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The tabs are where they are. Open new tabs, windows in browsers and close unnecessary ones

In this lesson, I will tell you, using the Google Chrome browser as an example, the features of fast work with tabs.

In this article I will try to tell you how you can speed up your work with browser tabs. I'll show you how to quickly open, flip and close tabs. Well, as I said, we will look at working with tabs using the example of the Google Chrome browser.

How to quickly open tabs

Of course, the fastest way to open new tabs is the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + T... The second in line is a mouse click on the place specially designated for opening tabs. For the google chrome browser, this place looks like the picture below, and if, for example, you take the mozilla firefox browser, then there will already be an icon in the video of a small plus. And of course there is the longest way - you can hover over an already open tab, right-click, and then select "New Tab" from the drop-down menu.

After you open the tab in one of the presented ways, the cursor automatically activates the address bar and you can immediately start typing the site address or your search query without any problems.

In order to switch between tabs, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Tab and, if you want to scroll through the tabs in reverse order, then the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Tab.

And of course, we cannot miss such a moment as opening links in new tabs. There are at least three ways here. The first is to open tabs through the drop-down menu - you right-click on the link and select the "Open link in a new tab" item from the drop-down menu.

The second method is simply left-clicking on the link while holding down the Ctrl key on the keyboard. Well, the third way is to click on the link with the mouse wheel.

And the last moment that remains for us to disassemble is how to close the tabs in the browser.

There are very simple ways:

The first way is to click on the cross of the tab itself

The second way is to press the keyboard shortcut when the tab is open Ctrl + W... Well, the third one in conclusion - you need to click on the open tab with the mouse wheel.

Also, do not forget that there are other ways, thanks to which you can immediately close some of the tabs. You just need to click on any open tab with the right mouse button and select the desired item from the drop-down menu.

All of these tabbed tricks work on other browsers as well. The only thing is that the name of the menu items will differ slightly from the Google Chrome browser we are considering, and all the functionality will be the same.

In this lesson, we'll talk about how to install the Yandex browser on your computer.

In this tutorial, I'll show you how you can make the mozilla firefox browser your default browser.

An inlay is an artificial restoration that eliminates a defect in a tooth formed in the process of carious formation. In other words, this is a seal, for the manufacture of which not the oral cavity is required, but a special laboratory.


It is a synthetic miniature prosthesis that is fixed in place of the removed lesions to reproduce the original anatomical shape. In fact, these are a kind of seals that are made according to a previously made impression in the laboratory. This technology is referred to as a type of fixed prosthetics. As a result of long-term manual work, a ready-made insert comes out, which will be ideally placed in a previously prepared cavity.

Most often, such elements are installed by dentists on the back teeth. These devices are sometimes used in the prosthetics process as support structures for bridges.

Types of inlays in the teeth

First of all, the following types are distinguished:

Stump, it is installed in the place of the lost fragment, after which a crown is placed on it;
- restorative, used to completely restore the shape and color of the teeth.

And also they can be divided according to the materials used for the manufacture:

- metal;
- plastic
- composite;
- sintered metal.

There is also a cast inlay in the tooth, which can be of two different types. The difference between them lies only in the materials used for the manufacture. This can be zirconium dioxide or simple pressed ceramics.

Why is tab better than fillings?

Public dissatisfaction with modern filling materials is caused by many attempts to find new technologies for replacing hard dental tissues. The multifunctional material could completely solve the exposed problems if it would meet the existing requirements as much as possible.

But today such a tool has not yet been developed, therefore modern dentistry offers a huge number of compositions for filling, choosing the best one for a specific client.

The main negative quality of all products is poor sealing. A material such as a filling tends to shrink during polymerization. As a result, it flakes off, and microcracks are formed. If the replacement is carried out very often, then there is a serious risk of deepening and expansion of the carious cavity and, as a result, complete destruction. Therefore, to date, experts have invented a tab in the tooth. What kind of construction it is is already known, and it has a number of advantages that make it the material of the future.

  1. Durability and reliability. To create, very hard compounds are used, which are similar in their characteristics to enamel.
  2. There is no shrinkage process over time.
  3. Durability. The service life is much longer than that of a conventional seal. Average service life varies from 7 to 10 years when installed, even on very large damaged
  4. Comfort and convenience. At the time of attaching such a device, there is no need to constantly keep your mouth open so that saliva does not get into the treated area. The stump tab is fixed for several minutes.
  5. Accuracy. Caries never reappears due to the use of a high-quality installation, as a result, the structure adheres very firmly to the dental tissues.
  6. Long-lasting colors. Over time, the element does not change its tone and does not darken. It completely retains its original state until the end of its service life.


In dentistry, a huge number of methods are used for the complete or partial restoration of lost teeth. One of the quality options is the inlay in the tooth. Few know that this is such a wonderful method, so it must be pointed out that it belongs to the category of fixed prosthetics and is used when the classic filling is no longer suitable for restoration, but the time for removal has not yet come. The chosen method is highly efficient and affordable.

Prosthetics with such elements are used in cases where the tooth is more than half destroyed, and the installation involves the formation of a stump tab directly under the root. It is modeled in such a way that in the future it is possible to apply a crown on top, which should lie as firmly on the tooth as possible. Such an element is formed according to an individual sketch, out of the problems of a particular client.

Manufacturing methods

To form such an exact copy of a patient's tooth, only laboratory conditions are used, in which several methods are applied.

1. Direct, an impression is made from the patient's damaged tooth, and then a prosthesis is made on it. A special wax is used for this procedure. This option is chosen most often. The main disadvantage of the technology is that the patient's bite is not taken into account.
2. Indirect, for this case, a more extensive impression is made, which is made on two jaws at once. This is necessary in order to take into account all the characteristics of a particular patient. From a financial point of view, the client will pay more. Since it takes more effort and time of a specialist, but such an insert in a tooth under a crown is worth the money and effort spent. It is important that during the manufacture the master will fully take into account all the structural features of the dentition and jaw of a particular patient. This means that after the prosthetics, the client will not feel even the slightest discomfort. There is another indisputable advantage, it is that all stages of fitting and fitting are performed without the direct presence of a person, thereby saving him time. After all, the doctor has a complete cast available, which helps to solve such a problem. If the ceramic or metal insert does not fit into the tooth, then its change can also be carried out without the presence of the patient.
3. Computer modeling in 3D format. This option has been applied relatively recently. It is the most correct, since the program is responsible for the accuracy. With its help, a model for the future tab is formed, and after that the specialists are engaged in its manufacture.

Material selection

It should be noted that the installation of a tab in a tooth is a very serious event, and its composition must also be taken with full responsibility. The patient should deal with such a question directly with his attending physician. It is also necessary to choose the material from which the crown will be made, which will further beautifully shape the oral cavity.

1. Alloy of chromium and cobalt is perfect for metal-ceramic or metal prosthetics.
2. The titanium tab becomes very high quality. This alloy is considered ideal in terms of performance and biological compatibility. But he also has a significant disadvantage, he is rather fragile.
3. For ceramics, compositions of precious metals are ideal. The most commonly used platinum or gold. They can also be coated with zirconia.
4. The plastic inlay in the tooth is temporary and is installed for the comfort of patients while they are waiting for a permanent one to be made.
5. Silver and palladium have good antibacterial properties. But there are also disadvantages, such formulations can stain the gums.
6. Chromium and cobalt together with nickel do not shrink and have high strength values.


In order to qualitatively form a new tooth for the patient, it is necessary to correctly install the inlay into the tooth. What kind of method it is is already clear from the material above, and each dentist will confirm: this option is considered very effective.

To prepare one or more elements, you must complete the following points:

Undergo an examination by a doctor who will determine the condition of the cavity, and then prescribe a treatment plan;
- preliminary processing;
- to make an impression;
- put a temporary crown.


The procedure practically does not differ from conventional prosthetics, but it also has at least small, but its own nuances.

1. Initially, a specialist performs a thorough examination of the entire oral cavity. Then he will give recommendations and advice on sanitation and methods of making a tab in the teeth for prosthetics specifically for a specific client.
2. A qualified dentist can perform the necessary procedures to remove dental tissue if they were initially affected by carious formations. Since if this is not done, then the infection in the future will go to
3. Then the doctor takes an impression completely of the place where the material will be inserted, and then sends it to the laboratory for further formation and processing.
4. For the manufacture of inlays, only the composition is used, which was previously agreed upon by the doctor and the patient.
5. Then the client is invited to the clinic, and the already made model is tried on. This is done so that you can make sure that it exactly matches the required sizes and shades of the rest of the teeth.
6. If everything fits, then the dentist will fix it using a specially developed adhesive.
7. At the final stage, the formed prosthesis is polished to remove all irregularities and equalize the differences between natural fabrics and artificial products.

Pain under the tab

Today, with the help of innovative materials, it is possible to make constructions that will adhere to the gums with high quality and tightness. However, all people are individual, and some have increased sensitivity, and if so, then there is soreness, which can also be caused by the inlay in the tooth. High-quality prosthetics performed using this design will be appreciated by many satisfied customers, but all people are different, and the materials used are not always ideal for them.

When unpleasant sensations are observed after installing an artificial product, it is imperative that you contact a dentist. If this is not done, then there is a possibility that the tooth will completely collapse and in the future it will simply fall out.

It happens that an inexperienced doctor or technician may violate the rules for the installation or production of the tab. Therefore, if the structure being manufactured does not fit tightly, then caries may form under it. However, patients often forget that everything has its own lifespan, and the tab is no exception. There is a possibility that it simply needs to be replaced, since it has become unusable. It is necessary to come to the dentist after the expiration of 10 years, so that he replaces the structure with another. It should be noted that the materials for manufacturing are absolutely harmless and do not pose any danger to the patient.


The material from which it is made;
- the required form;
- the status of the medical institution in which the client is served.

The first points are crucial for determining the final cost. The following is the approximate price of the service in rubles using the same fairly inexpensive materials:

1 root - from 2500;
- 2 roots - from 3500;
- 3 roots - from 4500.

If the client chooses better materials, then the cost, of course, will increase. For example, if a decision is made to use zirconium inlays, then for 1 product it will be necessary to pay at least 8000. A clinic with a good name will ask for up to 25000 for such services. If the client chooses ceramics, then they will need to pay at least 20,000.


In order for the installed structures to serve as long as possible, the following simple rules must be observed.

1. Brush your teeth regularly and rinse your mouth after each meal.
2. Refuse difficult loads (food should be more gentle).
3. It is imperative to visit the dentist several times a year to carry out preventive measures. Only he can accurately determine the condition of the tooth under the tab. If you notice the processes of destruction in time, you can save yourself from a large number of problems. In case of damage to the prosthesis, harmful bacteria will begin to penetrate inside, deforming and destroying it. Therefore, examinations are required to pass, this will allow you to keep the oral cavity in order.

Indications and contraindications

There are conditions in which doctors recommend installing a dental inlay:

Severe caries, which has affected more than 60% of tissues;
- increased cavity size;
- damage after injury;
- congenital pathologies (dysplasia, hyperplasia);
- existing clinical ailments;
- to protect against wear on very sensitive surfaces and opposed units;
- when installing bridges;
- modeling together with root structures;
- closure using a crown;
- mechanical damage.

There are also cases when the installation of tabs is strictly prohibited:

Shallow depth of the tooth cavity;
- increased activity of the appearance of carious processes;
- non-observance of oral hygiene.

What to do next?

After the patient got up from the dentist's chair, he must understand that now he needs to follow all the advice of the attending doctor. For example, using soft bristled brushes, cleaning the interdental spaces properly, and seeing a doctor twice a year. At this time, check not only the health of the teeth, but also the condition of the tabs.

I'm a big fan of computer work. Therefore, I constantly try in every possible way to improve my efficiency of working at the computer, learning new ways of working, learning new key combinations, and even. All this allows you to work in such a way that you do not think about which button to press, concentrating exclusively on the problem or task being solved, without being distracted by the work of the instrument itself - that is, the computer and the keyboard. Therefore, I want to update this article, written back in 2009. I think that it is undeservedly not popular, because by mastering these simple combinations you can save a lot of time and make working at the computer much more comfortable and enjoyable.

what does it give?

Well, calculate it yourself: let's say you are typing some text, and you need to look at the next tab. To switch the tab, you need to remove your hand from the keyboard and then return it back. It takes 5 seconds. If you know the key combinations, it can take only seconds 2. Now, calculate how many times a day you need to perform such simple actions?

What is a tab

"Real tabs"

A tab is a program control that allows you to quickly switch the interface from one area of ​​an application to another. Thus, this mechanism makes it very convenient to arrange multiple areas within a single window. Tabs are used in various configurators (software modules that allow you to customize the interface of the main application). This approach is widely used in modern graphical interfaces.

Tabs in other programs

Tabs are often used where we need to have quick access to certain information. They allow you to arrange many different areas of the application in one window, while maintaining the convenience and speed of access to them. For example, in applications such as instant messengers (software for instant messaging) - instead of having a separate window for each interlocutor, you can place as many interlocutors as you like in one program window, and at the same time leaving the possibility of instant access to any of them.

Tabs are also used in applications that view electronic documents (foxit reader, evince) - here we can open several documents in one program window. Tabs are widely used in various specialized software, for example, code editors for developers, programmers, as well as terminal emulators - in one application window you can
but efficiently perform many tasks, edit multiple documents.

And a separate topic that I want to dwell on in more detail is tabs in browsers. If you happen to use Internet Explorer 6 or earlier, then you should understand very well the charm of tabs, or rather the terrible inconvenience of their absence. There were no tabs in the browsers mentioned, as a result of which, when browsing the web, you had to keep several browser windows open with various pages loaded in them.

Now tabs are available in all browsers, even on mobile devices. By the way, the idea of ​​using tabs in the browser for the first time was implemented in the Opera browser, after which they began to be used in almost all browsers. Now, using a browser without tabs is simply unthinkable, because in order to work effectively on the Web, you need to be able to manage dozens, and sometimes hundreds of open web pages. Imagine what your desktop would look like, cluttered with a couple of dozen open browser windows :). In this situation, there could be no question of any convenience. It would be very painful indeed.

Keys for opening and closing tabs

Surely you know how to manage them with the mouse, since the buttons for opening and closing tabs are the most accessible elements in the interface of modern browsers.
It is used always and everywhere, in any browser - this is the opening of a new, empty tab - Ctrl + T. In order to remember, it is enough to understand that the tab in English is - T ab.

The next combination is to close the current tab. Keys Ctrl + W This is also a well-established standard combination, it works everywhere. By the way, the Ctrl + F4 hotkeys also work, but very few people would think of using them. Meanwhile, sometimes it is useful to know this in order to get out of a situation where it is impossible to press Ctrl + W or it does not work.

Keys for switching between tabs

But opening and closing quickly is half the battle. You also need to quickly switch from one tab to another. No matter how good you are with the mouse, a person who knows how to manage tabs using keyboard shortcuts will always do it much faster.

Combination 1: ctrl + tab

The most famous, standard way of navigating between tabs, which works in any application, is the Ctrl + Tab combination. This combination will iterate through all the available tabs in order, from left to right. Reception is rather inconvenient, but sometimes, and quite often, there is simply no other way out. In addition, with a small number of open tabs, there are no problems. If you don't open more than 2-5 tabs, then it suits you. The fact is that it is not necessary to press the entire combination five times in a row for this, because it works in such a way that you can hold down Ctrl and click Tab, and with each press of Tab, the tabs will be flipped. By the way, this technique works for the above-described combinations of closing and opening tabs - even closing two tabs from the keyboard is several times faster than using a mouse, not to mention a dozen.

By the way, the Opera browser has a different mechanism for flipping through tabs, where they go not in the order of their location in the tab bar, but in the order of the last access.

So, the above method iterates through the open tabs from left to right. But there is a combination to iterate over them in reverse order. It also works in almost all applications with tabs.

This is a combination of Ctrl + Shift + Tab. What do you think is difficult? I dare to assure you that it is much faster than reaching for the mouse and aiming at the tab, if you need to switch to the adjacent tab to the current tab, located to the left of it.

Combination 2: Ctrl + PgUp / PgDown

A great way to switch tabs in Firefox and Chrome. Truth takes some habit. But I dare to assure you - after the habit appears, you will no longer be able not to use this combination. These hotkeys switch tabs left by Ctrl + PgUp and right by Ctrl + PgDown. Much more convenient than the first method.

As for Internet Explorer, this method does not work for it.

Combination 3: switch between tabs using the number keys.

In addition to the combinations described above, there is a convenient way to switch tabs using the number keys. Using it, you can instantly switch to any desired tab instantly, but ... only if you have no more than 9 tabs open in one window. This combination
Ctrl + number. That is, if you number all your open tabs from left to right, starting with one, each tab corresponds to the combination ctrl + its number. At the same time, in the event that you have more than nine tabs open in the window, the combination ctrl + 9 will switch to the most recent (rightmost) tab, no matter how many of them are open. By the way, it will work in the same way even if you have less than nine tabs open, let's say two - the second tab can be invoked with both ctrl + 2 and ctrl + 9.

Switching tabs by numbers works even in Internet Explorer.

This method is especially good when using pinning of tabs, for example. For example, my first few tabs are pinned web versions of messengers (for example) and mail. I see a new message indicator in the tab - I switch there by Ctrl + 1, look at the message and return to this tab, where I write this post using the Ctrl + 9 keys. Just 2-3 seconds where when using a mouse it will take 5-10 seconds.

By the way, in Linux applications (not only in browsers), alt + tab number (number) is also used to switch between tabs.

Human teeth are subjected to severe stress and further damage throughout life. However, modern dentists can repair even the most significant dental lesions. Dental inlays under the crown will be able to restore the aesthetic and functional abilities of the teeth. In this article, you will learn about an insert in a tooth under a crown, what it is and see examples in the photo.

With the help of tabs, it is possible to restore a severely affected tooth, if the situation is very neglected. To restore the configuration and functional ability, and in the future to protect against diseases - this is the purpose of these devices. Today, dental practice uses reliable orthopedic and aesthetically pleasing devices that meet the highest demands.

Stump inlay before installing the crown

The design is an inseparable microprosthesis, which is made to order in special laboratories. This is how a certain component is replaced when it is severely affected, absent, or has aesthetic flaws. They are installed not only on healthy teeth, but also on implants.

This issue becomes relevant when the affected area is destroyed by about seventy percent. At the same time, there is no chance of filling or prosthetics, since they will not give the proper load on the chewing function. In the future, this will be fraught with a rift and inevitable removal. Therefore, the selection of fillings, inlays and crowns is based on individual indications.

According to external data, the tab is much more beautiful than a regular seal. It looks like a particle of a molar tooth with the same grooves and grooves, configuration and shade. The manufacturing process itself is a very long and painstaking work. Finally, the inlay should fit perfectly into the prepared cavity.

What are tabs for? The main indication for the installation of the structure is serious caries damage. Sometimes the disease is so striking that after several procedures for removing caries, it is simply impossible to install a filling on the tooth. This is the most ideal filling method.

How to install

Constructions for one tooth are introduced in several steps. At the beginning, the doctor examines visually, an x-ray is taken. Further, the necessary treatment is carried out.

After completing all the necessary measures, the patient is made impressions, which are sent to a special laboratory. Next, you need to try on all the ready-made devices and install them. It can take from one to two weeks to create all the necessary structures. Temporarily put a non-permanent tab. The dentist removes it at the next visit, and adjusts the manufactured structure to the tooth. It should match the color, bite, match in size.

Installing a tab in a tooth

Local anesthesia is used during installation.

Many people ask: "What do they install tabs on?" Orthopedic devices are installed on a special mixture that allows the mount to last for a long time. All these actions cannot be carried out in one session. The creation of a prosthesis in just a few hours is quite realistic, provided that the doctor has everything that is needed for this design.

Inlay or crown: which is better? Many people are concerned about this issue. The decisive choice is always up to the dentist after an individual thorough examination of the patient. The specialist determines the condition of the teeth and related tissues.

Which is better: inlay or filling? A tab is almost always better than a filling. It is wear-resistant, durable. Its material does not darken over time. The device compensates not only for a slight lack of dental tissue, but also renews about fifty percent of the tooth.

The tab is not advisable for the treatment of decay of milk teeth. The operational period of the structure is much longer than milk teeth.

The adaptations last approximately ten years and depend on the material used. If a person follows all the doctor's recommendations, then this period can be easily increased.

When the tab helps:

  1. If the tissues in the oral cavity are good, the best solution would be a ceramic inlay without “crowning”. This helps to prevent preparation, to place the crown on the pulp.

When the crown will help:

  1. If the surfaces of the patient's teeth are thinned, then it is better to put a crown. The highest quality restoration will be provided by the crown, the tooth on it will not be completely filled, but restored by means of the inlay.

Varieties of tabs

Fixtures can be made from different materials. Their choice is reflected in both cost and quality. In total, all types of structures can be roughly classified into:

Structures are also divided into stump and restoration. The latter serve to restore the color and configuration of the affected tooth.

Stump dental inlay under the crown: what is it

If the patient's teeth are in very poor condition, the stump tab will become an indispensable assistant. It happens that a person visits a doctor in such a neglected case, when it is easier to completely remove his tooth and place an implant. But modern dentistry has stepped forward and if a person wants to restore a very damaged tooth, then his desire can be fulfilled with the help of a stump device.

This is a special device that is installed by means of a special cemented compound in the treated areas, where the doctor will build up the walls in the future.

Such devices are introduced in more than one visit, and many dentists do not really like this option. However, the use of such structures serves as a reliable guarantee that the tooth will not collapse in the future. Such teeth can serve a person for the rest of his life.

Such advantages of the method are due to the fact that the insert evenly distributes the load, since it supports the entire surface and is installed in each channel. The installation provides reliable density, due to which the formation of microcracks, into which food or liquid has gotten, is excluded.

What if a tooth hurts under the tab

Innovative materials make it possible to manufacture devices that adhere to the dental tissues as tightly as possible. However, if a person has hypersensitivity, soreness may develop. If this happens, get ready to go to the dentist. Otherwise, the tooth can completely collapse, which will serve as its further loss.

Sometimes an inexperienced doctor or technician may violate the rules for making or installing the tab. So, if the structure does not fit tightly, caries may form. However, most often patients simply forget that everything has its own service life and tabs are no exception.

Revisit dentist 10 years after inlay insertion

You must go to the dentist after ten years to have your design changed. It is worth emphasizing that the materials are absolutely harmless and do not pose any threat to the patient.

How to care

Tabbed oral care is absolutely indistinguishable from standard treatments. Most importantly: regularity, literacy, duration. With professional cleaning, the fillings should be cleaned and polished twice a year. The inlays do not require any polishing.

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