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Recovery using recovery. Restoring the tablet from the brick state

Everyone who takes the first steps in studying the procedure for flashing Android devices initially pays attention to the most common way to carry out the process - firmware through recovery. Android Recovery- the recovery environment, which actually has access to almost all users of Android devices, regardless of the type and model of the latter. Therefore, the firmware method through the recovery can be considered, as the very easy way update, change, restore or completely replace the device software.

How to flash an Android device through factory recovery

Almost every device running the Android OS is equipped with a special recovery environment by the manufacturer, which provides, to some extent, including ordinary users, the possibility of manipulating the internal memory of the device, or rather, its sections.

It should be noted that the list of operations that are available through the "native" recovery installed in devices by the manufacturer is very limited. As for the firmware, only official firmware and / or their updates can be installed.

In some cases, through factory recovery, you can install a modified recovery environment ( custom recovery), which in turn will expand the possibilities of working with firmware.

At the same time, it is quite possible to perform the main actions for restoring operability and updating the software through the factory recovery. To install the official firmware or update distributed in the format * .zip, we carry out the following steps.

1. A zip installation package is required for the firmware. Download the required file and copy it to the device's memory card, preferably to the root. You may also need to rename the file before manipulation. In almost all cases, a suitable name

2. Boot into the factory recovery environment. The ways to access recovery differ for different device models, but they all involve the use of hardware key combinations on the device. In most cases the right combination - « Volume-» + « Nutrition» .

Press the button " Volume-"And, while holding it, press the button" Nutrition". After the screen of the device turns on, the button " Nutrition"Must be released, and" Volume-"Continue to hold until the recovery screen appears.

3. To install the software or its individual components into memory sections, you need the main recovery menu item -« apply update from external SD card» , select it.

4. In the opened list of files and folders, we find the package previously copied to the memory cardupdate.zipand press the selection confirmation key. The installation will start in automatic mode.

5. Upon completion of copying files, reboot into Android by selecting the item in the recovery« reboot system now» .

How to flash a device through a modified recovery

Modified (custom) recovery environments have a much wider range of options for working with Android devices. One of the first to appear, and today is a very common solution, is the recovery from the ClockworkMod team -.

Installing CWM Recovery

Since the CWM recovery is informal decision, you will need to install a custom recovery environment into your device before use.

1. Official way recovery installations from the developers ClockworkMod is an Android ROM Manager application. Using the program requires rooted rights on the device.

Download ROM Manager in the Play Store or from our website

  • Download, install, run.

  • On the main screen, tap the item " Recovery Setup» , then under the inscription« Install or update recovery» - paragraph « ClockworkMod Recovery» ... Scroll through the list of device models that opens and find your device.

  • The next screen after selecting the model is the screen with the button. « Install ClockworkMod»

  • After a short time, the required file will be downloaded completely and the installation process will begin CWM Recovery... Before you start copying data to the device's memory section, the program will ask you to grant it root-rights. After obtaining permission, the process of recording the recovery will continue, and upon its completion, a message will appear confirming the success of the procedure. « Successfully flashed ClockworkMod recovery» .

  • The process of installing the modified recovery is completed, press the button " OK» and exit the program.

2. If the device is not supported ROM app Manager or the installation does not work correctly, you must use other methods of installing CWM Recovery. The methods applicable for various devices are described in the articles from the list below.

  • For Samsung devices, in most cases, the application is used Odin... Details here - ( Flashing Samsung Android devices via Odin)
  • For devices built on the MTK hardware platform, the application is used Flashing Android devices based on MTK via SP FlashTool)
  • Most universal way, but at the same time the most dangerous and difficult is the recovery firmware via Fastboot ... In detail, the steps taken to install the recovery in this way are described at the link:

Firmware via CWM

With the help of a modified recovery environment, you can flash not only official updates, but also custom firmwares, as well as various system components, represented by localizations, add-ons, improvements, kernels, radio, etc.

It is worth noting the presence a large number versions of CWM Recovery, so after logging into different devices you can see a slightly different interface - background, design, may be present touch control etc. In addition, some menu items may or may not be present.

The examples below use the most standard version modified CWM recovery.
At the same time, in other modifications of the environment, during the firmware, items are selected that have the same names as in the instructions below, i.e. slightly different design should not cause concern for the user.

In addition to the design, the management of CWM actions in various devices is different. Most devices use the following scheme:

  • Hardware key " Volume +"- move one point up;
  • Hardware key " Volume-"- move one point down;
  • Hardware key " Nutrition"And / or" Home"- confirmation of the choice.

So, the firmware.

1. Prepare the zip packages required for installation into the device. We load them from Global Network and copy it to the memory card. Some versions of CWM can also use the internal memory of the device. V ideal case files are located at the root of the memory card and renamed using short, self-explanatory names.

2. We enter CWM Recovery. In most cases, the same scheme is used as for entering the factory recovery - pressing a combination of hardware buttons on the turned off device. Alternatively, you can reboot into the recovery environment from the ROM Manager.

3. Before us main screen recovery. Before starting the installation of packages, in most cases, you need to do “ wipe"Sections" Cache" and " Data"- this allows you to avoid many mistakes and problems in the future.

  • If you plan to clean up only the " Cache", Select the item" wipe cache partition", We confirm the deletion of data - clause" YesWipe Cache". We are waiting for the completion of the process - the inscription will appear at the bottom of the screen: “ Сache wipe complete».

  • The section “ Data". We select the item " wipe data / factory reset", Then confirmation" Yes - Wipe all user data ". This will be followed by the process of clearing partitions and a confirmation message will appear at the bottom of the screen: “ Data wipe complete».

4. Go to the firmware. To install the zip package, select the item "install zip from sdcard»And confirm your choice by pressing the corresponding hardware key. This is followed by the selection of the item "choose zip from sdcard».

5. A list of folders and files available on the memory card opens. We find the package we need and select it. If the installation files were copied to the root of the memory card, you will have to scroll down the list to display them.

6. Before starting the firmware procedure, the recovery again requires you to confirm the awareness of your own actions and understanding of the irreversibility of the procedure. We select the item " YesInstall *** .zip ", where *** is the name of the package being flashed.

7. The flashing procedure will begin, accompanied by the appearance of log lines at the bottom of the screen and the completion of the progress bar.

8. After appearing at the bottom of the screen the inscription “ Install from sdcard complete»The firmware can be considered complete. Reboot into Android by selecting the item " reboot system now»On the home screen.

Firmware via TWRP Recovery

Besides the solution from the ClockworkMod developers, there are other modified recovery environments. One of the most functional solutions of this kind is TeamWin Recovery (TWRP). How to flash devices using TWRP is described in the article:

Thus, the firmware of Android devices is carried out through the recovery environment. It is necessary to take a balanced approach to the choice of recovery and the method of their installation, as well as to flash into the device only the appropriate packages received from reliable sources. In this case, the process proceeds very quickly and does not cause any problems later.

ClockworkMod Recovery is a recovery for android devices, an alternative to the factory one, with many useful functions: creating backups, restoring the system from a backup, installing firmware and much more.

Any user of a device running on Android OS who is just starting to delve into the essence of this operating system, visiting various forums, blogs and sites someday, but will surely come across a rather strange and mysterious name - ClockworkMod Recovery. Most often, it is mentioned when it comes about replacing the kernel, flashing a smartphone or tablet and other "hacker" shenanigans.

Many people are probably worried about the question, what kind of ClockworkMod Recovery is, and also, what is it for and what to do with it? I will answer these very questions in this article, in the form full instructions Refer to the ClockworkMod Recovery User Manual.

In short, ClockworkMod Recovery, or as it is also called CWM, is an alternative recovery for devices running on Android OS. The ClockworkMod Recovery user manual consists of several sections:

1. Recovery. What is it?
2. What is ClockworkMod Recovery and what is it for?
3. Installing the ClockworkMod Recovery utility.
4. Launching the ClockworkMod Recovery utility.
5. Analysis of the ClockworkMod Recovery menu.
6. System recovery, as well as creating backups using CWM.
7. Basic ClockworkMod features: installing updates, firmware, kernels and other items on Android devices.

Recovery. What is it?

All devices running on the ANDROID OS have factory recovery, which, if necessary, can be loaded when you turn on your smartphone or tablet, using a special key combination. The factory utility, as a rule, is able to clean up the system, as well as install OS updates from the file.

What is ClockworkMod Recovery and what is it for?

ClockworkMod Recovery is an order of magnitude more powerful system utility than the built-in factory one. Thanks to her, you can create complete backups the Android operating system, and also install various software and all kinds of kernels and firmware on the device, and much more that factory recovery does not perform. ClockworkMod Recovery is installed instead of the factory menu, in a special section of the device's internal memory.

There are seemingly hopeless situations in which ClockworkMod Recovery can help. For example, if a smartphone or tablet cannot boot for whatever reason, this utility will help restore the operating system, and with all its applications and settings.

Below are some of the most important operations that can be done with ClockworkMod Recovery:
1) Connect to PC via USB cable when using removable storage mode.
2) Install unofficial kernels and custom firmwares.
3) Carry out the installation of factory system updates, as well as various fixes and additions.
4) Restore the operation of the device using a previously created copy.
5) Work with the ADB program by connecting your device to a PC using a USB cable.
6) Carry out the creation of a complete backup of the current firmware, as well as its parts, such as settings, applications and OS.
7) Create and edit sections on the device's memory card.
8) Return to factory settings (Wipe - data / factory reset), reset statistics battery(wipe battery stats), clear the dalvik-cache (wipe Dalvik-cache) and clear the cache (wipe cache).

ClockworkMod Recovery was developed and subsequently created by Koushik Dutta, aka Koush. For most Android devices, there are CWM versions.

Installing ClockworkMod Recovery

It can be noted that for most devices, installing the ClockworkMod Recovery utility is a fairly simple procedure. To do this, you just need to download and install the program from the Market and run it. The first item on the menu will be - Install ClockworkMod. For other smartphones and tablets, there are other separate utilities that are similar to the application used on Iconia tablet Tab. Well, or you can install ClockworkMod Recovery on them, but only with the help ADB programs which is a composite part of Android SDK and you can download it.

Launching ClockworkMod Recovery

You can load your device into ClockworkMod Recovery in several ways.
1) Using ROM program Manager, you will need to select an item in the menu called "Load Recovery Mode".
2) Using a specific key combination when turning on the Android device. Most often, the combination depends on the make and model of the tablet or smartphone. But in most cases, this is a combination of pressing the volume down rocker and the power key at the same time.
3) Using the ADB program. When configuring the connection of your device to a PC using this program, in order to boot the device you will need to enter the "command": adb reboot recovery.

ClockworkMod Recovery Menu Analysis

When you boot your tablet into the ClockworkMod Recovery utility, first of all you will see its main menu:

The screenshots were taken in ClockworkMod recovery 3.0, one of the most popular and widespread. In other versions, including newer ones, the menu may change slightly, but, nevertheless, its main functions, as a rule, remain unchanged.
On many devices, moving through the menu items is done using the volume rocker. And in order to select a specific item, use the power button. However, some Android devices may use other keys, for example, to return to a previous menu.

Whichever submenu you are in, in order to return to the previous menu, you can use the item +++++ Go Back +++++

Let's move on to the purpose of the main menu items:
1. reboot system - directly, reboot the device.
2. apply from sdcard - without a doubt, the item that is used more often than others.
Thanks to him, it becomes possible installation official and custom firmwares, as well as themes, kernels and other software, which must be in the file, and you must move it to the root of the memory card. For example, in file manager device running on Android OS is the / sdcard folder.
After you have selected this item, you will automatically be taken to the next menu, in which you must confirm your choice by clicking on Yes - Install /sdcard/

3. wipe data / factory reset - full reset of settings, cache and data. That is, after you use this item, the device will return to the state in which it was sold in the store. CWM will clean the / data and / cache partitions in the internal memory of the device. And also from system folder".android_secure" located on the memory card will also be deleted, including the sd-ext partition.
4.wipe cache partition- clearing temporary data accumulated during the use of the system and various programs, that is, clearing the / cache partition in internal memory. Most often this item is used before starting the installation of a new firmware or kernel.
5.install zip from sdcard - installs from a memory card, zip file... After you select this item, you will automatically be taken to the following submenu:

And its points mean this:
1) apply /sdcard/ - well, this item fully corresponds to the second item of the main menu "apply from sdcard".
2) chooze zip from sdcard - this item is needed in order to select a .zip file on the memory card for installation.
This item is also similar to item 2 of the menu and is used to install various firmware, kernels, and other modifications. But there is still a difference in it - the installation can be done from absolutely any file with the zip extension, which has any name, and located anywhere on the memory card. After selecting this item, you will see the entire list of folders and files on the device's memory card, from which you need to select a .zip file for further installation.

3) toggle signature veritification - enable and, accordingly, disable file signature verification.
When the signature check mode is enabled (Signature check: Enabled), installation of firmware that has not been signed by the developer will become impossible. And most of the unofficial firmware, just the same without the signature of the developer.
4) toggle script assert - enable or disable the assertion script.
This item is needed for internal use in ClockworkMod Recovery, that is, you don't need it, so it's best not to touch it at all.
5) +++++ Go Back +++++ - well, this item, as described above, is needed in order to return to the previous CWM menu.
6) backup and restore - this item is needed when creating and restoring device backups. Also, one of the most basic points of CWM. Thanks to him, you can make a complete backup of the tablet system, including all applications along with the data that is located in the internal memory of the device. This procedure also called "Nandroid backup", which means "System snapshot". This is necessary in order to return the smartphone to its previous state. It looks like this:

And its points mean this:
Backup - creating a backup copy of absolutely all partitions in the internal memory of the device.
The copy, after creation, will be located on the memory card. Initially, the name of the backup consists of the time and date of its creation. But you can rename it. But it should be remembered that the name must consist of numbers and Latin letters, spaces and Russian letters are not allowed.
Restore - restoring all partitions after selecting a specific backup.
After selecting this item, you will see the entire list of available backups located on the memory card. To restore, you just need to select one of them.
Advanced Restore - this item means restoring only a specific partition from the backup you choose.
The choice of any individual partition that you wish to restore is up to you: system, cache, sd-ext, data, or boot. More details can be seen in the screenshot below:

7) mounts and storage - an item thanks to which you can mount individual partitions, as well as format them and mount the device, in the role USB stick when connected to a PC. Once mounted, folders and partitions are available for use.

This menu consists of several items.:
1. mount / system - mount the system partition;
2. unmount / data - unmounting the data partition;
3. unmount / cache - unmounting the partition with the cache;
4. mount / sdcard - mount the device's memory card;
5.mount / sd-ext - implementation mount Linux, namely, get the ext partition on the memory card, if, of course, it is available;
6. format boot, format system, format data, format cache - formatting the partitions corresponding to the names.

Important! Be extremely vigilant with these menu items. For example, formatting system partition, will completely destroy your OS, i.e. the current firmware. And after you format the boot partition, the device will not boot.

Format sdcard - formatting the device's memory card;
format sd-ext - formatting the Linux partition on the memory card;
mount USB storage - connecting the device to a PC, in the removable device mode.

8) advanced - using additional CWM functions.

This menu also consists of several items:
1. Reboot Recovery- rebooting the device back to recovery;
2. Wipe Dalvik Cache - cleaning the Dalvik cache - virtual Java machines used to launch various applications... Most often, this menu item is used before starting the installation of custom firmware.
3. Wipe Battery Stat - clears the statistics of the battery. This item is most often used in order to reset incorrect battery meter information.
4. Report Error. This item allows you to inform the developers of the ClockworkMod utility about the error. In this case, the error log is written to the memory card of the device and it can be sent using the ROM Manager program.
5. Key Test - using this item you can check the functionality of the device buttons. It works as follows: when you press a button, its code is displayed on the screen.
6. Restart adb - reboot the ADB server. This item can be used if the device stops responding to the commands of the ADB program, when connected to a PC, via a USB cable.
7. Partition SD Card. With this item you can create partitions on the device's memory card. That is, you will be able to create / sd-ext and / swap partitions on the memory card. The / sd-ext partition is needed for use by certain firmware, in case of insufficient internal memory of the device. And the / swap partition is needed in order to speed up Android work devices.
8. Fix Permissions. This item will help you fix the access rights to sections and files. That is, there is a return to the factory state of access rights to files and folders of the system, in the event that changes were made due to incorrect work various root applications, which could lead to crashes and freezes in the device.

System recovery, as well as creating backups using CWM

Well, you already know that ClockworkMod becomes possible creation full backups of the device firmware. This utility creates snapshots of all the partitions that are in the internal memory of the device, as well as the ".androidsecure" folder, which is located on the memory card. Moreover, the "snapshot" is taken by the OS, along with its settings, and installed applications.

Create a backup (Nandroid Backup):

- Open the "backup & restore" item.
- Select "backup".
- Confirm your selection by clicking on "Yes".
- After creating copies, exit CWM using the "reboot system now" item.

After that go to the clockworkmod / backup folder. The full backup will be located in it. Its name, as already mentioned, will consist of date and time, but you can give a different name to the file. Do not use Russian letters under any circumstances.

Restoring the device from a backup using CWM:
- Reboot your device to CWM recovery.
- Click on "Backup & restore".
- Select "restore".
- Now you need to select the required backup from the list.
- Well, confirm your choice by selecting "Yes".

After the recovery is complete, exit CWM using the Reboot system now item.

Some separate applications from a backup copy of CWM, SMS, and WiFi settings, at the same time, without touching the current firmware, you can restore using an application or program.

The main features of ClockworkMod: installing updates, firmware, kernels and other elements on Android devices

All potential firmware, custom kernels and other applications and add-ons that can be installed on the device using CWM are packed in files with the zip extension.
Before installing anything on your smartphone or tablet, make a backup copy of the original firmware, in order to do everything as it was if necessary.
Make sure the device battery is fully charged and disconnect it from the PC and charger.
Copy the file that you want to flash to the root of the memory card, but never unpack it, and also make sure that its name consists only of Latin letters and numbers.
If you are interested in installing full firmware then do complete cleaning using the "wipe data / factory reset" item.

Only then proceed with the firmware:
- Insert the memory card into the device.
- Reboot your device to CWM.
- Select "install zip from sdcard".
- Open the "choose zip from sdcard" item.
- In the window that opens, find the file. It should be at the bottom, right after the list of folders, if there are any.
- Confirm your choice using "Yes".
- After completing the firmware, return to the previous menu using the item "+++++ Go Back +++++"

"Peeling" a tablet or phone is a partial or complete loss of functionality by the gadget, in which not only the main menu of the device can stop functioning, but also the Recovery mode. A similar situation often happens when installing a non-working firmware, accidentally deleting system files, unsuccessful obtaining of the rights of the main administrator (root access) and in other similar cases.

Recovery methods

To restore an Android tablet from the "brick" state, you can do the following:

  • contact the service center;
  • perform resuscitation at home.

Next, we will consider exactly the second option, since most of the procedures that will be offered to you in service center, you can do it yourself, while saving a considerable amount of money on the services of a master.

Reanimating the tablet through the standard Recovery menu

If the operating system boots up or the tablet hangs on the Android logo, then it's not all that bad. You can restore a "brick" from such a state through the standard Recovery environment, which is integrated into all versions of the Android OS by default.

To carry out the upcoming work, you need to have a previously created backup tablet or a special zipped file with firmware that can be downloaded via the Internet. When choosing a firmware, you need to look to make it compatible with your device.

Having successfully saved the required archive on the computer, it must be transferred to the tablet. To do this, a built-in memory card is removed from the gadget and connected to a PC through a card reader. The archive is then copied to the SD card in the root directory. The USB flash drive can be disconnected from the computer and connected to the tablet.

After everything is ready, you can proceed directly to resuscitation:

After confirming the above actions, the recovery of the tablet from the "brick" state will begin. After restarting the gadget, everything should work. The only problem is that all the information previously saved in the device's memory (installed applications with settings, notes, sms, etc.) will be lost forever. To prevent this, periodically make backups of your smartphones.(tablets) and for greater reliability, additionally save them on the hard disk of your computer.

Recovering "bricks" with CWM Recovery

CWM Recovery (Modrecovery) is a special program that is installed on the tablet instead of the standard Recovery environment. It fits perfectly with most models of gadgets running on Android OS, and is an indispensable assistant in reanimating a device from a "brick" state.

Installing CWM Recovery

Install this program as possible through standard menu Android and using a personal computer. The first option will not work for us, since the "brick" does not allow us to install anything.

To install Modrecovery you must:

  1. Install drivers for your tablet on your computer. To find out which driver is needed, you can connect the gadget to the PC, then go to the "Device Manager" and see necessary information... After that, the device must be disconnected from the PC.
  2. Get the SP utility Flash Tool... This is a special program that allows you to install on a tablet or phone with an OS Android custom Recovery.
  3. Download the recovery-clockwork.img file on your PC, which contains everything you need to install CWM Recovery information... For each gadget model there is specific version of this program. This should be taken into account when looking for a suitable file. For some devices, there is both a classic and a touch modification of Modrecovery. Choose the one you like best.
  4. Unzip the downloaded file.
  5. Run SP Flash Tool.
  6. In the main window, click "Scatter Loading", then specify the path to the unzipped Modrecovery.
  7. Uncheck the boxes in front of all items except RECOVERY, and then click on Download.
  8. Connect your tablet to your computer. Attention! Until that time, it must be disconnected from the PC.
  9. The automatic installation of the CWM Recovery software will begin. Upon completion, a green circle will appear on the computer.
  10. Disconnect the device from the PC.

After completing the installation of Modrecovery, you can proceed directly to restoring the gadget from the "brick" state.

A step-by-step wizard makes it easier for the user to recover data. All the complexity and technical details way to recover data from hard disk remains inside and does not touch the user. It will not be difficult for you, following the instructions of the wizard, to find, restore and save important information for you from the disk.

Step 1: Selecting a drive for data recovery

You must specify the logical drive from which the data was deleted. Choose a physical storage medium or use "Search for sections" provided that data from the disk was lost as a result of deletion, creation of new logical partitions or formatting of the disk.

Virtual image

In order to protect yourself from unintentional overwriting of deleted files and restore data to the same disk, you need to create a virtual copy of the disk and restore data from the created virtual image.

Create an image

In the main menu of the program, find the "File" item and select the item "Create virtual disk» ... In the dialog box that opens, you will need to choose either to create an image of the entire media as a whole, or specify the starting sector and disk size, depending on how much data you want to recover. To save disk space, the program can compress data on the disk. You should enter the name of the file with the future image and click on the "Save" button.

Using the image

To add a saved image to the folder tree, you need to select the "Service" item of the main menu, and then the item "Mount disk"... Next, specify the full path to the file with the saved image. After you see that the utility has added the image to the folder tree, you can start working with it, namely, to analyze and search for deleted information. You also have the opportunity to use it on a laptop or any other computer.

Recovering deleted partitions

The utility finds logical drives that were deleted, and makes it possible to continue searching for files deleted from them and recovering the necessary data. This allows you to significantly save time for analysis of hard disk. To search for partitions, select a device in the folder tree and select the "File" - "Find disks" item in the main menu. Next, you need to specify the type of file system of the partition to search for, as well as its estimated location on the device. We recommend that you analyze the entire disk and search for all possible file systems. If no search parameters are specified, the program will run by default quick search sections. In order to find more partitions, you will need to run a full analysis of the device at the end of the disk analysis. All sections that will be found as a result of the search will be added to the directory tree and will be available for the next scans.

Step 2: Choosing a disk recovery method

To recover data that has been deleted, you must select a recovery method. The program supports two different ways data analysis for recovery. Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a closer look at these methods.

Fast scan

Way "Quick Scan" speaks for itself. Its advantage is that it can be used to analyze a disk in a matter of seconds. This method is applicable to search for files that have been deleted using the Shift + Delete key combination, as well as if Windows Recycle Bin has been cleared. The second method - "Full analysis" takes much more time. The larger the disk capacity, the longer the "Full Analysis" will take. Nevertheless, it is recommended to use the "Full analysis" method, if the data was not deleted by the methods indicated above.

Complete analysis

"Full analysis" - this method uses all possible algorithms search for lost data embedded in the program, and makes it possible to recover data that was deleted by the most different ways... In this way, files with damaged disks, data lost as a result of formatting, information lost as a result of the creation of new logical partitions, and for any other reason.

Step 3: Finishing the recovery process

The program starts searching for lost files. The data recovery process takes some time. The utility calculates the time until the end of the recovery process and indicates the number of disks, files and folders found. It is required to wait until the end of the analysis of the lost data and click on the "Finish" button.

Analysis process

The program will display all found files and folders on the disk as a result of the search. The files will appear in the same folders in which they were located before they were deleted. The data will be displayed in the same way as in the Windows Explorer program. Objects that have been deleted will be marked with a red cross. Everything available types information display, namely: large and regular icons, page thumbnails, table, list, tiles, are supported by the program. The recovered files can be sorted by name, size, creation date or editing date, as well as by file type. After the end of the analysis, the user has the opportunity to repeat the search for files by name, size, date of creation or modification of files.

The $ Deleted and Found folder and the $ Deep Scan»

As a result of the end of the procedure, two sections are created: section "$ Removed and Found" which contains files and folders with undefined location and section "$ Deep Analysis", which will contain files that match certain search criteria. A few words about this criterion. The utility searches for deleted files not only from file tables, but also searches for files by their content. As a result of a comprehensive analysis of the contents of the disk, the program finds the signatures responsible for the beginning and end of the file (for example, the beginning of the file with the PSD extension will be a combination of bytes "8B PS"). Into the folder "$ Deep Analysis" all files found in this way are included. If you did not find files in the place of their original location, it is recommended to check the section "$ Removed and Found".


The program interface displays the files found for recovery in the same form as you are used to seeing them in the Windows Explorer program. The user sees them in the same folders in which they were located before they were deleted. Using the utility, viewing the contents of the files, you can select and save only the data that you need for recovery.

View file contents

For the final decision on data recovery, you can view the contents of the file before recovery. The program supports data display different formats... You can see the contents compressed archives, text format, spreadsheets and images, video and audio, and even executable files... In total, the program supports viewing over 200 different formats. The fact that you were able to view the contents of the file in preview, guarantees data recovery after registration of the program.

Selecting files to save

The stage of saving recovered files requires careful attention. If you save files that were deleted from the same folder, you should go to this folder, select required files from the general list of files and then go to the main menu "File" - "Restore". If you save files from different folders, You should drag all the data that you are going to restore with the mouse to "Recovery basket". "Recovery basket" located in the lower right corner of the program. And for final restoration data, you should use the "Restore" button located in the Trash.

Step 4: Saving data recovered from the hard drive

The recovered files can be saved in any way convenient for you. The program provides the ability to save data to a folder on your hard disk, burn it to CD or DVD media, and you can also upload the saved data to an FTP server or create an ISO image of the data.

Saving the recovered data to the hard drive

To save the recovered files to the hard drive, you must specify the folder on the drive where you are going to save the data. If you want to leave the current folder structure unchanged and save the recovered data in the folders in which they were previously located, you should enable the corresponding switches. The program also allows you to perform ADS saving (from English Alternate Data Streams) and replace those characters that were lost in the file name when it was deleted. Usually, when deleting a file, the first letter in the file name is destroyed, but there are times when it is lost and large quantity characters in the title.

Burn CD or DVD

If you decide to save the recovered data by writing it to CD or DVD media, then in this case the program provides user-friendly interface for this procedure. You will be able to select the disc label, speed and file system to write the recovered data. Next, you will need to select the drive through which the recording will be carried out, as well as specify the parameters that are necessary for recording, or agree with the parameters offered to you by the program by default. Then click "Next". The program has support for multisession disc recording. You can save files in the same folders from which they were deleted by selecting the option "Restore folder structure"... If this option is not selected, then all files will be saved in one directory.

Create ISO image with files

If you decide to save the recovered data using a virtual ISO image, then you will need to specify full name image file, disk label, and disk file system. To preserve the folder structure and replace unknown characters in the names of the recovered data, you will need to select the appropriate menu items responsible for these options. Before completing the creation of the image, the program allows you to view the folders and files selected for saving one more time, and, if necessary, make changes to the file names. To complete ISO creation image, click on the "Create" button.

It is also possible to save the recovered data to a remote FTP server with using Hetman Partition Recovery... This can be done using the FTP protocol. You can leave the original directory tree structure unchanged. You will need to specify the address, FTP server port, username, password and remote directory. Both passive file upload mode and work through a proxy server are supported. In order not to enter the password every time, you can remember it. The password will be stored in open form in the settings file. At this stage, you can view the files and folders selected for saving and, if necessary, make changes to the file names. To complete uploading files to the FTP server, click the "Create" button.

Recovery is also called Recovery Mode for android. It is a special mode through which the android simultaneously boots and restores the system or updates it.

Recovery starts when pressed a certain combination keys. It is different for each device. For example, for Samsung it is “Home” + “Power” + “Volume Up”, and for Nexus it is “Volume Down” + “Power”. You can find out the exact combination of your android via the Internet.

Recovery types and capabilities

Since this is software, someone is writing it. Depending on the creator, the recovery is divided into two types:

1. Stock Recovery - created by the native manufacturer for the device.
2. - an alternative version, which is created by individual programmers. Has more features than the official one.

The "basic" features of this mode are as follows:

1) restart android;

2) install updates to android;

3) flash the phone, that is, reset the data to factory settings;

4) copy and restore the system;

5) delete the cache from the device;

6) install the archive from the memory card;

7) enable USB-MS mode for data transfer to SD.

Custom Recovery, in addition to the above, has many more features. For example, you can, but selectively, by saving the files you want.

There is also Photo Data recovery- the program, which we will talk about below.

Custom Recovery Navigation and Menus

You can "move" through the Custom mode using the keys:

"VolDOWN" - down, "VolUP" - up, "POWER" - back, "CAMERA" - item selection.

Below are the main menu items to make it easier for you to understand the English language:

2) formatting the internal partition - wipe data / factory reset;

3) installing the firmware from a memory card - install zip from sdcard;

4) saving and restoring - backup and restore;

5) advanced recovery mode - Advanced Restore;

6) formatting the "boot" section - format boot;

7) formatting the "system" section - format system;

8) formatting of the "date" section - format data;

9) formatting of the "cache" section - format cache;

10) formatting the memory card - format sdcard;

11) formatting the Linux partition - format sd-ext;

12) connection to a computer in the form of a flash drive - mount USB storage;

Installing Recovery

Installing recovery on your android is quite simple. Follow the step by step instructions:

Step 1. Through the Market, you need to install "Rom Manager 4.2" or "Rom Manager 4.0".

Step 2. Run the program and give root rights.

Step 3. Click on Installing clockworkmod recovery, which is listed as the first item.

Step 4. We are waiting for the message about the successful completion of the installation.

A little about Photo Data Recovery

Photo Data Recovery is a recovery software deleted files on Android.

The main functions as well as the features of Photo Data are as follows:

1) easy to use and user-friendly interface;

2) quick installation and a small volume of the installer;

3) a filter to find the desired remote file;

4) the ability to select the time intervals after which the android's memory will be cleared;

5) permanent removal unwanted files.

Photo Data Recovery is a must have for those who like to store important information on the phone. You can install this program by following the link.


Recovery is used in case of problems with the smartphone: it stopped turning on, the operating system "flew", the android began to glitch. Through this mode it is convenient to control your device and "treat" it.

You should download and install it absolutely free so that you can be the master of your device, and not vice versa.

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