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Block right align css. Positioning elements

TO text elements you can use the vertical-align property. But it produces vertical alignment not relatively outer element, but relative to its baseline. Therefore, this property is not convenient to use for text alignment.

Table cells

The text-align and vertical-align properties can be used to align within table cells. For cells, vertical-align takes the following values:

vertical-align: middle - centered (default)

vertical-align: top - along the top edge

vertical-align: bottom - along the bottom edge

This property vertically aligns all cell content, including text and block elements. And text-align only applies to text. Example:



td ( border: 1px solid Red; width: 200px; height: 180px; )

HTML code:

If some indentation is set to auto , then the indentation will take all the available space. This allows the block to be positioned to the right. And if you specify this value for the left and right indents, then the space is divided between them in half, and the block is in the center.

Text alignment defines it appearance and the orientation of the paragraph edges, and can be left, right, centered, or justified. In table. 1 shows the text block alignment options.

Tab. 1. Ways to align text
Left alignment Right alignment Center alignment Justify
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diem nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut lacreet dolore magna aliguam erat volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diem nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut lacreet dolore magna aliguam erat volutpat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diem nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut lacreet dolore magna aliguam erat volutpat.

The most common option is left-aligned, when the left text is shifted to the edge, while the right remains jagged. Right and center alignment is mostly used in headings and subheadings. It should be borne in mind that when using justification in the text, large intervals may appear between words, which is not very beautiful.

The paragraph tag is usually used to set text alignment.

FROM align attribute A that defines the alignment method. It is also permissible to align a block of text using the tag

from similar attribute align , as shown in Table. 2.

Tab. 2. Text alignment with align parameter
HTML Code Description
Adds new paragraph text, left-aligned by default. Small vertical indents are automatically added before and after the paragraph.


Center alignment.


Left alignment.



Width alignment.
Text Disables automatic line wrapping, even if the text is wider than the browser window.
Text Allows the browser to do a line break in specified place, even if the tag is used .
Center alignment.
Left alignment.
Right alignment.
Width alignment.

Left alignment of elements is set by default, so there is no need to specify it once again. So align="left" can be omitted.

Difference between paragraph (tag

) and tag

in that a vertical indent appears at the beginning and end of the paragraph, which is not the case when using the tag

The align attribute is quite versatile and can be applied not only to body text, but also to headings like

. Example 1 shows how to set the alignment in such a case.

Example 1: Text Alignment

Text alignment

How to catch a lion?

enumeration method

We divide the desert into a number of elementary sections, the size of which coincides with overall dimensions lion, but smaller than the size of the cage. Next, by simple enumeration, we determine the area in which the lion is located, which automatically leads to its capture.

dichotomy method

We divide the desert into two halves. In one part there is a lion, in the other there is none. We take the half in which the lion is located, and divide it in half again. So we repeat until the lion is caught.

The result of the example is shown in Fig. one.

Rice. 1. Align text to the right and left

In this example, the heading is aligned to the center of the browser window, the selected paragraph is right-aligned, and the body text is left-aligned.

In programs such as Microsoft Word You've probably come across horizontal text alignment tools. You can align text to the left or right, centered or justified. The same is true in CSS - text alignment is done using text-align properties and the corresponding values, which are shown in the table:

Style entry example:

P ( text-align: left; )

left, right, and center values ​​Left-aligned text almost always looks good on web pages and is easy to read. Right-alignment in European languages, as a rule, is rarely used, but it cannot be called completely useless: this style is useful for beautiful design captions for photos or quotes, alignment of the contents of table cells or small fragments of text. Center is often used for the same purpose. The value of justify Justify text in CSS (justify) can be used to printed versions pages, but it is not recommended to get carried away with this style on web pages created for viewing on a monitor. Why? At first glance, justified text looks nice and even, like a column in a newspaper. But in order to stretch the text like this, the browser has to add extra space between words, resulting in ugly gaps in the text that make it difficult to read. In programs designed to prepare data for printing, there is much more fine tuning spacing in the text, as well as often used word wrap, which is not in many browsers. Therefore, it is necessary to check how justified text looks on web pages, and first of all ask yourself the question: is it easy to read? This is especially true for narrow blocks of text (including mobile versions pages). start and end values ​​The start and end values ​​for the text-align property are implemented in CSS3 and work much the same as left and right , but there is a difference. By applying the start value to text that goes from left to right (LTR - left-to-right), the alignment will be left (respectively, for text that goes from right to left (RTL - right-to-left), the alignment will be right) . Logically, the value of end works in the opposite way (that is, it right-aligns LTR text and left-aligns RTL text). These two values ​​are not supported by some browsers, including Internet Explorer, therefore, if there is no urgent need to use them, we recommend using the left and right values.

The screenshots show examples of use different meanings for the CSS text-align property:

Screenshot 1: left-aligning LTR text using the start value. A similar look can be achieved with the left value.
Screenshot 2: Right-aligning LTR text using the end value. A similar look can be achieved with the right value.
Screenshot 3: Justify text. With a small font and a large page/block width, this option for text alignment on a web page looks acceptable.
Screenshot 4: increased font size and reduced block width compared to the previous example. As you can see, ugly gaps appeared in the text (underlined with a red line).
Screenshot 5: Two ways to align text using the example of the mobile version of our tutorial (left - text-align: left, right - text-align: justify). Try to read the text in both columns and determine which option is more comfortable to read.

Two main tools are often used for page layout − positioning And free movement (floating). CSS positioning lets you specify where an element box will appear, while free movement moves elements to the left or right edge of the container box, allowing the rest of the content to wrap around it.

Positioning and free movement of elements

1. Types of positioning

The position property allows you to specify exactly the new location of the box, relative to where it would be in the normal flow of the document. By default, all elements are placed sequentially one after the other in the order in which they are defined in the structure of the HTML document. The property is not inherited.

static The default value means no positioning. Elements are displayed sequentially one after the other in the order in which they are defined in the HTML document. Used to clear any other position value.
relative A relatively positioned element is moved from its normal position in different directions relative to the boundaries of the parent container, and the space it occupied does not disappear. However, such an element may overlap other content on the page.

If you set the top and bottom or left and right properties for a relatively positioned element at the same time, then only top will work in the first case, and left in the second.

Relative positioning allows you to set a z-index for an element, as well as absolutely positioning child elements within a block.

absolute An absolutely positioned element is completely removed from the document flow and positioned relative to the boundaries of its container block (another element or browser window). The container block for an absolutely positioned element is the closest ancestor element whose position property value is not static .

The location of the edges of an element is determined using the offset properties. The space occupied by such an element collapses as if the element did not exist on the page. An absolutely positioned element can overlap or be overlapped by other elements (due to the z-index property). Any absolutely positioned element generates a block, that is, it takes display value:block; .

fixed Fixes the element at the specified location on the page. The container block of a fixed element is the viewport, that is, the element is always fixed relative to the browser window and does not change its position during page scrolling. The element itself is completely removed from the main document flow and created in a new document flow.
initial Sets the value of a property to its default value.
inherit Inherits the property value from the parent element.

Rice. 1. Difference between static, relative and absolute positioning

2. Displacement properties

The properties describe the offset relative to the closest side of the container block. Set for elements where the value of the position property is not equal to static . They can take both positive and negative values. Not inherited.

For the top property, positive values ​​move the top edge of the positioned element below, and negative values ​​move it above the top edge of its container block. For the left property, positive values ​​move the edge of the positioned element to the right, and negative values ​​move it to the left. That is, positive values ​​move the element inside the container block, and negative values ​​move it outside.

3. Positioning inside an element

The container block of an absolutely positioned element is set to position: relative with no offsets. This allows you to position elements within a container element.

.wrap ( padding: 10px; height: 150px; position: relative; background: #e7e6d4; text-align: right; border: 3px dashed #645a4e; ) .white ( position: absolute; width: 200px; top: 10px; left : 10px; padding: 10px; background: #ffffff; border: 3px dashed #312a22; )
Rice. 2. Absolute relative positioning

4. Positioning issues

1. If the width or height of an absolutely positioned element is set to auto , then its value will be determined by the width or height of the element's content. If the width or height is declared explicitly, then this value will be assigned.
2. If inside the block with position: absolute there are elements for which float wrap, then the height of this element will be equal to the height of the tallest of these elements.
3. For an element with position: absolute or position: fixed, you cannot set the float property at the same time, but for an element with position: relative, you can.
4. If the ancestor of the positioned element is a block element, then the block container is formed by the content area bounded by the border. If the ancestor is an inline element, the container block is formed by the outer border of its content. If there is no ancestor, the body element is the container block.

5. Free movement of elements

In the normal order, block-level elements are displayed starting at the top of the browser window and working towards the bottom. The float property allows you to move any element, aligning it to the left or right of the web page or its containing container element. In this case, the rest of the block elements will ignore it, and inline elements will move to the right or left, freeing up space for it and flowing around it.

Rice. 3. Free movement of elements

A floating block resizes its content with padding and borders. Upper and lower margin floating elements do not collapse. The float property applies to both block-level and inline elements.

The left or right outer edge of a floating element, unlike positioned elements, cannot be located to the left (or to the right) of the inner edge of its container block, i.e. go beyond its boundaries. In this case, if the inner padding is set for the container block, then the floating block will be spaced from the edge of the container block by the specified distance.

The property automatically changes the computed (browser rendered) value of the display property to display: block for the following values: inline , inline-block , table-row , table-row-group , table-column , table-column-group , table-cell . table-caption , table-header-group , table-footer-group . The value of inline-table changes to table .

The property has no effect on elements with display: flex and display: inline-flex .

When using the float property on block-level elements, you must specify a width. This will make the browser make room for other content. But if the total width of all columns is greater than the available space, then last element will go down.

At the same time, the vertical margins of floated elements do not collapse with the margins of adjacent elements, unlike regular block elements.

6. Unwind Elements

6.1. clear property

The clear property determines how the element following the floating element will be positioned. The property cancels the wrapping on one or both sides of the element, set property float . The (overflow: hidden;) rule is used to prevent the display of background or borders under floating elements.

6.2. Clearing the flow with styles using the clearfix class and the :after pseudo-class

Let's say we have a block container that doesn't have a width and height specified. Inside it is placed a floating block with specified dimensions.

.container ( padding: 20px; background: #e7e6d4; border: 3px dashed #645a4e; ) .floatbox ( float: left; width: 300px; height: 150px; margin-right: 20px; padding: 0 20px; background: #ffffff ; border: 3px dashed #666666; ) Rice. 4. "Collapsing effect" of the block-container

Solution to the problem:
We create a .clearfix class and, in combination with the :after pseudo-class, apply it to the container block.

.container ( padding: 20px; background: #e7e6d4; border: 3px dashed #645a4e; ) .floatbox ( float: left; width: 300px; height: 150px; margin-right: 20px; padding: 0 20px; background: #ffffff ; border: 3px dashed #666666; ) .clearfix:after ( content: ""; display: block; height: 0; clear: both; visibility: hidden; )

The second option for clearing the stream:

Clearfix:after ( content: ""; display: table; clear: both; )
Rice. 5. Applying a "clear" method to a container block containing a floating element

6.3. An easy way to clear the stream

There is another trick for clearing the stream for an element containing floats, such as a bulleted horizontal list:

Ul ( margin: 0; list-style: none; padding: 20px; background: #e7e6d4; overflow: auto; ) li ( float: left; width: calc(100% / 3 - 20px); height: 50px; margin- right: 20px; background: #ffffff; border: 3px dashed #666666; ) li:last-child (margin-right: 0;) 6. Clearing the Horizontal List Stream

Vlad Merzhevich

Positioning is the position of an element in a coordinate system. There are four types of positioning: normal, absolute, fixed and relative. Depending on the type, which is set through the position property, the coordinate system also changes.

Thanks to the combination of the position , left , top , right , and bottom properties, an element can be superimposed one on top of another, displayed at a point with certain coordinates, fixed at a specified location, determine the position of one element relative to another, and more. Similar to other properties CSS control positioning is available through scripts. Thus, you can dynamically change the position of elements without reloading the page, creating animation and various effects.

Normal positioning

If an element's position property is not set or its value is static , the element is rendered in the document flow as normal. In other words, the elements are displayed on the page in the order they appear in the source code HTML.

The left , top , right , bottom properties, if defined, are ignored.

Absolute positioning

With absolute positioning, the element does not exist in the document flow and its position is relative to the edges of the browser. You can set this type through the absolute value of the position property. Coordinates are specified relative to the edges of the browser window, called the "visible area" (Fig. 3.42).

Rice. 3.42. Left, right, top, and bottom property values ​​for absolute positioning

The mode has the following features.

  • The layer width, if not explicitly set, is equal to the content width plus the margin, border, and padding values.
  • A layer does not change its original position unless it has right , left , top and bottom properties.
  • The left and top properties take precedence over the right and bottom properties. If left and right contradict each other, then the value of right is ignored. The same goes for bottom .
  • If left is set to a negative value, then the layer will go beyond the left edge of the browser, and the scrollbar will not appear. This is one way to hide an element from view. The same applies to the top property, only the layer will go beyond the top edge.
  • If left is set to a value greater than the width of the visible area, or set to right with negative value, will appear horizontal bar scroll. Similar rule works with top as well, only we will talk about vertical stripe scroll.
  • The left and right properties specified at the same time form the width of the layer, but only if width is not specified. Worth adding width property and the value of right will be ignored. The same will happen with the height of the layer, only the top , bottom and height properties are already involved.
  • An absolute positioned element moves with the document as it scrolls.

The position property, set to absolute, can be used to create the effect of frames. In addition to absolute positioning for elements, you must assign the overflow property with auto value. Then, when the content exceeds the height of the visible area, a scrollbar will appear. The height and width of the "frames" is formed automatically by simultaneous use properties left , right for width and top , bottom for height (example 3.31).

Example 3.31. Creating an analogue of frames

Absolute positioning

Pilaf in Ferghana

Put in the cauldron sliced ​​\u200b\u200bmeat and fry it until a crust forms. Fry chopped onion rings together with meat until reddish, then add carrots, cut into strips. Put half the salt, mix everything and fry until the carrots turn golden brown. After that, pour half the required amount of water and let it boil.

Pour rice in an even layer, increase the fire and immediately pour water so that it covers the rice by 1–1.5 cm. surface, went to the bottom. Then cover the pilaf and let it rest for 20-25 minutes.

Thoroughly mix the finished pilaf, transfer to a large dish, lay the meat on top.

Result this example shown in fig. 3.43. The header layer is rendered in the flow as usual, and the sidebar and content layers are set to absolute positioning.

Rice. 3.43. Applying absolute positioning

In IE6, absolutely positioned elements cannot have the left , right and top , bottom properties set at the same time.

Absolute positioning is also used to create various effects, such as photo tooltips. Unlike title attribute tag which also displays the tooltip text, through styles you can control the appearance of the text displayed using the script.

First, let's create an empty layer with an ID of floatTip and define its style. Three style properties must be required - position set to absolute , display set to none hides the layer, and width sets the width of the tooltip layer. The remaining properties are used at the request of the developer and are intended to change the design of the layer (example 3.32).

Example 3.32. Tooltip Style

#floatTip ( position: absolute; /* Absolute positioning */ width: 250px; /* Block width */ display: none; /* Hide from display */ border: 1px solid #000; /* Border options */ padding: 5px ; /* Margin around text */ font-family: sans-serif; /* Serrated font */ font-size: 9pt; /* Font size */ color: #333; /* Text color */ background: #ECF5E4; /* Background color */ )

The script itself consists of two functions - moveTip() tracks the mouse movement and changes the position of the layer according to the cursor coordinates, and toolTip() controls the visibility of the layer and displays the desired text in it (example 3.33).

Example 3.33. Layer Output Script

document.onmousemove = moveTip; function moveTip(e) ( floatTipStyle = document.getElementById("floatTip").style; w = 250; // Layer Width // For IE browser if (document.all) ( x = event.x + document.body.scrollLeft ; y = event.y + document.body.scrollTop; // For other browsers ) else ( x = e.pageX; // Cursor X coordinate y = e.pageY; // Cursor Y coordinate ) // Show layer to the right of cursor if ((x + w + 10)< document.body.clientWidth) { floatTipStyle.left = x + "px"; // Показывать слой слева от курсора } else { floatTipStyle.left = x - w + "px"; } // Положение от верхнего края окна браузера = y + 20 + "px"; } function toolTip(msg) { floatTipStyle = document.getElementById("floatTip").style; if (msg) { // Выводим текст подсказки document.getElementById("floatTip").innerHTML = msg; floatTipStyle.display = "block"; // Показываем слой } else { floatTipStyle.display = "none"; // Прячем слой } }

For convenience and versatility, the script should be moved to separate file and connect it via the src attribute of the tag

"+" Lens: Canon EF 24-105 f/4L IS USM
"+" Flash: Canon Speedlite 580 EX
"+" Shutter speed: 1/125
Aperture: 5.6")" onmouseout="toolTip()" />

The result of this example is shown in Fig. 3.44. Please note that text wrapping when calling the toolTip() function is done for readability and has JavaScript syntax. In Safari, the script sometimes does not work when wrapping text, in which case the text should be written on one line. The CSS3 opacity property has been added to the styles, which adds a little transparency to the layer. Prior to IE 9.0 this property is not supported.

Rice. 3.44. Tooltip rendered with JavaScript

Fixed position

A layer's fixed position is set by the value of the position property fixed and is similar to absolute positioning. But unlike it, it is attached to the point on the screen specified by the left , top , right and bottom properties and does not change its position when scrolling the web page. Another difference from absolute is that when a fixed layer goes beyond the visible area to the right or below it, no scrollbars appear.

This type of positioning is used to create menus, tabs, headers, in general, any elements that should be fixed on the page and always visible to the visitor. Example 3-35 shows the addition of a footer that stays in the same place regardless of the amount of information on the site.

Example 3.35. Fixed basement

XHTML 1.0 CSS 2.1 IE Cr Op Sa Fx

Fixed basement

All methods of catching a lion listed on the site are theoretical and based on computational methods. The author does not guarantee your safety when using them and disclaims any responsibility for the result. Remember, the lion is a predator and a dangerous animal!

The result of the example is shown in Fig. 3.45. Insofar as fixed basement overlays text and hides it, added bottom padding for BODY selector. IE6 does not support the fixed value, so this example will not work correctly in that browser.

Rice. 3.45. Footer at the bottom of the page

Relative positioning

Setting the position property to relative sets the position of the element relative to its original position. Adding the left , top , right , and bottom properties changes the element's position and moves it to one side or the other from its original position. A positive left value defines an offset to the right of the element's left border, a negative value specifies an offset to the left. A positive value of top sets the shift of the element down (Fig. 3.46), a negative value - a shift up.

Rice. 3.46. Left and top property values ​​for relative positioning

The bottom and right properties have the opposite effect. If the value is positive, right shifts the element to the left of its right edge, if it is negative, it shifts to the right (Fig. 3.47). A positive bottom value will move the element up, and a negative value will move it down.

Rice. 3.47. Right and bottom property values ​​for relative positioning

Relative positioning has the following features.

  • This type of positioning is not applicable to table elements like cells, rows, columns, etc.
  • When an element is offset relative to starting position, the space occupied by the element is left empty and not filled by below or above elements.

Example 3-36 shows the heading text being shifted down to give it a distinct style.

Example 3.36. Text title

XHTML 1.0 CSS 2.1 IE Cr Op Sa Fx


Az and buki font science

The font is a means of expressing design, not some banal reading.

The result of this example is shown in Fig. 3.48.

Rice. 3.48. Shift text relative to the original position

Nested layers

Usually, relative positioning by itself is not often used, since there are a number of properties that actually perform the same role, for example, the same margin . But the combination different types positioning for nested layers is one of the convenient and practical layout techniques. If the parent element is set to relative , and for the child absolute , then the coordinate system and position will change child element at the same time, it is indicated relative to its parent (Fig. 3.49).

Rice. 3.49. Left, right, top and bottom property values ​​in nested layers

The coordinates are counted from the inner edge of the border, the field values ​​are not taken into account. IN following example the text is positioned in the lower right corner of the layer near the border, ignoring the padding property.


By using the four properties left , right , top , bottom to control the position of the inner layer, it is not necessary to know the size of the parent layer. This expands the scope of positioning, so position is quite actively used when laying out various elements. As an example, let's take the imposition of various information on a photo: the number of comments on it, the links "Add a comment", "Information about the author" and "Add to favorites". In general, the result should be approximately the same as in Fig. 3.50.

Rice. 3.50. Photo with superimposed elements

The code itself is shown in example 3.37. The photo layer is positioned relative, and the inner layers img (photo output), comment (number of comments) and tool (links at the bottom of the photo) are set to absolute position.

Example 3.37. Layer positioning

XHTML 1.0 CSS 2.1 CSS 3 IE 7+ IE 9+ Cr Op Sa Fx

Layer positioning


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