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Vmware local network between virtual machines. Polygon for server administration

Quite often there is a need to connect a virtual machine VMware Workstation to the Internet. Such a need arises in case of receiving updates directly from the Internet site, testing the operation of Internet browsers and for many other reasons. In this article, we will discuss the connectivity options virtual machines VMware Workstation to the internet. The following bridged, NAT, or host-only connections can be used depending on the network setup.

First, recall that using the utility Virtual network Editor it is possible to configure virtual networks VMware Workstation... This utility allows you to configure the network VMware Workstation and allows you to DHCP setting and NAT services. Bole detailed information about using Virtual The Network Editor can be obtained by reading the article Network Settings VMware Workstation

Scenario 1. Access of VMware Workstation virtual machines to the Internet using a bridged connection.

Let's consider the first scenario of connecting virtual machines to the Internet using a bridged connection. Suppose that on your local network there is DHCP server(if it is not there, then all the TCP / IP parameters of the virtual machine (IP address, mask, default gateway, DNS) can be set manually). We also assume that your network hardware does not block connection based on MAC address and your firewall allows any computer to connect to the internet.

In this case, no additional settings you do not need to do this, if you chose bridged connection of the virtual machine, everything should work.

The figure shows a bridged connection. How do you see, physical machine(host) has its own unique IP address. Virtual machines receive their own IP addresses from the DHCP server. Thus, each virtual machine acts as an independent node on the local network.

Have this method there are also disadvantages to the connection. In a situation where the addresses of computers with Internet access are hardcoded on the firewall, virtual machines VMware Workstation will not get access. In this case, it is necessary to create for each virtual machine separate permission access on the firewall. Another limitation of the operation of a virtual machine on a network can be the settings of the network equipment; the settings may indicate a limitation - one MAC address per port. Since each virtual machine has its own MAC address during a bridged connection, the network equipment may block the port due to a large number MAC addresses on the port.

Scenario 2. Connecting VMware Workstation virtual machines to the Internet using NAT.

We examined the first scenario for connecting virtual machines VMware Workstation to the internet. As discussed above, there are certain limitations inherent in bridged connections. To overcome these limitations, you can alternatively use a NAT connection. In NAT connection, the IP address of the host (physical computer) is used by all virtual machines... In other words, if the guest virtual machine accesses the resources of the local network, the request is made on behalf of the host using its IP and MAC address.

There are two networks when using NAT connections. One virtual network, in which virtual machines are located and interact, and the second is a physical network, to which a physical computer is connected. DHCP service is used to assign IP addresses to virtual machines. DHCP configuration is done via Virtual utility Network Editor VMware Workstation. In the configuration of the DHCP service, it is desirable to specify the DNS server of your Internet provider.

Note that the physical computer is also connected to a virtual network using a virtual network adapter. When a virtual machine accesses the resources of the local network or the Internet, packets from the virtual machine go to the default gateway (which is the IP address of the virtual adapter of the physical computer), on physical computer conversion is in progress network addresses and packets enter the network using the IP and MAC address of the physical computer. After receiving data from an external network or the Internet, reverse transformation network addresses.

Scenario 3. Access of VMware Workstation virtual machines to the Internet using a host-only connection.

Speaking of host-only connections, they always highlight what is created isolated from external networks virtual network. All virtual machines on this network can only communicate with each other and with the host operating system. But, even for a host-only connection, it is possible to provide virtual machines VMware Workstation Internet access. This can be done using a proxy server, router, NAT, etc. on the host. On computers using the host operating system Windows systems 2000, Windows XP or Windows Server 2003, together with a host-only connection you can use Internet connection sharing, allowing virtual machines to use dial-up or other internet connection.

Conclusion. VMware Workstation provides many options for configuring virtual networks - bridged, NAT and host-only. Depending on the scenario of use, you must choose a specific network... If you want to connect the virtual machine to a local network or to the Internet, it is better to use the bridged or NAT option. The choice depends on the security configuration of your local network.

Note. Note that your personal firewall may be blocking virtual machine connectivity. As an experiment, you can turn off the firewall for a while and test the connection from the virtual machines.

Professionals in different areas of IT quite often have to study various operating systems, test written software on them, study the interaction of computers over a network, and also configure server and client programs... As a rule, for such tasks, more than one computer is required, but it is very difficult to maintain several computers at home. First, not everyone will agree to shell out about $ 500 for a second, let alone a third computer. And, secondly, not everyone has a place to place them. What to do and how to get out of this situation? There is an answer! At your service VMWare Workstation! This article covers setting up VMWare Workstation creating virtual network adapters and networks from virtual machines.

VMWare Workstation- it software allowing you to create virtual computers. Those. you have the opportunity to place many logical ones on one physical computer. Plus, you can network them together. And most importantly, you will not harm your computer's hardware and you will not have to think about how to partition the hard drive to install a second operating system on your computer. Now let's take a closer look at the capabilities of this program.

This article will configure VMWare Workstation 5.5.2 - build 29772... Windows XP SP1 is used as the main (host) operating system (i.e. the OS on which VMWare Workstation is installed).

As operating systems that are allowed to be installed on VMWare Workstation (they are called guest), you can use Windows (from 3.1 to Vista), various types of Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, Novell NetWare, MS DOS, and some 64-bit operating systems are allowed.

For example, consider the installation Windows XP Media Center , FreeBSD 6.1 and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, and then we combine these systems into single network... In our example, a PC with a processor is used Intel Pentium 4 2.0 GHz and 768 Mb random access memory.

VMWare Workstation creates its own virtual hardware for each virtual computer:

  • Processor - used the same as on a real machine. V latest versions support for dual-processor systems has been implemented. If you have real computer 2 processors, then in the virtual one you can use 2.
  • RAM - limited by the amount of RAM on a real computer. But it cannot exceed 1280 MB.
  • Support for both IDE and SCSI devices.
  • 3.5-inch floppy disks.
  • LPT and COM ports.
  • USB devices.
  • Sound card.
  • virtual Ethernet adapters.
  • keyboard and mouse.

So let's get down to practice. Installing VMWare Workstation is straightforward. During the installation, the CD-ROM autorun should be disabled. After finishing the installation, enter serial number(Help-> Enter Serial Number ...), which can be ordered on the manufacturer's website Moreover, after the expiration of the term of use, it can be ordered again, albeit to another mailbox. Figure 1 shows VMWare Workstation after installation.

Fig 1. VMWare Workstation

Now let's look at ways networking virtual machines:

Bridged networking (bridge)- allows you to attach network interface virtual machine to the local network. Those. another Ethernet interface will be visible from the local network, with its own ip-address, and data will be transmitted through the real interface of the main machine. By default, the vmnet0 interface is used for this.

Host-only networking- serves to combine the main and virtual machines into a single network. In this case, joining real network does not happen and this network visible only on the local computer.

NAT adapter (Network Address Translation adapter)- used to connect virtual machines to the Internet through the host machine. Similar to bridging, except that no new interfaces appear on the network. The NAT device translates packets so that all devices on the real network think they are talking to the real one. network adapter... In turn, the NAT device, on the basis of a special table created by it, distinguishes which network the packets coming to the real adapter belong to.

Virtual adapters operate on private class C networks that start at and end at We will create the network shown in the following diagram.

Fig 2. Scheme of the created network

The NAT device will serve the VMnet8 network, with an address space of VMnet1 (host-only) will have an address space of Now you need to create these networks. We go into VMWare Workstation, select Edit-> Virtual Network Settings ... Before us appears the editor of virtual networks.

Fig 3. Virtual network editor

By default, VMnet1 and VMnet8 already exist, but we want to create networks with different addresses and change some settings. Therefore, go to the Host Virtual Adapters tab and remove both devices, then click Apply. We will now create two new virtual network adapters. To do this, click the “Add” button on the Host Virtual Adapters tab. In the window that appears (Fig. 3), select VMnet1. Add VMnet8 in the same way.

Fig 4. Adding a virtual network adapter

After that, go to the Host Virtual Network Mapping tab. A new device NewDevice appeared opposite VMnet1. Press the button with the arrow opposite this device and select the Subnet item in the menu that appears. In the window that appears, enter the ip-address of our network - (Fig. 5).

Fig 5. Setting the network address from virtual machines

For VMnet8, we do the same by setting the ip-address After specifying the addresses for both networks, press the "Apply" button. The following tables show the allocation of ip addresses for host-only networks using NAT.

Table 1. Distribution of ip-addresses in host-only networks

Table 1. Distribution of ip-addresses in host-only networks

Table 2. Distribution of addresses in networks using NAT

In the created networks, we can assign ip-addresses to virtual machines both statically and dynamically. To set the ip-address, we will dynamically use the DHCP service. Customization of this service is carried out on the DHCP tab (Fig. 6).

Fig 6. Configuring DHCP service

The NAT tab is used to manage the NAT service for the VMnet8 network (Fig. 7).

Fig 7. Configuring NAT service

Now go to Windows in Control Panel -> Network Connections. There should be two new network connections (Figure 8).

Fig 8. Network connections for a network of virtual machines

Having looked at the properties of these connections, we make sure that the VMware Network Adapter for VMnet1 has an IP address of, and the VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet8 has an IP address of

Having figured out a little with the device of networks, let's start installing operating systems. Let's start with Windows XP Media Center. Select File-> New-> Virtual Machine ... In the wizard that appears, click Next, leave the configuration type unchanged - Typical. From the group of operating systems, select Microsoft Windows, in the list of versions, select Microsoft Windows XP Professional.

Fig 9. Selecting an operating system for a virtual machine

In the next window, specify the name and path where the virtual machine will be stored. In the "Network Type" dialog, select "Use host-only networking". Then it is proposed to indicate the size of the hard drive. In our case, 3 GB is enough. If you tick Allocate all disk space now, then 3 GB for our system will be allocated immediately, if this is not done, then the space on the physical hard drive will take up as the virtual hard drive is full. After that we press "Finish".

Now let's change some settings. To do this, in the created virtual machine, select Edit Virtual Machine Settings. virtual machine. Change the Memory parameter to 128 Mb. In the CD-ROM parameter, you can specify which CD-ROM to boot from, or you can use ISO images by specifying the location of the image file. This feature can be very convenient in some situations. And finally, let's set the parameters of the network Ethernet cards... In the Network connection list, select Custom and specify VMnet1 (Host-only).

Fig 10. Configuring the network card

After changing all the parameters, click "OK", and then start the virtual machine. After the start, click with the mouse in the virtual computer window and press the "Esc" button, in order to indicate from which location to boot. In our case, you need to select CD-ROM Drive and press “Enter”. After that, the process of installing the operating system begins as on regular computer... After the installation is complete, you should install special drivers for better performance. When the virtual machine is running, select VM-> Install VMware Tools, now in the virtual machine, go to the CD-ROM drive and complete the installation.

In the same way, install SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. Let's allocate 128 Mb of RAM and connect the network card to the VMnet1 network.

FreeBSD will come with a parameter and 128 Mb of RAM. And we will use two network cards for this system: one (Ethernet) will "look" to the VMnet8 network, and the other (Ethernet 2) to VMnet1. This way FreeBSD will connect the two networks together. To add another network card to the system, click the “Add” button in the virtual machine properties editor. A wizard will start, in which you should indicate the type of equipment to be added, in our case Ethernet, and then indicate the network into which this virtual network adapter "looks".

Fig 11. Adding a new network virtual adapter

After installing the operating systems, we can start networking them. Suppose Windows XP Media Center obtains an IP address automatically from a DHCP service. Then we start the virtual machine with Windows XP Media Center, go to Control Panel -> Network Connections. We select properties for the Loacal Area Connection. In the list of connection components, select the Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) and click the "Properties" button and set the switch to the "Obtain an IP address automatically" item. Click "Advanced" and add a gateway with the address We close all windows by clicking "OK". We start the console, enter ipconfig / all and see the result (Fig. 12).

Fig 12. Result of the ipconfig / all command

Now it's the turn to configure SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. Launch the YaST administration program. In chapter " Network devices"Select" Network card ". In the "Overview of network card settings" window, select our map and click "Edit". Enter the IP address, the mask - Press the "Routing" button and specify FreeBSD as the gateway, i.e. enter the address We apply the entered settings.

We can check if the network cards are working and if they can see each other. To do this, in the command Windows prompt XP Media Center we enter ping, if the answer comes, then LAN card working. We enter ping and having received the answer, we conclude that the network card of the Linux machine is also working and we can communicate with it. For fun, you can "ping" a Windows machine from Linux.

Fig 13. Pinging a Windows machine from Linux.

It's about time FreeBSD settings... Run the sysinstall program from root user... Choose Configure -> Networking -> Interfaces. For lc0 interface, owned by the network VMnet8, install:

IPv4 Gateway: (this is the IP address of the NAT device),

Name Server: (we specify the main machine as a name server, otherwise there may be problems loading sites when accessing them by name),

IPv4 Address: (IP address of the network card),


fill in the Host and Domain fields arbitrarily, since these names are not important for us now.

For the lc1 interface belonging to the VMnet1 network, set:

IPv4 Address:,


This completes the configuration of the network cards.

Let's start pinging. In FreeBSD, enter:

ping - The response should come from SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.

ping - the response must come from Windows XP Media Center;

ping - the response must come from a NAT device;

ping - The response should come from Windows XP Pro (main OS).

Having received answers from all virtual machines, we conclude that our network is functioning.

Now you need to allow to your main network connection general access... And in the properties of this connection on the "Network" tab, select the component VMware Brige Protocol, go to its properties, enter 8 in the VMnet Number field.

Having entered the address in the browser in FreeBSD, we can observe the successful loading home page the Yandex site, if there is an Internet connection on the main computer.

Fig 14. Exit to the Yandex site from FreeBSD on a virtual VMWare machine Workstation.

Having finished talking about configuring the network, one cannot fail to mention another great feature of VMware Workstation - Snapshot(snapshot). This feature allows you to save Current state virtual machine and return to it if necessary. Why is this needed? Let's say you want to experiment with installing software, but you don't know how it might end up. Then, before installing, you make a snapshot, then install the programs and if a failure occurs or you are not satisfied with the installed software, then you select the snapshot taken and the system accepts the initial state... Most importantly, you do not have to reinstall it, as is often the case in real life.

To take a snapshot select VM -> Snapshot -> Snapshot Manager. In the window that appears, click Take Snapshot ... enter a name and description for the snapshot. It is better to make snapshots when the virtual machine is turned off. the contents of the RAM will not be saved, thereby saving space on the hard drive.

Fig 15. Creating a snapshot in VMWare Workstation

The use of virtual computers provides truly huge opportunities in testing and developing our own software, studying various operating systems and their network interactions. You no longer have to reboot your computer to use another operating system, you simply open VMware Workstation, select the operating system you need and click the Start button.

Based on materials

There are several ways to configure the guest machine's network:
1) Bridged networking
2) Network address translation (NAT)
3) Host-only networking
4) Custom networking

In our case, we will configure guest car like Custom networking. FreeBSD 7.0 is installed on the guest machine.

And so, we launch VMware Workstation. Go to network properties Edit> Virtual Network Editor (In older versions Virtual programs Network Settings). Select the Host Virtual Adapters tab.

We remove all network adapters by selecting the adapter and pressing the Remove button. After all the adapters are removed, click the Apply button

V next step click the Add button and add a new virtual network adapter. By default, the network adapter is created with virtual network VMnet1.
Please note that the adapter must be Enabled. Click the Apply button.

Select the Host Virtual Networking Mappning tab. Click the> button and select Subnet. In the IP Address field, fill in: In the Subnet Mask field: Click Apply.

Go to the properties of Network Neighborhood main system on which VMware is installed (in my case Windows).
We configure the network interface for VMware Network Adapter VMnet1:
IP: Free ip on your network (example
Mask: The mask of your network (example

Now we need to give access to the Internet to our virtual machine. It is possible on the main server of the network to allow the use of the Internet to our ip address of the virtual machine, or to pass all Internet traffic through an already existing interface connected to the Internet, such an interface we have - the Windows interface.

We will make access to the Internet according to the second method, go to the settings of our physical network board that is connected to the internet or local area network.
In the Additional tab, check the box to allow other users to use the Internet connection. In Connection home network select adapter VMnet1.
Perhaps after this step it will be necessary to reconfigure the ip and mask for VMnet1 in networked environment

We start our guest Axis and configure the network interface (for example, via sysinstall)
Host: server
Domain: ru
IPv4 Gateway: (the address of our VMware Network Adapter VMnet1)
IPv4 Address:
Name Server: (your DNS server address)

Restart the network interface with the commands: cd / etc
Let's take a look at /etc/resolv.conf. It should find a record about DNS server type: domain ru

Virtual network card. Parameters.

To begin with, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the parameters for connecting to the network card of the virtual machine, and after that we will talk about the "virtual network editor". Open the settings of the virtual machine, this can be done from the menu "Virtual machine" -> "Options" or you can open the tab of your virtual machine and click "Change settings". It is also possible to use hotkey(Ctrl + D).

The configurator of the virtual machine opens to us, select the network adapter and its settings appear on the right. Now let's figure out what's what.

  1. 1.Connection of the "bridge" type. With this type of connection, the virtual adapter works directly with the physical adapter on the host machine. What does it do? This setting allows the virtual machine to communicate with the local network and the Internet if available to the physical adapter of the host machine. In this case, the settings for the network connection in Windows are taken from the DHCP server that is built into the VMWare product.
  2. 2.Connection of the "NAT" type. When using this type of connection, the adapters of the virtual machine and the host machine create a connection between themselves, the parameters for which are set by the VMWare DHCP server. When using a connection of this type, the virtual machine has access to the outside world, which is connected using a physical adapter, while this machine will not be visible from outside.
  3. 3. Connection of the "Only node" type. This connection creates a virtual network between the virtual adapter on the virtual machine and the virtual adapter VMWare on the host machine, the settings for which are also set by the DHCP server built into VMWare. In such a network virtual computer and the host can exchange data with each other, but the virtual computer does not have access to the outside world ( physical network, the Internet).
  4. 4.Connection of the "Other" type. For this type of connection, you can choose any created virtual network... These virtual networks are created and configured using the "virtual network editor". The parameters for such virtual networks are similar to those described above, while in the "virtual network editor" you can also configure the parameters of the built-in DHCP server and port forwarding.

Virtual network editor

To call the editor, go to the "edit" -> "virtual network editor" menu, the hotkey combination is not assigned to this menu item.

By default, three networks with default settings are created in the "virtual network editor".

VMnet0 is configured for bridging. In the settings of this connection, it is possible to explicitly specify with which adapter the bridge will be created.

VMnet8 uses a NAT connection type. In the connection settings, you can change the settings of the built-in DHCP server or deactivate it. It is also possible to uncheck the "connect a virtual adapter to this network" setting, this will turn off the virtual network adapter on the host machine, while if DHCP is active, the virtual machine will still have access to the Internet ... Here you can also configure "NAT parameters". In these parameters, it is possible to forward the port from the host machine to the virtual one. Let's consider this parameter in more detail.

Let's say you need data arriving at a specific port of a live connection on a host machine to be redirected to a specific connection port of a virtual machine. Click the "add" button in the "NAT options" and fill in the required information.

  1. 1. Host port - here you need to specify from which port of the host machine we want to redirect data.
  2. 2.Type - select the one you want TCP type or UDP
  3. 3. The IP address of the virtual machine - can be found in the "adapter connection properties" on the virtual machine.
  4. 4. Virtual machine port - specify the port number on the virtual machine that will receive the forwarded data.
  5. 5. Description - you can sign, for example, which service this port belongs to.
  6. 6. Click "OK" and test the result.

An example of how I have forwarded standard port forIIS.

VMnet1 is configured to work with a Host Only connection. In the settings of this network, the built-in DHCP settings and the ability to create a connection with a virtual network adapter on the host are also available.

Network creation and configuration.

I suggest trying to create a network between two virtual machines. For simplicity, I will name both virtual machines and give the connection parameters for each machine:

SERVER is the first virtual machine running Windows Server 2012 consisting of working group"Workgroup". In the connection settings, in the TCP / IP parameters, the IP address ( and the subnet mask ( are manually specified, windows firewall disabled.

CLIENT is the second virtual machine running Windows 7 operating in the Workgroup. In the connection settings, in the TCP / IP parameters, the IP address ( and the subnet mask ( are manually specified, the windows firewall is disabled.

On both virtual machines, connection to VMnet1 was selected in the network adapter parameters. Using the “virtual network editor” in the VMnet1 network settings, two settings “connecting a virtual host adapter to this network” and using the built-in DHCP server were disabled.

Now let's make sure that our virtual machines are in the same virtual network, for this we use the ping command.

As we could see, both machines are connected to the same virtual network, which is isolated from the outside world and is not connected to the virtual host adapter.

I suggest adding a second virtual adapter to SERVER and configuring it to communicate with the outside world. Open the parameters of the virtual machine "virtual machine" -> "parameters" (Ctrl + D) and click the "add" button. Before us is a wizard for adding new equipment, select "network adapter" and click "next". At this stage, the wizard prompts us to choose the type of connection for the new virtual adapter, in my case I chose “other” and pointed to the VMnet8 network (NAT). Click "Finish" and see that a second network adapter has been added to the virtual machine configuration, configured to connect to the VMnet8 network.

Server administration is a very wide range of tasks, thousands of programs and services with their own subtleties and nuances, dozens of operating systems, something is constantly changing, updated, physically it is not realistic to know everything by heart. Constantly you have to deal with the fact that you are setting or adjusting or fixing something for the first time.

When working with a new server, this is not so critical, you can try different options for solving the problem, choosing the optimal one, no one will suffer from this, except of course personal time. In the end, you can demolish and rebuild everything.

In the case of a combat server running some services, web servers, databases, there are sites, this option will not work, user data may suffer, the service may be unavailable long time with all that it implies.

In such a situation, the server administrator should always have a safe testing ground, where it is not scary to make a mistake, where you can touch a new version of the operating system or run some software, in general I don’t want to break it. This is not my first year, such a testing ground is VMWare workstation where I run virtual machines with the main operating systems I work with - FreeBSD, various Linux distributions, such as Debian, CentOS, Ubuntu, and which I don't work with either, just for overall development, for example various Windows.

At remote administration there should be no fuss at all (unless, of course, there is a special need for this, for example, the server fell and it urgently needs to be brought back to life), you can mess up a lot. Therefore, if the upcoming work is difficult enough and there is a certain risk of sending the server down, I prefer to spend another hour on a detailed study of the issue, so that later, on a living machine, I do not blindly poke around. Well, at your leisure, you can learn something for yourself.

I will try to briefly describe the process of creating a training ground for server administration, as I do, that is, without going into the VMWare documentation, in which everything is already in sufficient detail.

So, the main operating system - Windows 7 ultimate x64 SP1, VMWare Workstation 7.1.4, will be installed on the test virtual machine operating system FreeBSD 8.2 amd64.

The computer on which VMWare Workstation is installed is host machine, in relation to virtual machines.
Virtual machines are guest systems, in relation to the host machine (virtual machine = guest).

The structure of my network is very simple, regular router to which the Internet channel comes, the internal IP address of the router interface - ... Since there are not many machines inside my network, 3-5, I do not use the DHCP server of the router, but assign static IP addresses, which is more convenient for me. On the working computer, the IP address is registered , gateway respectively .

I will not describe the process VMWare installations, there is nothing complicated there. A reboot will be required after installation.

Configuring VMWare Virtual Switches

VMWare supports 3 types of networking between guest systems and the host machine:

  • Host-only- host only
  • Bridged- network bridge
  • NAT- device translation of addresses (Network Address Translation)

The first type allows you to create a virtual network within the host, while virtual machines do not have access to the outside world, being limited to the internal network.

The second type, bridging, allows you to combine the virtual adapter of the guest system with the physical network adapter of the host machine. With this type of connection, the guest system
will behave like independent computer within the host machine's network. That is, in my case, the host machine is , besides her in my network there is for example
another machine with addresses if I bring up the virtual machine and assign it an address , then it will be visible on my network as another regular computer.

A bit confused), but if you think about it, everything will become clear. The bridge is the simplest configuration option, you can not register anything on the guest system at all, it
will get an IP address from DHCP, my router.

The third type is NAT. I use this particular type, there is no specific reason, it just happened historically, and in setting up this option is not much more difficult
network bridge.

The utility is responsible for configuring virtual switches in VMWare. Launch VMWare Workstation, first go to Edit> Preferences, I practically do not change anything here, only in the first tab I write the path to the folder where I store or will store virtual machines:

then run Edit> Virtual Network Editor... Note that in VMWare Workstation 6.5, this utility slightly different, but the meaning is the same, it's just that everything was spread over different tabs, and in version 7 everything is done in one window.

1. This is a list of virtual switches. As you can see in the screenshot, switch VMnet0 is Bridged (bridge), VMnet1 is Host-only, and VMnet8 is the NAT that interests us.
2. This is just desired switch... When this line is selected, the settings below will change to appropriate.
3. Selected NAT type for this switch. Under the button NAT Settings, settings Network address translation(see screenshot below).
4. Connect the switch to the network.
5. Whether to use a DHCP server to distribute IP addresses (see the screen below).
6. Here the network range for virtual machines is set, that is internal network VMWare behind VMnet8 switch.

I usually turn off unnecessary switches so as not to get confused. To do this, select the appropriate one in the list and uncheck point 4. In this case, I will disable the Host-only switch.

You can leave everything by default here. Gateway to the network will have an address ... You can look into DNS settings and NetBIOS, there I also left everything as it was.

The range from which IP addresses will be given to virtual machines is specified here. And also, the so-called lease time, the period for which an IP address is assigned. Here I also leave everything as it is.

We check what we have in network connections on the main computer (host machine).

We see 2 networks in the list, MainNet is my main network, and VMware Network Adapter VMnet8 is a NAT switch. VMnet8 connection settings can again be left as is.

This completes the first part concerning the network configuration, you can raise the first virtual machine.

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