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  • Owner of VK. Vkontakte has a new owner

Owner of VK. Vkontakte has a new owner

Good day, dear readers of my blog. Do you know how my site differs from many others? Now I sat down and first of all decided to search for something on Google to make sure that there were no new ways to find out who created the group in the contact.

I did not find many publications on this topic, but they are all untenable and will not help the reader. Often, authors simply do not understand what they are writing about, and why a person drives such a question into the search line.

I understand social media, so I can give you good advice and try to solve a specific problem. Only 3 reasons for looking for the creator of the group come to my mind, we will analyze everything now. If I missed something and you know some more, please write in the comments for what else you can try to find the creator.

Finding a creator to reissue

To begin with, the creator is the sovereign owner of the group. He can do everything, for example, turn a group into a community and vice versa. The most common desire. The owner cannot be changed or untied.

If you buy a community, then it is better to buy out the creator's account with it, in order to avoid any problems. Which ones? Well, the group seems to be yours, but in fact it belongs to another person who can enter it at any time and do whatever he pleases.

I have faced the problem of re-issuing many times. First you need a group, then you decide you need to turn it into a community, and so on. In order to fulfill the desire, you need access to the creator's account and if it is blocked, then that's it. You have no chance of completing the task.

The authors of some publications claim that you can try to contact technical support and ask to change the creator, but I assure you that you will not succeed. They will ask you to send a photo with a passport, which contains the same name, surname and other data that was indicated in the creator's account and will offer to try to recover it.

How do I find the creator if you are one of the group admins? Very simple. Open the community and go to the "Management" section, the button is located under the avatar.

We find the "Participants" here.

If there are many people in the list, then the creator is displayed first, at the very bottom of the list, and under his name is written in bold letters: “Creator”.

How to contact the admin about advertising or any other issue

The second logical need, which can only be fulfilled after finding an administrator, is buying a repost or communicating about cooperation. The easiest way to look at it is in the "Contacts" section. Carefully read the information under the name about the role of the account.

Choose the most suitable option, you are unlikely to quickly agree on advertising if you start a correspondence with the CEO. After a long, long time, when he finally gets to answering messages, he will send you down the corporate ladder. To the person who is in charge of advertising or collaboration.

What if the "Contacts" section is hidden? You can try to find those who are working on the group and ask them a question. Think ahead of time if the person will be interested in your offer.

If he is anonymous, then most likely he does not want to repost and will not agree to some penny offer, he will need to be interested in something serious. It might be better to look for some other community.

And yet. Go to the "Discussion" section and open any topic.

Below the topic will be the name of the person who created it. It was impossible to do this if the person had nothing to do with the group. He's not necessarily the creator. Perhaps an editor, administrator, or author.

Topics in a group can be opened by different people. The main thing is to keep track of whether there is an opportunity for you to open a new conversation in this community. If you are capable, then the discussion is not being moderated. This is quite a rare occurrence, but if so, it makes no sense to write to the creator of the conversation.

If you're lucky, you flip through the wall to the very first message and the author's name will be indicated in it, then you will find out not only when the group was created (the date is in the lower left corner), but also who is its creator. Most likely it was he who published it.

Although the easiest way, of course, is the "Submit news" on the community wall. Do not worry, it will not be published, but the administration will contact you if it is interested in an offer.

Open this field and state the problem.

If you are not indifferent to the most productive ways of Vkontakte, I can recommend a video course ... There is even about the creation of sites here.

If you need to know the creator of a nosebleed

Sometimes it happens that you are bleeding from your nose and want to know the name of a competitor. For example, for a long time my friend was interested in who administers a group that does not want to publish his advertisements to any one, but actively promotes competitors. There were speculations about the relatives of the main competitor.

The question tormented my friend for a long time. What could be done? There are different programs, but frankly, I have never used them and I advised him to just leave this question unanswered.

I have no confidence in applications that offer to see visitors to your page, or in the creator's identifiers. Many people say that free programs are dangerous for the account. Perhaps this is true, but it is not so important.

An unnecessary account solves a lot, but the main difficulty is that they just don't work. The app will give you a random name. Several years ago, the notorious "Look who visited your page" worked according to this principle.

If this article was interesting to you, subscribe to my blog and get more useful materials about work and.

Until next time and success in your endeavors.

Vkontakte today is one of the most popular social networks in Russia. It is the second most visited site in Belarus, and the third in Ukraine and Kazakhstan. In the world "popularity rating" the site occupies a solid 39th position.

The founders of the site are Russian programmer Pavel Durov and his brother Nikolai Durov. Pavel is also the creator and co-owner of such well-known student projects as (a site focused on humanities students) and SPBGU.RU (a forum for students of St. Petersburg State University).
Start of a large-scale project

On in the summer of 2006, many users saw the following news message:

“After a long period of development, my new project for students, about which many asked,“ V ”, has been opened. The project will allow students and alumni from a wide variety of universities and faculties to always stay in touch. This is a technologically sophisticated database of student and alumni profiles, where we will be combined based on places of study, friendships, interests, etc. The picture shows my page.
Yours sincerely,
Pavel Durov".

Such was the “first swallow” about VKontakte, and shortly after that the site was given the domain name (October 1, 2006), and this date is considered to be the date of foundation. But the real "Birthday" was October 10 of the same year - it was on this day that the first functions of the site began to work.

Why VKontakte?

The site was conceived as a way to maintain communication between students, former graduates of different universities in the country. It could be called "", but sooner or later students finish their studies and lose contact with those with whom they studied for many years. And it was decided that everyone should be "in contact", that is, in touch. Everyone liked the name (except for Durov himself, oddly enough), and now it has become almost a brand.

History of the site in figures and facts

In November 2006, free registration of users was opened. Before that, it was possible to get here only by invitation of already registered participants.

January 2007 - VKontakte is one of the 50 fastest growing sites on the Internet.

September 27 of the same year - "VKontakte" took the third place among the most visited sites in Russia (it was not possible to overtake only and Yandex).

In the same 2007, the site took second place in the popular vote for the Runet Prize (yielding primacy to the entertainment site

February 2008 - VKontakte became available in Ukrainian, and at the end of March of the same year, the site's audience exceeded 10 million people.

July 2008 - 15 millionth member registered.

In 2009, the number of users is growing rapidly, and VKontakte is overtaking its main competitor, the Odnoklassniki website.

2010 is full of innovations. In April: a new design style "Pre-revolutionary" was introduced (with the option of turning it off); it becomes possible to change the status of "VKontakte" by SMS; On April 17, the site launched its own payment system; two days after that, VKontakte launches testing of the OpenID service. May brings innovations such as the ability to embed audio and video files in private messages, and the "Fans" feature is again available.

In my opinion, the most memorable events of the past year were the celebration of the fourth birthday of Pavel Durov's creation (October 10), and the resonance due to the transfer of all user pages to microblogging mode without the possibility of turning it off. As I recall, it happened on October 20 in the evening, and literally by the morning of October 21, a riot was brewing, many users in the blink of an eye created protest groups and threatened to boycott the site. After a few days, microblogging could be turned off at will or left as it is.

February 2011 - the daily audience of VKontakte exceeded 23 million visitors. Further - more, today it is already 25 million.

Site owners

For a long time there was not a word about it. The Vesti newspaper conveyed the following information to its readers: the founders of VKontakte LLC are Vyacheslav Mirilashvili (60%), Mikhail Mirilashvili (10%), Pavel Durov (20%) and Lev Leviev (10%). Pavel Durov denied this information, and the site's press service stated that the Digital Sky Technologies fund is the investor of VKontakte.

Not without criticism

Many Russian citizens oppose social networks as such, and against Durov as the creator of VKontakte. They accuse him of allegedly creating a clone of the equally famous social network Facebook. To such statements, Pavel Durov only replies that he got acquainted with the principles of the work of social networks on the example of Facebook, but he adapted his own website for the national education system. And he explains the similarity of the design of both social networks by the fact that he used the open concept of styles described in the book "The CSS Anthology: 101 Essential - Tips, Tricks & Hacks".

Registration date "VKontakte" determined based on located on the official website XML file with FOAF information. You can always check the profile registration date yourself by passing the user page identifier as the id parameter to this file. For example, opening the source code of the page, you will see:



The desired value will be in the tag where YYYY-MM-DD is year, month and day, HH: MM: SS is hours, minutes and seconds, and + HH: MM is time zone. In cases where the date of registration of an account cannot be determined, for example, when a user's page is deleted, it is calculated based on neighboring accounts, the registration date of which is known.

In addition, under construction friends registration schedule... It shows the number of friends who have registered for the entire period of VKontakte's existence. Based on it, you can draw some conclusions about the checked profile. For example, the presence of friends on the left side of the graph indicates that this user is trusted by the time-tested owners of real accounts. Even if the person has recently registered.

Such a schedule suggests that a person adds everyone indiscriminately as friends. Most likely this person is engaged in some kind of active VKontakte activity. However, the presence of a large number of friends on the left side suggests that the old-timers of the social network trust this person. And just like in the previous case, regardless of the date of its registration.

But this schedule should alert you. This account was registered quite recently, and besides, it is friends with the same "green" profiles. Of course, this can be a real person and his real friends, but in this case, you are facing a teenager, or even a child who recently learned how to use the Internet.

Pages with a small number of friends can also indicate low trust in the character being tested. Although in this case it may be a real person. As in all previous charts, it is not the number of friends that plays an important role, but their concentration in certain parts of the chart. Share this material with others if you agree with the author of this article. Or leave a comment if you disagree. Do not forget to include a link to the original source. Thank you for your attention.

My competitor, (formerly, thanks for the inspiration. Who used this service, please, unsubscribe in the comments, which is more convenient.

The answer to the questions "how to find out"

  • the phone number of the page owner;
  • the number that was used for registration;
  • City of residence;
  • in which city was registered;
  • IP addresses from which the user logs into VK;
  • from which IP address the page was created;
  • recent correspondence ...

VK does not provide such information. But you can ask the page owner about this. ;-)

It is the second most visited site in Belarus, and the third in Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

The founders of the site are Russian programmer Pavel Durov and his brother Nikolai Durov.

Pavel is also the creator and co-owner of such well-known student projects as (a site focused on humanities students) and SPBGU.RU (a forum for students of St. Petersburg State University).

Start of a large-scale project

On in the summer of 2006, many users saw the following news message:

“After a long period of development, my new project for students, about which many asked,“ V ”, has been opened. The project will allow students and alumni from a wide variety of universities and faculties to always stay in touch.

This is a technologically sophisticated database of student and alumni profiles, where we will be combined based on places of study, friendships, interests, etc.

The picture shows my page.
Yours sincerely,
Pavel Durov".

This was the "first swallow" about VKontakte, and shortly after that the site was given the domain name (October 1, 2006), and this date is considered to be the date of foundation.

But the real "Birthday" was October 10 of the same year - it was on this day that the first functions of the site began to work.

Why Vkontakte?

The site was conceived as a way to maintain communication between students, former graduates of different universities in the country.

It could be called "", but sooner or later students finish their studies and lose contact with those with whom they studied for many years.

And it was decided that everyone should be "in contact", that is, in touch. Everyone liked the name (except for Durov himself, oddly enough), and now it has almost become a brand.

History of the site in figures and facts

In November 2006, free registration of users was opened. Before that, it was possible to get here only by invitation of already registered participants.

January 2007 - VKontakte is one of the 50 fastest growing sites on the Internet.

September 27 of the same year - "Vkontakte" took third place among the most visited sites in Russia (it was not possible to overtake only and Yandex).

In the same 2007, the site took second place in the popular vote for the Runet Prize (yielding primacy to the entertainment site

February 2008 - Vkontakte became available in Ukrainian, and at the end of March of the same year the site's audience exceeded 10 million people.

July 2008 - 15 millionth member registered.

In 2009, the number of users is growing rapidly, and VKontakte is overtaking its main competitor, the Odnoklassniki website.

2010 is full of innovations. In April: a new design style "Pre-revolutionary" was introduced (with the option of turning it off); it becomes possible to change the "VKontakte" status via SMS; On April 17, the site launched its own payment system; two days after that, VKontakte launches testing of the OpenID service.

May brings innovations such as the ability to embed audio and video files in private messages, and the "Fans" feature is again available.

In my opinion, the most memorable events of the past year were the celebration of the fourth birthday of Pavel Durov's creation (October 10), and the resonance due to the transfer of all user pages to microblogging mode without the possibility of turning it off.

As I recall, it happened on October 20 in the evening, and literally by the morning of October 21, a riot was brewing, many users in the blink of an eye created protest groups and threatened to boycott the site. After a few days, microblogging could be turned off at will or left as it is.

February 2011 - the daily audience of Vkontakte exceeded 23 million visitors. Further - more, today it is already 25 million.

Site owners

For a long time there was not a word about it. The Vesti newspaper brought the following information to its readers: the founders of Vkontakte LLC are Vyacheslav Mirilashvili (60%), Mikhail Mirilashvili (10%), Pavel Durov (20%) and Lev Leviev (10%).

Pavel Durov denied this information, and the press service of the site said that the investors in Vkontakte are the Digital Sky Technologies fund.

Not without criticism

They accuse him of allegedly creating a clone of the equally famous social network Facebook.

To such statements, Pavel Durov only replies that he got acquainted with the principles of the work of social networks on the example of Facebook, but he adapted his own website for the national education system.

Everyone who wants to sell goods or offer services using the VKontakte social network must register their community. There are already a huge number of groups that were created with the aim of selling something on the VKontakte social network. How to make your group unique and attractive? How to stand out from the background of other communities and convince the client to buy the product from you? To do this, you need to design your VK community in a beautiful and unusual way. Wiki markup will help with this. We will tell you what VKontakte wiki markup is for dummies.

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Wiki markup. What is it

Wiki markup "VKontakte" is a special language created for the design of educational, selling or entertainment Web pages of the VK community. It is a very valuable and powerful markup language that allows you to connect additional VKontakte functionality and use it to promote and uniqueize your group.

Pages designed or created using wiki markup are commonly referred to as wiki pages. This term was first coined by Ward Kanengham in 1995. Then Internet users got acquainted with Wikipedia. "Wiki" is Hawaiian for "fast."

Wiki markup allows you to quickly create and embed beautifully designed elements into the code of any community page, such as:

  • push-button menu;
  • link pictures;
  • spoilers;
  • anchors;
  • mini-games.

The spoiler of wiki markup is the text that is hidden behind the button with the inscription in blue, after clicking on which, the text becomes visible.

The VKontakte wiki markup is very similar to HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). But, unlike the cyber text markup language, it can be mastered in a week thanks to the graphical interface.

Such markup will significantly expand your options for group administration. With its help, you can create online magazines, online stores and even mini-sites.

In addition, a big plus of wiki markup is that all the changes that have ever been made to the community page are stored on the VK servers, and you can return to one of the design options at any time.

How to create a wiki page

We adhere to the following plan when creating a wiki page:

  • Decide on the type of page and make its layout. There are such types: VK-landing, VK-post, interactive page.
  • After you have decided on the look of your mini-site, you can start creating a wiki page. Create a menu, make the menu buttons active. Fill pages with content. Make links to products. Connect video or audio recordings and much more. It all depends on your imagination.
  • Design the community artistically. Insert pictures, logos, avatars, product photos ...
    We will show a concrete example of how to design the interface of an existing group using wiki markup. Let's create a test community and walk through the whole process step by step.

In order to create a wiki page, we need to copy the link into the search bar of the browser***&p=NAME.

Instead of ***, you need to insert the unique Id of the community.

In our case, it is 105722542.

Id is located in the address bar of the browser after / club; / event or / public.

Instead of "NAME" - drive in the name of the wiki page, for example, "product catalog".

Please note that you will no longer be able to change the name.

For further access to our section of the menu, be sure to copy and save the selected link into a text document.

To switch to the wiki-markup mode, click on the "Edit" button, and then "Wiki-markup mode".

In markup mode, you need to type the following code.

(| nomargin*** using this command we remove borders
|- *** start to create inscriptions

*** create the inscription "Home" and align it to the center of the rectangle
*** create an inscription "product catalog" and align it to the center of the rectangle
about Us
*** create an inscription "about us" and align it to the center of the rectangle
*** create an inscription "contacts" and align it to the center of the rectangle
|} *** close the block of inscriptions
[[Home]]*** create a link to "Home"
[[About Us]]*** create a link to "About us"
[[contacts]]*** create a link to "Contacts"

We copy them to "?" This is what you should end up with on each page.

Home page code

*** (Product catalog) |

*** (About us) |

*** (About us) |

*** (Contacts) | )

*** (Contacts) |)


The rest of the menu buttons are designed in the same way as the code of the "main page".

We save all the changes on each page.

Go to any of the sections as usual by copying the previously saved link from the text document into the browser line.

We wait until the menu item appears. After that, the link must be removed and the "send" button must be pressed. Next to the button, select the "On behalf of the community" item.

Each page of the menu must be filled with text. After that, you can start decorating.

Let's add a header and an avatar.

You can make them according to the video tutorial.

We showed you what VKontakte wiki markup is for dummies. It is very exciting to design a community with its help. Explore wiki markup and create real mini-sites.


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