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Vlc media file mkv player is powerful. Opening MKV video files

Problems with opening certain files are quite common among PC users, and the mkv format is no exception. If a movie with such an extension cannot be played on your computer, do not despair, but just read this article to the end, and you will know how to open mkv on your computer.

We use third-party software

The simplest solution to the problem is to install one of the popular players that can easily play movies with the mkv extension. We will consider the following options:

  • VLC media player;
  • The KMPlayer;
  • Media Player Classic.

These programs support 100% µV video. They differ in interface and set of features.

VLC media player

The developer claims that VLC media player has been downloaded more than 500 million times, which competitors cannot boast of. This software flawlessly reproduces almost all types of audio and video, including mkv. The laconic interface, devoid of cutting eyes, and ease of use make it one of the best in its segment.

VLC is available for Windows, macOS and even Android. It can always be downloaded for free from the official website -

The installation is standard and shouldn't be difficult. After its completion, mkv-files should be associated with the player, turning into a proprietary "cap".

If so, then just double-click on such a movie and enjoy watching. If the association for some reason did not occur, then right-click on the file and select the "Open with ..." item.

In the "Program Selection" window, find our VLC and double-click on it. Also pay attention to the checkbox, if present, all such files will be further played through this player.

Actually, the result is obtained - the film is being played.


Another representative of the elite among computer players is KMPlayer. This product from Korean developers is distinguished by an elegant interface, in which it is difficult to get confused. The player is equipped with all the necessary codecs and will easily open the MKV video. It can be downloaded for free on the official website -

The installation is standard and does not have any tricks. After it, video files will be associated with KMPlayer. Files with the mkv extension should look like this:

If this did not happen, then we are looking for the desired program in the "Program selection" window, as in the previous case.

Now you can safely watch our video.

Media Player Classic

Free, feature-rich and easy-to-use turntable. Like its aforementioned cousins, Media Player Classic plays both mkv files and other video formats. This software provides a minimum load on the system and has extensive functionality that will be useful when watching movies.

After downloading from the official website ( and a quick installation, it is enough to open our file through Media Player Classic. This can be done by choosing a program, as we did in previous cases. By the way, another simple way to open the desired file through a specific program is to drag and drop it onto the shortcut of this very program.

And again, our film is played without brakes and any whims.

Installing codecs

This method is good if you do not want to install new software products, but prefer to use your familiar Windows Media Player. On you need to download the complete CCCP codec package, which will allow you to use all the mkv features in the future.

Double click to launch the downloaded file. In the installation wizard, leave all the checkboxes in place and boldly click "Next".

Now we just play our movie through Windows Media.

Converting to another format

Don't like other players and don't want to mess with codecs? Then it is worth considering the option of converting the file with the mkv extension to another popular format that is supported by a standard player, for example, avi. For these purposes, we will use the free Format Factory software -

In the program window, click on the "AVI" button.

In the window that opens, click on the "Add file" button and select our movie with the mkv extension. You can also choose the path to save the converted file.

Click "Ok".

It remains to start the conversion with the "Start" button. Remember that the entire process can be time-consuming.

As a result, you can find the video in the destination folder in a different format, which is recognized by the standard player.

If you want to properly burn a movie to a disc for viewing on a player, then study our.

Is your hard drive out of space? Get rid of junk files correctly -


Most users simply install one of the popular players to open mkv files. Others may prefer to install codecs so that the standard Windows player plays movies in the specified format. And those who prefer converting "microvolts" to another format should be patient, because it takes a lot of time. Anyway, one thing is clear - playing a file with the mkv extension is not too much of a problem.

MKV- a fairly new format of video files, which is becoming more and more popular day by day. Typically, it distributes HD video with multiple audio tracks. In addition, such files take up a lot of space on your hard disk, but the video quality that this format provides covers all its shortcomings!

For normal playback of mkv files on a computer, you need two things: codecs and a video player that support this new format.

And so, in order ...

1. Choice of codecs for opening mkv

2. Player selection

Apart from Media Player, there are other players capable of playing this format just as well.

Not a bad enough video player. Many users speak positively about it, for some it even plays mkv files faster than other players. Therefore, it is definitely worth a try!

This player includes its own codecs. Therefore, it will open most files even if there are no codecs on your system. It is possible that thanks to this, mkv files will open and work faster.

A universal player that opens almost all video files that I have come across on the net. It is even more useful if you have a control panel and want to use it to flip through video files in the player without getting up from the couch!

This is a super turntable. It eats up less than all other video players of the computer's system resources. Thanks to this, many files that slowed down, say, in Windows Media Player, can safely work in BS Player!

3. If MKV slows down

Well, how and how to open video files mkv figured out. Now let's try to figure out what to do if they slow down.

Because Since this format is used to play high-quality video, its requirements are quite high. Perhaps your computer has just become old, and is not able to "handle" such a new format. In any case, let's try to speed up the playback ...

2) Reinstall codecs and video player. I recommend using BS Player, he has very good. low system requirements. See above.

3) Pay attention to the processor load in the task manager (Cntrl + ALT + Del or Cntrl + Shaft + Esc). If the video player loads the CPU by more than 80-90%, then most likely you will not be able to watch the video in this quality. In the task manager, it will not be superfluous to pay attention to what other processes are creating the load: if there are any, then disable them!

That's all. How do you open the Mkv format? Does it slow you down?

> How to play MKV file?


MKV is a file extension for the free and open source Matroska multimedia container, which is often used to store high definition videos (movies, 3D movies, etc.). An MKV file can contain a copy of an entire DVD or Blu-ray disc, including the video track itself (multiple video tracks are also supported), any number of audio and subtitle tracks, menus, etc.

We can play MKV with Free Video Player. Among other functions, the program allows you to conveniently switch between different audio and subtitle tracks.

Step 1: Download and install the program.

Download Free Video Player to your computer. Run the downloaded file and follow the instructions in the wizard to install the media player.

Step 2: Launch the program. Playing MKV.

Launch the installed player. The main window will appear:

Click on the "Open" button in the lower left corner of the window. The media player will call the system file open dialog:

Find the folder where your MKV file is stored, select the file and click the "Open" button.

Free Video Player will start playing MKV file. The main window will automatically adjust to the video resolution.

You can double click on the picture or press Enter to switch between windowed and full screen modes. A simple click or press of the space bar will pause the video.

To switch between audio tracks and subtitles from an MKV file, use the buttons at the bottom of the window:

Right-clicking on the corresponding button will bring up a quick menu, while left-clicking will open a window with additional options. Here you can also load external audio tracks and subtitles.

Step 3 (Optional): Associate the player with MKV files.

You can easily associate Free Video Player with MKV and other formats. This will allow you to open video files in the future directly from Windows Explorer with a double click.

During the installation of the program, you are prompted to associate the player with MKV and AVI files:

If you use the offered option, you can play MKV files by double clicking right after installing Free Video Player. Otherwise start the player and press F10. This will open the settings menu. From the list on the left, select "File Types":

Here you can select the formats you want to associate with Free Video Player. Clicking on the "All" button will select all supported formats (video, audio, playlists).

Confirm the changes by clicking on the "OK" button and enjoy the convenience of playing video using Free Video Player.

As its name suggests, Free Video Player is a completely free video player. It does not require any registration and is ready to use right after installation.

If you are looking for how to open a mkv file, then you've come to the right place.

Everyone has ever downloaded a movie from torrents.

Everything seems to be fine, but the files do not open periodically, because they have * .mkv resolution. Why not the AVI we have become accustomed to for so long?

The AVI format was developed commercially by the well-known Microsoft company.

Everything was fine until the moment when a fundamentally new blu-ray format with exorbitant video quality was “released” on the market.

It was not possible to compress the original information into AVI format, trying to create BD-rip files, since the final product was terrible in all respects:

  1. Small resolution;
  2. Inability to insert subtitles;
  3. No language change.

As a result, domestic "Kulibins" created their own container and named it "Matroska" (Matryoshka).

The format name is formed by transliteration: Matroska - mk, video - v = mkv. It initially has more features than AVI, but is not as common.

Because of this, many people have a question about how to open a mkv file on a PC? The developers took care of this by providing their products with the appropriate opportunity. Consider the most famous representatives, namely:

  1. The KMPlayer;
  2. GOM Player;
  3. MKV Player;
  4. Media Player Classic;
  5. VLC media player.

The KMPlayer

Do not confuse this player with KMPlayer, even if they have identical names. The latter was developed by the KDE environment.

Ours has a distinctive prefix "The" and is "sharpened" for Windows and Android.

In other words, if you do not know how to open mkv on Android, you can safely download this application from the Play Market.

Otherwise, the program supports almost the entire list of popular formats, both audio and video.

Among them are also FLV, WMV, AVI, MKV and QuickTime. Its main difference is support for a huge number of codecs.

Rumor has it that some of them are built into the software package is not entirely legal, but the user is only at hand, since you do not have to overpay for a license.

There are plenty of opportunities.

Firstly, this player can safely play even "broken" and incomplete files of any format (except DVD).

Secondly, the libavcodec library is initially included in the installation package, so the registry will not be additionally "littered" with various garbage.

Note! For fans of unusual design, there is support for skins and additional plugins from Winamp. And most importantly: support for almost all languages ​​has been implemented.

Gom player

Another good option for those who do not know how to open an mkv file on windows 8 and earlier versions of the OS.

The installation package has a built-in set of codecs that are needed to play all the slightest known formats.

In addition to the basic functionality, the player is capable of "eating" both under-downloaded and broken multimedia files.

Another thing is that the quality of the picture can suffer in this case. In addition, you can create subtitles in GOM.

An excellent option for with characteristics of 2004-2007.

Any movie will play without jerking or stuttering, since post-processing is well implemented here.

Unfortunately, the player cannot be customized due to the closed source code.

Because of this, it is impossible to remove embedded ads, which are annoying from time to time.

MKV Player

Ideal for those who do not know how to open mkv. The name itself seems to be hinting.

The program was originally conceived as a primitive and convenient tool for playing MKV-format, as well as popular audio and video files.

The appearance of the window is somewhat reminiscent of the classic WM-player version 7. The only differences are that the buttons here do not have pictograms with a designation, but text captions.

In other words, if you want to click on play, you need to click not on the triangle, but on the "play" button.

The functionality is frankly meager. You won't find equalizers, effect settings, or reference here.

You can only vary the playback speed of the tracks and the display of subtitles.

Media Player Classic

This player is often confused with Windows Media. There is a certain grain of truth in this: the product has an appearance identical to WMP version 6.4.

But that's where the similarities end, since MPC is based on a completely different code.

It is noteworthy that only one programmer named Gabest is working on the program.

Attentive people will notice that MKV support is not specified in MPC and will start to panic.

Do not do this, since the program supports DivX 7 versions, so there will be no problems with mkv files. Even the codecs do not need to be updated additionally.

In addition, the player does an excellent job with flash video, frame grabbing through a TV tuner and more.

As for the disadvantages. First, you won't be able to adjust brightness and contrast automatically. We'll have to tinker with the settings manually, which is not very convenient.

Secondly, on weak systems, the program will slow down, since it requires SSE support.

In general, a good household player for non-trivial tasks.

| Updated: 03-11-2014 |

This article is dedicated to the already highly popular MKV format. Multimedia on the computer has always been one of the main features of the PC. During its era, it has spawned quite a few standards, specifications, rules, formats, etc. But now another media format appears - MKV. And the question is, where else are these formats being created, are there really so few of them? Looking at the characteristics of any media player, eyes run up from the declared extensions that this or that player understands. And here in a long text line listing all kinds of supported formats, three more letters are confidently added - the MKV extension. And now the question of the possibility of playing MKV files is directly related to the image of the player. So what is Mkv and why is it needed ?.

MKV player download | MKV codec download | MKV Converter Free | MkV turntable | than open


MKV is a multimedia container that combines in one file: video, sound, subtitles, pictures, various service information, and most importantly, the ability to create a media menu in the MKV container (like a DVD menu) is declared.

But while the latter still has problems with implementation. But what is even more attractive is the ability to use HD codecs: H.264, Mpeg2, VC -1, which allows you to view and transmit HD video content over the network. Moreover, MKV is convenient both in transmission with one MKV file and the possibility of Online broadcasting, however, due to the required high Internet speed, this is also not yet widespread. In general, we can say that the MKV format has absorbed all the best from the containers available today + has laid in itself opportunities for further development. By the way, another name for this project is Matroska. This name accurately reflects the essence of an MKV file - in a container - a container, as it can contain various formats. According to transliteration, it is also called Matroska. Next, let's take a closer look at the capabilities of this container.

After reading the further content, you will find out:

  • What is MKV container and how is it better than others.
  • How to watch MKV on a computer, which players are better to use (Mkv Player).
  • What are the best converters to use for working with MKV.
  • How to split a Mkv file into parts or assemble a container.
  • MKV codecs.
  • translation of Blu-ray movie into MKV file.
  • Why MKV movie slows down on PC

Features of MKV.

    1. First important feature MKV- work with the H.264 / AVC encoder, the compression algorithm of which allows you to efficiently encode HD video. As a result, MKV files are primarily a convenient way to watch HD videos on PC. (he just was one of the first to implement AVC support).

There is no denying the fact that DVD video has already lived out its age, and the already announced Blu-ray drives are still not on every computer and there are no queues behind them. Is there a need for a Blu-Ray drive when it is possible to get a movie from a BLu-Ray disc as an MKV file with the same quality? And getting MKV movies from the network is not a tricky business. The point is not even about the massive illegal distribution of film products, but about the fact that MKV films significantly save the user's money. Legally, it is more convenient to legally download (buy) a 20 GB HD movie in MKV than to buy a drive and discs. There are those who prefer to watch video on a TV screen, in which case it is better to output from the computer to the Screen. Since in the near future, HD Online will still be introduced and household players will disappear.

  1. If now almost all containers work with HD codecs, then very few people can boast of the possibility of using an unlimited number of audio streams. And this allows you to make multilingual films and different sound formats (Dolby Surraund 5.1, Stero, etc.). Naturally, the language and sound format can be switched as it is done in household players.
  2. Ability to add subtitles.
  3. Not so long ago, support for 3D sound was added to other advantages.
  4. Add multiple videos and switch between them
  5. The ability to create dynamic menus is promised. This allows adding multiple tracks to the MKV file and switching between them through the menu. (such as is used in DVD video). Unfortunately, at the time of this writing, such a function is not available. But in the future it will come true for sure. Then the MKV format will really start to become very popular.
  6. Can be streamed online via HTTP protocol
  7. The project is free and open source.

At the moment, almost everyone popular containers may contain HD video... AVI, MPG, MP4, MOV - but each is somewhat inferior to MKV. (MKV container is the only one in which you can pack Blu-ray movie with subtitles in several audio modes, i.e. a whole disc in one file).

How to open MKV format. MKV player for PC. Codecs.

At the moment, many players, both household and computer, can play MKV.

MKV codecs and splitters.

For full-fledged playback you will need an MKV splitter and a set of different codecs.

Splitter- designed to open a container, and codecs are needed to decode audio and video inside the container.

To install all popular codecs and splitters into the system (each container has its own splitter), use such popular packages as the K Lite Codec Pack or the Combined Comunity Codec Pack (CCCP). They contain everything you need to watch MKV and other formats.

You just need these sets if the player you are using does not contain built-in codecs. There are quite a few popular players that already have built-in splitters and codecs for all formats. Some are listed below.

Media Player Classic Home Cinema

A very nice and simple media player. Its main strong point is reading all formats. For MKV format, it is primarily effective in that it does not overload the processor. Recommended primarily for weak computers or laptops in battery mode. Download Media Player Classic Home Cinema


A very powerful and high quality player. It is also able to play MKV format well without putting too much pressure on the processor. Can play MkV which video has high bit rate. The player has a lot of possibilities. Download KMPlayer


This is not only an MKV player, but also a serious player with 3D video support and Truthful Theater technology. Download PowerDVD

Splash HD Player LIte

excellent player, able to play MKV well. Simple interface and good quality HD video playback. Download Splash HD Player Lite

Gom player

good omnivorous player, but at high bitrates will require good PC performance. Download Gom PLayer

* players work in all Windows. ** all are free except PowerDVD 10.

Why MKV video slows down.

If the MKV video slows down or the sound lags behind the video, then this is a clear sign of insufficient playback system power, you can try to play it in different players, this helps in some cases, since media players are capable of playing MKV format in different ways.

In most cases, the reason for such "brakes" will be the AVC (H.264) codec, which encodes video in an MKV container. The fact is that it is very demanding on the processor, and if you are watching Full HD on a single-core processor, then the brakes are provided for you. You can solve the problem if, for example, recode from AVC to Mpeg2, which is quite loyal to resources. But it is better to get a modern computer to enjoy HD at full power.

MKV Converters.

Conversion is necessary if you need to change the codec, file size, change the container. Can be converted as MKV to MKV with internal formats change. For example convert MPEG2 to AVC. It is very often required to convert MKV to AVI for viewing on consumer players. But keep in mind that if your player is not HD. Then he will not be able to play AVI in which video is packed with a resolution of 1920 by 1080. When converting HD MKV to AVI, for the latter, in the converter you should set the parameters corresponding to the DVD video standard. To get AVI HD from MKV, you can remux in Medicoder (as well as for M2TS to MKV), or convert in the same Mediacoder, specifying the required parameters of the latter. In order not to bother with the parameters, use ready-made settings (presets) in the converters for a particular device.

very serious converter. As mentioned repeatedly above, it can repackage containers while preserving the original streams. Lots of supported formats and codecs for conversion. Download Medicoder

Format factory

the converter works great with MKV files. Allows you to customize the final file in a convenient form. Nice interface and a large number of formats. Download Format Factory


The converter works with a very large number of formats. Thanks to presets for many devices, work is greatly simplified ... Download XmediaRecode

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