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Selecting a satellite by location coordinates. Technical parameters of the tricolor tv antenna system

Today, Tricolor TV is one of the most popular and sought-after Russian satellite operators. So if you decide to buy , then we will be able to help you to the fullest, since in our online store it can be purchased along with everything necessary for installation, including self-installation. If you prefer to entrust this matter to professionals, then the installation of Tricolor TV in Moscow and the Moscow region by our specialists will be carried out the next working day after placing the order.

How to install tricolor tv yourself

So: you have fulfilled your intention buy tricolor tv in moscow and now you need to install it. Where to start!? In such cases, our recommendations will help you:

· First of all, you need to start assembling the plate, which is easy to do according to the instructions supplied by the manufacturer with this device. If it is not there, then just take a closer look at the satellite dishes on neighboring houses and try to assemble your dish according to their principle. We are sure that you will cope with this task without problems, since it is difficult to make a mistake in the assembly!

· Now you need to decide where you will put your antenna. The first thought that most owners of a satellite dish visit at the same time is to install it outside the window, closer to the TV. However, this option may not always be considered successful. The fact is that all satellites are located above the equator, which is located on the south side relative to the territory of Russia, so ideally your antenna should be directed to the south. But this does not mean that only windows facing due south are suitable: it is enough that it is simply visible and not blocked by trees or tall buildings. If there is a tall branching tree in front of your south-facing window, you live on the ground floor, or there is a “skyscraper” at a close distance from the windows to the south, then the only option to properly install a satellite dish is to place it on the roof of the house or on the balcony at the neighbors. As for the installation of Tricolor TV in the country, everything is much simpler there, since you can always find such a place forsatellite dishso that it would be directed to the south (without digressing from the topic, we can advise, in case you find it difficult to choose a place,invite the master so that he can correctly assess the situation).

· Suppose that all conditions are met and you are going to install a satellite dish outside the window. To do this, you need to fix a special support to the installation site - a bracket on which your antenna will hang. You can mount the bracket on anchors or mounting capercaillie with dowels with a diameter of 10 - 14 mm. At the same time, for greater reliability, use all the holes intended for fastening.

· Now that the support is securely fixed, do not forget to install a converter from tricolor satellite tv set. Then, wind one end of the wire (from the kit) onto the converter that you already have on the antenna, and connect the other end to your satellite receiver via the LNB IN connector.

· Now you can hang your antenna. At the same time, tighten the nuts horizontally and vertically, but not to the stop, so that the satellite dish can be moved with little effort, but at the same time it does not fall off the fasteners.

· The next step is to connect the Tricolor TV receiver to the TV, which must be done in accordance with the attached instructions.

· That's all for now, go back to the installed antenna and point it to the south. As a hint, let's say that the Sun is in the south at noon or at 13 o'clock in the afternoon, depending on what (“summer” or “winter” time) the country lives at the time of installation.

Start moving the satellite dish smoothly and without jerks along the horizon, while keeping an eye on whether a signal has appeared on the receiver. Then raise or lower the antenna and begin to pass the horizon again.

· When the signal is received, achieve its best reception and in this position tighten all the nuts at the antenna.

· AND finally, in the automatic search, find all the channels from the satellite.

· You can advise a simpler option: look at how the Tricolor TV satellite dish (you can also NTV plus) is installed at the neighbors and install yours in the same way. At the same time, try to correctly observe all the angles of inclination horizontally and vertically.

Thus, even if you are not in a hurry, you can install tricolor tv by yourself within one hour. If you have little free time, or do not have the necessary skills and tools, then our specialists will be happy to solve all your problems related to the acquisition, installation and configuration of equipment for satellite TV

Tricolor TV, like modern satellite TV, can be set up without the help of a specialist, saving a decent amount of money on this. The front of the work is very laborious, but simple, if you know the sequence of actions. Below will be described in detail how to set up Tricolor TV.

What will be needed at work

Before answering the main question, how to set up a satellite dish, you will need to prepare the following working tools:

  • wrenches of different sizes;
  • perforator;
  • screwdrivers of different sizes;
  • elements for fasteners;
  • insulating tape;
  • working level;
  • drawing pencil or pen.

Selecting an antenna installation site

Setting up the Tricolor TV antenna begins with the choice of its future installation. The main factor that you should rely on when choosing is the free access of the device towards the satellite, that is, the signal source. In other words, if you visually draw a straight line between the satellite and the antenna, you should not find an obstacle on it in the form of trees and structures on roofs or buildings. This will be the first step on the way to how to set up the Tricolor satellite dish yourself.

Please note that the closer the dish is placed in relation to your TV, the better signal quality you can be guaranteed. In addition, this way you can set up a plate much easier and faster.

Places unfavorable for antenna installation:

  • glazed balconies;
  • areas that may be subject to precipitation in the form of snow or rain;
  • roofs with a gable, four-pitched or asymmetrical roof;
  • places near a drain.

Assembling the Tricolor TV antenna and installing its main elements

Contrary to popular belief, it is not so difficult to assemble and set up an antenna and a dish. To do this, you need to follow the established algorithm of actions and rely on the proposed scheme.

  1. The massive bracket, which is included in the Tricolor package, should be securely fixed to the wall. The installation feature and the choice of fixing tools will depend on the wall (bearing or capital).
  2. When fixing the bracket, keep in mind that the converter located in the holder must be installed downwards with it. So, you will protect your Tricolor plate from precipitation.
  3. Securely connect the cable and the converter with the F-connector. To do this, you will need to release the cable from the top insulation by no more than 10 mm. Then, tightly wrap the cable with braided shield and foil. The inner insulating layer must also be removed by 10 mm and the connector screwed in as much as possible.
  4. Prepare stitches and electrical tape in advance in order to install the cable in the bow of the converter holder.
  5. Sealing is a necessary procedure that should cover the entire length of the cable. In some cases, you may need silicone sealant.
  6. Next, fix the antenna to the bracket. Install it so that at any time you can rotate it in different directions.
  7. At the last stage of assembly, you will again need electrical tape and ties, since in addition to the antenna, the cable must also be fixed on the bracket. If you fasten the cable with a small margin, then this will subsequently make it easier for you to install and repair the device, if necessary.

If you are still wondering how to set up a Tricolor TV antenna without the help of a specialist, then keep in mind that you have already overcome the first and most difficult stage. And as you can see, it was not so difficult to do it. In addition, the procedure for assembling the antenna is universal and does not depend on what you use and what image format will be displayed on the screen, in particular, the Ultra HD format.

TV jack installation

Based on the presented diagram, proceed progressively:

  • for fear of damaging the shielding braid, strip the cable from the top insulation by 15 mm;
  • the shielding braid, and after that, the foil must be located along the entire length of the cable;
  • strip the cable also of 10 mm of the inner insulation layer;
  • screw in the connector as much as possible and disconnect the conductor with wire cutters, which should not protrude beyond the edges by no more than 3 mm.

The video transmitted to the TV using the installed Tricolor plate will directly depend on the quality of your work. Therefore, carefully follow the order of the instructions and make maximum efforts to the process. Setting up Tricolor TV requires progressive action.

Tricolor TV antenna adjustment

The more accurately the antenna is adjusted from a geographical point of view, the better the channels will be shown on Tricolor TV. The peculiarity of these manipulations also depends on two factors: elevation and azimuth. Both quantities are measured in degrees.

The difficulty is that for each individual settlement and region, the indicators can vary significantly. For example, for Bryansk, the elevation angle will be 29 degrees, and the azimuth - 178 degrees. Take this feature into account when adjusting the antenna.

If, for one reason or another, channels have disappeared for you, then perhaps the cause of the failure is precisely the incorrect adjustment of the plate.

You can also determine the azimuth yourself if you know how to use a compass and determine its exact indicators.

Based on the advice provided by the satellite television provider with a high-quality Ultra HD image, connect the cable from the converter to the signal receiver. It will be very easy to do this, since the installation of the television connector has already been completed for you. After that, connect the receiver to the TV and check the signal and its quality.

Setting the signal "Tricolor TV"

In order to set up free Tricolor TV channels and their signal, you will need to go to the Antenna Settings menu. Next, move the antenna cursor in the plane until you get a signal that satisfies you.

There should be no interference, ripples and small dots, in addition, the sound must be of high quality and perfect.

Please note that if you lost channels during operation, then as one of the options for troubleshooting, you can go to the above menu.

The next step you will need to open the "Received signal level" tab.

  1. Pick up the remote control of the receiver and press the "MENU" button.
  2. Use the arrow buttons, find the "Settings" tab, then confirm the command by pressing "OK".
  3. For further installation, a password is required. At the first stage, the provider provides for the introduction of four zeros. Later, you can change it yourself.
  4. Next, get to the "System Settings" tab and confirm the command again by clicking "OK".
  5. Enter the Antenna Settings menu and confirm the prompt.

After you select the antenna installation mode and channel list, determine the satellite that matches your region: Eutelsat 36A or Eutelsat 36B. Find two scales in the antenna installation menu tab that characterize the signal level and its transmission to the satellite. If both of them are filled up to the 70% mark, then all your work was done correctly and the channels on Tricolor TV will be shown with high quality.

In the event that the indicators are below the desired level, it makes sense to turn to the cable connection. Perhaps he transmits a weak signal to the satellite, which simply does not pick it up.

Do not forget that your plate is still outside, it cannot be ruled out that it will be affected by weather conditions. Thunderstorm, lightning, heavy rain or any other precipitation may affect signal strength. But it will return to normal as soon as the weather improves.

Video instruction for setting up

The video clearly represents all the stages of assembly and installation of the Tricolor TV antenna. A visual demonstration allows you to more easily imagine how the work process will look externally.

Now you know how to set up Tricolor TV yourself, how to assemble an antenna, how to check the signal level and what to do if the channels are lost. This will allow you to save money that could be spent on the services of a tuner.

In contact with

How to set up a Tricolor satellite dish yourself? To carry out this procedure, it is recommended that you first study the instructions. Otherwise, you may encounter a number of difficulties during the installation or operation of the system. Tricolor TV took care of its customers and simplified this process as much as possible. Even with the necessary skills, each subscriber can independently connect. This is due to the good coverage of the EUTEL SAT 36/B satellite. It is positioned at 36 degrees east longitude.

In order to carry out the installation and configuration procedure correctly, you need to know the location of the satellite.

The signal can be compared to a searchlight beam shining from a height of 36-38 thousand km.

High quality transmission is possible only if the antenna is installed on the right side and at the right angle. This is due to the fact that the signal from the satellite does not pass through walls and can go astray even in the presence of obstacles such as trees or small buildings.

Pay attention to the criterion that the satellite is above the equator.

That is why the antenna mirror must be installed in a southerly direction. This moment is the most important, because without it there will be no translation. If the windows of your apartment or house face the north side, then the installation of equipment in this case is impossible. Even with very large efforts, you can only get a low-quality signal. The best option in this case is to install the dish on the roof of the building. This option is only suitable for private houses.

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