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Octa-core smartphone processors. Recommendations for choosing a cooling system for overclocking a processor

What are the differences between quad and eight nuclear processors smartphones? The explanation is quite simple. Eight-core chips have twice as many processor cores as quad-core ones. At first glance, an octa-core processor seems twice as powerful, doesn't it? In fact, nothing like this happens. To understand why an eight-core processor does not double the performance of a smartphone, some explanation is required. has already arrived. Eight-core processors, which until recently could only be dreamed of, are becoming more common. But it turns out that their task is not to improve the performance of the device.

Quad- and eight-core processors. Performance

The terms "eight-core" and "quad-core" themselves reflect the number of cores of the central processing unit.

But the key difference between these two types of processors is at least as of 2015 - consists in the method of installing processor cores.

With a quad-core processor, all cores can work simultaneously, enabling fast and flexible multitasking, smoother 3D gaming and camera performance, and more.

Modern eight-core chips, in turn, simply consist of two quad-core processors, which distribute different tasks among themselves depending on their type. Most often, an eight-core chip will have a set of four cores with a lower clock speed than the second set. When to perform difficult task, of course, a faster processor is taken for it.

A more accurate term than "octa-core" would be "dual quad-core". But it doesn't sound as pretty and is not suitable for marketing purposes. Therefore, these processors are called eight-core.

Why do we need two sets of processor cores?

What is the reason for the combination of two sets of processor cores, transferring tasks to one another, in one device? To ensure energy efficiency.

A more powerful CPU consumes more power and the battery needs to be charged more frequently. BUT rechargeable batteries a much weaker link in a smartphone than processors. As a result, the more powerful the smartphone's processor, the more capacious the battery it needs.

That being said, for most smartphone tasks, you won't need as much processing power as a modern processor can provide. Navigating between home screens, checking messages, and even navigating the web are less CPU-intensive tasks.

But HD-video, games and working with photos are such tasks. Therefore, eight-core processors are quite practical, although it is difficult to call this solution elegant. A weaker processor handles less resource-intensive tasks. More powerful - more resource-intensive. As a result, overall power consumption is reduced compared to the situation when only a processor with a high clock speed would handle all tasks. Thus, the dual processor primarily solves the problem of improving energy efficiency, not performance.

Technological features

All modern eight-core processors are based on the ARM architecture, the so-called big.LITTLE.

This eight-core big.LITTLE architecture was announced in October 2011 and allowed four low-end Cortex-A7 cores to work in conjunction with four high-end Cortex-A15 cores. ARM has since repeated this approach annually, offering more capable chips for both sets of processor cores on the eight-core chip.

Some of the major chip manufacturers for mobile devices focused their efforts on this big.LITTLE eight-core example. One of the first and most notable was Samsung's own chip, known as Exynos. Its eight-core model has been in use since samsung galaxy S4, at least in some versions of the company's devices.

More recently, Qualcomm has also started using big.LITTLE in its eight-core Snapdragon 810 CPU chips. It is on this processor that such well-known novelties of the smartphone market are based, like the G Flex 2, which became LG.

In early 2015, NVIDIA introduced the Tegra X1, a new high performance mobile processor that the company intends to automotive computers. The main function of X1 is its console callable ("console-challenging") GPU, which is also based on the big.LITTLE architecture. That is, it will also become eight-core.

Is there a big difference for the average user?

Is there a big difference between a quad- and octa-core smartphone processor for the average user? No, in fact it is very small, according to Jon Mandi.

The term "octa-core" introduces some confusion, but in fact it means duplication of quad-core processors. The result is two independent quad-core sets, combined on a single chip to improve energy efficiency.

Do I need an octa-core processor in every modern smartphone. There is no such need, Yon Mandy believes and cites Apple example that provide decent power efficiency for their iPhones with just a dual-core processor.

Thus, the eight-core architecture of ARM big.LITTLE is one of the possible solutions to one of the most important tasks regarding smartphones - battery life. According to Jon Mandy, as soon as another solution to this problem is found, the trend of installing two quad-core sets in one chip, and similar solutions, will stop.

Do you know other benefits of octa-core smartphone processors?

06.10.2014, Mon, 14:10, Moscow time

Various devices, which facilitate the life of a modern person or provide him with a constant connection with the outside world, are found by the consumer in the first place “by clothes”. A perfect addition to the beautiful appearance will be an eight-core processor that provides high performance and speed of the device.

Design and ergonomics are important for gadgets, but at the same time, every user understands that the heart of any electronic device is the processor and other electronic components. Therefore, the characteristics of the processor are taken into account in terms of both the speed of applications and the image of the device and its owner.

The consumer wants that, with high technical indicators, a smartphone or other device also has affordable price. At first glance, this is an impossible combination in practice. However, MediaTek's developments show that the desired can become possible.

MediaTek is one of the leading companies both in the processor market and in the production of semiconductor elements for multimedia digital devices And wireless communication. The company has practically become a leader in the development of systems for high-definition television, wireless communications, optical storage and other electronics. Digitimes Research analysts believe that by the end of 2014 MediaTek will increase its share of the processor market to 26%.

Eight cores for a smartphone

The new powerful and productive processor for smartphones MediaTek MT6592 has 8 full-fledged cores that can work simultaneously. You can continue to argue whether such a number of cores is necessary for a smartphone, but such a processor already exists and very successfully copes with all tasks, overtaking other "less nuclear" options according to the test results.

The eight-core MediaTek processor is a whole range of solutions, both architectural and software. MediaTek delivers not just a powerful chip, but a complete platform for creating a smartphone. In fact, it includes everything that is needed for the operation of the device. The manufacturer is left to add the body, screen and other external elements.

MT6592 is one of Mediatek's latest octa-core processors

Interestingly, the MT6592 can be called the first processor in which all eight cores are truly present and competently used. But first things first.

Architecture is an important element of the platform

The MT6592 processor uses the architecture of the well-known company ARM, which is exclusively engaged in the development of processors. ARM architecture Cortex-A7 is a hit of recent seasons, and both MediaTek and other eminent chipmakers use it in their developments. For multi-core processors, ARM has developed a so-called heterogeneous architecture called big.LITTLE. Its essence is that for optimal use processor cores in the system, the alternating use of the so-called "heavy" and "light" cores can be used. For productive tasks, such as resource-intensive games, "heavy" cores are turned on, and for simpler applications or in the background, when it is necessary to save energy, only "light" cores work.

This architecture is used by Mediatek in processors such as the MT8135, where either all cores can be used at once, or the combination of "heavy" and "light" cores that is currently required. Unlike, for example, the Samsung platform, which actually does not have 8 cores, but is built on two quad-core processors, and alternately turns on and off clusters of “heavy” and “light” cores entirely.

The new MT6592 processor has a slightly different Mediatek development architecture - it is built on eight absolutely identical cores that are connected, idle or disconnected in any combination. That is, the Mediatek MT6592 platform with an 8-core CPU can use any combination of cores in operation, which are connected and disconnected as needed, depending on the current load on the processor.

MediaTek processors are used in their mobile devices not only by numerous Chinese manufacturers of the so-called second and third tiers, but also by such manufacturers as Asus, Lenovo, HTC, Sony. Fly also uses MediaTek processor platforms. Mobile devices of this brand can be found in almost any store selling communication and communication devices. According to the results of the first half of 2014, Fly ranked second in smartphone sales in the Russian market. The availability of devices from this company with high technical capabilities is largely due to the use of chips and technologies provided by MediaTek.

Fly designed new line premium smartphones called Fly Tornado. It will feature models that are distinguished by both exquisite design and high technical characteristics. This line is pioneered by elegant smartphone Fly Tornado One. This model just uses the eight-core MT6592 TrueOctaCore processor with a clock frequency of 1.4 GHz. Theoretically, a processor for a smartphone can be made with a higher frequency, but it would quickly “put down” the battery of the device. Therefore, a processor from Mediatek was chosen, which provides solid processing power and at the same time saves battery power. In addition, the MT6592 processor has an automatic frequency control function depending on the load on the processor and the current temperature.

Fly Tornado One smartphone is controlled by Mediatek MT6592 processor

The thin body of the smartphone has beveled edges, giving the shape originality, and optimal ratio sides creates ease of use. The screen and the back surface of the smartphone are covered with durable glass. The device is pleasant to hold in hand, besides the wear-resistant coating protects the screen and the entire body from scratches and damage. The screen of the Fly Tornado smartphone with a diagonal of 5 inches and a resolution of 1280x720 dpi is made according to IPS technology, which creates a clear and rich image, clearly visible even in bright sunlight. In addition, the screen of the new smartphone has increased viewing angles, which adds comfort when using the device.

For fast processing images is important not only processor power. The MediaTek MT6592 platform contains the new Rogue Series 6 video accelerator, so the smartphone can easily handle the graphics of modern games, as well as quickly launch heavy web pages.

The device's 1 GB of RAM helps the powerful processor work and processes requests instantly, while 8 GB of internal memory allows you to store multimedia content and the required number of functional widgets. If necessary, you can install a memory card up to 32 GB in your smartphone.

Modern smartphones are usually equipped with cameras from 8 to 20 megapixels. The Fly Tornado One model has a 13-megapixel camera on board, equipped with a special sensor that reduces the amount of noise and increases the light sensitivity of the matrix. As a result, you can get high-quality shots even in low light conditions. The camera contains 5 physical lenses, which allows you to take undistorted colorful photos.

Support for two SIM cards is a common thing among mobile devices, so with a Fly Tornado smartphone you can distinguish between work and personal contacts, or optimize communication costs by using a card with a certain tariff plan at the right time. The new smartphone is equipped with a gesture recognition function. For example, double touch wakes the device from sleep mode, and the launch of various applications can be carried out by certain characters on the screen.

The Fly Tornado One smartphone uses operating system Android 4.4 KitKat. It is known that even in the background Android mode uses many different services, but despite the constant load, due to the ability of the MT6592 processor to include cores in various combinations, "OS" works very smoothly. In addition, MediaTek replaced the task scheduler to properly distribute the load between the processor cores. Typically, Android uses the CFS scheduler, but here its own development was introduced - the HMP Scheduler and RT Schedule schedulers. As a result, tasks are correctly distributed between the cores, and priority tasks are serviced first.

Watching the development of smartphones, we can assume that the future belongs to powerful multi-core processors, and the difference in quality and performance between very expensive flagship smartphones and medium price category will cease to be perceptible. This clearly shows new sample Fly Tornado One smartphone with eight-core MediaTek processor.

The first computer processors with multiple cores appeared on the consumer market back in the mid-2000s, but many users still do not quite understand what multi-core processors are and how to understand their characteristics.

Video format of the article "The whole truth about multi-core processors"

A simple explanation of the question "what is a processor"

The microprocessor is one of the main devices in a computer. This dry official name is often shortened to just "processor"). The processor is a microcircuit, comparable in area to matchbox . If anything, the processor is like a motor in a car. The most important part, but not the only one. The car also has wheels, and a body, and a player with headlights. But it is the processor (like the motor of the car) that determines the power of the “machine”.

Many people call the processor a system unit - a “box” inside which all PC components are located, but this is fundamentally wrong. The system unit is a computer case with all its constituent parts - a hard drive, RAM and many other details.

Processor Function - Calculations. It doesn't really matter which ones. The fact is that all the work of a computer is tied exclusively to arithmetic calculations. Addition, multiplication, subtraction and other algebra - this is all done by a microcircuit called a "processor". And the results of such calculations are displayed on the screen in the form of a game, a Word file, or just a desktop.

The main part of the computer that deals with calculations is here, what is a processor.

What is a processor core and multi-core

From the beginning of the processor "ages" these microcircuits were single-core. The core is, in fact, the processor itself. Its main and main part. Processors also have other parts - say, "legs" - contacts, microscopic "wiring" - but it is the block that is responsible for the calculations that is called processor core. When the processors became quite small, the engineers decided to combine several cores within one processor "case" at once.

If we imagine the processor as an apartment, then the core is a large room in such an apartment. A one-room apartment is one processor core (a large room-hall), a kitchen, a bathroom, a corridor ... A two-room apartment is already like two processor cores along with other rooms. There are also three-, and four, and even 12-room apartments. Also in the case of processors: inside one crystal - "apartment" there can be several cores - "rooms".

Multi-core- this is the division of one processor into several identical functional blocks. The number of blocks is the number of cores within a single processor.

Varieties of multi-core processors

There is a misconception: “the more cores a processor has, the better.” This is how marketers who are paid to create these kinds of misconceptions try to present the case. Their mission is to sell cheap processors, moreover - more expensive and in large quantities. But in fact, the number of cores is far from the main characteristic of processors.

Let's return to the analogy of processors and apartments. A two-room apartment is more expensive, more comfortable and more prestigious than a one-room apartment. But only if these apartments are located in the same area, they are equipped in the same way, and their renovation is similar. There are weak four-core (or even 6-core) processors that are much weaker than dual-core ones. But it’s hard to believe in it: still, the magic of large numbers 4 or 6 against “some” two. However, this is exactly what happens very, very often. It seems like the same four-room apartment, but in a dead state, without repair, in a completely remote area - and even at the price of a chic "kopeck piece" in the very center.

How many cores are there in a processor?

For personal computers and laptops, single-core processors have not really been produced for several years, and finding them on sale is a rarity. The number of cores starts with two. Four cores - as a rule, these are more expensive processors, but there is a return on them. There are also 6-core processors that are incredibly expensive and much less useful in practical terms. Few tasks can get a performance boost on these monstrous crystals.

There was an experiment by AMD to create 3-core processors, but this is already in the past. It turned out pretty well, but their time has passed.

By the way, AMD also produces multi-core processors, but, as a rule, they are noticeably weaker than competitors from Intel. True, and the price is much lower. You just need to know that 4 cores from AMD will almost always be noticeably weaker than the same 4 cores from Intel.

Now you know that processors have 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 12 cores. Single-core and 12-core processors are a rarity. Tri-core processors are a thing of the past. Six-core processors are either very expensive (Intel) or not strong enough (AMD) to overpay for the number. 2 and 4 cores are the most common and practical devices, from the weakest to the most powerful.

Frequency of multi-core processors

One of the characteristics computer processors is their frequency. Those same megahertz (and more often gigahertz). Frequency is an important characteristic, but far from the only one.. Yes, perhaps not the most important. For example, a 2GHz dual-core processor is a more powerful offering than its 3GHz single-core counterpart.

It is completely wrong to assume that the frequency of the processor is equal to the frequency of its cores, multiplied by the number of cores. To put it simply, a 2-core processor with a core frequency of 2 GHz common frequency is by no means equal to 4 gigahertz! Even the concept of "general frequency" does not exist. In this case, CPU frequency is exactly 2 GHz. No multiplications, additions or other operations.

And again, "turn" the processors into apartments. If the height of the ceilings in each room is 3 meters, then the total height of the apartment will remain the same - all the same three meters, and not a centimeter higher. No matter how many rooms there are in such an apartment, the height of these rooms does not change. Also clock frequency of processor cores. It doesn't add up or multiply.

Virtual multi-core, or Hyper-Threading

There are also virtual processor cores. Hyper-Threading technology in Intel processors makes the computer "think" that there are actually 4 cores inside a dual-core processor. Very much like the one and only HDD is divided into several logical- local drives C, D, E and so on.

Hyper-Threading is a very useful technology in a number of tasks.. Sometimes it happens that the processor core is only half used, and the rest of the transistors in its composition are idle. Engineers figured out a way to make these idlers work too by dividing each physical processor core into two "virtual" parts. As if a fairly large room was divided into two by a partition.

Does it make practical sense virtual core trick? Most often yes, although it depends on specific tasks. It seems that there are more rooms (and most importantly, they are used more rationally), but the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room has not changed. In offices, such partitions are incredibly useful, in some residential apartments - too. In other cases, partitioning the room (dividing the processor core into two virtual ones) makes no sense at all.

Note that the most expensive performance class processorsCorei7 are without fail equippedHyper-threading. They have 4 physical cores and 8 virtual ones. It turns out that 8 computational threads work simultaneously on one processor. Less expensive but also powerful Intel class processors Corei5 consist of four cores, but Hyper Threading does not work there. It turns out that Core i5 work with 4 computation threads.

Processors Corei3- typical "middle peasants", both in price and performance. They have two cores and no hint of Hyper-Threading. In total, it turns out that Corei3 only two computational threads. The same applies to frankly budget crystals. Pentium andCeleron. Two cores, no "hype-threading" = two threads.

Does a computer need many cores? How many cores do you need in a processor?

Everything modern processors powerful enough for common tasks. Internet browsing, correspondence in social networks and e-mail, Word-PowerPoint-Excel office tasks: weak Atom, budget Celeron and Pentium are suitable for this work, not to mention the more powerful Core i3. Two cores for normal work more than enough. Processor with big amount cores will not bring a significant increase in speed.

For games, you should pay attention to the processorsCorei3 ori5. Rather, gaming performance will depend not on the processor, but on the video card. It's rare that a game will need all the power of the Core i7. Therefore, it is believed that games require no more than four processor cores, and more often two cores will do.

For serious work like special engineering programs, video encoding and other resource-intensive tasks really productive equipment is required. Often, not only physical, but also virtual processor cores are involved here. The more computing threads, the better. And it doesn't matter how much such a processor costs: for professionals, the price is not so important.

Is there any benefit to multi-core processors?

Certainly yes. At the same time, the computer is engaged in several tasks - at least Windows operation(by the way, these are hundreds of different tasks) and, at the same moment, playing the movie. Playing music and browsing the Internet. Work text editor and included music. Two processor cores - and these are, in fact, two processors, will cope with different tasks faster than one. Two cores will make it somewhat faster. Four is even faster than two.

In the early years of the existence of multi-core technology, not all programs were able to work even with two processor cores. By 2014, the vast majority of applications are well aware of and able to take advantage of multiple cores. The speed of processing tasks on a dual-core processor is rarely doubled, but there is almost always a performance boost.

Therefore, the rooted myth that supposedly programs cannot use multiple cores is outdated information. Once upon a time it was true, today the situation has improved dramatically. The benefits of multiple cores are undeniable, that's a fact.

When the processor has fewer cores, it's better

You should not buy a processor with the wrong formula "the more cores, the better." This is not true. Firstly, 4, 6 and 8-core processors are noticeably more expensive than their dual-core counterparts. A significant increase in price is not always justified in terms of performance. For example, if an 8-core processor is only 10% faster than a CPU with fewer cores, but will be 2 times more expensive, then such a purchase is difficult to justify.

Secondly, the more cores a processor has, the more “gluttonous” it is in terms of power consumption. It makes no sense to buy a much more expensive laptop with a 4-core (8-thread) Core i7 if this laptop will only process text files, browse the Internet and so on. There will be no difference with the dual-core (4 threads) Core i5, and the classic Core i3 with only two computing threads will not yield to the more eminent "colleague". And from a battery, such a powerful laptop will work much less than an economical and undemanding Core i3.

Multi-core processors in mobile phones and tablets

The fashion for several computing cores within one processor also applies to mobile devices. Smartphones, along with tablets with a large number of cores, almost never use the full capabilities of their microprocessors. Dual-core mobile computers sometimes really work a little faster, but 4, and even more so 8 cores, are overkill. The battery is consumed completely godlessly, and powerful computing devices are simply idle. The conclusion is that multi-core processors in phones, smartphones and tablets are just a tribute to marketing, and not an urgent need. Computers are more demanding devices than phones. They really need two processor cores. Four won't hurt. 6 and 8 are overkill in normal tasks and even in games.

How to choose a multi-core processor and not make a mistake?

The practical part of today's article is relevant for 2014. It is unlikely that anything will change in the coming years. We will only talk about processors manufactured by Intel. Yes, AMD offers good solutions, but they are less popular, and it is more difficult to understand them.

Note that the table is based on 2012-2014 sample processors. Older samples have different characteristics. Also, we did not mention rare variants of the CPU, for example, the single-core Celeron (there are some even today, but this is an atypical variant that is almost not represented on the market). You should not choose processors solely by the number of cores inside them - there are others, more important characteristics. The table will only make it easier to choose a multi-core processor, but specific model(and there are dozens of them in each class) should be bought only after carefully familiarizing yourself with their parameters: frequency, heat dissipation, generation, cache size and other characteristics.

CPU Number of Cores Computing Threads Typical Application
atom 1-2 1-4 Low power computers and netbooks. A task Atom processors- minimum power consumption. Their productivity is minimal.
Celeron 2 2 The cheapest processors for desktop PCs and laptops. The performance is sufficient for office tasks, but these are not gaming CPUs at all.
Pentium 2 2 Just as inexpensive and low-performance Intel processors as Celeron. Great choice for office computers. Pentiums are equipped with a slightly larger cache, and sometimes slightly improved performance compared to Celeron
Core i3 2 4 Two fairly powerful cores, each of which is divided into two virtual "processors" (Hyper-Threading). These are already quite powerful CPUs at not too high prices. A good choice for a home or powerful office computer without much performance requirements.
Core i5 4 4 Full-fledged 4-core Core i5s are quite expensive processors. Their performance is lacking only in the most demanding tasks.
Core i7 4-6 8-12 The most powerful but especially expensive Intel processors. As a rule, they are rarely faster than Core i5, and only in some programs. They simply have no alternatives.

A brief summary of the article "The whole truth about multi-core processors." Instead of an abstract

  • Processor core- his component. In fact, an independent processor inside the case. A dual-core processor is two processors inside one.
  • Multi-core comparable to the number of rooms in an apartment. Two-room apartments are better than one-room apartments, but only with other things being equal (location of the apartment, condition, area, ceiling height).
  • The assertion that The more cores a processor has, the better it is.- a marketing ploy, a completely wrong rule. After all, an apartment is chosen not only by the number of rooms, but also by its location, repair and other parameters. The same applies to several cores inside the processor.
  • Exists "virtual" multi-core- Hyper-threading technology. Thanks to this technology, each "physical" core is divided into two "virtual" cores. It turns out that a 2-core processor with Hyper-Threading has only two real cores, but these processors simultaneously process 4 computational threads. This is a really useful feature, but a 4-thread processor cannot be considered a quad-core processor.
  • For Intel desktop processors: Celeron - 2 cores and 2 threads. Pentium - 2 cores, 2 threads. Core i3 - 2 cores, 4 threads. Core i5 - 4 cores, 4 threads. Core i7 - 4 cores, 8 threads. Notebook (mobile) CPU Intel have a different number of cores/threads.
  • For mobile computers, energy efficiency (in practice, battery life) is often more important than the number of cores.

Definitely the world's first processors with 8 physical cores on a single chip attracted the attention of all potential buyers. Is an eight-core monster worth 10,000 rubles able to remove all its competitors from the computer market? In this article, the reader will get acquainted with one of AMD's products, the FX-8300 processor. Specifications, reviews from owners and professionals will help the buyer understand if he needs a multi-core crystal.

Through the eyes of the manufacturer

When you first get acquainted with the processor, there are too many questions from unprepared users. The presence of eight cores on one chip and the positioning of the AMD FX-8300 product in the budget class, the price of which does not exceed 10 thousand rubles, will definitely mislead the buyer. After all, the same representative of Intel with 8 cores (4 physical cores and 4 virtual ones) is 3 times more expensive in the computer market. This argument alone is enough to understand the ongoing marketing war on the market started by AMD.

Many IT professionals claim that at least 100 cores can be placed on a single chip, but in fact, the performance of the processor will ultimately be determined not by a quantitative sign, but by the results of testing in real conditions (everyday programs and games).


The next generation FX-8300 processor is built using 32nm technology, has reduced heat dissipation (95W versus 125W for the old generation of multi-core chips) and is designed for installation on the AM3 plus platform. However, fans of overclocking will be interested to know that with a slight increase in the frequency of the cores, not only power consumption increases sharply, but also the emission of power dissipation. The manufacturer assigned the new product the code name Vishera (Buldozer was somehow more consonant with high performance).

One chip has a three-level caching system, as is implemented in all powerful processors, but AMD technologists managed to cheat here too. The first level cache is 384 KB. Moreover, this volume is not distributed equally to each core, but is summed up between four pairs of cores. The second-level cache, which has a total volume of 8 MB, works on the same principle. There are never any problems with L3 - it is common to all cores and is 8 MB.

Support for modern technologies

Crystal FX-8300 Black Edition at the hardware and software level can work with 64-bit platforms. But with such powerful characteristics, there is no graphics core. But with the support of RAM at the crystal full order- a DDR3 chip of any size (limited to 128 gigabytes, in total), operating at any frequency and even with a hardware-implemented ECC function. Many professionals in their reviews assure that AMD products with RAM are always lacking for Intel processors.

The presence standard instructions supported by a crystal, surprise no one, it is only worth focusing on the possibilities of hardware and creating virtual environments. Superficially, without testing, everything looks pretty attractive - decent physical data and full support all modern technologies.

Getting to know a representative

The manufacturer made the right move towards customers when it provided the market with two processor modifications: in the BOX configuration and a model without a cooler - FX-8300 OEM. The fact is that this crystal is purchased by many gamers in order to further increase performance through overclocking. Accordingly, the standard cooling system is replaced by a more serious analogue, which maintains a thermal package within 95-150 watts of power dissipation.

The box copy is no different from other AMD processors. All the same huge box, made in dark (red-black color) or light (red-white shade) colors. Inside, in addition to the crystal and the cooler, there is a branded AMD sticker, thermal paste and a lot of waste paper from the manufacturer.

Recommendations for choosing a cooling system for overclocking a processor

Select right cooler for an eight-core crystal, it will not be any particular problem for any owner, because any user can determine the heat dissipation range (up to 150 watts). However, it is at this stage that many buyers make their first critical mistake. For the FX-8300 processor, whose overclocking is a priority, a very expensive cooling system is purchased. Sometimes the price of a cooler is 50-100% of the cost of a crystal. After all, logically, this amount could be spent on a more powerful processor.

In their reviews, professionals recommend not to follow the recommendations of interested sellers and, when buying a cooler, limit yourself to a budget not exceeding 20% ​​of the cost of the processor. The following inexpensive cooling systems have proven themselves well: Zalman CNPS5X, Arctic Freezer 7 Pro, DeepCool Gammaxx 300 and Scytle Katana.

Thrill seekers

Having studied the review of the FX-8300 processor, many beginners will immediately rush to compare the performance with the Intel counterpart. It is clear that this will be the flagship Core I7. The use of synthetic tests will lead the user to the idea that the new product from AMD is quite competitive. The backlog from the top representative of Intel is about 20%. Overclocking the AMD die helps reduce the discrepancy.

In tests of resource-intensive games, overclocking is no longer enough for the FX-8300 processor to get close to the performance of the Intel flagship. Test toys "Alien vs. Predator" and "Metro 2033" demonstrate the clear superiority of the Core I7. A comparison of two eight-core processors in programs for encoding and processing video, as well as in 3D modeling, is out of the question. The AMD representative is simply losing ground, demonstrating very low rates (20-30%).

Fight in the price category

For the FX-8300 processor, it is better to perform a performance test with devices from a similar class, rather than chasing the number of cores. IN budget segment there are many representatives of the 4th generation who have Core marking I3. True, they are equipped with only two physical cores and have a smaller cache.

IN synthetic tests no one stands a chance against the FX-8300. The Intel representative simply surrenders all positions, as in independent work, and in symbiosis with RAM and a video adapter. However, the situation improves in experiments with real applications and games. It would seem that 2 cores against 8, the gap should be 4 times. But the Core I3 representative is inferior to the opponent by only 15-20% in performance. And when it comes to 3D modeling and video encoding, the AMD representative simply loses, and no amount of overclocking can fix the situation.

Many owners of FX-8300 processors, whose overclocking was a priority when buying, managed to discover a strange feature: in the same budget class there are no motherboards that support increasing the core frequency and can work with raising the voltage on the crystal. Required systems for overclocking are in an expensive gaming class and have a corresponding cost (15-20 thousand rubles). Naturally, many potential buyers will no longer want to buy for overclocking.

Professionals recommend looking for motherboards in the budget class that support processors up to 4.5 GHz and can set the multiplier for the cores. This data is quite enough to disperse the crystal at home. The main thing here is to pay attention to the computer case. Large volume heat from the processor must be very efficiently removed outside the system unit.

About end users

Many readers from the above review have already understood that the FX-8300 processor in the budget class and with 8 cores is another AMD company, which, instead of improving its own technologies, is trying to remove its competitor Intel from the market. However, not everything is as bad as it seems at first glance.

An inexpensive eight-core representative will be of interest, first of all, to all lovers of resource-intensive dynamic games. As tests show, the processor is still capable of processing a large data stream. Do not forget about support for fast DDR3 memory modules, because any game directly depends on the symbiosis of the crystal, RAM, video card and hard drive in system. Accordingly, by selecting the right components, the player will be able to significantly improve the performance of his system.


The beauty of AMD products in the computer aftermarket is that a single motherboard can house multiple generations of processors within a decade. What can not be said about Intel products - each generation of chips requires the purchase of a new motherboard. Naturally, the FX-8300 processor will be of interest primarily to those buyers who decide to upgrade. Reviews of professionals in the media assure that this will be the most effective and inexpensive solution for the user.

If we are talking about purchasing a new computer assembly, then before buying, you need to make a list of tasks for which the processor is being purchased. For home use, work with multimedia and resource-intensive games, the purchase of the FX-8300 will be appropriate. In other cases, it is better to give preference to representatives of Intel.

For an office, home or gaming computer, it is not so difficult to choose the right processor. You just need to decide on the needs, a little orientation in the characteristics and price ranges. It makes no sense to thoroughly study the smallest nuances if you are not a “geek”, but you need to understand what to pay attention to.

For example, you can look for a processor with a higher frequency and cache memory, but without paying attention to the chip core, you can get into a mess. The core, in fact, is the main performance factor, and the rest of the characteristics are plus or minus. IN in general terms I can say that the more expensive the product in the line of one manufacturer, the better, more powerful, faster it is. But processors AMD is cheaper similar to Intel.

  • The processor should be chosen depending on the tasks. If in normal mode you have about two resource-intensive programs running, then it is better to buy a dual-core “stone” with a high frequency. If more threads are used, it is better to opt for a multi-core of the same architecture, even if with a lower frequency.
  • Hybrid processors (with an integrated graphics card) will save on the purchase of a graphics card, provided that you do not need to play fancy games. These are almost all modern Intel and AMD processors of the A4-A12 series, but AMD graphic core is stronger.
  • A cooler must be supplied with all processors marked "BOX" (of course, a simple model, which is not enough for high loads, but it's what you need to work in the nominal mode). If you need a cool cooler, then .
  • Processors marked "OEM" are covered by a one-year warranty, while BOX is covered by a three-year warranty. If the warranty period provided by the store is shorter, it is better to think about looking for another distributor.
  • In some cases, it makes sense to buy a percentage from the hands, so you can save about 30% of the amount. True, this method of purchase is associated with a certain risk, so you need to pay attention to the availability of a guarantee and the reputation of the seller.

Main technical characteristics of processors

Now about some characteristics, which are still worth mentioning. It is not necessary to delve into, but it will be useful to understand my recommendations for specific models.

Each processor has its own socket (platform), i.e. the name of the connector on the motherboard for which it is intended. Whichever processor you choose, be sure to look at socket matching. At the moment there are several platforms.

  • LGA1150 - not for top processors, used for office computers, gaming and home media center. Integrated graphics entry level, except for Intel Iris/Iris Pro. Already out of circulation.
  • LGA1151 is a modern platform, recommended for a future upgrade to newer "stones". Processors themselves are not much faster previous platform, i.e., it makes no sense to upgrade to it. But on the other hand, there is a more powerful integrated graphics core of the Intel Graphics series, DDR4 memory is supported, but it does not give a strong performance gain.
  • LGA2011-v3 is a top platform designed for building high-performance desktop systems based on system logic Intel X299, expensive, outdated.
  • LGA 2066 (Socket R4) - socket for HEDT (Hi-End) Intel processors of Skylake-X architecture and Kaby Lake X, came to replace 2011-3.
  • AM1 for weak, energy efficient processors
  • AM3+ is a common socket, suitable for most AMD processors, incl. for high-performance processors without an integrated video core
  • AM4 is designed for microprocessors with Zen microarchitecture (Ryzen brand) with and without integrated graphics, and all subsequent ones. Added support for DDR4 memory.
  • FM2/FM2+ for budget options Athlon X2/X4 without integrated graphics.
  • sTR4 is a socket type for the HEDT family of Ryzen Threadripper microprocessors. Similar to server sockets, the most massive and for desktop computers.

There are outdated platforms that you can buy to save money, but keep in mind that new processors will no longer be made for them: LGA1155, AM3, LGA2011, AM2 / +, LGA775 and others that are not on the lists.

The name of the kernel. Each line of processors has its own kernel name. For example, Intel currently has Sky Lake, Kaby Lake and the latest coffee lake eighth generation. AMD has Richland, Bulldozer, Zen. The higher the generation, the more high-performance chip, at lower power consumption, and the more technologies are introduced.

Number of Cores: from 2 to 18 pieces. The bigger, the better. But there is such a moment: programs that do not know how to distribute the load among the cores will run faster on a dual-core with a higher clock frequency than on a 4-core, but at a lower frequency. In short, if there is no clear terms of reference, then the rule works: more is better, and the further, the more correct it will be.

Process technology, measured in nanometers, for example - 14nm. Does not affect performance, but does affect CPU heating. Each new generation of processors is manufactured according to a new process technology with a smaller nm. This means that if you take a processor of the previous generation and about the same new one, then the latter will heat up less. But, since new products are made faster, they heat up in about the same way. That is, process improvements enable manufacturers to make faster processors.

Clock frequency, measured in gigahertz, for example - 3.5 GHz. Always the more - the better, but only within the same series. If you take an old Pentium with a frequency of 3.5 GHz and some new one, then the old one will be many times slower. This is due to the fact that they have completely different nuclei.

Almost all "stones" are capable of accelerating, i.е. operate at a higher frequency than the one indicated in the specifications. But this is a topic for those who understand, because. you can burn the processor or get a non-working system!

Cache size 1, 2 and 3 levels, one of the key characteristics, the more, the faster. The first level is the most important, the third is less significant. Directly depends on the kernel and series.

TDP- dissipated thermal power, well, or how much at maximum load. A lower number means less heat. Without clear personal preferences, this can be ignored. Powerful processors consume 110-220 watts of electricity in the load. You can see the diagram of the approximate power consumption of Intel and AMD processors under normal load, the less the better:

Model, series: does not apply to the characteristics, but nevertheless I want to tell you how to understand which processor is better within the same series, without really delving into the characteristics. Processor name, for example " consists of a series Core i3" and model numbers "8100". The first digit means the line of processors on some core, and the next ones are its “performance index”, roughly speaking. So we can guess that:

  • Core i3-8300 is faster than i3-8100
  • i3-8100 is faster than i3-7100
  • But the i3-7300 will be faster than the i3-8100, despite the lower series, because 300 strongly more than 100. I think you get the point.

The same goes for AMD.

Will you play on the computer?

The next point that you need to decide in advance: the gaming future of the computer. For Farm Frenzy and other simple online games, any built-in graphics will do. If buying an expensive video card is not included in the plans, but you want to play, then you need to take a processor with a normal graphics core Intel Graphics 530/630/Iris Pro, AMD Radeon RX Vega Series. Even modern games will run in Full HD 1080p resolution at minimum and medium graphics quality settings. You can play World of Tanks, GTA, Dota and others.

If so, then it makes sense to take a processor without integrated graphics at all, and save on it (or get more power for the same price). The circle can be narrowed like this:

  • AMD has FX series processors for the AM3+ platform and A12/10/8/6/4 hybrid solutions, as well as Athlon X4 for FM2+/AM4
  • Intel has SkyLake and Kaby Lake series processors for LGA1151 and LGA2066 platforms and obsolete BroadWell-E for LGA2011-v3 (there are only a few models).

You also need to take into account that a powerful video card and processor need to match. I will not give clear answers to questions like “what kind of processor is needed for this video card”. This question needs to be studied independently by reading relevant reviews, tests, comparisons, forums. But I will give you a couple of suggestions.

First, you need a processor with at least 4 cores. Even more cores will not add much fps in games. At the same time, it turns out that 4-core AMD is better suited for games than 2-core Intel at the same or even lower price.

Secondly, you can navigate like this: the cost of the processor is equal to the cost of the video card. In fact, despite dozens of models, making the right choice is not difficult.

A note about AMD

The most budget line is called "Sempron". With each new generation, performance increases, but still these are the weakest processors. Recommended only for working with office documents, surfing the Internet, watching videos and music.

The company has a series of FX - these are outdated top-end chips for the AM3 + platform. Everyone has an unlocked multiplier, i.e. they are easy to overclock (if necessary). There are 4, 6 and 8 core models. Supports automatic overclocking technology - Turbo Core. Only DDR3 memory works. It is better when the platform works with DDR4.

There are also mid-range products - Athlon X4 and A4/A6/A8/A10/A12 APU line (with integrated graphics). This is for FM2/FM2+/AM4 platforms. A-series is divided into 2 and 4 cores. The power of integrated graphics is higher in older models. If the name has the letter “K” at the end, then this model comes with an unlocked multiplier, i.e. easier to overclock. Supported by Turbo Core. It makes sense to take something from the A-series, only on the condition that there will be no separate video card.

For socket AM4, the newest processors are the Ryzen 3, Ryzen 5, Ryzen 7 series. Positioned as competitors Intel Core i3, i5, i7. There are without integrated graphics and with it, then the letter G will be in the model name, for example AMD Ryzen A5 2400G. The top-end line with 8-16 core processors is AMD Ryzen Threadripper with a massive cooling system.

Note about Intel

The LGA1151 platform includes a complete set of models, listed in ascending order of performance: Celeron, Pentium, Core i3/i5/i7. There are economical processors, they have the letters "T" or "S" in their name. They are slower and I see no reason to put them on home computers unless there is a special need, for example for a home file storage / media center. DDR4 memory is supported, embedded video is everywhere.

The most budget dual core processors with integrated graphics, these are Celeron, AMD's analogue of Sempron, and more productive Pentiums. For domestic needs, it is better to install at least a Pentium.

Top LGA2066 for Skylake and Kabylake with i5/i7 and top i9 series processors. They work with DDR4 memory, have 4-18 cores on board and no integrated graphics. Unlocked multiplier.

For information:

  • Core i5 and i7 processors support Turbo Boost technology
  • Kaby Lake socket processors are not always faster than their Sky Lake predecessors. The difference in architecture can be offset by different clock speeds. As a rule, a faster processor costs a little more, even if it is Sky Lake. But Skylake accelerates well.
  • Iris Pro integrated graphics processors are suitable for quiet gaming builds, but they are quite expensive
  • processors based on the LGA1151 platform are suitable for gaming systems, but it will not make sense to install more than two video cards, because. a maximum of 16 PCI Express lanes are supported. For a complete separation, you need an LGA2011-v3 or LGA2066 socket and the corresponding pebbles.
  • The Xeon line is designed for servers.

Which is better AMD or Intel?

This is an eternal dispute, to which thousands of pages of forums on the Internet are devoted, and there is no definite answer to it. Both companies follow each other, but for myself I made a choice which is better. In a nutshell - AMD produces optimal budget decisions, and Intel - more technologically advanced and expensive products. AMD rules in the low-end sector, but this company simply has no analogues to the fastest Intel processors.

Processors do not break, such as monitors or, so the question of reliability is not at issue here. That is, if you do not overclock the “stone” and use a fan no worse than a boxed (complete) one, then any processor will last for many, many years. There are no bad models, but there is a feasibility of buying depending on the price, characteristics and other factors, such as the presence of a particular motherboard.

I provide for review pivot table approximate performance in games of Intel and AMD processors on a powerful GeForce GTX1080 video card, the higher -> the better:

Comparison of processors in tasks. close to everyday, normal load:

Archiving in 7-zip (less time - better result):

To independently compare different processors, I suggest using tables. So, let's move from verbosity to specific recommendations.

Processors under $40

Of course, for this money high performance should not be expected. Typically, such a processor is bought in two cases:

  1. For an office computer that does not require high performance
  2. For the so-called home server"- a computer whose main purpose is to store and play video and audio files.

These computers will run high-definition movies and simple games but don't expect anything more. AMD A4, A6 processors are suitable for working in nominal mode (the higher the model, the slightly more expensive and faster). The cheapest models from the A4 series are NOT recommended, these are slow processors with slow graphics, worse than Intel.

An excellent choice would be Intel processor Celeron G3900-3930 (LGA1151 socket) with DDR4 memory support and more powerful integrated graphics. These processors overclock well.

If you have an external video card, then you can save a little more and take AMD Athlon A4 X2, but it's better to aim for 4 Athlon II X4 cores or, as This processor does not have a built-in graphics core. Separately, it is worth mentioning that you should NOT pay attention to the quad-core AMD Sempron and Athlon Kabini X4 for socket AM1. These are slow processors, unsuccessful products of the company.

Up to 80$

There are a few more opportunities here, since for this amount you can buy a good quad-core. This also includes the initial kits motherboard + built-in processor. Their purpose is to provide stable operation desktop computers of small and medium power. Usually they are enough for comfortable work on the Internet, but such a kit is not suitable for a serious load.

To work in the nominal mode, it is best to choose an AMD Athlon X4 processor for the AMD AM4 platform. If you need integrated graphics, then take any you like for the price from AMD series A8 or microprocessor Intel Pentium Dual-Core G4600 for the Intel LGA1151 platform.

Good performance in overclocking mode is shown by AMD FX or Athlon X4 xxxK series processors; with the letter "K". These models have an unlocked multiplier, which means they can be easily overclocked. But when buying it, you need to consider that not every motherboard is suitable for overclocking. Can be used with NVidia GTX1050Ti level graphics card.

About 120$

You can choose AMD quad-core APU from the Ryzen 3 series on AMD platform AM4, which is suitable for creating a media center and even for playing games at medium settings. In these "stones" is built a very good radeon video card Vega R8 Series. If you look towards Intel in the price category up to $120, then there is nothing interesting, except perhaps the Pentium G5600.

To work in overclocking mode, and not only, choose the Intel i3-7100 processor. Not the best option for games, because. there are only 2, but very fast cores. But the AMD FX-8350 processor with its 8 cores will come in handy. BUT clock frequency can be raised from standard 4 to 4.5 GHz.

Up to 200$

The best performance in this category is provided by Intel processors on the LGA1151 platform, although AMD is still trying to hold its ground. The best choice would be the Intel i5-7400. Despite its 4 cores, multithreading is supported up to 8. Will show good performance in games and ideal in household applications. AMD Ryzen 5 draws attention with an excellent Vega 11 graphics card.

At a slightly lower price, AMD may be more efficient in multi-threaded operations. In other words, you can take the Ryzen 5 series for games, you can save money. For other tasks where multithreading is not required, it is better to look at Intel.

Up to 280$

For nominal work, the Intel Core i5-8600 is best suited. If you need to save a little, then the i5-8500 will do. Among AMD, without hesitation, you can take the Ryzen 5 2600X. This is a great LATEST processor from AMD that makes sense to buy (and overclock;).

For overclocking the best choice will be the Intel Core i5-8600k processor for LGA 1151, which in this case has no competitors. High frequency and an unlocked multiplier make this gem ideal for gamers and overclockers. Among the processors used for overclocking, it is he who so far shows best ratio price/performance/energy consumption.

The Broadwell generation Core i5-5675C carries the most powerful Iris Pro 6200 integrated graphics card (GT3e core) on board, and it does not get very hot, because. Made in 14nm process technology. Suitable for compact and uncompromising gaming systems.

Processors starting at $400

If we talk about the best model in this price range, it is worth highlighting the Intel Core i7-8700K for the Intel LGA 1151 platform. This processor is the best for both nominal use and overclocking, and is also great for top games at high settings, corresponding video card. Its antipode is AMD Ryzen 7 products.

If you can afford to spend more money on a stone, the choice here is clear - an Intel Core i7-7820X processor for the LGA 2066 socket. For an adequate price, you will get fast 8 cores, but without integrated graphics. Yes, I think who takes such a smart guy and thinks to work on an integrated chip AMD has a worthy competitor - this is the monster Ryzen Threadripper 1920X with 12 cores.

But the flagship Intel Core i9-7980XE with 18 cores is worth buying only for greater solidity, because, despite the significant difference in price (the flagship costs three times more), the processor does not come off much in terms of performance in desktop PC tasks. This animal is the sole leader in this price category, both for nominal use and for overclocking.

Is it worth changing the processor?

Unlike smartphones and tablets, the desktop and laptop industry has not seen as much progress. As a rule, the processor does not change for several years and works fine. Therefore, it is better to take his choice responsibly, preferably with a small margin.

So, processors 2 or even 3 years old are not really inferior to their modern brothers. The increase in performance, if we take similar ones at a price, is on average 20%, which is almost imperceptible in real life.

Finally, I want to give a couple of tips:

  • Do not chase top models with super power. If you do not play or do not work in highly demanding applications, then a powerful processor will only eat extra electricity and quickly become cheaper over time.
  • New items are not much faster than their predecessors, by 10-20%, and this is almost imperceptible in daily work, but they are more expensive and sometimes require a replacement motherboard for installation.
  • When choosing a powerful processor, consider that your power supply has enough power based on the power consumption of the “stone” and the entire system unit as a whole!

The central processing unit is the heart of the computer and it is on it that the speed of computing operations depends. But the speed of work depends not only on it. With slow other components, such as a hard drive, your computer will slow down even with the coolest animal!

It seems that everything I wanted to say, now if something is not clear, ask in the comments! Only one request - do not write, such as "which processor is better than Intel i5-xxxx or amd fx-xx" and similar questions. All processors have long been tested and compared with each other. There are also ratings that include hundreds of models.

Alexey Vinogradov, 2013-10-06 Edited: 2018-06-15

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