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Entering safe mode on boot. Additional options for starting windows XP

Every Windows operating system has its own safe mode. You need it for debugging and fixing errors, as well as for removing viruses, or if yours and you want Windows.

Safe mode is useful if the system does not boot and you need to restore it. How to enter safe mode? Very simple, in this article we will describe how you can enter safe mode the three most popular operating systems: Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 8. This publication will also be useful to those who do not start safe mode. Let's start with old Windows XP.

How to Enter Safe Mode in Windows XP

Booting into XP Safe Mode is very easy. To do this, when booting a computer or laptop, you need to periodically press the key F8. After that, a screen with a menu will appear where you need to select the entrance to safe mode.

After the system boots up, the following message will appear:

Click "YES" and we find ourselves in the Windows XP operating system itself. We will assume that we have dealt with this OS. Now let's figure out how to boot into safe mode in Windows 7.

How to Start Windows 7 Safe Mode

You can start safe mode in Windows 7 in the same way as XP. Start or restart your computer, click F8 and see the following selection window:

Select the item "Safe Mode" and wait for the system to boot. A window will appear again, which will inform you that Windows 7 is running in safe mode. Click "Yes" to continue working. That's it, you managed to start your computer in safe mode. It is worth noting that in Windows Vista, starting the computer in safe mode is done in a similar way, so we will skip the description of entering the safe mode in Vista, and move on to Windows 8.

Windows 8 Safe Mode Boot

The first way to enter Windows 8 Safe Mode is useful for those who already have serious problems with the system. Let's figure out how to enter Windows 8 Safe Mode if the operating system does not boot. This is done in almost the same way as in the previous cases, but in order to enter the Windows 8 Safe Mode, you need to press the keyboard key F8 while pressing the key Shift. After a short boot, an advanced system recovery menu will appear. To boot in safe mode, you must enable it.

We are interested in "Advanced options" ("Additional parameters"), in which there are several options. Select "Windows Startup Settings" ("Windows Startup Settings") and go there.

Presses the "Restart" button, after which the reboot will begin in safe mode and the already familiar selection menu will appear.

The described method does not work on all versions of Windows 8, so there is another, simpler method on how to enter Windows 8 safe mode. The only condition is that Windows 8 must be operational. In the "Run" line, type msconfig and get into the system configuration. We are interested in the "Download" tab. There you can check the "safe mode" box and select the boot options.

As you can see, starting Windows in safe mode is a simple procedure. Some readers will surely ask a question. How to get out of safe mode? Everything is very simple - you can disable safe mode by simply restarting the computer, through the "Start". We hope our article was useful and you figured out how to run safe mode on a computer or laptop running Windows.

PC users often face a problem when the operating system starts to hang mercilessly. If there are many utilities and drivers installed, it is quite difficult to find out what is causing the crashes. Fortunately, the developers have provided a solution to the problem: you will need to start Windows 7 Safe Mode.

Safe Mode Features

(safe mode) includes the loading of basic services and drivers, without which Windows will not start at all. All secondary services and programs will not be launched, which greatly increases the chance of a successful OS boot. Also, if you switch to safe mode, it becomes possible to more easily identify problems associated with the incorrect operation of Windows components and perform system diagnostics. Therefore, another name was assigned to it, it is also called the diagnostic mode.

Booting Windows 7 in safe mode or safe mode will allow you to determine at what level the problem occurred. If there are no failures after starting, then the reason must be sought in the downloaded files. Run programs one by one to find the "culprit".

Entering safe (diagnostic) mode in Windows 7 will help clean your computer from viruses. If the system is heavily infected, the antivirus may not be able to cope with the problem during a normal boot. In safe mode, you can also install an antivirus program if it has not been downloaded.

In especially critical situations, Windows does not boot in the usual way. Then you can rollback the system through safe mode. Select a restore point at which the system functioned without failure. The computer should return to normal operation.

Before starting work

Before entering Windows 7 Safe Mode, you need to check if USB is supported in the BIOS. If this function is disabled, you will not be able to use a USB keyboard and mouse, even if the devices work normally without any problems.

Now USB devices will work even before the OS starts.

Login during system startup

Restart your computer. When the BIOS logo appears on the screen, press and hold F8. Sometimes the key may not work. If everything is in order in the BIOS settings, try the combination Ctrl + F8 or Shift + F8.

You need to be in time before the Windows logo appears, otherwise you will have to start the procedure again. If you do everything right, a beep will sound and " Additional boot menu”, it will take some time to open.

Using the navigation keys, we can choose the appropriate option:

  • safe mode- graphical interface with basic programs;
  • - seven will launch the drivers required to access the Internet;
  • with command line support- instead of the usual graphical interface, the command line mode will turn on. This download is suitable for IT professionals. Regular users are not recommended to download windows in this way.

We choose the first or second option, based on the need to access the Internet. But be careful: protection tools usually do not work in safe mode and you cannot always turn them on manually. So it's better to opt for the first download method.

A window for uploading files will appear. This will take a few seconds.

So now our computer is in safe mode. The screen resolution has become low, and the splash screen has changed to a black background. Help immediately opens, where you can learn about the inclusion and features of working in diagnostic mode.

However, there are some downsides here. The BIOS logo disappears very quickly, and users simply do not have time to press F8 in time. In addition, on a laptop it is not difficult to immediately enter the additional boot menu. But on a stationary computer, it often does not open or opens once every ten attempts. The exception is starting after an emergency shutdown.

Therefore, the question arises: what to do in this case, how to enter Windows 7 safe mode. Fortunately, it can be turned on in another way.

Launch from the system

This is an alternative option on how to quickly enable safe mode in Windows 7. The advantage of this method is that it works almost always and you don’t need to “catch” the cherished F8.

The PC should now boot into Safe Mode.

We looked at how to start Safe Mode in Windows 7 without logging out. It is especially important here that the BIOS supports USB. In the first case, safe mode is selected before the system starts. Accordingly, if a USB keyboard is used, the F8 key simply will not work and the standard launch will begin. But when launched through the command line, the diagnostic mode opens from the Windows environment. If the keyboard and mouse have USB connectors, the user will encounter an unpleasant situation: safe mode is enabled, and the main input devices do not respond. You will have to exit through the emergency shutdown.

How to exit diagnostic mode

As a rule, to exit safe mode, it is enough to restart the system. This can be done in standard ways.

Through the menu Start
or through the key combination Alt + F4 .

Windows should return to native mode. But sometimes the reboot stubbornly does not want to start. Then the safe or diagnostic mode in Windows 7 can be turned off inside the system. In fact, we will exit it the same way we entered it.

After the reboot, the normal mode will turn on.

Of course, safe mode will not necessarily solve the problem. The computer may slow down due to heavy CPU usage. If you enable safe mode on Windows 7, the load will be significantly reduced, and the system will start to work well. But after a normal boot, crashes will appear again. Then you have to clean autoload. Nevertheless, it is an indispensable assistant in case of malfunctions or problems with starting the system.

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Hello guys. Alexander Melnichuk is in touch with you, and in this article, I want to tell you about the concept of safe mode in the Windows 7 operating system - what it is, how to run it, and for what purposes it is used. I didn't choose Windows 7 by chance, as it is by far the most popular operating system compared to other Microsoft platforms.
Safe mode- a special Windows startup mode in which the computer starts with a limited set of components and functions. This mode loads and uses only the most basic files and drivers needed for the system to function.

The main purpose of this mode is to identify the reasons why your computer does not want to boot in standard mode, or to eliminate the reasons that interfere with its normal functioning. These can be various viruses, incorrect system settings, incorrectly installed or inappropriate drivers (most often this is the main reason).

After booting into safe mode, the elimination method can find exactly the root cause due to which you had difficulty working. For example, uninstall a recently installed program / driver, after installing which problems started. You can also restore the system to the last working state.

So, we figured out the theory, now let's figure out how to enter Windows 7 Safe Mode.

Method number 1. Run with F8 key

Press the power on / start button of your computer and immediately on the keyboard continuously press (press-release, press-release again, etc.) key:

until such a window appears.

It is in it that you can choose the option to start your OS in safe mode. On , with a red arrow, I marked the launch option we needed. There are, of course, others, but you won't need them.
Use the arrows on your keyboard to select Safe Mode and press the Enter key. Everything, the system will start to boot in a slightly unusual state for you, but it should be so.
After a few seconds or minutes, the system will boot up.

Important! After the system is fully loaded, the screen resolution will be set to low, do not be alarmed, it should be so.

Method number 2. Starting with the msconfig command

Now let's look at how to enter Windows 7 Safe Mode using the graphical shell of the system. A good option for those users who did not succeed with the F8 key.

Click the Start button and in the search box type the following command:

then press the Enter key.

In the window that appears, on the General tab, select the startup option - Diagnostic startup.

Go to the Boot tab and in the Boot Options section, check the Safe Mode and Minimal lines.

Press the Apply and OK buttons alternately.

After that, another window will appear, in which you will be asked to restart the computer now or postpone this action until later.

In any case, the next time you start the computer or restart it, it will automatically start in safe mode (without pressing the F8 key).

After solving the problem, do not forget to run the msconfig command again, and in the General tab, set the mode to Normal startup, and in the Boot tab, uncheck the Safe mode line.
After that, you can restart your computer and work normally.

We have examined in detail the question: how to enter the safe mode of Windows 7 and I gave you a complete explanation of this mode. If you have any questions friends, be sure to ask them in

When working on a computer, in order to solve special problems, fix errors and problems starting in normal mode, sometimes you need to boot into "Safe Mode" (Safe Mode). In this case, the system will work with limited functionality without running drivers, as well as some other programs, elements and OS services. Let's see how to activate the specified mode of operation in Windows 7 in various ways.

Activate "Safe mode" in Windows 7 it is possible in various ways, both from the directly running operating system, and when it is loaded. Next, we consider all possible options for solving this problem.

Method 1: "System Configuration"

First of all, we will consider the option of switching to "Safe mode" using manipulations in an already running OS. This task can be performed through the window "System Configurations".

  1. Click "Start". click "Control Panel".
  2. Come in "System and safety".
  3. Open "Administration".
  4. Select from the list of utilities "System configuration".

    The necessary tool can be launched in another way. To activate the window "Run" apply Win+R and enter:

    click OK.

  5. Tool is activated "System configuration". Go to the tab.
  6. In a group "Download Options" add a note next to the position "Safe mode". Below, by switching the radio button, select one of the four launch types:
    • Another shell;
    • Net;
    • Restoring Active Directory;
    • Minimum (default).

    Each launch type has its own characteristics. In mode "Net" And "Restoring Active Directory" to the minimum set of functions that starts when the mode is turned on "Minimum", is added, respectively, the activation of network components and the Active Directory service. When choosing an option "Another Shell" the interface will start in the form "Command line". But to solve most problems, you need to choose an option "Minimum".

    Once you have selected the desired download type, click "Apply" And OK.

  7. Next, a dialog box opens that prompts you to restart your computer. For an immediate transition to Safe Mode close all open windows on the computer and click on the button. PC will start in "Safe Mode".

    But if you do not intend to log out yet, then press "Exit without reboot". In this case, you will continue working, and "Safe mode" activated the next time the PC is turned on.

Method 2: "Command line"

Go to Safe Mode you can also use "Command line".

  1. Click "Start". Make a click on "All programs".
  2. Open directory "Standard".
  3. Finding an element "Command line", right click on it. Select "Run as administrator".
  4. "Command line" will open. Enter:

    bcdedit /set (default) bootmenupolicy legacy

    Click Enter.

  5. Then you should restart your computer. Click "Start", and then click on the triangular icon, which is located to the right of the inscription "Shutdown". A list will open asking you to select .
  6. After restarting, the system will boot into Safe Mode. To switch the option to start in normal mode, you need to call again "Command line" and enter into it:

    bcdedit /set default bootmenupolicy

    Click Enter.

  7. The PC will now start up normally again.

The methods described above have one significant drawback. In most cases, the need to start the computer in Safe Mode is caused by the inability to log into the system in the usual way, and the above algorithms of actions can only be performed by first starting the PC in standard mode.

Method 3: Launch "Safe Mode" when PC boots

Compared to the previous ones, this method has no drawbacks, as it allows you to boot the system into "Safe Mode" regardless of whether you can start the computer according to the usual algorithm or not.

As you can see, there are a number of options for entering "Safe mode" on Windows 7. Some of these methods can be implemented only by first starting the system in normal mode, while others are doable without the need to start the OS. So you need to look at the current situation, which of the options for implementing the task to choose. But still, it should be noted that most users prefer to use launch Safe Mode when booting the PC, after initializing the BIOS.

If a virus has infected the operating system or a software failure has occurred, then safe mode in Windows 7 is the best assistant in this situation. What this mode is, and how to enter it, will be described below.

What is safe mode?

Safe mode or reduced functionality is a special state of the operating system that allows the user to correct software or hardware errors.

When starting this mode, the OS loads the number of programs that is necessary for the minimum functioning of a personal computer:

  • Standard system services;
  • Input device drivers (mouse, keyboard);
  • Software for disk operation, etc.
There are three main differences between Safe Start and standard Windows boot:
  1. The minimum number of active programs;
  2. Instead of the usual software package for the video card, standard VGA is launched;
  3. The desktop loads at a resolution of 640 by 480 pixels. Below there is a corresponding inscription.

What is reduced functionality mode for?

In this boot option, the computer user can take actions to correct errors associated with the operating system. In particular:
  • Virus removal . Banners that block the user from accessing system management during normal boot do not appear during limited functionality. This will quickly get rid of malware;
  • OS Recovery . If Windows 7 does not start after updating the drivers, then the system can be restored to a healthy state through the recovery tool, which can be enabled in this mode;
  • Uninstalling installed hardware . If, after installing new hardware, the system began to fail, then you can remove the software in a safe boot option.

Starting Safe Mode

There are two ways to start safe mode in Windows 7:
  1. When loading the operating system in the choice of startup options;
  2. Login from a running OS by changing the settings in the system configuration section.
The login method is chosen by each user based on the situation or preferences. Let's consider each method.

When the operating system boots

The essence of the method : after turning on the PC, click on the button responsible for launching additional boot options. Typically, this is the F8 key. It may change on some devices. This point can be clarified on the manufacturer's website.

If, after pressing the button, the system continued to start with standard parameters, then you need to restart the PC and repeat the procedure.

Before starting Windows 7, you need to remember the nuances that inexperienced users often forget about:
  • On laptops, the function keys F 1-12 are disabled by default, so you need to hold down on the keyboard to activate them fn and click on the function key;
  • When starting the PC, the mouse is disabled, so if there are several operating systems, the choice is made with the keyboard arrows;
  • To turn on the arrows on the right side of the keyboard, press the Num Lock key.
After pressing F8, the user will be sent to the additional boot options section, where you need to select the “Start Safe Mode” item:

After clicking, the computer will boot with unusual desktop settings for the user.

Running from a running system

To run the OS in limited functionality through the user interface, you must:

Which safe mode to run the user decides for himself, based on the situation. For reference:

  • Minimal - the system loads a graphical (user) interface along with the services necessary for the functioning of the computer. In this parameter, support for network components is disabled, that is, there will be no Internet;
  • Another shell - the OS starts without a user interface. Only command line + necessary services;
  • Active Directory - download important resources and desktop + Active Directory directories;
  • Network – network components are enabled;
  • Without GUI - in this case, the welcome screen is not displayed;
  • Basic video - the system turns on with video drivers in VGA mode, which allows you to watch video on a PC or on the Internet;
  • OS Information - Shows all downloadable drivers.

Possible malfunctions

Problem #1 . "Windows 7 auto repair on startup. Troubleshooting". This is due to a system failure that the OS is trying to fix automatically. After a failure, the process is repeated.

Three solutions:

  1. Roll back the OS to a checkpoint;
  2. Restore the system image using the installation disk;
  3. If you have a backup copy of the registry, restore it.

  4. Problem #2 . Unauthorized boot of a system with limited functionality. If the computer started to turn on in this mode without user manipulation, then the problem may lie in recently installed programs or equipment.
    1. Perform an OS rollback to a checkpoint;
    2. Go to the control panel and remove recently installed utilities or equipment;
    3. If the error has not been fixed, reinstall the operating system.
    4. Video tutorial: how to enter safe mode in Windows 7

      A short video with instructions on how to enable safe mode on Windows 7 when the computer boots:

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