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All about wireless smartphone chargers. How to add wireless charging to any smartphone

Today it is already hard for us to imagine our life without mobile gadgets. This has led to the accumulation of a huge number of wires near household outlets, among which it is not so easy to find the necessary "charging". In this case, a wireless charger can help solve the problem. The principle of its operation is very simple - just place the gadget on a special panel to charge it. The accessory is based on the principle of operation of an induction coil. This technology is called Qi. It has become very popular lately. In 2015, the globally popular brand began selling furniture that would have a built-in wireless charging module. Today, all flagship smartphone models support Qi. It is expected that soon transmitters or, in other words, modules can be found in airports, restaurants, cinemas, fast food, shopping malls, which will allow phones and tablets to be charged at any time. In fact, it will make life easier for users of mobile gadgets. We're entering a new era where we don't have to carry around for all the devices we use.

Qi-enabled wireless chargers for gadgets

The wireless power standard is called Qi. In Russian, the word is pronounced as "Tsi". The standard bears this name in honor of the term of Eastern philosophy. It is developed by the WPC Wireless Electromagnetic Energy Consortium. This organization brings together global manufacturers of electronics and sets itself an important task - to standardize the process of charging gadgets by the induction method.

In the near future, all devices can be charged offline. It's incredibly convenient. Each of us at least once faced a situation when. We have to urgently look for a way out. Soon, wireless charging modules will appear in all public places, as well as at every user's home. At home, you can simply place the module in a convenient place, and it will never get lost, unlike wired "charging". You just need to put a gadget on it and wait a little while the battery capacity is replenished.

The principle of operation of wireless "charging" is based on the properties of an induction coil to transmit electric current. In the school physics course, we were taught that when an induction coil is connected to a power source, a magnetic field arises in it, perpendicular to the turns of the coil. Thus, if you place two coils within the range of the magnetic field and at the same time connect one of them to a power source, then a voltage will appear in the second coil. It is important to take into account the fact that the two induction coils must never touch each other. This is a simple principle behind the work of Qi-enabled wireless chargers.

There are two flavors of the Qi standard. The first assumes charging at low power - 5 watts, and the second - at high power - 120 watts. High power Qi is currently not produced by manufacturers due to objective factors. With the 120 watt Qi, you can charge your laptop. The 5 watt Qi is used to refill the battery and phones. It should be noted that different amperage is required for a tablet and a smartphone. The wireless charger for the phone generates 1 ampere of current, and for the tablet computer - 2 amperes. When choosing an accessory, be sure to pay attention to these characteristics.

Energy efficiency of Qi standard

A modern wireless charger has two components. One of them is built directly into the gadget that supports Qi and is called a wireless charging receiver. Basically, it is a receiver that conducts electrical current to the battery. The second component is called a transmitter. If the purchase of a wireless "charging" is meant, we are talking about the transmitter. They come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Mostly round and rectangular transmitters are common.

To better understand how wireless charging works, it should be borne in mind that the magnetic field is capable of transmitting not only electric current, but also data about bytes and bits, which was taken into account by the developers of the Qi standard. Interaction between the coils will occur only at the moment when a gadget with a built-in transmitter is close to the transmitter.

If the accessory for charging the gadget operates in the background, then the pulse sent every 0.4 seconds by the transmitter will not change the voltage in the coil built into the transmitter. It can be concluded that a modern accessory is able to recognize in which mode to function. As soon as a smartphone is nearby at a distance of several centimeters, the voltage in the induction coil will drop sharply, and the device will go into active operation. As soon as the smartphone battery is charged, the corresponding signal will transfer the charger to the background. It can be concluded that modern wireless battery recharge accessories are energy efficient.

Is Qi technology safe?

Some users mistakenly believe that the Qi wireless charging function may be harmful to health. The point is that magnetic radiation is not ionizing. In its effect on the body, it is similar to a mobile communication signal, a radio signal. In this case, the signal of the mobile network, which comes from the tower, is stronger and has a continuous character, while the electromagnetic radiation disappears immediately after charging the smartphone's battery.

The power of the wireless chargers is 5 watts. It is not enough to have an effect on the human body. We can only talk about a negative impact when the power of such devices equals 120 watts. But such models are not produced on an industrial scale. This explains the lack of wireless laptop chargers. It is important to know that wireless battery charging technology has long been used in many models of electric shavers and electric toothbrushes, which once again proves its safety.

Which smartphones support the wireless charging function?

First of all, we want to note that not all gadgets today support the wireless charging function. Apple deliberately markets products that are incompatible with Qi. In this case, we recommend purchasing a special case with a built-in induction coil.

Flagship devices mostly always support Qi technology. These include such popular smartphone models as Samsung Galaxy S6, Sony Xperia Z4v, Samsung Galaxy S6 Active, Google Nexus 6, Motorola Droid Turbo, Nokia Lumia 930, Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge. Already, dozens of models from various manufacturers can be charged using a wireless accessory, which provides maximum user convenience.

Can I make a wireless charger myself?

Wireless chargers are quite expensive considering that they are a conventional induction coil. The question arises: "How to make a module with your own hands?" Basically, if you have knowledge of the basics of physics and special equipment for measuring the strength and power of an electric current, this will not be a big problem. Fans of radio electronics are capable of assembling not such simple devices, but we do not recommend conducting such experiments for ordinary users.

On, you can find separate wireless receivers for some smartphone models, including the Google Nexus line. It is easy enough to install it into your phone. There are two contacts under the cover of the device, which provide for a positive and a negative pole. It is enough to buy and connect the receiver, after which you can conduct a wireless charging test. This output is optimal if you somehow got a wireless charger, for example, you were presented with a gift, and your gadget model does not yet support the Qi function.

Wireless battery charging technology is gaining popularity in today's world. In the future, it will be possible to replenish the battery capacity in many public places. It is expected that stadiums, parks, restaurants, cinemas, fast foods will be equipped with wireless chargers. When buying smartphones, we recommend paying borrowing to support the Qi function, which is present in all flagship models of 2015.

The transmission of energy wirelessly until recently seemed like a crazy science fiction dream, but today it is quite feasible. Wireless chargers, which are rapidly replacing traditional wired chargers in the Western market, are likely to soon conquer the windows and hearts of consumers in Russia as well. It is still difficult to find wireless chargers in domestic communication stores, but gadget users are actively interested in how these unique devices work and whether they do harm to human health. We will try to answer the most common questions in this article.

To understand the principle of wireless charging, you will have to recall the school physics course and, in particular, the meaning of the term “ electromagnetic induction". Induction is the formation of a current that occurs due to a change in magnetic flux in a closed circuit.

The wireless charger contains a transmitting electromagnetic coil ( Transmit Coil) - the one that generates the magnetic field. There must be a receiving coil inside the gadget ( Receive coil) - that is why not every smartphone can be recharged wirelessly. The greater the distance the two coils are from each other, the weaker the energy flow. It is also important to keep in mind that the two coils must not be in contact with each other.

The wireless power standard has been named Qi.

Wireless charging has long been relevant to toothbrushes and electric shavers. Alas, all this time, the technology was accompanied by customer complaints that charging was too slow and unstable.

To recharge your smartphone, you just need to put it on a special stand - after that, the transmitting coil is activated and begins to “share” the current. You can charge in this way anywhere - at home, in a car, in a public place. In some countries, wireless charging cradles are placed in cafes so that the customer can usefully spend time while waiting for the order.

How efficient is wireless charging?

Wireless charger is still less efficient than wired charging- no one is going to dispute this statement. Confirming it is quite easy - using the simplest calculations.

Charging efficiency mainly depends on 2 indicators: current strength(measured in amperes) and stresses(measured in volts). Traditional charging delivers on average 1 Ampere of current at a voltage of 5 V - as a result, a battery with a capacity of 3000 mA is charged from zero "to the brim" in about 3 and a half hours... Wireless charging at the same voltage delivers only 0.65 Amps (again on average) - this means that it will take to fill the battery with energy at least 4 hours.

All the above calculations are, of course, approximate. The performance of wireless charging also depends on other factors, such as:

  • Coil sizes.
  • Distances between coils. To ensure stable charging, the distance between the gadget and the stand should not exceed 5 cm.
  • Resistances of the windings.
  • The presence of the so-called skin effect- the effect in which the current flows only through the thin surface layer of the conductor.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Wireless Charging

While the efficiency of wireless chargers is poor, these devices have many advantages:

  • Lack of wires... The most obvious plus: you no longer have to plug the cable into the gadget. In fact, this advantage is far-fetched, because the user will not be able to do without wires at all - you need to somehow feed the station itself.
  • Versatility... One wireless charger can charge any mobile device that supports this function.
  • Low prices... In domestic electronics stores, you cannot find a wireless charger cheaper than 1 thousand rubles, but, for example, for AliExpress such a device can be bought for only 200-250 rubles.

The main disadvantages of wireless chargers have already been mentioned - they are low efficiency and the need to keep the coils in close proximity to each other. Other, less significant disadvantages include the following:

  • During wireless charging, your mobile device gets very hot, which sometimes results in battery failure.
  • The “mobile phone”, which is being charged, receives radio signals with significant distortion.
  • Some of the models of gadgets (for example, iPhone) can be recharged wirelessly only through a special case or adapter for wireless charging. The purchase of such equipment, of course, promises additional costs.

Is it safe to use wireless charging?

Some users of mobile devices refuse wireless charging, because they are worried that magnetic radiation would not turn out to be harmful. Health concerns are nothing more than paranoia: this is stated not only by experts, but also by members of the Consortium of Wireless Electromagnetic Energy ( Wpc) - the organization that developed the technology Qi.

The power of the wireless charger is only 5 watts - this is definitely not enough to have an effect on the human body. Negative consequences can only be when using a charger with a capacity of 120 watts - such devices are also produced, but not on an industrial scale, and they are intended for recharging laptops.

The electromagnetic signal of a wireless charger from the point of view of its effect on the body is similar to a cellular signal - with the only difference that it is weaker and stops when the smartphone is charged.

Users are worried not only about their health, but also about the safety of personal data. In mid-2016, it became known about a new method of hacker attack. Thanks to fake USB cables, hackers can steal data (passwords and pin codes) from victims' phones while they recharge their gadgets from computer ports, a security agency said. Aries security... Due to this news, users have become even more cautious about chargers placed in public places - including to wireless.

It is not possible to steal data via wireless charging.

Theft of information via a USB cable has become possible because the wire has 2 functions - it provides recharging of a mobile device and the exchange of data between gadgets (smartphone and PC). Wireless charging is not capable of performing the second function... It will be possible to begin to worry when the developers will endow the wireless memory stations with the functions of a data exchange point, but this is not expected in the near future.

Best Wireless Chargers for Phones

A user who is interested in the prospect of wireless charging of a gadget should pay attention to the following memory models.

Samsung PG920

Despite the fact that the wireless charging market is still young, the Samsung charger has already become its classic. Key Benefits PG920 - compact size, attractive appearance and rather low price (about 1000 rubles).

Please note that charging from Samsung is universal, and therefore can recharge the gadgets of not only the Korean "giant", but also other manufacturers.

Tylt vu

Main charging feature Tylt Vu - unique shape. Charging is a broken plane consisting of 3 surfaces. Thanks to this form of memory, the gadget is convenient to use while it is storing energy.

Tylt vu will undoubtedly delight lovers of bright shades - the charger is available to buyers in 4 color options: black, yellow, red and blue. However, for the original shape and the ability to choose a color, you will have to pay a substantial amount - about $ 30.

Anker Wireless Charging Pad

Charging from Anker has very modest dimensions, but this is not its only advantage. In addition, it has a temperature sensor Temperature Control, which will ensure that the device does not overheat while charging. After the battery of the gadget is 100% full, Anker Wireless Charging Pad will automatically turn off and will not waste extra energy.

Another benefit of charging from Ankerprice... Memory is one of the most affordable; it sells for only $ 10.

Woodpuck FAST Edition

Users may be intimidated by the $ 40 price tag, but there is something to pay for. Woodpuck- not only the most stylish and original wireless charger, but also the most efficient.

Woodpuck made of real bamboo, and therefore is considered the most "environmentally friendly" charger. The device works with all gadgets equipped with the function Qi, and charges them much faster than analogs - studies have shown that the user can save up to 40% of the time.

Nokia DT-903

DT-903- another charger with an unmatched design. During the charging of the gadget, the platform is bright enough, so that the user can do without a night light. If the glow gets in the way, you can easily turn it off by pressing the button located on the bottom plate.

Efficiency DT-903 is at a fairly high level: according to the assurances of engineers Nokia wireless charger charges your smartphone in the same time as wired charging. The device from the Finnish company is compatible not only with devices Lumia, but also with gadgets from other manufacturers. The cost of this curious device is about 2500 rubles.


Wireless chargers captivate not only with their combination of efficiency and effectiveness, but also with their simplicity. All ingenious is simple: it is enough to use two inductors to stop being a slave of wires - Faraday could have reached the creation of a wireless charger a century and a half ago, if he knew in what era his descendants would have to live.

The primitiveness of the design can push the owner of the gadget to independent experiments with electromagnetic radiation and conductors - on the Internet, alas, there are a lot of articles advising how to assemble wireless charging with your own hands, authored by indoor inventors. We recommend that you start such attempts only if you have a physics diploma in your desk drawer. An amateur in the course of such experiments can easily disable a gadget.

Wireless charging appeared a few years ago. Modern manufacturers of phones, tablets and other gadgets use technology to replenish battery capacity. Buyers note the ease of use of this product.

How the device works

To charge smartphones Samsung, iPhone, Sony and other brands often use specialized docking stations without electrical cables. The principle of operation of the device is simple. The phone is placed on a special panel to replenish the battery capacity.

The principle of operation of the product is to use an induction coil. The use of such charging is safe for humans. The absence of a wire reduces the risk of electrical short-circuit.

In 2015, the Swedish company IKEA began selling furniture with a built-in wireless charging module. Flagship phone models - Samsung, Sony, Xiaomi, Lumia - support Qi.

It is assumed that soon charging stations without electric wires will appear in airports, restaurants, cafes, shopping and entertainment centers, cinemas. This will allow you to quickly charge gadgets at a convenient time for the owner.

The product standard for recharging the battery capacity is named after the term in Eastern philosophy, meaning the flow of energy. Developed by an organization that brings together global manufacturers of electronic products. The consortium has set itself the task of standardizing the process of recharging the battery capacity of smartphones by induction.

The induction coil used in modern devices without electrical wires was invented. The scientist has proven that when you connect it to a power source, a magnetic field arises.

The principle of operation of such products that support Qi technology is simple. Two coils are located within the range of the magnetic field. A power source is connected to one of them. Voltage appears in the second coil. An important condition is that the coils do not touch each other.

Wireless charging consists of two modules. The first component is built into a smartphone or tablet. The module is called a receiver or a receiver. The component conducts electrical current to the battery of the gadget.

The second component is the transmitter. The transmitter comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. Round and rectangular chargers are in demand among buyers.

Qi transmission technology is capable of charging a phone located at a distance of 4 cm from the transmitter. Many buyers are interested in how charging works. After placing the smartphone on the stand, the magnetic field is utilized and charges the device.

The power of wireless products does not exceed 5 watts. The magnetic field is non-ionizing. It does not affect the human body. The action is similar to a Wi-Fi or mobile signal.

Products with a power of 120 watts are capable of influencing the human body. They are used to replenish the battery capacity of laptops. They are not produced on an industrial scale. A similar charging technology is used for electric razors and toothbrushes. This proves the safety of the devices.

Perspectives and models supporting technology

The main problem with transmitters is the short range. A lot of research has been done to increase the potential of the device. Many of them have been successful. Microwaves and lasers are powerful variants of inductive charge that can be transmitted over long distances. Their disadvantage is powerful radiation, which can harm a person.

Apple has patented a product that allows you to charge smartphones at a distance of up to 1 meter. Intel is already working on magnetic field technology that fits into laptops and can transfer power to various peripherals.

A docking station for recharging the battery has already been released under the Samsung brand. The device is completed with the Galaxy S7 model. For other devices of this brand, you need to select and purchase a special platform in order to use this method of replenishing the battery capacity. If the smartphone model does not support the technology and is not equipped with a built-in receiver, then use cases or special stickers on them.

Universal wireless chargers are used for phones:

  • Samsung Galaxy S3, S6, S7, S8 various modifications;
  • Lumia;
  • Lenovo;
  • iPhone.

The time to fully charge the battery is 2.5 to 3 hours. It is determined by the capacity. New for 2016 is the car charger.

You can make a device yourself if you have ideas about electric current and wires. To create a transmitter without cables with your own hands, you need copper wire and diodes.

A plastic box will serve as the body of the product. Required transistors (field-effect or bipolar). They will shorten the charging time of your smartphone. Use the tools, scissors and glue that everyone has.

To use the transmitter without cables, you can install a universal receiver. It is a connector or plate. The receiver is attached to the charging port and secured with a case. Using a soldering iron, the receiver is hidden under the back cover of the phone.

The approximate price of a receiver complete with a transmitter is 700 rubles. You can use the device for any phone model that supports Qi technology.

It is better not to save on buying an original charger without cables. The latest smartphones are equipped with a docking station and receiver. Breakdown of this device incurs additional financial costs. It is advisable to give preference to proven manufacturing companies. This reduces the risk of plant overheating, power surges or overcharging.

Advantages and disadvantages

Wireless charging technology is not another unnecessary feature of a modern smartphone. The responsible approach of the manufacturer makes it popular among users of phones of various brands and models. Charging points for gadgets appear in public places. Gradually, manufacturers are relieving electronics buyers of the many cables in the house.

The advantages of using wireless charging technology are:

  • No need for a cable to connect the smartphone and adapter. It is enough to replenish the battery capacity by bringing the gadget to a specially designed platform or placing it nearby within a radius of 4 centimeters.
  • Apple products allow you to charge multiple devices at the same time. Modern smartphone models require the purchase of an additional adapter when using this method of recharging the battery power.
  • The minimum number of cords and wires in the house.
  • The docking station is easy to carry. But you can also use the transmitters of work colleagues or household members.
  • No need to connect to the electrical network.
  • The inability to forget to put the electronic device on charge.
  • Receiver stealth. Furniture manufacturers install docking stations in armrests, so the charger fits perfectly into the interior and does not take up much space.
  • High rate of replenishment of the battery capacity.

A huge plus is the ability to quickly and conveniently place the charger. By placing the receiver on the kitchen table, coffee table or near the bed, and placing the phone there, you can constantly maintain the battery level at 90-100%.

The product connects to a smartphone without a special cable. In this case, the charging itself is connected with a wire to an electrical outlet.

The disadvantages of battery recharge products include cost. They are usually more expensive than standard chargers. Their price is approximately 2-3 times higher. Despite this, this technology is attractive to users. Car charger is a practical solution.

Many people use electrical devices. Using products wirelessly to replenish battery capacity gets you up to speed quickly. They do not harm human health, decorate the interior, and are convenient to use. A person using a smartphone will definitely appreciate the practical solution in the form of wireless charging, which you can take with you to work or travel.

Nowadays, a person without a smartphone is a person cut off from life. It is hard to imagine that a few years ago a mobile phone was only used for communication. Now this little assistant gives us both access to the Internet and many applications, and wakes us up in the morning. The list of benefits provided by a smartphone is endless. It is not surprising that a large number of gadgets have been invented for modern phones. One of them is a wireless charger, which we would like to talk about in more detail.

How can I tell if my phone supports wireless charging?

From the name it is clear that this is a gadget that allows you to charge your smartphone without using wires. It is a small stand connected to the network. Inside is an induction coil that creates a small magnetic field around itself. If there is a smartphone within the radius of this field, then it will receive electricity in the literal sense of the word through the air. But there is one caveat - an induction coil must also be built into the smartphone. It will serve as a kind of energy receiver from the charger.

The goal of creating this device was to rid modern smartphones of charger connectors, as well as to allow all devices in the house to be charged from one platform. The idea was a success, but why then don't we see this technology in every home and don't use it ourselves? The answer is simple - despite all the advantages, this miracle device also has disadvantages.

Pros and cons of a wireless charger

Wireless charging has enough pros, but they all have their cornerstone.

Lack of wires

Without a doubt, this is a big plus. Wires have always been a weak point in charging. With frequent bends, the wire was easily damaged and tangled. Frequent recharging would loosen up the USB port on the phone, and sooner or later, repairs were required. But there is also a downside to the coin. The rejection of wires reduced the efficiency (efficiency) from 90% to 60–75%. Simply put, when using wireless charging, your smartphone will charge approximately 2-3 times longer.

Range of use

It would seem that there are no wires - there are no restrictions, and you can charge the phone simply while in the apartment. But no - the range of use of the wireless charger is very modest (3-5 cm) and the phone will have to be placed on the stand. Another significant drawback will be the inability to use the smartphone while charging.


The cost of a charger is quite variable, but it will always be more expensive than the usual charging.


I would like to tell you about the standards thanks to which the use of technology for the transmission of electricity by air has become possible.

Qi ("Qi", after the term of Eastern philosophy) was developed by the WPC (Wireless Power Consortium - Consortium of wireless electromagnetic energy). It is the most widespread and supported by such giants of the mobile industry as Asus, Motorola, HTC, Huawei, LG, Nokia, Samsung, Blackberry, Sony and others. You can find out more about the standard and the list of supported devices on their official website.

The PMA standard also uses the principle of electromagnetic induction, but cannot boast as large a list of manufacturers that support their technology as Qi. It was developed by Powermat, which is currently trying to fight unhealthy competition from Qi.

This standard uses Rezence technology, which is fundamentally different from PMA and Qi. The strange thing is that the most unpopular standard has many advantages over its competitors. The pluses include:

  • the ability to charge through interference (if you put the book between the smartphone and the charger, nothing will change);
  • one platform can power multiple devices;
  • work in close proximity to metal objects, etc.

For a full list of smartphones that can use wireless charging right out of the box, visit the official website I would like to note that most of the manufacturing firms have made sure that their product supports the use of this technology.

What if your smartphone is not on the list of supported devices, but you need to use wireless charging? If you have such a question, then most likely you are a happy user of Apple products. The iPhone is not yet capable of receiving electromagnetic signals. However, there is an alternative - the purchase of an auxiliary accessory that will do this for your phone. It fits under a standard case and does not cause any discomfort.

Is wireless charging harmful to health?

As with any new technology, the wireless charger raises many questions. One of the most acute is whether it is harmful to health. Let's dispel this far-fetched myth right away. It will do you no more harm than an electronic razor using the same technology. The developers of the WPC standard assert the same.

More and more Android smartphones are getting wireless charging support. Samsung has gone further in this direction, as its top-end smartphones - Galaxy S7 and Galaxy Note 7 - support Fast Charge Wireless technology, which provides faster charging speeds for South Korean smartphones when using a wireless charger.

Since the Galaxy Note 5 supports fast wireless charging technology, the entire recharging process from 0% to 100% takes about one and a half hours, but this is not the point. The first time after switching to the 5.7-inch Samsung phablet from the iPhone 6 Plus, it seemed that wireless charging was indeed a very convenient and useful thing, but with every month of using this Android smartphone, the opposite opinion was formed.

The fact is that with the daily use of a wireless charger, certain drawbacks come to light, which are almost elusive in a 14-day test. The main inconvenience when using wireless charging for the Galaxy Note 5 is the need to put the device exactly in the middle of charging, otherwise the device will not absorb electricity.

This is really a big inconvenience, since the key advantage of wireless charging is mobility: pick up - talk on the phone - put back. However, because of this annoying feature, you have to constantly make sure that the Galaxy Note 5 is placed on the charger exactly in the center. There were often times when the battery did not charge even one percent in a few hours due to this error. Over time, this "feature" starts to freak out.

It makes no sense to say that the use of a wireless method of charging smartphones increases the duration of this process by 2-3 times, since everyone knows about this, but it is worth paying special attention to another issue. The fact is that when using wireless charging, the smartphone gets very hot, and since the Galaxy Note 5 supports fast recharging, the engineers from Samsung even had to equip their own with a built-in fan, which creates a big noise around itself.

For this reason, charging a smartphone with wireless charging near the bed at night is simply uncomfortable, since the human ear clearly hears the noise of a fan, and it is harmful to heat the smartphone once again, since most technical breakdowns occur in this state.

If you put all these disadvantages together, then wireless charging does not create a pleasant experience. In some cases this can be really handy and cool, but in practice this feature is useless. Owners of the iPhone, and the owners of ordinary smartphones on Android, should not chase this function, since after using it for 2-3 months, 90% of users will surely get tired of it. The longer you use wireless charging, the more clearly it becomes clear that charging with a regular cable is safer, faster and easier.

It's understandable why Apple is in no rush to add wireless charging support to its iPhones, as the technology has yet to be finalized. Undoubtedly, this method of recharging batteries is the future, but it will take at least another 5-6 years before it comes.

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