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Ability to customize your desktop. Simple exchange of information

Let's just make a reservation, dude: no one can say with certainty that the iPhone is really cooler than Android - and vice versa: no one can convincingly convince you that Android is cool and the iPhone is a waste of money. When it comes to smartphones, you need to understand that any criteria is a relative thing, it all depends on your needs, expectations and budget. So don't think that my dudes and I are trying to persuade you to buy an Android phone. We just decided to focus on the advantages that smartphones with this OS have: who knows, maybe you change your mind about shelling out for an expensive masterpiece from Apple and decide that Android is a rational alternative.

12. Standard cable micro-USB

We have nothing against Apple. In our editorial office, of course, there are owners of iPhones, iPods and MacBooks - where without them. But these same iPhones have one problem (apart from the price, of course) - that they use Apple cables. Apple refuses to use conventional connectors micro USB and thus complicate our life, and in addition to this and empty our wallet. Imagine: you will have to have a special charger, a cable for connecting to a computer and something else - and after all, things from Apple dear... And one more thing: the company pays designers and engineers to design this whole thing, and the cost of their work is included in the price of your iPhone. Not really, right?

But if you have an Android phone, you can connect it to your computer with one of the 15 micro USB cables that are already lying around at home. And if you suddenly lost the charger or the same cable, there is nothing easier than walking to the nearest store and buying the necessary gizmo for a maximum of a couple of hundred rubles. And this is a serious advantage, don't you agree?

11. Good old stylus

Founder Apple Steve Jobs said, "If you see the stylus, throw it away." And it can be understood: if a team of engineers is not able to create an interface that does not require additional tools, it really can be regarded as a failure.

Of course, this can be interpreted in another way. Apple chip- intuitive interface. And what method of entering information is more understandable than handwritten one? Until now, the world is full of people who believe that writing something by hand is much faster than typing on a keyboard. They might change their minds over time, but right now, why not give these guys what they want?

Smartphones like Samsung Galaxy Note II come with a stylus, and Android does a pretty good job of supporting such an interface. The iPhone isn't.

10. Vibration when pressed

Do you like it when your phone vibrates to your every touch? Yes, for me. It's not exactly a big deal, but for some, this vibration is important - especially for those who have just started using the virtual keyboard and want to be sure that they really pressed something. And if you don't like this feature, turn it off and you're done.

But on the iPhone, you don't have that choice. It does not vibrate when pressed.

9. Simple exchange of information

8. Ability to customize the desktop

Have you always wanted to have certain widgets at hand at all times? On Android, you can customize everything to your liking. You can arrange the icons as you like, and you won't get anything for it.

IPhone? Sorry dude. Only standard icons... What's happened? Don't want them all displayed on your desktops? Do you want to arrange them in a different order? Ha ha ha! Well, yes, you can sort them into folders, but the folders will remain on the desktop. Get used to it.

7. Ability to choose a keyboard

It may take you a while to get used to virtual keyboard... There is an option that the version pre-installed on your phone will not quite suit you. It would be cool if there were other keyboards with a different arrangement of letters, different smart way input - yes?

If you have an Android phone, you can try installing a different keyboard. And if you don't like it - another one. And if it doesn't work at all - well, buy a phone with an ordinary keyboard.

If you have an iPhone, then you have to get used to what you have. Of course it is good keyboard, but if you want to experiment, then you have to give up this idea.

6. You can attach any file to the letter

This iPhone bug is so crazy that it could be at the top of our entire list.

And the fact is that the Gmail client is also leaky when it comes to applications. So if you have Gmail, I'm sorry, dude. But if you have an Android machine, the Gmail client continues to be shitty, but standard interface can still attach any garbage to the letter. Well, at least so.

5. Near-field communication

In the promo video Samsung Galaxy S3 you probably saw the moment when dudes bring their phones to each other and exchange files, right? This is because Android supports Near Field Communication technology. Its development has not yet been fully completed, so the applications have a limited set of functions. So far, you can throw pictures and music to each other - but it's not very interesting. But in the near future, using this system, it will be possible to pay with money from e-wallet- isn't that wonderful?

And what about the iPhone? And he doesn't support this technology yet. Maybe they just decided to wait until she turns into something really worthwhile. But still, in this regard, we run the risk of lagging behind progress if we buy an iPhone.

4. Additional memory

Missing 64GB of storage on your iPhone? Don't worry. Just insert a USB flash drive into the micro SD slot, and ... Oh wait, iPhone doesn't support additional cards memory. So be content with what you have. But on Android, there is no such problem. Hooray!

3. Replaceable battery

Not all Android phones hold a charge well - remember the same Samsung Galaxy S3. But they have at least replaceable battery, and if it completely fails, it can be replaced with another one. Or you can buy extra batteries, charge them and carry them with you for future use - for example, if you are on the road. But if the battery is worn out on the iPhone, there is nothing you can do about it.

2. Bigger screen ... or smaller

Apple tried so hard to make the screen on the iPhone 5 bigger - but it didn't come out so much more, how longer... Thanks to this, more icons fit on the desktop, but this is practically not reflected in the viewing of media files.

Samsung Galaxy S3? Here in his truth big screen... And the same with Htc one, Sony Xperia, Motorola Droid Razr and LG Optimus all have larger screens than the iPhone 5.

What if you don't want a giant screen? Well, okay. Lots of Android phones with smaller screens.

1. Simple interface on a PC

When you connect your Android smartphone to your computer, you can dig into its contents as in regular folder on your hard drive. If you want to drop or delete music, photos, videos or documents, you just grab the icon, pull - and it's done. And even on an iMac, you can do the same if you download the Android app (like we have in the photo).

What about the iPhone? Well, good luck, dude. You can add media files (pictures, videos, music) through iTunes - and it seems to be simple. Simple, but not entirely, because the creators wanted to make iTunes unnecessarily complex.

What if you want to upload other files to your iPhone? Sorry buddy. You will have to feel like an idiot: nothing will come of it.

When I am in the United States (which is about two-thirds of the time), I use an iPhone. Now I have a rapidly aging Sixth - not even S. I took it back in 2014, and now I'm starting to think about what it would be time to replace. Friends periodically ask me: "Well, Lyova, are you going to take the Tenth for yourself?"

Tenth: iPhone with bangs

But I won't. There are quite a few reasons for this, but let me tell you the most important one:

Remember, not so long ago, I answered the question of one of the readers:? After all, everyone knows that. I then said what, from my point of view, is the main advantage of Apple smartphones. This is consistency. If you knew how to use the iPhone N, then you can pick up the iPhone N + 1, and everything will work the same there. No, new features will probably be added, but all the old ones will remain the same as before. In the 11 years since the release of the first iPhone, this rule has had only one exception, let's talk about it now.

Look, before us is the evolution of iPhones:

Since 2007, the size has changed several times, all charging cords had to be replaced, the headphone jack disappeared. Even the Power switch slid off the top to its side. But one thing remained unchanged: button... The entire eco-system of the iPhone was kept on this button.

Press hard, weakly, twice, press and hold ... Over the years, Apple has taught us to tap out whole telegrams with our thumb, and we are used to doing all this automatically, without hesitation!

And now they have taken this button and taken away from us, that is, they have taken away the familiarity of their smartphone. That is, you need to retrain how to use this new device. Such a cruel joke has already been played with us, taking this wonderful slider from us:

Experienced iPhone users who read on their devices, admit: you probably wanted to "stroke" this slider with your finger right now? Let's! Go bolder. I won't tell anyone.

For a long time I could not forgive the company for this rudeness with the missing slider, but I still endured it. After all, it was just one memorized gesture. And now, having lost the button, I have to re-learn how to do those 5-6 things that she did! but not like that.

I understand that in exchange for a button, Apple offers us a couple more centimeters of the screen. Rumor has it that the company wanted to make a virtual button in this model, but could not bring to mind the technology of reading a fingerprint through a working screen. This is not a very good reason for me.

The tenth iPhone is godlessly expensive, terribly fragile, and still does not know how many things that have been working in Android for a long time. But all this could be tolerated if he remained true to his button. And without her - no, I don't play like that.

In the meantime, I bought myself a new Pixel 2 for travel abroad. It works even better with the Google Fi service, which allows you to use the Internet all over the world. (Over the past two years, but unfortunately, it seems that you can only buy it in America.) So far, this new apparatus I really like it: everything works great, and the shots are pretty cool. True, for photographs I have, but if, then it will be in my pocket good plan"B"

And at home I’m still with my old Sixth, I’ll see if Apple releases new version small iPhone SE by spring. If not, then maybe I'll take the Eighth.

- Shit happens, - Forest Gump.

This weekend on the channel "Russia-2" a stunning video about the iPhone was released. Obviously, someone paid for it, because such nonsense would not have been broadcast on air for no reason. The plot makes it clear how little boys live, a man without sponsors and Eldar Murtazin (the last leading analyst on Earth). For potential jumpers, the report can serve as an instruction why it is not worth buying an iPhone after all. Let's figure it out together.

1) iPhone apps cost big money... If you have bank card there is no extra couple of thousand dollars to pay for software, do not buy an iPhone.

2) For iPhone, registration in iTunes is required. If you stand for freedom and do not want to send your data to Apple servers don't buy an iPhone.

3) iPhone does not work without a SIM card. You cannot call it. In the video they complain that many functions cannot be used. In this case, the inscription "Insert SIM card" is lit on the screen.

4) iPhone suddenly turns off at the most inopportune moment. One man received a call from sponsors, but he did not hear them, as a result of which he was left without work. Do you want to be in his place?

5) The iPhone logs into the network itself and updates applications until it ruins the owner. Considering that the traffic for GPRS / EDGE communication is quite expensive, calculate what time it will take you to update the game for 150 MB. You will not even know that the iPhone has spent all your personal account with the operator on its own and went into the red. Do you want to lose your number and receive letters from the collector with a subpoena for non-payment?

6) The iPhone antenna is inside phone. If you crawl in with your hand (through the microphone, obviously) and cover the antenna with your hand, then the network will disappear. See point 4.

7) By tradition, they gave Eldar Murtazin to drive one nail into the lid of the coffin: Apple is scolded all over the world for not having it on the iPhone Adobe flash... If you don't want your friends to look askance at you, don't buy an iPhone. Personally, I paint bad words in Steve's photo every day.

8) If iPhone is thrown on the tarmac, the screen may break. Do you need it?

9) iPhone tucked into a blender is ground into powder in 1 minute. There are cheap materials and no Class B armor. Apple is saving on its users.

In this regard, I am changing my iPhone 4 to HTC Desire with my surcharge. The ad has already been posted on the Internet.


- Shit happens, - Forest Gump. This weekend on the channel "Russia-2" a stunning video about the iPhone was released. Obviously, someone paid for it, because such nonsense would not have been broadcast on air for no reason. The plot makes it clear how little boys live, a man without sponsors and Eldar Murtazin (the last leading analyst on Earth). For potential jumpers, a reportage can serve ...

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