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  • Virtual educational environment and distance learning: characteristics of concepts. List of sources used

Virtual educational environment and distance learning: characteristics of concepts. List of sources used

Introduction ……………………………………………………………… .2

1.1. Modern virtual educational environment …………… ..... 4

1.2. Features of Unity in creating a virtual working environment ... ..... 8

Chapter 2. Organization of the character's interaction with the virtual working environment.

2.1 Unity environment as a development tool ……………………… ...... 14

2.2 Script programming in the Unity environment …………………… .... 20

Conclusion ………………………………………………………… ... 31

Literature ………………………………………………………… .... 33

  1. Introduction

In modern conditions, when the introduction of information and computer technologies into the country's education system is so urgent, the number of educational institutions that complement the traditional forms of distance learning is growing. Moreover, today the majority of young people are fluent in a personal computer and skillfully use information obtained from the Internet; it is often more convenient for them to look into the global network than to search for material of interest in traditional printed educational literature. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about teachers, here the younger generation is seriously ahead of us.

Today, most are already familiar with the concepts - distance education, virtual learning, web learning, etc.

The informatization of education and the growing requirements for the quality and quantity of highly qualified specialists lead to the need to develop and implement innovative educational methods and technologies that contribute to the formation of new forms of education, not limited by space and time. These requirements are met by the idea of ​​virtual learning, which allows you to receive quality education via the Internet, regardless of the student's geographic location, without interrupting work and taking into account the individual educational trajectory.

Object of study: distance learning process based on a three-dimensional virtual working environment of the faculty.

Subject of study: organization of a three-dimensional virtual working environment of the faculty.

Objective: study of the specifics of the organization of interaction between the virtual working environment and the user and the application of this knowledge in practice.

Work tasks:

    Reveal the specifics of the organization of virtual environments.

    To study the features of a three-dimensional virtual educational environment as a user's workplace.

    Explore the possibilities and organize user interaction with the virtual working environment of the faculty using scripts.

  1. Chapter 1. Virtual Education Environment

    1. Modern virtual educational environment

Ivan Sutherland in 1965 in one of his lectures, pointing to a computer monitor: "Do not think of it as a monitor screen, think of it as a window - a window through which everyone can look into the virtual world."

The technology that has emerged in the last decade has made two new concepts popular - virtual reality and cyberspace. Virtual reality consists of two words, and if we disassemble these two concepts separately, then the word virtual or virtual are those nouns that denote something inaccessible to the senses, i.e. these concepts are not material and are not embodied in any object. It follows that virtual concepts include: power, property, love, good, evil, value of money, justice, feelings, duty, beauty, law, etc. All virtual concepts are just a product of the brain of many people. To us they sometimes seem to be something material, but they have no real material embodiment. In order to bring a virtual concept to life, it is enough to create material attributes.

Let's move on to the second word reality, translated from Latin means material, real. Reality is all that exists; the material world, objectively existing in reality. Reality is attributed to everything that can arise and has arisen in time, that exists and is transitory.

With the advent of personal computers, the concept of "cyberspace" has become generally accepted among adolescents. games in which children play computer wars. At the end of the 20th century, these games were very popular, and in the wake of this popularity, commercial clubs were created, where children spent hours and money. By "cyberspace" we mean the final environment, the basis of which will be computer technologies designed to create or simulate virtual reality

So what is virtual reality? This is a reality that is different from the real, material world, the basis of which will be intangible concepts - information, thoughts and images. The meaning of virtual reality is a "sense of presence" in a virtual environment. This is an area of ​​technology that has been discussed for decades, but is only starting to develop now.

The term virtual reality refers to any situation where the sensation of a person being in a certain environment is artificially created. For example, a car simulator that gives a person the feeling of driving a car in "real conditions". In such a car (or more precisely, the computer that controls it), you can enter the characteristics of a real car and thereby create a feeling of driving.

Over the past 10 years, virtual educational laboratories have become widespread, which can simulate the behavior of real-world objects in a computer educational environment and help students master new knowledge and skills in various subjects: chemistry, physics, mathematics, biology, astronomy. One of the goals of creating virtual laboratories is to strive for a comprehensive visualization of the studied processes, and one of the main tasks is to ensure the possibility of preparing the student for the most complete perception and understanding of their essence.

In modern conditions, when the introduction of information and communication technologies into the country's education system is so urgent, the number of educational institutions that complement the traditional forms of distance learning is growing. Moreover, today the majority of young people are fluent in a personal computer and skillfully use information obtained from the Internet; it is often more convenient for them to look into the global network than to search for material of interest in traditional printed educational literature.

The creation of a high-quality and high-tech information and educational environment is considered mainly as quite difficult technical challenge, which makes it possible to radically modernize the technological basis of the education system, to make the transition to an open educational system that meets the requirements of a post-industrial society.

At the same time, it cannot be denied that the creation of an information and educational environment is not only a purely technical task. For its creation, development and operation, it is necessary to fully use the scientific, methodological, organizational and pedagogical potential of the entire education system.

In this regard, it is also necessary to take into account the problems of pedagogy in the conditions of the functioning of modern information and educational environments.

To get a closer look at the concept of a virtual educational environment, we will give below a few of its definitions from different sources.

Under virtual educational environment we will understand the totality of information resources that provide comprehensive methodological and technological support for the distance process, including learning, management of the educational process and its quality.

Virtual learning environment- a complex of computer tools and technologies that allows to control the content of the educational environment and communication of participants.

By a virtual educational environment, we mean the information content and communication capabilities of local, corporate and global computer networks, formed and used for educational purposes by all participants in the educational process. A virtual educational environment is understood as an environment that contributes to the creative comprehension of the New Self, i.e. a personality in the process of educational development, mastering both new knowledge and new degrees of freedom.

Virtual educational environment is a rapidly developing, multi-level and multifunctional system that combines:

    pedagogical, didactic and methodological technologies specific for the interaction of participants in the educational process;

    information resources: databases and knowledge, libraries, electronic teaching materials, etc .;

    modern software tools: software shells, electronic communication tools.

Virtual team is a geographically distributed team, united by a common task and interacting through information and telecommunication technologies. As applied to the field of education, the members of the virtual educational team are teachers and students interacting within the virtual educational environment.

Virtual Learning Is the process and result of communication between participants in the educational process in a virtual environment.

Functions of the virtual educational environment:

    informational and educational (we provide the necessary educational information);

    communication (training takes place in dialogue with participants in the educational process);

    control and administrative (comprehensive measures are taken to control the level of knowledge, skills and abilities and administration).

Virtual education Is the process and result of the interaction of subjects and objects of education, accompanied by the creation of a virtual educational space, the specificity of which is determined precisely by these objects and subjects.

The existence of a virtual educational space outside the communication of teachers, students and educational objects is impossible. In other words, the virtual educational environment is created only by those objects and subjects that participate in the educational process, and not by classrooms, teaching aids or technical means.

It is important to emphasize that learning in the new information space is not antagonistic in relation to existing forms of education and does not deny existing educational trends. The new naturally integrates into these systems, complementing and developing them, and contributes to the creation of a mobile educational environment.

Author details

Shitova V.A.

Place of work, position:

MGOU, Associate Professor of the Department of DL and NOT Methodology

Moscow city

Lesson characteristics (lessons)

The level of education:

Higher professional education

The level of education:

Additional professional education

The level of education:

Postgraduate vocational education

The target audience:


The target audience:


The target audience:

The target audience:

Student (student)

The target audience:

Teacher (teacher)

Item (s):


The purpose of the lesson:

Purpose: To acquaint students with the peculiarities of distance learning. Objectives:. to define the concepts of "virtual educational environment", "distance learning" and "distance education"; ... consider the DO system, types and technologies of DO; ... identify the specifics of training in remote mode.

Used textbooks and tutorials:

nAndreev A.A. An introduction to online education. - M .: LOGOS, 2003.

nPolat E.S., Moiseeva M.V. Etc. Pedagogical technologies of distance learning. - M .: Academy, 2006.-600s.

n Theory and practice of distance learning: Textbook. manual for stud. Higher. Ped. study. institutions / E.S. Polat, M.Yu.Bukharkina, M.V. Moiseeva; Ed. E.S. Polat. - M .: Publishing House"Academy", 2004. - 416s.

n The technology of the teacher's work in the virtual educational environment of Moscow State University: Study guide / Compiled by: Weindorf-Sysoeva M.E., Shitova V.A. - M .: OOO "Diona", 2008. - 61 p.

Methodical literature used:

n Polat E.S., Moiseeva M.V. Etc. Pedagogical technologies of distance learning. - M .: Academy, 2006.-600s.

n Algorithm of activity when networking for solving educational problems in the virtual educational environment of the Moscow State University. Weindorf-Sysoeva M.E., Khapaeva S.S., Shitova V.A. - M .: Publishing house of MGOU, 2008. - 52p.

Short description:

PLAN. 1.Characteristics of VOS 2.Definition of the concepts of "distance education" and "distance learning" 3.Types of distance learning, their differences from full-time and distance learning

In modern conditions, when the introduction of information and computer technologies into the country's education system is so urgent, the number of educational institutions that complement the traditional forms of distance learning is growing. Moreover, today the majority of young people are fluent in a personal computer and skillfully use information obtained from the Internet; it is often more convenient for them to look into the global network than to search for material of interest in the traditional printed educational literature... Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about teachers, here the younger generation is seriously ahead of us.

Today, most are already familiar with the concepts - distance or distant education, virtual learning, web training, etc.

First, we will understand the essence of these concepts, give definitions of keywords.

What is a virtual educational environment - VOS?

This concept is broad, it follows from the concept of "information and educational environment" - a common information space in which the educational process is carried out (at school, university, in the region). The virtual educational environment is an information space for the interaction of participants in the educational process, generated by information and communication technologies. A virtual learning environment is a complex of computer tools and technologies that allows you to manage the content of the educational environment and communicate with participants.

The virtual educational environment is a rapidly developing, multi-level and multifunctional system that combines:

1) pedagogical, didactic and methodological technologies specific for the interaction of participants in the educational process;

2) information resources: databases and knowledge, libraries, electronic teaching materials, etc .;

3) modern software tools: software shells, tools electronic communication.

VOS functions: information and training (we provide the necessary training information); communication (training takes place in dialogue with the participants in the educational process) and control and administrative (comprehensive measures are taken to control the level of knowledge and administration).

Virtual education is a process and result of interaction between subjects and objects of education, accompanied by their creation of a virtual educational space, the specificity of which is determined by these objects and subjects. The existence of a virtual educational space outside the communication of teachers, students and educational objects is impossible. In other words, the virtual educational environment is created only by those objects and subjects that participate in the educational process, and not by classrooms, teaching aids or technical means (7).

It is important to emphasize that learning in the new information space is not antagonistic in relation to existing forms of education and does not deny existing educational trends. The new naturally integrates into these systems, complementing and developing them, and contributes to the creation of a mobile educational environment.

An integral and basic part of VOS is distance learning or learning using distance technologies (case technology, television technology and network (on-line) technology - more on that below).

The concepts of "distance education" and "distance learning" are not identical. Let us dwell in more detail on the various definitions that are given to these concepts.

Professor A.A. Andreev, analyzing various definitions, comes to the conclusion that "distance learning is a purposeful, organized process of interactive interaction of teachers and students with each other and with teaching tools, invariant to their location in space and time, which is implemented in a specific didactic system." In accordance with this, he also gives the definition of "distance education" - this is a system in which the process of distance learning is implemented and the individual achieves and confirms the educational qualification (1.С.36)

Professor E.S. Polat gives a definition: “distance learning is an independent form of learning, in which the interaction of a teacher and students, students with each other is carried out at a distance and reflects all the inherent educational process components (goals, content, methods, organizational forms, teaching aids) released by specific means of Internet technologies or other interactive technologies "(11.C.12). In turn, distance education is education realized through distance learning.

A similar definition is given by a team of authors within the framework of the Joint Project, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of June 16, 2000 No. 1791 "On the Creation of a Joint Project for the Development of Legal Documents and Industry Standards for Distance Learning" sounds like this: distance learning (DL) - training, with which all or most of the educational procedures are carried out using modern information and telecommunication technologies with the territorial disunity of the teacher and students. Distance education is defined as education realized through distance learning (18).

According to the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 4452 of 12/18/2002, distance learning is provided by the use of a set of educational technologies, in which targeted mediated or incompletely mediated interaction between the student and the teacher is carried out regardless of their location and distribution in time on the basis of pedagogically organized information technologies, primarily with the use of telecommunications (the main distance educational technologies are case (case), Internet (network) and telecommunication technologies (18).

Abroad, two terms are used in relation to learning technology in the mode remote access- distance learning and distance education. However, the first term is used more often because in foreign countries, it is customary to talk more about the process not of education, but of training, i.e. obtaining knowledge, skills and abilities in a certain subject area... V Lately more and more popular in relation to distance learning is the term "online learning", interpreted as "learning through the Internet." This is primarily due to the availability of the global network for students and the implementation of their services by many educational institutions in this way.

For university distance learning, the use of the following technologies is characteristic: case technology, television technology and network (on-line) technology:

case technology is the most common type of distance learning technology based on the use of sets (cases) of text, audiovisual and multimedia teaching materials and their distribution for self-study trainees in the organization of regular consultations with tutors in a traditional or remote way;

TV technology is a rarely used type of distance learning technology based on the use of television systems to deliver educational and methodological materials to a student and organize regular consultations with tutors;

network technology is a type of distance learning technology based on the use of telecommunication networks to provide students with educational materials and interactive interaction between the teacher, administrator and learner.

The considered technologies can be presented in pivot table where are reflected characteristics each model in terms of delivery of teaching materials, teaching aids, means of interaction between teacher and student, and forms of education.


Delivery teaching materials

Means of education

Means of didactic interaction

Forms of education

In person or via the Internet, by e-mail

Printed textbooks, computer programs, audio and video materials

In person, phone, fax, Email

Television, radio

Television and radio training programs as ancillary: printed textbooks


Installation sessions, lectures, seminars, consultations, independent work

Through the Internet


audio and video materials,

computer programs; as ancillary: printed tutorials

Networking, video conferencing and discussions, chat, email

Online seminars, lectures, workshops, simulators, consultations, independent work

In comparison with traditional forms, among the advantages of distance learning, especially in network mode, it is possible to highlight adaptability to the level of basic training and abilities of students, to their financial situation, physical characteristics, place of residence, etc.

The difference between distance learning and traditional learning is the distance between the teacher and the students, the lack of the possibility of a live dialogue between the participants (in this respect, the traditional form will always have an advantage, no matter how perfect technical system transmission of information), but the learning process in distance mode takes place interactively in its organization, with constant mediated interaction between teacher and student, as well as students with each other. This is the fundamental difference, the conceptual difference between distance learning and self-education programs, in which a student can study: educational computer programs, programs on CDs, courses on videotapes, television and radio courses. Distance learning also cannot be confused with distance learning, because distance learning provides a systematic and effective interaction based on computer telecommunications... In distance learning, especially in online mode, all the signs of the educational process (teacher, student, teaching aids, appropriate teaching methods and organizational forms) (14).

Let's define network distance learning. Online distance learning is based on the use of the Internet to provide students with educational and methodological materials and constant interactive interaction between the teacher-tutor, administrator and learner. Those. this is the interaction of a teacher, administrator and student, students with each other at a distance, which reflects all the components inherent in the educational process (goals, content, methods, organizational forms, teaching aids) by specific means of Internet technologies.

Let's single out a number of differences between the considered network (on-line) learning technology from other forms of education?

Firstly, students will not need to come to the university for regular classes and sessions. The whole process takes place over the Internet. Therefore, the distance from the student's location to educational institution(subject to the quality of communication) is not an obstacle to an effective educational process. Students study in a place convenient for themselves, according to a convenient schedule and at a convenient pace. The only visit is to pass state certification exams and receive a diploma. According to regulatory documents, certification of a future specialist is possible only in person.

Secondly, since the motive for the student's choice of a certain training course serves his real need for specific knowledge, skills and abilities that he will apply in practice, the productivity and effectiveness of training will incomparably increase in comparison with other forms of training.

Thirdly, as a rule, students study according to an individual plan, drawn up taking into account the level of their basic training and their needs. It is quite possible for them to combine training with other studies or with the main professional activity.

Fourth, here we will talk about some important features: since this form of training takes place far from educational institution, away from teachers and does not imply visual control of teachers over the actions of students, it will require from the children exceptional motivation, self-organization, hard work, ability and desire to work independently. Also, they, like all participants in the DSO, need to have a certain starting level of proficiency computer literacy... But, if students do not understand something or they experience any difficulties in their studies, through the forum at any time, at any stage of training, they can contact the administrator, tutor teachers and their classmates for clarification. - This is a very important point that fundamentally distinguishes network learning from distance learning: a student is not left alone with incomprehensible material, but, as with full-time education, can always promptly clarify all issues.

Fifth, the distance learning program traditionally consists of separate courses (modules). Students study general disciplines using materials laid out in a shell (after which they perform test- it can be test execution, problem solving, project preparation and protection, etc. Profile disciplines are initially also studied by students in electronic textbooks and programs, but the most important issues of core disciplines after general self-familiarization are dealt with together with the teacher-tutor at consultations and videoconferences. As a control, computer testing systems, protection of developed projects and also traditional forms will be used: exams, interviews, defense of term papers conducted in the videoconference mode.

First, we define that is the Internet Scientifically?

As you know, the Internet is also called - World wide Web (WWW) - "World Wide Web". And not just a web, but a web, which includes numerous databases and data banks. In other words, it is a distributed worldwide knowledge base that includes many different information arrays (information resources, databases or knowledge), consisting of documents, data, texts, interconnected by a cross-border telecommunication information web or network.

This world-wide information web is formed on the basis of countless computers (means computing technology) of different types and purposes, software tools, information resources, means of communication and telecommunications through which information is transmitted and received.

The collection of information arrays World Wide web as if penetrated by numerous "hypertext" links. Each such connection "connects" any points of text or graphic documents WWW or document items. They are presented in HTML format(Hiper Text Markup Language) and can consist of text and graphic fragments, design elements, individual data and other similar structures.

The Internet includes and ensures its functioning many providers (entities that provide information Services users of the Internet), owners of servers (computers on which stocks of information are located) and, finally, users of Internet services and consumers of information.

As a result, the development of telecommunication systems, global networks and interactive means of disseminating information create the possibility of an individual user access to practically unlimited information arrays. Thus, a single world electronic information space is being created.

In the early 90s. ex-president Apple D. Scully and other experts put forward the idea of ​​navigation in a single open information space - "navigation in knowledge." The Internet has become such an open information space.

Is it possible to call such a complex world information web, called the "Internet", an automated information system? To do this, let us return to the legislator's definition of the AIS concept.

The Federal Law "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection" defines the concept " Information system"- an organizationally ordered set of documents (arrays of documents) and information technologies, including the use of computer technology and communication, realizing information processes"(Art. 2). This article also provides a definition of the term "means of providing automated information systems and their technologies - software, technical, linguistic, legal, organizational means(programs for electronic computing machines; computer facilities and communications; dictionaries, thesauri and classifiers; instructions and techniques; regulations, statutes, job descriptions; diagrams and their descriptions, other operational and accompanying documentation) used or created in the design of information systems and ensuring their operation. "

So, as it was shown, the Internet contains an organizationally ordered set of documents (arrays of documents) and information technologies.

Under information technology the Internet is understood as a sequence of technological operations that implement information processes in a cross-border telecommunications information network.

Under organizational orderly a set of arrays of documents and information technologies is understood as the organization of activities in a network of numerous providers that provide services for the placement of information to users or the ability to search and obtain information in databases; owners and owners of servers hosting the databases; subjects accessing the Internet and receiving information.

AIS support means - cobwebs The Internet is software, technical, linguistic, legal and organizational means that ensure the existence and active functioning of the Internet.

Thus, the Internet is an automated information system, but the system is special. It is a networked global AIS, which forms the basis for the formation and development information society. As a matter of fact, The Internet as a global AIS is the information infrastructure of the information society, consisting of cross-border information and telecommunication networks and information resources distributed in them as stocks of knowledge, in the aggregate, representing an integral source of knowledge and a means of communication of subjects of the information society. In this infrastructure one of the requirements of the information society is being implemented- the massive use of personal computers connected to cross-border information and telecommunication networks (TITS).

The use of the Internet allows you to carry out all forms and types of those activities which we talked about when describing the new information society.

Let's recall them:

preparation (education) of members of society to work at personal computers and in cross-border information and telecommunication networks;

online purchase and sale of goods and services, communications and communication, recreation and entertainment, medical care, etc .;

the opportunity for everyone to receive from TITS almost instantly a complete, accurate and reliable information;

instant communication of each member of society with everyone, everyone with everyone and everyone with everyone (for example, "chats" on interests on the Internet).

Thus, with the help of the Internet, actively the world information space is being formed, which forms the basis of the information society. V It operates large information conglomerates that unite systems for creating information (publishing houses, editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, television networks, television studios) and its distribution networks (cable, telephone, computer, satellite). There are global international information and telecommunication networks, covering the territories of most countries of the world. The Internet today concentrates business, educational, entertainment information, electronic newspapers and magazines, databases on almost all areas of society, e-mail, access to various information resources of libraries, public and private institutions and companies. The activities of the media are being transformed, the media and TITS are being integrated, a single distribution environment is being created mass media- multimedia;

Recall important feature global information space. In Internet there are no geographic and geopolitical borders of states- TITS participants, there is a "collision" and "breaking" of the national legislations of the countries in these networks. On this basis, the problem arises of the formation of new international information legislation.

Thus, the Internet, in fact, is a new environment for humanity, a new environment for the activity of an individual, society, and the state. This environment is often called virtual, meaning that information - the main object of this environment - is physically, "to the touch" not perceptible.

The word virtual comes from latin word virtualis, i.e. possible. In the dictionary of S.A. Kuznetsov, two meanings of the concept "virtual" are given: 1) possible, such that can or should appear under certain conditions; 2) conditional, apparent.

In our case, both of these meanings do not fully define the essence of the concept of "virtual" as applied to TITS in general and to the Internet in particular. On the one hand, information in the form of symbols, shaks, waves, i.e. in the form as it is presented in a computer or when transmitted through a communication channel, it actually appears under certain conditions, for example, when it is displayed on a computer screen or when printed out on a printer. However, this is not an apparent, but actually existing reality, which can be confirmed in material form (for example, on paper).


The article is devoted to the consideration of the virtual educational environment and it is noted that given Wednesday contributes to the representation of the inner world of a person from a large number expanding spheres. A virtual educational environment is needed primarily for effective communication of all participants in the educational process, and here it is necessary to take into account the skills in information technology and professional competence. The virtual educational environment is a multifunctional system that includes innovative technologies, information resources and electronic communication tools. We have noted the main functions of the virtual educational environment, among which we can note the information-training and control-adaptive function. Based on the article, it is concluded that the virtual educational environment allows for an innovative approach to professional development, the implementation of continuous education and the provision of educational resources available to students.


The article is devoted to virtual educational environment and it is noted that this environment contributes to the representation of the human's inner world out of a large number of widening areas. The virtual educational environment is needed primarily for the effective communication of all participants in the educational process and it is necessary to take into account the ownership of information technology skills and professional competence. Virtual educational environment is a multifunctional system that includes innovation technology, information resources and means of electronic communication. We have noted main functions of virtual educational environment among which is the informational and training, control and adapting function. It is concluded on the basis of the article that virtual educational environment allows carrying out an innovative approach in professional development, the implementation of continuous education and providing educational resources available for students.

Note that today there is a tendency towards new opportunities in education. A prestigious direction in innovation is the organization of learning by means of a virtual educational environment, and the slogan of today's educational system, the principle of education for life, smoothly turns into the principle of education throughout life.

Virtual model of education in last years is gaining momentum and here the emphasis is on the virtual educational environment. Scientist V.P. Tikhomirov believed that such an environment is primarily a distance learning system and full-time education, and there is an inextricable connection here. With the help of distance technologies, the possibilities of full-time education are expanding, the availability of remote teachers, students and specialists is increasing. The goal of virtual education is a person's achievement of his destiny in the real world, which can be combined with virtual and other possibilities. Economic literature interprets the virtual educational environment as information content and communication capabilities of local, corporate and global computer networks, and these technologies are used by participants in the educational process. Educators and teachers need to constantly improve their professional activity, this is necessary in order to achieve optimal results in pedagogical work... The virtual educational environment is created for effective communication of all participants in the educational process. The information society requires skills in information technology and the educational environment in modern conditions should already meet the needs of the individual, society, and contribute to social adaptation in professional development. Domestic and foreign literature considers the virtual educational environment and in the works of such scientists as F.F. Andreev, V.P. Tikhomirov, I. V. Kholodkova, A.V. Khutorskoy. The virtual educational environment is new model continuous professional development, and here the benchmark is on the effectiveness of technologies. Information, culture is being formed and the formation is taking place on the basis of cultural learning. Scientist A.Yu. Uvarov virtual educational environment is an open educational architecture with main goals, methods and organizational forms, where communication, information and physical space is intertwined. A.V. Khutorskoy believed that the educational environment is primarily the conditions for the development of the individual. V.A. Yasvin educational environment is a system of influence and conditions for the formation of a personality according to the main set pattern.

Learning in a virtual educational environment is an absolutely new paradigm of education and it relies on the functional effectiveness of information and communication technologies, and then a special learning culture is formed. Note that within the framework of a virtual educational environment, an innovative resource has its own advantages and disadvantages. The virtual educational environment is mostly verbal and non-verbal elements that are necessary primarily in order to convey personal feelings and emotions, and this is a sign of effective communication in a virtual educational environment. It should be noted that among the main parameters of the virtual educational environment, the most effective are the presence feedback and the level of interactivity, linguistic diversity and means of expression, personal focus. For participants in the educational process, the availability of technology, its cost and the skills of using technology are of great importance. An open educational environment arises due to the interaction of a virtual educational space and centers on the Internet, this environment allows you to revise curricula and allows you to assess your knowledge of the subject, because the benchmark goes to different points of view. The technological aspect of considering a virtual educational environment is primarily an information space and there is an active interaction of participants in the educational process, which is a complex of computer tools and technologies that allow managing the content of the educational environment and communication of participants. Today, a computer replaces traditional teaching methods, but this requires a perfect mastery of not only information, but also pedagogical technologies... From our point of view, the virtual educational environment is a complex system that provides communication between the teacher, students and other members of the educational organization. New open models of individual learning are emerging using the resources and capabilities of information and communication technologies. In the new format, education makes it possible to mobilize a virtual educational environment and in today's realities it is a multifunctional system and it contains primarily innovative and traditional technologies and they are specific for the interaction of participants in the educational process within the framework, first of all open model individual training. The main functions of the virtual educational environment are informational and educational, i.e. information can be presented in a very different form, communicative, i.e., training with participants in the educational process, control and administrative, various kinds of comprehensive measures can be taken to assess knowledge, skills and abilities. The virtual educational environment is one of priority directions implementation of lifelong education, and here the main issue is the role of the teacher in the educational environment. In the new conditions of the educational environment for the teacher, it is important to adapt to such features as new form communication, there can be a vital discussion and reflection in communication can serve as an additional means, which undoubtedly increases the level of thinking. A special point is the individualization of education, where absolutely each participant builds its own trajectory for innovative work, the possible structuring of the educational environment, which is flexible and open, the creation of a new concept and teaching methodology. Today, modern technology is a springboard for major changes in lifelong education. Summarizing the above, we note that a virtual educational environment is an environment that can carry out educational communication at a distance. Today, the virtual educational environment allows you to create an innovative approach to professional development, first of all, the implementation of continuous education is underway and the trajectory of the student's professional growth is being built, and all this makes it possible to make educational resources available regardless of the location of the student, etc. It should be noted that modern education should be built on the use of a virtual educational environment, which is today the main means of communication between a teacher and a student.


1. Uvarov A.Yu. Open educational architecture / A.Yu. Uvarov // Internet magazine "Eidos". - 1999 .-- March 30.
2. Khutorskoy A.V. Pedagogical innovation / A.V. Khutorskoy. - M .: Academy, 2008 .-- 256 p.
3. Yasvin V.A. Educational environment: from modeling to design / V.A. Yasvin. - M .: Smysl, 2001 .-- 365 p.

The closer to the content of the case, the closer to the environment in which something really happens, the more complex topology appears before us, the more we understand about what opportunities there are. Until the participants begin their journey inside this environment, until they have their own experience and understanding of what can be done here, what objects exist here, the discussion will remain at the level of "space in which there are resources."

First examples of description virtual world from the standpoint of an ecological approach, they most likely refer to the time of the emergence and flourishing of multiplayer games (MUD), in which participants could move in the environment, exchange messages, interact with objects and computer agents. For these worlds, the rules were formulated:

  • how you can go from one game fragment to another, how you can go from one room to another - these actions were explained with cards or text descriptions
  • how can you interact with objects, can you pick up and move objects, how can you pick up objects and move them inside the virtual environment
  • how you can interact with other characters, what commands are there in order to communicate, exchange objects, perform joint actions

As soon as we start talking about the electronic environment, this is virtual reality - environment created by by computer means Such a description was sufficient to represent and create conditions for the participants to think out and imagine the rest twenty years ago. People have enough imagination and they quickly finish the rest.

  • Laurel B. Computers as theater. Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1993.266 p.
  • Patarakin E. The computer Theater // P. Brusilovsky (ed) Proc of East-West international conference on Multimedia, Hypermedia and Virtual Reality. Moscow: ICSTI, 1994. P. 14-16.
  • Patarakin E. D., Travina L. L. "Learning in open virtual communities", Artificial Intelligence. Theory and applications. Interuniversity collection of scientific papers, Issue 2. Saratov University Publishing House, 1995. p. 94 - 97.

Virtual collaboration environment

And for a collaborative environment, you need to describe simple things - what are the objects of the environment? What can you do in this environment, and what can you do together?

How can you track other people's activities? This is also such a difficult moment - because it will be the environments for joint activities that will be of interest and how you can use them.

What kind of agents are there around us? What opportunities are hidden in the surrounding landscape - where you can move - each project is a specific point with an address - this is actually practically a geographic address - indicated the URL and went to this point - you can navigate through this area.

This is such a powerful geographic metaphor - you will have to add to it a picture showing islands and continents. world wide web- that it is not just a medium, for it spatial metaphors are used very successfully - by the way, this is an important reference to the metaphors we live in. You just need to collect them here too. Yes, there won't be so much to write here -

Everyone can get on the page - it's an open environment. What does an open environment mean in this case - that in order to get to the page and to a certain place in the environment, there is no need for registration. Well, we need to consistently show that there are environments that have certain properties and these properties and opportunities open up certain learning opportunities for the participants.

The history of the development of the virtual learning environment

If you look at the history of the development of the virtual learning environment, then it will intersect with the history of pedagogical design. This is natural, since pedagogical design is by definition aimed at creating things and devices that would support educational activities.

Bush Designs Hypertext Systems Bush's work in 1945 is titled How We Can Think, an explicit reference to Dewey's How We Think. Bush shows that technical means, the MemEx machine as an object that helps think, allows you to free yourself from the burden of memories Engelbart - Augmented Reality, Empowerment an individual and a group of people due to the capabilities of the Skinner machine -

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