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Restore the system 2 days ago. How do I restore the system to an earlier date? Recovering a deleted restore point

In case of failures and errors, to return the operating system to its previous state, Windows XP has a built-in system for archiving the registry and system data. Although it is imperfect in many ways, it often helps to solve problems. The name in English System Restore Application, which means system recovery program... The process of restoring the system to its previous state is often referred to as " System rollback". The program can be accessed in different ways. The first thing to do is to check if you have enabled system recovery system... To do this, click right click on the "My Computer" icon (see the note at the end) and in the drop-down menu select, at the bottom "Properties". In the opened window titled

Select "Properties" at the top of the "System Restore" tab. The window contains a list of disks and if the recovery system is enabled, then next to each entry, there should be an inscription "Monitoring". At the bottom there is an inscription "Disable system restore on all disks", when the system is on, there should not be a checkmark opposite the inscription. When you select a disk and click the "Options" button, a window of the same name will open, in which you can disable System Restore on this

disk. Here you can also use the slider to change the disk space allocated for archiving. System Restore creates what are called system restore points. By default, restore points are created periodically and when

important system events, for example: installation of programs, drivers, package updates. You can create your own restore points. It is especially useful to do this if you intend to perform questionable actions in the system, in the positive outcome of which you are not sure.

There are several ways to use the recovery system. The first way, through help and Windows support... To do this, press the start button and in the menu on the right we click "Help and Support" and on the right we find "Undo changes using System Restore" and click on this inscription. The "System Restore" window opens where you can select


an earlier state of the computer "or" Create a restore point ", select what you need and click" Next ". If you chose "Restore more

early computer state ", a corresponding window with a calendar will open, where you can select a restore point by date or time and click" Next "to continue recovery. When choosing

To create a restore point, in the window that opens, you need to enter the name of your point and click the "Next" button to create it.

Sometimes there is no "Help and Support" in the "Start" menu, then you can try to call it with the F1 key. If this does not help, then, most likely, the "Help and Support" service is disabled. How to deal with services, you can read

You can open the "System Restore" window by going to Start> All Programs> Accessories> System Tools> System Restore.

Note: Sometimes users, not knowing how to display a full-fledged icon "My Computer" on the desktop, pull out a shortcut (this one with an arrow). Then when you select "Properties" opens the shortcut properties window, and this is not what we want. To solve this problem, you need to go to the "Start" menu and right-click "My Computer", and then as indicated above. Or display a full-fledged icon on the desktop. You can read about it

System rollback W indows 7 - standard procedure recovery, which allows you to restore a working configuration in the event of a software errors... By using this tool, you return the system to a state when it worked correctly; any changes made after the selected restore point disappear.

System rollback in Windows environment

Before we start figuring out how to rollback Windows systems 7, it should be noted important factor: to complete this procedure, you must have the checkpoint function activated.

To activate the restore function:

The more you give for space recovery points, the more more options to rollback the system you will have. However, you do not need to be zealous, because you borrow free place on the hard drive.

If the function was activated earlier (by default it is always enabled), then you can rollback to the previous working configuration:

A warning will appear on the screen that the recovery process cannot be stopped. Click Yes to continue and wait for the computer to restart.

Users often ask how to rollback the system a day ago. This can be done if a checkpoint was previously created on this date. If there is no restore point, then it will not be possible to restore the configuration of yesterday.

Using Safe Mode to Roll Back the System

Now let's see how to roll back the W indows 7 system if it stopped working correctly: for example,. In this case, "" will help you, which starts in the boot options selection menu (- F 8 immediately after turning on the computer).

Desktop in safe mode will look somewhat different from the usual form, since everything visual effects will be disabled. However, you can find and use the "System Restore" function in the same way as with the usual booting Windows, - through the "Start" menu.

If Windows refuses to boot even in Safe Mode, you can roll back the system to a certain date by using installation media... You can familiarize yourself with this procedure in more detail in the article about. In this case, the system rolls back according to the same scheme: you find a suitable control point and return the computer to a working configuration.

Regularly working with a computer, there is a high probability of "catching" a virus that will affect the stability of the operating system. If deleting all threats by antivirus software and uninstalling recently installed programs and the drivers did not help, you have to use rollback Windows systems 7.

Today I will show you several ways to do this. Don't think it's hard. Any novice user can handle it.

What is a rollback point?

Rollback point (TO) or restore point (TV) is the version of Windows OS hidden in the archive (). It can be used in the future to resume computers. TO is created either automatically by the system (after each installation of new software or drivers), or independently by the user. No point Windows recovery to produce this process it is forbidden.

We create TO for our own safety

If you do not want to worry about the safety of your own data, create a TV before installing new programs and drivers and if you plan to make changes to the registry or BIOS configuration. To create a backup archive, you need to do a few simple steps... This is done in a few minutes.

Click the "Start" button (located in the lower left part of the screen) and follow the path: "Computer - Properties - System Protection". The following should open:

Through this window, not only the creation of TO takes place, but also the direct restoration of the operating system. Before starting, check that protection is activated on the system disk. If it is not there, click the "Configure" button. A window will open in which you need to select desired section and the amount of memory that will be allocated for backups (3-5 GB is enough).

Now let's move on to the process of forming a restore point. As many of you have guessed, it starts with clicking the "Create" button.

In the field of the window that opens, enter a description. For example, if you plan to install the "Example" program, you can specify its name. If it comes to a rollback, it will make it easier to navigate. It is worth noting that TO can be stored in a computer from several weeks to several months. Therefore, if you created it a few days ago, you can easily use this point.

We carry out a rollback through "Start" and "Run"

If your computer has stopped working stably, but it starts up, then you can perform recovery directly from Windows interface... First you need to open system utility... This can be done in two ways.

The first is to go to "Start" and type "restore ..." in the search bar. An issue will appear where you need to select the "System Restore" application. The second is through command line... To open it, press the combination Win keys(located between CTRL and ALT) + R. On the line type "rstrui.exe" (without quotes). When using any method, the required program will open, which looks like this:

On next page a list of available restore points will appear. Select the one you need (be guided by the description and date of creation).

On the final stage you need to choose system disk and click the "Finish" button. Another window will appear. In it, click "Yes". The rollback will take place over the next few minutes. It will end after rebooting the system. Information about the end of the return of the previous parameters should appear on the opened desktop. If no changes have occurred, try repeating the process, but with an earlier TV.

Using Last Known Good Configuration

If the malfunction is so critical that the operating system will not start, you will have to use this method. In fact, it is the simplest one. It is necessary to take a minimum of steps to return your PC to work.

Reboot the PC and, after loading the BIOS (when the picture ends start screen), press the F8 key several times (located at the top of the keyboard above the standard numbers). This will open the page for selecting additional OS startup parameters. Here you must select Last Known Good Configuration.

If everything is fine, then stable work will be resumed. When you restart your computer after selecting the above item and returning to the previous black screen, you must use the method that I will describe below.

We activate "Safe Mode" to rollback Windows

If the methods described earlier did not help, use this. Start the reboot again and press the F8 key several times after activating the BIOS. You will see the already familiar section with a black background, where you need to select "Safe Mode":

The system will start, but with serious restrictions. I will say right away that it will not work to interact with many applications, since this mode intended for system actions (in particular, for rollback). Run the "System Restore" utility as we did in the first method. Only here, at the first step, you need to manually select maintenance:

Then the algorithm of actions is already familiar: choose the desired point and system drive and agree to all subsequent terms. After reboot correct work Windows OS should resume. But provided that backup you created before the problem occurred.

We roll back the system with the installation disk and to the factory settings

TO this way proceed if the previous ones did not help. To use it, you must have a flash drive or disk with Windows needed version, I already told earlier. That is, if you have a "seven" and a disc with a "ten", then you will not be able to roll back from 10 to 7. To get started, insert a disc or flash drive, restart your computer. After activating BIOS, press F9 or F11 several times.

The Windows OS installer should turn on. On start page click on the "System Restore" button.

Will start famous utility, where you need to select a restore point, system drive and agree to all subsequent warnings. It is possible to roll back to factory settings. But it depends on the features of the PC and the installer. This can be done at the stage of choosing a recovery tool (see the screen above):

On next step select the first item:

Once the process is complete, the computer will restart and you will have to re-specify the system configurations. It is worth noting the main disadvantage of this method - after it all files on the hard disk will be deleted. Don't forget to save them to the cloud.

Of course, it's better to never face something like this, but no one is immune from the activities of modern hackers. If you want to protect yourself from modern threats, use antivirus software Dr.Web Security space 11 ... You can buy it in large online store software AllSoft.

Now you know where the tools you need to carry out Windows rollback 7. With such knowledge, you can easily recover if any problems arise. My article today is coming to an end.

Don't forget to subscribe to the blog! Andrey Zenkov was with you, I'll see you in the following articles.

So, today we will talk with you about how to roll back the system in Windows 7. The point is that modern viruses and trojans are capable of causing different kinds crashes. Then the computer stops working normally. So there is a need to do "kickbacks". Let's learn how this is done.

If there is no choice

But when is a rollback necessary for Windows 7? Let's try to figure it out with you in this difficult matter.

For a start, it is worth understanding that such "things" are not done just like that. You must have a good reason for any manipulation of your operating system. The first option, when a user may need a system rollback for Windows 7, is trivial clutter that cannot be fixed normal methods... Moreover, this option suitable only when the computer starts to slow down due to "junk".

The second reason why you may need to rollback Windows 7 is constant crashes and factory reset.

Of course, one cannot ignore such a scenario as the introduction of a virus or trojan onto your computer. Sometimes it is the rollbacks that help you cope with the problem. So, now let's see how to properly prepare and carry out the "operation".


Of course, after you notice that your computer has ceased to "obey" and constantly slows down, then a completely logical conclusion comes to mind - to make a rollback. After all, it returns the computer to the state in which it was on the selected date. Very comfortably. True, if you decide to pull off such an action, then you should prepare well. In Windows 7, a system rollback can be accomplished in several ways, which we will talk about today. But for now, we are just getting ready.

You will need to save all your data that is important. Of course, as a rule, rollbacks do not affect personal information, but in case of a "failure" during the process, you can "lose" Windows along with all the data. So it's better to play it safe. In addition, it is advisable to scan your computer for viruses. Some Trojans can interfere with the recovery process. So, if you are not afraid, then all that remains is to choose how to rollback the Windows 7 system, and then proceed to action. Let's see what's available for this.


Well, the first and the most popular way- This is the recovery of the "operating system" using built-in functions. It is very convenient to do this in Windows 7. System rollback will happen rather quickly, however, you need to enable the function of setting "rollback points" in advance. It is enabled by default.

But how can you roll back operating system when did you enter it? To do this, you need a "recovery tool". It can be found in the Start Menu. From there go to "Standard" and then select "System". Then it remains only to click on the "recovery tool". Now let's do a system rollback together in Windows 7.

After you have clicked on the button, a window will open in front of you, which will warn you about the inevitability of the system returning to the state that you have "installed" now. Just agree with him and follow along. Now you need to select a restore point. As a rule, they are done automatically. If there are none, then you are out of luck - if successful, all settings will "fly" to "zero". Click next and wait for the process to finish. During it, the system may reboot several times. Now you know how to roll back the system in Windows 7. But this is only the first option. Others are worth talking about.

Command line

Of course, you can't go anywhere without the so-called command line. It is she who will help us implement today's idea. True, you need to carry out the process correctly so as not to lose important data.

First thing you need to do is start the system in safe mode. Made? Call the command line (by pressing Win + R), and then enter a special combination. Suitable for performing a system rollback in Windows 7 with the "rstrui.exe" command. Now press Enter. The already familiar "restorer" window will open in front of you. In it, select a rollback point and confirm your actions. Now all that remains is to wait for the completion. In Windows 7, rolling back the system when booting in Safe Mode is another very popular method used by system administrators... But there is another scenario for the development of events. It is not suitable for everyone. Let's get to know him.

Installation disc

So, another way that you can roll back the system in Windows 7 is with installation disk... If you already have one, that's great. No? Then it is better to use one of the already familiar options. After all, the whole problem is that the computer will refuse to work with a disk that is not identical for your OS.

In the case when the user uses a "pirate", especially one that he himself installed, problems should not arise. In general, let's assume that we already have a disk. Now you need to set up your computer and get started.

Insert the disc into the floppy drive and enter BIOS. There you need to put the boot from DVD-ROM first "a. Save and restart your computer. Wait until the Windows 7 installer starts to open. You will see the system rollback immediately.

Look in the lower left corner of the window - there will be a "recovery". In the window that opens, select "System Restore". Read the information about the irreversibility of the process and click "next". Now it's worth choosing a rollback point. If the computer was configured correctly, then at least 2-3 pieces you will already have. Have you chosen? Click next.

In the window that opens, click "done". A warning from the series "did you think well?" Will pop up. Yes, we were good at brains! So, boldly press "yes" and watch how our system will recover. After that, just click on the "restart" button. That's all - you know how to rollback with all possible methods.

Doesn't always help

True, very often it turns out that in Windows 7, system rollback does not help. Moreover, it can start and then "stall" in the middle or, even worse, at the very end. And no matter how hard you try to get the recovery tool to work, you just can't do it. What then?

In this situation, only complete reinstallation Windows. So, keep a close eye on your computer, make rollback points to be prepared for the fact that you need to perform a recovery. Good luck!

An unsuccessful update or a "crooked" installed program can damage the operating system. Fortunately, Microsoft engineers anticipated the likelihood of this development. Ever since the Millennium version, users have the ability to roll back Windows to a stable state.

System Restore is designed to create shadow copies system files... She works in automatic mode, but the user can manually create a rollback point if they wish. Windows copies itself in the following cases:

  • when installing new drivers or programs, if the installer supports System Restore;
  • when restoring the OS from the selected checkpoint;
  • when installing updates to the operating system;
  • according to the schedule with a frequency of once a week. If during this time another point was created, the task is skipped.

By default, storage of shadow copies is allocated from 3 to 5% disk space, but no more than 10 GB. Settings in different versions The operating systems are almost identical, but there are major differences in how the recovery environment works. Let's consider them with specific examples.

Windows 7

You can access the recovery options through the control panel. We find in it the section indicated in the screenshot.

In the navigation area, select the item "System protection".

The properties window opens on the tab we need. This is where the management of the System Restore service is concentrated. The area indicated by the arrow displays the connected hard drives... There can be several of them in the system. To be able to rollback Windows 7 back, the service must be running for the drive on which the OS is installed. For the rest, its work is not critical, since user files are not affected by recovery. Consider available opportunities management.


In the upper part of the window, we have three parameters. By default, the service is started and running in recovery mode. The middle item is unique in that it is only present in Windows 7. Besides, it is no longer interesting. It is not recommended to use it, as the chances of successful recovery will decrease significantly. The last item allows you to completely disable protection for the selected disk. The arrow indicates a slider that allows you to adjust the space allocated for shadow copies.


By clicking on the corresponding button, we run manual creation restore points. The only thing the user needs to do is provide her with a name.

After a while, the system will notify you of the successful completion of the operation.


Launch the recovery wizard. The first window is informational. We skip it and go directly to the execution of the procedure itself.

By Windows default will offer to use the last created point. To get a complete list of all available in the system, put a tick in the place indicated by the arrow. Additionally, at this stage, you can view a list of programs that will affect the performed procedure.

The window is divided into two parts. The upper one displays new software versions, and the lower one - to be restored.

Opening full list, we can choose a suitable point and roll back changes a few days or a day ago. The choice will depend on how often new software is installed or manual copies are made. Having decided on the required date, click the "Next" button.

The system will give us brief description selected point and asks for confirmation.

The last window informs that the operation must not be interrupted for successful execution. By clicking on the "Yes" button, we start the rollback of the Windows 7 system.

The computer will execute automatic reboot and the OS will return to the state we selected.

Windows 7 recovery environment

When the PC does not boot into normal mode, you can restore from a point by going to Windows environment RE. In Windows 7, for this at the boot stage, use the "F8" key. Select the item marked in the screenshot.

At this stage, be sure to select the layout required for entering the password. For this, we will use the drop-down menu at the location indicated by the arrow.

We type the user's password. The input language is not displayed at this stage, so you need to set it in advance.

Select the item indicated in the screenshot.

The wizard we have already reviewed will start, with which you can perform recovery from a point.

Creation procedures shadow copy and recoveries take only a few minutes. Having spent them, you guarantee yourself the possibility of returning the OS to a working state and will not waste time reinstalling it.

Windows 10

System Restore works slightly differently on this system. By default, the recovery service is always disabled. It does not depend on how the installation was performed. In other words, if you upgrade a system from Windows 7 that the service was running on, you will still get it disabled. Automatic start is performed when the first update is received or when installing the software with the MSI installer. In this place, trouble awaits those who like to break HDD into sections. Various kinds of "installers" practice this technique to "increase stability." As a result, the user at the most inopportune moment discovers that it is impossible to roll back Windows 10. The fact is that Microsoft artificially limited the work of System Restore on computers with a small volume hard disk... The service starts automatically only when system partition has a size of over 128 GB. To check Current state protection, we go to the classic control panel. You can get to it using the Run menu by typing control in the text box.

We find the familiar section "System".

In the navigation menu, open the designated item.

Go to the protection settings by clicking on the indicated button.

We move the switch to the "Enable" position or make sure that the service is running. Using the slider, you can adjust the highlight under shadow copy space.

By creating a checkpoint, we can, if necessary, roll back the Windows 10 system. All other recovery operations in a normally working OS are completely similar to those described for Windows 7.

Windows 10 recovery environment

Speed ​​up loading on initial stage led to the fact that the selection of its special options using the "F8" key no longer works. Let's look at how to rollback to Windows 10 using the recovery environment. We open a new menu of system parameters. We select the marked section in it.

In the navigation area, go to the "Recovery" item. An arrow-pointed button appears on the right side of the window. Click on it to restart your computer in Safe Mode.

On the menu Windows Recovery select the designated section.

We open Extra options diagnostics.

We find the item we need that allows us to roll back to the restore point.

The system will ask us for a password for confirmation account... After completing this operation, we will get to the desired recovery menu.

In very "neglected" cases, when the computer cannot boot normally, you will need to use the media with the distribution kit. At the initial stage, instead of installing, select the marked item.

As a result, we will again find ourselves in windows menu Recovery only by booting from the installation media. Here we can roll the system back to a stable state by selecting the desired restore point.


If the hardware configuration is working properly, use restore points to return Windows to working condition you can almost always. To do this, you do not need to use programs to roll back the system. Most of them apply to paid basis, and paying for duplication of the functionality available in the system is not the most The best way spend your funds.

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