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Built-in dvb s2. Digital tuner DVB T2

Modern television receivers have built-in receivers. DVB-S: what is it on TV and why is it needed?

Among all modern TVs, there are many models that have a built-in DVB-S2 satellite tuner. This device allows the TV to receive signals from the satellite through a satellite dish without a separate connection of an external device - a receiver (tuner).

But the tuner built into the TV alone will not be enough to watch satellite channels. Almost all TV channels broadcast via satellite are not broadcast in an open format, but in one encoding or another. To solve this problem, there is a special device - CAM-module, to which an access card of a specific operator is attached. The CAM module is installed in the TV, and the access card is installed in the CAM module. And only in this case, all channels of the operator whose card is purchased become available.

Most plasma and LCD TVs have a special access module slot on the back panel. But this does not mean that there is a built-in satellite receiver inside the TV. This device in this case is used to decode terrestrial (DVB-T) or cable (DVB-C) digital television channels. The presence of a built-in satellite television receiver (DVB-S or DVB-S2 standard) in a specific TV model can only be reported by the seller in the store, or this can be found on the Internet. Moreover, it must be borne in mind that the DVB-S standard is not suitable for viewing channels in HD quality, a DVB-S2 receiver is needed.

DVB-S2 Differences from S-Standard

DVB-S, DVB-S2 standards imply the use of special keys for broadcasting modern satellite television. They transmit TV signals in compressed form to the receiver. Satellites transmit signals in the centimeter frequency range. The highest density of TV channels is in the KU-band, the frequency band is 10.7 to 12.75 GHz. The DVB-S2 standard makes it possible to broadcast a signal 30% faster, but its digital codes cannot be decoded by a DVB-S receiver.

The DVB-S2 tuner is designed to receive TV channels of standard and HD quality. This tuner can be configured to access the Internet.

What is the DVB-S2 standard capable of?

Any broadcast program that is broadcast via satellite to the receiver is suitable for this standard. This standard differs from its predecessor in that it is capable of:

  1. Firstly. support both standard SDTV and HDTV programs in high definition.
  2. Secondly, be used to connect to the Internet;
  3. Third, provide access to professional programs;
  4. Fourthly, to provide connection to the Network of any devices in order to distribute content.

The upgrade of the DVB-S standard to the DVB-S2 standard was carried out to improve the quality and speed of digital information transmission. For example, without a receiver with the DVB-S2 standard, HDTV channel broadcast frequencies will not be available.

You can install the DVB-S2 standard and connect to digital broadcasting today. This connection option makes it possible to receive the selected package of TV channels from the satellite. The receiver of this standard is a universal device that can be used to connect a TV to digital television, and to connect any gadget to the Internet.

The HDTV frequency decoding function is now available in most TV models. The receiver of the DVB-S2 standard allows you to better use their capabilities. Otherwise, why buy a TV with a large plasma screen when every program looks exactly the same on a regular screen. Reception and the ability to decode high-definition frequencies from your TV is a very useful feature, but it requires an HDTV signal source. The keys in it are provided by the DVB-S2 standard.

What is DVB-S2?

DVB-S2 (EN 302 307) is a digital satellite transmission system developed by the DVB project. It allows the use of the latest modulation and coding technologies, which achieves performance close to the theoretical limit for such systems. Satellite transmission was the first area addressed by the DVB project in 1993, and DVB standards form the basis of most digital satellite television services worldwide and therefore digital television in general. DVB-S2 will not replace DVB-S in the short or even medium term, but it makes it possible to provide services that could never be provided using DVB-S, and does so at a level of performance that DVB-S3 will not be available for another for a very long time (if ever).

Prerequisites for creation

The world's first digital satellite television services were launched in Thailand and South Africa in late 1994, both using the recently released DVB-S system. Over time, it has become the most popular digital satellite television delivery system, and is currently used by over 100 million receivers worldwide. However, the system was developed over 10 years ago and it's not surprising that the industry eventually decided it was time for an upgrade. Thus, the DVB technical group chaired by Dr. Almerto Morello developed DVB-S2. During this work, the technical team took advantage of advanced channel coding, modulation and error correction technologies to create a system that would enable a number of new commercially successful services; for example, when combined with the latest video compression technologies, DVB-S2 will enable a large-scale commercial launch of high-definition television broadcasts.

How it works?

The original DVB-S system on which DVB-S2 is based defines the use of QPSK modulation as well as various tools for channel coding and error correction. Further additions were made with the advent of DVB-DSNG (Digital Satellite News Gathering, aka digital satellite newsgathering), such as using 8PSK and 16QAM modulation. DVB-S2 benefits from previous developments and has the following technical features:

  • Available four modulation modes: QPSK and 8PSK, intended for broadcasting on non-linear satellite transponders operating in near-saturation modes, and 16APSK and 32APSK, which require a higher C/N ratio and are mainly aimed at professional applications such as news gathering and interactive services.
  • DVB-S2 uses a very powerful scheme forward error correction(FEC), which is a key factor in achieving excellent performance in the presence of high levels of noise and interference. The FEC system is based on combining BCH (Bose-Chowdhury-Hokvingham) coding with intra-LDPC (low density parity check) coding.
  • Adaptive coding and modulation(ACM) allow you to transmit parameters that will change for each frame depending on the specific reception conditions for each individual user. It is mainly focused on unicast interactive services and point-to-point professional applications.
  • DVB-S2 offers additional backwards compatibility modes, which use hierarchical modulation to allow remaining DVB-S receivers to continue working while new receivers are provided with new additional services and capabilities.
Table 1. An example of a comparison of DVB-S and DVB-S2 for TV broadcasting.
Effective isotropically radiated transponder power, dBW51 53,7
Modulation and codingQPSK 2/3QPSK 3/4QPSK 7/88PSK 2/3
Symbol rate, Mbaud/s27.5 (α = 0.35)30.9 (α = 0.2)27.5 (α = 0.35)29.7 (α = 0.25)
C/N (in the 27.5 MHz band), dB5,1 5,1 7,8 7,8
Useful data rate, Mbps33,8 46 (win = 36%) 44,4 58.8 (win = 32%)
Number of TV programs in standard definition7MPEG-2
15 AVC
10 MPEG-2
21 AVC
10 MPEG-2
13 MPEG-2
26 AVC
Number of TV programs in high definition1-2 MPEG-2
3-4 AVC
2 MPEG-2
2 MPEG-2
3 MPEG-2

DVB-S2 delivers excellent performance, approaching the Shannon limit, the theoretical maximum bit rate in a channel for a given noise level. This system can operate at a signal-to-noise ratio from -2dB (i.e. below the noise floor) with QPSK to +16dB using 32APSK. Table 1 shows the performance improvement that DVB-S2 provides over DVB-S under typical TV broadcast parameters, with more than 30% gain in usable speed in each case.

Market Condition

Officially published as an ETSI standard in March 2005, DVB-S2 was quickly adopted by the industry to provide new services. In Europe and the US, a number of satellite TV operators use DVB-S2 in combination with MPEG-4 AVC video coding to deliver HDTV services (eg BSkyB in the UK and Ireland, Premiere in Germany, Sky in Italy, DirecTV in the US). DVB-S2 is also used by pay-TV operators in other countries in the Americas, Asia, the Middle East and Africa.

DVB-S2 has also been adopted for professional applications. The Eurovision Network of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), one of the largest charity networks, has been completely upgraded from DVB-S to DVB-S2. Testing of the new system in the spring of 2005 showed a 20% increase in throughput, leading the EBU to call for the upgrade of event networks such as the 2006 FIFA World Cup to DVB-S2.

Further growth in DVB-S2 deployment is warranted by two important factors. First, in August 2006, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) study group on satellite transmission issued a recommendation that only DVB-S2 is considered as the preferred option for a "Flexible Digital Satellite System (Television, Sound and Data)" (Recommendation ITU number BO.1784).

Second, in late 2006, the DVB-S2 patent holders announced that licensing costs for DVB-S2 equipment manufacturers would not exceed US$1 per consumer device, or US$0.5 for 500,000 or more devices. The commitments made in this announcement are expected to contribute to the rapid adoption of DVB-S2 by the global satellite broadcast and telecommunications industry.

The recently approved modification, which improves performance and adds new features to the DVB-S2 standard, has already generated a lot of interest in the market, both from DVB and non-DVB companies. Just recently there was a DVB‑S2X newsletter, so we decided to tell Mediasat readers about the new standard.

What is DVB-S2X?

The DVB-S2X standard is an extension of the DVB-S2 standard that brings additional technological features and functions to it. has been officially published as ETSI EN 302 307 Part 2, while DVB-S2 itself is Part 1. This standard provides enhanced performance and additional features for key DVB-S2 applications including DTH platforms, signal distribution, VSAT and DSNG. The standard specification also provides for the possibility of using an additional operating range to cover the needs of emerging markets such as the mobile application market.

Prerequisites for the creation of the standard

The DVB-S2 standard was developed about 10 years ago with a clear focus on the needs of DTH platforms. Since then, completely new requirements for broadcasting have emerged, and the challenge for the creators of DVB-S2X has been to develop the necessary technical features to meet them. This work was carried out by the satellite subgroup of the DVB Engineering Module led by Dr. Alberto Morello (RAI), who was the former head of the DVB-S2 development team. The DVB-S2X standard features more efficient signal-to-noise (C/N) spectral efficiency, which is typical for professional applications such as transmission lines or IP channels. It also supports very low C/N rates down to -10 dB for mobile applications (offshore, aviation, train, etc.).

How does it work?

The DVB-S2X standard is based on the principles of the well established DVB-S2 standard. It uses the proven LDPC Forward Error Correction (FEC) scheme in combination with BCH FEC as the outer code, thus providing the following additional elements:

  • Smaller attenuation options at 5 and 10 percent (in addition to the 20%, 25% and 35% available in DVB-S2).
  • More accurate gradation and an increase in the number of modulation and coding types.
  • New package of options for linear and non-linear channels.
  • Additional scrambling options for critical situations with co-channel interference.
  • Bonding channels - up to 3.
  • Supports very low SNR operations - down to -10 dB SNR.
  • Option "Super-frame" (Super-frame option).

The result of all this is the following DVB-S2X spectral efficiency (compared to DVB-S2):

The usable C/N range has been extended to -10 dB with additional framing, coding and modulation options to enable satellite communications for mobile (marine or aviation) or very small directional satellite dishes. For VSAT applications, the DVB-S2X standard opens up the possibility of supporting advanced technologies for the creation of future broadband interactive networks, in other words, the standard provides for inter-system interference mitigation, beam moving and multi-format transmissions. The result of this can be a significant increase in the capacity and flexibility of broadband interactive satellite networks, which is possible through the use of an optional super-framing structure.

The introduction of the DVB-S2 standard has already led to a significant improvement in spectral efficiency for DTH applications, so DVB-S2X could not bring any significant new physical layer benefits in this regard, which would be similar to the transition from DVB-S to DVB -S2 (somewhere around 30%). However, the DVB-S2X standard allows DTH to fine-tune the physical and upper DVB-S2 protocols, offering a rather attractive package (for new generation projects that will require receiver upgrades anyway).

The most important features for DTH are channel bonding and finer modulation granularity, as well as FEC options combined with sharper fading. Linking up to three satellite channels will support higher aggregate data rates and also enable additional statistical multiplexing for high-speed services such as Ultra HD. The mandatory use of Variable Coding and Modulation (VCM) in receivers offers the possibility of increasing spectral efficiency for Ultra HD channels while guaranteeing stability during heavy rainfall by simultaneously transmitting highly protected SD components.

Finer modulation granularity and FEC options allow greater operational flexibility. For professional and DSNG applications, high efficiency modulation schemes offer such efficiency levels of around 6 bps/Hz (with 256 APSK). Supported C / N indicators up to 20 dB allow you to improve the gain by 50%.

Market penetration

Next steps

The DVB-S2X standard was introduced almost simultaneously with the advent of a new efficient video compression system - . It is expected that new satellite receivers will support both technologies to better support HD and channels in particular.

I want to say right away that I am far from an expert in satellite television. All I can brag about is this 🙂

Not so long ago, I had to choose a TV. Stopped the choice on LG 32LN575U. Well, of course, like everyone else, I read reviews, looked in online stores, and noticed the presence of a digital tuner in its description. DVB-S2.

I googled a little and realized that the presence of a DVB-S2 digital tuner allows you to directly connect a satellite dish to the TV and watch satellite TV without a receiver. In simple terms, DVB-S2 is a satellite tuner built into the TV. Since I have satellite TV, I became interested.

Lots of LG TVs (and not only LG), are equipped with a DVB-S2 digital tuner. This can be seen in the description of a particular model. For example, here is a description of the characteristics of the LG 32LN575U TV on the official website:

After the purchase, I, of course, tested the operation of this digital satellite receiver, which is built into the TV. But, everything was not as rosy as you might think. If you watch about 70-80 “our” channels through a satellite receiver (for free), then by simply connecting the dish to the TV, you can watch only fully open, not encrypted channels. Among which, I did not find either Ukrainian or Russian (although I didn't really look for it).

The thing is that keys have already been entered into the firmware of our satellite receivers, which allow you to watch encrypted satellite channels. On the TV, these keys are, of course, not hardwired. And somehow to lead them there, or change the firmware, there is no possibility. The companies that make these TVs don't need it at all.

You may ask, what is this DVB-S2 for then? To watch unnecessary open channels? No, not at all. I think that all TVs that have a DVB-S2 digital tuner support CAM modules. This is a module into which a paid satellite TV card is inserted, and which, in turn, is inserted into the TV, into the connector PCMCIA, which looks like this:

The scheme looks like this: you immediately connect a satellite dish to the TV, buy a starter package of some kind of satellite TV with a CAM module, and insert the card with the module into the PCMCIA connector of the TV. Start searching for channels on the TV (on satellites indicated by your provider), and watch paid, closed channels that open using this very card from the provider, which is inserted into the PCMCIA connector of your TV.

This method has several significant advantages. For example, you don't need a receiver to watch satellite TV. And it turns out one remote control, you will control the channels from the TV remote control. It's comfortable.

If you connect some kind of paid satellite TV, be sure to check with support if their CAM modules work on TVs with DVB-S2. And you can check specifically on LG TVs, or by model.

As far as I know, for example, satellite digital television “Lybid TV” (Ukraine), works fine on LG TVs, without a separate tuner. I saw a promotion in some online store where LG TVs come with a starter package “Lybid TV” as a gift (namely with the CAM module, not the receiver). They have the module itself called “ EXSET CI CAM“.

Setting up satellite channels (DVB-S2) on an LG TV

I have not connected pay TV, and I do not have a CAM module to show the setup with such an example. But, I have a regular antenna, for three satellites: Amos, Sirius and Hotbird. The whole thing works, of course, through a separate receiver.

But, I connected the satellite dish directly to the TV (Let me remind you, I tested it on the LG 32LN575U TV). Launched a channel search on satellites. The TV found all open channels, and showed it perfectly. Now I will show everything with an example. Maybe someone will come in handy, and it will be interesting.

To connect a satellite dish, the LG TV has a special connector “ LNB Satellite IN“.

As the input source, select Satellite. Click Further.

The next step is choosing a satellite and setting it up. You can press the button Change satellite setting, in order to set up the satellite on which you want to search for channels. Or click Further to search for channels on an already selected satellite.

If you go to the satellite settings, a window with many different settings will open. As you can see, my signal quality and signal level are almost maximum. This means that my antenna is tuned to the selected satellite. In this case, this HOTBIRD 13.0E. It is possible to add a satellite, just click on the button Add satellite. Can be exhibited DiSEqC etc.

Close this window and click Further. Select search options. If you do not have a CAM module, then you can check the box next to the item Skipping encrypted channels. You won't be able to watch them at all. I didn't highlight anything else, and just clicked Run.

The satellite scan and channel search will start. The overall scan statistics will be displayed, and the number of digital satellite channels found and the number of radio channels found.

You can stop scanning at any time by clicking on the button Stop. All found channels will be saved.

As soon as the scan is over, or you stop the search, you will immediately go to viewing the found channels.

You can go back to the settings, to the Channels tab. There will already be more items available. You can perform manual tuning, sort the found channels, tune the satellite, or edit the transponder.

DVB-S2 on LG TVs. How to watch satellite TV on LG TV without a receiver (tuner)? updated: February 6, 2018 by: admin

Today, televisions in which there are receivers are very popular. These devices can be used to connect Built-in receivers appear in documents as a "DVB-S/S2" receiver. As a rule, most models with this function are produced with liquid crystal. The most common manufacturers are LG and Samsung.

with a receiver?

In the case of built-in receivers, you need to pay attention to the back of the TV. Regardless of the model, there must be an LNB IN connector. It is designed to connect a satellite dish. Additionally, an LNB OUT output must be present. With it, you can connect a second receiver to the TV.

There is a VIDEO connector for the video signal. His job is to provide average image quality. Without AUDIO, you will not be able to hear the audio signal while doing this. The stereo headset connects directly to the TV or amplifier. An Internet port will allow you to enjoy the benefits of a local network. Additionally, you can connect to a personal computer. Lastly, Smart TV is checked on the TV. The audio signal comes through this connector. In turn, the picture on the screen must be of good quality.

Setting up a TV with a receiver

Setting up the satellite DVB-S2 tuner built into the TV is quite simple. In different models, the menu is slightly different, but in general the instructions are the same. Setting up satellite TV on Samsung TVs is as follows. First of all, you need to go to the menu. There should be a "Broadcast" tab. Through it, you can go directly to the channel settings. When you select the satellite system subsection, the TV will ask for the owner's pin code. Manufacturers default to 0000.

After a successful transition, you can select the LNB settings. At this stage, you need to check if the system has found a satellite signal. If this does not happen, then you need to select the DiSEqC mode. Next, you can enter the menu and select a satellite signal. After all that has been done, all settings are saved without fail.

LG TVs with receiver

All TVs with a built-in satellite receiver from LG are produced with interesting backlighting. Screen resolutions in different models are very different. Generally, Smart TV is supported. Additionally, good viewing angles should be noted. Tuners are mostly installed analog and digital. The average screen refresh rate is 50 Hz. In this case, the refresh rate is in the region of 100 Hz.

The audio system in the TV, as a rule, is set to two-channel. The power of one speaker is an average of 5 watts. Video signals are supported from 480p to 1080p. For convenience, manufacturers equip models with various connectors. With their help, you can connect headphones, speakers or personal computers.

Model LG 24LB450U with receiver

This LG LCD TV with built-in receiver has a resolution of 1366 by 768 pixels. The backlight is included in this model. The viewing angle of the TV is 178 degrees. The tuner analog and digital available. Image processor - "Triple". The sweep frequency is 50 Hz. A special decoder is installed in the TV audio system. With it, the sound is more voluminous.

All major video formats are supported by this model. Among other things, a large number of component inputs can be distinguished. Standard antenna connectors are provided. Additionally, there is a digital optical audio output. With a stand, the dimensions of this model are as follows: height 556 mm, width 384 mm, thickness 140 mm. The mass of the device is 3.7 kg. The cost of the model on the market is 12,000 rubles.

TV LG 22LB450U

The resolution of these LCD TVs with built-in are 1366 by 768 pixels. At the same time, the viewing angle is quite large. Also noteworthy is the good range of the image processor set to the "Triple" series. The panel refresh rate is 50 Hz. In this case, the update parameter lies within 100 Hz. The color system supports all major standards.

The audio system is installed two-channel. This model has two 5W speakers. There are various sound and optimization modes. This model also boasts a wide range of video signals. Among other things, it should be noted the presence of expansion slots. A standard IPS-matrix is ​​provided by the manufacturer. The cost of this model is 10,000 rubles.

What is the difference between Samsung TVs and receivers?

TVs with a built-in Samsung satellite receiver, as a rule, differ in their functionality. There are various contrast settings available. The resolution of many models is in the region of 1920 by 1080 pixels.

The image processor is "Hyper". Among other things, a good refresh rate should be noted. There is a picture-in-picture mode. Another thing worth mentioning is the color system. It works on PAL, SECAM and NTSC format standards. Video signals are received by the TV in the range from 480p to 1080p. An optical digital audio output is installed on most models. The power consumption of Samsung TVs is acceptable. The average of the devices lies in the region of 106 V. When using the economy mode, only 45 V is consumed.

Model "Samsung UE40H5270"

These TVs with a built-in satellite receiver have a resolution of 1920 by 1080 pixels. Contrast system - "Mega". Additionally, many will appreciate the pleasant backlighting of the TV. Smart TV support is provided. There are also two tuners available.

Image processor installed class "Hyper". With it, the refresh rate increased to 100 Hz. There is a two-channel audio system with stereo sound support. A USB port is provided by the manufacturer. There are also connectors for connecting a personal computer to a TV. The dimensions of this model are as follows: height 908 mm, width 558 mm, and thickness - 190 mm. The total weight of the TV is 8.3 kg. On the market, it will cost about 30,000 rubles.


As a result, we can say that TVs with a built-in satellite receiver are undoubtedly needed and in demand. They are quite simple to set up, and anyone can handle it. The models presented above are quite different from each other. The LG 24LB450U TV is in the greatest demand. In pursuit of the best image quality, you can consider Samsung models. The TV shown above is a pretty good choice.

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