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Choosing a Wi-Fi router - Rating of the best models for the home. Protective functions of the router

Good day, dear friends. Today, as you understood from the title, we will talk about how to choose a router correctly and with taste (benefit).

The fact is that recently, connected with the fact that a person bought himself (a router), set up and connected the Internet, and after that he sits and suffers with connection breaks, the low speed of this very connection (below the stated rate), packet loss and other not very pleasant crap.

When I answer that the problems are most likely related to the fact that he is the cheapest (or almost the cheapest) representative of the switch family of router subspecies, then the person is usually very surprised. But in vain.

This article is about just how how to choose a router , or rather, what to rely on when choosing and buying it, that is, what characteristics are worth looking at, what price ranges to choose, which firms have established themselves in the market and all that stuff necessary for the right purchase.

What is a router (router) and why is it needed

Of course, in this article I proceed from the fact that you imagine that there is in general and you have it at home. For those who have no idea, here is an excerpt from Wikipedia:

A router or a router, a router, a router (from the English router / ˈɹu: tə (ɹ) / or / ˈɹaʊtɚ /, / ˈɹaʊtəɹ /) is a network device, based on information about the network topology and certain rules that makes decisions about forwarding network layer packets ( OSI Layer 3) between different network segments. (c) Wikipedia

In simple words, this is such an electronic box, in which one hole ( WAN-port) the Internet is stuck, and in others ( LAN-ports) all computers are stuck. (all these WAN, LAN, DHCP and so on, we live here here).

Thus, the Internet appears on all stuck computers, and a local network is also "formed" between the computers. Sometimes, by the way, this box still has antennas (sometimes, however, built-in ones), which make it possible to connect without wires, that is, by Wi-Fi.

A small preface-verbiage from the author

At one time, I, like many, was greatly mistaken when buying cheap routers. I was mistaken because all of them are now lying on my shelf in one state or another, and in terms of total cost, they took with them an amount equivalent to one normal device, which, by the way, is now standing in the room and distributing the Internet, crunching and happily spreading the antennas Wi-Fi in different directions.

When buying at that time, I relied mainly on the opinion of people who are not very versed in network equipment (and this is the percentage of Internet residents), yelling at the forum in response to a question " Recommend a good quality router?"something in the spirit" Take the cheapest one, they are all the same, no need to throw tons of $ on gigabit super-mega-routers-cisks".

So ... they were wrong and wrong.

The law of the market sometimes says that a good thing is expensive. This is not always true, but in most cases it is. With routers, this law is most effective, and therefore one of the defining criteria when buying a device for you, oddly enough, should be exactly the price.

The fact is that many advisers (which I mentioned above) probably happily believe that the router is a magic device like a keyboard, put it in, stuck it in and rejoice, they say, all the business and functions are there - one, two and missed ... In fact, this is not the case.

Many people forget (or do not know) that this very box is, relatively speaking, an almost full-fledged computer, with its own processor, RAM and operating system, and that all this together determines the final quality (performance, stability, functions), because each of the stuffing elements of the router has its own characteristics.

In this regard, by the way, this also knows how to heat up, hang, reboot and suffer from other typical computer diseases caused by poor-quality filling and cheap performance.

You don't buy yourself the cheapest computer for games, do you? It is obvious that, as a rule, if you do not assemble it yourself, then it will pull the toys weakly, and these will slow down on it, or even not start at all. It is the same with routers, that is, you must understand how to choose a router and do it wisely.

Someone, perhaps, will say that, they say, to compare full-bodied 3D-Applications and Internet distribution are weird and inappropriate. In fact, it is appropriate a little more than completely, because it does not just perform a "mythical" distribution of the Internet between computers, but operates with a very solid amount of data using encrypted protocols, sending, analyzing a bunch of packets and connections, protecting you from attacks due to the built-in firewall by handing out Wi-Fi over encrypted connections (and any encryption takes the power of the device) and doing other important things.

In short, a device with weak hardware will easily create thousands of problems for you, the most unpleasant of which are:

  • Low speed (as they say - "the router cuts the speed"), i.e. instead of, say, those declared at tariff 10 0/100 Mbit / s in both directions (upload / download), it issues 70 /34 Mbit / s... And the fault in this is not the provider, but the hardware of the device;
  • Constant freezes, reboots, disconnection. Especially important when working with
  • Low speed of work Wi-Fi and a small coverage area (there were cases in my practice when people simply could not use Wi-Fi, i.e. the signal strength was not enough to cover more than one room);
  • Weak protection against viruses, intrusions and other things, because cheap routers rarely have a good one;
  • Lack of any interesting and useful functions, such as connecting a USB flash drive, network printer, support DDNS, and other joys in life.

And so on, so on. In general, my verbiage aside, let's move on to the recommendations on how to choose a router so that it does not interfere with you.

Let's go over the points according to the main criteria for choosing.

How to choose a router - step one - device reviews

The most important and most important criterion, after the characteristics, are reviews and only them. That is, you choose the router model you are interested in, follow the link, enter the name of the device, and then read the reviews for a long time and persistently. They, as a rule, clearly indicate any disadvantages and advantages of the device.

  • The first thing to pay attention to is the mention that it "cuts" the speed. As a rule, they don't say such words about high-quality routers, or if they do, they rarely (often, not very experienced users do it), but they write a lot about really weak devices at once;
  • The second thing worth paying attention to is the stability of the work, that is, if they write that the router freezes, reboots or cuts the speed, then it is obvious that its filling simply does not cope with the load, which means that the device is far from ideal and, rather in total, you will have a lot of problems with him;
  • The third thing you should pay attention to is working with torrents. In fact, this point follows from the first two, and if people write that the router hangs when starting torrents, then, in general, everything is clear with it - weak filling, etc .;
  • The fourth thing to look out for is work. Wi-Fi-connections. As a rule, they write about the speed and coverage area for a certain number of devices. It is important to understand here that the power of the signal sent by the router and received by the device is different, that is, the router can give full speed in 100Mb / s, but the device does not receive it for more than 20Mb / s.

Well, of course, see how many reviews for one side or the other, as well as how many times the buttons have been pressed " Yes" or " Not"under this review (the example below is clickable). This is the first criterion for how to choose a router.

The easiest way is to take a piece of paper, write down the pros and cons in two columns, and then, looking at the reviews, place with a pencil marks how many times are mentioned, how many times another is mentioned.

BUT! Always keep in mind that reviews can be purchased, paid for, etc. There were also such cases that you buy a device, and there is a piece of paper inside, they say, leave a positive review with 5+++ on the Yandex.Market and get 100 steering wheels on the phone. It's sad, but many are carried on and, yes, they get their "silversmiths", but .. It hurts those who buy (ie the rest), relying only on reviews. Therefore, let's go further and talk about a much more important Thing - characteristics.

Second, - technical characteristics

As I said, a router, in a sense, is a small computer that also has RAM, a processor, and other things. On this, you need to pay attention FIRST. But since cunning marketers hide this information, you need to be able to search for it:

  • In search engines, it is best to search for [" model name "+ word" specifications"], that is, for example," "(without quotes);
  • And then already look at the English-language sites (best of all, it is the manufacturers of devices), since, as a rule, often correct the filling is indicated there;
  • There are also amateur tables for several manufacturers, but they should be avoided. In extreme cases, look, because reviewers are responsible with their heads for what they write, and not only in front of you, but also the advertiser, manufacturer, etc.

As for specific characteristics, we are primarily interested in three characteristics, namely RAM, Cpu and FLASH... They look something like this:

This is what is called the filling (about the rest below), where ROM is the so-called FLASH memory, which also plays an important role, along with the processor and random access memory (RAM). It is clear that the more the better, but ..

However, in order not to tell the painful details, I will note that in the modern world and with modern technologies, I would not recommended to choose devices with the amount of random access memory (RAM) not less 64 MB(better from 128 and more), the processor is not weaker 300 MHz(better, again, more powerful, for example 500 and more) and FLASH-memory from 16 (ideally from 32 MB).

Among other characteristics, that is, what concerns not only the filling itself, but also the "periphery":

  • If you critical coverage area Wi-Fi, then pay attention to the number of antennas - how minimum(!!!) there should be two of them (better 3 and more);
  • If speed is important to you Wi-Fi and the quality (stability) of the connection, as well as the "punching" of the walls by the signal, the antennas must be only and exclusively external (not internal), i.e. sticking out of the case;
  • If it is important for you all the above and the number of wireless devices that the router can simultaneously support at full speed, then the power of its (router) transmitter and / or antennas (usually indicated in units dBM) must be at least (in total) 15 dBM and the higher this value is, the better, faster and more (so to speak) wireless communication you will get.

The information below should also be attributed to the characteristics that are important for selection, but let's break it down a little into subsections, for clarity. Moreover, from the point of view of the ideology of how to choose a router, these are still different things.

How to choose a router, step three - protocol support

If we talk about wired communication (and this is how the Internet comes to your apartment), then providers now use a variety of protocols to provide Internet services, and therefore sometimes you should pay attention to whether the device you have chosen supports these. First of all, you should ask your operator what exactly he uses.

Generally speaking, those providers that are larger and more powerful, as a rule, give the Internet through PPTP or L2TP... Who is smaller - PPPoE... Of course, in some places still remained ADSL-protocol, which is the Internet over the telephone network. Well, for those to whom any provider has not yet dragged their web networks, support by a router may be important 2G / 3G / 4G / 5G modems (yes, it happens), especially if you want to make the Internet with Wi-Fi somewhere in the country.

Special attention should be paid to L2TP since This standard is not supported by every router. By the way, routers supporting this protocol are usually more or less the most powerful / adequate (but not always, see the section with characteristics).

So, it is important for you that either your protocol is supported (call, write or search on the website of your Internet users), or as many of them as possible. The harsh minimum is:

  • PPT2P;
  • L2TP;
  • PPoE.

The rest - according to the circumstances and needs, to whom what and why. This, as regards, I repeat, wire communication, which, in one way or another, as a rule, is provided by your operator (although by G / 3G / 4G / 5G it also applies).

Fourth, - Wi-Fi encryption and standards

Regarding the standard Wi-Fi, then there is no binding to the provider itself, tk. the distribution of the wireless connection is handled by the device itself, which you select. Now there are, conditionally, two gradations in the frequency of the network Wi-Fi created by the router is:

  • 2.4 GHz;
  • 5 GHz.

The first option is the oldest networks and they are (are used) now literally everywhere. But the transition to a new frequency range (the second, i.e. 5 GHz), which, firstly, is less cluttered with a large number of devices (receiving and transmitting), and secondly, it is faster in itself and supports more channels. When thinking about how to choose a router, I would recommend at least choosing the one that supports both these ranges.

Buy devices only With 5 GHz so far (at the time of updating the article) not makes sense, more precisely, before buying it is worth making sure that the "receiver" (consumer) of the signal, ie laptop-phone-tablet, etc., supports this range and is equipped, in fact, with a module that can work on it. 2.4 GHz if support is declared Wi-Fi, now everyone has it. But the top five - no.

In more detail about the clutter, channels and so on, I, so I think you can figure out how to choose a router based on the channel. Well, or how to check your choice after the fact (or before it)

Regarding speed characteristics, there is a gradation according to the standard IEEE 802.11... In short, IEEE 802.11- a set of communication standards for communication in the wireless local area network area of ​​frequency ranges. It (standard) determines the speed, frequency range, etc., and has a gradation by letter, depending on the novelty.

Ideally, today, a router should support:

  • 802.11a;
  • 802.11b;
  • 802.11g;
  • 802.11n;
  • 802.11ac.

You can read more about IEEE, as well as these and other letters.

Further. Beyond frequency bands Wi-Fi, there is also a concept encryption and it is not always the case that the router and the receiving device support the same encryption protocols, so there may be connectivity and, more importantly, security issues. Therefore, when choosing, try to take the maximum support for encryption protocols, namely, from common categories:

  • WEP;
  • WPA and WPA2;
  • WPS / QSS.

Briefly, with Wi-Fi sorted it out. I repeat that I wrote about the coverage range and so on in the characteristics - this is the number of antennas, the power of the antennas, etc.

How to choose a router, step five, - firmware

Each router (and in general, relatively speaking, a device) has a so-called firmware, that is, special software that controls it. Speed, security, usability, customization options, support for languages, punctures and many other characteristics depend on this very firmware.

Here you can write a lot and for a long time, but, in short, there are firmwares with or without errors, successful, unsuccessful, buggy, fast, slow, official, alternative, and so on.

You can write about how to choose a router based on firmware and their differences for years, but we are now interested in specific facts that will help us make the right choice. Therefore, what is worth doing:

  • When you have already more or less decided on the model, you should go to the manufacturer's website ( ASUS, Zyxel, DLink, Cisco, Xiaomi, Trendnet or someone else you chose there) and see, firstly, the presence of a section with firmware;
  • Secondly, in fact, how long have these firmware been updated () and whether they are being updated at all;
  • Search the Internet for " alternative firmware + model name" or " custom firmware + model name", For example: " custom firmware"(without quotes).

How to take off with this? If there are several firmwares and the last one was not so long ago (at least a year ago), it means that the model is supported and developed by the manufacturer. If there are alternative firmwares, it means that the model is at least not bad, since someone from the enthusiasts writes their own firmware for it (router model), which, by the way, are usually faster, more convenient, etc.

Well, the last, not the most important, and still.

Sixth, - appearance and body

The last, but not least, factor is the design of the case. The appearance can be very different, how simply unassuming, so everyone can understand for himself how to choose a router and which one (visually) he needs more:

So cute:



And so on. At this point, who is in what is much, and, in this regard (since the taste and color, all markers are different), I will not advise you anything, except, perhaps, two things, namely:

  • Pay attention to the number of slots for the heat sink (some models have a feature of overheating, which is why they slow down, turn off, reboot, etc.);
  • For the presence of wall mounts (if it is important for you).

Here's a simple example of a good heatsink but no bracing:

Well, in general, of course, you should always make a choice based on your needs, because if you just need to distribute the Internet of any speed to other computers, then, in general, the simplest stable and inexpensive model will be enough.

The selection criterion is useless - the manufacturer

Whatever anyone says, but the most stupid the criterion is the choice based on the manufacturer. Even the worst of them have decent models that live for centuries and work quickly, like the best of them, have frankly unsuccessful or just marketing solutions (just to fill their pocket). Therefore, trying to understand how to choose a router, you should not look at the name.

Arguing about a brand is nonsense. The most important thing is the quality characteristics, be they technical, firmware and / or others, that is, read above (and below in the text) and choose wisely, and not by the name of some brand that someone is successfully trying to sell to you. And yes, don't forget that " Each frog praises its swamp"(c) - so use your brain.

And so .. Thousands of them, - ASUS, Xiaomi, TP-LINK, D-Link, Ubiquiti, MikroTik, NetGear, Zyxel, Upvel, EnGenius, Huawei, Netis, TRENDnet, HP, Edimax, LevelOne, Tenda, Apple, LigoWave, LinkSys, Cisco, ZTE and others others. Nowadays, unless the lazy does not produce.

Where is the best place to buy a router?

  • , - for those who are not afraid to buy abroad and save money;
  • , - perhaps the best choice in terms of price-quality ratio. Quite reasonable prices, although the assortment is not always ideal in terms of variety. The key advantage is the guarantee that really allows for 14 days to change the product without any questions, and in case of warranty problems, the store will take your side and help you solve any problems. The author of the site has been using it for years 10 minimum (since the days when they were part Ultra Electoronics), which advises you too. If you do not know what to choose, then (with at least 3 antennas, if you did not understand anything from the text above;));
  • , - one of the oldest stores on the market, as a company exists somewhere on the order 20 years. Decent selection, average prices and one of the most user-friendly sites. All in all, it's a pleasure to work with.

The choice is traditionally yours. Of course, everyone's out there Yandex Market"s has not been canceled, but from good stores I would recommend these, and not some there M Video and other large networks (which are often not just expensive, but flawed in terms of the quality of service, guarantee operation, etc.).


Something like that. I hope that now you understand how to choose a router, what to look at when choosing, and so on. By the way, if you don't know which model to choose, then we recommend that you look at our reviews of router models (simpler), and (more expensive, but for centuries), and there are many more.

It goes without saying that the idea of ​​additional functionality and bells and whistles, such as built-in torrent support, remote access and a bunch of something else, has not yet been mentioned, but this is not the whole thing that can be attributed to the main nuances and topic of the material.

I suppose there will be a lot of questions, comments, controversies and all that stuff, and therefore write in the comments, and I will be glad to read about your experience, answer your questions and just talk about this topic. Write;)

Today, perhaps, you will no longer meet a person who does not use a computer or does not have a PC at home. In addition, more and more services and programs necessary for work and leisure work when connected to the internet.

Also, recently, the situation has become more and more popular when there is not one device in an apartment, house or office, but several (PCs, tablets, communicators, smartphones, etc.), each of which requires its own separate connection to the network.

The ability to connect several devices to the internet, while having one point of input from the provider, is currently carried out using a router or router.

Photos - Networking with multiple paired devices

The router itself is a network device, the purpose of which is to transfer packet data between the devices paired with it and the access point - the service provider. In addition, more expensive routers are equipped with a number of additional features, including:

  • the ability to set restrictions on access to sites potentially dangerous for software;
  • the ability to connect a firewall;
  • the ability to encrypt network access and traffic distribution;
  • orderly distribution of traffic by access points, etc.

A standard router, which can often be found both in a private house and in a company office, in public places, is a small piece of equipment, consisting of a hardware unit, an antenna for transmitting a Wi-Fi signal, a power supply unit for connecting to the mains, patch cords (patch cords).

Photo - Equipment and connection of the router

A standard router is capable of organizing a network by connecting 4 PCs to it via a wired connection, as well as 5-10 devices for which Wi-Fi signal channels will be allocated. However, experts do not recommend fully loading the router, especially if it is not an expensive model of this device. Otherwise, the router may freeze, not withstanding heavy loads.

Some models of routers may be equipped with USB ports for connecting a flash drive or hard drive. This feature will allow the hardware to be used as a file server, print server, etc. In addition, some models also boast support for the function of 3G modems.

What you should pay attention to

When choosing a router, it is worth considering the following features, the operating parameters of this equipment:

  • to organize a home connection or a network for a small office, an ordinary (non-professional) router from the middle price range will be enough;
  • Requires IEEE 802.11g and IEEE 802.11n device support will provide data transfer speed via Wi-Fi up to 600 Mbps;
  • installation must support PPTP or L2TP, which will provide access to Internet communications for almost any provider.

How does a wireless wi-fi router work?

The principle of operation of the equipment is based on receiving and converting the recipient's address, which is "registered" in the header of the information packet for its transmission, then the path along which the information is addressed is determined by means of the routing table. In the event that the routing table does not provide any address, the information is not accepted, discarded.

Photo - An example of a network of users with a router

In practice, there are some other systems for transmitting data to devices paired with a router. For example, using the sender address or upper-level header protocols. It is also not uncommon for a router to operate based on the transmission of addresses of both the sender and the recipient, as well as filtering of the transit stream of transmitted data.

How to install a Wi-Fi router: step by step instructions

In order to independently connect and configure the router, you must do the following:

  1. The first thing to do to install the equipment is to connect all communications from the router to the PC and to the Internet signal transmission unit from the provider. To do this, an Internet cable is inserted into a connector called WAN, and the cable that comes with the router is inserted into one of the remaining ports, its other end is intended for the Ethernet connector on the back of the PC. After that, turn on the power of the device.
  2. Next, proceed to configuring the software of the router. The equipment setting is not typical and may differ depending on the router model and connection settings from the provider. The setting can be done through any browser installed on the computer (Google Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer, etc.). To do this, you need to enter the administrative interface of the device by entering a combination of numbers into the address bar of the browser: After pressing the "Enter" key, the equipment administration window should pop up. If this does not happen, then you should check the cable connection, make sure that the connection is started, then try again.
  3. The next step is to directly configure the Wi-Fi connection. If the router is equipped with the quick setup function, then you need to start the "Quick Setup" service and follow the prompts of the installation wizard. Among the configuration steps there will be a choice of the following parameters: - the type of preferred connection;

    - type of internet connection;

  4. Next, you need to connect directly the Wi-Fi module itself. To do this, the installation wizard offers the following menu.

Photo - Wi-Fi signal connection module

After the steps taken, the Internet connection should already be working. However, if the Internet speed is underestimated or constant signal loss occurs, experts recommend choosing a specific channel (from 1 to 13), saving the settings. It is also worth taking care of the password for accessing the signal of the connected router. Otherwise, unauthorized connections are possible, which will also underestimate the traffic and make the router work slower.

After the router is connected and configured, all that remains is to connect the operation of the network card on a PC or laptop and use the operation of the device with the internet. On a laptop, you need to make sure that a special key is pressed that turns on the Wi-Fi mode. If this operation is performed, then it is necessary to connect the device to the network.

Photo - Network indicator

To do this, right-click on the network icon on the desktop toolbar, select the name of the installed network from the menu that opens, and click the "Connect" button.

Photo - Context menu with installed Internet networks on the device

Connection in this way is done for Windows 8, for other systems, the device is turned on in a similar way.

How much does a router for a computer cost

Today, the electronics and computer technology market offers its customers a wide selection of routers that differ from each other both by the manufacturer and by some functional features of the device. These can be routers for a home network with a few paired devices or industrial equipment for providing Internet access for public places, large offices. Accordingly, taking into account the functionality of the device, the cost of the devices will differ significantly. By visiting a store or online store of electrical goods, the client can choose for himself the appropriate equipment that will meet the requirements for him. At the same time, he will need to deposit an amount of money in the range of 1 thousand rubles. for a standard model up to more than 25 thousand rubles. for professional multifunctional devices.

Today it is difficult to imagine your life without wireless Internet, or, as it is called in colloquial slang "Wi-Fi" (Wi-Fi). Special routers are responsible for the possibility of its functioning. When choosing them, you should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • RAM and processor. It is optimal if the model will have at least 32 MB of RAM and the frequency of the calculator from 240 MHz. This will allow the router to work without slowdowns and always provide sufficient access speed.
  • Operating modes and connected interfaces. These characteristics determine the purpose of the router. Most devices provide for the installation of an access point, creating a bridge, repeater or client - these modes allow you to connect a router and make it a source of a Wi-Fi signal.
  • Signal frequency. In most cases, this is 2.4 GHz, but due to the widespread use of these devices in homes, almost all subchannels are busy, which negatively affects the stability and speed. It is better to choose a dual-band model, where the second channel emits a signal at a frequency of 5 GHz.
  • A security protocol that encrypts data and prevents third parties from connecting to Wi-Fi. Most devices support WPA and WPA2, which are the most reliable protocols.
  • Antenna power, measured in dBi. The higher this parameter, the greater the range of the device. For the home, it is advisable to choose routers with a strong signal.
  • Supported protocols. The most common is IPv4, with an IP address of 32 bits. But some models are already equipped with TCP IPv6 - the most advanced data transfer protocol.
  • Availability of up-to-date software on the official website. It is not a fact that the latest firmware will be installed on the router when it is sold, while the available software may contain errors that prevent the normal operation of the device.

Our ranking includes some of the best Wi-Fi routers that you can buy in online stores. All models were selected taking into account the above characteristics and parameters. In addition, the choice of devices was carried out taking into account:

  1. Customer Reviews
  2. The cost of the device (value for money)
  3. Expert opinions

The best inexpensive Wi-Fi routers for home: budget up to 1500 rubles.

4 Tenda N301

Best price
Country: China
Average price: 878 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Let's start with the most affordable Wi-Fi router. The average price tag for this miniature miracle is only 890 rubles. For this money, the user gets a pleasant, high-quality snow-white case with two antennas with a power of 5 dBi each. It does not take up much space - the dimensions of the case are 127x90x26 mm. But there are no slots for wall mounting - that's a minus.

The insides are not striking. Through the cable, the speed reaches 100 Mbit / s. Connect viaLAN can be up to three devices. Wireless internet conforms to standard Wi-Fi 802.11 n with theoretical speeds up to 300 Mbps. In reality, judging by the reviews, the speed reaches 70-75 Mbit / s.

Let's separately note the software part. First of all, the ease of setting pleases - as they say, even a housewife can handle it. Interesting: there is the possibility of remote administration, backup settings, access restrictions by MAC and URL, speed limits.Of course, there are small problems, but they can be easily solved by installing a more recent firmware from the official site - the process will not cause difficulties even for beginners.


Budget router with 3G / 4G LTE support
Country: China
Average price: 1,412 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

TL-MR3020 is at first glance an extremely simple device. Only one LAN port, USB 2.0, miniUSB for power supply, a couple of switches and indicators. The characteristics also lack stars from the sky: the Wi-Fi 802.11n standard, which will be enough for tariff plans with a speed of 100 Mbit / s, but no more. But the ability to install third-party firmware and provide mobile Internet distribution make this router very versatile. See what use cases users have shared in reviews:

1) An ordinary router for a house or apartment

2) A backup source of the Internet (mobile) in case of disconnection of the main provider

3) Access point on a hike - the device can be powered by a simple power bank!

4) Internet in the car: connected to the cigarette lighter, hid the router in the glove compartment, and you can share the Internet with all passengers

And this is just a small list. OpenWRT firmware installation, USB hub, and user curiosity allow the router to be used in a wide variety of situations.

2 MikroTik hAP lite

Great software capabilities. Router OS
Country: Latvia
Average price: 1 360 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The second line of the rating is occupied by a model from MikroTik, a little-known company in wide circles. First of all, hAP ​​lite stands out for its unusual appearance. This is a compact blue and white box with stylish ventilation slots. But the lack of external antennas attracts more attention - here they are internal, in the amount of two pieces. The power is low - only 1.5 dBi, but it will be enough for a small apartment. On the other hand, it allows the device to be placed almost anywhere. It should also be borne in mind that the silver medalist of the rating is capable of delivering speeds of only about 150 Mbps.

There are also several unique features. First, using Router OS. This system has simply incredible capabilities that even much more expensive devices cannot provide to the user. Seamless transition between multiple access points, bridge mode, VPN, tunnels - all this and much more people who understand will find in the settings of the router. Secondly, hAP ​​lite supports connection to several providers at once. The WAN port can be any of the four located on the case.


The optimal balance of cost, functionality and simplicity
Country: China
Average price: 1,290 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The first place in the ranking of the best budget Wi-Fi routers for the home is TP-LINK TL-WR841N. The device can be used as an access point and simultaneously "distribute" a signal to 6 receivers. Among all inexpensive routers, it has the highest potential operating speed - 300 Mbps. The router is equipped with a modern WPA2 data encryption system, which ensures high reliability of the transmitted data. The model supports tunneling protocols PPTP, L2TP and IPSec, which are the most common among most providers.

In the reviews, users refer to the advantages of this router as low cost, ease of setup and a good stable signal. The latter is ensured by two antennas operating in the 2.4 GHz frequency range. The transmitter power is 20 dBM, which allows the signal to "pierce" even thick walls of the apartment. As weaknesses, they note the poor material of the case and the low-quality power adapter, which makes unnecessary sounds during operation.

The best Wi-Fi routers of the middle price segment: budget up to 7000 rubles.


Popular Wi-Fi router. Speed ​​up to 900 Mbps
Country: Taiwan (China)
Average price: 6 105 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The high-speed model ASUS RT-N66U is in the third place in the rating of the best Wi-Fi routers for a home in the middle price segment. This model is more expensive than its neighbors in the TOP, but its functionality fully justifies such a cost. The device has as many as 3 antennas, and emits a signal in the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands, which can significantly improve the quality of communication and use it over large areas. The router includes 4 switch ports, so you can connect 3 devices to it and organize their work using the wired Internet.

In numerous positive reviews, buyers talk about fast work, ease of setup and excellent synchronization with USB modems. Moreover, this model provides data transmission up to 900 Mbps simultaneously, which allows it to be used to "distribute" Wi-Fi to several devices at once. If necessary, this router is capable of downloading files without using a computer. Among the disadvantages are strong heating during operation and problems with some firmware versions.

2 TP-LINK Archer C7

Best wireless speed
Country: China
Average price: 6 650 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The second line of the rating is occupied by the already respected Archer C7. Externally, the model is distinguished by the presence of three antennas with a power of 5 dBi each and an impractical glossy surface. Looks good - the router is not ashamed to be left in a conspicuous place. The set of ports is standard for this class: power supply, a pair of USB for connecting a printer or external storage, and five Ethernet ports.

Dual-band router - 2.4 / 5 GHz. The maximum speed "over the air", as declared by the manufacturer, is 1750 Mbps. The indicator is rather theoretical, because providers on our market are unlikely to be able to provide such speed. This will only be useful when creating a home local network. Of the pleasant features, it is worth noting the ability to work in two bands at once, support for LTE modems, file server, guest service, firewall and much more.

1 MikroTik RB951G-2HnD

The most reliable Wi-Fi router
Country: Latvia
Average price: 4 650 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

In the first place in the rating of the best mid-price Wi-Fi routers is the MikroTik RB951G-2HnD model. This device is a solid mid-range in terms of reliability, performance and cost. It is used as an access point and can simultaneously "distribute" wireless Internet to 5 devices. Provides maximum speed up to 300 Mbps. As a nice addition, the router has MIMO support, which allows it to transmit data over several independent channels at once. Bridge mode is provided to connect wired networks to wireless ones.

In the reviews, buyers talk about high-quality assembly, smooth operation and wide customization options as the strengths of the model. At the same time, the router boasts 128 MB of RAM. Thanks to Telnet support, it is possible to remotely manage the device and its settings. The transmitter power is 30 dBM, and the internal antenna gains 2.5 dBi, which has a positive effect on the range. The disadvantages of this model are the complexity of playing 4G networks and incompatibility with some USB hubs.

The best Wi-Fi routers of the premium segment: budget from 8000 rubles.


LTE support
Country: China
Average price: 8650 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The third line is occupied by a router with a somewhat non-standard design. The B525 is designed for vertical installation. The front panel is made in black and gold colors, Wi-Fi antennas are built-in. The set of connectors is standard, except for two SMA ports for connecting external 3G / 4G LTE antennas. There is also a SIM card slot. Signal reception is more than confident. In the reviews, users claim that the router "sees 3 divisions" where the smartphone does not find the network at all. The speeds are accordingly excellent.

You can distribute mobile or cable Internet through three gigabit LAN ports or dual-band Wi-Fi. Unfortunately, simultaneous operation at 2.4 and 5 GHz is not announced. The theoretical wireless speed can be up to 1300Mbps.

Also B525 can be used as a home file server: you connected an external hard drive and you can make backups or send movies to your TV.

2 Keenetic Giga (KN-1010)

Wide customization and modification options
Country: Taiwan
Average price: 8 190 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Keenetic network equipment is little known to the general public, but is popular with enthusiasts. The Giga is not the top-end model, but its capabilities will be enough for even the most demanding users. The case is not only attractive but also functional. On the back there are 4 Gigabit LAN ports, one WAN and SFP for fiber optic connection. Very few competitors can offer the latter. On the side of the USB 2.0 and USB 3.0. The distance between them is large, which allows you to freely use even bulky mobile Internet modems. There are also two physical buttons, each of which can be configured with up to three functions.

The router supports the 802.11ac standard and can operate simultaneously in two bands. The maximum theoretical speed reaches 1267 Mbps. Real tests showed results of about 600 Mbps, which is enough for the vast majority of users.

With a selection of ports and excellent software, the router can be used in a wide variety of scenarios.


3167 Mbps
Country: Taiwan (China)
Average price: 18 568 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The leader in the rating of the best premium Wi-Fi routers is the ASUS RT-AC88U model. The main feature of this device is the ability to provide simultaneous operation of several dozen devices, thanks to the maximum data transfer rate up to 3167 Mbps. Wide coverage and good signal strength are provided by four antennas operating in the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands.

As the strengths of the device, in the reviews, buyers note nimble work, a pleasant appearance and an understandable Web interface. In addition, the model has 512 MB of RAM, which allows it to quickly process data from different receivers. The router is equipped with one USB 2.0 port and one USB 3.0 port, which allows you to connect third-party devices to it. The disadvantages include insufficiently developed software and an average signal level at a frequency of 5 GHz.

The best mobile (pocket) Wi-Fi routers

3 Huawei E8372

USB connection. The smallest Wi-Fi router
Country: China
Average price: 2 843 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.4

Portable model Huawei E8372 ranks third in the ranking of the best mobile Wi-Fi routers. This device, with a fairly small size, can provide full Internet access to any smartphone or computer. The device is powered from any USB port. With the help of Huawei E8372, you can organize effective LTE Internet in your car, apartment or house. The router operates in the 2.4 GHz band, which allows you to use its wireless network on an area of ​​up to 50 square meters. The device has built-in support for 3G and LTE, that is, access can be carried out using a SIM card.

Among the strengths of the device in the reviews, users note the work without connecting to a computer (via a USB cable), confident connection retention and no freezes. The device has a slot for microSD memory cards and two connectors for external antennas, which can potentially significantly increase the range of the router. Among the weaknesses of this model are uninformative instructions and poor case materials.

Video review

2 Alcatel Link Zone

Most Budget Standalone Router
Country: USA-France
Average price: 3 291 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The next device is more versatile and autonomous than the previous one. Inside the compact and pleasant-to-touch case, there is a 1800 mAh battery, which provides 7 hours of active Internet distribution and about 35 hours of standby time. The battery compartment also contains slots for SIM and SD (up to 32 GB) cards and a pair of connectors for connecting external antennas. I am glad that a dead battery will not be a reason to interrupt surfing the Internet - just plug the complete charger into the MicroUSB connector and use the device further.

Wireless internet standards are not the most up-to-date - only 802.11n. In practice, users have speeds up to 70-80 Mbit / s. Not all providers can boast of such results even via cable! The signal level is also good: it will break even a couple of main walls. The only drawback is the ill-conceived mobile app. But the problem is solved programmatically, which means there is hope for a quick fix of the shortcomings.

1 TP-LINK M7350

Best functionality
Country: China
Average price: 4745 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The leader of the rating is the most expensive and functional device in the category. The exterior is simple: a parallelepiped with rounded corners and a combination of matte and glossy plastic. The only detail that the eye clings to is the 1.4 'TFT display, which displays information about the operator, signal level, transmission speed, etc. Also, the screen allows you to carry out elementary settings. For more advanced settings, you will have to go into the web interface. In most cases, you just need to change the name of the wireless network - the router will do the rest by itself, you just need to install a SIM card.

Like the previous member, the M7350 has a removable battery. The capacity is noticeably higher - 2550 mAh. There is a slot for a Micro SDHC card up to 32 GB. Thanks to the support of the SMB and FTP protocols, any connected device can use files from a USB flash drive. Such a solution can be useful, for example, when traveling with the whole family - everyone can take photos and videos and throw them off for general access.

Best Wi-Fi routers with built-in file storage

1 Xiaomi Mi Wi-Fi Router HD

Router with built-in 1 TB hard drive
Country: China
Average price: 14,440 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The only representative of the final category is the device of the popular Chinese company Xiaomi. Of course, Mi Router HD has competitors, but they are sold in single copies at exorbitant prices, and therefore we cannot recommend them for purchase.

The design of the router is in line with other Xiaomi products - a minimalist metal case with four antennas looks harmonious in almost any interior. This is important, because such a large "box" (195x146x96mm) is difficult to hide from the eyes. Inside is a powerful Qualcomm processor, 512 MB of RAM and, most importantly, a 1 TB hard drive. On the back cover there are 3 LAN and 1 WAN ports, as well as USB. Wireless Internet complies with the 802.11ac standard and can work in two bands at once: 2.4 and 5 GHz, there is support for MIMO. The maximum speed "over the air" is up to 2533 Mbps.

Thanks to the built-in HDD, the router can be used not only for its intended purpose, but also as a file storage for easy backup from all home devices, storing movies for further playback on TV, downloading torrents without a PC, and much more. The only drawback is that you have to be patient and have time to set everything up correctly.

Today, many families have several different types of computer equipment: a computer, laptop and others, which are often used. All devices need internet and they love it to be a wi-fi connection. And for this you need a Wi-Fi router in order to provide the Internet for all equipment via Wi-Fi.

Let's start with what is a Wi-Fi router?

Wi-Fi router (router) is a device for wirelessly connecting users to the Internet.

A router in English is a router. And in Russian this word is translated as a router. Therefore, a router and a router are one and the same.

Any cafe and any office can hardly be imagined without wi-fi. In order to combine all these devices, you need a wi-fi router or router. And without it it will be simply unprofitable or impossible to provide all this equipment with Internet access.

What is a wi-fi router for?

A Wi-Fi router, or in another way it is called a router, is a device that helps to build a common network between different types of computer equipment (computer, smartphone, printer, etc.) and connect them to the Internet.

New models of routers differ in that they can restrict access to some sites with a high probability of danger. They can also encrypt traffic, also in order to ensure information security.

A home router usually comes with an antenna, hardware unit, cord and power supply.

The router, by its principle, receives certain signals from the Internet and transmits them to computers, printers, even refrigerators and other "smart" electronic devices.

In simple terms, a wireless router (Wi-Fi router) connects a mini-server connected to the Internet with user devices.

All devices individually receive their own IP addresses. At the same time, thanks to the amplified signal, several connected devices can use the Internet at the same time. For example, some of the latest routers have the ability to connect up to 100 different devices.

Transferring information to a computer, wi-fi routers also work in the other direction, that is, they send certain information back to the Internet. For security, all signals are encrypted using WPA protection.

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What are the routers

Routers are top, middle and bottom, if we consider the area of ​​their application. The first type includes high-performance models that connect networks of enterprises, firms and organizations.

Each device designed to work in local (indoors, apartment, house, office) and global networks (connecting to the "external" Internet, to an external network through one provider or several providers) may have about 50 ports.

Medium type is suitable for small networks. In such routers for a local network, there can be up to 8 ports and up to 3 - for a global network.

And the lower type of routers is used for home use and a local network of a very small office, which can have up to 2 ports of the global network, and a local network - up to 4 ports.

As for the connection method, the router can be

  • as wireless,
  • and wired.

In our apartments, it is still quite often used wired routers.

The wire from such a router is connected separately to each computer. The inconvenience is that the wires must somehow be led from the router to the location of the computer or several computers. Each computer needs a separate wire from the router.

Wireless wi-fi router can be used

  • like wirelessly using radio signal transmission,
  • and with wires, as in a wired router.

Many consumer devices, with the exception of desktop computers, can support two types of connectivity:

  1. wired via LAN connector and
  2. wireless via wi-fi.

For example, some laptops can support both types of connections. Probably, the wired connection is already disappearing into oblivion and the wireless one is confidently coming to the fore.

About local network

A wi-fi router has great possibilities in combining many devices into a large network with an Internet connection or even without an Internet connection. Between devices or appliances, you can establish communication inside an apartment, house or office using a router.

Wireless connection within a local network allows information exchange without wiring, which is often very convenient.

About connecting a Wi-Fi router

Practice has shown that a modern router is a durable and very reliable device. If you buy it and make the correct connection, then after that it can work for a long time without interruptions. It will not need to be reconfigured or performed in any other way. As they say, I turned it on once and forgot for a long time!

Setting up a router is not difficult, and this procedure takes about 15-20 minutes. This can be done both by the provider's representative and by the user himself using a disk with detailed instructions, or using the usual paper instructions that can be attached to the router.

Some useful instructions for setting up the router and connecting to the router can also be placed directly on the router body in the form of stickers.

Sometimes they ask me something like this: send step-by-step instructions on how to connect a Wi-Fi router on a laptop with Windows 10. In this regard, I want to draw your attention to a couple of points.

Rebooting the router is easy - you just need to disconnect it from the power supply, wait a few seconds (preferably a few minutes), and then turn it on again.

Turn off the Wi-Fi router

Sometimes they ask whether it is worth turning off the router, for example, at night, and in general, how often it needs to be turned off.

The router does not need to be turned off, it can work constantly, that is, it can be constantly connected to the 220V network. If you wish, you can turn off the router, for example, at night, if this makes you sleep stronger, say, if the nice winking of the lights on the router's panel interferes.

To turn off the Wi-Fi router, you just need to disconnect it from the 220V power supply.

The electronics are designed in such a way that they do not like frequent switching on and off, so switching the router off and on often (for example, several times a day) is not very cool. The router should either not be turned off at all, or turned off rarely.

Leaving for a long time - on vacation, to the dacha, on a business trip, it is better to always turn off the router. Because the router, included in 220V, your Internet provider sees as a working device, that is, from the point of view of the provider, you continue to use the Internet. And from this it follows that upon returning, you will most likely have to pay for the service according to the provider's tariffs, although in fact you did not use the Internet.

About choosing a Wi-Fi router

When choosing a router, you need to determine for yourself what purposes it will be intended for, and take into account the capabilities of the device. It is not worth buying a complex high-performance device for the home, which, say, is designed to serve a large office.

For home use, simple and cheap models are quite suitable. You just need to carefully monitor that the router has the possibility of both a wired connection (if needed) and a connection via wi-fi (again, if it is necessary to connect computers and gadgets to the Internet via wi-fi).

Quite often, providers, offering you Internet connection services, simultaneously offer certain models of routers, and this is a good offer, consistent with the capabilities of the provider. Providers do not even always sell such routers, and sometimes they simply rent them out for money or even free of charge, if only you would become their customers.

You also need to take into account the features of various devices that are planned to be connected to the Internet through a router. For example, older PCs or printers only have a single LAN port for a wired Internet connection, which means you need a router with wired connectivity.

And laptops and tablets can be connected wirelessly using Wi-Fi, which means that in this case you can use a router that distributes the Internet via wi-fi.


The router does not increase the Internet speed provided by the ISP. In the best case, the router will keep its previous speed. If a router divides the Internet between several devices, then for each of the devices the speed may be even lower than the speed provided (declared) by the provider.

Modern models of routers support high Internet speeds, about 100 Mbps. For many, this speed is more than enough to conveniently and quickly surf the Internet.

There are routers that have tremendous capabilities in terms of speed and functionality. Despite this, they work easier than other switches, such as telephone modems.

But if a lot of devices (computers, laptops, gadgets) work in the office network, then it may be necessary to constantly monitor specialists in order for the work of routers to be synchronized. Basically, users who install routers at home do not have such problems.

At the moment, routers are quite common, and therefore a large number of manufacturers are starting to create entry-level devices that will replace the complex upper-class routers in the future. And life will become even easier, the Internet will be more accessible.

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Comments: 15 to “What is a wi-fi router, what is it for and how to use it”

    The provider said that the speed according to my tariff plan is up to 100 Mbit / s and they cannot give more. This prefix "to" 100Mbps is how many 50, 60, 99 ...

    • Up to 100Mbit means from zero to ... Much depends on the provider's equipment, on the routing (signal flow) from the provider to your apartment, on who else is connected “on the route” and how these users use the Internet.
      I would nevertheless, before experimenting with an additional router or with the settings of an existing router, swap the TVs to make sure that the second (old) TV lacks the power of the Wi-Fi signal. Otherwise, everything else may turn out to be meaningless.
      And if the signal strength for the second TV is not enough, then I would first adjust the TV to receive a lower quality signal. From experience with video and TV, freezes are eliminated primarily by reducing the quality of the transmitted picture.
      Manipulations with a router are unlikely to give anything. Although you can try, why not ?! The main thing is that in which case you can return to the previous settings of the router.
      Also, if you go into the settings of the router, keenetic may offer to update its software. We must be mentally prepared for this. I agreed twice with the installation of updates (at different times). And everything went well. Although for the second time at some point, at the very end of the installation of updates, the router was disconnected altogether: both from the Internet and from the computer (from which I installed the updates). I had to turn off the router, and then turn it on again after a short pause. Everything worked out this time, and the router worked with the updated software.
      Keenetic updates that are installed do not affect the speed of the Internet and the strength of the Wi-Fi signal ...

    Thank you Nadezhda for your reply. Can delve into the settings of the router. For example, raise its signal transmission power to 100% or try to start up the signal only on the 5GHz channel. It is interesting to receive a distant TV signal on this channel.

    • A laptop and 3 phones will not slow down keenetic much, if, again, you do not watch videos on them online. The second router will be connected to the first, as I understand it. This means that on the second router the speed will be slower at the input than at the input of the first router. Yes, the Wi-Fi signal from the second router will be stronger, since it will stand, as they say, next to it. But I'm not sure that the Internet speed at the input of the second router will be enough. You can, of course, try ...
      The second router will strengthen the Wi-Fi signal, but it is not able to raise, increase the speed of the Internet from the provider. On the contrary, each additional router, router, slows down the speed, because they (routers), as it were, divide it among themselves. It is precisely they divide, not multiply, decrease, and not increase. Although, if the problem of the second TV is only in the strength of the Wi-Fi signal (this can be assumed, since the second TV alone works with brakes), then the second router will really strengthen the Wi-Fi signal (but it will not add speed, but decrease it!).
      Taking into account how you describe the problem - the speed is sufficient on the second TV and it just seems that there is not enough Wi-Fi signal strength - you can try to connect the second router to the first. But only if the second router is connected to the first router via a wire, via the LAN interface. And this is a wire through the apartment! Special wire, plus "stripping" the ends of the wire and installation on the ends of special connectors. In general, an engineering challenge.
      Perhaps, before pulling wires around the apartment, it would be better first to rearrange the second TV closer to the only router, for example, to the room next to it. And check its work as the only TV and together with a new TV. If the work in the next room goes without freezing, then you can try a combination of 2 routers.
      ... The second TV still hangs, as it seems to me, because of the lack of Internet speed. You are measuring instantaneous speed, the speed at the moment of measurement. And the second TV hangs at the moment when the speed for some reason drops, even if for a moment ...
      Internet speed is not constant. It can change arbitrarily, and, as luck would have it, more often for the worse, downward. For watching TV and video, the constancy of the Internet speed is a critical parameter. A drop in speed, even for a moment, can cause a freeze. A configuration where 2 TVs simultaneously receive a signal from a router can easily lead to an instant decrease in speed, for a very short moment. The new TV, apparently, is better adapted to work in unstable conditions, and the old one likes more stability. So it freezes.
      By the way, you can swap TVs for the purity of the experiment. Put the old TV near the router, and put the new one 3 walls away from it. Check which one will hang. If the old TV freezes again, the version with an unstable speed will be confirmed. If a new TV starts to freeze, then the situation can probably be “saved” by the second router, as you suggest. But again, only when connecting a second router using a wire, and then without a special guarantee, because in this way we do not increase the speed of the Internet from the provider. Only the provider itself can increase the speed.

  • Good afternoon. This is the problem. I live in a panel apartment building. Purchased WiFi router zylex keenetic air. Internet provider Wifire. On New Year's Eve, we bought a new Samsung TV and put it in the hall where there is a router. And the LG TV, which used to stand in this place, was moved to another room. The router was left in place, the Internet was connected to it, and the provider's box was taken to LG. Both TVs are smart and have the Wifire TV app installed on both TVs. Question: On the second LG TV, the picture freezes from time to time. What to do. The distance from the router is about 6m through three walls. Speed ​​on LG 26-32 Mb / s.

    • Hello. 6 meters from the router to the TV is not much. A keenetic router usually “breaks” through the main wall normally. If there are 2 main walls on the way, then I don’t know, I haven’t tried it, there may be a problem with the signal transmission.
      The problem of freezing the picture, most likely, does not arise due to the distance from the router to the TV. Just before buying a new TV, the signal from your router went only to 1 TV, and now it goes to 2 TVs. The signal and its speed are now halved. If both TVs work at the same time, then the Internet speed from the provider may not be enough. More often the TV that is far away will react to the lack of speed.
      Try not using your new TV and see how your old TV behaves. If the freeze on the old TV stops, then the problem is that there is not enough router power or Internet speed from the provider to service 2 TVs at the same time. TV is a serious burden on the Internet. And 2 TVs are even more serious. Most likely, after all, there is not enough speed from the provider, and not the power of the router, keenetic and not that can pull.
      For 2 TVs, it is better if an optical fiber goes from the provider to the apartment, and not a wire. I don’t know about you. If a wire comes from a provider, then, I repeat, there may not be enough speed (power) for 2 TVs. The transmission capacity of a wire is much less than that of an optical fiber.
      If the problem is in the speed of the Internet from the provider, then you can try to change the tariff to the one with a higher speed, even on the wire (but it will be more expensive).
      Or you can try to adjust the quality on the second TV remote from the router - lower the picture quality if the TV settings allow it. Then the volume of Internet traffic consumed by the second TV set may decrease, and freezes may stop (there will be no need to change the tariff and no need to pay more). At least on a computer, if you watch TV on it, lowering the picture quality helps to eliminate freezing of TV programs.

      Wired connections are always faster than radio connections. Fiber-optic connections are even faster. This has to do with how signals are transmitted. By radio - this is one way, by wire - another way, by fiber - the third way. The connection gets faster and faster every time.
      Wireless signal strength matters, of course. But not everything depends on the signal strength. There may be a strong signal, and at the same time a bad connection, for example, if a lot of users simultaneously connected to the radio channel and actively "download" information, for example, watch a video. Or the signal is strong, but on the other end the provider has, say, problems with the server for connecting to the Internet, and again a strong signal will help little.

I propose to analyze the main characteristics of Wi-Fi routers:

1 Wi-Fi Speed ​​- The speed of the local network over the wireless. This characteristic is not directly related to the speed of the Internet, it is responsible for the connection speed between the router and the client (laptop / smartphone) or between the clients of the local network. The speed of the wireless connection depends on the distance to the router and the obstacles between the client and the router, therefore, if the signal is weak, the data transfer speed decreases and, as a result, the Internet speed decreases (if the Internet speed becomes higher than the WI-Fi connection speed).

4 Port speed. The standard speed of LAN and WAN ports is up to 100 Mbps, in more advanced routers 1000 Mbps. Higher speed LAN ports are required when copying large files within a network or when using over a network NAS network drives , 1000Mbps WAN ports are needed if the internet speed is over 100Mbps.

5 Supported WAN connection type - list of supported connection protocols. Find out what type your provider provides you and see if your router supports it. Often, modern routers support all the most commonly used WAN types: dynamic IP, static IP, PPPoE, PPTP, L2TP.

6 The presence of a USB port gives you additional opportunities, in particular, to use it as:

  • Torrent client, i.e. without the participation of a computer, download files to a connected USB hard drive or flash drive.
  • DLNA support - the ability to view multimedia files on the TV from a USB hard disk / flash drive connected to the router.
  • Support for 3G / 4G modems - the ability to connect 3G / 4G modems and "distribute" the Internet via Wi-FI.
  • Print server - the ability to connect a printer to a router and make it networked.

7 The presence of antennas. The presence of antennas slightly increases the range of Wi-Fi.

Very often we hear from users that the Internet is slow, although the provider has been changed and the speed should increase significantly. It turns out that they have the cheapest router of all possible, which simply cannot cope with the load, freezes, cuts speed. By changing the router, the situation changes and the long-awaited speed appears. I do not urge to buy expensive routers, for some it is pointless, you need to understand what requirements you have for the router (operating conditions) and based on this select it. Here are some of the requirements to watch out for:

1 Internet speed.

2 The number of connecting clients (computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones, TVs, etc.)

3 Availability of additional features (torrent client, DLNA, FTP, print server, etc.)

In this article, I will divide all routers into cheap, medium cost, expensive and very expensive and link these requirements to each of the groups.

The first group of routers is cheap (from 500 to 1500 rubles), they usually have a Wi-Fi connection speed of 150-300 Mbit / s, most do not have USB ports, because of this there are no additional functions. Sometimes these routers will need to be rebooted, often this is due to the weak characteristics of the hardware. Most cheap routers will cut the internet speed. In my experience, I would recommend these routers for those who have an Internet speed of up to 10-15 Mbit / s, there will be no more than 3 clients (let's say a computer, laptop and smartphone) and additional functions are not needed. These routers include: Asus RT-N12 , Asus RT-N10E , Zyxel Keenetic Start , TP-Link MR3420 , TP-Link WR720N , TP-Link WR841ND , Dlink DIR-320 NRU , Dlink Dir-615 , Dlink dir-620 .

The second group is medium-cost routers (from 1500 to 3000 rubles). These routers can already provide speeds up to 600 Mbit / s (300 + 300 Mbit / s - at a frequency 2.4 / 5 GHz), they work much more stable, reboots and freezes are extremely rare, but they do happen. The physical characteristics of the hardware are enough so as not to cut the speed of the Internet connection. Often there is one USB port, in this regard, additional opportunities appear in the form of a torrent client, DLNA, FTP, print servers, etc., but usually not all at once. Some are equipped with 1000 Mbps LAN ports for more comfortable work in a local network and with network drives (NAS) ... The second group includes Netgear JNR3210 , Zyxel Keenetic Lite 2.

The third group - expensive routers (from 3000 to 5000 rubles) Almost all models support Wi-Fi connection speeds up to 750 Mbit (300 + 450 Mbit / s - 2.4 / 5 GHz). Do not cut the speed of the Internet, very rarely freeze. Due to the presence of a USB connector (sometimes two), many additional functions are added (torrent client, DLNA, FTP, print server, etc.). This group includes Zyxel Keenetic Ultra 2 , Netgear WNDR3600.

The fourth group - Very expensive (from 5000 rubles and above) they contain all the advanced technologies, the maximum connection speed via Wi-Fi is measured not by Mbps, but Gbps (they work both at 2.4 GHz and at 5 GHz), Internet speed up to 1000 Mbps. They are equipped with several USB ports, which is why all possible additional functions are present (torrent client, DLNA, FTP, print server, etc.). An example of this group Netgear R6300 .

After you have chosen from which group you will buy the router, the next thing you need to do is choose a manufacturer, there is no friend for color and taste. I would not single out a manufacturer whose routers are both cheap and very high quality at the same time. As usually happens, quality costs money, but you need to look for a middle ground. I do not recommend listening to the fans of this or that manufacturer, that is, advisers who will blindly advise you to buy a router of a certain manufacturer and say that it is the best - this is nonsense. If it were, then after a year or two this manufacturer would have remained on the market, the rest would have sunk into the summer. Therefore, I recommend that you choose what I advise you, look for models in the same price range and with the same functionality and compare reviews on the Internet. The only thing is that the review is different, I recommend listening to the large, detailed comments. Understand the strengths and weaknesses of routers and then make a choice.

One more thing, I recommend updating the firmware immediately after purchasing a router to increase its security and stability. The firmware should be updated to the manufacturer's official firmware. By using third-party firmware, you run the risk of being left without a router at all.

P.S. The only thing that I still cannot understand is why all routers are equipped with port indicators on the front or top panel ?! The indication is needed to identify problems and show the operation of ports, but why should I watch it constantly. Many blogs write that they seal the panel with opaque tape so that you don't watch the glow from the router at night. So why not make an indication on the back of the router, where the LAN and WAN ports are located ?! As for example in LinkSys routers. By the way, this is another point that you should pay attention to when choosing a router.

You can voice your comments and approach to choosing a router in the comments.

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