-channel mode, and in high-level assemblies, it is in four-channel mode. Two 4GB memory modules in dual channel mode will be more efficient than one 8GB module. The four-channel mode (4 modules of 4GB each), in turn, is slightly faster than the two-channel mode (2 modules of 8GB).

Important: If the motherboard has only 2 RAM slots, it is better to take 1 8GB module, as this will give you the opportunity to add memory in the future and have a total of 16GB.


Blender (Free)

Blender is developed by The Blender Foundation, and is free and open source 3D design software. It has a fairly high threshold of entry, but you simply will not find such functional and powerful solutions. All the more for nothing.

Despite the obvious hostility towards newbies, the versatility and availability of this software makes it an excellent candidate for beginners and hobbyists.

You can download Blender for free from the official website.


Modo is a program for modeling, sculpting, texturing, animating and rendering 3D models. The program also has a built-in physics simulator. In general, Modo positions itself as a modular Swiss knife for workers in the creative sphere.

Despite the seeming ease of use, this program can create quite complex projects: for example, Modo was used in the popular science series Cosmos (Cosmos: Space and Time).

A commercial license for one user will set you back $ 1799.


ZBrush is a 3D modeling and sculpting program developed by Pixologic. The program is widely used for various commercial tasks, video games and CGI graphics.

A single-user ZBrush 4R7 commercial license can be purchased for $ 795.

Sculptris (free)

Pixologic also offers a basic sculpting software called Sculptris, which is aimed primarily at beginners.


Another program developed by Autodesk. AutoCAD is mainly used for 2D and 3D design in mechanical engineering, construction, architecture, etc. This software is of a professional level, with a powerful support system, with a high level of localization of the Russian-language version (everything is localized except for the programming manual), as well as with a corresponding price tag.

AutoCAD is distributed through a subscription system that will cost you $ 1400 per year.


So, the priority components in the assembly will be the video card and processor. Try to invest the most of your budget in them, with the power of the video card before the power of the processor.

Do not forget about RAM in dual channel mode, but do not overdo it (8-16 GB will be enough). It certainly won't hurt an SSD assembly, but then again, don't get carried away too much. 120-240 GB for the operating system and a couple of frequently used programs is enough.

It is desirable, but not necessary, that your case has one 5.25 ”slot for a CD / DVD drive, as:
(1) many professional programs are still released on disc (lol)
(2) if your renders or animations are subsequently converted to video footage, you might want to burn them to physical media.

Well, let's run to render!

The introduction of computer technology in industry has made it possible to significantly simplify the work with volumetric structures. Systems of 3d visualization and design of objects make it possible to visually see the forms that were previously presented in the drawings.

Purpose and technology of three-dimensional digital graphics

The translation of flat images into spatial ones greatly facilitated the applied fields of science. Thanks to this, it was possible to solve a number of problems:

  • Visually present details. Reading the charts requires certain skills and an analytical mind. After processing, everyone can understand what is drawn in the picture.
  • Simulate structures. When drawing complex geometric shapes in two dimensions, there are many errors in the joining of individual elements. They can cause additional costs and rework at the manufacturing stage.
  • Agree on design solutions. Due to the visual presentation, it has become easier for related specialists to act, who must work out their sections within the framework of one computer file.

To meet these needs, SGI has created OpenGL libraries. They have become the standard in the field and are being actively disseminated in our time. Designs are an innovative interface to hardware that interacts with graphics. The greatest productivity in encoding information can be achieved with the use of accelerators. An accelerator is a part of a computer that takes over part of the data stream and relieves the processor.

Initially, the algorithms were developed by the company for their own needs on Iris workstations. Later they were integrated into all modern platforms. Today they are considered the most versatile and productive.

The principle of operation is based on the use of data libraries, which are made in the C programming language. This allows you to work with an unlimited number of tasks. This principle makes it difficult to interact with simple elements and standard forms. But for modern developments, this is a big plus. They can create their own objects without restrictions, used in the area covered by the software.

OpenGL integrates with other shells. Supports the following coding languages:

  • Fortran;
  • Python;
  • Java;
  • Delphi.

For certain areas of science and industry, their own libraries of the simplest parts and shapes have been developed. They make it possible to make simple visualization programs.

Microsoft has created an analogue for its needs - the DirectX application. It works only in Windows operating systems and is actively used to develop multimedia add-ons and game engines. This development has not found widespread use in the field of applied sciences and design software. The reason for this was the narrow focus in development.

Creation of realistic graphic objects

The described technologies made it possible to obtain a reliable external representation of three-dimensional details, designs, and even characters in animated films. The images turned out to be three-dimensional, but were limited to simple shapes and their combinations. Although complex designs became available to operators, they were all lifeless. Design, animation and other areas related to image editing required more elaboration.

To meet these needs, a new technology was created - rendering. She performed the rendering of surfaces according to the given models. For this, specialized engines were prescribed, which can be divided into two types according to the principle of operation. Below we describe their principle of operation.

Biased rendering - with assumptions

Based on the assumptions an application can make when rendering pixels. The work is performed according to certain criteria. The user specifies specific values ​​that serve as endpoints for the system. This principle is followed by:

  • RenderZone;
  • Artisan;
  • V-Ray;
  • FinalRender;
  • Mental-ray.

The operator-oriented approach allows you to accomplish any task - even those that run counter to the laws of physics. It is possible to ignore surface structures, classical direction of light and shade and other effects. The negative side of these innovations is that you have to enter all the parameters yourself.

Unbiased rendering - no assumptions

It is based on the denial of assumptions. The process of graphic calculations is carried out according to the given physical samples. Detailing is brought to a level of realism that is acceptable to the user. For this, the following engines are used:

  • Fryrender;
  • Maxwell;
  • Iray.

On their basis, programs for visualization and rendering of 3d models have been created, which provide the best detailing of the final image. They make it possible to achieve a quality comparable to photography. These pixel computing technologies are widespread in animation and special effects rendering for films.

Both variants of the listed algorithms are used in design and engineering software. They allow you to make, according to the specified parameters, a different level of rendering for the same objects. One product usually includes several modules. Thanks to this, the user can save the final file in different formats and degrees of realism.

Programs run as stand-alone applications or are used as integrated components.

Overview of graphics rendering engines


Plugin with support for global illumination for creating 3D images. Supports three levels of rendering: simple, Z-buffer and ray tracing. Distributed as an add-on to form · Z.

Advantages of the software solution:

  • Variety of functions for flawless visualization.
  • The ability to use cubic and spherical maps of the environment, transparent backgrounds, create a realistic picture of the sky.
  • Sketch rendering function.
  • The use of one or more light sources - including natural, atmospheric, and custom.
  • Final Gather for global illumination and more realistic rendering.


A toolkit for creating models of virtual goods or buildings of various types. It attracts with the possibility of integration into existing CAD systems, simplicity of settings and operation. Artisan works with SnapShot technology, with which you can take snapshots at all stages of the design, and return to them later.


Ray-traced system. It makes it possible to create effects that were not available in earlier versions, built on the principle of linear processing. A great advantage is the achievement of complete integration into the required software products. The standard package includes the following libraries:

  • Materials.
  • Lighting.
  • Cards.
  • Effects.
  • Atmosphere.
  • Utilities.
  • Modifiers.

The module does not require translation of objects into a specialized format and is fully integrated into the software. It works with those files that are generated by the system. Each surface is assigned its own texture and other settings within a separate project.


The engine was developed in 2000 in Bulgaria by the Chaos Group. The creation was based on the Monte Carlo method. The application is most widely used as a module for a CAD environment. Many programs for architectural 3d visualization of house projects are built on its basis. Due to the possibility of flexible adjustment of settings and a high ratio of the quality of detail to the speed of rendering pixels, V-Ray has become popular among ordinary users.

The software is focused on a wide range of tasks. In order to achieve maximum realism, special attention is paid to lighting. The V-Ray renderer provides a number of add-ons for this:

  • Irradiance and Photon Map;
  • Light Cache;
  • Brute Force.

They are responsible for both the glare and shadows on the models and the light emission. Individual objects or their parts serve as sources of illumination.


The engine is a rendering platform from German creators. It supports segmented pixel computation system. The kernel implements a distribution scheme for interaction. It enables complex image processing and uses up to 8 local and 4 network processors.

The main advantage of the renderer is to achieve the expansion of its functionality. Third-party programmers can come up with self-written shaders that will be responsible for implementing specific tasks.

The included material library is not standard and needs to be adapted on a case-by-case basis. Therefore, when integrating into third-party software, add-ons for the module will be required.


The engine was developed by Feversoft. If you choose in which program to visualize natural phenomena, then this application is the best fit. Its peculiarity is that the construction of objects is carried out in accordance with all existing laws of physics.

After editing the project, the system starts the simulation engine. The virtual camera reads the information and compares it with a set of materials and light sources. A similar mechanism of action formed the basis of modern 3d maps. Users can navigate the model space in real time and view them from different angles.

Rendering allows many external factors to be matched to make surfaces look realistic. The designer's job of arranging light sources for each face is simplified. It is enough to indicate the direction of the shadows. The rest will be done by the computer itself. This makes the software popular and accessible to users without any special professional skills.

Light cache

It is not used as a stand-alone application, but is widely used for integration into other subsystems. Originally developed for V-Ray. Responsible for the light and its display on the plane. The technique is based on global illumination within the scene.

The method involves multiple ray tracing. Each of them is reflected from the surface, remembering the illumination in the 3d structure. The principle of operation is in many ways similar to the photon map, but it has a number of significant improvements and advantages:

  • Easy to customize. There is only one camera in the toolkit, which provides a high level of detail.
  • Works effectively with any radiation source, including skylight and omni.
  • Allows you to correctly display weak points for other programs, such as corners and areas around small elements.
  • High speed. When integrated into other software, Light Cache can quickly activate in preview mode and show a preliminary result.

Brute force

It has a universal algorithm of action that is able to cope with any task of rendering graphics. This is an undeniable advantage. The opposite is the lack of built-in adaptability. This necessitates the use of all computer resources for rendering even small objects.

The system is actively used as an additional engine in cases where other devices do not cope with their obligations. Allows you to achieve better detail than other applications can give at maximum settings.

Rendering in design

In conditions of high market competition among architectural and design bureaus, the time of development of construction documentation is of great importance. The need to render images requires the use of modules and programs for 3D modeling. With the activation of integrated add-ons in CAD systems, you can get rid of additional iterations and quickly output data.

When creating planning solutions for industrial, civil and residential buildings, performers are faced with the need to prepare drawings of different levels of detail. For communication schemes, it is enough to get an idea of ​​the relative spatial position of individual parts of the highways. Interior design requires photorealistic rendering.

Using different programs makes work more difficult and less productive. To solve the problem, you need to combine everything into a single application.

Using the ZWSOFT complex for visualization

Spatial graphics are based on ZW3D. It is a versatile CAD system that integrates the execution of tasks at all levels of design. It can be integrated with CNC machines if necessary. Designed for creating static 3d models and moving parts with the possibility of their interaction.

Material libraries are provided for realistic appearance of surfaces. To simplify the work when creating specialized structures of the same type, everyone can create their own databases of parts and elements.

Simple, intuitive interface makes it easy to use. Even if you have to switch to ZW3D from other software, it will not be difficult to master it. Support for basic formats allows you to use all the old developments.

For photorealistic models, the Artisan add-on is suitable. It contains in its composition a wide base of materials and makes it possible without special skills to turn 3D into a high-quality image. Another advantage is the use of OpenGL computer hardware for data processing. Thanks to this, you can quickly get the result on the preview and relatively quickly display the final image in high resolution.

The complex is fully compatible with common applications and allows design of any complexity.

In the article, we examined in detail the programs that will be needed to render objects, disassembled the basic rendering engines. Now everyone can choose the necessary modules according to their needs or use a ready-made solution that will save time and effort.

In the past, architects, using professional ink liners, ink liners, created unique building designs on special slanted boards set vertically at an angle. Such painstaking work required maximum care, patience and perfect accuracy in calculations. The era of global computerization has made it possible to look differently at activities in the field of visual design. Interior visualization software heralded a breakthrough in architectural design, making the lives of millions of professionals around the world easier.

The review focuses on the three most popular 3-D design software products. The list contains programs for interior modeling and visualization, which are widely used among professionals:
  • Cinema 4D;
  • Google ScketchUp;
  • 3Ds Max.

The user is given a choice: either, after evaluating the characteristics of the presented programs, create their own unique projects.

Popular package for the production of animation and 3D graphics

The most attractive for Russian designers is a universal package - interior, Cinema 4D program from the leading manufacturer for the creation of three-dimensional animation, graphics and other special effects - the company MAXON Computer GmbH. Millions of users have already appreciated the benefits of the product:
  • has a simple accessible interface;
  • stores a wide variety of "blanks" that allow you to use ready-made animations, built-in pictures, advanced shaders, and not create objects from scratch;
  • has built-in russified support;
  • can work with third party renders. The most popular is Cinema 4D Vray - a versatile rendering system that has proven itself in all areas of professional visualization;
  • there are 10 additional modules: simulation of the dynamics of soft and solid bodies, particle control using a node system, the formation of volumetric (volumetric) effects (sun rays, dust, rain) and others. The system has excellent compatibility with third-party programs such as Adobe After Effects, ArchiCad.

Cinema 4D is considered the best interior visualization software by experts from various fields of professional design, architecture and building design.

Google ScketchUp - Modeling Simple 3D Objects

The program for creating interior visualization, coupled with the Google ScketchUp Vray render, allows you to quickly and efficiently design three-dimensional building objects, furniture and other elements in the design of premises.
Perfect for rendering objects in architecture, outdoor advertising, landscape design, engineering design, as well as when modeling objects for printing on a 3D printer.
The main disadvantage is the limited solution of more complex problems, in which it is difficult or impossible:

  • build models with complex structural elements;
  • give natural curvature to objects;
  • create reliable detail.

The Google ScketchUp system is not suitable for working with large and energy-intensive projects. Looking at the result obtained, it is easy for a specialist to understand in which program the interior is rendered, for example, the appearance of shadows looks unnatural. It is also impossible to manipulate bitmap textures. There are no tools for full-fledged animation creation.

Autodesk 3ds Max - the modern tool for multimedia professionals

For designers studying interior visualization programs, experts recommend popularized software that allows them to create accurate 3Ds Max Vray scene rendering systems. Embedded Vray rendering is not included in the standard 3Ds Max package.
Features of the system are in editing and creating professional animation and three-dimensional graphics in the production of films, games, animation, video. The program is focused on the design of complex architectural objects. It contains many useful tools:

  • photorealistic renderer;
  • means for adjusting illumination and detailed analysis of three-dimensional objects;
  • additional modules for the formation of realistic special effects: explosions, water splashes and much more;

Considering the shortcomings, it should be noted that the design and visualization of the interior in the program is carried out rather slowly. To create complex three-dimensional structures, high-tech hardware is required. Some novice users complain about the difficulty in mastering the program, but this product is not designed to work with typical elementary tasks. The programs for interior visualization reviewed in the article are necessary for the effective work of professional designers and designers.

Cinema 4d Interior Rendering Camera Animation & Vrayforc4d


3Ds Max is a renowned multifunctional application for creating 3D models in real time. This software tool is used in interior design, drawing three-dimensional graphic models for writing complex programs and games. The app is popular with architects, engineers, designers and sketching professionals. The software package offers many approaches to three-dimensional modeling and is recognized as one of the most functional and popular design tools.

Adobe Photoshop offers users a variety of brushes, filters, plugins and settings for professional image creation. The tools built into the program enable the designer to create a layout for the future website. The application is widely used to create clothing designs, corporate identity for companies, logos and interiors.

Adobe Dreamweaver is a package for creating professional interfaces for websites. The application implements the principle of visual editing, thanks to which you can dynamically create full-fledged markup by moving design elements with the mouse. Also, the program is able to independently generate high-quality code, which simplifies the subsequent layout. With the help of the built-in full-featured text editor, the designer can write the necessary scripts directly in order to add the necessary elements and use the necessary settings.

Adobe Illustrator is used by designers in various fields. The program is a vector graphics editor that is used to create digital images, various illustrations and magazines. The application is used for the development of printed materials, websites, interactive elements of interfaces and design of mobile applications.

There are also a number of other programs that are widely used by designers when building their projects. Adobe Premiere is an application for working with three-dimensional graphics, building video scenes and designing various videos. Unity Pro is used by professionals looking to develop 3D models for today's generation of consoles. Maya will be a good and fully functional solution for building 3D animation and acts as a good alternative to 3Ds Max. ToonBoom Studio enables professional 2D graphics creation.

With the help of programs for automatic website creation, it is possible to generate web pages without knowing the HTML language. One application designed for this purpose is the Linker, which is part of the Mozilla SeaMonkey package.


Run the Mozilla SeaMonkey package (Firefox won't work). Select the menu item "File" - "New" - "Linker Page".

In the new window that opens, save the document by selecting the menu item "File" - "Save file". Please note that the window for entering a file name and selecting a folder for it will open only after specifying the page title. This header may not be the same as the file name. The latter should be in Latin to avoid problems of incompatibility with hosting services. Use htm or html file extension.

Type the text of the page you want to automatically turn into HTML code. Save the file periodically by clicking on the floppy disk icon.

The Composer provides buttons for making text fragments italic, bold, and underlined. Similar keys can be found in text editors. Having selected a piece of text, use these buttons to enable and disable its attributes in any combination.

To place an image in the desired place on the page, click on the icon with a palette. Then press the "Select file" button, go to the desired folder, select the file and press the "OK" button. Please note that this file must then be placed on the server, otherwise site visitors will not see the image.

Like text editors, the Linker allows you to place tables in the generated HTML files. To do this, use the "Table" - "Insert" - "Table" menu item. Specify the number of rows and columns, click "OK", and then fill in the table.

In the lower left corner of the window there is a four-button mode switch. By default, the Normal button is enabled. Using the buttons "HTML tags" and "Source code", you can enable viewing modes, respectively, of only the main or all tags of the page. The code can also be edited manually. And to see how the page will look in the browser, press the "Preview" button. Then return to Normal mode to continue editing.

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A quality logo is a must on any website or company image. Today, a large number of different applications and services are presented for computers that allow you to create a high-quality logo without having special design skills.

Sothink Logo Maker

The Sothink Logo Maker application has an easy-to-understand interface even for a novice user, stylized in a way similar to Microsoft Office programs. The application offers a large number of templates to create a quality logo for a company or website. The application interface has a large number of forms, prints, shapes, which are most often used by designers to draw logos. The editor has a built-in set of effects and tools for working with fonts. The program allows you to import and adapt various graphic files from your hard drive for use in your logo. Developers also offer about 100 ready-made standard templates. The editor allows you to save the resulting images in JPG, BMP or PNG formats, which are most often used in the design of web pages.

Sothink Logo Maker supports import of vector graphics and Flash animations in SWF format.

AAA Logo 2014

AAA Logo 2014 allows you to create any type of logo using built-in templates. The user is provided with about 2000 styles that will suit most webmasters. Also in the program there are all kinds of brushes and effects that allow you to create banners, buttons and business cards. At the same time, the application supports the export of graphic objects from other programs. AAA Logo supports uploading ready-made objects to the site, as well as printing the resulting graphic image. The application features a wide range of different effects and editing tools.

Most of the applications that are created for creating logos are distributed under a paid license. The programs can be used for free during the trial period to make the desired graphic file.

Other applications

High-quality logos can be created by advanced users using graphic editing packages such as Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, and CorelDRAW. Among the programs for beginners can be noted The Logo Creator, Logo Design Studio, which have similar functionality and a wide range of pre-installed templates. To quickly create a simple logo for a small site, you can try the Logaster web service, which, using an intuitive step-by-step interface, will allow you to create a simple logo based on the templates available in the database. At the same time, the number of effects available on the resource is constantly increasing, and the existing sets of styles and templates are supplemented and improved.

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  • Sothink Logo Maker
  • AAA Logo 2014
  • Gimp
  • The logo creator
  • Logo Design Studio
  • Logaster

3D Max is a 3D graphics application that uses most of the computer's resources. Such exactingness is associated with the peculiarity of constructing three-dimensional images in modern systems and the complexities of calculating graphic models. For comfortable work in the program, you must choose the most productive laptop or computer.

Official system requirements

To successfully install and run 3D Max 2014, you need to have Windows 7 or Windows 8 as your primary system on your computer. The processor must have a 64-bit architecture, while the power of the core affects the speed of rendering and rendering. 4 GB of RAM is the minimum requirement, however, the developer recommends 8 GB of RAM for more or less comfortable work. A 4.5 GB hard drive must be available for installation. It is also advisable to update the browser installed on the system to the latest version.

Laptop selection

The selection of a laptop should be made in accordance with three key characteristics that are critical to the launch of the program. First of all, you need to pay attention to the video card and its power - the more productive the graphics system, the smoother the construction of images will be and the more graphic objects can be displayed. Graphics performance affects the comfort level when working with the program. It is desirable that the amount of graphics video memory in the laptop is at least 1 GB. To run 3D Max, you will need a discrete graphics card from Nvidia or Radeon as newer models as possible.

The second important characteristic for running 3D Max is the central processor, the number of cores in which must be at least 4 to work with rendering. It is advisable to use the latest processors from Intel (Core i7) and AMD (FX-9590 and above). The higher the clock speed and the more cores in the stone, the better it will cope with processing computational operations and building complex graphical objects.

The third important characteristic is the amount of random access memory, the amount of which determines the volume of the loaded scene. The larger the object, the more data is required to be stored in RAM. It is desirable that the amount of RAM is not less than 8 GB, however, when building complex objects, a laptop with 16 GB may be required.


It is worth noting that the cost of a laptop that can function in 3D Max will be at least 40,000 rubles. Only the most expensive models are able to provide optimal performance in the program. If you are using 3D Max for educational or hobby purposes, you can purchase a laptop that meets the manufacturer's minimum requirements. In this case, the final cost of the device will be approximately 25,000 rubles.

Tip 5: How to design a portfolio of a professional designer

A portfolio is the "face" of a designer, it is what an experienced customer will say about him practically everything. It is the portfolio, not the education or an impressive resume, that is usually the reason a designer is hired. Therefore, it is really worth working on its design.


There is no recipe for a perfect design portfolio. This is a creative profession, so you also need to present your work using a creative approach. It can manifest itself in the design, in the choice of works, or in something else, but, in any case, a beautiful-looking portfolio always attracts attention.

For the portfolio, select your best work. Let there not be too many of them, but you should be proud of each of them. If there are few works (this happens with novice designers) and you decide to dilute the best works with medium ones, then place the best works at the beginning and at the end, alternate in the middle.

If you have been designing for a long time, then put dates next to the work. This will help the employer or client evaluate your seniority and understand that you are an experienced person.

Take care of structuring your portfolio. Works performed in different categories are best broken down into subsections. In each subsection, you can also sort them, if you deem it necessary to do this. The jobs that you take the trouble to write a short description will receive much more attention.

If your work is complex (for example, web design with its own graphics and self-layout), it is a good idea to clarify which tools you used. This will demonstrate your skills in various programs in practice.

Those of your works that are used by customers should be provided with links. For example, today, whatever design you make, it will somehow be present on the Internet. This can be a website design, corporate identity or logo, or even photographs of items created from your sketches. It is helpful to add links to live examples of your work so that clients and employers can see that your design “works” and looks great in implementation.

To equip your dream apartment, it is not at all necessary to turn to professionals. At the moment, there is a special design program for creating an interior. You can master it in just a few hours. As a result, you can get the most complete picture of how the room will look after renovation.

3D Studio MAX

It is the most popular 3D design software. It can be used to create 3D images, animations and 3D graphics. This software has been designed specifically for professionals. It contains a huge number of tools that allow you to develop an original of any complexity. Of course, if there is time for it. The analogue of this program is Blender.

Google ScketchUp

It is worth noting that the software allows you to create a three-dimensional model of not only a separate room, but also a street, car, house. Google ScketchUp is an application that helps not only to make the correct layout of an apartment or office, but also to design a model of a separate room, for example, a kitchen, study, living room, bedroom, and so on. In 3D, using this design program, you can create a variety of devices, an airplane, landscape design elements, a car, a street, houses, and more.

At the same time, the application is built in such a way that any user can quickly master it. It only takes a few hours to do this.

Apartama - online service

Design software can be very different. Apartama is a specially designed online service that contains not only a 3D editor, but also a huge number of tips, ready-made solutions and ideas, as well as an original catalog of necessary goods that can be purchased in some online stores.

Such a design program allows any user with even minimal skills in working with personal computers to create a three-dimensional image of an entire apartment or a separate room, arrange furniture, select materials for decoration or make redevelopment.

Color Style Studio

This is a very simple design program that even a child can handle. It can be used in cases where you need to sketch in a couple of minutes, for example, how the dining room or kitchen will look like. Moreover, when creating a project, furniture can be placed even across.

Color Style Studio has an intuitive interface. This allows you to complete a redevelopment project in a short time, as if moving all interior items into a virtual model. However, this approach deprives the user of some flexibility. After all, only those fittings objects that have been installed can be used in the application. The main advantage of such software is clarity and ease.

Sweet home 3d

This design program is for those planning to build a new home. The application allows you to design a summer cottage or residential building along with the landscape. The program provides for the selection of all finishing materials, and it is also possible to draw up an approximate estimate of the planned work.


This application allows you to create a model of a site by placing gazebos, flower beds, paths and fences on it. This takes into account the soil and the features of the relief. The program contains some elements of the site, for example, fences, gates, fences, driveways, terraces, balconies and attics, as well as special features, including protrusions of various shapes and

The FloorPlan 3D design program is a unique application that allows you to select the necessary building materials, ideal for finishing ceilings, walls, windows, stairs, doors and other surfaces. Moreover, all three-dimensional models created with such software are distinguished by their realism. Using them, you can even compare the combination of textures of various interior elements, and also choose exactly what you need.


All interior design programs are unique. PRO100 is an application specially created for the design of rooms and furniture. Renovation takes a lot of time from people. However, most are vague about the end result. As a result, expectation and reality do not always coincide. The PRO100 application allows you to create an interior design, having worked out every detail, designing individual interior items and arranging furniture as you wish.

A lot of plugins and an intuitive interface of the program make your work much easier. At the same time, it is proposed to create your own library of furniture and room design. The user can design his own interior model by drawing objects on his own, and print the already finished result.

Updated date: 2017-09-21

Sweet home 3d Is a special application that allows you to create a room interior, plan. The advantages of this program are convenience, as well as open source code. In addition, the use of the program for interior planning is the ability to view in 3D. Thanks to this, you can see the created project in detail.

The functionality of the program allows you to develop interior projects not only for a single room, but also for the whole house. The planning of the interior of the premises consists in the arrangement of various interior items in the project according to the wishes of the user. Convenience in work is achieved thanks to the presence of a special catalog that includes various categories of furniture. Moreover, this catalog is divided into separate headings.

On special sites on the network, it is proposed to download the program for free 3D design, then you will need to install it on a personal computer. It should be noted that the developers are constantly updating the interior models used for the program. By visiting the official website, users can download these updates and then apply them when developing an interior project.

The capabilities of the program include a large number of functions that are important for users when working. The ongoing support for plugins should be noted. It is also possible to export to OBJ format during operation. After the project is drawn up, you can print it. A separate function allows you to create photos in 3D window format.

The fittings can be edited if necessary. The import can be performed with respect to specific 3D objects. This operation can also be applied when working with the entire plan at home. For maximum convenience, it is possible to customize the 3D viewing mode. In this case, the user will be able to observe the top view to get a complete picture.

Features of Sweet Home 3D

  • kitchen Design
  • room design
  • bathroom design
  • Bedroom design
  • living room design
  • nursery design
  • apartments design

You can download Sweet Home 3D for interior design for free from the website

The plan will be executed in all details. When drawing up a project, a list is used that includes various samples of furniture. Due to the fact that the catalog of furniture varieties is divided into separate categories, it is much more convenient to work with them. Thus, the presence of a large number of options allows you to quickly develop an interior project using the program.

Computer graphics are full of surprises, which is why it so often gives us the opportunity to get acquainted with new terms. Those who have never used such programs are unlikely to be able to tell you what a render is and what it is for. We will try to figure it out.


Interestingly, there is practically nothing on the Internet for this particular request. Many people rack their brains in search of the interpretation of "render". In fact, everything turns out to be simpler. There is such a process in computer graphics as rendering. The program that performs this process is called a renderer. Considering such software, you need to understand what kind of action it is and where it is applied.


So, rendering is a capacious process that transforms the image according to the model thanks to the program. From English the word is translated as "visualization". The word "model" does not necessarily mean anything tangible. Here we can talk about both objects and phenomena. In general, interpretations can provide information geometrical, geographic. They can relate to lighting, the presence of parts, substances, the strength of the physical field.

Computer graphics

When asked, they usually mean rendering. This process is often associated precisely with computer graphics. In this case, the visualization proceeds according to the worked out plan. A flat picture is formed for a 3D scene in a raster format.

Visualization itself is considered important in this area. It is conditionally associated with different sections of computer graphics. It's hard to say now that there is a specific rendering application. Usually visualization is included in the package of both 3D modeling and animation. Although you can try to find renders.


Once we know what a render is, we need to understand its functions. Obviously can help with visualization. But the process itself can take place in different ways. There are many algorithms for this action. Some programs use their own specifically, some exploit several at once.

The creation of a number of rendering methods was tracing. Displaying all the rays of light that illuminate a scene is impractical. It takes too much time if approximation or digitization is not taken into account.

One of the methods is rasterization. It works in conjunction with line scanning. In this case, objects are projected onto the display. And the effect of perspective is not considered.

Raycasting involves viewing from a specified point. From it, rays are sent to objects and the color of the pixel is determined. If the beam reaches an object or background, it does not propagate further. This method allows for simple ways of using optical effects.

Two more methods are ray tracing or path tracing. The first option is similar to the previous one. But when the beam hits an object, it travels further. Thus, three more rays appear. Each contributes to the color of a pixel in a specific way. This is how reflection, shadow and refraction appear. This method makes the image photorealistic, although it is considered resource intensive. Path tracing is similar to the above method. The only difference is that the physical laws of light propagation are more pronounced.

How does it work?

If you understand what rendering is in general, then, most likely, it will be difficult for you to understand the mathematical basis of the process. For rendering to work correctly, it must be implemented using a physical model. The program performs calculations. But there can be several equations, as well as solutions. We have already seen this when describing visualization methods.


The render settings can be very different. It all depends on the tasks of the user and his skills. For example, you can create a quick rough render. To do this, you will have to additionally download the script. The team will automatically adjust the program settings each time so that the visualization is rough, that is, in a tolerable quality.

Rendering settings can specify methods for rendering models. For example, for "Photoshop" you can search for a set of such settings. On their basis, they create their own parameters, or, having slightly adjusted, use the established ones.


The VRay render is an entire rendering system. It appeared back in 2000. It can be installed as a plug-in for a number of programs. The latter include Cinema 4D, Rhino, and Autodesk 3ds Max. This system can be used as a module for Blender.

Render 3D Max or Autodesk 3ds Max is a multifunctional program that does not only render, but also create and edit three-dimensional graphics. Handles animation easily. At the moment, it is very popular, because it has acquired many different functions for working with 3D images. Has many tools for artists and multimedia professionals.

Vegas Pro

It is a complete program for video editing and editing, as well as multitrack recording. It is difficult to consider Vegas as a render, although there is such a function here too. To transform the project into a finished file, you need to click on Render As, in a new window, give the name of the video and select the Video for Windows extension, below there will be a line with a choice of parameter templates. Here we are looking for = NTSC DV. After that, you will have to wait while the program collects and saves the video.

Perhaps your project may need a different template, then you can click on Custom and select a more suitable option in a new window. Here you can also set the quality of the rendered video. Below there is the "Video" tab, on which all parameters are set individually for each user.

Rendering often leads to errors in video output. If you want to seriously deal with it, you will have to study in detail the process, technology and methods in order to further reduce errors to a minimum.

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