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Velikiye Luki State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports (VLGAFK). Velikie Luki State Agricultural Academy

How much does it cost to create a website?

This question is asked by everyone who faces such a task on their own initiative or at the direction of management. It is difficult to unambiguously answer this question. The process of creating websites is laborious and creative, it requires not only time, but material investments.

The cost of a site can vary widely. Different companies will ask you to pay very different prices for the same features. But this does not mean that they want to deceive you. The cost of a website is often made up of many factors. For example, we focus on an individual approach, we do not work with templates, each website in our studio is a unique solution for both design and functionality created for a specific customer.

Any design studio sets prices based on its own experience. Also of great importance in the cost of creating a site is the professionalism of the studio staff. The cheapest sites are made by 1 person (the so-called freelancer), but, as a rule, such sites are simpler both technically and visually, and there is often no one to ask later. When ordering the creation of websites in our studio, you get not only high-quality work, but also the ability to fully control the work process, as well as documented guaranteed security of the transaction.

How to order a site?

Do you want to create a website, but have not yet decided which one? Leave us a request, we will call you, provide free consultations and help you choose the best solution. We will calculate the cost of creating a website, taking into account all your requirements.

We do not make extra markups, the final price and development time of the site will depend solely on the uniqueness and complexity of the solution. When ordering website development in our design studio, do not forget to ask about discounts!

We value and respect our clients

First wish: You are looking for a studio where you can order the creation of a website at the lowest price. We provide services only to the extent that you require, so you do not have to overpay for unclaimed services.

Second wish: You dream that the site was created quickly and efficiently. In our portfolio there are enough examples of the quality of our work. We have been providing services for the development of designs, the creation and support of websites on the Internet for more than seven years.

Third wish: You don't want to be left alone with your site after development. Do not even hope! We do not abandon our clients and think about them. We just want our cooperation to be mutually beneficial.

Information taken from open sources. If you want to become a page moderator

bachelor, postgraduate, specialist, master

Skill level:

full-time, part-time

Form of study:

State Diploma

Completion document:



From 27300 to 98800 RUR per year

Cost of education:

90 to 97

Passing score:

Number of budget places:

University characteristics

general information

On the date of creation and name of the educational organization

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Velikolukskaya State Agricultural Academy", established in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR dated December 12, 1957 No 397 “On the transfer of the Leningrad Institute of Applied Zoology and Phytopathology and the Smolensk Zootechnical Institute to the city of Velikie Luki, Pskov Region, and the creation of the Velikoluksky Institute on their basis” as the Velikoluksky Agricultural Institute. The educational institution was renamed several times in accordance with the requirements associated with changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation, various orders. Last renaming: Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation No. 357 dated September 14, 2014 on the renaming of the FGBOU VPO Velikolukskaya State Agricultural Academy into the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Velikolukskaya State Agricultural Academy".

The official name of the Academy:

in Russian - federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Velikolukskaya State Agricultural Academy";
in English - Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "State Agricultural Academy of Velikie Luki";
in Russian - FGBOU VO Velikolukskaya GSH";
in English - Velikie Luki SAA.

About the mode, work schedule

The working hours are determined by the internal labor regulations for different categories of workers and students.

Working hours of administrative departments: Monday-Friday from 8:30 to 17:30, lunch break from 13:00 to 14:00. Day off: Saturday, Sunday.
Working hours of educational and sports departments work in accordance with the annually approved schedule, starting at 8:30. On Saturday, classes can be held at the correspondence faculty and sports sections are open. Day off: Saturday, Sunday.

Call Schedule

1 couple8:30 - 10:05

2 couples10:25 - 12:00

3 couples 12:50 - 14:25

4 couples 14:45 - 16:20

5 couples 16:35 - 18:10

6 couples 18:25 - 20:00

Working hours of the VGSHA library:
Reading room: Monday - Friday: from 8.30 to 17.30
Branch of the reading room (dormitory No. 1): Monday - Friday: from 14.00 to 20.00
Subscriptions: Monday - Friday: from 8.30 to 17.30
Electronic reading room: Monday - Friday: from 8.30 to 17.30
Library branch (educational building No. 5, room 608): Monday - Friday: from 8.30 to 17.30
Reference and bibliographic department: Monday - Friday: from 8.30 to 17.30
Days off - Saturday, Sunday
Sanitary day - first Friday of the month

1 of

  • Higher education. BACHELOR. SPECIALTY:

    Faculty of Livestock Technology and Agroecology
    . 35.03.03 Agrochemistry and agrosoil science;
    . 35.03.07 Technology of production and processing of agricultural products;
    . 36.03.02 Zootechnics.
    2. training of specialists in the specialty:
    . 36.05.01 Veterinary.

    Faculty of Engineering
    1. Preparation of bachelors in the following areas:
    . 35.03.06 Agricultural engineering;
    . 13.03.01 Thermal power engineering and heat engineering;
    . 03/23/03 Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes.

    Faculty of Economics
    1. Preparation of bachelors in the following areas:
    . 09.03.03 Applied Informatics.
    . 38.03.01 Economics;
    . 38.03.02 Management (applied bachelor's degree);
    . 38.03.06 Trading business;

    2. Training of specialists in the specialty:
    . 38.05.02 Customs.

    Higher education. MASTER

    Training of masters in the following areas:
    . 35.04.06 Agricultural engineering;
    . 36.04.02 Zootechnics;
    . 35.04.03 Agrochemistry and agrosoil science;
    . 35.04.04 Agronomy;
    . 38.04.01 Economics;
    . 38.04.08 Finance and credit.

    Higher education. POSTGRADUATE
    FGBOU VO "Velikolukskaya State Agricultural Academy" announces admission to study in 2016-2017 for postgraduate programs in full-time and part-time form:
    . 06/35/01 - Agriculture. Normative period of study: full-time study - 4 years, distance learning - 5 years
    . 06/35/04 - Technologies, means of mechanization and power equipment in agriculture, forestry and fisheries. Normative period of study: full-time study - 3 years, distance learning - 4 years
    . 06/36/01 - Veterinary and animal husbandry. Normative period of study: full-time study - 3 years, distance learning - 4 years
    . 06/38/01 - Economics. Normative period of study: full-time study - 3 years, distance learning - 4 years

Contacts of the admission committee

Admission conditions

Undergraduate - 4 years, Specialist - 5 years
Master - 2 years
SPO based on 9 classes - 3 years 10 months

Undergraduate -5 years
Specialist - 6 years
Master - 2.5 years
SPO all specialties except Commerce, on the basis of 9 classes - 4 years 10 months,
SPO, specialty Commerce on the basis of 11 classes - on the basis of 9 classes - 3 years 10 months.

. Faculty of Animal Husbandry Technology and Agroecology - Biology, Russian, Mathematics;
. Faculty of Engineering - mathematics, Russian language, physics;
. Faculty of Economics - mathematics, Russian language, social studies;
. Specialty "Customs" - social science, Russian language, additional entrance test of a professional orientation.
. Bachelor's direction "Applied Informatics" - mathematics, Russian language, computer science and ICT.

Applicants to the specialty of secondary vocational education are accepted on a public basis, without entrance examinations. Admission conditions are common for those entering the universities of the Russian Federation. Students who achieve "good" and "excellent" are provided with a scholarship; all those in need - a hostel.
Applicants who have not passed the competition and have positive results of entrance examinations can conclude an agreement with the academy for training with full compensation of tuition fees

The main activities of the postgraduate department

1. Organization of the educational process for the preparation of graduate students at the academy in accordance with the current nomenclature of specialties of researchers.

2. Admission from applicants to full-time and part-time postgraduate studies and registration of necessary documents in accordance with the established procedure.

3. Development of plans for the admission of graduate students in specialties at the expense of budgetary and extrabudgetary funds, schedules for conducting entrance and candidate examinations, monitoring their implementation.

4. Organizing the development and recording of the implementation of individual curricula by postgraduate students, compiling reports on the work of postgraduate studies, providing the necessary information regarding the training of scientific personnel to the Academic Council of the Academy.

5. Preparation of draft orders for enrollment in full-time or part-time graduate school, as well as for the proposal of training or expulsion from graduate school.

6. Advising graduate students and applicants on their rights and obligations, the current rules and the procedure for completing dissertations.

7. Preparation of materials for meetings of the Scientific and Technical Council, the Academic Council of the Academy on the issues of scheduled reports of graduate students, reports of departments on the results of postgraduate education, reports of scientific supervisors.

  • Sport
  • The medicine
  • Extra

sports and health

Sport sections
  • Mini football
  • Table tennis
  • Volleyball
  • Basketball
  • Fitness
  • Athletic gymnastics
  • hand-to-hand combat
  • Sambo

The medicine

Much attention at the academy is paid to the preservation and strengthening of the health of student youth. Together with the city Center for Medical Prevention, the university annually conducts work to prevent the use of alcohol, psychoactive substances, and smoking, which is focused on instilling in students the basics of a healthy lifestyle. On the basis of the sanatorium-preventorium "Niva" in the building of the hostel No. 3 at st. Stavskogo, d.63/4 the medical center of the academy works. Daily head of the medical center Vatolina Tatyana Veniaminovna(office tel. 7-67-48) receives students, carries out preventive work on the established diagnosis and provides appropriate medical assistance. The medical center of the academy has the opportunity to conduct physiotherapy in its own office, equipped with modern medical equipment.

Over the past eight years, in the summer period from July to September, the administration of the academy sends students to sports and recreation. In addition, every year the students who are most in need for medical reasons are sent for sanatorium treatment in specialized boarding houses.

On guard of our health

Health is everything! So you can paraphrase a well-known proverb today. One of the indicators of the development of an educational institution can be safely called the presence of a program for the health protection of students and employees, qualified specialists and special equipment. In our academy, this problem is approached thoroughly with knowledge of the matter. At the university, great attention is paid not only to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. It should be noted that, despite the objective difficulties, the academy managed to maintain the medical service, which for more than ten years has been headed by the most experienced paramedic - T.V. Vatolin.

Also, through the efforts of the administration of the Academy on the basis of the former Niva sanatorium, a medical center has been preserved, equipped with modern medical and preventive equipment. Good conditions have been created for the reception of patients, even in the event of an emergency, the employees of the medical center are ready to provide daily qualified assistance to all patients who have applied to them.

Unfortunately, today almost all young people have low hemoglobin, which is the reason for the development of anemia, such children need treatment, proper nutrition, monitoring of a blood test, which can be referred by a doctor at the academy's first-aid post. In addition, there is specialized equipment for diagnosing the cardiovascular system. It is also not uncommon for students to come with various injuries. The assistance required in these situations is mostly provided on site, except in cases where specialist advice is required.

"I am not afraid of injections, if necessary, I will inject." With these words they turn to the paramedic A.Yu. Mikhailova patients who require various injections, for example, for high blood pressure and high temperature, which can be prescribed both regularly and once. For this purpose, the medical center of the academy has a specialized room.

A special pride of the medical center of the academy is the cabinet for physiotherapy, equipped in accordance with modern requirements. Apparatus for laser, KuV-therapy, UHF, treatment with high-frequency currents help to take care of the health of students not only during periods of exacerbation of acute respiratory diseases, but also during periods of increased injuries among athletes. The doctors of the academy are also armed with a broad-spectrum device D "Arsonval DE-212 KARAT. It is widely used not only to improve facial skin tone and strengthen hair, but darsonvalization procedures also help in the treatment of varicose veins and osteochondrosis.

And in order to increase immunity and body resistance to viral infections in autumn and winter, you can sign up for a visit to the solarium. In addition, a horizontal solarium installed in a physiotherapy room will help modern fashionistas get an even chocolate tan in just a few sessions. Moreover, the myth about the dangers of tanning in a solarium for the skin has long been debunked.

In the fight against depression and stress, not only the ultraviolet rays of a solarium can help, but also an excellent therapeutic and prophylactic device, named after its creator "Chizhevsky's lamp." This wonderful device, which aeroionizes the air in the room, is a wonderful addition to the home interior of the relaxation room, equipped in the medical center of the academy. Visiting it will restore your lost efficiency and allow you to enjoy the "live" environment, equal in its properties to the air of the best resorts in the world.

Benevolent, always friendly doctors honorably carry out a difficult watch to protect the health of students and staff of the academy. They have to apply not only their skillful hands to this, but also carry out huge preventive and explanatory work. After all, it is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it later. Therefore, I would like to wish our doctors to have fewer visitors.

On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the Velikoluksky Agricultural Institute, an idea was born in the team to create a museum of the institute's history.

Under the chairmanship of the oldest veteran of the institute P.A. Feoktistova, a council of the museum is created, whose members begin to collect documents and photographs reflecting the history of the institute. A lot of material has been collected. However, they needed systematization, a qualified description. A lot of work had to be done to prepare the exposition. And for this, a specialist with experience in museum work was needed.

T.M. turned out to be such a specialist. Zharkova, who was hired by the institute in 1981 and skillfully took up the implementation of her plans. Over the course of a year and a half, she did a lot of work to collect exhibits, developed a thematic and exposition plan for the museum, taking into account the capabilities of the 102 m2 hall allocated for it.

As a result of the great painstaking and creative work done by Taisiya Mikhailovna, an interesting exposition was created, and it was decided to give the museum the name - "The Museum of Labor and Military Glory of the Institute."

In the process of creating the museum, many members of the institute's staff, and, above all, veterans, as well as graduates, who willingly donated the historical materials they had preserved to the museum, showed great interest in this work.

Much attention and creative energy was given to the creation of the museum by the graduate of the institute V.D. Ganyushkin, who worked at that time as vice-rector for scientific work. Under his leadership, employees of the research sector participated in this work: Ya.V. Bystrov, P. Abramov, B. Laputin.

The necessary assistance was provided to the founders of the museum by the rector of the institute P.M. Kondratiev.

The opening of the museum took place on February 12, 1983, on the day of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Velikoluksky Agricultural Institute. Employees of the institute and numerous guests who took part in the celebration of the anniversary got acquainted with the museum exposition with great interest. It was praised for its rich content and artwork.

From the first year of its existence, the museum has become not only a cultural and educational, but also an important educational unit of the institute and continues to be so at the present time. It concentrated numerous materials reflecting the connection of times and generations, the rich path of labor and military glory of the employees of the institute and its graduates.

In 1988, the museum of the Institute participated in the review of public museums and was awarded the Diploma of the Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR for fruitful work.

For many years the replenishment of the museum funds was given by the candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor S.P. Ovchinnikov, associate professor R.I. Petrov. At present, the responsible and honorable task of preserving and replenishing the museum's funds lies with the associate professor of the department "Agriculture and grassland" M.D. Trubnyakovo.

The exposition of the museum consists of 8 sections that are devoted to the history of the institute, the development of the educational process, the formation of research work, the socio-political activities of employees, the international relations of the institute-academy, cultural and sports life within the walls of the university, its graduates, as well as veteran workers Academy, who defended the Motherland on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War.

In the section "History of the Velikoluksky State Agricultural Academy" there is a copy of the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR dated December 12, 1957 on the creation of the Velikoluksky Agricultural Institute in accordance with the decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, photographs of the first teachers, departments, individual student groups, as well as the first training session within the walls university, which took place on January 7, 1958.

Data on the main stages in the development of the institute, the time of opening of new faculties, photographs and basic data on the activities of rectors, first deans, individual veterans of the institute, photographs of the first graduates, young specialists, first graduate students, information about the employees of the institute who received state awards for the period of their work at the institute.

This section also presents large-scale photographs of the educational buildings and dormitories of the institute, both initial and built in the course of further development.

The section "Educational process" presents materials on the structure of the university, the educational and material base and the scientific and pedagogical staff, on educational museums (anatomical, soil and agronomic), the library, the staff of which has repeatedly won the Russian and All-Union reviews of libraries of agricultural universities, about which certificates of honor and diplomas testify.

The photographs of the section reflect the process of theoretical and practical training of students (lectures, laboratory and practical classes), annual competitions of professional skills (plowmen, machine milking masters), educational and industrial practice of students in farms, research institutes, at automobile and tractor factories.

The exposition contains a letter from the leadership of the Vladimir Tractor Plant dated August 31, 1990 with gratitude to the institute for organizing the practice of students (the head of the practice is teacher G.A. Balanchuk). The students who completed the entire internship program provided great assistance to the plant in the production of equipment for the village. The letter contains a proposal to continue cooperation.

In the training of young specialists, great importance is attached to instilling in students the skills of scientific research (SRWS) in the process of performing laboratory, term papers and theses, educational and industrial practices. In 1974 the institute was awarded an Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League for success in organizing the NIRS.

In connection with the 50th anniversary of the VLKSM, the primary Komsomol organization of the institute was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, the Main Committee of the VDNKh of the USSR, the All-Union Council of the NTO and the Central Council of the VOIR for the best work on the implementation of rationalization proposals, inventions and scientific developments of youth.

In 1979, the institute was noted and awarded for high performance in the implementation of research work at the zonal (in the North-West of the RSFSR) exhibition of scientific and technical creativity and in 1980 - for active participation in the All-Russian exhibition-review.

Since 1959, the Institute has annually held scientific student conferences, at which students' reports on the results of scientific research are heard. The best scientific student papers (up to 20 papers per year) took part in All-Russian and All-Union competitions. The authors of some of them became diploma winners and laureates of these competitions: students: E. Trofimova, V. Moroz, T. Vasyutenkova, L. Zimina, I. Kirsanova, E. Gatin.

All of the above awards are on display at the museum.

Part of the exposition is devoted to the activities of the student design and technology design bureau (SPTKB), which was established at the institute in 1984 and played an important role in improving the training of young mechanical engineers. The first head of the SPTKB was Associate Professor V.P. Moiseev (1984 - 1987), who was replaced in 1987 by senior teacher N.Ya. Shchepilov. Under the guidance of teachers and researchers, students developed design and technological documentation, in particular, for the reconstruction of grain-drying and cleaning complexes in the farms of the region, forage preparation workshops, and in the summer in the third working semester, as part of research and production teams, they introduced their own developments.

The section "Research work" reflects the scientific and technical creativity of the Academy's employees. Over the history of the university, they have submitted over 400 rationalization proposals and received about 200 copyright certificates for inventions. More than 20 best scientific developments were exhibited at VDNKh of the USSR.

The section of the museum's exposition entitled "Socio-political activity" reflects the main stages of the socio-political work of the Academy staff and students. This section describes the work of the primary organization of the society "Knowledge", which for more than 20 years was headed by Professor F.A. Solovyov. Members of the society "Knowledge" annually read up to 2000 lectures in the city and districts of the region. In 1974, the primary organization of the Institute was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Knowledge Society of the RSFSR. Professor A.I. Mordashev headed the city branch of the Knowledge society for more than 30 years.

For many years, theoretical seminars were held at the Institute on various problems for various groups of employees.

The exposition presents information about the work of the Komsomol organization of the institute, as one of the largest not only in the city, but also in the region. Much attention is paid to the activities of student construction teams.

A large public role in those years of the Institute's existence was played by the wall newspaper "For Agricultural Personnel", which for many years occupied the first place among the educational institutions of the city when K.K. Smirnov, V.D. Ganyushkin, G.T. Trofimov.

The section of the exposition of the museum "International Relations" presents materials reflecting the multinational composition of students, visits to the institute by foreign delegations, in particular, from the Finnish city of Seynäjoki (Finland) - the twin city of Velikie Luki and until 1989 the district of Gera (GDR) - twin city of the Pskov region.

Also in this section there are exhibits that tell about the activities of international student groups, in which students of the academy also worked.

A separate stand is dedicated to the employees of the Institute, who took part in assisting foreign countries in the training of national agricultural personnel. Among them, Associate Professor G.V. Kalachev, who worked for three years in Vietnam and Ethiopia. In the 1970s, plant protection specialists from the Republics of Bulgaria and Cuba improved their skills at the Institute.

Every year the role of environmental education of students is growing. For many years, the city people's university of nature protection operated at the institute. Its rector, associate professor T.P. Mikhailova in 1987 for many years of fruitful work and active promotion of environmental knowledge was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the All-Russian Council for the Management of People's Universities under the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR. The primary organization of the All-Union Society for the Conservation of Nature was actively working at the institute when it was headed by V.V. Kozlova, N.M. Kislov.

In 1987, the Velikoluksky Agricultural Institute was awarded the Diploma of the first degree at the city complex exhibition "Nature Protection-87".

In the environmental training of students, created on the initiative of the Pskov writer I.A. Vasiliev in the village of Borki, Velikoluksky district, the first House of environmental education in the region.

The museum's exposition reflects the main directions of the work of the Institute for Nature Protection.

The exposition of the "Educational process" section also presents materials about the best study groups and individual students of the institute, in particular, photographs of some of the Lenin scholarship holders.

The existence of the museum of the academy is an important aspect of educational work with students. Viewing the exposition allows them to see the glorious history of the university where they study, to feel like a part of a large team with established traditions and a rich past. A visit to the museum enriches visitors with new knowledge, leaves a mark on their minds and feelings, as evidenced by their feedback. Here are just a few of them:

"A visit to the museum will make it easier for us to choose a profession." (Students of the 10th grade of the Gdovskaya secondary school, 1984);(Students of the 10th grade of the Gdovskaya secondary school, 1984);

"We believe that the museum is one of the best in the country's agricultural universities."(Head of the Department of Psychology of the Higher School of Management of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR, 1984);

“Amazing with what you see and hear. This is a great wealth of your institute.”(Researchers of the Estonian Research Institute of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, 1984);

“Such museums are needed in universities. The memory of people is a lot.”(Head of the BNIIK department, 1987);

“We leave the museum with a feeling of deep satisfaction and pride in our institute.”(Graduates of the Faculty of Agronomy in 1979, 1989);

And today there is a good tradition of visiting the museum by first-year students crossing the threshold of the Velikolukskaya State Agricultural Academy, as well as guests of the academy from other universities and research institutes of the country.

About the university

Velikie Luki State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports today

License for the right to conduct educational activities:
series A No. 283557, reg. No. 9877 dated 20.02.2008
Certificate of state accreditation and attestation
series AA No. 000004, reg. No. 0004 dated 03/16/2006

Forty years ago, in 1970, in one of the oldest cities in Russia - Velikiye Luki, Pskov region, a new higher educational institution was created on the basis of the Pedagogical Institute - the Velikiye Luki branch of the Leningrad Institute of Physical Culture. P.F. Lesgaft - currently the Velikiye Luki State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports. The university is located in the central part of the city, on the banks of the Lovat River, which in the past was part of the great waterway "from the Varangians to the Greeks."
The first mention of the city of Velikiye Luki is found in 1166 in the Novgorod chronicle. The city has earned the title of "mantle of Novgorod" and "atrium of Moscow." For military merit in the 15th century, Luke acquired the title of Great.
The city was repeatedly visited by Peter I and Catherine II. By order of the king, according to the drawings of the famous mathematician L. Magnitsky, a new Velikolukskaya fortress was built. Its majestic ramparts have been preserved to this day.
Great Luke has seen a lot in its lifetime. Its inhabitants repeatedly repelled the campaigns of Polish and other invaders. A special test fell on the lot of the city during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). The battles for the liberation of Velikie Luki were so fierce that the city was nicknamed "Small Stalingrad". In 1983, Velikie Luki was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class.
By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, Velikiye Luki was included in 15 Russian cities subject to priority restoration.
The names of many wonderful, talented people are associated with Velikiye Luki. These are the composer M. P. Mussorgsky, academician, twice Hero of Socialist Labor I. M. Vinogradov, marshal, twice Hero of the Soviet Union K. K. Rokossovsky, Patriarch Tikhon and many others. Not far from Velikiye Luki, in the village of Chernushki, Alexander Matrosov performed a heroic deed during the Great Patriotic War. His ashes rest on the banks of the Lovat River. On the grave there is a monument to the hero, created by the famous sculptor E. Vuchetich. Nearby is the museum of military glory named after Alexander Matrosov.
Velikiye Luki is the second city of the Pskov region, has an advantageous geographical position, as it is located almost at the same distance from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Riga, Minsk.
The city has a drama theater, a center for aesthetic education, museums, three music schools, two houses of culture and two cinemas, an art school, and a philharmonic society.
The pride of the city, its decoration are monuments, squares, squares, embankments, as well as the famous Velikoluksky fountains.
Velikoluchans are truly ardent patriots of their city. They sacredly honor and multiply the glorious traditions of the older generation. Crowded holidays, processions, and festivities are held annually in the city. In summer, City Day, "Brigantine" (holiday of school graduates) are solemnly celebrated. For many years, Velikiye Luki has been the center for holding International and All-Russian competitions in aeronautics.
Today the Velikiye Luki State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports has 11 departments; three faculties - physical education and sports, social and humanitarian faculty and the faculty of distance learning. It has its own training and sports complex, in the gyms of which not only regional, but also All-Russian competitions, a ski base, a stadium are systematically held.
Improving the quality of training of specialists, research work of the teaching staff, graduate students, students is facilitated by such structural units created at the academy as:
- Research Institute of Sports and Physical Culture;
- Center for Innovative Technologies;
- Psychological and pedagogical center.
Equipped with three computer classes, a language laboratory.
Currently, about 900 full-time students and about 500 part-time students study at the academy in 5 specialties:
- physical Culture and sport;
- physical culture for persons with health problems (adaptive physical culture);
- pedagogy and psychology;
- life safety;
- organisation management;
- socio-cultural service and tourism
Training in the specialty "Physical Culture and Sports" is differentiated by specializations: gymnastics, martial arts, athletics, skiing, swimming, sports games, a teacher of physical education.
Work is underway to open a new specialty "Social and cultural service and tourism."
The Academy is justifiably proud of its graduates, including: V. Chaplygin, Honored Master of Sports, champion of the 1976 Olympic Games in the team 100 km road race; Honored Masters of Sports, Masters of Sports of international class, bronze medalists of the XXII Summer Olympic Games, three-time world champions in rowing, holders of the Order of the Badge of Honor S. Semenova and N. Cheremisina; V. Semenova, two-time world champion, Honored Master of Sports, international class master in rowing, holder of the Order of the Badge of Honor; S. Matveev, Honored Master of Sports of Russia, International Master of Sports, bronze medalist of the 1996 Olympic Games in rowing, awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree; M. Ivanov, Honored Master of Sports of Russia, world champion in the relay race among juniors, Olympic champion in the 50 km ski race. Their traditions are continued by current students, among them E. Karpova, bronze medalist in basketball at the 2004 Athens Olympics; D. Alenichev, four-time Russian football champion in the Moscow "Spartak", the best football player in Russia in 1997; A. Balikoev, master of sports of international class in archery, European champion among juniors in 1996 and silver medalist of the world championship in 2001; L. Vasilchenko, master of sports in cross-country skiing, world champion in 1984 in the relay among women 4x5 km.
The pride of the academy is its wrestling school, the glory of which was created by V. Vladimirov, master of sports, champion of Russia and the world in 2000 in sambo wrestling; G. Zhdanova, master of sports of international class in sambo and judo, winner of the world championship in sambo in 1996-2000; A. Starostin - master of sports in sambo wrestling, champion of Russia among students in 2001; N. Kokorina - master of sports in sambo wrestling, champion of Russia in 2000 - 2001, bronze medalist of the 2002 World Championship
University students successfully perform at the traditional Festivals of sports universities in Russia, systematically win and take prizes in many nominations of the Festival program.
The teaching staff includes 83 teachers of the Academy, of which 77% are candidates of sciences and associate professors, 13 doctors of sciences and professors. Among them, six honored workers of physical culture of the Russian Federation, 20 teachers were awarded the industry badge "Excellence in Physical Culture".
To increase the competitiveness of the university, the growth of authority in the scientific world, the research and scientific-methodical work of the teaching staff, attracting students to it are directed.
The results of this work have been published in hundreds of scientific articles, in a dozen monographs. Academy teachers speak at scientific and practical conferences of the regional, interregional, all-Russian and international levels, participate in the work of international congresses and congresses. Their works are published on the pages of leading journals, such as "Theory and Practice of Physical Culture", "Human Physiology", "Economic Issues", "ECO", etc.
The renewal of personnel is largely facilitated by the postgraduate school opened in March 1999, which provides training in full-time and part-time forms of education. Currently, 40 people are studying in graduate school in two specialties: 13.00.04. - Theory and methods of physical education, sports training and recreational physical culture and 13.00.13. - Physiology.
On the basis of the university, the Velikiye Luki Olympic Academy was created, the main task of which is to promote the ideals of Olympism, expand the Olympic movement in the region and form a scientific basis for more effective training of Olympic athletes.
A huge role in the educational process, in creating conditions for fruitful scientific work is played by the scientific library of the academy, which is systematically replenished with educational, methodological and scientific literature, forms a computerized reference and bibliographic catalog, programs on electronic media, and there is also access to the full text base of dissertations Russian State Library, which is used by both graduate students and teachers.
The academy pays much attention to cultural and educational activities. For many years, the student lounge has been “creating, inventing, trying out” at the library.
The participants of the living room invited the audience to thematic evenings “Laughing, right, it’s not a sin ...”, “Fashion and us”, “Music in our life”, “Spring! How much in this word...”, “Romance quivering sounds”; for literary evenings dedicated to the work of famous poets, comedies staged in the student lounge. The evenings “Hello, we are the first year”, “New Year's ball”, “Student spring” have become traditional; games "Wheel of history", "What? Where? When?".
The library takes an active part in all creative evenings held by the university.
Today, the Velikolukskaya Academy is a multidisciplinary university that trains specialists in various areas in the field of pedagogy, sports, sports and management practice.

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