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Is it possible to charge the battery without a phone. How to charge your phone without a charger: top unique ways and useful tricks

Batteries on smartphones and phones have their own lifespan, but most often, due to improper use, including charging, they fail prematurely. To extend the life of a battery, there are a few simple rules to keep in mind.

Use only the original charger. They have a special fuse that turns off the power supply after reaching one hundred percent battery charge. It is not available in cheap and universal chargers, and overcharging significantly reduces the battery life. If the original charging is not at hand, you should not put the smartphone to charge overnight. Usually, the battery reaches 100% in 3-4 hours, but even in the sleeping state, the phone consumes a certain amount of energy and the rest of the time, charging from time to time powers the gadget. This very quickly reduces the actual battery capacity and after a while the phone starts to drain many times faster.

It is best to remove the device from charge when it is 90-95% charged. This will help avoid the negative effects of high voltage.

Full discharge is no less harmful for the phone, try not to push it to extremes. One discharge before shutting down completely can cut battery life in half.

Do not use a device that is charging. This also kills the battery.

Nowadays, modern smartphones use lithium-ion batteries. They do not require any prelaunch preparation on first use. If ten years ago, after buying a new phone, the user needed to discharge it to zero three times, and then charge the battery to 100%, now a fairly new gadget is just put on charge once.

In general, manufacturers make smartphones with the expectation that in two or three years the user will replace the device with a new one. Therefore, even if you sometimes do not follow the above tips, nothing bad will happen.

  • People who spend a lot of time traveling, or for other reasons forced to use communication devices a lot, not being able to charge the phone battery as often as they need, are forced to look for ways out of this situation. Many people find a solution to the problem in carrying several telephone batteries with them at once (we are not talking about smartphones with). But sooner or later they will all be discharged and become useless. It takes too long to charge each one separately inside the gadget, it would be much more convenient to power one battery while the second is charging. In this regard, the question arises - how to charge a phone battery without a phone? You can make a device with your own hands, or you can buy a special device in a store for relatively little money. If you are not very sorry for the battery of a smartphone, tablet, and you need a gadget urgently, there are available ways to quickly charge the battery.

    Battery box

    It is possible to charge the phone's battery directly by building some semblance of the now popular mobile charge storage for gadgets - (by the way, this is the best way).

    For this, a special box is taken for installing batteries, which are connected to each other and have contact leads outward with the help of wiring - it can be obtained at radio flea markets or in electronics stores, perhaps it lies somewhere in the house. Several ordinary finger batteries are inserted there. You can remove the contacts and directly connect them to the phone's battery, observing the polarity, or solder the connector to the output hole and charge the mobile phone itself.

    Using chargers

    How to charge a phone battery at home separately from it, directly from charging?

    Make a universal device for battery power from any old device for powering gadgets:

    1. Find any lingering charger in the house.
    2. Cut off the connector that is inserted into the socket, carefully expose the wires. They are usually blue and red. Blue carries a charge with a minus sign, and red, respectively, a plus.
    3. Connect the metal ends of the wires to the phone battery, making sure that the polarity of the contacts matches - they must be signed on the battery, secure the connection with tape or electrical tape.
    4. Wait about an hour while the battery is charging, then you can insert it into the gadget and use it.

    How else to check the polarity of the wires?

    Some charging wiring may not have these standard colors, but some other. In such a situation, after all, you also need to somehow determine where which sign is. This is very easy to do. All you need is a glass of water, in which you need to dissolve a little ordinary table salt.

    1. The bare ends of the wires must be lowered into this glass.
    2. Connect the device to the network (the main thing is not to touch the water and the wires themselves, otherwise you can get an electric shock).
    3. Trace around which wire the water began to boil and bubble. He is negative.

    Charging from pieces of metal

    It happens that at least a slightly charged phone battery is required somewhere in nature, where there are no old chargers or other similar devices. Is it possible to charge the battery in such a situation? Quite, if you find more metal objects - pipes, corners and the like.

    1. Take the found items and stick them vertically into the ground.
    2. Wrap with wire, preferably copper.
    3. Take out the ends of this wire like wires and connect to the battery.
    4. Pour the metal part of the structure with an alkaline liquid, which is needed as an electrolyte. As an alkali, you can use solutions of salts or soda, some chemical agents, if it is known that they contain compounds of an alkaline nature. The more metal there is in the structure, the stronger the current.

    To make the battery last at least for a call, you can wrap its contacts with thin transparent tape or other adhesive tape. When returned to the site, this will give a charge for a couple of minutes of work.


    At higher temperatures, reactions begin to occur that occur when the battery is being charged. Therefore, you can try to replenish a small part of the charge in this way - apply the element to something hot or just rub it with your hands for a few minutes.


    The most risky method, which in almost all cases leads to further malfunction of the battery, was seen by many in childhood. Some bite finger batteries to make them work. The principle is the same here. Throwing the battery lightly against a rock or hitting it against some other solid object will build up a small charge, which is enough for a couple of quick actions or short conversations.

    Homemade wireless charger

    To make it, you will need:

    • thin, no more than half a millimeter in diameter, metal (ideally copper) wire;
    • diode;
    • some knowledge in the field of physics.

    What then:

    1. Make a flat coil of three dozen turns of wire.
    2. Fix it with electrical tape or special glue on the telephone battery.
    3. Take a diode and connect the contacts of the battery with a spiral through it.

    Use a ready-made fixture

    Of course, manufacturers of gadget accessories did not stand aside and took care of those who like to recharge batteries separately from technology. For such cases, there is a charger for the phone or tablet battery that feeds it directly, which is nicknamed by the common people because of its characteristic shape.

    It's pretty simple to use:

    1. Disconnect the device and remove the battery.
    2. Determine where the contacts are positive and where negative.
    3. Press down on the edge of the frog lid to open it.
    4. There are two terminals inside the device, which are marked with polarity.
    5. Put the battery with contacts to the terminals so that the "pluses" and "minuses" coincide.
    6. Close the cover, which will automatically fix the position of the battery.
    7. Connect the device to the mains and check if the red light comes on. If this does not happen, the battery has been placed incorrectly and needs to be corrected.
    8. When everything is connected correctly, it remains to wait until the red color of the indicator changes to green - this means that the battery is charged, and the "frog" turned off the power.

    There are many ways to charge the battery from any gadget, but it's better to be prudent and have something with you that will allow you to safely replenish the charge, and not resort to extreme methods at all or only in emergency situations.

    The battery is in front of you, but the phone itself is not? How can you charge it? Before choosing a charging method, you need to establish what type of battery the phone has:

    • Lithium-ion - marked on the body with a combination of letters Li-Ion;
    • Lithium polymer - Li-Pol;
    • Nickel Metal Hydride - NiMH.

    The latter option is no longer used in modern mobile devices. Among the listed lithium batteries, the difference is in the filler: in the first version, the substance is liquid, and in the second, it is gel-like.

    But all the same, no matter what the battery is, you really want to bring it back to life, that is, fill it with energy, and many may think that this cannot be done without a special charger. Do not rush to draw conclusions!

    How can you charge your battery at home

    There are several methods available for charging a battery:

    1. Via a computer (tablet, laptop). But for this method, there must be a usb adapter device through which both gadgets can be connected. Nowadays, manufacturers of different devices have agreed to release their models with the same slots for charging and USB connection, but earlier each model had its own connectors, which are practically not on sale now. If the cable for connecting to the computer is preserved, nothing is complicated, and in this way you can "revive" the phone's battery.
    2. A way for "craftsmen". If there is an unnecessary charger in the house, for example, there is no longer a phone for it, then we will experiment on it: carefully remove the insulating layer and expose the wires. They come in blue and red. Then you need to remove the battery from the phone, examine it visually: find a contact with a plus sign, you need to attach a blue wire to it, and a red wire to another, negative one. note: the wiring should never be in contact with each other, it will be better if you insulate them with thin tape. Now we charge the phone battery in the usual way.
    3. Using AA batteries. But for this method, you need a special socket where the batteries themselves are inserted, with a ready-made usb output. If you have not found something like that, then you can solder the connector suitable for the phone yourself. Such a simple device can be found on radio breakers or in the radio parts department.

    All of these methods are good for a city where every apartment has electricity. But what if the battery is discharged in nature?

    How to charge the battery without a phone in nature

    There are several extraordinary methods that will help to activate several amperes for 1-2 short calls:

    1. Remove the battery from the phone, cover the contacts with adhesive tape, and put it back in the slot. The battery will be able to work, but for a short time.
    2. This method requires any metal objects: they are stuck in the ground and wrapped with wire (preferably copper). To this structure, you need to connect several wires and bring their ends to the battery, pour saline on metal objects - it will act as an electrolyte. note that the more you use metal, the more current you can get in the end, the sooner the battery will charge.
    3. If nothing suitable is at hand, then you can warm up the battery, sometimes this method allows you to make 1-2 important calls: open the cover of the battery compartment, attach a knife well heated over the fire to it, so its activity will increase.
    4. If this is not the case, then you can make the battery work in an extreme way, however, its life cycle will then come to naught: knock it on any hard object, then insert it back, it may well be enough for 1-2 calls.
    1. Nickel fillers have a kind of "memory" - they can be charged for the first time only after the battery is completely discharged. If this principle is adhered to several times, then it will "remember", and afterwards, it will be possible to put it on charge to any degree of battery discharge;
    2. Lithium batteries can be put on recharge, even if they are still fully functional, they do not suffer from this as much as nickel.

    Sometimes, after a long period of inactivity, the phone may not show signs of life, even if it is fully charged - it needs time to activate all its functions, wait, after a while it will be possible to use it.

    Manufacturers use lithium-ion batteries in popular phone models. Their main feature is their increased capacity and reliability. But despite this, the energy consumption is increased. Charging has to be done several times a day. Sometimes this situation forces you to purchase a new battery. It would be nice to charge your phone battery without your phone. Especially when the charging socket is broken.

    Can I charge my phone battery without my phone?

    Let's say you have 2 batteries and 1 telephone. In this case, the alternate filling of the battery energy is not convenient. And it will take a lot of time. In addition, the constant removal and replacement of the cover leads to damage to the latches. After a while, it may not close and the battery will fall out.

    It is best to charge additional batteries separately from the phone. There are several ways you can charge your phone battery without your phone. These include specialized and homemade methods. It is desirable that the smartphone has a removable battery.

    Attention! If you are going to often charge additional batteries, take a special device. Handicraft recharging is best used in extreme cases.

    What do you need to know when performing direct charging of the phone battery?

    Before refilling your phone battery without a phone, consider the following:

    1. Only a factory device will give a good charge. Homemade can hurt.
    2. When charging at home, take into account the strength of the current, voltage, resistance. If you do not tighten the parameters, the current in the battery will not go. Twisting the battery can damage it.
    3. You should follow the process. When heating, disconnect the charged element.
    4. Observe the amperage characteristics strictly.
    5. The wrong way of charging can damage the batteries.

    Using artisanal methods at home is recommended for those who can distinguish plus from minus and are able to control voltage and current.

    Ways to charge your phone battery without your phone

    The best way to fill the battery with energy is to use a factory charger. You can also use a direct connection via a phone charger or charge from PowerBanka.

    With the help of a frog

    This is an industrial charger that got its name from its specific appearance. It can be used to recharge removable batteries.

    Algorithm for charging a phone battery without a phone using a frog:

    • Turn off the power to the smartphone and pull the battery out.
    • Clarify where the positive and negative contact is. Usually there are inscriptions "+" and "-". If not, then measure the polarity with a multimeter.
    • Lift the cover of the Frog Store. Note where the plus and minus are.
    • Place the battery in the device. To do this, slide the sliders with the contacts so that they match the poles with the battery.
    • Close the cover, it will secure the power supply.
    • Connect the device to a power outlet. The red light comes on. If the reaction is different, then the connection is not correct.
    • At the sight of a green light, you can disconnect the battery from the arrester. This indicates that it is charged.

    The main plus of the frog is its safety. If the battery is connected to the contacts incorrectly, then the charge will not go. But the battery will be completely intact.

    Direct connection to power supply

    There are 2 ways:

    • Take an old adapter with the required characteristics. Strip the plug and cut off the wiring. Find out the polarity with a tester and connect the voltages. The best power supply will be five voltniks with a current of 2 A. You can also use a device with a voltage of 9-20 volts and a current of up to 5 amperes. For example, from a laptop. But there is a risk of ruining the battery. To prevent this from happening, a resistor must be connected to the positive contact. And through it to carry out the transmission of current to the wire.
    • Connect two wires to the plug. Observing the polarity, connect them to the battery and wrap everything with tape.

    Attention! The battery has a controller that controls the charging. It does not allow the battery to be recharged and does not start up the battery with a voltage of more than 5 v. If it goes, turn off the heating device.

    From AA AA batteries or rechargeable batteriesPowerBank

    You can recharge with conventional batteries or batteries. To do this, take a box for 4 batteries. The output should be 6 volts. Check with a multimeter. The capacity of each individual energy source should be 1.5 volts. Observing the polarity, connect the wires from the assembled power bank to the phone battery and charge without the phone. Whether the battery is charged or not depends on the capacity of the energy sources.

    The circuit uses a 2 ohm resistor. This is required for 5 volts to drop across the battery. But if you do not put such a resistance, nothing will happen to the battery, since there is a controller.

    How to squeeze out the last charge from a phone battery without a phone?

    Sometimes it happens that you need to make one single call or go to the phone for a couple of minutes to view some data. In this case, emergency measures will come to the rescue.

    Transparent adhesive tape for stamps of the battery

    This method is simple and safe. It will help you squeeze out the charge for a couple of calls at home.

    Algorithm of actions:

    1. Disconnect your mobile device.
    2. Take out the battery.
    3. Cover the battery contacts with tape.
    4. Install the battery back.

    This approach allows you to squeeze out a little charge and do the essentials.

    Heating and pressure

    These methods are suitable if it is a very extreme case. Most often, these methods destroy the battery.

    • Take out the battery, heat the metal plate and apply the battery to it. You can also use the stove, but it is too dangerous.
    • Deformation. It is required to compress the battery a little. For example, throw it on the floor or squeeze it with your hands.

    Attention! Refer to the instruction manual. They prescribe what can be done with the battery, and what is prohibited.

    What impact do these methods have on phone battery performance?

    The easiest and safest method is to charge through the frog. The option where ordinary batteries are used also does not harm, but it is not very reliable. If the battery is already initially discharged, then nothing may come out. In addition, you will have to make a special case with protruding wires.

    Direct connection through a power supply is a risky business. If the parameters are neglected, the battery can be damaged.

    Emergency methods are all dangerous, except for the tape method. Heating is harmful, but deformation is even worse. Overkill and you can ruin the battery and not make a call.

    It is best to carry a charger or Power Bank with you.

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