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Restore pdf file. Software for repairing damages in PDF documents Adobe Acrobat

The PDF format often contains scans of important documents, so the loss of such files can turn into serious troubles. Fortunately, a PDF file can be restored using special programs and online services. Recovery in this case does not mean returning deleted data, but fixing errors that prevent you from opening the file.

Document recovery

Before you start fixing errors in an electronic document, make sure that the problem is in it and not in the PDF viewer.

If you are using Adobe Reader, try opening a different, known working document through it. If none of the files open, then reinstall Reader or replace it with another viewer, such as Foxit Reader. Sometimes the cause of the occurrence lies in the mismatch of the PDF version; Foxit Reader fixes this shortcoming.

The PDF format is also recognized by popular browsers. If you have Google Chrome or Opera, try opening the document through them. If it is possible to install Adobe Professional, use it to open electronic documents. This application from Adobe has more tools for automatic error correction, and accordingly, the chances of recovering data increase.

Sometimes damage to a PDF document is fixed by renaming it. Right click on the file and select Rename. Specify any name and press Enter. There are few chances, but on various forums this method is constantly recommended by users.

Online service

If you need to quickly recover a damaged PDF document, then use the shareware service This is a universal platform for recovering files of various formats, including the PDF electronic document.

Special software

In the public domain, you can find several programs that perform the restoration of damaged files. Let's see how this software works using Recovery Toolbox for PDF as an example:

In the free version, file errors are partially corrected - only the first page of the document will be restored. Open it and make sure the file is readable. If you are satisfied with the quality of the program, then to restore damaged files you will have to buy the full version of the utility.

Another application for recovering PDF files is called Recovery for PDF. You can download it at, where an online service for error correction is located. There are no cardinal differences in the operation of this utility: select PDF, start recovery and get the corrected document.

PDF Recipients: Corporate Administrators and Users

If you are a user or corporate IT professional, you can disable header checking on computers by configuring the appropriate settings. You can configure these settings at the per-user level in HKCU, or at the computer level for all users, in HKLM. You can use a similar method on Mac OS by changing the same plist setting. If the AVGeneral key does not exist, create it manually.

The HKLM path looks something like this:

HKLM\Software\Adobe\(product name)\(version)\AVGeneral\bValidateBytesBeforeHeader=dword:00000000

For example, to change the behavior of Acrobat 11.0, create a DWORD here: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\11.0\AVGeneral\bValidateBytesBeforeHeader=dword:00000000

The HKCU path looks something like this:

HKCU\Software\Adobe\(product name)\(version)\AVGeneral\bValidateBytesBeforeHeader=dword:00000000

For example, to change the behavior of Reader 10.0, create a DWORD here: HKCU\SOFTWARE\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0\AVGeneral\bValidateBytesBeforeHeader=dword:00000000

Always change the product name and version number to suit your specific situation. This method allows you to display the PDF on computers that you can control.

) is designed to recover damaged *.pdf documents. This document format is very common both on the Internet and when used on a local computer, and often such files contain important information. The current version of the program can restore:

  • pdf file options. PDF documents contain information about the file version and page size. If it is not possible to restore page settings, it is possible to create an entry in the document with settings that can be configured using the program.
  • The structure of the pdf file. PDF documents contain tables of internal cross-references, which are the basis of the document's structure. If these tables are corrupted, the document may become unreadable. The program can restore these data and the links they use.
  • Fonts and other metadata. Fonts and other metadata can be integrated into pdf documents to display correctly. In most cases, the program is able to restore them.
  • The content of the pdf file. It is possible to restore text, graphics and forms used in the document.

Recovery of pdf files takes place in several stages:

At any time while the program is running, you can exit it by selecting the menu item File | Exit (File | Exit) by clicking the Exit button, which is located in the lower right corner of the program window, or by closing the program window using the Close button on the window title. If you exited the program during steps 1 to 4, the recovery process will be interrupted and the recovered document will not be saved. If the Exit button was used to exit, the program will display a confirmation window Do you want to finish recovery? (Do you want to complete the restore?). Clicking the Yes button will exit the program. If the No button is selected, the document will continue to work. When using other exit methods (menu or window title button), the program will exit without warning.

After the recovery of the pdf file is completed, in step 7, the function of the exit button is performed by the Finish button. Also, at any stage except for stage 1 (selecting a file for recovery), you can click the Back button, which is located to the left of the program exit button, to go back and view or change any parameters set earlier. Including this button can be used to start the process of restoring another pdf document.

To learn how to work with the program, you can download a trial version that has full document analysis capabilities, but completely saves only the first page of the source file. All other pages of the recovered document will have DEMO text written on them.

Consider the process of recovering a *.pdf document using the program PDF Recovery Toolbox.

Screenshot 1.

Immediately after launching PDF Recovery Toolbox, a window for selecting a pdf file for recovery opens. There are three ways to select the desired file:

After selecting the file to be restored, it is recommended to check and, if necessary, change the program settings related to document recovery. The settings window is called using the menu item Tools | Options… (Tools | Options…). Working with PDF Recovery Toolbox settings is described in point 2.

At the bottom of the recoverable file selection window, there is a Send a file to developers button, with which you can send a pdf document for analysis to PDF Recovery Toolbox developers. Also, the file can be sent to developers at any stage of working with the program using the menu item Tools | Send source file (Tools | Send source file).

After selecting a document and setting the parameters for its recovery, to start the process of analyzing its structure and content, you need to click the Analyze button, which is located at the bottom of the program window. The process of analyzing the recovered document is described in paragraph 3.

If the program does not find the document file at the specified path, the message Please select an existing file to recovery will be displayed and the program will not proceed to the next stage of the program.

The program's settings dialog is used to set parameters related to the recovery of pdf documents and can be called at any stage of the program's operation.

This step of working with PDF Recovery Toolbox is optional, however, before starting work with a document, it is recommended to check and, if necessary, configure its recovery settings. The program settings dialog can be called using the menu item Tools | Options… (Tools | Options…).

The program settings window contains the following sections:

  1. Corrupted streams. Some pdf documents may contain streaming data. To save corrupted streams in the recovered document, you need to enable the option Save corrupted streams in PDF file (Save corrupted streams in PDF file). If the result of the document recovery program does not meet expectations, you can repeat the recovery process with the option to save streams enabled.
  2. Paper format (Sheet format). Due to the peculiarities of the structure of pdf files, for their correct display, you must specify the size of the sheets of paper on which the document should be printed. In this section, you can specify which paper size will be used by default in the recovered document if the program fails to read page information from the original file.
  3. In this section, using the drop-down list box on the left, you can select one of the standard sheet sizes - A4 (8.3 x 11.7 inches), Letter (8.5 x 11 inches), or indicate that the format specified by user(). When using one of the standard sizes, you can use the right field with a drop-down list to specify the orientation of the sheet - Portrait (Portrait), Landscape (Landscape).
  4. When using a non-standard paper size, the ability to select the sheet orientation will be blocked and the input fields for the sheet dimensions Width: (Width:) and Height: (Height:) will be unblocked, with which you can set an arbitrary width and height of the sheet in the units specified in the field with drop-down list Units: (Units of measurement:) - inch (inches) or cm (centimeters).

The default setting values ​​are:

  • Save corrupted streams in PDF file - option disabled
  • Page Size - Letter (8.5 x 11 inches)
  • Page Orientation - Portrait
  • Width: (Width:) - 8.5 (the field is not active by default)
  • Height: (Height:) - 11 (the field is not active by default)
  • Units: (Units of measurement:) - inch (inches)

If you need to return to the default settings, you can use the Set defaults button. After setting the program settings, to return to the stage from which the dialog was called, press the OK button or close the settings dialog window using the Close button on the window title.

After setting the described parameters, the program saves them and uses them during further work, including when restarting after exiting.

Screenshot 2.

After selecting a file for recovery and pressing the Analyze button (point 1), the program proceeds to the stage of document analysis.

This stage takes place automatically without user intervention. However, during the analysis, it is possible to return to the stage of selecting a file for recovery using the Back button, which appears at the bottom of the program window, or exit the program using the Exit button or the File | Exit (File | Exit).

While analyzing the source document, PDF Recovery Toolbox performs the following actions:

  • Reads the structure of the document, determines the offset from which the data of the cross-reference tables begin, identifies them and other document parameters.
  • Retrieves page format information from the document. If this information could not be retrieved, the page parameters specified in the program settings will be used in the future.
  • Reads information about internal links. PDF documents use internal cross-references, which are the basis for placing information within the document.
  • Identifies the metadata stored in the document. Some pdf files store the fonts used in the document. The program can extract this information to store it in the recovered document.
  • Reads text information from a document. A significant part of pdf documents stores large amounts of textual information.
  • Extracts graphics and other media information from a document. In addition to text, vector and raster graphic elements, forms and multimedia inserts can also be stored in documents.

During analysis, the main part of the program window displays the following information about the process of document analysis:

  • Parsing file progress indicator. In addition to displaying the file analysis progress bar, the bar header also displays the percentage of analysis completed, the amount of information processed, and the total file size in kilobytes.
  • Information about detected errors - how many errors were found. It is displayed as a green inscription No errors found (No errors were found) if all data in the file was correct, or a red inscription X errors found (Found X errors), where X is the number of errors if errors were found.

After the process of parsing the pdf document is completed, the program automatically proceeds to the stage of choosing the path and file name to save the recovered information.

Screenshot 3.

At this stage, you are asked to select the path and file name to which the information from the original document will be saved during its recovery.

There are three ways to select a file:

  • Entering the path and file name for saving the results of the program in the drop-down list box called Please select file name (Please select a file name), which is located in the main working area of ​​the program window. When the window is opened, this combo box is automatically populated with the following information: The path to the file where the recovered data will be saved corresponds to the folder where the original file is stored. The save file name consists of the original file name plus the string _repaired. For example, if the example.pdf file was read, the program will offer to save the information to the example_repaired.pdf file in the same folder as the original file.
  • Selecting a file using the dialog. To the right of the drop-down list box is the Open button, which can be used to open a standard dialog for selecting a folder and file name to save. When the dialog is opened, the program offers to create a file in the folder and with the name specified in the drop-down list box.
  • Selecting a file from the drop-down list in the Please select file name field. During operation, the program saves information about previously saved files in its settings and, when a file selection window is opened for saving, it fills the drop-down list of the input field with information about these files (file names and paths to them). If necessary, the list of saved files can be cleared using the menu item Tools | Clear lists | Output files (Tools | Clearing lists | Output files).

The main part of the window also displays information about the maximum amount of disk space that the restored file can take and the space available on the disk selected for saving.

If necessary, using the Back button, you can return to the stage of selecting a file for recovery and change it. To continue working with the program and proceed to the stage of selecting the format of the saved document, after selecting the path and name of the saved file, click the Next button, which is located at the bottom of the window. If the program finds a file in the specified path with a name that matches the one entered in the field, the standard warning Selected file already exists will be displayed. Overwrite? (The selected file already exists. Overwrite?). If the Yes button is pressed in the warning window, the file will be saved under the specified name. If the No button is pressed, the program will return to the stage of selecting a file to save.

Screenshot 4.

PDF Recovery Toolbox can save information read from a source file in any PDF format from 1.0 (Acrobat Reader 1.0) to 1.7 (Acrobat Reader 8.0). However, keep in mind that when you save a document in a previous version format, some of the data that is incompatible with the version of the saved file may be lost or corrupted.

The format of the saved document is selected using the Select output PDF file version: drop-down list field (Select the version of the resulting PDF file).

When you open the window for selecting the format of the saved document, the program automatically offers to save the recovered document in a format version that matches the original document. If the original file was damaged so badly that it was not possible to determine its version, the program by default will offer to save the file in the latest available version of the format (in the current version of the program it is PDF 1.7, Acrobat Reader 8.0).

Also, when saving a file, compression can be used. When using compression, the resulting document will take up less disk space, but the saving process may take longer. You can enable document compression using the Enable compression check box.

After completing the settings for the format of the saved document, to proceed to the process of restoring and saving data, you need to click the Save file button, which is located at the bottom of the program window.

If necessary, you can return to the page for selecting a file to save by clicking the Back button.

The stage of restoring information from the source file and saving it to the resulting file takes place automatically and does not require user intervention. During file recovery, the program performs the following actions:

  1. Check and recover. The program checks and copies the previously analyzed document structure and data into the computer memory, correcting the errors found during the analysis.
  2. Check for obsolete objects. The presence of residual objects in the document is checked and their correction.
  3. Compress and save objects. Objects are compressed and saved to a user-specified file. During the execution of this item, the Abort button (Abort), located at the bottom of the window, becomes active, with which you can stop the process of saving data to a file. When you click on this button, the program displays a window with the warning Cancel file saving? (Cancel saving the file?). If the No button is pressed in this window, the saving process will continue as usual. If Yes is pressed, the saving of objects will be interrupted and the program will proceed to the next step without completing the saving of objects.
  4. Save XRef section (Save the XRef section). Preserve the document's internal cross-reference section.
  5. Save trailer. Saving a document trailer.

During the execution of each of the above items, the progress of its implementation is shown on the progress bar in the main work area of ​​the window. Above the indicator is displayed (depending on the action performed by the program at the moment) the line Saving file ... (Saving the file ...), information about the document recovery point in progress Processing X of 5 (X out of 5 is being processed), where X corresponds to the item being executed, execution progress points as a percentage, and so on. Under the progress bar, a list of recovery points is displayed, in which the current item is marked and completed items are marked with a green checkmark. If the saving of objects was interrupted, the item Compress and save objects (Compression and saving objects) will be marked with a red cross.

After completing all the recovery points, the program will automatically proceed to the stage of viewing the document recovery report.

At this stage, the main window of the program displays a text block with a report on the current session of the program PDF Recovery Toolbox, containing the sections corresponding to each file restored in the course of work.

The section consists of the following lines:

  • The date and time that the document recovery process started.
  • The name of the source file and the path to it File processed: (Processed file:).
  • The number of read objects Readed ... objects (Read ... objects).
  • The name of the resulting file and the path to it Destination file: (Resulting file:).
  • The number of saved objects Saved ... objects (Saved ... objects).
  • File processing result report: Saving successful (Saving successfully) in case of successful completion of the saving process, Saving canceled by user (Saving canceled by user) in case the Abort button was pressed during the process of saving the document, or information about the recovery error, if it arose.
  • The date and time when the process of saving the restored document was completed.

After viewing the report, you can return to the window for selecting a file to restore using the Back button, or exit the program by clicking the Finish button. When you click the Finish button, the program will display a confirmation window Do you want to finish recovery? (Do you want to complete the restore?). If the Yes button is selected, the program will exit, if the No button is pressed, the work with the report will continue.

Addition: Program menu

The program menu contains the following items:

  • File The item contains subitems:
    • Exit Selecting this item exits the program.
  • Tools The paragraph contains three subparagraphs:
    • Send source (Send source file) Serves to send a pdf document file to the developers of the program for analysis
    • Clear lists Contains two subsections:
      • Source files Serves to clear the list of source files.
      • Output files Used to clear the list of resulting files.
    • Options (Options ...) Serves to configure program options related to the recovered document. Described in detail in step 2.
  • Help contains the following sub-items:
    • Recovery Toolbox for PDF (Help for PDF Recovery Toolbox) Calling help for the program.
    • Recovery Toolbox for PDF (PDF Recovery Toolbox homepage) Go to the home page of the program.
    • Buy (Buy Now) Go to the program purchase page.
    • About Opens the About window.

e Repair PDF

Software for repairing damages in PDF documents Adobe Acrobat


support to recover PDF files of all versions and sizes

the program is compatible with Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10

fixing logical errors in PDF documents

saving data to a new PDF file


Utility to recover corrupted PDF documents

eRepair PDF is a special utility for repairing corrupted PDF documents.

eRepair PDF is designed to recover data from invalid PDF files using high quality custom algorithms with a user friendly interface.

The Adobe PDF Repair Tool can fix many errors in Acrobat documents, such as:

  • PDF format error: not pdf format or corrupted
  • An error occurred while opening this document. The root object is missing or corrupted.
  • An error occurred while opening this document. Problems reading the document.
  • An error occurred while opening this document. The file is damaged and cannot be restored.
  • etc.

eRepair PDF is able to repair:

  • Table of internal cross links A: Internal tables and cross-references is the basis of a PDF document. If these components are damaged, then it can make the PDF document unreadable. The PDF Repair Tool will help you restore these components and restore the original structure of the document.
  • PDF File Content A: PDF files often contain images and hyperlinks in addition to regular text and shapes. eRepair PDF is able to repair these items in case they were damaged.
  • PDF file version and page size: When creating a PDF file, you can set these options. When this information is corrupted, you can set these parameters manually in the PDF file recovery program.
  • metadata A: eRepair PDF is able to repair any original metadata present in a PDF file, such as fonts, HTML, graphics, images, and more. Depending on the degree of damage, our program will help restore these elements of a PDF file.

eRepair PDF only reads and parses the data contained in a PDF file. The PDF recovery program does not modify or change the original file.

eRepair PDF available in DEMO version and Full version for commercial and professional use. The DEMO version has no restrictions on document analysis, but this version allows you to save only the first page of the recovered PDF document.

An overview of how the eRepair PDF utility works:

  • Selecting a file to restore: You can enter a file name, select from a list of previously restored files, or click the button Open file.
  • Configuring Settings: At this point, set the document's page size and orientation.
  • Document Analysis: After setting the settings, the program will analyze the document. This is a full scan, checking page components such as text and cross-reference tables.
  • Naming and saving: After parsing the document, the program will ask you to enter a file name and a location to save the recovered file. Usually the file is suggested to be saved to the folder with the original file, but the file name changes slightly. You are also prompted to define the file format.
  • Data Extraction: After completing the previous steps, the PDF recovery utility will extract all the elements identified in the previous analysis steps and save to the destination file previously selected.
  • Report: When eRepair PDF has finished extracting and repairing, a report will be generated on the objects identified and repaired, as well as other additional information.
  • The program does not recover password-protected PDF files;
  • The program does not recover encrypted PDF files.
System requirements:
  • Windows 98 and above


  • Support to recover PDF files of all versions and sizes
  • Correcting Logic Errors in PDF Documents
  • Saving data to a new PDF file
  • Saving the recovered data in a compressed or regular PDF file


With eRepair PDF you can fix the following errors:

  • Error opening document. The root object is missing or corrupted.
  • There are errors on the page. Acrobat cannot display the page correctly. Contact the author of the PDF document to correct the problem.
  • Error opening document. Problems reading this document.
  • Error opening document. The file is damaged and cannot be restored.
  • Page processing error. Incorrect resource function.
  • Page processing error. The font contains an invalid cmap encoding.
  • Page processing error. Too many actions.
  • An unrecognized "" character was found.
  • The file is corrupted or damaged.
  • The file contains information that is not understandable for viewing.
  • The file does not start with %PDF.
  • The PDF file is not readable by Acrobat Reader.
  • Formatting error: Not a pdf or document.
  • The file is damaged and cannot be restored.
  • Error detecting object header when uploading .pdf file

How it works?


Install software:


Confirm warning message:


Complete the installation wizard:


Run the installed program:


Please select or enter a file name to restore:

Step 7

Step 8

Confirm the start of the recovery process:


Step 10

Please select a name for the saved file:

Step 11

Select the version of the final PDF file:

Step 12

Step 13

The last page displays detailed information about the recovery process.

Video lesson

Program for repairing corrupted Adobe Acrobat PDF documents. eRepair PDF is an effective solution for repairing corrupted or invalid PDF files.


EULA - End User License Agreement

The eRepair Inc. is distributed as try before you buy. This means:

  1. All copyrights to eRepair Inc. are exclusively owned by the author - eRepair Inc..
  2. Anyone may use this software in Demo version. For removal of all shareware restrictions you must register.
  3. There are 3 basic types of licenses issued for eRepair, these are:
    • A Personal usage license. The user purchases one license to use the eRepair on one computer.
    • A business usage license. The user purchases the Business usage license, authorizing the use of eRepair to use the program in a corporate, government or business environment on one computer.
    • A SITE usage license. The user purchases a single usage license, authorizing the use of eRepair, by the purchaser, the purchaser"s employees or accredited agents, on an unlimited number of computers at the same physical site location. This site location would normally be defined as a single building, but could be considered to be a number of buildings within the same, general, geographical location, such as an industrial estate or small town.
      Once registered, the user is granted a non-exclusive license to use eRepair on as many computers as defined by the licensing terms above according to the number of licenses purchased, for any legal purpose. The registered eRepair software may not be rented or leased, but may be permanently transferred, in it's entirety, if the person receiving it agrees to the terms of this license. If the software is an update, the transfer must include the update and all previous versions.
  4. The eRepair Demo version may be freely distributed, with exceptions noted below, provided the distribution package is not modified in any way.
    • No person or company may distribute separate parts of the package with the exception of the eRepair components, without written permission of the copyright owner.
    • The eRepair Demo version may not be distributed inside of any other software package without written permission of the copyright owner.
    • Hacks/cracks, keys or key generators may not be included on the same distribution.
  6. You may not use, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program, or any subset of the licensed program, except as provided for in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution. Neither eRepair binary code or Address Book source may be used or reverse engineered to re-create the eRepair algorithm, which is proprietary, without written permission of the author. eRepair keyfiles may not be distributed, except as stated in item 3) above, outside of the area of ​​legal control of the person or persons who purchased the original license, without written permission of the copyright holder. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved by eRepair, Inc.
  7. Installing and using eRepair signifies acceptance of these terms and conditions of the license.
  8. If you do not agree with the terms of this license you must remove eRepair files from your storage devices and cease to use the product. Thank you for using the original eRepair

eRepair Inc.. (eRepair) is committed to maintaining the privacy of the information you share with us. We will never sell, distribute, or rent information about you and your purchases at eRepair. We will only use the information you share with us for the purposes of enhancing your use of our web site, products, services, or, with your permission, sending you information about our products and services.

Please take a moment to read our privacy policy for a better understanding of the measures we take to protect you and the information you share with us. If you don't find your concern addressed here, please feel free to contact us.

The information we collect.

If you use a credit card to purchase a eRepair's product, the credit card number is encrypted as it passes over the Internet. Your credit card number is not kept or recorded by eRepair or our computers - it is simply passed through to the credit card company to purchase the course. In this respect, buying a course from eRepair is similar to a credit card purchase at any store.

When you send emails to us asking questions on our website, products, services, or your purchases with us, we obtain the information we need from you to answer your questions appropriately.

When we provide technical supports to you, if necessary, we may collect corrupt data files from you via email or ftp, in order to help you solve the problems in using our products.

How do we use the information we collect.

We use the personal information you supply when placing an online order to complete and ship your order. Your email address is used to send you an order confirmation, the registration information, as well as to alert you to any changes in the availability of the items you ordered.

Technical Support

Our email and ftp servers are highly protected so that only our engineers can retrieve files from them. We never transmit your data files via email or ftp unless encrypted with very strong algorithms. Your data files are securely deleted from our servers.

Information that you provide while using products such as the Guestbook feature is available for all to see. Discretion should be used in entering Personally Identifiable Information within such forums, as it may be collected by third parties. eRepair does not actively associate the message content entered by our users in the Guestbook with any registration information we may possess. Our server computers will retain this information, however; and it is potentially available for distribution to third parties - most obviously law-enforcement agencies acting under subpoena power, per the terms of our Privacy Policy. We do not use this information to target any advertising to our users, nor is it ever willingly distributed to any third party, such as an advertiser, except if subpoenaed.

How to gain pdf to the information we have on file for you

There may be times where you wish to gain pdf to the information we have on file for you. To receive a copy of this information, please contact us.

Notification of changes

If, at some point in the future, there is a change to our privacy policy and/or practices that affect your personally identifiable information, we will notify you by email of the relevant changes.

Disclosure of Information to Third Parties

eRepair does use the services of third parties, such as e-mail service providers, purchase and order processing merchants and marketing companies that act as independent contractors on behalf of eRepair. These parties are contractually prohibited from using personally identifiable information for any purpose other than for the purpose eRepair specifies. We do provide non-personally identifiable information to certain service providers for their use on an aggregated basis for the purpose of performing their contractual obligations to us. We prohibit the sale or transfer of personal information to entities outside of the eRepair"s affiliates for their use without your approval.

eRepair may disclose your personally identifiable information if we believe in good faith that we are required to do so in order to comply with applicable law, a subpoena, or other legal process. eRepair may also disclose personally identifiable information when we have reason to believe that disclosing this information is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be violating our Terms of Use, End User License Agreement or to protect the safety of our users and the public or under confidentiality agreements with certain third parties which assist us in developing, operating and maintaining eRepair.

In the event that all or substantially all of eRepair's stock and/or assets (or the assets of a division or subsidiary) are transferred or sold to another entity, or eRepair (or a division or subsidiary) is acquired by, or merged with, another entity, eRepair may transfer personally identifiable information to the acquiring entity and eRepair may provide to such entity customer information that is related to that part of our business that was sold to or merged with the other entity without your consent. a result of such a business transition, your personally identifiable information will be used in a materially different manner, you will be given choice consistent with our policy regarding notification of changes.

Our website uses cookie technology. Cookies are short pieces of data generated by a web server that a website stores on a user's computer. Certain pages on our Website may require the use of a cookie for purposes of keeping information you enter on multiple pages together. Cookies also enable us to customize our Website and offerings to your needs and provide you with a better online experience with us.

  • allow registered users to sign in without typing their sign in name each time;
  • measure usage of various pages on our Website to help us make our information; more pertinent to your needs and easy for you to pdf; and
  • provide functionality such as online orders, eRepair's services and other functionality that we believe would be of interest and value to you.

The types of cookies that we use are referred to as session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are temporary and are automatically deleted once you leave the Website. Persistent cookies remain on your computer hard drive until you delete them. We do not use cookies to gather information concerning your visits to other sites, nor ascertain any personally identifiable information about you apart from what you voluntarily provide us in your dealings with eRepair. Cookies do not corrupt or damage your computer, programs, or computer files.

In addition, the service providers we use to serve and host our advertisements, and/or deliver our e-mails, use session and persistent cookies, to track the number of times the Website is pdfed and whether the site was pdfed from an advertisement. There are no cookies in the advertisement or e-mail. A cookie is placed on your computer only if and when you click on an advertisement or open the e-mail. The cookie generated from the advertisement or e-mail does not contain any personally identifiable information and will remain on your hard drive until you delete it.

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The entire content of this website is copyrighted to eRepair, Inc. and should never be reproduced/copied to another website without written authorization from the owners of eRepair, Inc.

Electronic communication

When you visit our website or send e-mails to us, you are communicating with us electronically. You consent to receive communications from us electronically. We will communicate with you by e-mail or by posting notices on this site. You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing.

By visiting , you agree that the laws of Russia, without regard to conflict of principles, will govern these Conditions of Use and any dispute of any sort that might arise between you and eRepair, Inc . must be settled in the courts of Moscow, Russia; and you agree to jurisdiction in such courts.

eRepair Inc.. (eRepair) makes this Web Site, including all information, graphics, documents, text, products and all other elements of the Site and all products offered on this Site and services operated through the Site, available for your use subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this document Terms of Use. By pdfing and using this Web Site, use of any eRepair Services, downloading any Products, or browsing the Web Site, you agree to be bound by the following Terms of Use and all terms and conditions contained and/or referenced herein or any additional terms and conditions set forth on this Web Site and all such terms shall be considered accepted by you. If you do NOT agree to all these Terms of Use, you should NOT use this Web Site. If you do not agree to any additional specific terms which apply to particular Content (as defined below) or to particular transactions concluded through this Web Site, then you should NOT use the part of the Web Site which contains such Content or through which such transactions may be concluded and you should not use such Content or conclude such transactions.

These Terms of Use may be amended by eRepair at any time. Such amended Terms of Use shall be effective upon posting on this Web Site. Please check the Terms of Use published on this Web Site regularly to ensure that you are aware of all terms governing your use of this Web Site. Also, specific terms and conditions may apply to specific content, products, materials, services or information contained on or available through this Web Site (the Content) or transactions concluded through this Web Site. Such specific terms may be in addition to these Terms of Use or, where inconsistent with these Terms of Use, only to the extent the content or intent of such specific terms is inconsistent with these Terms of Use, such specific terms will supersede these Terms of use.

eRepair reserves the right to make changes or updates with respect to or in the Content of the Web Site or the format thereof at any time without notice. eRepair reserves the right to terminate or restrict pdf to the Web Site for any reason whatsoever at its sole discretion.

Warranties and disclaimers


The use of the services or the downloading or other use of any products through the site is done at your own discretion and risk and with your agreement that you will be solely responsible for any damage to your computer system, loss of data, or other harm that results from such activities. eRepair assumes no liability for any computer virus or other similar software code that is downloaded to your computer from the Web Site or in connection with any services or products offered through the Web Site. No advice or information whether oral or written, obtained by you from eRepair or from the Web Site shall create any warranty not expressly stated in the Terms of Use.

The Web Site may contain references to specific eRepair products and services that may not be (readily) available in a particular country. Any such reference does not imply or warrant that any such products or services shall be available at any time in any particular country.


Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties or limitations, so the above limitations may not apply to you.

Links to other sites

This Web Site may provide links to other web sites that are not under the control of eRepair. eRepair shall not be responsible in any way for the content of such other web sites. eRepair provides such links only as a convenience to the user of this Web Site, and the inclusion of any link to any such web sites does not imply endorsement by eRepair of the content of such web sites.

Intellectual Property

Copyright, trademark and all other proprietary rights in the Content (including but not limited to software, services, audio, video, text and photographs) rests with eRepair Ltd. or its licensors. All rights in the Content not expressly granted herein are reserved. You agree not to copy, republish, frame, download, transmit, modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, assign, distribute, license, sublicense, reverse engineer, or create derivative works based on the Site, its Products or its Services except as expressly authorized herein. Except as otherwise provided, the Content published on this Web Site may be reproduced or distributed in unmodified form for personal non-commercial use only. Any other use of the Content, including without limitation distribution, reproduction, modification, display or transmission without the prior written consent of eRepair is strictly prohibited. All copyright and other proprietary notices shall be retained on all reproductions.

This website may contain trademarks, service third marks, trade names and logos of parties. eRepair uses them solely to describe the functionality of its products and provide accurate information about the use of the products. eRepair hereby disclaims any rights to trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos, copyright, patents, domain names or other intellectual property interests of third parties. All intellectual property interests of parties third listed above are the properties of their respective owners. eRepair disclaims any proprietary interests in the intellectual property rights other than their own.

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Any material or information sent through or in connection with this Web Site by you (User Materials) will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary, and immediately become the property of eRepair, subject to any privacy policies posted on this Web Site. eRepair may use such User Materials as it deems fit, anywhere in the world, without obligation for compensation, and free of any moral rights, intellectual property rights and/or other proprietary rights in or to such User Materials.

Software made available for downloading from or through this Web Site is licensed subject to the terms of the applicable end use license agreement. Both the Software and any accompanying documentation made available through this Web Site is the copyrighted work of eRepair. Except as set forth in the applicable end user license agreement, the software is made available for use by end users only and any further copying, reproduction or redistribution of the software is expressly prohibited. You must agree to the terms of the applicable end user license agreement to download or order Products or Services from this Web Site.

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Without limiting the foregoing, eRepair makes no warranty that: the services and products will meet your requirements; the services and products will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free; the results that may be obtained from the use of the services or materials will be effective, accurate, or reliable; the quality of any services or products purchased or pdfible by you through the site will meet your expectations; any errors in the software obtained from or used through the site, or any defects in the site, its services or products, will be corrected.

Password recovery Programs - Legality

Password recovery programs offered on this Site are designed for legal purposes and they are legal as long as you use them for legal purposes. Thus, you can use eRepair products provided that you are the legal owner of all files or data you are going to recover through the use of our software or have the right or permission from the legitimate owner to perform these acts. Any illegal use of our software will be solely your responsibility.

Accordingly, you affirm that you have the legal right to pdf all data, information and files that have been hidden.

You further attest that the recovered data, passwords and/or files will not be used for any illegal purpose. Be aware that illicit password recovery and the data decryption of unauthorized or otherwise illegally obtained files may constitute theft or another wrongful action and may result in your civil and/or criminal prosecution.

A Guestbook is available on this Web Site for public comment by customers and visitors alike. Any notes, postings, ideas, suggestions, concepts, or other material submitted through this feature will become the property of eRepair and eRepair shall be entitled to use such material for any type of use forever, including in any media whether now known or future devised .

Information that you provide while making entries in the Guestbook is available for all to see. Discretion should be used in entering personally identifiable information within such forums, as it may be collected by third parties. Use of personally identifiable information contained in the Guestbook, and your options regarding our use of this information, is contained in eRepair's Privacy Policy.

eRepair reserves the right to delete any message submitted to the Guestbook, at its sole discretion, at any time and for any reason, including, but not limited to material which in eRepair"s opinion:

  1. may constitute libel, defamation, invasion of privacy, or is obscene, pornographic, abusive, or threatening;
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Linking to the Web Site is permitted provided that you comply with the following rules. You may link to the home page of the Web Site or to any other page of the Web Site. However, you are not allowed to use in-line linking or framing. You must not imply that eRepair endorses or sponsors the linker or its site, products or services. You must not use our intellectual property including but not limited to trademarks, trade name, copyright without advance written permission from eRepair. Furthermore, you agree to remove the link at any time upon our request.

Return Policy - Password Recovery Software

eRepair has a strict return policy due to the nature of our products. If the software is unable to recover (or remove, or change) a password, a copy of the unrecovered file MUST be sent to eRepair, and our engineers will work with your file. If the password is recovered, the owner of the software will be either able to keep the software and receive the password to the file (or unprotected copy of the file), or refund can be made and the end user will need to pay for the in-house recovery in order to receive the password. If eRepair is unable to recover the password, a full refund will be made. Please note that this is applicable only to situations when password recovery or removal is guaranteed without brute-force or dictionary attacks (for more information, refer to product documentation).

These Terms of Use and any disputed relating hereto shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation without regard to its principles of conflict of laws. You agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Russian Federation for any claim or cause of action arising out of, or relating to or in connection with these Terms of Use or this Web Site, provided that such exclusivity does not apply to legal actions initiated or brought by eRepair.

eRepair does not bear any responsibility nor assumes any risks if by any reason a product or a service made available on this Web Site breaches national law of any state. Those who pdf this Site do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with their national laws.

In order to comply with the new COPPA ruling, if you are younger than 13 years of age, you are forbidden from posting information on eRepair's message boards without direct parental consent.

A Client is that who purchases any eRepair Inc.. (eRepair) product online through any eRepair website.

Mail for Activation or Mail for download

The email sent by eRepair or payment gateway on purchase of the product/software online. The email contains the activation code for product/software for activating the product/software. All our products have an Electronic Delivery. All software distributed under the Try Before Buy License.

Users have to understand this very carefully that our data recovery software products are designed in such a way that they are tested in certain types of corruption cases where they give BEST successful recovery results. However, users should be well aware that there can be certain corruption cases where our products might not be able to recover complete Meta data etc. In addition, in case the free space of your system is overwritten by new data, then there can also be the chance of a recovery failure as, in that case, a corrupted file might not even contain the required data in the first place. This can be tested via the free DEMO versions, which give a preview of the recoverable data. We anticipate that users will co-operate with us, as we make every possible effort to help them reach 100% satisfaction.

Strongly Recommended to download, install, and try the DEMO Version of software before Purchase

Refund Guideline

The Client has the right to request a refund for the eRepair product/software within 30 days of the date of purchase if your case falls in the following refund guidelines. The purchase should have been made directly through eRepair.

eRepair is not responsible for any one of the following:

  • Any lost or misdirected email.
  • Delay due to any unforeseen uncontrolled factor.
  • Mail being marked as SPAM by the email client application of the client or by the mail server being used by the client.
  • Mail for download or activation is bounced by the sender or receiver mail server due to any reason.
  • Once purchased and done with the process, you then don't need the software any longer.
  • Accidentally Purchased Software and now you want to remove it from the system.
  • When purchasing, your aim was not to purchase this specific software.
  • After purchasing the software, you faced trouble in operating the tool as regards your computing platform.
  • Software purchased is not suitable for the platform you are using.
  • Weekend delay in license processing.
  • Unable to use software, as the basic requirements to run software are not fulfilled by your machine.
  • The problem was solved by another person, while I was registering the program.
  • Now we don't need the program at all and we have never used it.

Refund will be made only if one of the below conditions hold true:

  • If the Client was able to perform the operation as stated with the demo version but the functionality was not there in the Full Version.

eRepair is not responsible for miss-interpretation by the client of the material published as part of promoting the product/software by our company. In such case, the responsibility lies with the client to get the right interpretation from the eRepair support staff.

Refund will only be done when signed Letter of Destruction in the form of an email that is received by the client. eRepair should receive the email at [email protected] within 30 days of the date of purchase of the eRepair product/software. Letter Of Destruction implies that the client states in written form that the product/software bought from eRepair will be destroyed from all machines where it has been installed, all backup copies were deleted also and also allow a authorized person from eRepair to do a physical inspection of all the machines where it was installed to ensure the destruction is done properly. The inspection can happen anytime within 3 (three) years of the date of purchase of the product/software from eRepair. The inspection can happen without prior notice to the client. Any evidence of the refund product/software is entitled to be entered into legal proceedings.

From the date of receiving the Letter of Destruction from the client, the refund will be processed within 15 days. Any delay of more than 15 days will be notified to the client through email from eRepair. If the full licensed version of any software works, but not completely, then we will provide a solution for that. You can contact the support team in case the software you purchased fails to execute operations that are promised to be done. After analyzing and studying the issue, our technical expert will provide you with a suitable solution and then also if the issue is not solved and still exists, then we will refund your money that was provided while purchasing the product and the amount will be determined according to the task and issues solved by our software.

Technical Support

We use the personal information you supply when you submit a support question to respond to your question. Your email address is used to send a response from our Technical Support team.

A refund is not valid in the following cases:

  • When the User Is Unwilling to Upload Files on Our FTP in Case of Software Failure: There are a number of corruption cases, and if in any particular corruption case, the client is finding issues in performing the process using our software, then we ask the client to upload his/her files on our secure FTP Server so that we can perform the necessary actions for him/her. We are also ready to sign a Non Discloser Agreement (NDA). If the client finds issues in performing the process successfully, and if he/she is also not uploading his/her files on our FTP Server, even if we are ready to sign the NDA, then in that case, the refund is not valid.
  • If the client purchased any of our software without first evaluating it with the help of the FREE DEMO Version, then the refund for that product will not be given.
  • In case our software is unable to perform the process it is projected to perform, and likewise, no other software in the market also couldn't perform the same process, then, a refund cannot be claimed. If, however, some other software performs the process successfully unlike our software, then, a refund can be claimed.
  • If the software is purchased without its prior examination via the demo version, then a refund cannot be claimed.
  • If 30% recovery or migration or any other projected process is performed successfully by any of our software, then a refund cannot be claimed.
  • eRepair does not decrypt encrypted Microsoft PDF databases, PDF, Word, Lotus Notes Database, and so on. Furthermore, clients are clearly informed not to use the software in case of the emergence of a message like This database has local pdf protection and you are not authorized to pdf it locally. This information is clearly mentioned on all the product websites of this software. Therefore, the refund requests in this case are not valid.

PDF file recovery

PDF2Go allows you to repair PDF for free. The file may not open for various reasons, regardless of the program or browser. In some cases, the document can be restored, and we know how.

Repairing a PDF file is very easy. Upload the file (from the cloud storage is also possible), and we will work on it. You will only have to download the recovered PDF document.

Repair PDF file online

Editing and converting PDF files is much easier with PDF2Go. We can also recover a damaged document. There is no need to install any programs, everything is done in the browser.

An online PDF editor provides many benefits. For example, it saves disk space or phone space - no software or application needs to be downloaded. Nothing is required to be installed either, so you can not be afraid of malware and viruses. All you need to download is the recovered PDF file.

For corrupted PDFs

When might recovery be needed?
Sometimes PDF files break, for example, when forwarding, transferring from one system to another, copying from an old disk. The file may also be corrupted during creation.

Now you can fix the problems that prevent you from opening a PDF file! Try it - it's absolutely free.

Safe Recovery

Do you want to recover a PDF file without risks? It's possible with us: PDF2Go knows how to keep documents secure.

We delete files regularly. All our servers are securely protected. You never for a second lose the rights to the document. All operations are performed automatically. Rest easy: PDF2Go files are completely safe.

Saving Adobe PDF files

PDF2Go Studio specializes in converting and editing PDF files. If you want to recover a document, we will first convert it to PDF and then start the recovery procedure. The output will be a PDF file.

What files can be recovered?

Online PDF Recovery

The PDF repair service is online, and for good reason. You can restore files everywhere - wherever you go!

It doesn't matter where you are. On the train and plane, on vacation, at home and at work - you can restore the file anywhere. Just connect to the Internet from any device, be it a tablet, smartphone or computer.

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