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Viruses have a metabolism. Viruses

Throughout life, we all repeatedly meet with various diseases. In order to treat them effectively, it is necessary to figure out which infection caused it: viral or bacterial.

Viral infection

bacterial infection

Bacteria are single-celled organisms. Unlike viruses, they are able to multiply on various artificial nutrient media, which plays a significant role in making a diagnosis. For a bacterial infection, the so-called "gates" are characteristic - the path through which it enters the body. As in the case of viruses, there are also many ways of transmitting infection: contact, alimentary or airborne, fecal-oral. Bacteria can enter the body through mucous membranes, with the bite of insects (transmissible) or animals. Once in the human body, they begin to actively multiply, which will be considered the beginning of a bacterial infection. Clinical manifestations of this disease develop depending on the localization of the microorganism.


bacteria - microorganisms, usually 1-celled, which have an unformed nucleus and a simpler structure compared to animal and plant cells.

Viruses - compounds of protein and nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) that can multiply only in the affected cell.


bacteria are real cells, although primitive compared to plant and animal cells. All bacteria have a cytoplasm and a cell membrane with surface structures (capsules, flagella, microvilli). Bacteria do not have a well-formed nucleus (that is, with a nuclear membrane), and DNA in the form of a coil simply lies in the cytoplasm. Most cell organelles are also missing. There are only ribosomes (for protein synthesis) and spare granules. There is also RNA in the cell.


Insofar as bacteria - cells, they have their own metabolism and live a full life, grow up, go to the movies, get married, multiply by dividing in half. Bacteria are able to break down carbohydrates and other substances.

Viruses do not have their own metabolism. They penetrate into the cell (not into any, but only where they can get with the help of cellular receptors) and force it to make copies of the virus. As in a real factory, copies of nucleic acid and copies of viral proteins are produced, from which a new viral particle is assembled at the end. In each cell, from several tens to several thousand copies of the virus are formed. In this case, the cell most often dies due to the cessation of the production of its own proteins, the accumulation of toxic viral components and damage to cell lysosomes. Less commonly, the cell remains alive, and the nucleic acid of the virus simply integrates into its genome, sometimes becoming activated, for example, in a herpes infection. Sometimes the virus causes a chronic persistent course without cell death, especially in immunocompromised patients; an example is hepatitis B and C viruses.

Differences between viral and bacterial infections

Purulent nature of most bacterial infections.

  • For bacterial infections the presence of purulent (usually yellow or yellow-greenish) discharge is characteristic, but there are exceptions (about them below).
  • At viral infections without the addition of bacterial flora, the discharge has a serous (watery) or mucous character.

Features of treatment

Bacterial infections are treated with antibiotics .

Antibiotics do not work on viruses , which is why the use of antibiotics for ARVI and influenza is not beneficial.

The use of antibiotics without appropriate indications contributes to the formation of resistant bacteria. In addition, antibiotics often cause side effects, including dysbacteriosis - a violation of the qualitative and quantitative composition of the microflora. Normal microflora prevents pathogenic bacteria from gaining a foothold on the skin and mucous membranes, thereby protecting us from infections. Uncontrolled use of antibiotics destroys this natural defense. A vicious circle ensues: an infection? antibiotic? dysbacteriosis? infection.
So why are pediatricians so fond of prescribing antibiotics for colds?
For three reasons.

  1. To play it safe, just in case, believing that antibiotics are the lesser evil for a small child.
  2. Indulging the desires of parents who believe that if the doctor did not prescribe an antibiotic, then he did not prescribe treatment at all and treats work carelessly. And if so, then you need to roll up a complaint against the "killer doctor" before he crippled others.
  3. Sometimes doctors simply lack knowledge (there can be many reasons for this).


  1. A viral infection affects the entire body, a bacterial infection is localized in one place.
  2. A viral infection begins with a rise in temperature and general intoxication of the body, the bacterial process develops slowly, but is characterized by more pronounced clinical symptoms.
  3. To treat a viral infection, antiviral drugs are used, to cure a bacterial infection, antibiotics will be required.

The soil for the development of viruses in the human body is the energy of a certain quality, of a destructive nature, produced by it as a result of internal problems with self-esteem, self-esteem, the meaning of one's existence.

The appearance of viruses in the body signals to a person about the lack of joy in life, the collapse of any illusion and the experience of sadness, bitterness about this. A similar quality of vibrations (energy), which creates the ground for infection with a virus, for example, through sexual contact, can be created both in the current life and be inherited, in the form of hereditary programs (predisposition, vibration, information) that carry a message ancestors about the low meaning of life that they were guided by, the humiliation that they experienced, the loss of the Divine in themselves, unworthiness, disappointment and longing for the lost.

The transmitted program can “sleep” and become active in a situation where a person experiences deep disappointment, a decrease in self-esteem, an infringement of dignity, a loss of the previously existing meaning of life. The state of a person in such experiences is a certain quality of energy, supported by the current situation and hereditary programs, which creates the best conditions for infection with a virus.

First, the virus is infected, as a result of favorable conditions for its life, and then the virus, as the simplest creature that wants to live, begins to maintain these conditions for its existence - the energy-information background of loss, despondency, humiliation of a person. It turns out a vicious circle, supported from two sides: a person who thinks and feels in a certain way, and a virus that reproduces and maintains the infected energy in the body.

The virus enters the cell and becomes part of the person.

To kill a virus, you have to kill a part of a person. Medicine treats the virus with drugs, and the virus feeds on energy, man.

A person swallows a pill, but thinking and feeling humiliated, lost, meaningless, does not stop. The antiviral drug acts on anything but thoughts.

To kill the virus, it is necessary to heal a person from the causes that create vibrations that favor the life of the virus.

If a person does not change his attitude towards himself and the world, does not discover meanings that heal his self-esteem, longing, sadness, loss, the virus will live and flourish.

At a young age, for example, the herpes virus manifests itself as a cold on the lips. A person drives away his thoughts and attitude towards himself and the world with the help of hyper-activity (career, family, children, travel, etc.). In old age, a person has little activity, but a lot of thoughts about himself and his life. Everything that was driven away rolls and covers with the head, the overall energy of the body decreases.

What can I say, old people are not in demand in society, and often their relatives and friends are not needed, so they can’t see the joy of life at all. Add to this separation from the Divine, if a deeply elderly person is not a believer and does not experience unity with God. This is where the lurking virus of the herpes group (shingles, Zoster) is to roam. This is a very severe form, with severe pain.

Medicine does not cure this, it begins to poison the old body with drugs to drown out the virus and relieve pain. All drugs for the elderly affect brain activity (and so as not to think any garbage, but medicine has an official scientific explanation, however, the essence is the same), they become lethargic, absent-minded, sleep more, think less, live under drugs, like plants.

The old people often simply do not have the strength to change anything in their head and soul. Plus, intransigence and the habit of defending one's worldview (beliefs) are reliably developed in a person from childhood. All this does not allow to change the quality of the energy (vibration) of the old person. Neither in the soul nor in the head does a person have God, there is no true idea of ​​the world, the meaning of life. And life goes on...

My old mother's herpes became active with a cold on her lips when my father had a stroke. Mom began to be afraid to be left alone, the foundations of life were shaken ... Herpes raged in full force 2 months after the death of my father.

The meaning of life in her was limping on both legs and herpes struck with such force, with such pain that she was forced to forget about the departure of a loved one with whom she had lived for almost 60 years. There was no time to grieve and there was no strength left for mourning, only pain. I had to be active, get treated, look for a way to recovery so that the virus would recede.

This is another non-obvious task of the virus - to make the cell active. He lives at the expense of its resources, so the cell, in order to survive, will need to be active or die ... Through the cell, the virus pushes the entire body to come into an active state - to look for the meaning of life, to move towards the spiritual component of life, because the material has already been worked out - and career, and ambitions, and family, and children, and even the need for society.

Only one thing remains - the Highest, the spiritual, the Divine. So, the virus is the messenger of the Supreme. Otherwise, how to invite a person to the Highest for worldly affairs? Only through sickness. You will not pay attention at a young age, in old age everything will catch up.

P.S. So, when working with a person, we always pay attention to his “colds” on his lips: something is happening with the meaning of life ... something was passed on by the ancestors ... This is important!

“The vast majority of organisms currently living on Earth consist of cells, and only viruses do not have a cellular structure.

According to this most important feature, all living things are currently divided by scientists into two spheres:

  • precellular (viruses and phages),
  • cellular (all other organisms: bacteria and related groups, fungi, green plants, animals and humans).

Viruses are tiny organisms, ranging in size from 12 to 500 nanometers. Viruses cannot be seen with an optical microscope because they are smaller than the wavelength of light. They can only be seen with an electron microscope. Small viruses are equal to large protein molecules. The most important distinguishing features of viruses are the following:

They do not have their own metabolism, they have a very limited number of enzymes. For reproduction, the metabolism of the host cell, its enzymes and energy are used. Viruses, according to Satprem, “use the intelligence of the cells.”

The most primitive viruses consist of an RNA (or DNA) molecule surrounded on the outside by protein molecules that form the envelope of the virus. Some viruses have one more - external, or secondary, shell; more complex viruses contain a number of enzymes.

Nucleic acid is the carrier of the hereditary properties of the virus. The proteins of the inner and outer shells serve to protect it.

Since viruses do not have their own metabolism, outside the cell they exist in the form of "non-living" particles. In this case, we can say that viruses are inert crystals. When they enter the cell, they “come to life” again.

When multiplying, to create components of their particles, viruses use nutrients, the information environment, and the energy-metabolic systems of the cells they infect. After entering the cell, the virus breaks down into its constituent parts - nucleic acid and envelope proteins. From this moment on, the biosynthetic processes of the host cell begin to be controlled by the genetic information encoded in the nucleic acid of the virus.

In the host cell, a separate synthesis of the shell and nucleic acid of the virus is carried out. Subsequently, they combine and form a new virion (a fully formed mature virus).

Viruses do not multiply on artificial nutrient media - they are too picky in food. They need living cells, and not any, but strictly defined ones.

Science knows viruses of bacteria, plants, insects, animals and humans. In total there are more than a thousand of them. The processes associated with the reproduction of the virus most often, but not always, damage and destroy the host cell. Reproduction of viruses, associated with the destruction of cells, leads to the emergence of disease states in the body.

Viruses cause many human diseases: measles, mumps, influenza, polio, rabies, smallpox, yellow fever, trachoma, encephalitis, some cancers, AIDS, herpes.

Currently, scientists are increasingly suggesting that viruses are the cause of nervous disorders and mental illness. For example, Professor Norbert Novotny of the University of Vienna has evidence that the Born virus, which causes fatal brain diseases in animals but does not pose a danger to humans, as previously thought, can still affect the human brain, causing schizophrenia, depression and chronic fatigue.

Borna virus is known to cause severe cases of brain inflammation in horses and sheep. As a result of the disease, animals stop eating, lose interest in the environment and in most cases die of paralysis within 3 weeks.

Currently, there is no effective way to treat diseased animals. Recent data suggest that the virus is still capable of causing certain changes in the human body, in particular, changes in the transmission of nerve signals, which inevitably lead to mental disorders.

It has been shown that people suffering from nervous disorders have a high level of antibodies to the virus. In addition, the virus is also isolated in many people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome.

Scientists have found that many viruses live in the human body, but they do not always manifest themselves.. Only a weakened organism is subject to the effects of a pathogenic virus.

The ways of infection with viruses are very different: through the skin with bites of insects and ticks; through saliva, mucus and other secretions of the patient; through the air; with food; sexually and others.

A number of viruses are known that are not carriers of disease. Many of them penetrate the human body, but do not cause any clinically detectable diseases. They can exist for a long time and without any external manifestations in the cells of their host.

Otherwise, this would lead to the complete disappearance of the host as a biological species, and with it the pathogen itself. At the same time, any pathogenic organism will not be able to exist as a biological species if its main host develops immunity too quickly and effectively, allowing it to suppress the reproduction of the pathogen.

Therefore, a virus that causes acute and severe disease in a species keeps the virus circulating in nature. For example, the rabies virus in nature persists among rodents, for which infection with this virus is not fatal.

For many viruses, such as measles, herpes, and partly influenza, humans are the main natural reservoir. The transmission of these viruses occurs by airborne droplets or by contact.

  1. Establish a correspondence between the features of a biological object and the object to which this feature belongs: 1) bacteriophage, 2) Escherichia coli. Write the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.
    A) consists of a nucleic acid and a capsid
    B) murein cell wall
    C) outside the body is in the form of crystals
    D) can be in symbiosis with a person
    D) has ribosomes
    E) has a tail channel

  1. Choose one, the most correct option. Precellular life forms are studied by science
    1) virology
    2) mycology
    3) bacteriology
    4) histology

  1. Choose one, the most correct option. AIDS virus infects human blood
    1) erythrocytes
    2) platelets
    3) lymphocytes
    4) platelets

  1. Choose one, the most correct option. Cells of what organisms are affected by bacteriophage?
    1) lichens
    2) mushrooms
    3) prokaryotes
    4) protozoa

  1. Choose one, the most correct option. The immunodeficiency virus primarily affects
    1) erythrocytes
    2) platelets
    3) phagocytes
    4) lymphocytes

  1. Choose one, the most correct option. In what environment does the AIDS virus usually die?
    1) in the lymph
    2) in breast milk
    3) in saliva
    4) in the air

  1. Choose one, the most correct option. Viruses have the characteristics of a living being, such as
    1) food
    2) growth
    3) metabolism
    4) heredity

  1. Establish the correct sequence of stages of reproduction of DNA-containing viruses. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers in the table.
    1) release of the virus into the environment

    2) protein synthesis of the virus in the cell
    3) introduction of DNA into the cell
    4) synthesis of virus DNA in a cell
    5) attachment of the virus to the cell

  1. 1) have an unformed core
    2) reproduce only in other cells
    3) do not have membrane organelles
    4) carry out chemosynthesis
    5) able to crystallize
    6) are formed by a protein coat and nucleic acid

  1. Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Viruses as opposed to bacteria
    1) have a cellular structure
    2) have an unformed core
    3) are formed by a protein coat and nucleic acid
    4) belong to free-living forms
    5) multiply only in other cells
    6) are a non-cellular form of life

17) Establish a correspondence between functions and organisms for which they are characteristic. Write the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.
A) has a shell of murein

Viruses were discovered by D.I. Ivanovsky (1892, tobacco mosaic virus).

If viruses are isolated in their pure form, then they exist in the form of crystals (they do not have their own metabolism, reproduction and other properties of the living). Because of this, many scientists consider viruses to be an intermediate stage between living and non-living objects.

Viruses are non-cellular life forms. Virus particles (virions) are not cells:

  • viruses are much smaller than cells;
  • viruses are much simpler than cells in structure - they consist only of a nucleic acid and a protein shell, consisting of many identical protein molecules.
  • Viruses contain either DNA or RNA.

Synthesis of virus components:

  • The nucleic acid of a virus contains information about viral proteins. The cell makes these proteins itself, on its own ribosomes.
  • The nucleic acid of the virus is reproduced by the cell itself, with the help of its enzymes.
  • Then the virus particles self-assemble.

Meaning of viruses:

  • cause infectious diseases (flu, herpes, AIDS, etc.)
  • some viruses can insert their DNA into the host cell's chromosomes, causing mutations.


The AIDS virus is very unstable, easily destroyed in the air. You can get infected with it only through sexual contact without a condom and through a transfusion of infected blood.


Establish a correspondence between the features of a biological object and the object to which this feature belongs: 1) bacteriophage, 2) Escherichia coli. Write the numbers 1 and 2 in the correct order.
A) consists of a nucleic acid and a capsid
B) murein cell wall
C) outside the body is in the form of crystals
D) can be in symbiosis with a person
D) has ribosomes
E) has a tail channel


Choose one, the most correct option. Precellular life forms are studied by science
1) virology
2) mycology
3) bacteriology
4) histology


Choose one, the most correct option. AIDS virus infects human blood
1) erythrocytes
2) platelets
3) lymphocytes
4) platelets



Choose one, the most correct option. Cells of what organisms are affected by bacteriophage?
1) lichens
2) mushrooms
3) prokaryotes
4) protozoa


Choose one, the most correct option. The immunodeficiency virus primarily affects
1) erythrocytes
2) platelets
3) phagocytes
4) lymphocytes


Choose one, the most correct option. In what environment does the AIDS virus usually die?
1) in the lymph
2) in breast milk
3) in saliva
4) in the air


Choose one, the most correct option. Viruses have the characteristics of a living being, such as
1) food
2) growth
3) metabolism
4) heredity



1. Establish the correct sequence of stages of reproduction of DNA-containing viruses. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers in the table.
1) release of the virus into the environment
2) protein synthesis of the virus in the cell
3) introduction of DNA into the cell
4) synthesis of virus DNA in a cell
5) attachment of the virus to the cell


2. Set the sequence of stages in the life cycle of a bacteriophage. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers.
1) biosynthesis of DNA and proteins of a bacteriophage by a bacterial cell
2) rupture of the bacterial shell, release of bacteriophages and infection of new bacterial cells
3) penetration of the bacteriophage DNA into the cell and embedding it into the circular DNA of the bacterium
4) bacteriophage attachment to the bacterial cell membrane
5) assembly of new bacteriophages



1) have an unformed core
2) reproduce only in other cells
3) do not have membrane organelles
4) carry out chemosynthesis
5) able to crystallize
6) are formed by a protein coat and nucleic acid



Choose three correct answers from six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Viruses as opposed to bacteria
1) have a cellular structure
2) have an unformed core
3) are formed by a protein coat and nucleic acid
4) belong to free-living forms
5) multiply only in other cells
6) are a non-cellular form of life


1. Establish a correspondence between the trait of an organism and the group for which it is characteristic: 1) prokaryotes, 2) viruses.
A) the cellular structure of the body
B) the presence of its own metabolism
C) insertion of one's own DNA into the DNA of the host cell
D) consists of a nucleic acid and a protein coat
D) reproduction by division in two
E) the ability to reverse transcription







© D.V. Pozdnyakov, 2009-2019


Viral disease -

lack of meaning in life

Virus is the causative agent of infection

reproduce only in living human cells,

animal, plant or bacteria.

The soil for the development of viruses in the human body is the energy of a certain quality, of a destructive nature, produced by it as a result of internal problems with self-esteem, self-esteem, the meaning of one's existence.

The appearance of viruses in the body signals to a person about the lack of joy in life, the collapse of any illusion and the experience of sadness, bitterness about this. A similar quality of vibrations (energy), which creates the ground for infection with a virus, for example, through sexual contact, can be created in the current life.

But, it can be inherited, in the form of hereditary programs (predisposition, vibration, information) that carry the message of the ancestors about the underestimated meaning of life that they were guided by, the humiliation that they experienced, the loss of the Divine in themselves, unworthiness, disappointment and longing by what was lost.

The transmitted program can "sleep" and become active in a situation where a person experiences deep disappointment, a decrease in self-esteem, an infringement of dignity, a loss of the previously existing meaning of life.

The state of a person in such experiences is a certain quality of energy, supported by the current situation and hereditary programs, which creates the best conditions for infection with a virus.

First, the virus is infected due to favorable conditions for its life, and then the virus, as the simplest creature that wants to live, begins to maintain these conditions for its existence - the energy-information background of loss, despondency, humiliation of a person.

It turns out a vicious circle, supported from two sides: a person who thinks and feels in a certain way, and a virus that reproduces and maintains the infected energy in the body.

The virus enters the cell and becomes part of the person.

To kill a virus, you have to kill a part of a person. Medicine treats the virus with drugs, and the virus feeds on energy, man.

A person swallows a pill, but he does not stop thinking and feeling humiliated, lost, meaningless. The antiviral drug acts on anything but thoughts.

To kill the virus, it is necessary to heal a person from the causes that create vibrations that favor the life of the virus.

If a person does not change his attitude towards himself and the world, does not discover meanings that heal his self-esteem, longing, sadness, loss, the virus will live and flourish.

At a young age, for example, the herpes virus manifests itself as a cold on the lips. A person drives away his thoughts and attitude towards himself and the world with the help of hyper-activity (career, family, children, travel, etc.)

In old age, a person has little activity, but a lot of thoughts about himself and his life. Everything that was driven away rolls and covers with the head, the overall energy of the body decreases.

What can I say, old people are not in demand in society, and often their relatives and friends are not needed, so they will not see the joy of life at all. Add to this separation from the Divine, if a deeply elderly person is not a believer and does not experience unity with God. This is where the lurking virus of the herpes group (shingles, Zoster) is to roam. This is a very severe form, with severe pain.

Medicine does not cure this, it begins to poison the old body with drugs to drown out the virus and relieve pain. All drugs for the elderly affect brain activity (and so as not to think any garbage, but medicine has an official scientific explanation, however, the essence is the same), they become lethargic, absent-minded, sleep more, think less, live under drugs, like plants.

The old people often simply do not have the strength to change anything in their head and soul. Plus, intransigence and the habit of defending one's worldview (beliefs) are reliably developed in a person from childhood. All this does not allow to change the quality of the energy (vibration) of the old person. Neither in the soul nor in the head does a person have God, there is no true idea of ​​the world, the meaning of life. And life goes on...

My old mother's herpes became active with a cold on her lips when my father had a stroke. Mom began to be afraid to be left alone, the foundations of life were shaken ... Herpes raged in full force 2 months after the death of my father.

The meaning of life in her was limping on both legs and herpes struck with such force, with such pain that she was forced to forget about the departure of a loved one with whom she had lived for almost 60 years. There was no time to grieve and there was no strength left for mourning, only pain. I had to be active, get treated, look for a way to recovery so that the virus would recede.

This is another non-obvious task of the virus - to make the cell active. He lives at the expense of its resources, so the cell, in order to survive, will need to be active or die...

Through the cell, the virus pushes the whole organism to come into an active state - to look for the meaning of life, to move towards the spiritual component of life, because the material has already been worked out - and career, and ambitions, and family, and children, and even the need for society.

Only one thing remains - the Highest, the spiritual, the Divine. So, the virus is the messenger of the Supreme. Otherwise, how to invite a person to the Highest for worldly affairs? Only through sickness. You will not pay attention at a young age, in old age everything will catch up.

P.S. So, when working with a person, we always pay attention to his "colds" on his lips: something is happening with the meaning of life ... something was passed on by the ancestors ... This is important!

“The vast majority of organisms currently living on Earth consist of cells, and only viruses do not have a cellular structure.

According to this most important feature, all living things are currently divided by scientists into two spheres:

precellular (viruses and phages), cellular (all other organisms: bacteria and related groups, fungi, green plants, animals and humans).

Viruses are tiny organisms, ranging in size from 12 to 500 nanometers. Viruses cannot be seen with an optical microscope because they are smaller than the wavelength of light. They can only be seen with an electron microscope. Small viruses are equal to large protein molecules. The most important distinguishing features of viruses are the following:

They do not have their own metabolism, they have a very limited number of enzymes. For reproduction, the metabolism of the host cell, its enzymes and energy are used. Viruses, according to Satprem, "use the intelligence of cells."

The most primitive viruses consist of an RNA (or DNA) molecule surrounded on the outside by protein molecules that form the envelope of the virus. Some viruses have one more - external, or secondary, shell; more complex viruses contain a number of enzymes.

Nucleic acid is the carrier of the hereditary properties of the virus. The proteins of the inner and outer shells serve to protect it.

Since viruses do not have their own metabolism, outside the cell they exist in the form of "non-living" particles. In this case, we can say that viruses are inert crystals. When they hit the cage, they "come to life" again.

When multiplying, to create components of their particles, viruses use nutrients, the information environment, and the energy-metabolic systems of the cells they infect. After entering the cell, the virus breaks down into its constituent parts - nucleic acid and envelope proteins.

From this moment on, the biosynthetic processes of the host cell begin to be controlled by the genetic information encoded in the nucleic acid of the virus.

In the host cell, a separate synthesis of the shell and nucleic acid of the virus is carried out. Subsequently, they combine and form a new virion (a fully formed mature virus).

Viruses do not multiply on artificial nutrient media - they are too picky in food. They need living cells, and not any, but strictly defined ones.

Science knows viruses of bacteria, plants, insects, animals and humans. In total there are more than a thousand of them. The processes associated with the reproduction of the virus most often, but not always, damage and destroy the host cell. Reproduction of viruses, associated with the destruction of cells, leads to the emergence of disease states in the body.

Viruses cause many human diseases: measles, mumps, influenza, polio, rabies, smallpox, yellow fever, trachoma, encephalitis, some cancers, AIDS, herpes.

Currently, scientists are increasingly suggesting that viruses are the cause of nervous disorders and mental illness.

For example, Professor Norbert Novotny of the University of Vienna has evidence that the Born virus, which causes fatal brain diseases in animals but does not pose a danger to humans, as previously thought, can still affect the human brain, causing schizophrenia, depression and chronic fatigue.

Borna virus is known to cause severe cases of brain inflammation in horses and sheep. As a result of the disease, animals stop eating, lose interest in the environment and in most cases die of paralysis within 3 weeks.

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