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  • The expression "button accordion" - which means, features of use and interesting facts. Seven versions of the origin of the Internet expression "button accordion

The expression "button accordion" - which means, features of use and interesting facts. Seven versions of the origin of the Internet expression "button accordion

Imagine a situation: you go to your favorite public on VK and see a rather funny picture or anecdote. Here's just one problem - you've seen this in other groups before. It is quite possible that a flurry of comments like "Admin, this is a button accordion!", "Bayan!" I unsubscribe from you! " etc.

History can repeat itself from day to day, and sometimes you will find a joke worn out on all resources after a year, or even a few years!

Bayan on the Internet

So let's define the jargon that is used so often on the Internet. Bayan is a word that expresses the disapproval of users in case of showing them outdated information. That is, a group of people is indignant if they see news, information, meme or joke that have been “walking” the network for a long time.

Sometimes users in social networks are outraged if they see regularly repeating news in the same public. For people, it becomes an accordion and they have every right to convey this to the admins.

Summarize. Bayan can be called:

  • A sad story about a cat told for the hundred and first time.
  • An old joke.
  • A meme that has been "walking" in the vastness of the network for more than a year. Remember the sensational story with Diana Shurygina. The famous meme "on the bottom" can now be safely called a button accordion.
  • News that everyone has known for a long time.

By the way, the word button accordion itself has become the source of numerous memes! So it goes.

Bayan in youth slang

Youth slang is a separate topic of conversation, since guys very often use this expression. The word button accordion began to be actively used after Max +100500 used it in his disclaimer.

Hello dear readers of the Start-Luck blog. Perhaps you have once heard from friends or stumbled upon the word button accordion in the comments. What does button accordion mean in slang? Where did this expression come from? This is exactly what will be discussed in my article today.

There are as many as seven versions of the origin of this popular word on the Internet. Which one to believe - I don't know, then apparently everyone will have to decide for themselves, or maybe it doesn't matter at all.

In any case, now I'm going to tell you everything I know about this word.

How to understand this word

If you send your friend some kind of joke, picture or story that he has already seen on social networks, then you can safely count on the fact that in response you will receive a message with the word "Bayan". In youth slang, this means something like: "Yes, yes, I already know this, I saw it, I came across it, I looked."

However, there is nothing to do. The word is, it is used often, and since we have already figured out the meaning of the concept, it remains only to understand where it came from and why it became popular in modern language.


According to one version, the word button accordion is an abbreviation for "Bearded, Obviously Bored Anecdote". Indeed, this phrase is used only if the information is ironic, comical, humorous in nature.

If in a conversation you mention some historical facts or serious, long-known Newtonian laws, hardly anyone will tell you that you are an accordion player.

According to the second version, the word button accordion comes from the once widespread dialogues, pay attention to the first letters:

- It was

- I didn't know.

Why write all this, and even more so wait for an answer from the interlocutor, if you know in advance what he will say? You can just use the word "button accordion". It’s not so offensive if you believe in this version of the phrase’s appearance, don’t you agree?

Famous anecdote

The third version tells us that a "fresh" joke once appeared on one of the sites with jokes: "They buried the mother-in-law - they broke two button accordions"... Naturally, since this story was familiar to everyone for a long time, the author began to ridicule and call the accordion player. And so this expression stuck.

What does Russia have to do with it?

I especially like the following story, although I have little faith in its relevance. According to the adherents of this theory, in Ancient Russia storytellers walked with button accordions, they got everyone with the same stories.

Perhaps I'm wrong, but, in my opinion, the storytellers still walked with the harp, and this musical instrument appeared only in the 19th century, according to Wikipedia.

In "The Lay of Igor's Host" there is a storyteller with this name. There is an opinion that "boyans" and "button accordions" really were called people engaged in chants in the old days. Although there is also a version that this is just the name of one specific character.

Forgotten but familiar drawings

The fifth version reminds us of some symbol that we have been using almost since childhood. Remember, when part of the text is repeated, we usually draw this thing. -//-

Don't you think it somehow resembles a button accordion? Emoticons became popular, on the Internet everyone began to draw using generally accepted symbols (dashes, brackets, colon), someone remembered this beautiful drawing and called repetitions button accordions.


There is also another option. In one of the cities of Russia in the 2000s, there was a popular show dedicated to anecdotes called BoYan. This word happened, again, as an abbreviation for the names of the two men leading this program - Boris and Yan.

If in the company someone remembered a joke, then friends could already hear it on the radio in the morning, just in the show "Boyan" and told the person about it.

Cruiser "Bayan"

Finally, I left you the most beautiful theory about the cruiser, which bore the proud name "Bayan". He sank, and the construction of the newly ordered ships lasted so long that the sailors could not hide their surprise when they saw, albeit brand new, but morally and technically outdated at that time "Bayans" appeared on the horizon.

I think this will definitely come in handy if you want to be an interesting Internet conversationalist and get a lot of subscribers. By the way, maybe you didn't know, but good money. The more, the better.

Well, the service can help you find subscribers for a group or your page. .

That's all for me. Don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter and become a subscriber group Start-Luck Vkontakte ... A lot of interesting things are waiting for you. Until next time.

Accordion 1.

Some kind of event / incident / media file / object / news that everyone has already seen and heard.

Youth slang, Slang bastards


An old story, a picture, a video that has already been viewed by the user. Indicates disapproval, a hint that the information has long been known.

This picture is a button accordion! Why did you send it to me?

Internet meme, Computer slang


A joke, a funny story that has already been heard many times. The history of the passage is as follows: several years ago there was a popular anecdote like “Mother-in-law was buried yesterday. They broke two button accordions. " Since those who published the anecdote did not know that the anecdote had already been published, it was published many times. Hundreds of times. In kamenty, so as not to load colleagues with traffic, the authors of the posts put it as a common noun "button accordion". Subsequently, this name began to be applied to all old, well-known anecdotes.

It's a button accordion!

Internet slang, Slang bastards


A medical syringe used by drug addicts for injection.

I only use Shiryanovskiy accordions. They have a soft move.

Jargon addicts

5. Accordion

Fingerprint machine.

Criminal jargon

Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang. 2014 .


See what "button accordion" is in other dictionaries:

    Accordion- and husband.; old. Bayan, A. Rep .: Bayanovich, Bayanovna; colloquial Bayanich. Derivatives: Bayan; Yana. Name days: See Boyan Dictionary of personal names. Bayan (male) (other Turkic) uninterruptedly happy (female) (other Turkic) strong, I can ... Dictionary of personal names

    Bayan I- Bayan Avar Kagan 562 602 Preceded ... Wikipedia

    accordion- 1. BAYAN, a; m. Large harmonica with a complex system of frets. ● By the name of the legendary Old Russian singer, the storyteller Boyan (Bayan). ◁ Bayanny, oh, oh. B. register. 2. BAYAN see Boyan. * * * button accordion is one of the most perfect and widespread types ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    accordion- Cm … Synonym dictionary

    Accordion- Tula factory. BAYAN, Russian chromatic harmonica. The name is after the name of the ancient Russian singer, the storyteller Bayan (Boyana). Used as a solo and ensemble instrument, included in the orchestra of folk instruments. ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Accordion- see the Word about Igor's regiment. Literary encyclopedia. In 11 volumes; M .: Publishing House of the Communist Academy, Soviet Encyclopedia, Fiction. Edited by V.M. Fritsche, A.V. Lunacharsky. 1929 1939 ... Literary encyclopedia

    ACCORDION- In "The Lay of Igor's Campaign" the song-singer of ancient times is called so. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Pavlenkov F., 1907. BAYAN, the songwriter in "The Lay of Igor's Host." A complete dictionary of foreign words included in ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

The spread of the Internet has caused the formation of a kind of subculture in which its own laws, style of communication and norms of decency prevail. Therefore, some novice users may fall into a stupor and understand the meaning of not all words when communicating with avid Internet hackers.

This mainly concerns the kind of slang used by the latter when writing posts and maintaining Internet blogs.

As a rule, communication on various social networks and blogs is carried out using various abbreviations and classical words, the meaning of which has been changed. One of such striking examples is the word "button accordion", the meaning of which is not connected with a musical instrument. We will talk about what modern users mean by this statement in this article.

The meaning of the Internet version of the word "button accordion"

This word is used very often in various forums and blogs. In most cases, it is used when writing comments on articles or statements by other people. If you suddenly come across the word "button accordion" under any material, it means that the information printed in the article is outdated long ago. As a rule, this word is used by advanced users who know the vastness of the Internet like the back of their hand.

What does the expression "button accordion" cover?

Freedom of speech is spreading not only in social society, but also on the Internet. However, before expressing your opinion about anything to other users, you need to make sure that it is reliable. This is a very important nuance, since many users, before reading the material posted on the site, prefer to first read the comments of their own kind. And if he suddenly comes across the word "button accordion", he may refuse to read it, even if the material may be useful.

This example is a visual representation of how slang is replenished with new words. After all, "button accordion" refers not only to textual information, but also to all media content, including pictures, videos, news and others.

Origin story

Any word in Russian, including "button accordion", has its own history of origin. Therefore, before adding it to your vocabulary, you need to find out where it came from. It first appeared in a commentary to the funny video "They buried the mother-in-law - they broke two button accordions" posted on the humorous portal. One of the Internet users in his commentary called the author of the video an accordion player, and the anecdote itself - a button accordion. From that time on, "button accordion" began to denote everything old and irrelevant.

In what situations is the word "button accordion" used?

Advanced users know about the meaning of this word, therefore they actively use it in their slang when communicating on social networks and blogs. As a rule, it is used in that case. If someone is trying to tell about information that has long been known to the broad masses. Many users of the Vkontakte social network, popular in Runet, are perplexed at the sight of a button accordion on popular public pages, however, the meaning of this statement is identical on all resources.

The use of the word "button accordion" in communication

If you have read this far, you are probably already familiar with the Internet interpretation of the word "button accordion", so you can safely use it when communicating with users on various forums. However, there are a few simple rules for using it.

Firstly, if other users have already used this word in their comments before you, there is no need to duplicate it. First of all, this is due to the fact that the number of discussions affects the position to become in the top, and if the information is really "accordion", then there is no point in promoting it.

Secondly, if you find outdated information, then the word when writing it in the commentary must be supported by evidence in the form of a link to the corresponding resource. However, it is necessary to immediately make a reservation, if the difference between the materials is only a few days, then in this case the post is not outdated.

Fame expression

The word "button accordion" was introduced into Internet slang relatively recently. It gained great popularity after Max, the host of the popular humorous show +100500, used it in one of his episodes. After that, the younger generation began to actively use it and spread it through social networks and popular forums. Nowadays, some people actively use the "button accordion" in their daily life.


After reading this article, you got an idea of ​​the meaning of the word "button accordion". However, be careful when using it, because very often novice users use it without any special reason in their comments to fresh articles, which not only distorts the original meaning of the word, but also spoils the reputation of a truly high-quality publication.

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