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Vkontakte and classmates will be closed. What will happen if VKontakte and Odnoklassniki are closed

They appeared in Krasnodar and quickly spread in specific circles. The story is as follows: elections to the State Duma were held and one beloved party did not like the way "fair" elections were covered in social networks. On Channel One they tell one thing, and in VKontakte they honestly write about cases of arbitrariness.

Why Vkontakte was closed

Is it true that Vkontakte will be closed?

Well, work has begun to curb unnecessary activity. Under the pretext of fighting piracy, they will first close the audio recordings, then take away the video, then start blocking groups and public places under the pretext of fighting extremism and child suicide. By the fall of 2018, little will remain of VK. The final closure of Vkontakte should take place before the new presidential elections, that is, by 2024.

Experts were skeptical about the news. The fact is that Pavel Durov, with whom the special services could not agree on the closure of opposition groups, left the company long ago and now Vkontakte is controlled by a pro-government oligarch, so no one - everything will be blocked quickly and quietly. Secondly, there are much more Vkontakte users than citizens who go to the polls, and the closure of the social network can turn into really massive discontent.

Vk will be closed for Ukrainians

The Ukrainian authorities believe that the Russian social network Vkontakte threatens the country's security. The arguments are simple and logical: Ukrainians are spreading dossiers on themselves, and they are stored on the territory of another state, which the Ukrainian authorities consider hostile. Do you need to solve the problem? Necessary! Vkontakte in Ukraine will be closed. Sooner or later, it will happen.

Is it true that VKontakte will be closed on Monday?

No it is not true. The blow will be delivered at the most unexpected and inopportune moment, when the contacts will sleep peacefully. Woke up, lo and behold: and Vkontakte bye-bye. Where to upload your photos? Where to write all that nonsense with which the Contact has been filled for many years? Can you imagine the drama? The heart in a contactee may not stand it.

Vkontakte has already been closed in Ukraine

On April 28, 2017, the National Security and Defense Council decided to block Vkontakte on the territory of Ukraine. Poroshenko signed the decree. The document prescribes blocking access to VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Mail.Ru and Yandex. Thus, Ukrainian contacts go to the forest.

My Vkontakte was closed at work. What to do?

Blocking Vkontakte at work is just the first sign. If it is profitable for the head of your company to deprive you of access to VK, then can you imagine how it would be beneficial to deprive you of access to Vkontakte for the head of the whole country? This will happen sooner or later, but most likely by the 2024 elections.

But what if VK has already been turned off at work? The most obvious thing is to be on the phone. But if you want from a work computer, then just connect a VPN. The service costs only $ 5 per month, but you can even find it for free.

Caution, Vkontakte is closing

The panic with the closure of the social network was provoked by one of the users, who posted a message that Vkontakt would soon be closed due to numerous violations in the field of privacy policy. Like, too much social network collects data on Russians. The provocateur insisted that the social network would be closed for everyone, unless the user posted a post on his wall urging not to close VK with tags:

  • #ReturnDurov
  • #vk_live
  • #VkNoStart

Given the low average IQ of users of the social network, this joke went around the VK for a long time.

Vkontakte secrets

A selection of curious facts about your favorite social network:

  1. Did you know that there are about but none of them give a 100% guarantee? Vkontakte is invincible!
  2. It gets harder every year. Why do you think? The answer will surprise you.
  3. Did you know that it is only thanks to this that the social network pleases us with stable work and high productivity. If the Vkontakte servers were on Windows, the social network would have long been polluted with viruses and would have crashed in a day.
  4. Experts tried
  5. The most popular adult video in VKontakte is from Maria Evdokimova.
  6. At her aunt, She describes what kind of torment she had to go through before the dumb VK admins restored her access. Shock!
  7. What will happen if you choose a password for someone else's Vkontakte page and log in? They will solder 2 articles of the Criminal Code at once and give a two-piece.
Why VK will be blockedWhy VK won't be blocked
Illegal content is often postedIt is convenient to quickly identify and plant "extremists"
Messages about rallies are disseminated through social networksConvenient to control opposition
Vkontakte does not benefit the official and VK will be closedVkontakte brings profit to oligarchs close to the Kremlin - will not be closed
VK spies on usersState intelligence services have access to the collected dossiers

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko signed a decree obliging Internet providers to close access to popular Russian sites, including VKontakte, Yandex, Odnoklassniki and Mail.Ru. In Ukraine, there is now no proven mechanism for blocking websites, but in other countries experienced users have already learned how to bypass the bans. "GORDON" tells what the essence of Poroshenko's decree is and what it can lead to.


What happened? Who was banned?

On May 15, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko signed decree No. 133/2017, which approved the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine "On the application of personal special economic and other restrictive measures (sanctions)."

The NSDC decision was made on April 28, but then it was not reported. It provides for the introduction or extension of sanctions against 468 legal entities and 1228 individuals.

Russian Foreign Ministry Speaker Maria Zakharova, in response to a request from Kommersant, said that "the Kiev regime uses all kinds of forceful methods of influencing its citizens: from the prohibition of music and literature to military aggression against its people."

Head of the Council of the Association "Telecommunication Chamber of Ukraine" Tatiana Popova noted in the comment"Meduza" that any blockage can be bypassed.

"Theoretically, since the URL is written in the decree, blocking is possible. But it is quite easy for users to bypass. Almost any blocking can be bypassed - and the experience of Russia is an excellent confirmation of this. computer. But according to my estimates, this is a small part of the population, "- said Popova.

Russian opposition leader Konstantin Borovoy noted that thanks to Russian social networks, the FSB of the Russian Federation could control the correspondence of Ukrainian users.

"This is not a restriction on freedom of speech, but an instrument of warfare. Based on the principles of freedom of air space, Russia could just as well have demanded that Ukraine ensure the free passage of its ballistic missiles. Ukraine has finally understood that it needs to defend itself, and this is very good." he told the publication.

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According to employees and an adviser to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the presidential administration fully supports such an initiative, while Zoryan Shkiryaka calls on all citizens to join this fight with the Ministry of Education and other social resources. Why did Ukraine block VK, Odnoklassniki and Yandex.

Earlier it was said that the likelihood of using this project is not so great, but as the results show, today many social networks and browsers have been banned from use by the Ukrainian people. And although many experts argued that the Ukrainian authorities simply did not have the resources to carry out such a project, this turned out to be completely wrong, because the project nevertheless came into force.

When will the outage occur?

The decree on new sanctions against Russia was adopted on the eighteenth of this month in 2017, Petro Poroshenko decided to apply new sanctions to our country, thereby simply blocking some large social networks, thus people living in Ukraine cannot use their usual social networks. The decree states that access should be closed not only for the VKontakte network, but also for Odnoklassniki, and the rather popular Yandex browser.

It is worth noting that the new law prohibits not only the use of these social networks, but also citizens of Ukraine will not be able to use Kaspersky and Dr.Web anti-viruses, which were very popular among Internet users in Ukraine. New restrictions will also apply to the portal, which is a very popular mail portal, already today this site has been completely blocked for residents of Ukraine.

Ukraine cannot absolutely prohibit these projects, for this reason Ukrainians still have the opportunity to use closed networks, but for this it is necessary to carry out a number of operations. According to experts, the authorities will not be able to close these projects completely, that is, residents of the country will still have the opportunity to use those resources that are on the list of prohibited.

According to the government, although it will not be possible to completely ban access to such social networks, it will still significantly reduce propaganda in Ukraine. Many believe that Russian propaganda is spreading precisely through the Internet resources of our country. Still, Valentin Petrov replied that if Ukrainians continue to want to use these social networks and browsers, they will easily bypass the blocking without the help of a specialist.

What do Ukrainians say?

Unfortunately, the decision of the authorities to restrict access to popular social networks, the mail portal and other resources will affect not only the government, but also the inhabitants of this country. Many Ukrainians are confident that only people who are already accustomed to using Yandex and VKontakte will suffer from such sanctions.

Yandex representatives say that their portal will hardly suffer from such a ban, because the browser has a very large contingent of users. But this can significantly affect the users of Ukraine, especially since the leaders argue that there are many Yandex users in Ukraine, and the company would not want to lose customers, because the sanctions lead to the fact that all the work of the team of this company is reduced to nothing. all the efforts of the staff were in vain. employees fully agree with Yandex representatives. The executives say that they are very sorry to lose their clients, but only the Ukrainian user will suffer from such bans.

As soon as the law came into force and social networks began to close for the Ukrainian people, users began to look for workarounds to return the usual Odnoklassniki and VKontakte. Today, there is already a method to bypass the blocking, which is used by many residents of Ukraine.

Today we will dream up a little with you, I hope that you do not mind? Imagine what would happen if the social networks VK and Odnoklassniki were closed? What will happen in the life of each individual on the Internet as a whole? In my opinion, the topic is interesting. Let's digress a little from the constant reviews of games, communities, celebrity pages. Think yourself such events will lead to good or vice versa bad?


So let's start with the reason. Why might these two giant social networks shut down? Actually, there are no tendencies for this. Nevertheless, in life there are all sorts of twists and turns, which means that the closure of these sites is quite real. For example, recently they wanted to close VKontakte due to the fact that content prohibited by law, such as child pornography, was found on the site. In addition, the CEOs of VKontakte and Odnoklassniki constantly have to fight off allegations of copyright infringement in the courts. After all, as you know, in these two social networks there are a lot of different songs, as well as clips, films. Of course, the righteous do not want their creations to be distributed free of charge. In any case, let's imagine that VKontakte and Odnoklassniki will be closed tomorrow.

What will happen specifically in your life and mine? It cannot be said that everyone has, but most have the following routine:

Did you recognize yourself? If so, it will even be better for you if VKontakte and Odnoklassniki are closed! Just imagine what you can do with your free time. First, you will discover tons of other interesting and possibly useful sites. Secondly, pick up a book (at least I hope so). Thirdly, you will finally leave the stuffy apartment and be able to walk in the park with your friends and girlfriends. There is also an option that you will finally have an interesting hobby. Perhaps you will even discover a real talent in yourself! What if you know how to draw brilliantly or write poetry, and did not even know about it before? Anything can happen! Earlier, in fact, in particular because of social networks, there was no time for this at all.

As for the Internet in general, there will immediately be people who will create social networks that do not violate copyright, as well as legislation. Let's say these sites don't have videos or music at all. Then, almost all problems disappear by themselves. On the other hand, there are also giants like Facebook and Twitter. All the people, it is not difficult to guess, will "tumble" there in a huge crowd. The main thing is for the servers to withstand this influx of new users. Now you can roughly imagine what will happen if Vk and Odnoklassniki block. It will be good or bad for everyone to decide for himself. In any case, moderation is good in everything. For many, observing it is a real problem.

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