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Virtual machine for windows 8 98. Virtual PC virtual machine: installation, configuration, launching games, sharing files with the host

(can I hang sheets here?)
Everything that I write below concerns ONLY Windows 98 SE RUS. Didn't understand the rest.
I did a little research here about the originality of the images posted here and in Runet. I'll leave it here, maybe it will be useful for someone.
4 posted here Windows image 98 SE RUS claiming originality:
1. Windows 98 Second Edition 2677 559.8 Mb 1999 4.10.2222 Russian Sevka1111 2018.03.05
2. Windows 98 SE 4931 483.5 Mb 1999.05.06 4.10.2222 Russian Nika 2017.01.30
3. Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition 778 488.6 Mb 05.05.1999 4.10.2222A Russian kiot 2018.10.12
4. Windows 98 SE 39854 462.6 Mb 5.05.1999 4.10.2222 (OEM) Russian SR 2012.02.24

Their md5 hash sums:

Also on the Internet I found a couple of images with other hash sums:
(On the fifth, somewhere I got a magnet link for a torrent client, in distribution of Windows and a disk with a collection of drivers. The sixth found on a tip from the rubord.)
All of these 6 images with varying degrees of probability can be found on the Internet as original. Most often this is the image at number 2 and sometimes at number 1. The rest are much less common.

The first question arose: should the original images of the same Windows versions taken from different disks? Well, a well-posed question already sounds half the answer. After all, versions of Windows 98 SE RUS are also different (Microsoft already started this "twirl-twist"). It happens OEM, Retail, Upgrate. Upgrate was also different, from 95 or from 98 FE, maybe some more, I didn’t delve into it. In general Russian full versions two OEM and Retail. And we have 6 different images. OEM turned out to be images 1,2,4,5, Retail - 3,6.
And we are back to our rephrased question. Identical images throughout RuNet, is it a copy of one disc or images taken from different disks of the same version of Windows?
How did Microsoft make these discs? First, we created the directory structure of the future disk, and then compiled it into an ISO image with desired settings console program own production CDIMAGE. And then they carried it on floppy disks to a burning plant (just kidding). Now I won’t look for proofs, but somewhere I came across that if I remove the image from the disk in ISO format correctly and the remover will not leave its marks in it, then the image will be absolutely identical to the original image made by Microsoft. Let's deal with OEM first. We have 4 different looks. These images have a timestamp (in the properties of the image when it was taken) which, when correct removal image should not change and it coincides with the date of all files in the image - 05/05/1999 22:22:00. (Retail has exactly the same.) Check: UltraISO -> File -> Properties -> Date/Time -> Created. Not in the properties of the file in the system - it usually says when you downloaded it. (UltraISO, by the way, in this case is not the best way- does not show everything and leaves its marks when taking images. When converting from other formats, it changes the timestamp to the current time / date and also leaves its marks.) And we have the first candidate for elimination from the "originality cohort" - image number 4. Timestamp 06/21/2008 03:11:19. No, I'm not saying it's not taken off original disc. Simply, as it turns out, the image was taken from the original disc and original image- Different things. Moreover, he and the other three images are exactly taken from the original disc. If you mount it or unpack it and compare the hash sums of all files with other OEM images that claim to be original, they all converge to the last file like in a pharmacy. If in hex editor study number 4, then ULTRAISO 9.2 labels will be found. Later, I downloaded from one of the torrent trackers a distribution in which I was MDF image and our number 4. The MDF had the correct timestamp. I assume that number 4 was obtained by converting from MDF to UltraISO. By the way, as I already pointed out, UltraISO does not show everything, if you climb through the properties of images in the MagicISO program, you can find parameters such as Primary Volume Description and Secondary Volume Description. For images 1, 2, 5 they are the same, and for 4 they are different again. There are still minor differences, they will not be brought here, and so on ...
But what about the remaining three? Everything is the same for them, they are no different, but the hash sums are different. When I wrote that the files of the 4th image completely coincide with the files of the others, I lied. I then compared it only with the first and second images. But with the fifth I was too lazy. But it turns out that the fifth has 197 CRC errors when compared with the hash sums of other images. I tried to pump it, the same story. If we compare the 1st, 2nd and 5th images in a hexadecimal editor (HexCmp for help), then the first two have the same bit except for the tail. The fifth is a solid sieve - a bunch of places with zeros, where the first and second have data. IN general image broken. I think Windows can not be installed from it. I didn't try.
The last two are left. As already said, they completely coincide, except for the tail in which there are zeros. The first zeros have a little (307200 bytes) less. Functionally, this does not affect anything, but one has fewer zeros at the end. As the most common, I think the original one is number 2. The zeros at the end are needed to align with some standard known only to Bill, and rather number 1 of them for some reason lost than number 2 acquired. And the hash sum of number 2 starts nicely. Maybe old Billy told you to add a zero at the end until you get something memorable.

There are two Retail images left. MagicISO and even more so UltraISO do not find any differences: timestamps are correct everywhere, Primary Volume Description and Secondary Volume Description differ from OEM, but coincide with each other, there are no differences in label in both encodings. What remains is the hex editor, which shows us that, (you won't believe it!) "they are exactly the same, except for the tail, which has zeros." And this difference is exactly 307200 bytes again! Coincidence?...)) If only one of them is original, then for the same reasons as with OEM, I think it is number 3. But where did the absolutely identical offset come from different versions images with different sizes. Or some software that encountered them did its best. Or the images in Microsoft were made slightly different with the same offset. And what do you think?

For those who skimmed:
5. - broken, better not to download (
6. - original (!7t9RmEdn/ru-win98-se-iso)

Well, a bonus, exactly working keys. I personally checked for Windows 98 SE RUS (v4.10.2222):
J3QQ4-H7H2V-2HCH4-M3HK8-6M8VW (well, that's understandable)

Padonkaffsky yezyg - specially for stupid animals who niasilel thieves Fenya!

VirtualBox and Windows 98. Video driver.

1. A little about video modes for Windows 98 in VirtualBox

By default, after installation in VirtualBox, Windows 98 will start with a screen resolution of 640x480 and 16 colors (4-bit mode).

Screen resolution for Windows 98 in VirtualBox

The video card is defined by Standard PCI(VGA) Video Adapter:

Windows 98 video adapter in VirtualBox by default

VirtualBox is not optimized for the 16 color (4 bit) emulation that runs Windows 98. This emulation will run very slowly.

Having a 32 bit True Color driver can make Windows 98 running in VirtualBox much faster
If you want True color or a high resolution, you must download special drivers

2. Universal VESA/VBE Video Driver

According to the principle something is better than nothing, in the forum and in the answers technical support for Windows 98 running in VirtualBox, a generic VESA/VBE Video Driver is available.

You can download the driver in ISO format here: Vbe9x.iso or here: Vbe9x.iso I also attach an attachment to this article. You can immediately attach, as an image, to optical disc and install it in Windows 98.

3. Installing the Universal VESA/VBE Video Driver

Go Screen-Settings-Advanced-Adapter-Change-Next

On the window Update drivers (What action should Windows take) select:

What action should Windows take

Driver location selection

Windows 98 will find the driver on the disk and in the next window Update Drivers (Search for Windows drivers for device) will report:

Finding a Windows driver for a device

At the end of the installation, in the window Update drivers the following message Installation completed updated driver for this equipment:

Updated driver installation completed

New screen resolution for Windows 98 in VirtualBox

Now the video card is defined as VBE Miniport-Standard PCI Graphics Adapter(VGA):

New Windows 98 video adapter in VirtualBox

Everything installation packages Windows 95 and some installers Windows packages 98 includes a boot floppy. This floppy is needed for partitioning and formatting hard drive means of MS-DOS. Because modern computers Macintosh do not have a floppy drive, you will need an external USB drive or image boot floppy. To create such an image, use any program designed for this.

If you have a Windows 98 boot CD, you can use it directly or create an image of it.

The following describes the process for installing Window 98, assuming you have a boot floppy image and a CD with installation files. Installing Windows 95 is similar.

Preparing a virtual machine for installing Windows 95/98

  1. Create a Windows 98 virtual machine using the New Virtual Machine Assistant. Choose an option Configure settings prior to installation in the window Name and location.
  2. In the virtual machine settings window go to Hardware > Boot Order and put the floppy drive first in the list.
  3. Below the list Load order select Floppy Disk to open the virtual floppy drive settings. In section Floppy Disk do the following:
    1. Make sure the option is selected Connected.
    2. On the menu A source specify the path to the floppy disk image file.
  4. Click OK.

Partitioning and hard formatting disk

  1. Start the virtual machine. You will see a black screen with MS DOS boot progress messages.
  2. When prompted, enter the following command:

    Fdisk (MS-DOS utility) is used to create partitions on hard drives and floppy disks.

  3. You will see a list of options for the Fdisk utility. Select an operation (default is 1), press Return (Enter).
  4. Fdisk will prompt you to create a partition. Choose an option Create Primary DOS Partition if you plan to create less than four partitions, and type:

    The remaining options are for cases where more than 4 partitions are created.

  5. Fdisk will ask you for the size of the primary partition. Press Return (Enter) if you want to create the largest possible partition.

    To specify a different size, type N and press Return (Enter). Enter the desired size.

  6. Fdisk will create a partition and ask you to restart your computer (virtual machine).
  7. Reboot using the same floppy image. That is, press Ctrl+Option (Ctrl+Alt) to release keyboard input, and then press Switch off to stop the virtual machine. After that click Run.
  8. After booting the system, you need to format system disk C: .

    Enter the command:

    Confirm that you want to format the C: drive when prompted. Type y and press Return (Enter).

    You may be asked to provide Extra options disk formatting. Windows 95/98 supports FAT16 and FAT32 file systems.

    Partitions with the FAT16 file system cannot be larger than 2 GB. For such sections, you must use file system FAT32. At the same time, you should not create disks larger than 2 GB if you plan to use early versions applications.

    The formatting of the C: drive will begin.

    If you have created multiple primary partitions or a virtual machine with multiple disks, they also need to be formatted. Use the letters E:, F: for partition labels.

  9. Specify names for all drives (up to 11 characters long). This is an optional step - you can skip it by pressing Return (Enter).
  10. Shut down the virtual machine.

You are now ready to install Windows 98.

Windows 98 Setup Basics

  1. Start the virtual machine using the floppy image.
  2. Insert the Windows 98 installation CD or mount the ISO image of the installation disk by selecting CD/DVD > Mount Image on the menu Devices.
  3. If you have only created one primary partition (drive C:), your CD/DVD drive will be labeled D: by default. Enter the command:

    and press Return (Enter). The installation and copying of files from the CD to the virtual HDD.

  4. Follow the instructions on the screen. You will be able to add/remove some options after installation.
  5. Read License agreement and confirm your agreement with its terms. Enter the license key.
  6. Specify the path to the system installation folder or leave the default path.
  7. In the window Setup options select installation type. Recommended type Typical (standard).
  8. (Windows 98 only) If you plan to use the network, select network card when the corresponding message appears.
  9. Shut down the virtual machine.
  10. Remove the installation CD or disable the ISO image.
  11. Select an item Tune on the menu Virtual machine, go to the tab Equipment > Load order and put the hard drive first in the list boot devices. Click OK.
  12. Restart the virtual machine. The operating system will now boot from the hard drive.

Now new programs, new operating systems, such as windows 7, are being installed on computers more and more often. There is nothing wrong with this, except for one BUT! Part of your favorite games, or necessary programs may stop working. To resolve this issue, there special software, which allows you to work, say in windows 98, directly in windows window 7, it's the same as if you had some kind of internet explorer. This miracle allows you to do - What is it?

Virtual PC virtual machine

is a program that emulates physical computer. A great many virtual machines have already been created, in our article we will consider one of the best - Virtual PC. Not surprisingly, a virtual machine, like the physical one it emulates, has:

  1. bios
  2. CD- Rom can be simple iso image, or your real CD-Rom
  3. HDD behind place hard disk will be the allotted space on your real disk.

Just like on a real PC, you can install any operating system, any programs, in general, conduct any tests and tests. Even in case of unforeseen situations, the maximum that will happen is your virtual machine will stop working. The business is to reinstall ...

Installing and running a virtual machine

Installing a Virtual PC virtual machine is no different from all kinds of other programs. It's simple: downloaded, unpacked, launched the setup file, rebooted the PC. If everything was done correctly, then in the lower right corner of the screen there should be such an icon:

Click on it twice with the left mouse button, and the following picture appears:

In the picture above, 2 operating systems are already installed in the Virtual PC virtual machine. And so let's go directly to installing some operating system in a virtual machine.

We are going to install some operating system. To do this, we need to first set up the virtual machine. Let's show an example how this is done.

We start our Virtual PC virtual machine, and click on the new button.

Click next and see the following picture:

Select Create virtual machines and move on. On the next screen, we will be asked to enter a name, for example, I enter the name of the operating system that I am going to install. In our windows example 98.

Then a list of operating systems appears in front of us, with advance preset settings. In general, you need to select one from the list, the one you are going to install (in our case, win98) and click next (next).

In the next picture, do not change anything, just click next.

Specify the location of the disk storage, and its size.

Finish. That's how we finished the preliminary Virtual setting PC, before further installation of windows 98.

The first thing to do is download an image of the operating system, or have installation disk. In our example, I will show how windows 98 is installed from an image, which cannot even be counted on various torrent trackers. So…

Choose a pre-configured system (read above) and press start.

Then click on CD/Capture CD Image. Here you need to select your image that you downloaded (in advance) to install the system on a virtual machine.

Many at this stage have at least difficulties. The point is this. Before installing windows 98 they forget to format the drive even if it is virtual. Let's show an example.

The program will be used Partition Magic 8.02. Loading it...

After downloading the program, press right click Mouse to the disk and select Format. Next, enter everything as in the screenshot above. We poke OK. Next, click on apply, wait for the successful completion of the operation, and reboot.

Next, run the installation (on windows screen ME, there is no difference during installation from Windows 98). It makes no sense to describe the installation, because. then you will only need to choose the time, enter serial number, in general, everything is in Russian and everything is simple. Usually, windows installation 98 lasts 10-15 minutes, sometimes faster, sometimes slower - it all depends on the settings, computer, programs and the location of the stars ... =)

Well you have installed virtual machine, launched, saw the desktop, and ... And desired files then no. What to do? You start to frantically rummage through the settings of the machine, search in goggle, yandex. I offer the easiest way to transfer a file to a virtual machine's hard drive, or copy any file from a virtual machine's hard drive to a real one physical disk. In general, any exchange of information between a real operating system and a virtual one.

Click start/control panel. Further system and security/administration/computer management/disk management. Here is the picture:

Then right click on additional actions and choose to attach virtual hard disk.

vhd files, which are the images (in which the virtual machine is installed) Virtual programs PC - easy to open and connect to windows 7, like normal hard disk. Thus, you can easily transfer any file or download a game to a virtual machine. Next, start the virtual machine, and voila ... you have the necessary files in front of you.

Running games on a Virtual PC virtual machine

Many old games no longer run on newer operating systems. This makes it a little sad. Well, in fact, do not keep the same at home old computer, for the sake of one 10MB game, even if it is your favorite and the only one you play. This problem is easily solved through a virtual machine, as mentioned earlier. Consider the launch of the game from a to z, using the example of such a popular game as.

And now you are happy as a boa constrictor, because download your favorite worms. We started the installation, already 99%, you are waiting, you start it and bang ... you see the following picture:

And no emulators or checkboxes in Windows, such as running in compatibility mode with win 98, help. What to do?

  1. Install a virtual machine (read above)
  2. Tune.
  3. Install a system running worms on a virtual machine
  4. Run the game in a virtual machine

We have already done the first 3 points, they are described in detail (see above). Now we do this:

  1. We copy the fully downloaded game to the hard drive of the Virtual PC virtual machine. How to do this is written in the section, see above ).
  2. Launch Virtual PC, and already there install the game.
  3. Do not forget install directx in virtual machine, It's not always there by default.
  4. Remains only start the game and enjoy that unforgettable atmosphere again.

That's all. This is enough to be able to play old game, or run a program that suddenly refused to work on new windows. This is where we end...

By the way, you can download Virtual PC from the following link:

PS To exit the virtual machine window, press the right alt. And in order to run the virtual operating system in full screen, press alt + enter.

PPS All the best.

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