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Vibration. Vibration measurement and control at workplaces


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established GOST 1.0-92“Interstate standardization system. Basic Provisions "and GOST 1.2-97“Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. The order of development, acceptance, application, updating and cancellation "

Information about the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Open Joint Stock Company "Research Center for Control and Diagnostics of Technical Systems"

2 INTRODUCED by the State Standard of Russia

3 ACCEPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification by correspondence (Minutes No. 15 dated February 4, 2004)

Country short nameaccording to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Country code according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of national standardization body




Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan





the Russian Federation

Gosstandart of Russia




Agency "Uzstandart"


State Standard of the Republic of Belarus

6 Requirements for vibration safety in standards for certain types of machines

Standards for certain types of machines can be entirely devoted to vibration safety or, establishing general safety requirements, include separate sections (clauses) on vibration safety. In the latter case, if the vibration activity of the machinelow and it does not pose a hazard to the health of the operator, it is recommended to use the wording for vibration in the general list of risk factors: "Vibration for machines of this type is not considered a source of risk."

A standard applicable to a particular machine type may be a vibration test code and, in addition, include the following clauses (clauses):

Methods for reducing machine vibration (using an optimal machine design or using protective devices), indicating the effectiveness of the method and the procedure for confirming this effectiveness;

Personal protective equipment against vibration that can be used when working with the machine;

Requirements for the presentation of information related to vibration safety of a machine in operating documents.

1) Here, the vibrational characteristic is understood in the sense that it is defined in... It should not be confused with the criteria for the vibration state of the machine - when establishing the latter, the effect of machine vibration onthe person is not considered.

Note - Usually, two types of limiting characteristics are considered - corresponding to hygienic and technical standards. Hygienic standards are established in special documents (see); with regard to technical standards, their widespread use in the past was primarily due to the non-market nature of the economy. In any case, technical standards can only be of a recommendatory nature, since the requirement for machine manufacturers to declare their vibration characteristics and, if necessary, take measures to reduce vibration seems to be sufficient from the point of view of ensuring vibration safety.

Appendix A

Requirements for the declaration of vibration characteristics of products

A.1 General

The vibration characteristic of the product (machine or vibration isolating product) to be declared is determined during the testing of the product type in accordance with the vibration test code for a specific product type. If there is no such standard, the manufacturer, in addition to the values ​​of the parameters of the vibration characteristic, must indicate the test conditions in which this characteristic was obtained (representative operation, type of load, pressing force and girth, etc.). In this case, the test methodology, including the mode and conditions of product use, the points and directions of vibration measurement (and, if necessary, other physical quantities), the parameters of the vibration characteristics, must comply with the general standard for test methods (type B standard).

EXAMPLE For manual machines, the general standard for test methods will be GOST 16519-2006, for self-propelled vehicles - GOST 31193-2004, and for the seats of self-propelled vehicles - GOST ISO 10326-1-2002 (see also Appendix ).

Usually the manufacturer specifies only the upper limit of the parameter being set, i.e. guarantees that the parameter value of a real product does not exceed a certain set limit value 1). The upper limit is set, inter alia, for all quantities characterizing the vibration activity of the machine, and most of the parameters characterizing the vibration-insulating properties of products. This annex covers parameters for which only the upper limit is specified by the manufacturer.

1) For a single product, this limit value is not exceeded with a probability α , and for a batch of products, the limit value is not exceeded with a probability α not less than β percent of products in a batch. This standard adopts α = 0,95, β = 6,5 %.

A.2 Determination of the claimed vibration characteristic

A.2.1 General

The manufacturer can declare the values ​​of the parameters u and K for one product or for a batch of products. The first of these parameters is obtained from laboratory tests, and the second requires knowledge of some additional information, which can be given in the appropriate vibration test code or in the general standard for test methods (type B standard).

A.2.2 Determination of the declared parametersu andK for one product

The following parameter values ​​are used for the statement u and K:

u- the result of measuring the vibration parameter for this product;

K = 1,65σ R,(1)

where σ R is the reproducibility standard deviation stated in the vibration test code.

A.2.3 Determination of the declared parametersu andK for a batch of products

The following parameter values ​​should be used for the statement u and K:

where is the average value for u by batch of products;

σ R is the reproducibility standard deviation stated in the vibration test code;

σ p is the standard deviation for u by batch of products.

Standard deviation σ p which is a characteristic of production conditions, does not depend on a specific batch. In practice, however, the value of this quantity is unknown, so the sample standard deviation is used instead. calculated from a sample from a sufficiently large ( n≥ 10) the number of products of the same model where u i- the value of the vibration parameter for i th product from this sample.

Note - Do not confuse a sample of products and a batch of products. For determinings pdata obtained in the same laboratory using the same test method at different times for products of different batches can be used.

A.3 Vibration characteristic statement form

The manufacturer must provide the following information on the vibration performance declaration of the product:

Product type;

The claimed parameters of vibration and the uncertainty of obtaining these parameters. If the first digit of the declared parameter is a unit, the parameter is indicated with an accuracy of two and a half significant digits (for example, 1.20 m / s 2 or 14.5 m / s 2), otherwise two significant figures(for example, 0.93 m / s 2 or 8.9 m / s 2). The same applies to the accuracy of the representation of uncertainty;

Indication of the test code for products 1), in accordance with which the tests were carried out and the values ​​of the parameters of the declared vibration characteristic were obtained, or - in its absence - on the general standard for test methods (type B standard - see);

Test conditions (if the tests were not carried out in accordance with the product test code).

1) In the absence of an appropriate national or interstate type C standard, it is allowed, along with an indication of the general standard for test methods (type B standard), to provide references to international and regional standards or national standards of other countries that establish test conditions for certain types of products.

Note - Uncertainty in the determination of vibration parameters can be indicated in the vibration test code for a specific type of product or obtained by the manufacturer as a result of interlaboratory tests.

Examples of

1 Machine: Type 990, model 12- Uh , 0.6 MPa

vibration acceleration on the handle of the machine, m / s 2 ...... 8.0

Uncertainty, m / s 2 .......... ……………… ...... 2.3

GOST 16519 -2006 and GOST 30873.2-2006.

2 Machine: Type 991, model 14- UF , 80 W

Full rms corrected

vibration acceleration on the handle of the machine, m / s 2 ...... 3.4

Uncertainty, m / s 2 ........... ……………… ... 1.70

Vibration characteristics determined in accordance with GOST 16519 -2006.

Test conditions: imitation of screw tightening on a stand providing a constant tightening torque of 0.9 - 1.6 Nm in the mode without slipping the coupling; insert tool - screwdriver XXX ; pressing force - 20 N

A.4 Confirmation of the declared vibration characteristic

A.4.1 General

Confirmation of the declared vibration characteristic is carried out by an accredited laboratory (center) in the process of testing in accordance with the same vibration test code (test methodology) that was used by the machine manufacturer in determining the declared vibration characteristic.

Tests can be carried out to confirm the stated vibration performance:

For one car;

For a batch of cars.

A.4.2 Confirmation of vibration performance for one machine

The declared vibration characteristic is considered confirmed if the value of the vibration characteristic parameter obtained as a result of testsu 1 will not exceed the amount (u + K) parameters declared by the manufacturer.

A.4.3 Confirmation of vibration performance for a batch of machines

In order to confirm the declared vibration characteristics for a batch of test machines, a random sample of machines (at least three) from this batch is presented.

The confirmation procedure consists of two stages.

First, one machine is randomly selected from the sample, for which the value of the parameter is measuredu. Measurement resultu 1 compared with limit values ​​calculated on the basis of the declared parametersu and K:

If u 1 ≤ u+ 0,20 K, the declared vibration characteristic is considered confirmed for the entire batch of machines;

If u 1 > u + 1,13 K, the declared vibration characteristic is considered not confirmed for the entire batch of machines;

If none of the above two conditions is met, proceed to the second stage.

At the second stage, tests are carried out for three machines from the sample, for which the arithmetic mean value of the parameter is determined u... Measurement result u 3 are compared with the limit values ​​calculated on the basis of the declared parameters u and K:

If u 3 ≤ u + 0,65 K, the declared vibration characteristic is considered confirmed for the entire batch of machines;

If u 3 > u + 0,65 K, the declared vibration characteristic is considered not confirmed for the entire batch of machines.

Even in the case when the declared vibration characteristic is considered not confirmed for the entire batch, it can be considered confirmed for individual machines of this batch, if the measurement results for these machines meet the requirements.

Appendix B

Scheme of the complex of international and European standards in the field of vibration, safety

The diagram below (figure) shows the basic structure of a set of international and European standards for vibration safety -. The consistent introduction of these standards as national (interstate) standards will harmonize the international (European) and national concepts of ensuring vibration safety. When analyzing the scheme, it should be borne in mind that it is based, first of all, on ISO standards, many of which have European counterparts. European standards are given only in cases where their international counterparts are not available.

Note - Vibration emitted into the attached structures and foundation (support) by a type 2 machine is a potential hazard not only from the point of view of direct vibration impact on a person, but also through re-radiation from panels, shells, etc. - in terms of noise impact. The ISO 8611 and ISO 13332 standards shown in the diagram were developed primarily to assess the radiated noise, therefore, they consider vibration in the range with a lower limit of about 20 Hz. These standards are well suited for assessing the vibration produced by Type 2 machines, but only if there are no significant components in their spectrum at frequencies below 20 Hz.

Figure B.1 - Scheme of a complex of international and European standards in the field of vibration safety

In general terms, this scheme determines the prospects for the development of a complex of interstate standards for vibration safety. Therefore, it conventionally shows the place of the fundamental interstate standard GOST 12.1.012.


ISO 2631-1: 1997

Vibration and shock. Impact assessment general vibration on person. Part 1. General requirements

(ISO 2631-1: 1997)

(Mechanical vibration and shock - Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration - Part 1: General requirements)

ISO 2631-4: 2001

Vibration and shock. Assessment of human exposure to general vibration. Part 4. Guidance for assessing the effects of vibration and angular vibration on passenger comfort conditions and crew vehicles moving on fixed rails the way

(ISO 2631-4: 2001)

(Mechanical vibration and shock - Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration - Part 4: Guidelines for the evaluation of the effects of vibration and rotational motion on passenger and crew comfort in fixed-guideway transport systems)

ISO 2631-5: 2004

Vibration and shock. Assessment of human exposure to general vibration. Part 5. Repetitive impact of shock impulses

(ISO 2631-5: 2004)

(Mechanical vibration and shock - Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration - Part 4: Method for evaluation of vibration containing multiple shocks)

ISO 5007: 2003

Tractors agricultural wheeled. Operator's seat. Laboratory measurements transmitted vibration

(ISO 5007: 2003)

(Agricultural wheeled tractors - Operator "s seat - Laboratory measurement of transmitted vibration)

ISO 5008: 2002

Agricultural wheeled machines and tractors. Measurement of general vibration to the operator

(ISO 5008: 2002)

(Agricultural wheeled tractors and field machinery- Measurement of whole-body vibration of the operator)

ISO 5349-1: 2001

Vibration. Local vibration measurement and evaluation her impact on humans. Part 1: General Requirements

(ISO 5349-1: 2001)

(Mechanical vibration - Measurement and evaluation of human exposure to hand-transmitted vibration - Part 1: General requirements)

ISO 5349-2: 2001

Vibration. Local measurement vibration and assessment her impact on humans. Part 2: A practical guide for measurements in the workplace

(ISO 5349-2: 2001)

(Mechanical vibration - Measurement and evaluation of human exposure to hand-transmitted vibration - Part 2: Practical guidance for measurement at the workplace)

ISO 7096: 2000

Earth-moving machines. Laboratory vibration assessment of the operator's seat

(ISO 7096: 2000)

(Earth-moving machinery - Laboratory evaluation of operator seat vibration)

ISO 8041: 2005

Human exposure to vibration. Measuring instruments

(Human response to vibration - Measuring instrumentation)

ISO 8662-2: 1992

Manual machines. Vibration measurements on the handle. Part 2. Chipping and riveting hammers

(ISO 8662-2: 1992)

(Hand-held portable power tools - Measurement of vibrations at the handle - Part 2: Chipping hammers and riveting hammers)

ISO 8662-3: 1992

Manual machines. Vibration measurements on the handle. Part 3. Drilling hammers and punchers

(ISO 8662-3: 1992)

(Hand-held portable power tools - Measurement of vibrations at the handle - Part 3: Rock drills and rotary hammers)

ISO 8662-4: 1994

Manual machines. Vibration measurements on the handle. Part 4. Grinding machines

(ISO 8662-4: 1994)

(Hand-held portable power tools - Measurement of vibrations at the handle - Part 4: Grinders)

ISO 8662-5: 1992

Manual machines. Vibration measurements on the handle. Part 5. Concrete breakers and hammers for construction work

(ISO 8662-5: 1992)

(Hand-held portable power tools - Measurement of vibrations at the handle - Part 5: Pavement breakers and hammers for construction work)

ISO 8662-6: 1994

Manual machines. Vibration measurements on the handle. Part 6. Impact-rotary drilling machines

(ISO 8662-6: 1994)

(Hand-held portable power tools - Measurement of vibrations at the handle - Part 6: Impact drills)

ISO 8662-7: 1997

Manual machines. Vibration measurements on the handle. Part 7. Wrenches, screwdrivers and impact, impulse and ratchet screwdrivers

(ISO 8662-7: 1997)

(Hand-held portable power tools - Measurement of vibrations at the handle - Part 7: Wrenches, screwdrivers and nut runners with impact, impulse or ratchet action)

ISO 8662-8: 1997

Manual machines. Vibration measurements on the handle. Part 8. Machines polishing, circular grinding, orbital grinding and orbital-rotary grinding

(ISO 8662-8: 1997)

(Hand-held portable power tools - Measurement of vibrations at the handle - Part 8: Polishers and rotary, orbital and random orbital senders)

ISO 8662-9: 1996

Manual machines. Vibration measurements on the handle. Part 9. Rammers

(ISO 8662-9: 1996)

(Hand-held portable power tools - Measurement of vibrations at the handle - Part 9: Rammers)

ISO 8662-10: 1998

Manual machines. Measurements vibration on the handle. Part 10. Cutting and knife scissors

(ISO 8662-10: 1998)

(Hand-held portable power tools - Measurement of vibrations at the handle - Part 10: Nibblers and shears)

ISO 8662-11: 1999

Manual machines. Vibration measurements on handle. Part 11. Machines for driving fasteners

(ISO 8662-11: 1999)

(Hand-held portable power tools - Measurement of vibrations at the handle - Part 11: Fastener driving tool)

ISO 8662-12: 1997

Manual machines. Vibration measurements on handle. Part 12. Hacksaw, disc and pendulum saws and reciprocating files

(ISO 8662-12: 1997)

(Hand-held portable power tools - Measurement of vibrations at the handle - Part 12: Saws and files with reciprocating action and saws with oscillating or rotating action)

ISO 8662-13: 1997

Manual machines. Measurements vibration on the handle. Part 13. Grinding machines for processing stamps

(ISO 8662-13: 1997)

(Hand-held portable power tools - Measurement of vibrations at the handle - Part 13: Die grinders)

ISO 8662-14: 1996

Manual machines. Vibration measurements on the handle. Part 14. Tools for stone processing and cleaning beam hammers

(ISO 8662-14: 1996)

(Hand-held portable power tools - Measurement of vibrations at the handle - Part 14: Stone-working tools and needle scalers)

ISO 9611: 1996

Acoustics. Description of machines as sources of noise emission through attached structures. Vibration velocity measurements at the point of contact of the machine with the spouse

(Acoustics - Characterization of sources of structure-borne sound with respect to sound radiation from connected structures - Measurement of velocity at the contact points of machinery when resilientiy mounted

ISO 10056: 2001

Vibration. Measurement and analysis general vibration, affecting passengers and crew rail vehicles

(ISO 10056: 2001)

(Mechanical vibration - Measurement and analysis of whole-body vibration to which passengers and crew are exposed in railway vehicles)

ISO 10326-1: 1992

Vibration. Vibration assessment seats of vehicles according to the results of laboratory tests. Part 1. General requirements

(ISO 10326-1: 1992)

(Mechanical vibration - Laboratory method for evaluating vehicle seat vibration - Part 1: Basic requirements)

ISO 10326-2: 2001

Vibration. Laboratory measurement method vibrations transport seats funds. Part 2. Seats of railway vehicles

(ISO 10326-2: 2001)

(Mechanical vibration - Laboratory method for evaluating vehicle seat vibration - Part 2: Application to railway vehicles)

ISO 10819: 1996

Vibration and shock. Local vibration. Method for measuring and evaluating transfer properties gloves in the palm area

(ISO 10819: 1996)

(Mechanical vibration and shock - Hand-arm vibration - Method for the measurement and evaluation of the vibration transmissibility of gloves at the palm of the hand)

ISO 10846-1: 1997

Vibration and acoustics. Laboratory measurements vibroacoustic transmission properties of elastic elements. Part 1. Physical Principles and Guidelines

(ISO 10846-1: 1997)

(Acoustics and vibration - Laboratory measurement of vibroacoustic transfer properties of resilient elements - Part 1: Principles and guidelines)

ISO 10846-2: 1997

Vibration and acoustics. Laboratory measurements of vibroacoustic transfer properties of elastic elements. Part 2. Dynamic stiffness of elastic supports at translational motion. Direct method

(ISO 10846-2: 1997)

(Acoustics and vibration - Laboratory measurement of vibroacoustic transfer properties of resilient elements - Part 2. Dynamic stiffness of elastic supports for translatory motion - Direct method)

ISO 10846-3: 2002

Vibration and acoustics. Laboratory measurements of vibroacoustic transmission properties of elastic elements. Part 3. Dynamic stiffness of elastic supports during translational motion. Indirect method

(ISO 10846-3: 2002)

(Acoustics and vibration - Laboratory measurement of vibroacoustic transfer properties of resilient elements - Part 3. Indirect method for determination of the dynamic stiffness of resilient supports for translatory motion)

ISO 10846-4: 2003

Vibration and acoustics. Laboratory measurements of vibroacoustic transfer properties of elastic elements. Part 4: Dynamic stiffness of non-bearing elastic elements in translational motion

(ISO 10846-4: 2003)

(Acoustics and vibration - Laboratory measurement of vibroacoustic transfer properties of resilient elements - Part 4: Dynamic stiffness of elements other than resilient supports for translatory motion)

ISO 13332: 2000

Internal combustion engines are piston. Test Code for Pole Vibration Measurements high and medium speed piston internal motors combustion

(ISO 13332: 2000)

(Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Test code for the measurement of structure-borne noise emitted from high-speed and medium-speed reciprocating internal combustion engines measured at the engine feet)

ISO 20643: 2005

Vibration. Hand-operated machines and hand-operated machines. Determination principles vibration parameters

(ISO 20643: 2005)

(Mechanical vibration - Hand-held and hand-guided machinery - Principles for evaluation of vibration emission)

ISO 22867: 2004

Forestry machines. Test vibration code for manual machines with an internal combustion engine. Vibration on handles

(ISO 22867: 2004)

(Forestry machinery - Vibration test code for portable hand-held machines with internal combustion engine - Vibration at the handles)

EH 1032: 2003

Vibration. Testing of self-propelled machines in order to determine the parameters of the produced their vibrations

(EN 1032: 2003)

(Mechanical vibration - Testing of mobile machinery in order to determine the vibration emission value)

EH 12096: 1997

Vibration. Statement and confirmation of the declared characteristics of the vibration activity of machines and equipment

(Mechanical vibration - Declaration and verification of vibration emission values)

EH 12786: 1999

Safety machines. Vibration Safety Sections Guidance in general safety standards

(Safety of machinery - Guidance for the drafting of the vibration clauses of safety standards)

EH 13059: 2002

Machine safety for transportation cargo. Test methods for measuring vibration

(EN 13059: 2002)

(Safety of industrial trucks - Test methods for measuring vibration)

EH 13490: 2001

Vibration. Cargo transportation vehicles. Laboratory measurements operator seat vibration and requirements

(EN 13490: 2001

(Mechanical vibration - Industrial trucks - Laboratory evaluation and specification of operator seat vibration)

EH 14253: 2003

Vibration. Measurement and assessment of the impact of general vibration on a person at his work location. A practical guide

(EN 14253: 2003)

(Mechanical vibration - Measurement and evaluation of occupational exposure to whole-body vibration with reference to health - Practical guidance)

Keywords: vibration, vibration safety, general vibration, local vibration, vibration-active machines, vibration-hazardous machines, vibration isolators, vibration characteristics of products, declaration of vibration characteristics of products, vibration safety standards









(ISO / TR 19201: 2013, UT)

Official edition



1 PREPARED by the Open Joint Stock Company Scientific Research Center for Control and Diagnostics of Technical Systems * (JSC NITs KD) on the basis of its own translation into Russian English version the international instrument referred to in paragraph 4

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 163 "Vibration, shock and technical condition control"

3 APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology No. 1585-st dated October 20, 2015

4 This International Standard is identical to international instrument ISO / TR 19201: 2013 Vibration. Methodology for selecting appropriate machinery vibration standards "(ISO / TR 19201: 2013" Mechanical vibration - Methodology for selecting appropriate machinery vibration standards ", IDT).

The name of this standard has been changed from the name of the specified international standard to bring it in line with the requirements of GOST R 1.5 (clause 3.5).

In the application of this International Standard, it is recommended to use instead of the reference international standards their respective national standards Russian Federation and interstate standards, details of which are given in the additional appendix YES


The rules for the application of this standard are established in GOST R 1.0-2012 (section 8). Information on changes to this standard is published in the annual (as of January 1 of the current year) information index "National Standards", and the official text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the next issue of the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notice and texts are also posted in information system general use - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet ()

© Sgandartinform, 2016

This standard may not be reproduced in whole or in part, replicated and distributed as an official publication without the permission of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.

Annex C (informative) Typical values ​​of dynamic stiffness of bearings and

Annex E (informative) Vibration assessment standards for specific

Appendix YES (reference) Information on the compliance of the reference international standards with the national standards of the Russian Federation and

GOST R 56646-2015 / ISO / TR 19201: 2013




Mechanical vibration. Guidance on the selection ot vibration severity criteria tor machines

Introduction date - 2016-12-01

1 area of ​​use

This International Standard provides guidance for the selection of standards that specify the requirements for vibration intent and vibration assessment for a given machine type. These standards include standards for assessing the vibration state of machines of the ISO 10816 series (measurements on non-rotating parts) and ISO 7919 (measurements on rotating parts), as well as other standards that consider certain particular aspects related to the assessment of the vibration state in relation to to cars different types.

The selection made in accordance with this standard is based on the fields of application of the referenced standards and the theoretical justification for the application of a particular measurement method to machines for which, to date, vibration control methods have not been established. The application of this International Standard does not imply the removal or revision of control procedures already established by manufacturers or users of particular types of machines and based on their experience with their use, as such procedures may reflect the specific characteristics of these machines.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the standards listed in 6 2.1-2.3.

NOTE 1 All referenced standards are subject to periodic review and revision. When using this International Standard, be sure. that the latest edition of the referenced standard is being used, including possible changes and additions.

NOTE 2 A summary of the referenced standards according to their areas of application is given in Table E.1.

NOTE 3 This International Standard gives brief characteristics referenced standards, current only at the time of publication of this standard. Subsequently, other standards may be developed that cover the assessment of the vibration state of specific types of machines or separate stages of the assessment. The absence of a crumbling on such standards does not mean that their application will indicate a departure from the recommendations of this standard.

2.1 Basic standards for the assessment of vibration condition

ISO 7919-1 Vibration of non-reciprocating machines. Measurements on rotating shafts and evaluation criteria. Part 1. General guidelines (ISO 7919-1. Mechanical vibration of non-redprocating machines - Measurements on rotating shafts and evaluation criteria - Part t: General guidelines)

ISO 7919-2 Vibration. Assessment of the vibration state of machines based on the results of measurements on rotating shafts. Part 2. Stationary steam turbines and generators over 50 MW with rated speeds of 1500, 1600, 300 and 3600 min 1 (ISO 7919-2, Mechanical vibration - Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on rotating shafts - Part 2: Land-based steam turbines and generators in excess of 50 MW with normal operating speeds of 1,500 r / min. 1,600 r / min, 3,000 r / min and 3,600 r / min)

Official edition

ISO 7919-3 Vibration. Assessment of the vibration state of machines based on the results of measurements on rotating shafts. Part 3. Industrial machine units (ISO 7919-3. Mechanical vibration - Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on rotating shafts - Pari 3: Coupled industrial machines)

ISO 7919-4 Vibration. Assessment of the vibration state of machines based on the results of measurements on rotating shafts. Part 4. Gas turbine sets with fluid-film bearings (ISO 7919-4. Mechanical vibration - Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on rotating shafts - Part 4: Gas turbine sets with fluid-film bearings)

ISO 7919-5 Vibration. Assessment of the vibration state of machines based on the results of measurements on rotating parts. Part 5. Installations for hydroelectric power plants and pumping stations (ISO 7919-5, Mechanical vibration - Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on rotating shafts - Part 5: Machine sets in hydraulic power generating and pumping plants)

ISO 10816-1 Vibration. Assessment of the vibration state of machines based on the results of vibration measurements on non-rotating parts. Part 1. General guidelines (ISO 10816-1. Mechanical vibration - Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts - Part 1: General guidelines)

ISO 10816-2 Vibration. Assessment of the vibration state of machines based on the results of vibration measurements on non-rotating parts. Part 2. Stationary steam turbines and generators above 50 MW with rated speeds of 1500, 1800, 300 and 3600 min 1 (ISO 10816-2, Mechanical vibration - Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts - Pan 2: Land -based steam turbines and generators in excess of 50 MW with normal operating speeds of 1,500 r / min, 1,800 r / min. 3,000 r / min and 3,600 r / min)

ISO 10816-3 Vibration. Assessment of the vibration state of machines based on the results of vibration measurements on non-rotating parts. Part 3. Industrial machines rated power over 15 kW at rated speeds of 120 to 15000 min-1 when measured on site (ISO 10816-3. Mechanical vibration - Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts - Part 3: Industrial machines with nominal power above 15 kW and nominal speeds between 120 r / min and 15,000 r / min when measured in situ)

ISO 10816-4 Vibration. Assessment of the vibration state of machines based on the results of vibration measurements on non-rotating parts. Part 4. Gas turbine sets with fluid-film bearings (ISO 10816-4. Mechanical vibration - Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts - Part 4: Gas turbine sets with fluid-film bearings)

ISO 10816-5 Vibration. Assessment of the vibration state of machines based on the results of vibration measurements on non-rotating parts. Part 5. Installations for hydroelectric power plants and pumping stations (ISO 10816-5. Mechanical vibration - Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts - Pan 5: Machine sets in hydraulic power generating and pumping plants)

ISO 10816-6 Vibration. Assessment of the vibration state of machines based on the results of vibration measurements on non-rotating parts. Part 6. Reciprocating machines with power ratings above 100 kW (ISO 10816-6, Mechanical vibration - Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating pans - Pan 6: Reciprocating machines with power ratings above 100 kW)

ISO 10816-7 Vibration. Assessment of the vibration state of machines based on the results of vibration measurements on non-rotating parts. Part 7. Industrial dynamic pumps, including measurements on rotating shafts (ISO 10816-7, Mechanical vibration - Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating pans - Pan 7: Rotodynamic pumps for industrial applications, including measurements on rotating shafts)

ISO 10816-8 Vibration. Assessment of the vibration state of machines based on the results of vibration measurements on non-rotating parts. Part 8. Reciprocating compressor units (ISO 10816-8, Mechanical vbration - Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating pans - Pan 8: Reciprocating compressor systems)

2.2 Additional standards for the assessment of vibration condition

ISO 3046-5 Reciprocating internal combustion engines. Specifications. Part 5. Torsional vibration (ISO 3046-5, Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Performance - Pan 5: Torsional vibrations)

ISO 8579-2 Acceptance testing of gear mechanisms. Part 2. Determination of mechanical vibrations of gear units during acceptance testing (ISO 8579-2, Acceptance code for gears - Pan 2: Determination of mechanical vibrations of gear units during acceptance testing)

ISO 13373-1 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Vibration condition monitoring. Part t. General methods (ISO 13373-1, Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines - Vibration condition monitoring - Part 1: General procedures)

ISO 13373-2 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Vibration condition monitoring. Part 2. Processing, analysis and presentation of vibration measurements (ISO 13373-2, Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines - Vibration condition monitoring - Part 2: Processing, analysis and presentation of vibration data)

ISO 13373-3 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Vibration condition monitoring. Part 3. Guidelines for vibration diagnosis (ISO 13373-3. Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines - Vibration condition monitoring - Part 3: Guidelines for vibration diagnosis)

ISO 14694 Industrial fans. Requirements for vibration produced and balancing quality (ISO 14694. Industrial fans - Specifications for balance quality and vfcration levels)

ISO 14695 Industrial fans. Fan vibration measurement methods (ISO 14695. Industrial fans - Method of measurement of fan vibration)

2.3 Standards for particular aspects of the vibration state assessment

ISO 1925 Vibration. Balancing. Vocabulary (ISO 1925, Mechanical vfcration - Balancing - Vocabulary) 0

ISO 2041 vibration, shock and condition monitoring. Vocabulary (ISO 2041. Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring - Vocabulary)

ISO 2954 Vibration of rotary and reciprocating machines. Requirements for instruments for measuring vibration severity (ISO 2954, Mechanical vibration of rotating and reciprocating machinery - Requirements for instruments for measuring vibration severity)

ISO 5348 Vibration and shock. Mechanical mounting of accelerometers (ISO 5348. Mechanical vibration and shock - Mechanical mounting of accelerometers)

ISO 10817-1 Vibration measurement systems for rotating shafts. Part 1. Devices for picking up relative and absolute vibration signals (ISO 10817-1, Rotating shaft vfcration measuring systems - Part 1: Relative and absolute sensing of radial vibration)

ISO 21940-31 Vibration. Balancing the rotors. Part 3t. Susceptibility and sensitivity of machines to unbalance (ISO 21940-31. Mechanical vibration - Rotor balancing - Part 31: Susceptibility and sensitivity of machines to unbalance)

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this International Standard, terms and definitions from ISO 1925 and ISO 2041 apply, as well as the following terms and definitions.

3.1 shaft absolute vibration vibration of a shaft in a absolute system coordinates

3.2 shaft relative vibrationvibration of a shaft relative to a transducer support (for example, a bearing housing)

3.3 pedestal vibrationvibration at the location of a bearing on its support

3.4 dynamic stiffness of bearing stiffness of a bearing including the effect of damping and mass.

3.5 dynamic stiffness of pedestal stiffness of the bearing arrangement including the effects of damping and mass

4 Assessment of vibration state

4.1 General

Guidance on vibration assessment for various types of machines based on vibration measurements on non-rotating machine parts is given in the ISO 10816 series.

Guidance on vibration assessment for different types of machines based on vibration measurements on rotating machine shafts is given in the ISO 7919 series.

The development of methods for assessing the vibration state in order to monitor the technical condition and related issues are considered in the standards specified in 2.2 and 2.3.

After revision, the designation will be changed to ISO 21940-2.

4.2 Classification of machines

In terms of vibration measurement procedures and vibration assessment, all machines can be divided into four classes:

a) machines of reciprocating action, performing both reciprocating and rotary motion. Examples are diesel engines, some types of compressors and pumps. Vibration is usually measured on the body / supporting structure of the machine at low frequencies, usually in the range from 2 to 1000 Hz;

b) machines of rotary action with a rigid rotor. Examples are certain types of electric motors, single stage and low speed pumps. Vibration is usually measured on a supporting structure (bearing arrangements or bearing caps) at points whose vibration is representative of the dynamic forces. created by the rotor (due to imbalance, temperature deflection, rubbing against stator elements, etc.);

c) rotary action machines with flexible rotor. Examples are large steam and gas turbine generator sets, multistage pumps and compressors. These machines can experience different vibration modes as the rotor passes through resonances until the operating speed is reached. Vibration measurements on the support / hull members of such machines may not be fully representative for evaluating vibration conditions. For example, large movements of a flexible rotor can lead to machine failure even if vibration at the bearing cover remains low. Therefore, for such machines it may be necessary to measure directly the vibration of the shaft:

d) machines of rotary action with quasi-rigid rotor. Examples are some types of steam turbines, axial compressors and fans. These machines include flexible rotors, the behavior of which can be judged by measurements on the bearing caps.

Analysis to determine best method measurements (and the selection of the appropriate standard) for a machine of this type on the basis of its physical characteristics and design features are discussed in detail in Section 8.

4.3 Classes of vibration state of machines

The classification of the vibration state of machines is carried out on the basis of the obtained values ​​of the controlled vibration parameters (displacement, speed or acceleration), the choice of which depends on the applied standard, the range of measurement frequencies and other factors. When classifying based on broadband vibration measurements (for example, in the frequency range from 10 to 1000 Hz), the vibration rate is the most convenient parameter to control. 8 if the vibration is of a pronounced low-frequency or high-frequency nature, the parameters of displacement and acceleration are used for classification purposes, respectively.

If the vibration is predominantly harmonic in nature, the peak or rms value can be used as the controlled parameter. However, for machines with vibration of a complex composition, control by these two parameters can lead to significantly different results due to the fact that the contributions of individual components of vibration (for example, impulse processes) will be taken into account with different weights. In the case of rotary machines with rotation speeds from 600 to 12000 min 1, the vibration state is described in terms of the rms value of the speed. To assess the vibration state, it is customary to take the maximum rms value of the broadband vibration speed in the frequency range from 10 to 1000 Hz at specified points of the structure (see, for example, ISO 10816-2).

NOTE At present, the vibration state of a machine is usually understood as the maximum of the measured values ​​of the controlled parameters, regardless of whether they relate to displacement, speed or acceleration (see ISO 2954).

4.4 Methods and means of measurement

The referenced standards establish methods for measuring the relative vibration between the shaft and the machine body, the absolute vibration of the shaft, and the vibration of the points of the machine body.

Displacement, velocity and acceleration transducers are used as vibration sensors. Standards specify requirements for their performance in an established and unestablished state. including maximum perceptible vibration values ​​and measurement frequency ranges. Requirements for vibration measuring instruments on the machine body in order to control its vibration state are set in ISO 2954. ISO 5348 gives recommendations for attaching accelerometers to the machine body, which, however, in most cases can also be extended to speed converters. ISO 10817-1 specifies requirements for vibration sensors and matching devices, sensor installation and calibration methods for shaft vibration measurements.

4.5 Summary of Machine Vibration Standards

A summary of the most important standards for evaluating vibration conditions of machines is given in sections 5 and 6. These standards establish methods for measuring broadband vibration and the boundaries of vibration zones. The standards discussed in section 5 apply to assessment methods based on vibration measurements on non-rotating parts for reciprocating machines, machines with rotating shafts, and machines with gears. Clause 6 standards cover the same measurement and boundary plotting procedures from measurements on rotating shafts. Measurements for machines with rigid and flexible rotors are also considered. 8 standards detail the definition of vibration criteria for machines of different types and sizes.

Section 7 provides a summary of other standards related to the assessment of vibration condition of machines or some of its aspects.

5 Measurements on non-rotating parts

5.1 General guidance, including a description of methods for assessing the vibration state of machines from vibration measurements on non-rotating parts, is given in ISO 10816-1. Other standards in this series provide vibration criteria for different types of machines. These criteria can be established both in relation to the absolute values ​​of the controlled parameters, and in relation to changes in these parameters and are used to monitor the condition of machines during their application, as well as during acceptance tests.

ISO 10816 series standards:

a) cover a wide frequency range allowing vibration to be described as low speed. and high-speed machines;

b) establish principles for assessing vibration status based on vibration zones:

c) summarize the experience in assessing the vibration state gained as a result of the use of a particular type of machine:

d) establish the criteria for evaluating the vibration state for this type of machine.

ISO 10816-1 provides general guidance for setting vibration zone boundaries for steady state and transient machine operation. This serves as a basis for identifying specific numerical values boundaries in the remaining standards of the series. ISO 10816-1 defines vibration state zones as follows.

Zone A - this zone, as a rule, is the vibration of new machines being put into operation.

Zone B - machines, the vibration of which falls into this zone, are usually considered suitable for long-term operation without time limits.

Zone C - Machines whose vibration falls into this zone are generally considered unsuitable for long-term continuous operation. Usually, such machines are allowed to operate for a limited period of time, until the possibility of carrying out recovery activities appears.

Zone D * - Vibration levels in this zone are generally considered to be capable of causing serious damage to machines.

Vibration zone boundaries can be used as guidelines to avoid excessive and unrealistic vibration requirements for machines. Acceptance criteria should always be the subject of agreement between the supplier and the purchaser of the machine. Zone boundaries serve as the basis for determining acceptance criteria for new and refurbished vehicles. As a rule, the acceptance criterion is set within zone A or B. but not exceeding the border between these zones by more than 25%.

That. that the monitored parameter is based on measurements of broadband vibration, allows it to respond to various changes in the state of machines of this type. For example, the violation of the integrity of machines with rolling bearings is manifested at higher frequencies than for bearings with hydrodynamic bearings... Since the characteristic of vibration, directly related to the transmitted vibrational energy, is the speed, the root-mean-square value of the speed is the main quantity for constructing the criteria for the vibration state. However, ISO 10816 also permits the use of criteria constructed for vibration displacement and acceleration, and the use of a peak value instead of a mean square value as a controlled parameter. This is especially used in the case of low-speed and high-speed machines.

5.2 ISO 10616-2 provides guidance for evaluating the vibration state of large steam turbine generator sets based on vibration measurements of bearings or bearing arrangements.

The measuring system should be capable of measuring broadband vibration in the frequency range from 10 to 500 Hz. If, however, the measurement results are also intended to be used for diagnostics purposes or to monitor the behavior of the machine during acceleration and coasting, as well as at increased operating speeds, then the measurement frequency range can be expanded.

The criteria for the r.m.s.values ​​of the bearing speed or bearing arrangement specified in ISO 10816-2 apply to steam turbine plants with a power of more than 50 MW with a nominal rotation speed of 1500.1800. 3000 and 3600 min 1. These criteria are intended to assess the behavior of the machine at the site of its use in a steady state of operation. The classification of zones of vibration state is the same. as in ISO 10816-1. In addition, methods for assessing the vibration state in transient operating modes associated with a change in load or rotor speed are considered.

5.3 ISO 10816-3 provides guidance for assessing vibration conditions based on vibration measurements of bearings, bearing arrangements or the housing of an industrial machine at the site of use. This standard applies to steam turbines up to 50 MW. as well as for steam turbine plants with a capacity of over 50 MW. but with operating speeds less than 1500 or more than 3600 min. In addition, the scope of the standard includes compressors. industrial gas turbines with a capacity of up to 3 MW. generators (not covered by ISO 10816-2). all types of electric motors, fans and blowers with a capacity of over 300 kW. as well as other fans on sufficiently rigid bases. The standard also applies to pumps not covered by ISO 10816-7.

The breadth of the machine class covered by the standard and the associated wide variety of designs, bearing types and base types required a separation of this class into two groups:

a) group 1. Includes machines with a rated power over 300 kW and electrical machines with a shaft height of 315 mm or more;

b) group 2. comprising medium-sized machines with a rated power of 15 to 300 kW inclusive and electrical machines with a shaft height of 160 to 315 mm.

Large machines (usually with sleeve bearings) have an operating or nominal rotational speed in a wide range from 120 to 15000 min-1.

For each of the groups of machines, its own boundaries of the vibration state zones are established. The classification of zones of vibration state is the same. as in ISO 10816-1.

5.4 ISO 10816-4 provides guidance on vibration assessment based on vibration measurements on housings or bearing pedestals for hydrodynamic bearing gas turbine units.

ISO 10816-4 applies to stationary gas turbine plants used as driving devices for electrical and other machines with a rated power exceeding 3 MW and speeds under rated load of 3000 to 30,000 min. " If the installation includes an electric generator, then for installations with a capacity of more than 50 MW, the criteria according to ISO 10816-2 are applied to assess the vibration state of an electric generator, and for installations with a capacity of up to 50 MW inclusive - ISO 10816-3.

The boundaries of the vibration state zones are set on the assumption that broadband vibration is measured at the place of use of the machine in a steady state of its operation. In addition, methods for assessing the vibration state in transient modes of operation associated with a change in load or rotor speed are also considered. The standard applies to machines that include gear mechanisms, but does not apply to monitoring the condition of these mechanisms. The classification of zones of vibration state is the same. as in ISO 10816-1.

5.5 ISO 10816-5 provides general guidance for the assessment of vibration conditions from vibration measurements on bearings, bearing arrangements or housings of hydraulic machines at the point of use. ISO 10816-5 applies to units installed in hydroelectric power plants and pumping stations with speeds from 120 to 1800 min. " or at an arbitrary angle.

ISO (0816-5 applies to turbines and generators, pumps, and electrical machines such as electric motors, turbo pumps and motor generators, including their ancillary equipment (such as starting turbines or exciters). Vibration assessment can also be performed for single turbines or pumps connected to generators or electric motors by flexible shafts or through gear drives.

The criteria are set depending on the speed of rotation of the shaft.

5.6 ISO 10616-6 specifies procedures and guidance for vibration measurement and classification of reciprocating machines according to their vibration condition. In general, the classification is based on measurements on the supporting structure of the machine, and the limit values ​​are determined primarily on the basis of the reliable and safe operation of the machine itself and the auxiliary equipment attached to it.

In the case of reciprocating machines, vibration of the supporting structure, classified in accordance with ISO 10816-6. can only give the most general idea mechanical stress and vibration inside the machine. For example, torsional vibration of rotating parts does not manifest itself through vibration of the machine body. The experience of operating machines of this type shows that the excess of the established limit values ​​manifests itself mainly in the connected equipment (gas turbine blowers, heat exchangers, speed controllers, pumps, filters, etc.). connecting the car with peripherals(for example, pipelines) or in controls (such as pressure transmitters or thermometers).

ISO 10816-6 applies to machines with rigid or resilient attachment to the base with a rated power in excess of 100 kW. Typical examples of such machines are main and auxiliary marine engines, engines in diesel generators, gas compressors. locomotive engines. The machine classification is based on travel limit values. speed and acceleration.

5.7 ISO 10816-7 provides general guidance for the assessment of the vibration state of dynamic industrial pumps with a rated power greater than 1 kW and the requirements for vibration measurements on their bearing arrangements. The vibration state assessment can be performed both at the manufacturer's bench and at the pump operation site. The zones of vibration state for acceptance tests at the manufacturer's bench were established, as well as special evaluation criteria. The boundaries of the status zones are given for pumps with horizontal and vertical arrangement shaft regardless of the stiffness of the support.

The standard establishes two additional criteria for assessing the vibration state based on the condition of long-term failure-free operation of machines. The first criterion is based on the absolute values ​​of the controlled parameter, the second - on its changes over time. The criteria apply to vibration generated by the machine itself, but not externally transmitted to the machine. The boundaries of the speed state zones are set for two categories of pumps: with a capacity of up to 200 kW inclusively and a capacity of more than 200 kW. Area boundaries and acceptance criteria for relocation are also provided.

5.8 ISO 10816-8 provides guidance for vibration measurements and vibration classification for reciprocating compressor packages. Limit values ​​are given. in order to avoid fatigue damage in individual parts of the unit (base, compressor itself, dampers, piping) and auxiliary equipment connected to the unit. The manual is not intended to be used to monitor the status of units.

ISO 10816-8 applies to rigidly mounted reciprocating compressors with typical operating speeds ranging from 120 to 1800 min '. The ranges of permissible total vibration, expressed through the parameters of displacement, speed and acceleration, for horizontal and vertical units are given. These criteria are also used to avoid unwanted effects of vibration on connected equipment such as a pulsation damper or piping.

It was found that the applicability of the evaluation criteria is limited if the purpose of the control is the internal parts of the unit (valves, pistons, piston rings). Finding damage to these parts requires methods outside the scope of ISO 10816-8.

ISO 10816-8 does not apply to hypercompressors and to noise generated by compressor units. The classification of vibration zones differs from that specified in ISO 108 (6-1.

6 Measurements on rotating parts

6.1 General guidance for the assessment of vibration conditions of machines based on vibration measurements on rotating shafts is given in ISO 7919-1. The design of such machines usually includes flexible shaft lines. the vibration of which is more sensitive to changes in the state of the machine than vibration of the body, and therefore is more suitable for describing the vibration state. In addition, shaft vibration measurements are often preferred for machines with a relatively rigid and / or heavy housing, the mass of which significantly exceeds the mass of the rotor.

The number of machines, the vibration state of which is conveniently described through the results of measurements on the shafts, include industrial steam turbines, gas turbines and turbocompressors, in which, in the operating speed range, under the influence of various parts on the stator or non-load bearing, several modes of vibration are observed.

The ISO 7919 series of standards assess vibration taking into account the following factors:

Kinetic load on bearings:

Absolute rotor displacements:

Clearance between rotor and bearing.

If, in order to prevent possible bearing damage, the main focus is on its kinetic load, then the vibration of the shaft relative to the bearing housing should be monitored first. If the main subject of attention is the absolute displacement of the rotor (as a measure of the existing and flexible stresses) or the gap between the rotor and the bearing, then the choice of the controlled parameter depends on the vibration of the structure on which the relative motion transducer is installed. In the event of severe structural vibration, absolute shaft vibration measurements will be preferred. Controlling the bearing clearance is necessary to avoid rubbing the rotor or rotor blades against the support structure, which could damage the rotor components.

ISO 7919-1 introduces two criteria for assessing the vibration state by measuring the vibration of the shaft near the bearing supports:

a) by the absolute value of the rotor displacement. Reliable and safe operation of the machine in the established modes requires that the movements of the shaft remain below some set boundaries due to, for example, the permissible kinetic loads on the bearing or the required radial clearance in the bearing. The indicated boundaries form zones of a vibration state:

b) by changes in the parameters of the rotor movement. The observed changes in the vibration of the shaft may indicate the initiation of damage or other deviations in the operation of the machine, even if the boundaries of the zones of the vibration state according to a) have not yet been exceeded. Therefore, such changes are also subject to control and comparison with a certain target value. 8 In the event of significant changes in the controlled parameter, measures should be taken to identify the causes of such changes and, if necessary, take some corrective actions. The decision on possible actions should be made taking into account the absolute values ​​of vibration, as well as whether the machine has stabilized after the noted change in the controlled parameter.

ISO 7919-1 provides general guidance for defining vibration zone boundaries in steady state machine operation. In other parts of ISO 7919, zone boundaries are established for specific types of machines. The definition and purpose of the vibration state zones is the same. as in ISO 10816-1 (see clause 5).

6.2 ISO 7919-2 provides guidance for the vibration assessment of large steam turbine generator sets with a rated speed of 1500 to 3600 min "and an output of more than 50 MW, based on vibration measurements of the pipeline. Based on operating experience, vibration assessment criteria for machines are defined. of this type.

Eon boundaries are set for parameters of both relative and absolute vibration of the shaft. measured in or near the main bearings when the machine is in steady state operation at rated speed. 8 other points of measurement, as well as under conditions of transient modes of operation of the machine, such as acceleration and coasting (including the passage of critical speeds of rotation of the rotor), higher values ​​of the monitored parameters are allowed.

The classification of zones of vibration state is the same. as in ISO 7919-1. It is also considered. how the boundaries of the eon of the vibration state can change when it is necessary to take into account the requirements for the clearance in the bearing.

6.3 ISO 7919-3 provides guidance for the assessment of vibration conditions based on measurements of shaft vibration in the vicinity of a bearing arrangement during normal machine operation. The standard applies to industrial machine units with hydrodynamic bearings, including turbochargers, turbines, turbine generators and electrical machines with maximum rated speeds in the range from 1000 to 30,000 min-1 and power from 30 kW to 50 MW.

The numerical criteria specified in the standard are not intended to serve as the sole basis for assessing the conformity of machines to specified requirements. In general, these criteria should be combined with the criteria for evaluating vibration on the machine frame as specified in ISO 10816-3. The classification of zones of vibration state is the same. as in ISO 7919-1.

6.4 ISO 7919-4 applies to industrial gas turbine plants (including those with gearboxes) with hydrodynamic bearings with an output power of more than 3 MW with nominal rotation speeds from 3000 to 30,000 min The scope does not include aviation gas turbines due to their fundamental difference from industrial gas turbines both for the bearings used (in aircraft turbines, rolling bearings are used), and for the ratio of the stiffness and mass of the rotor and the support structure.

Three types of machines are considered depending on the design and operating modes:

a) machines with one shaft with constant speed rotation;

b) machines with one shaft with variable rotation speed;

c) multistage machines with a conduit consisting of several articulated shafts.

ISO 7919-4 provides guidance on the application of vibration condition criteria

based on the results of measurements of the vibration of the shaft near the supports of industrial gas turbine units in normal operation. The classification of zones of vibration state is the same. as in ISO 7919-1. An assessment of the vibration state in transient modes associated with changes in load or rotation speed is also considered. If the installation includes an electric generator. then for installations with a power of more than 50 MW, the criteria according to ISO 7919-2 are applied to assess the vibration state of the generator. and for installations with a capacity of up to 50 MW inclusive - according to ISO 7919-3.

6.5 ISO 7919-5 specifies specific requirements for the assessment of vibration conditions from vibration measurements of the shaft of hydraulic units. The standard applies to all types of hydraulic machines with hydrodynamic bearings with a rated speed of rotation from 60 to 3600 min! and with a rated power of 1 MW or more. 8 These machines include turbines, pumps, turbo pumps, generators, motors and motor-generators, including gearboxes and ancillary equipment. The shaft of such machines can be located horizontally, vertically or at an arbitrary angle.

The standard establishes guidelines for the application of vibration assessment criteria based on the results of shaft vibration measurements near the bearing arrangements of hydraulic units operating in normal steady-state conditions. The criteria are given in the form of numerical values ​​of the rotor displacement relative to the bearing support, depending on the shaft rotation speed.

7 Other standards in the field of machine condition monitoring

7.1 ISO 3046-5 specifies general requirements for the torsional vibration of an electrical conduit driven by an internal combustion engine. The standard applies to stationary ground installations, engines in rail transport and ships. The scope of the standard does not include engines for road vehicles, utility vehicles, agricultural vehicles, tractors and aircraft.

The standard establishes methods for the analysis of free and forced fluctuations, which make it possible to determine, including:

a) natural frequencies, eigenvectors and critical rotational speeds;

b) torsional stresses in the water supply;

c) vibration of flexible shafts;

d) vibration at specified points of the pipeline;

e) heat dissipation in the joints of the electrical conduit and other sources of vibration damping.

If necessary, the measurement results can be used to calculate the vibration of gears.

7.2 ISO 8579-2 specifies methods for the determination of vibration from stand-alone gear assemblies, including overdrive and step-down gears. Methods include vibration measurements on the housing and shafts, requirements for the means and methods for measuring vibration parameters. A vibration classification has been established for the purposes of product acceptance.

The standard applies only to acceptance tests of gear mechanisms in the ranges of specified rotational speeds, loads, temperatures and under specified lubrication conditions. Vibration assessment at the site of machine use may require other assessment methods. The standard does not apply to special or integral gears such as compressors, pumps, turbines and power take-offs.

7.3 ISO 13373-1 provides general guidance on the measurement and data collection needed to assess vibration of machines for condition monitoring and diagnostics. It applies to rotary machines of all kinds. The standard describes different types of converters, their ranges of application, analysis procedures in narrow frequency bands, as well as methods for analyzing components at discrete frequencies. 8 it examines the resonant characteristics of the transducers and how they are attached.

The standard describes procedures for the continuous and periodic collection of data in order to build trends in monitored vibration parameters. Recommendations for installing converters are given depending on the type of machines (turbines, generators, motors, pumps, etc.). The standard contains a list of the most typical malfunctions for machines of different types, indicating their causes.

7.4 ISO 13373-2 specifies guidelines for the processing of vibration data in the time and frequency domains, methods for analyzing vibration diagnostic indications, methods for displaying data and applying analysis results to monitoring the condition of machines, etc. further, in order to diagnose them. Methods of analysis and filtering of both analog and digital signals are considered.

The standard lists and describes typical diagnostic symptoms, as well as their relationship with various types of malfunctions. Obtaining these features (which include time signal parameters, beat and modulation, Nyquist and Bode diagrams, cascade spectra, as well as parameters averaged over the time and frequency domains) is possible using conventional analysis tools used to monitor the condition of machines.

7.5 ISO 13373-3 establishes a general scheme for the selection and application of vibration diagnostics methods for a wide class of machines and assemblies, indicating the characteristic signs of malfunctions.

A systematic approach to diagnosis begins with a series of questions to formulate information base for machine performance. This is followed by the drawing up of diagrams depicting step-by-step logically related diagnostic procedures for machines and assemblies of different types.

7.6 ISO 14694 specifies requirements for vibration parameters and balancing accuracy classes for fans of all types with power less than 300 kW (with electric motors with rated power up to 355 kW), with the exception of fans designed exclusively for moving air masses (for example, ceiling and table fans). For larger fans, ISO 10816-3 applies.

The standard provides for the measurement of vibration through the parameters of displacement, speed and acceleration in absolute and relative units... However, the preferred control parameters are the range of motion and the rms value of the speed.

During factory tests, the fan is usually tested without being connected to the duct, i.e. in conditions where the aerodynamic load is different from that occurring in the application. The weight and stiffness of the fan support may also differ. Therefore, after installing the fan under the conditions of its use, it may turn out that the generated vibration will be different both in terms of total power and in frequency composition. The extent to which the vibration generated by a fan can change after installation in an application is not addressed in ISO 14694.

7.7 ISO 14695 specifies a method for measuring the vibration characteristics of fans of the same types covered by ISO 14694. For vibration measurements of larger fans, ISO 10816-1 is used. and the criteria for assessing the condition are taken according to ISO 10816-3.

The method specified in ISO 14695 includes the measurement of rms values ​​of displacement, velocity or vibration, and the presentation of the measurement results as spectra in the appropriate frequency range. Measurements are carried out when the fan is hung on elastic suspensions or when installed on elastic supports. From the point of view of the analysis of the propagation of vibration into the support structure, it is important to know the forces acting at the points of contact of the fan with the support, however, the corresponding measurements are not considered in the standard.

8 Calculation method for selecting a standard for a machine of this type

8.1 General

This section discusses the calculation method used when choosing a vibration measurement method, which is based on the dynamics of a given type of machine, characterized by the dynamic stiffness coefficient a. This factor is the ratio of the dynamic stiffness of the bearing arrangement to the dynamic stiffness of the bearing. Additional information is given in Appendices A and B. An example of calculation is given in Appendix C. The algorithm for choosing a measurement method based on the coefficient a is shown in Figure 1.

EXAMPLE From figure 1 it follows that if * ■ 2, then either the relative (A) or absolute (B) vibration of the shaft is to be measured, while the vibration of the bearing arrangement (C) is measured only in exceptional cases.

The calculation method for choosing the appropriate standard is applicable, in particular, if it is necessary to make a choice between the standards of the ISO 7919 series and the ISO 10816 series. Guidance on the application of the calculation method is shown in Figure 2. Since persons involved in the maintenance of machines in the conditions of their use, the stiffness values ​​may not be known , the block diagram shown in Figure 2 is primarily intended for those involved in the design and manufacture of machines.

NOTE There are situations where shaft vibration measurements need to complement measurements on non-rotating parts (see ISO 13373-1).

8.2 Basic relationships for vibration of rotating shafts and bearings

8.2.1 Basic structural elements

The main structural elements considered in the rotor-bearing-support model when simulating vibration, and the simplified dynamic model, which include these elements, are shown in Figure 3.

NOTE The model shown in Figure 3 is described by formulas (A.3) and (A4) in Appendix A.

8.2.2 Calculation of the response based on the characteristics of structural elements

The response of the "rotor - bearing - support" system is determined by the following characteristics.

a) rotor flexibility;

b) dynamic stiffness of the bearing;

c) dynamic stiffness of the bearing arrangement.

i, "is the dynamic stiffness of the bearing; k": is the dynamic stiffness of the bearing support: a is the coefficient of dynamic stiffness; A - measurement range of relative vibration of the shaft: B - measurement range of absolute vibration of the shaft; С - measurement range of vibration of the bearing support

Note - Bold arrows indicate the ranges of typical values ​​for measurements of this type, and thin * arrows - ranges a, when this type of measurement is used only in exceptional cases.

Figure I - Determination of the vibration measurement method based on the dynamic stiffness coefficient a

Figure 2 - Flowchart for selecting a standard for vibration measurements

1 - imbalance; 2-rotor: 3- bearing: 4 - bearing support: C, - bearing damping:

C: - damping of the bearing: - bearing rigidity: kg - bearing rigidity:

c. - rotor rigidity: t, - support mass: m * - rotor mass

Figure 3 - Dynamic model of the "rotor - bearing - support" system

When evaluating system vibration, the following two main points must be considered: - the dynamic force transmitted to the bearing:

Relative displacement that allows you to calculate the gap between the rotor and the non-rotating part of the machine.

The dynamic force F acting on the bearing, which determines its operating conditions and service life, can be measured by two indirect methods.

The first method is by measuring the displacement x, the bearing support using the formula


where k 'is the dynamic stiffness of the bearing support.

Corresponding measurements are carried out in accordance with the standards of the ISO 10816 series. The second method is by measuring the relative displacement of the shaft x „using the shape *

where is the dynamic stiffness of the bearing.

The absolute displacement of the shaft x, is the sum of the displacement of the bearing support x, - and the relative displacement of the shaft x *:

X '+ X "= T;

General dynamic stiffness.

NOTE General dynamic stiffness is discussed in more detail in annex D.

The displacements determined by formulas (2) and (3) may contain an error due to the displacement of the shaft in the measurement plane. The latter includes the displacement of the shaft relative to the bearing center, associated with the bending of the shaft, as well as the displacement of the bearing center plane relative to the measurement plane. In the case of sufficiently rigid rotors, this error can be neglected. However, if the rotor exhibits flexible properties during its rotation, then in formulas (2) and (3) it is necessary to add the term x, which describes the effect of shaft deformation (see table 1).

Table 1 - Vibrations in the bearing system

Bearing dynamics

A.1 Symbols

Below are the designations of the quantities used in the analytical description of the dynamics of the bearing. A, y are the relative movements of the shaft journal in the bearing:

T, y - relative speeds of the shaft journal in the bearing:

V. y - the relative acceleration of the journal of the shaft 8 bearing:

F t - sipe acting on the bearing in the t direction:

F - sip, acting on the sub-joint in the y direction:

t and, ni n, t are the reduced masses of the oil film in the bearing:

c i, are the damping coefficients of the oil film in the bearing:

k tt. to n, to 1G. к Х1 - coefficients of rigidity of the oil film in the bearing:

к '- к + braid - complex dynamic stiffness of the bearing and support.

In general, the dynamic behavior of a bearing can be described by the formula

With the exception of oil-lubricated bearings (eg hydrodynamic bearings), the effect of the reduced mass of grease can be neglected. Ego allows you to simplify the model to a view

Except in the case of sliding bearings with a one-piece liner, the cross-matrix terms can also be neglected, which allows for an even further simplification of the model:

But even for plain bearings with one-piece bearing, formula (A.3) can be used to describe some effects, for example, to describe the response of a system to unbalance.

The dynamics of a bearing arrangement can be represented in a similar way. Its simplified analysis is carried out using the formula

A.2 Dynamic stiffness of the bearing

The dynamic stiffness of a bearing depends on its type. To assess the dynamic stiffness, one should know two characteristics, one of which depends on the rotor speed, and the second on the excitation frequency at a given rotor speed. Below is an analysis of the dynamic stiffness of different types of bearings.

a) Rolling bearing

This type of bearing is characterized by high load-dependent stiffness and low damping factor. Both of these characteristics are practically independent of the rotor speed and excitation frequency, which is shown by straight lines in Figures A.1 and A.2.

b) Segment bearing plain bearing

The speed and load affect the stiffness of a given bearing, and the dependence on the excitation frequency has the form of a smooth fuction. as shown in Figures A.1 and A.2.

Bearings of this type have stable characteristics and moderately good damping properties.

c) Plain bush bearing

This bearing has complex characteristics. Its dependence on load and speed is similar to those. what is observed for a bearing with a segment bearing. However, the dependence of the dynamic stiffness on the excitation frequency at a given rotational speed is less smooth than for other types of bearings. especially near the border of the stability zone. From Figure 2 it can be seen that the dynamic stiffness of such a bearing becomes very low if the excitation frequency is approximately half the rotor speed.

k, is the dynamic stiffness of the bearing (modulus); l - rotor speed: 1 - sleeve bearing with a segmented insert: 2 - rolling bearing Figure A. 1 - Change in dynamic stiffness of the bearing depending on the speed

k "- dynamic stiffness of the bearing (modulus): /„ - excitation frequency: / „< - частота вращения роторе: 1 - подшипник скольжения с сегментным вкладышем: 2- подшипник качения:

3 - plain bearing with one-piece coolant in stable operation;

4 - plain bearing with one-piece coolant in an unstable operating mode

Figure A.2 - Change in dynamic stiffness of the bearing depending on the excitation frequency

To summarize, we can say that rolling bearings have high rigidity and very low damping, independent of rotor speed. Segment bearing plain bearings have average stiffness and damping characteristics. Sleeve bearings with one-piece insert also have average characteristics of stiffness and damping at rotational speed, but varying in a complex law depending on the excitation frequency.

According to the mode of decreasing values ​​of the corresponding characteristic *, bearings of different types can be ordered as follows:

Rigidity: maximum for rolling bearings, less for plain bearings with a segment bearing and minimum for plain bearings with a solid bearing:

Damping: maximum for plain bearings with a linear bearing, less for plain bearings with segment bearing and minimum for rolling bearings:

Complex rigidity at half the rotor speed: maximum for rolling bearings, less for bearings with a segmented insert and minimum (almost equal to zero at the boundary of the stability zone) for plain bearings with a solid bearing.

The dynamic stiffness of the floor bearing structure can be different, as schematically shown in Figure B.1.

k ". is the dynamic stiffness of the bearing support (modulus) on a logarithmic scale:

/ -frequency (w = 2π /); 1 - frequency-dependent characteristic

Figure B.1 - Uniform stiffness of the bearing arrangement

When evaluating the dynamic stiffness of a bearing arrangement, the following should be taken into account:

a) in the simplest case, the structure under the bearing can be represented as a spring with low damping:

b) most bearing arrangements require full description in the form of a spring-mass-damping system:

c) For systems with frequency-dependent characteristics, the complex stiffness of the support has a complex dependence on frequency, including multiple resonances.

Significant bearing vibration can be observed at the resonance of the bearing arrangement. However, in this case, the relative vibrations of the shaft will remain relatively small.

Table C.1 shows some typical values ​​of the stiffness of bearings and bearing arrangements, as well as their ratio a for some machines.

Table C.1 - Examples of dynamic stiffness of bearing and bearing arrangement

Machine type

Support rigidity. N / MM

Bearing rigidity. N / mm

Ratio of stiffness a

Steam turbine high pressure

Steam turbine low pressure

Generator with a capacity of 100 MW

Gas turbine generator

Largest gas turbine

Table C.2 gives some typical values ​​of a for certain types of machines, indicating the suitability of the relevant standards for assessing vibration conditions.

Table C.2 - Examples of the selection of a standard for the assessment of vibration condition

Ratio of stiffness a

ISO 10016 selection (support)

ISO 7019 selection (shaft)

High pressure steam turbine

Low pressure steam turbine

average / good

Large generator

average / good

High pressure centrifugal compressor

Large fan

Small fan and pump

Vertical pump

Large gas turbine

Figure C.1 shows typical examples of bearing stiffness and bearing support for different types of machines, indicating the ranges for the selection of the measurement method.

A, "- dynamic stiffness of the bearing; - dynamic stiffness of the bearing support: a - coefficient

dynamic stiffness: A - range of relative vibration of the shaft: B - range of absolute vibration of the shaft; C - vibration range of the bearing support: a - high pressure turbine: b - large generator: c - low pressure turbine; d - high pressure centrifugal compressor; e - medium pressure centrifugal compressor; f-large fan; g - small fan and pump; h - vertical pump

Note - Bold arrows indicate the ranges of tigm values ​​"for measurements of this type, and thin arrows indicate the ranges of a, when given view measurements are used only in exceptional cases.

Figure C.1 - Typical ranges of dynamic stiffness for different types of machines

,. h g /> 2

The total dynamic stiffness for the model shown in Figure D.1 is k 1N = k 1N + /<ис м, может быть определена по формулам:

(A, + k ",) (k, k ': -s | d * s, d;) + (A" | s, yn-A "(s |<»)(с 1 лн-с; <у)

(L, + L 2) + (s, a> + s,<о)

(k, + k "2) (k l c i (t) + k,: .c l )"

where A "j = k> - m P (o r.

NOTE The designations for the quantities are the same. as in Figure 3.

The dynamic stiffnesses together with the vibration ratio r vih are localized in Figure D.2 as a function of the dynamic stiffness coefficient a.

Figure O.1 - Model of total dynamic stiffness

General dynamic stiffness: r vi (l - vibration ratio (relative and absolute vibration of the shaft):

a - coefficient of dynamic stiffness: A - range of relative vibration of the shaft: B - range of absolute vibration of the shaft; C - vibration range of the bearing support: 1 - flexible support: 2 - rigid support - relative vibration of the shaft: b - absolute vibration of the shaft: c - vibration of the support

Note - Bold arrows indicate ranges of typical a for measurements of a given type, and races arrows indicate ranges for a, when this type of measurement is used only in exceptional cases.

Figure 0.2 - Total dynamic stiffness and vibration ratio as a function of the dynamic stiffness coefficient "

Scope of the standard




Move yayyama





ISO 2954: 2012

Vibration of machines with rotary and reciprocating action. Requirements for measuring instruments for assessing the vibration state

ISO 3046-5: 2001

Internal combustion engines are piston. Characteristics. Suit 5. Torsional vibration

ISO 7919-1: 1996

Vibration of machines without reciprocating motion. Measurements on rotating shafts and criteria will be evaluated. Part 1. General guidance

ISO 7919-2: 2009

Vibration. Evaluation of the vibrational state of machines based on the results of measurements on rotating shafts. Part 2. Stationary steam turbines and generators with a capacity of over 50 MW with nominal rotation speeds of 1500.1600.300 and 3600min '

ISO 7919-3: 2009

Vibration. Assessment of the vibration state of machines based on the results of measurements on rotating shafts. Part 3. Industrial machine units

ISO 7919-4: 2009

Vibration. Evaluation of the vibration state of machines based on the results of measurements on rotating shafts. Part 4. Gas turbine installations with hydrodynamic bearing supports

ISO 7919-5: 2005

Vibration. Assessment of the vibration state of machines based on the results of measurements on rotating parts. Part 5. Installations of hydroelectric power plants and pumping stations





Name of the standard

Applicable scope of the standard

Vibration measurements

Car movement



ISO 8526-9: 1995

Alternating current generator sets driven by an internal combustion engine. Part 9. Vibration measurement and vibration assessment

ISO 10816-1: 1995

Vibration. Assessment of the vibration state of machines based on the results of vibration measurements on the moving parts. Part 1. General guidance

ISO 10816-2: 2009

Vibration. Assessment of the vibration state of machines based on the results of vibration measurements on its decisive parts. Part 2. Stationary steam turbines and generators with a capacity of over 50 MW with rated speeds of 1500, 1600, 300 and 3600 min 1

ISO 10816-3: 2009

Vibration. Assessment of the vibration state of machines based on the results of vibration measurements on the rotating parts. Part 3. Industrial machines with rated power over 15 kW with rated speeds of rotation from 120 to 15000 min "1 when measured on site

ISO 10816-4: 2009

Vibration. Assessment of the vibration state of machines based on the results of vibration measurements on the perverted parts. Part 4. Gas turbine plants with hydrodynamic bearing arrangements

GOST R 56646-2015



Name of the standard

Scope of the standard

Vibration measurements

Car movement


ISO 10816-5: 2000

Vibration. Assessment of the vibration state of machines based on the results of vibration measurements on the rotating parts. Part 5. Regulations of the hydroelectric power plant-1 "1st and pumping stations * iy

ISO 10816-6: 1995

Vibration. Assessment of the vibration state of machines based on the results of vibration measurements on its decisive parts. Part 6. Reciprocating machines with rated power over 100 kW

ISO 10816-7: 2009

Vibration. Assessment of the vibration state of machines based on the results of vibration measurements on its decisive parts. Part 7. Industrial dynamic pumps, including measurements on rotating shafts

ISO 10816-8: 2014

Vibration. Assessment of the vibration state of machines based on the results of vibration measurements on its decisive parts. Part 8. Reciprocating compressor units

ISO 10817-1: 1998

Vibration measurement systems for rotating shafts. Part 1. Devices for picking up signals of relative and aboard vibration

ISO 13373-1: 2002

Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Vibration control of composure. Part 1. General methods

ISO 13373-2: 2005

Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Vibration condition monitoring. Part 2. Processing, analysis and presentation of vibration measurement results

GOST R 56646-2015

GOST R 56646-2015

Continuation of Table E. f



Name of the standard

Scope of the standard

Vibration measurements

Car movement



ISO 13373-3: 2015

Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Vibration condition monitoring. Part 3. Guide to vibration diagnosed

ISO 14694 2003

Industrial fans. Requirements for the vibration produced and the quality of balancing

ISO 14695 2003

Industrial fans. Measurement Methods of Chosen Fans

ISO 14639-1: 2002

Vibration. Vibration of rotary-action machines with active magnetic bearings. Part 1. Dictionary

ISO 14639-2: 2004

Vibration. Vibration of rotary machines with active magnetic bearings. Part 2. Evaluation of vibration ostotia

ISO 14839-3: 2006

Vibration. Vibration rotating machines with active magnetic bearings. Part 3. Determination of the stability margin

ISO 14639-4: 2012

Vibration. Vibration of rotary machines with active magnetic bearings. Part 4. Technical guidance

ISO 18436-2: 2014

Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Requirements for Validation and Personnel Assessment. Part 2. Vibration condition monitoring and diagnostics

ISO 20263-4: 2012

Vibration. Vibration measurements on ships. Part 4. Measurements and assessment of vibration of ship propulsion system



Name of the standard

Scope of the standard

Vibration measurements

Movement mzshiy


non-return-los that looped

ISO 22266-1: 2009

Vibration Torsional vibration of rotating machines. Part 1. Stationary steam turbine and generator sets with a capacity of over 50 MW

IEC 60034-14: 2003

Rotary electric machines. Part 14. Vibration of machines with a shaft height of 56 mm or more. Measurements, evaluation and boundaries of vibration state zones

GOST R 56646-2015

Information on the compliance of the reference international standards with the national standards of the Russian Federation and interstate standards acting in this capacity

Table YES.1


GOST ISO 7919-1-2002 “Vibration of machines without reciprocating motion. Measurements on rotating shafts and evaluations. Part 1. General guidance "

GOST R 55263-2012 (ISO 7919-2: 2009) “Vibration. Assessment of the vibration state of machines based on the results of measurements on rotating shafts. Part 2. Stationary steam turbines and generators with a capacity of over 50 MW with nominal speeds of 1500, 1800, 300 and 3600 min ""

GOST ISO 10816-1-97 “Vibration. Assessment of the vibration state of machines based on the results of vibration measurements on non-floating parts Part 1. General guidance "

GOST R 55265.2-2012 (ISO 10816-2 2009) “Vibration. Assessment of the vibration state of machines based on the results of measurements on non-rotating parts. Part 2. Stationary steam turbines and generators with a capacity of over 50 MW and rated rotation speeds of 1500, 1800, 300 and 3600 min. "

GOST R 55265.7-2012 (ISO 10816-7: 2009) “Vibration. Assessment of the vibration state of machines based on the results of measurements on non-rotating parts. Part 7. Dynamic industrial pumps "

GOST R ISO 3046-5-2004 “Reciprocating internal combustion engines. Specifications. Part 5. Torsional vibrations "

GOST ISO 8579-2-2002 “Vibration. Congrog of the vibration state of gear mechanisms goi poyemke "

GOST R ISO 13373-1-2009 “Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Vibration monitoring of the state of machines. Part 1. General methods "

GOST R ISO 13373-2-2009 “Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Vibration monitoring of the state of machines. Part 2 Processing, analysis and presentation of the results of measurements of the vibration "

GOST 31350-2007 (ISO 14694: 2003) “Vibration. Industrial fans. Requirements for the vibration produced and the quality of the bapansioeka "

GOST 31351-2007 (ISO 14695: 2003) “Vibration. Vengilya-tooy are industrialized. Viboaiii changes *

GOST R ISO 2041-2012 “Vibration, shock and technical condition monitoring. Theomines and definitions "

Designation of the referenced International Standard


Designation and name of the corresponding national, interstate standard

GOST R ISO 2954-2014 “Vibration. Monitoring the condition of machines based on the results of vibration measurements on non-rotating parts. Toebovakia to the edits of measurements "

GOST ISO 5348-2002 “Vibration and shock. Mechanical connection of accelerometers "

GOST ISO 10817-1-2002 “Vibration. Vibration measurement systems for rotating shafts. Part 1. Devices for picking up signals of relative and absolute vibration *

* There is no corresponding national standard. Prior to its approval, it is recommended to use the Russian translation of this International Standard. The translation of this international standard is in the Federal Information Fund for Technical Regulations and Standards.

NOTE In this table, the following conventions are used for the degree of conformity of standards:

IDT - Identical Standards;

MOD - modified standards.

IEC 81400-4 VDI 3836

VDI 3839 VDI 3840

Mechanical vibration - Balance quality requirements for rotors m a constant (rigid) state - Part 1: Specification and verification of balance tolerances

Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets - Pari 9: Measurement and evaluation of mechanical vibrations

Mechanical vibration - Methods and criteria for the mechanical balancing of flexible rotors Conditron monitoring and diagnostics of machines - Prognostics - Part 1: General guidelines Mechanical vibration - Vibration of rotating machinery equipped with active magnetic bearings - Part 1: Vocabulary

Mechanical vibration - Vibration of rotating machinery equipped with active magnetic bearings - Part 2: Evaluation of vibration

Mechanical vibration - Vibration of rotating machinery equipped with active magnetic bearings - Part 3 "Evaluation of slabtity margin

Mechanical vibration - Vibration ol rotating machinery equipped with active magnetic bearings - Part 4: Technical guidelines

Rolling bearings - Measuring methods lor vibration (att parts)

Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines - General guidelines Mechanical vibration - Balancing - Guidance on the use and application of balancing standards Mechanical vibration - Measurement of vibration on ships - Part 4: Measurement and evaluation of vibration of the ship propulsion machinery

Mechanical vibration - Rotor balancing - Part 13: Criteria and safeguards for the in-situ balancing of medium and large rotors

Mechanical vibration - Rotor balancing - Part 14: Procedures for assessing balance errors Mechanical vibrabon - Torsional vibration of rotating machinery - Part 1: Landbased steam and gas turbine generator sets in excess ol 50 MW

Rotating electrical machines - Part 14: Mechanical vibration of certain machines with shaft heights 56 mm and higher - Measurement, evaluation and limits of vibration severity Guide tor field measurement of vibrations and pulsations in hydraulic machines (turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbnes)

Wind turbines - Part 4: Design requirements for wind turbine gearboxes Measurement and evaluation ot mechanical vibration of screw-type compressors and Roots blowers - Addition to DIN ISO 10816-3

Measurement and evaluation of mechanical vibralion of reciprocating piston engines and piston compressors with power ratings above 100 kW - Addition to DIN IS010816-6 Instructions on measuring and interpreting the vibrations of machines (all parts)

Vibration analysis for machine sets

UDC 534.322.3.08:006.354 OKS 17.160

Key words: condition control, diagnostics, vibration condition, standards, choice of assessment method

Editor L.6. Bazyakhina Corrector L.V. Koretnikova Computer layout A.S. Samarina

Signed stamp 06.02.2016 Format 60x84 * 4.

Uel. print l. E.72. Circulation 34 copies. Eah. 206.

Prepared on the basis of the electronic version provided by the developer of the standard


> 23995 Moscow. Granatny lane .. 4.


GOST ISO 10816-1-97




Part 1




1 DEVELOPED by the Russian Federation

INTRODUCED by the Technical Secretariat of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Protocol No. 11 dated April 25, 1997)

State name

Name of the national standardization body

The Republic of Azerbaijan


Republic of Armenia


Republic of Belarus

Gosstandart of Belarus

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kyrgyz Republic


The Republic of Moldova


the Russian Federation

Gosstandart of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan



Main State Inspectorate of Turkmenistan

The Republic of Uzbekistan


State Standard of Ukraine

3 This standard contains the full authentic text of the international standard ISO 10816-1-95 “Vibration. Monitoring the vibration state of machines by measuring vibration on non-rotating parts. Part 1: General guidance "

4 By the Decree of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification No. 353 dated September 17, 1998, the interstate standard GOST ISO 10816-1-97 was put into effect as a state standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 1999.


6 REDISSION. July 2009


This International Standard is a basic normative document that provides general guidelines for the measurement and assessment of mechanical vibration in stator elements of machines, such as bearing pedestals. Requirements for vibration measurements and criteria for assessing the state of machines of specific types are set in standards for these machines, developed on the basis of this standard.

For many machines, the results of measurements of vibration of stator elements are sufficient for an adequate assessment of the conditions for the reliability of their operation, as well as the effect on the operation of neighboring units. However, for some machines, such as those with flexible rotors, vibration measurements on stationary parts may not be sufficient. In these cases, vibration measurements of rotating rotors are also carried out, i. E. reliable control should be based on the results of vibration measurements of both stator and rotor elements.

The results of vibration measurements can be used for operational control, acceptance tests, diagnostic and analytical studies. This standard is intended as a guide only for in-service vibration control and vibration measurements for acceptance testing of equipment.

The standard uses three main vibration parameters: vibration displacement, vibration velocity and vibration acceleration, and the procedure for establishing their limit values ​​is given. Compliance with the suggested guidelines should in most cases ensure satisfactory performance of the equipment.




Part 1. General requirements

Mechanical vibration. Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts.
Part 1. General guidelines

Date of introduction 1999-07-01


This International Standard specifies the general conditions and procedure for the determination and assessment of vibration conditions based on measurements carried out on the stator elements of machines. General assessment criteria based on the measurement of both the actual values ​​of vibration parameters and the values ​​of their changes, related to both in-service control and acceptance tests, should be established taking into account the need to ensure the following factors:

Safe continuous operation of the machine;

Absence of the influence of machine vibration on the operation of neighboring machines and mechanisms.

This standard applies to vibration generated by the machine itself and does not apply to vibration transmitted externally.

Angular vibration is outside the scope of this standard.



4.1 Measured characteristics

4.1.1 Frequency range

Vibration measurements should be made over a frequency range that covers the frequency spectrum of the machine. The width of the frequency range depends on the type of machine (for example, the frequency range required for evaluating the integrity of rolling bearings should include frequencies higher than for machines with sleeve bearings). Recommendations on the choice of the frequency range for specific types of machines should be given in the relevant standards, for example, for stationary steam turbine units - in GOST 25364.

Note - In past years, vibration monitoring was mainly associated with vibration measurement in a fixed frequency range of 10 ... 1000 Hz and an assessment of the root mean square value of vibration velocity in this range; requirements for appropriate measuring instruments are given in GOST ISO 2954. However, some types of machines may require measurements in a different frequency range and other vibration parameters.

4.1.2 Measured value

For the purposes of this standard, one of the following may be used as the measurand:

Vibration displacement, in micrometers (μm);

Vibration velocity, in millimeters per second (mm / s);

Vibration acceleration, in meters per second squared (m / s 2).

The order of use, cases of application and restrictions imposed on these values ​​are discussed in.

As a rule, for vibration measured over a wide frequency range, there are no simple relationships between vibration acceleration, vibration velocity and vibration displacement, as well as between peak and root mean square values ​​of vibration quantities. A brief analysis of the reasons for this is given in, which also gives some exact relationships between the above parameters for the case when the frequency components of vibration are known.

It should be clearly defined by which vibration parameter the vibration state is assessed: the range of vibration displacement, the mean square value of the vibration velocity, etc.

4.1.3 Vibration parameter values

The value of the vibration parameter for a specific position and direction of measurement is understood as the result of measurements carried out using equipment that meets the requirements.

As a rule, when controlling the broadband vibration of rotary-type machines, the rms value of the vibration velocity is used as the estimated parameter, since it is related to the vibration energy. In some cases, however, it is preferable to use other parameters: related to vibration displacement or vibration acceleration, or peak values ​​instead of rms values. In these cases, other criteria should be used, which are not always related by simple relationships with the criteria for the root-mean-square values ​​of the vibration velocity.

Typically, measurements are taken at various points in two or three mutually perpendicular directions, which makes it possible to obtain a set of vibration parameter values. The vibration level of a machine is understood as the maximum value of vibration measured at one specific point or group of points in selected directions, under certain conditions and steady state operation.

The vibration condition of many types of machines can be assessed by the vibration level for a single measuring point. However, for some machines this approach is unacceptable and vibration levels should be determined from independent measurements at a number of points.

4.2 Measuring points

Measurements should be carried out on bearings, bearing housings or other structural elements that are most responsive to dynamic forces and characterize the overall vibration condition of the machine. Typical examples of location of measurement points are shown in Figures 1a - 1e.

Drawingla- Measuring points on the bearing pedestal

Figure 16 - Measuring points on the bearing housing

Figure 1c - Measurement points on small electrical machines

Figure 1d - Measurement points on the engine

Figure 1e - Measurement points on a vertically installed machine

A complete assessment of the vibration state of large aggregates is given by the results of measurements at controlled points in three mutually perpendicular directions, as indicated in Figures 1a - 1e. As a rule, such completeness of measurements is required only for acceptance tests. In-service inspection usually takes one or two measurements in the radial direction [generally horizontal and / or vertical]. In addition, axial vibration measurements can additionally also be made, usually at the location of the thrust bearing.

The location of the measuring points for specific types of machines should be specified in the relevant standards for these types of machines.

4.3 Requirements for the condition of the machine during operational control

Operational control is carried out only when the machine is fully assembled on standard supports at the place of its operation.

4.4 Requirements for machine supports for acceptance tests

4.4.1 On-site

If acceptance tests are carried out on site, the rotors should be mounted on standard supports. In this case, it is important that all the main elements of the machine are assembled during the acceptance test; for prototype machines this requirement is mandatory, and for serial machines, if this is not possible, the evaluation criteria should be adjusted accordingly. The results of comparing the vibration state of machines of the same type installed on different foundations are comparable only if the dynamic characteristics of the foundations are similar.

4.4.2 On the test bench

It is necessary to create conditions under which the coincidence of the frequencies of the natural vibrations of the test setup with the rotational speed of the machine or with any of its powerful harmonics is excluded. It is generally assumed that this requirement is fulfilled if the horizontal and vertical vibration of the supporting elements of the foundation near the bearing supports does not exceed 50% of the vibration value of the corresponding bearing in the same direction. The test setup shall also not cause changes in the value of any of the fundamental natural frequencies of the machine in service. If support resonances cannot be eliminated, an acceptance test should be carried out on the fully assembled machine on site.

Acceptance tests of some classes of machines, such as small electrical machines, are carried out on a resilient base. In this case, the lowest natural frequencies of the machine-test support system, considered as a rigid body, should be less than 1/2 of the minimum excitation frequency. Adequate support conditions can be achieved by placing the machine on a resiliently supported foundation (base) or by free suspension on soft springs.

4.5 Operating conditions of the machine

Vibration assessment should be carried out after normal operating conditions have been reached. Additional measurements under different conditions should not be used to assess vibration conditions in accordance with.

The assessment of the influence of the vibration activity of the surrounding mechanisms on the vibration of a particular machine is carried out on the basis of the results of measurements on a stopped machine. If the measured vibration value exceeds ⅓ of the recommended limit value, measures should be taken to reduce this influence.


The design of instrumentation (hereinafter - hardware) should ensure its normal functioning under conditions of measurements (temperature environment, humidity, etc.). There should be a special pay attention mount the vibration transducer and make sure that the mount does not alter the vibration characteristics of the machine. Requirements for equipment designed to measure the root-mean-square value of vibration in the range of 10 ... 1000 Hz - according to GOST ISO 2954.

Currently, two types of instruments are most often used to control broadband vibration:

Devices containing a detector of the root-mean-square value and an indicator for reading the root-mean-square values ​​of the measured value;

Instruments containing either a rms detector or an averaging detector, but calibrated to read the peak-to-peak or amplitude of the oscillations; the calibration is based on the ratio between rms and peak values ​​for a pure sinusoidal signal.

If the vibration assessment is based on the measurement results of more than one quantity (displacement, speed, acceleration), the instruments used should provide measurement all these values.

The measuring system must provide for the possibility calibrations of all measuring path (preferably built-in calibration device) and have independent outputs for connecting additional analyzers, etc.


6.1 Types of criteria

Criteria of two types are considered, which apply to operational control and acceptance tests and are designed to assess the vibration levels of machines of various types. Criterion 1 is associated with the values ​​of the measured vibration parameters, and criterion 2 - with changes in these values ​​(regardless of the direction of changes).

6.2 Criterion 1

6.2.1 Vibration zones

Criterion 1 is related to the determination of the limits for the absolute value of the vibration parameter corresponding to the permissible dynamic loads on bearings and permissible vibration transmitted to the outside through the supports and the foundation. The maximum value obtained from the measurement at each bearing or support (i.e. the vibration level value - as defined in) is compared to the four zone boundaries established based on international research and operating experience. These zones are intended for a qualitative assessment of the vibration state of machines and making decisions on the necessary measures. A different (compared to the one below) the number of zones and their location can be used for machines of special types, which are considered in the relevant standards. The approximate values ​​of the boundaries of the zones are given in.

Zone A- As a rule, new machines that have just been put into operation fall into this zone.

Zone V- Machines entering this zone are usually considered suitable for further operation without time limits.

Zone WITH- Machines entering this area are usually considered unsuitable for long-term continuous operation. Typically these machines can operate for a limited period of time until a suitable repair opportunity arises.

Zone D- Vibration levels in this area are generally considered to be severe enough to cause damage to the machine.

The numerical values ​​of the boundaries of the zones mentioned are not intended to serve as technical conditions for acceptance tests, this is the subject of agreement between the manufacturer of the machine and the consumer. However, these boundaries can serve as a guide to avoid overly exaggerated and unrealistic requirements. In certain cases, for some types of machines, features may be set that will require changing the values ​​of the zone boundaries (up or down). The machine manufacturer should then generally explain the reason for these changes and, in particular, confirm that the machine should not be endangered by operating at higher vibration levels.

The vibration of a particular machine depends on its size, the dynamic characteristics of the vibrating parts, the installation method and the purpose. When choosing the zones of permissible vibration of the machine, it is also necessary to take into account the conditions affecting its vibration state. Regardless of the type of bearings, the root-mean-square value of the vibration velocity of stator elements (for example, bearing supports) of most types of machines, as a rule, adequately characterizes the operating conditions of the rotors, their effect on the supporting elements and adjacent mechanisms, as well as the state of the machines themselves in a wide range of operating speeds. However, for some machines, for example with very low operating speeds, the use of one parameter - the root-mean-square value of the vibration velocity - without taking into account the value of the operating speed, can legitimize unacceptable high vibration displacements, in particular, when oscillations with a revolving frequency dominate. On the other hand, applying the principle of constancy of vibration velocity to machines with high operating speeds or the presence of high-frequency spectral components of vibration excited by some parts of the machine, one can come to an unacceptably high level of vibration acceleration.

Taking into account the above, the acceptance criteria based on the use of the root-mean-square value of the vibration velocity should have the general form shown in Figure 2 (see also), which indicates the boundaries of the frequency range of measurements f u and f l and shown below the frequency; f x and higher frequency f y permissible value of vibration velocity is already a function of frequency f/ vibration. For the zone from f x before f y apply the criterion of constant vibration velocity - it is for this criterion that the values ​​of the boundaries are given. More precise definition of acceptance criteria and values f l, f u, f x and f y must be given in the standards for specific machine types.

The vibration of many machines contains a dominant frequency component, often at the shaft speed. For such machines, the admissible vibration values can be obtained from Figure 2 as values ​​for a given dominant frequency.

If, for a certain machine, a significant part of the vibration energy is concentrated outside the frequency range f x ...f y, the following solutions are possible:

a) In addition to measuring vibration velocity, measurements are carried out in a wide frequency band of vibration displacement (if the main part of the energy spectrum lies below f x) or vibration acceleration (if the main part of the energy spectrum lies above f y). The permissible values ​​of the parameters of vibration displacement or vibration acceleration are obtained from Figure 2, converting the values ​​of vibration velocity at the edges of the curves (i.e., in the ranges. f lf x, f yf u) to constant values ​​of vibration velocity and vibration acceleration, respectively. Vibration can be considered acceptable if it is such for all criteria (displacement, speed and acceleration).

b) With the help of a spectrum analyzer, all powerful frequency components are distinguished in the vibration spectrum and the values ​​of vibration displacement, vibration velocity and vibration acceleration are determined for them. After that, on the basis of the equation (), the equivalent value of the vibration velocity parameter is calculated; for frequency components below f x and higher f y, the weighting factors are taken in accordance with Figure 2. The final assessment is made on the basis of comparison with the values ​​of the boundaries in the range f x ...f y.

It should be borne in mind that, apart from the case of a single dominant component, direct comparison of the components of the frequency spectrum with the boundaries defined by the curves in Figure 2 will lead to erroneous conclusions.

c) A measuring device is used, the shape of the frequency response of which in the area where the vibration energy of the machine is concentrated coincides with the shape of the curves in Figure 2. The final assessment is also made on the basis of comparison with the values ​​of the boundaries in the range f x ...f y.

Additional guidance on defining zone boundaries is provided in. For some types of machines, it may be necessary to define the boundaries of zones other than those shown in Figure 2 (see, for example,).

6.3 Criterion 2

This criterion is based on the assessment of the change in the value of the vibration parameter in comparison with the preset reference value in the steady state operation of the machine. Significant changes (increase or decrease) in the value of the parameter of broadband vibration may require taking certain measures even in the case when the border of the zone WITH according to criterion 1 has not yet been achieved. Such changes can be sudden or build up gradually over time and indicate possible early damage to the machine or other malfunctions.

When using criterion 2, it is important that the measurements of the values ​​of vibration parameters to be subsequently compared should be carried out at the same position and orientation of the vibration transducer and approximately in the same operating mode of the machine. Obvious changes in the vibration parameter value, regardless of its overall value, must be identified to prevent a hazardous situation from occurring. The extent to which this change is significant should be defined in the relevant standards for specific machine types.

It should be borne in mind that some significant changes in the state of the machine can only be detected by monitoring individual spectral components (see).

6.4 Vibration limits

6.4.1 General Provisions

As a rule, for machines intended for long-term operation, limit vibration levels are set, exceeding which in a steady state of operation of the machine leads to the issuance of a WARNING or STOP signal:

WARNING — to draw attention to the fact that vibration or vibration changes have reached a certain level where remedial action may be required. As a rule, when a WARNING signal appears, the machine can be operated for a certain period of time while the causes of vibration changes are investigated and the set of necessary measures is determined.

STOP - to indicate the vibration level, exceeding which further operation may lead to damage. When the STOP level is reached, take immediate action to reduce vibration or stop the machine.

Due to the difference in dynamic loads and stiffness of the supports, different vibration limits can be set for different positions and directions of measurement. The definition of such levels for specific machine types should be given in the relevant standards.

6.4.2 Level setting WARNING

The level of WARNING can change significantly in the direction of increasing or decreasing from machine to machine. Typically, this value is set relative to some basic value obtained for each specific instance of the machine at a fixed position and direction of measurement based on accumulated operating experience.

It is recommended to set the WARNING level higher than the base value by a certain percentage, in percentage, of the value of the upper boundary of the zone V. If the baseline is low, the WARNING level may be below zone C.

In the event that no baseline has been defined, for example for new machines, the initial setting of the WARNING position should be done either based on experience with similar machines or by agreement. After some time, set a constant reference value and adjust the position WARNING accordingly.

If there has been a change to a permanent baseline (for example, due to a major overhaul of the machine), a corresponding change in position may be required. WARNING. Due to the difference in dynamic loads and stiffness coefficients of the supports, different levels of the machine can be set.

6.4.3 Setting the STOP level

The STOP level that is commonly associated with the need to maintain the mechanical integrity of a machine may depend on various design considerations used to enable the machine to withstand abnormal dynamic forces. Thus, this value will usually be the same for machines of similar design and will not be related to the base value, as was the case for the WARNING level.

Due to the variety of machines of different designs, it is not possible to give clear guidance for the exact setting of the STOP level. Usually the STOP position is set within the zones WITH or D.

6.5 Additional features

The control method considered in this basic standard is limited to assessing vibration over a wide frequency range without analyzing the frequency components or considering the vibration phase. In most cases, this is sufficient for acceptance testing and in-service inspection. However, when assessing the vibration state of certain types of machines, it is advisable to use the vector vibration representation.

The use of the vibration vector as a criterion is especially useful in detecting and identifying changes in the dynamic characteristics of a machine. Sometimes such changes cannot be detected under conditions of monitoring only the general level of broadband vibration. An example of such a situation is given in. However, it is outside the scope of this standard to establish a criterion based on the change in the vibration vector.

6.5.2 Vibration sensitivity

The vibration measured on a particular machine may vary depending on the mode of operation. In most cases, this effect of operating conditions is insignificant, but sometimes the sensitivity to the mode may be such that, while the vibration of a certain machine under certain operating conditions is recognized as acceptable, it may cease to be considered as such when these conditions change.

In cases where some aspects of vibration sensitivity are in doubt, agreement should be reached between the user and the manufacturer of the machine on the required scope of tests or on the methods of theoretical evaluation.

Special methods are used to assess the condition of roller bearing elements. This issue is considered in. The definition of evaluation criteria for these methods is outside the scope of this International Standard.


For many years and up to now, the vibration state of a wide class of machines has been successfully assessed by measuring the root-mean-square value of the vibration velocity. For vibration with a discrete composition of frequency components of known amplitude and phase and a small pedestal determined by random and shock processes, the main vibration parameters (for example, displacement, speed, acceleration, peak and root mean square values) are related by strictly defined mathematical relationships. The derivation of these dependencies is well known, and this appendix is ​​not intended to re-examine this aspect of the problem. However, a number of useful relationships are shown below.

Having determined by measurements the dependence of vibration velocity on time, its root-mean-square value can be calculated as follows:

where v r. m. s is the corresponding root-mean-square value;

v (t) - function of vibration velocity versus time;

T- the sampling period, which should be much greater than the period of any of the main frequency components contained in v (t).

Values ​​of vibration acceleration, velocity or displacement (respectively a j, v j, S j, j= 1, 2, …, n) is determined by analyzing the vibration spectra as a function of the angular frequency ( ω 1, ω 2, ..., ω n). If the mean square values ​​of the vibration velocity amplitudes are known v 1, v 2, ..., v n or rms values ​​of acceleration amplitudes a 1, a 2, … a n, the associated with them and characterizing the oscillatory process, the root-mean-square value of the vibration velocity is determined by the expression

Figure A.1 - Graph showing the relationship between acceleration, velocity and displacement for harmonic vibration

In the presence of only two significant vibration components that determine the beats of the mean square value of the vibration velocity between the maximum v max and minimal v min values, the root-mean-square value of vibration is approximately expressed as

where S f- the range of vibration displacement, microns;

v f is the root-mean-square value of the vibration velocity at the frequency f, mm / s;

ω f = 2π f- angular frequency.

The graph for recalculation is shown in Figure A.1.


This International Standard is the basic document for the development of guidelines for the measurement and assessment of machine vibration. Evaluation criteria for specific machine types should be specified in the respective separate standards. Table B.1 shows only temporary, approximate criteria that can be used in the absence of suitable regulatory documents. It can be used to determine the upper boundaries of the zones from A before WITH(see 5.3.1), expressed in rms values ​​of vibration velocity v r.m.s, mm / s, for machines of various classes:

Class 1 - Individual parts of motors and machines connected to the unit and operating in their normal mode (serial electric motors up to 15 kW are typical machines in this category).

Class 2 - Medium-sized machines (typical electric motors from 15 to 875 kW) without special foundations, rigidly mounted motors or machines (up to 300 kW) on special foundations.

Class 3 - Powerful prime movers and other powerful machines with rotating masses, mounted on solid foundations, relatively rigid in the direction of vibration measurement.

Class 4 - Powerful prime movers and other powerful machines with rotating masses installed on foundations that are relatively flexible in the direction of vibration measurement (eg turbine generators and gas turbines with an output of more than 10 MW).

Table B.1- Approximate boundaries of zones for machines of various classes

v r.m., m / s

Class 1

Class 2

Class 3

Class 4


















D f w)m,

where v r.m.s- permissible root-mean-square value of vibration velocity, mm / s;

v A is the root-mean-square value of the vibration velocity, which corresponds to the frequency range between f x and f y, mm / s;

G is a factor that defines the boundaries of zones (for example, a limit value for a zone A can be obtained by substitution G= 1.0; zone limit B: G = 2.56; zone limit WITH:G= 6.4). This factor may depend on the performance of the machine: speed, load, pressure, etc .;

f x,f y - the established boundaries of the frequency range, within which the criterion is determined on the basis of one value of the vibration velocity parameter (see), Hz;

where f- the frequency for which the root-mean-square value is determined, Hz;

k, t - given constants for machines of this type.


The criteria for evaluating the vibration state of the machine are based on the measured level of steady-state vibration and any changes in this level. However, in some cases, vibration changes can only be recorded by analyzing individual frequency components. Such a technique for components with frequencies that are not multiples of the circulating frequency is at an early stage of development, therefore, it is not considered in this standard.

D.1 General

The broadband steady-state vibration signal obtained as a result of measurements has a complex character and consists of a number of harmonics. Each of these components is determined by its frequency, amplitude and phase relative to some known origin. Standard vibration control devices measure the integral signal level and do not separate it into individual frequency components. However, modern diagnostic devices are able to analyze a complex signal by determining the amplitude and phase of each component, which makes it possible to determine the probable causes of the abnormal vibration state of the machine.

Changes in individual frequency components, which can be significant, are not always reflected to the same extent in the value of general vibration, and, therefore, a criterion based on a change in general vibration is of limited use.

D.2 The importance of assessing the change in the vector

Figure D.1, which is a graph in polar coordinates, is used to simultaneously represent the modulus and phase of one of the frequency components of a complex vibration signal in vector form. Vector A 1 corresponds to the initial steady-state vibration state of the machine, characterized by the root-mean-square value of the vibration velocity of 3 mm / s and the phase angle of 40 °. Vector A 2 corresponds to the steady-state vibration state after some changes in the state of the machine and is determined by the root-mean-square value of the vibration velocity of 2.5 mm / s at a phase angle of 180 °. Figure D.1 shows that although the root-mean-square value of the vibration velocity decreased by 0.5 mm / s, the true change in vibration is characterized by the vector (A 2 - A 1), the modulus of which is 5.2 mm / s, which is 10 times greater than the value obtained by comparing the absolute values ​​of vibration.

Figure D.1 - Comparison of the difference of two vector harmonics of vibration with the difference of their modules

D.3 Control over the change in the vibration vector

The above example clearly shows the possibilities of observing the change in the vibration vector. However, we must not forget that the total vibration signal consists of a number of frequency components, for each of which it is possible to register a change in the vector. In addition, an unacceptable change in the vector for one of the components may be quite acceptable for the other. In this regard, in relation to this standard, which is mainly devoted to operational vibration control, it is not possible to establish a criterion for changing the vector of individual frequency components.



A simple method for determining vibration over a wide frequency range by monitoring the vibration acceleration of rolling bearing housings, as described in the main body of this standard, often provides sufficient information about the condition of these bearings. However, this simple method may not give good results in all cases. In particular, errors may occur when the resonant frequencies of the bearing fall within the measurement frequency range, or in the case of vibration from other sources, such as gearing.

As a result of these circumstances, it becomes necessary to use other measuring instruments and methods of analysis, which are developed specifically for rolling bearings. But none of the devices and methods is universal for all cases. Thus, it is impossible with the help of any method to diagnose all types of bearing defects, and if any method can successfully diagnose the main defects of a machine of a certain type, it may be completely unsuitable for a machine of another type. The resulting vibration characteristics depend on the type of bearing, the design of its supporting elements, measuring equipment and methods of processing the results. All these factors must be well studied, and only in this case can an objective method for assessing the condition of the bearings be developed. The choice of a suitable method requires special knowledge in terms of research methods, as well as the mechanisms to which they are applied.

Below is a brief description of some of the measuring instruments and analysis methods that have become prevalent. However, sufficient information is not available on the appropriate evaluation criteria suitable for use in the standards.

E.1 Analysis of initial data (measurement of general vibration)

There are a number of proposals on the use of simple measurements as an alternative to monitoring the root-mean-square value of vibration acceleration in order to diagnose the condition of rolling bearings, namely:

Measurement of peak acceleration;

Measurement of the ratio of the peak acceleration value to its root mean square value (crest factor);

Determination of the product of the measured root mean square and peak acceleration values.

E.2 Frequency analysis

The individual frequency components of the vibrational spectrum can be determined by applying various filters or spectral analysis. If sufficient data is available for a particular bearing type, the frequency components that characterize certain bearing defects can be determined by calculating and then compared with the corresponding components of the resulting vibration spectrum. Thus, it is possible not only to obtain information about the presence of defects, but also to diagnose them.

For a more accurate acquisition of the spectrum components associated with bearings, in the presence of extraneous vibrational influences (background), the methods of coherent averaging, adaptive noise suppression and extraction of the useful signal spectrum are quite effective. A relatively new method is the spectral analysis of the envelope of a vibration signal that has passed through a band-pass high-frequency filter.

A convenient variant of the spectral analysis method is to analyze the side bands of the main characteristic frequencies of the bearings (sum and difference frequencies), and not the components themselves at these frequencies. Cepstrum analysis (defined as the power spectrum versus the log power spectrum) can be used to investigate the sidebands, typically used to detect gear defects.

E.3 Shock pulse analysis method

There are a number of industrial measuring instruments based on the fact that defects in rolling bearings cause short, very high frequency pulses, commonly called shock pulses.

Due to the high steepness of shock pulses, their spectrum contains components at very high frequencies. These devices detect these high-frequency components and convert them into a value that is related to the condition of the bearings.

Another method is the spectral analysis of the envelope of shock pulses.

E.4 Other methods

Several inspection methods are available to detect bearing defects without measuring vibration. These methods are, in particular: analysis of acoustic noise, analysis of wear products (ferrography) and thermography. However, none of these methods can claim to be universally successful, and in some cases they are unacceptable.

Keywords: machines, vibration, measurement, assessment, vibration condition

Technical requirements

Occupational safety standards system. Vibration.

Means for measurement and control of vibration in site.

Technical requirements

Date of introduction 1984-01-01

APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated January 28, 1983 No. 490

REPLACE GOST 12.4.012-75


1. This standard applies to measuring and control instruments, including devices of the ASIV group, designed to measure the parameters of harmonic and random vibration in accordance with GOST 12.1.012-78 with a ratio of peak to root mean squares less than 5 (hereinafter - measuring instruments) ...

The terms used in this standard and their definitions are in accordance with GOST 16819-71, GOST 24346-80, GOST 12.1.012-78, GOST 24314-80 and reference annex.

2. Measuring devices must comply with the general requirements of GOST 25865-83.

3. Measuring instruments of group 1 must ensure the measurement of:

mean square value of vibration velocity and (or) vibration acceleration in octave and (or) one-third octave frequency bands;

corrected value of vibration velocity and (or) vibration acceleration.

Measuring instruments of group 2 must ensure the measurement of:

doses of vibration velocity and (or) vibration acceleration;

equivalent corrected value of vibration velocity and (or) vibration acceleration.

4. Measuring instruments of group 1 must contain one-third-octave and octave filters with amplitude-frequency attenuation characteristics in accordance with GOST 17168-82 and correction filters.

5. Measuring instruments of group 2 must contain correction filters.

The nominal values ​​of the weighting coefficients of the corrective filters for determining the corrected value of vibration acceleration and (or) vibration velocity when measuring the general and local vibration, depending on the frequency, must correspond to those established in GOST 12.1.012-78.

6. The measuring instruments must provide for the possibility of connecting external filters and devices.

The parameters of the output signals for analog external devices must comply with those established in GOST 9895-78, digital - in GOST 26.014-81.

7. Measuring instruments of group 1 must have a LIN frequency response. In measuring instruments of group 2, it is allowed to use the LIN frequency response.

8. Measurement ranges of vibration acceleration (vibration velocity) must correspond to those given in table. one.

Table 1

Application area

Measured value

measurement range

Assessment of general vibrations

Vibration acceleration, ms -2

Vibration velocity, ms -1

Local vibration assessment

Vibration acceleration, ms -2

Vibration velocity, ms -1

9. In order to control the electrical part of the measuring device in the field, it should be possible to calibrate electrically, for example using an internal electrical test voltage.

The calibration device must produce a harmonic signal from one of the frequencies of the following series: 7.96; 15.92; 79.6 Hz. Calibration of measuring instruments of group 2 should be carried out under the influence of the calibration signal for 60 s.

10. It should be possible to power the measuring devices from internal and external sources and control the supply voltage.

Internal batteries must provide continuous operation of measuring instruments with one set of batteries:

not less than 6 hours - for devices of group 1;

not less than 8 hours "" "2.

When the supply voltage changes from plus 10 to minus 15% of the nominal value, the measuring instruments must comply with all the requirements of this standard.

11. The permissible basic error of measuring instruments under normal conditions corresponding to GOST 8.395-80 in the entire range of measured values ​​must correspond to the values ​​indicated in Table 2.

table 2

12. The limit of the permissible additional error caused by a change in the ambient temperature from the normal one within the operating temperature should not exceed 20% of the limit of the basic error.

13. The limit of permissible additional error caused by the influence of air humidity should not exceed at a relative humidity of 65 to 90% and temperatures up to 313 K (40 ° C) and a partial pressure of water vapor up to 4 kPa 0.5 of the basic error limit.

14. The reading of the measuring device after the heating time specified in the standards and technical conditions, but not more than 10 minutes, under unchanged external conditions, should not change within 1 hour by more than 20% of the basic error limit.

For measuring instruments of group 2, this requirement applies to two measurements of the same duration (but not more than 900 s), taken with an interval of 1 hour.

15. When exposed to external magnetic fields with a frequency of 50 Hz and a strength of 100 A · m -1 at the display unit and 400 A · m -1 at the transducer, the deviation of the instrument readings should not exceed 20% of the basic error limit.

16. The limit of the additional error of the measuring device caused by the shape of the measured signal curve in comparison with the harmonic measured signal with the same root-mean-square value should not exceed 0.5 of the basic error limit.

17. The limit of the additional error of the measuring device caused by the deviation of the supply voltage from the nominal value should not exceed 20% of the limit of the basic error.

18. The limit of additional error caused by acoustic impact with a sound pressure level up to 100 dB should not exceed 20% of the basic error limit.

19. Basic parameters of vibration transducers - in accordance with GOST 25865-83.

20. The mass of the vibration measuring transducer with the contact method of measurement should be no more than 50 g when measuring local vibration and no more than 100 g when measuring general vibration.

21. The relative coefficient of transverse transformation of the vibration transducer should not exceed 5%.

22. The method of fastening the vibration measuring transducer to a vibrating surface - in accordance with GOST 25865-83. In the case of using a threaded fastener, the thread on the housing of the vibration measuring transducer is in accordance with GOST 25865-83.

23. The vibration-measuring transducer must have an anti-vibration cable 1.5 m long.

If the vibration transducer is equipped with an additional cable of a different length, the correction factors for the electrical calibration method must be indicated in the accompanying document for the vibration transducer.

24. Special requirements, depending on the design of vibration measuring transducers, must be established in the standards and specifications for specific products.

25. The initial and final values ​​of the working part of the scale of vibration measuring devices should be:

for vibration velocity and vibration acceleration - from 1 to 10 and from 0.315 to 3.15;

for the logarithmic level of vibration velocity and vibration acceleration - from 1 to 20 dB;

for the vibration dose - from 1 to 10 n, where n is an integer.

26. Division of the range of indications of vibration measuring devices for vibration velocity and vibration acceleration - in accordance with GOST 25865-83.

27. Scales of vibration measuring devices should be calibrated in the following units:

m / s - for measuring vibration velocity;

m / s 2 - to measure vibration acceleration;

dB - to measure the logarithmic level of vibration velocity and vibration acceleration;

% - for the vibration dose.

28. The initial value of vibration velocity and vibration acceleration to determine their logarithmic levels:

(0 = 3x10 -4 m / s - for vibration acceleration;

(0 = 5x10 -8 m / s - for vibration velocity.

29. In measuring instruments of group 2, it should be possible to adjust the initial dose D 0 of the dosimeter. When the maximum permissible value of the vibration dose is reached, the measuring device should have a reading of 100%.

30. Measuring instruments of group 2 must provide an indication of overload, which is triggered when the signal exceeds the range of the instrument at any stage.

For instruments of group 2, the overload indication shall be memorized and retained until manual reset. Overload protection should operate no earlier than 1 s, but no later than 2 s after the appearance of a signal that exceeds the permissible value.

31. In the measuring instruments of group 1 there must be a switch for averaging time with the following values: 1; 2; 5; 10; 20 s.

32. The signal accumulation time for measuring instruments of group 2 should be from 1 to 480 minutes. With a discrete setting of the signal accumulation time, the time values ​​must correspond to geometric progressions with an exponent 2 and the first terms 1; 5 and 30 minutes.

33. The time constant of measuring instruments of group 1 in the case of smooth switching of the averaging time should not exceed:

When using an octave filter;

10 / f n "" one-third octave filter;

2 / f M -f m "" a narrow-band filter;

where f m and f M are the cutoff frequencies of the filter;

f n is the geometric mean frequency of the filter in accordance with GOST 17168-82.

34. Values ​​of climatic and mechanical influencing quantities for working conditions of use and limiting conditions of transportation - in groups 2 and 3 of GOST 22261-82.

35. Requirements for measuring instruments must comply with GOST 22261-82 in terms of:

the time of establishing the operating mode and the duration of continuous work;

requirements for dielectric strength and insulation resistance;

design requirements;

completeness requirements;

coatings and paints;

safety and operational requirements;

requirements for stability and strength under climatic and mechanical influences;

packaging, labeling and storage.

36. The mass of measuring devices in a portable version with a set of batteries should not exceed 6 kg.

37. Basic designations and inscriptions must comply with GOST 22261-82 with the following additions:

accuracy class designation - according to GOST 8.401-80;

on the body of the vibration transducer, its type and number according to the manufacturer's numbering system must be marked.

38. The following should be taken as an indicator of the reliability of measuring instruments:

MTBF - for repairable products;

MTBF - for non-repairable products.

39. Vibration measuring transducers are non-repairable products, the rest of the measuring instruments are repairable products.

The mean time to failure and mean time to failure at a confidence level of 0.8 should be at least 2500 hours.

40. The warranty period for measuring instruments is 18 months from the date of their commissioning.



Explanation of terms used in this standard

The correcting filter is a broadband device with a certain frequency dependence of the transfer properties.

Frequency response LIN is the frequency response of a device with a frequency-independent gain.

Correction filter weighting coefficient - coefficient of the correction filter transmission at a certain frequency.

ASIV - aggregate complex of vibration measuring instruments according to OST 25777-77.



(ISO 2631-2: 2003)



Vibration and shock

ISO 2631-2: 2003 Mechanical vibration and shock - Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration - Part 2: Vibration in buildings (1 Hz to 80 Hz) (MOD)

Official edition

GOST 31191.2-2004


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions "and GOST 1.2-97" Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. The order of development, adoption, application. updates and cancellations "

Information about the standard

1 PREPARED by the Open Joint Stock Company "Research Center for Control and Diagnostics of Technical Systems" on the basis of its own authentic translation of the standard specified in clause 4

2 INTRODUCED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 26 dated December 8, 2004)

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Country code according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national standardization body





State Standard of the Republic of Belarus


Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan




the Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Technical Regulation

and metrology





4 This standard is modified from the international standard ISO 2631-2: 2003 “Vibration and shock. Assessment of the impact of general vibration on humans. Part 2. Vibration in buildings (in the range from 1 to 80 Hz) "by introducing technical deviations, the explanation of which is given in the introduction to this standard.

Compliance Degree - Modified (MOD)

5 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of December 12, 2007 N 355-st, the interstate standard GOST 31191.2-2004 (ISO 2631-2: 2003) was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 2008.


Information on the entry into force (termination) of this standard is published in the index "National standards".

Information about changes to this standard is published in the index "National standards", and the text of these changes is published in the information indexes "National standards". In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding information will be published in the information index "National standards"

© Standartinform. 2008

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be reproduced in whole or in part. replicated and distributed as an official publication without the permission of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

GOST 31191.2-2004

1 Scope ............................................ 1

3 Terms and definitions .......................................... 2

4 Vibration measurement inside a building ................................... 2

5 Human response to vibration inside a building .............................. 3

Appendix A (normative) Analytical determination of frequency equalization function ... 4 Appendix B (recommended) Guidance on data collection for assessing human response to vibration in buildings ... ................. 6

Bibliography................................................. eight

GOST 31191.2-2004


Vibration affecting people inside buildings can be perceived in different ways. but. as a rule. accompanied by a feeling of discomfort, which can be defined as a deterioration in the quality of life.

To assess vibration inside buildings from the point of view of the comfort of living and the likelihood of complaints from their inhabitants, it is convenient to use integral weighted characteristics. The obtained value of the vibration parameter makes it possible to characterize a specific room inside a building from the point of view of its suitability for living.

The purpose of this standard is also to establish a uniform procedure for collecting data related to the response of a person to vibration within buildings.

Compared to the applied international standard ISO 2631-2: 2003, this standard excludes comparisons with the previous edition of this International Standard, which was not previously introduced as an interstate standard, and clause 3 is supplemented with a definition of the type of vibration in order to facilitate its classification when collecting the necessary information (see . 4.5.2, Appendix B).

GOST 31191.2-2004 (ISO 2631-2: 2003)


Vibration and shock


Part 2 Vibration inside buildings

Vibration and shock. Measurement and evaluation of human exposure to who »e-body vibration.

Part 2. Vibration in buildings

Date of introduction - 2008-07-01

1 area of ​​use

This International Standard specifies general requirements for the measurement and assessment of general vibration within buildings in terms of its effect on occupant comfort.

This standard extends the vibration measurement and assessment method according to G OST 31191.1 to cases. when the typical posture of the occupants of the building, in which they are exposed to vibration, is not defined. For this purpose, this standard specifies the frequency correction function W m (Annex A), which is used in the frequency range from 1 to 80 Hz.

The vibration is evaluated based on the measurement results. If measurement is not possible, various methods of calculating the expected vibration values ​​may be used.

This International Standard does not apply to the assessment of the effects of vibration on building structures (see, for example, for such an assessment).

This International Standard should not be used to assess the effects of vibration on human health and safety, and it does not establish acceptable vibration values, but the data collection guidance given in Annex B. can serve as a basis for the establishment of vibration tolerance values ​​by the competent authorities.

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST ISO 8041-2006 Vibration. Human exposure to vibration. Measuring instruments (ISO 8041: 2005, YuT)

GOST 17168-82 Octave and one-third octave electronic filters. General technical requirements and test methods (IEC 61260: 1995. NEQ)

GOST 24346-80 Vibration. Terms and definitions (ISO 2041: 1990. NEQ)

GOST 31191.1-2004 (ISO 2631-1: 1997) Vibration and shock. Measurement of general vibration and assessment of its impact on humans. Part 1. General requirements (ISO 2631-1: 1997, MOD)

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the referenced standards on the territory of the state according to the corresponding index of standards. compiled as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the relevant information signs published in the current year. If the referenced standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard, the replacing (modified) standard should be followed. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent not affecting this reference.

Official edition

GOST 31191.2-2004

3 Terms and definitions

In this standard, the terms according to GOST ISO 8041 are used. GOST 24346, G OST 31191.1. as well as the following terms with the corresponding definitions:

3.1 evaluation: Making a judgment based on the procedures for collecting, measuring, processing, classifying and reporting relevant data.

3.2 building: A stationary structure used for the residence or stay of people.

EXAMPLE Office, factory, hospital, school, kindergarten. nursery.

3.3 operating time of the vibration source: The period of time between the beginning and the end of the vibration source.

3.4 exposure timeperiod of time during which exposure to vibration occurs

3.5 type of vibration: An element of the classification of vibration by the nature of the distribution of its energy in time.

Note - The following types of vibration are distinguished

Continuity of action - continuous, intermittent, impulse.

By level - constant (at the observed interval of vibration, the maximum and minimum values ​​of the measured parameter differ by no more than two times) and non-constant.

4 Vibration measurement inside a building

4.1 General

General requirements for measurements - in accordance with GOST 31191.1.

Vibration is measured simultaneously in three mutually perpendicular directions. The coordinate system must be referenced to the building structure 1>. and the directions of its x-axes. y and z must coincide with the directions of the corresponding axes for a standing person, as defined in GOST 31191.1.

4.3 Measuring points

The assessment of the impact of vibration on a person is carried out taking into account that. where. how many people can be in the building and what they are doing. Each room selected inside the building is assessed in terms of its compliance with the established criterion. Indoor vibration is measured in those places where its value (taking into account frequency correction) is maximum, or at specially determined (based on the evaluation circuits) points.

4.4 Frequency correction

The measured parameter is the root-mean-square value of the corrected vibration acceleration (hereinafter - acceleration).

An accurate definition of the frequency correction function W m used for measurements in each direction (see 4.2). given in Appendix A. Table A.1 shows the values ​​of the transfer function for the acceleration signal at the geometric mean frequencies of one-third octave bands, taking into account the filtering of the signal in the frequency band from 1 to 80 Hz.

Note - If the posture of a person during exposure to vibration is accurately determined, use the frequency correction functions in accordance with GOST 31191.1.

"The coordinate axes are chosen so that they lie mainly in planes parallel to the planes of the main bearing elements.

GOST 31191.2-2004

4.5 Collecting information for vibration assessment

4.5.1 General

The vibration parameters are determined in accordance with GOST 31191.1. The vibration is evaluated based on the results of the corrected acceleration measurement in the direction where it is maximum.

In order to use the obtained measurement results for other assessment methods, it is necessary, if possible, to record the temporal realization of the initial (without correction) acceleration signal in the frequency range from 1 to 80 Hz.

4.5.2 Types of vibration and types of vibration sources

When assessing vibration, it is recommended to first classify it as one of the main types encountered in practice and causing complaints from building residents. It may turn out that different types of vibration may correspond to different permissible values ​​of vibration parameters.

For a uniform approach to vibration assessment, the following types of vibration sources have been identified:

a) a source of constant exposure (for example, a continuously operating industrial facility);

b) source of recurring exposure (eg passing vehicles);

c) source of limited time (intermittent) impact (eg construction works).

4.6 Measuring instruments

Requirements for measuring instruments - according to GOST ISO 8041.

5 Human response to vibration inside a building

Complaints about increased vibration in a building can begin to come from its inhabitants immediately after exceeding the sensitivity threshold. Sometimes these complaints are due to secondary effects such as noise emitted from vibrating surfaces (re-radiated noise) (see Appendix B). In general, a person's perception of vibration depends on how much he expected to feel vibration of this level, on economic and social factors, as well as on the presence or absence of other external influences. Assessment of vibration in buildings is not associated with the risk of short-term health problems or a decrease in labor productivity, since vibration of such a high level is rare (if it is nevertheless necessary to establish this criterion, GOST 31191.1 should be used).

Generally, for a limited time exposure (for example, associated with construction activities), higher vibration levels are considered acceptable than for constant or regularly repeated exposure. Discomfort caused by vibration can be reduced by taking appropriate measures (eg warning signals or job announcements). If the vibration is active for a long time, it can cause an addictive effect and a corresponding decrease in the number of complaints.

GOST 31191.2-2004

Appendix A (mandatory)

Analytical determination of the frequency correction function W m

The frequency correction function W m is determined through the transfer function of the filter H (p), specified by the frequencies of the transition 1. (1 - 1.2.3). In turn, the transfer function of the filter H (p) is the product of three transfer functions: the high-pass filter H h (p). a low-pass filter H / (p) and a transient weight filter H ((p). - defined by the following formulas (hereinafter everywhere u>, - 2nf (, p - / 2nf. where f is the frequency).

Bandpass transfer function (second order Butteraort filter): a) high-pass filter

Hn (p) = - g ---- (A - 1>

1 - v2n> i / pt (u> j Ip)

where f, = 10 "0 - 1" 0.7943 ... Hz;

B) low pass filter

H,< Р)= _ 1 --: < АЗ >

1 t ч2р / oi2 f (Р I «2)

where f 2 - 100 Hz.

Transient transfer function:

hell - 1-.< А - 5 >

where u = - * 5.684 ... Hz.

The transfer function H (p) is the product of the transfer functions of the high-pass filter H L (p), the low-pass filter H / (p) and the transient weight filter H ((p):

Н (Р) * H h (p) Н / р) - НДр). (A.7)

NOTE Typically, the frequency domain transfer function is represented as modulus and phase complex number, which is a function of the imaginary angular frequency p = / 2nf. Sometimes s is used instead of p. The variable p can also be interpreted as an argument to the Laplace transform.

Transfer function module | H (p) | is shown schematically in Figure A.1.

The values ​​of the frequency correction function W m in one-third octave frequency bands (determined for the geometric mean frequencies and taking into account the filtering of the signal in the frequency band from 1 to 80 Hz) are shown in Table A.1.

Table A.1 - Values ​​of the frequency correction function No. p for the acceleration signal

Frequency. Hz

Nominal sign

True meaning

In absolute units

In relative units (dB)

and> x is the number of the one-third octave frequency band according to G OST 17168.

GOST 31191.2-2004

GOST 31191.2-2004

Data Collection Guidelines for Assessing Human Response to Vibration Inside Buildings

8.1 Introduction

Usually, a person reacts negatively to vibration inside a building. This manual is intended to collect data taking into account all parameters that can influence a person's response and cause complaints.

The human response to vibration inside buildings is a complex phenomenon. Often the degree of displeasure expressed by him cannot be explained only by the level of the influencing vibration. Vibration of a certain frequency composition can cause complaints even in cases where the sensitivity threshold set for vibration in the entire frequency range has not yet been reached.

Analysis of complaints shows that additional parameters should be taken into account to explain them, such as the operating time of the vibration source or the level of re-emitted noise. Measurement of additional parameters will allow more accurate classification of vibration complaints in buildings.

Vibration sources inside and outside the building can cause:

General vibration affecting the human body;

Propagation of vibrations along the structure and their radiation in the form of noise, rattling of glass, movement of furniture and other objects;

Visually perceptible effects, such as vibrations of suspended objects.

In order to properly assess the incoming zapobs. all consequences of vibration sources must be taken into account.

B.2 Parameters to be taken into account

B.2.1 General

This section identifies factors that need to be taken into account and. if possible, record vibration during measurements.

B.2.2 Vibration source related parameters

The measurement report indicates the daily start and end of the vibration source.

The duration of exposure to vibration during the day or the frequency of occurrence of vibration during the week, as well as the nature of this vibration, for example, whether it is associated with a source, is indicated.

Constant exposure (active day, night or around the clock);

Regularly repeated exposure (indicate the duration and number of exposures during the day and

Rare exposures (indicate the duration of exposures and their number during the day, week or month).

B.2.3 Parameters related to measured vibration

B.2.3.1 Measurement of vibration

The location and method of measurements, as well as the frequency correction function used, must comply with the requirements of this standard.

B.2.3.2 Nature of vibration

The subjective reaction of a person depends on the nature (type) of vibration, which can be:

Continuous with a constant or time-varying level;

Intermittent (and with the resumption of vibration, its level may remain constant or change);

Impulse (shock type).

B.2.3.3 Duration of exposure

To assess vibration, it is important to know the duration of its exposure to humans. The time the person has been in the building should be recorded, and real time and the duration of exposure to vibration.

B.2.4 Associated events

B.2.4.1 Propagation of vibrations through the structure

Vibration inside buildings is accompanied by vibration propagation along its structure, followed by emission in the form of noise. Structural vibrations should be measured at the points in the room where their effect is most significant. Often noise. generated by vibration is masked by external noise from other sources, making it difficult to recognize. In this case, it is necessary to identify all sources of noise and assess the impact of each source.

GOST 31191.2-2004

B.2.4.2 Acoustic noise

For noise measurements, see (2).

It should be recorded whether measurements were taken with closed or open windows.

Vibration complaints can be caused by low frequency acoustic noise. Typical sources of such noise are road viaducts and railway bridges, as well as building air conditioning systems. Should pay Special attention for correct identification various sources noise and distinguish between low frequency noise and vibration.

B.2.4.3 Rattling

The rattling of window panes or interior elements can be caused by both vibration and air vibrations. Since the rattling effect can be caused by vibration, it is necessary to make a note of its presence.

B.2.4.4 Visual effects

Low-frequency vibration (up to 5 Hz) can be detected visually, for example, by swinging various kinds of suspensions. Such effects should also be noted.

B.3 Recorded information

In addition to the results of vibration measurements, information related to related phenomena should also be recorded:

Measured noise level:

Observable visual effects.

Complaints received, for example, during interviews with residents or conversations with them.

GOST 31191.2-2004


Vibration and shock. Vibration of buildings. Guidance for measuring vibration and assessing its impact on a building

(1) ISO 4866: 1990 (ISO 4866: 1990)


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