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  • The impact of the computer on the health of children: how to protect our kids from harmful effects? Computer for junior schoolchildren and teenagers: helper or enemy? The benefits and harms of modern technology.

The impact of the computer on the health of children: how to protect our kids from harmful effects? Computer for junior schoolchildren and teenagers: helper or enemy? The benefits and harms of modern technology.

It is impossible to imagine the life of today's children without a computer. In this article, we will discuss the dangers of a computer for a child. Most regular computer users begin to complain about health after 4 hours, and almost all - after 6 hours of screen work.

The harm of a computer to a child's vision

Nature has not adapted the human eye to work with computer images (bright screen glow, flashing dots, insufficient image contrast, constant rapid movement of the gaze from the keyboard to the screen and back).

Since 1998, the term has appeared in medicine computer vision syndrome- special visual impairment in a person who spends a lot of time at the computer.

At computer vision syndrome eat

  • visual symptoms:, double vision, fatigue when reading, focus disturbances when looking from close objects to distant ones and back, McKalach effect: when looking from the screen to something white or black, the object is perceived in the color that prevailed on computer.
  • Eye symptoms: burning or itching in the eyes, red eyes (redness of the conjunctiva, injection of scleral vessels), pain in the orbits and forehead, pain when moving the eyes.

Harm of electromagnetic radiation of a child's computer

People throughout their lives are exposed to the electromagnetic radiation of the Earth. This radiation is considered normal or background.

Sources of artificial electromagnetic radiation are power lines, radio transmitting devices, and in a person's house these are electrical appliances and household appliances, primarily mobile phones, microwave ovens, computers and televisions. Microwave ovens act on a person, as a rule, for a short time. The TV can harm the health of the child only if he watches programs while sitting close to the screen.

Electromagnetic radiation from a computer can be hazardous to a child's health. Because a computer has two sources of radiation at once: a system unit and a monitor; a child can spend a long time at a computer without being able to be at a safe distance from the monitor. The situation is aggravated if the room with the computer is cramped, poorly ventilated, or there are many computers in one room.

Modern computers screens are protected from electromagnetic radiation, but the side and rear walls remain sources of sufficiently powerful electromagnetic radiation.

System units are currently constantly increasing their power, creating an electromagnetic field with an electromagnetic radiation frequency of 40-70 GHz, it is to this radiation frequency that the human body, especially a child, is most sensitive.

After long sessions at the computer for several days in a row, the child becomes irritable, complains of fatigue, tries to lie down. This condition is called chronic fatigue syndrome and is not easy to get rid of. In addition, electromagnetic radiation reduces the immune system, disrupts the nervous, endocrine and reproductive systems of the child.

Nervous system Computer harm for a child

Several factors affect the nervous system of a child when studying at a computer.

  • Screen flicker and a bright image has an irritating effect on the nervous system.
  • Constant tension of the eye muscles leads to headache and irritability.
  • In a sitting position, especially if it is incorrect and persists for a long time, the blood supply to the brain may be disturbed.
  • Computer games are especially harmful to the child's nervous system. During the game, the child experiences emotions, often violent. Stress hormones are released into the blood, including adrenaline, which causes an increase in blood pressure, a spasm of blood vessels, including the brain, and an increase in heart rate. All this can be useful during physical exertion, while sitting still at the computer leads to irritability, headaches, increased blood pressure, and disturbances in the work of the heart.

gambling addiction

A condition where children become addicted to computer games. They play for hours and even days without interruption. Perceive game plots and experiences as real. They lose control over time and their own needs. They can reach complete mental and physical exhaustion. Possible death.

Posture and genitourinary system Computer harm to a child

Prolonged sitting, especially incorrect, leads to

  • To violations of posture and curvature of the spine in a child.
  • To circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs, blood stagnation is created in the small pelvis, which can eventually lead to diseases of the bladder, prostate, etc.

General hygiene recommendations for working with a computer

  • The height of the seat is needed so that the legs are on the floor with a full foot, and the back provides a comfortable support for the back.
  • The main row of the keyboard should be located approximately at elbow level, and when you start typing, you need to keep your forearm, wrist and hand or hands in a natural, comfortable position, avoiding the bending of the wrist and fingers back.
  • The shoulders must be relaxed, not raised or lowered, respectively, you need to create support for the forearms.
  • The window should be on the side of the monitor, preferably on the left.
  • The head should be level with the shoulders, and the neck in a comfortable position. Bright light sources should not fall into the field of view.
  • The distance to the monitor should be equal to the length of the outstretched arm to the knuckles.
  • Pressing the keys and the mouse is not worth it too hard, you need to learn to type without looking, so as not to look at the keyboard often.
  • Documents, phone, reference materials and other frequently used items should be arranged so that they are easy to reach.
  • You can’t work without breaks; frequent short breaks are more useful than rare and long ones.
  • During breaks, you need to get up and stretch, stretch your muscles and joints well.
  • It is recommended to periodically go outside and breathe deeply. Greater mental concentration when working with a computer often leads to breath holding and shortness of breath.
  • Sitting at the monitor, a person blinks three times less often, so you should not forget to blink, as well as periodically look away and look at distant objects.
  • When working with a computer, children can be encouraged to do more physical exercise during frequent breaks.

You can spend at the computer no more than a day

  • adult - 6 hours,
  • teenager 13-17 years old - 2 hours,
  • child 7-12 years old - 1 hour,
  • a child under 7 years old - half an hour.

The child should not be allowed to play games associated with aggression, fights, destruction. Then the computer will not cause harm to health.

It's all about the harm of a computer for a child. Stay healthy!

Babies, who were born in the 21st century, are already surrounded by all kinds of technology from birth. Cell phones, TVs, computers, laptops, tablets, e-readers - the list goes on and on. And, sometimes, the child reaches out to the cheerful lights of these electronic systems much more willingly than to his toys. We got all this already at a conscious age, and we can independently distinguish the difference between the real world and a fictional computer reality. And what about our children? What is the impact of technological innovations on the health of our babies? How big is the harm of the computer for children?

To live without computers, quite clearly, humanity is no longer able. When any field of activity around the world is computerized, it is simply stupid to completely protect your beloved child from electronics. The child needs to study this world as it is. And, of course, any normal parent is concerned about the harm of a computer for children.

If we consider the harm of a computer for a child in terms of any radiation, then these fears can be left in the distant past. Modern technology is not capable of seriously undermining the health of either an adult or a child. Much more dangerous is the influence of the computer on the psyche of the younger generation.

In the process of working at a computer, children must constantly concentrate their attention on various pictures, symbols, letters, solve problems for logical thinking. All this is very tiring for the child's brain. Excessively long work at the computer can lead to mental fatigue. External signs of such an influence are expressed in increased excitability, nervousness of the child, it is difficult to put him to sleep. The harm of a computer for a child may not appear immediately. In the future, gradually accumulating, this tension will affect his mental development.

In addition, the child's body continues to grow. The skeletal system and vision are formed. It is on these important organs that the main load is directed. The harm of a computer for children can be expressed in the detection of scoliosis and myopia. Nearly 70% of students in secondary school have vision problems.

On the other hand, a computer is a great learning aid. It helps to develop, acquire new skills, gain knowledge. How to help a child choose only the most useful information from the mass that comes through computers in such a way as to prevent the unhealthy influence of technology on the body of a small person?

To help your child overcome the consequences of his communication with a computer, you should follow some rules:

  1. The workplace of your baby should be properly organized. It should be well lit, but at the same time, keep it out of direct sunlight. It is advisable to choose a hundred and a chair according to age and height: the baby's legs should not hang out or bend too much. The computer is located 70 cm from the student's face.
  2. The room where the computer is located should be ventilated frequently. Working appliances can affect the temperature and humidity of the room, so make sure that there is a humidifier in the nursery. Every day, the baby's workplace should be cleaned with a damp household cloth.
  3. Observe the strict time period allotted for the child to study with the computer. Children under 3 years old do not need a computer, although many parents allow the baby to play on their personal laptops. The period of kindergarten without a computer is a little more difficult to survive. In any case, preschoolers cannot spend more than 15 minutes at this age in front of the monitor. In elementary school (up to 10 years old), a student can be allowed to study in front of a computer for half an hour with mandatory breaks. Adolescents under 14 years of age should be limited to an hour-long pastime in front of a monitor. Again, don't forget to take breaks.

All these conditions are not difficult to comply with. The main thing is to want to take an active part in the life of the child, and not to completely trust this important matter to soulless machines. Children need to communicate with mom and dad. If you pay enough attention to your baby, he will not be drawn to the computer so much.

Our topic of conversation today is the harm and benefits of a computer for children. The world around us develops from generation to generation. Every year, our children do not cease to amaze adults with their ingenuity, desire to learn new devices, as well as a growing interest in life on the Internet. While our grandparents don't always understand how a cell phone turns on, our little know-it-alls have already looked through its entire menu and are playing their favorite game. As for the development of the intellectual abilities of children, such an interest can be noted with an unambiguous “for”.

Use of a computer

But you need to understand what kind of intellectual abilities we are talking about. Yes, children have mastered technology, they know how to work with it - this is good, because technology is developing rapidly, and soon a person who has not mastered it will look like a caveman. But how further does the child use a computer, tablet, or other gadget? Only for social networks? Only for shooters? This is unacceptably small.

Speaking about the harm and benefits of a computer for children, one cannot but say that a computer is a powerful tool for storing, searching and processing information, and you need to use it to its fullest. At least master Photoshop, website building programs, etc. that is, to apply for the development of those very abilities. And the very fact of owning the skills to work with technology still does not say anything.

Computer damage

As for the "against" point. Many parents are concerned about the amount of time their child spends on a computer, tablet or smartphone. Such an opinion may develop due to the possible negative impact on the child's vision, as well as on his brain. Children do sometimes have headaches. However, research in this area often points to excessive intellectual workload at school, a large amount of homework associated with minimal time spent outdoors.

Harm and benefit of the computer for children. Reboot

Some of this is a myth. Yes, the school curriculum has become harder, richer, but the methods have changed. The same computers take over part of the job preparation. Teachers are well aware of how much children can really do on their own, and it is unlikely that anyone will consciously set a "disastrous" amount. There are, of course, students who try to do everything, and do it “excellently”, while preparing for the Olympiads, participating in research activities, etc. But such units. Most "regular" students will still do as much as they can (and even a little less).

No matter how much they talk about topics, the harm and benefits of a computer for children, but excessive passion for computer games does not remain without consequences. At least see what your kids are playing. If there is a package, read at what age you can play. If not, find information about the game online. Manufacturers will not write restrictions in vain. Children's psyche is weak, it can be broken very easily by advanced technologies used by game developers. By the way, the computer game "GTA", which is popular with our children, is banned in the USA, where it was invented. And they sell it to other countries.

Jealousy of generations

Or maybe it's because we're afraid of losing control. We are afraid to admit that some children are superior to us in many ways, and therefore we are trying in every possible way to limit their access to the network. But it is a fact: the new generation will have to live in a completely different world. This is called the technological revolution, and it has happened. It is foolish to be jealous and limit. It is only necessary to observe the framework of a reasonable and safe for health.

Form the right habits

There must be a sense of proportion in everything. Not allowing children to develop using a tablet or mobile phone means taking away from the child the opportunity to show their potential 100% in the future. And so that children are more in the fresh air, instill this habit in them from early childhood. teach them

There is nothing more important and more precious than the health of our children. You can’t buy it for money and you can’t change it like a used battery. It is very important to understand which organs and systems of the baby suffer from the computer. And take steps to prevent that from happening.

  1. Vision.

The eyes are the first to suffer. They are in constant tension. If you stay at the monitor for a long time, symptoms such as double vision, temporary myopia, dryness and burning sensation occur. Children's eyes quickly get tired due to their immaturity.

Vision is deteriorating, and glasses will soon have to be put on. Most often, children play on a laptop or tablet while lying on the couch, which increases eye strain. In recent years, according to statistics, myopia (nearsightedness) is twice as common in first-graders. This indicates the detrimental effect of the computer on vision.

  1. Posture.

The computer also harms the posture of children. As a rule, a place for playing or learning at the computer is not equipped for the growth of the baby. For example, he plays on a laptop, sitting on the couch, on the floor, lounging on an armchair.

The back is in the wrong position. The child slouches or stretches his neck too much because he cannot see the image. Over time, this leads to curvature of the spine. There are complaints of pain in the head and in the back.

  1. Nervous system.

A weak, not yet fully formed nervous system in children fails during prolonged contact with a computer. This is manifested by increased excitability, poor sleep, a sharp change in mood.

Attention decreases, unmotivated aggression appears. Subsequently, children develop computer addiction. In addition to the favorite "toy", the dependent child no longer cares about anything.

Signs of computer addiction in children

  • the real world is replaced by the virtual;
  • communication skills are lost. It is easier to find friends on the Internet than live;
  • achievements in real life are replaced by passing the level of some game;
  • the desire to go out somewhere, to do something disappears;
  • avoid contact with other people;
  • appetite decreases;
  • sleep worsens;
  • school and household duties are ignored;
  • aggression is manifested at any attempt to limit contact with the computer.

This condition requires medical intervention. Parents alone are already difficult to cope.

At what age can you play on a computer?

Children and the computer is a very discussed topic. It is believed that the later a child gets acquainted with an electronic computer, the better. But you need to consider the benefits of the computer.

When the baby is very small and is just beginning to explore the world, it is interesting for him to look at funny pictures on the monitor and press the keys.

At this age, the words “impossible” or “enough” cannot be explained. An attempt to take them away from the computer will end in crying and hysteria. The benefit of this is questionable.

It is preferable for children to start mastering the computer not earlier than 3-4 years. They already understand the word "no". And with him you can agree on the time.

Psychologists have come up with a formula. With its help, the approximate time that the baby can spend at the computer without harm to health:

Age × 3 = number of allowed minutes. Further received minutes × 3 = rest time.

Example. The kid is 5 years old. 5 × 3 = 15 minutes - computer game. 15 × 3 = 45 minutes - rest.

The computer gaming industry does not stand still. New games are released regularly, and one is better than the other. There are many good games that help children develop memory, logic, and thinking. Also, some games allow natural talents to be revealed, allow you to learn a lot of new, interesting and useful things.

The main thing is an individual approach, which takes into account the character and interests of the little "gamer". In addition to the benefits, there are also harms from computer games. It manifests itself in a strong passion, which ultimately leads to addiction to computer games.

Children cease to control the time they spend at the computer, forget about everything in the world. As a result - overwork, memory impairment, the appearance of problems at school.

Be sure to watch the presentation for the game you are going to buy. Make sure that it does not contain violence, excessive cruelty, as well as erotic scenes. Incorrectly matched to the temperament of a small user, the game will quickly overwork him, put a lot of pressure on the psyche.

There are very receptive children. They often transfer their impressions to the real world. This can be manifested by aggression towards people around, fears, nightmares at night, isolation.

Computer Harm Prevention

  • organization of a children's place for playing a computer;
  • correct position: back is straight, elbows and knees are at an angle of 90 °. The distance from the eyes to the monitor is at least 70 cm;
  • good and correct lighting;
  • charging after being at the computer with the obligatory performance of special exercises for the eyes;
  • limiting the time of using a computer depending on age;
  • careful selection of games, taking into account the individual characteristics of children;
  • control over the sites visited by the child with the help of special programs.

How to replace a computer?

Many parents are only happy about the appearance of computers. After all, this is another way to captivate the child and go about their business. But for those who know about the dangers of a computer and want to spend more time with children, this information will be useful.

How to diversify leisure?

  • use educational and board games;
  • show imagination and come up with games with safe items that are at home;
  • walks in the open air. It is better to call other kids for a walk or meet them on the street;
  • attend developing circles and sports sections;
  • reading books together, learning poems and songs, listening to music;
  • handicraft or other creative work.

And this is not the whole list. With a child, you can do anything. The main thing is to find time and desire.

We live in an era of advanced information technology. Without computer knowledge, it will be difficult for a modern person. We should be calm about the fact that our children will sooner or later master this “miracle machine”. This will help them in their studies and in finding good jobs.

The main thing is to remember the harm that a computer can bring if you do not follow the basic rules for using it.

Today, children are introduced to computers from an early age. This type of digital technology greatly improves the quality of life, but at the same time carries many dangers. In this article, we will tell you what is harmful computer for children and also how to protect the child from these negative consequences.

The benefits and harms of a computer for children

Many modern parents encourage the crumbs to spend time at the computer, devoting less and less time to live communication, reading useful books and playing games together. Some modern children have not yet learned to talk, but with their little fingers they already skillfully press the keyboard and play various games.

But parents should be careful and remember that misuse of digital technology, especially in childhood, can contribute to the development of many health problems for the baby.

Wrong and excessive computer use inhibits the speech development of the child, impairs vision, overloads the nervous system, resulting in a headache, loss of appetite, and sleep is disturbed, irritability, aggressive behavior appear and the risk of developing problems with the spine increases.

PECULIARITIES! In the first years of a toddler's life, it is especially important to exclude his contacts with digital technology.

In addition, the abuse of this type of technology is increasingly is addictive. This disease affects many modern children. They are so immersed in virtual reality that they show no interest in reality, do not want to play outside with other children, communicate with peers, etc. Parents need to carry out the prevention of this disease, because it will be much more difficult to treat it in its advanced form.

Naturally, dosed and competent use of the computer brings benefits. It should be recognized that digital technology has significantly improved the quality of people's lives. Using a computer available necessary information, watch videos, photos. This gadget perfectly develops memory and attention, fine motor skills, broadens horizons and helps learning, makes it possible to communicate with friends from other cities and countries.

In order for the computer not to harm the health of your child, it is important to follow safety rules.

  • Postpone the acquaintance of the little one with digital technology until he is 3 years ideally 5 years. Limit pastime of the kid at the computer. From 3 to 5 years, it should be no more than 10 minutes a day, from 7 years - 20-25 minutes, from 10 years to 1-1.5 hours.

IMPORTANT! Instill in your child a love of reading and a healthy lifestyle from an early age.

  • choose proper computer games and programs appropriate for the age of the crumbs. They should be useful, contribute to the development of analytical skills and ingenuity of the baby.
  • Purchase quality monitor for computer. Adjust its brightness using special programs, the screen size must be at least 15 inches. When using small monitors and tablets, eye strain increases several times, this is fraught with a significant deterioration in the baby's vision in the future.
  • Watch your posture peanut and the distance between the monitor and the baby's eyes. It should not be less than 40 cm.
  • Install function "Parental control", it will help you block access to various sites when you go online.

  • Spend breaks every 10 minutes when working with a computer. At this time, you can do gymnastics for the eyes with the baby.
  • Choose comfortable and sustainable armchair for working with digital technology with the ability to adjust the height and angle of the backrest. Purchase a dedicated desk with a pull-out keyboard compartment.
  • Do not leave children at the computer unattended.

IMPORTANT! Encourage your child to interact with peers. Try to take your baby's time with useful things - go to the theater with him or sign him up for the sports section.

  • Take it all away wires from the table so that the baby does not come into contact with them.
  • Use grounded outlets to connect your computer.
  • Talk to your child, explain why excessive computer use is harmful and what consequences this may have in the future.
  • get busy computer addiction prevention. After all, this approach will help to avoid many problems.

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