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  • Your drawing is unique in a matter of seconds. Everything about the process of image uniqueness from a to z

Your drawing is unique in a matter of seconds. Everything about the process of image uniqueness from a to z

How do most bloggers choose illustrations for their posts? That's right, they are looking for the cutest picture in Yandex or in Google! I confess, and I am a sinner! But as a result, the sites are filled with tons of non-unique photographs and drawings. And sorry goodbye big traffic with a search by pictures!

You and I, dear readers, will be more cunning. Now I will reveal to you little secret, which I learned not long ago. In this article I will teach you how to evaluate the uniqueness of any photograph and show you how quickly and easily you can get an absolutely unique image.

Why do we need unique images on the site at all?

First obvious advantage- additional search traffic. Unique illustrations for the article + their competent optimization = stable traffic to the site from image search. Non-unique pictures may not be indexed at all.

Unique images also help to improve the relevance of the site in the search results. search engines... I am sure that search engines take into account the uniqueness of illustrations when ranking. Sites with unique photos other things being equal, will rank higher than sites with copied photo content.

How to make a picture unique? First, find a photo that doesn't have a large number copies on the Internet, ideally no more than 100 copies. If a picture has 1000 or more copies, then you won't be able to make it unique, whatever one may say.

Search pictures in Yandex or Google search by main search query post and download the first more or less suitable picture- this is the simplest, but not the most better way... Everyone does this, which means that the resulting pictures already have many copies, and the idea of ​​turning them into unique images is from the category of fantasy. You can, of course, very much conjure over them in Photoshop, change them until they are unrecognizable with filters and gradients, and get a masterpiece from the category of eerie fantasy. We will not do this with you.

Where to look for images with a minimum number of copies?

For example, you found this picture.

Check how many copies of this picture are already on the Internet.

How to check a picture for uniqueness?

Check the uniqueness directly in Yandex and Google - after all, these are the main search engines that we focus on in the first place.

You can safely discard other online services like, their data is sometimes very different from the real picture. Such a service can claim that the image is absolutely unique, and Google will find 40 copies. And then try to prove to Google that the picture is one and only.

Check the photo in Yandex. Go to the search for pictures and click special button with the "Search by image" tooltip

Click "select a file". Select from your computer desired photo... Click the "open" button.

If, Yandex found only one copy, and just in the group in which you downloaded it, then you are on the right track. But even one copy still makes the picture not unique.

Check the uniqueness of the image on Google too. Upload a picture and see how many copies this search engine found.

So, if you found few copies, it remains to turn the picture into a completely unique image.

How to make a picture unique?

You will need photoshop or any other image editing software. If you don't have Photoshop installed on your computer, you can use the online service.

Load the image into photoshop. Resize it. Best to use big photo so that it can be reduced. You cannot enlarge a small photo without losing quality.

To reduce the size, select "Images" -> "Image size". Set the width to around 350-400 px. The height will decrease proportionally. Click ok.

Now rotate the images horizontally. Select "Edit" -> "Transform" -> "Flip Horizontal". This trick will immediately significantly reduce the number of copies on the Internet, if no one has done such an operation with this picture, then it will completely turn into a unique one.

However, this method has one significant disadvantage... The letters or numbers in the image will turn into a funny combination. Therefore, it is better to download images that do not contain labels.

The mirrored image can already be checked for uniqueness. But you can do one more trick, thanks to which the picture will be 100% unique.

Select Edit -> Transform -> Rotate in Photoshop. Rotate the image slightly to either side. Of course, if you rotate it many, many degrees, the picture will be greatly distorted. But after a slight twist, the picture will be both unique and cute.

What else can you do with a picture? If you want - crop the edges, change the color, add a shadow, change the brightness, add a border. Then there will definitely be no copies left.

After editing the image, you need to check it again for uniqueness in Yandex and Google.

As you can see, it is very easy to turn an unpopular image without text into a unique one. The whole procedure may seem daunting to you when you read the post, but if you practice a little, you will be able to deal with these actions very quickly.

How else can you get unique pictures?

Take a screenshot of a not very popular image

Of course, a screenshot of the Google logo will not turn into a unique image. But, say, a screenshot of the program code shown as an illustration in the article on editing Joomla plugins will be a great unique picture.

Take a screenshot of the video

Load the screenshot into Photoshop, crop the extra edges, reduce the size. Save the resulting image on your computer.

If no one has thought of doing such a trick before you, then you will have a completely unique picture.

Hope you find all these tips useful. Good luck with your image experiments!

Unfortunately, not every blogger is fluent in photography or Photoshop. It is also not always possible to buy unique images. But on the other hand, there are a lot of pictures on the Web that can and should be modified to suit your needs, and everyone can do it. Note that this publication is not a direct guide to action, but rather an experiment. But I'll tell you a secret - the method still works, although not always.

I do not want to delve into ethical and legal side, however, I must mention this. It's one thing when your site is informational - on such resources, pictures are often taken simply from the search, without bothering too much about the aspects mentioned above. But with commercial themes, everything is more complicated. There are many precedents when the owners of the images filed a lawsuit and won the case, seeking both monetary compensation and criminal punishment for thieves. Therefore, be careful! To avoid such a turn of events, keep an eye on what and where you get from, as a last resort, you can try to agree on the use of images for a certain reward (money, active link etc.).

Uniqueizing images with Photoshop

To begin with, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with how Yandex searches for non-unique images on the official source. After reading, you will understand that most of the methods described on various sites are irrelevant and can only deceive TinEye, but not Yandex or Google. But still, there is an almost one hundred percent way to uniqueize the picture, why "almost" - you will see below. It consists in mixing several techniques. Here they are.

  1. Mirroring the picture horizontally (sometimes vertically it is possible)
  2. Rotate the image by 1-2 °
  3. Cropping an image

Now let's do an experiment on uniqueness. As a test subject, I chose this cute cat:

If you are currently using Google chrome- you can click on the picture right click mouse, and select "Find this image on Google". I have 444 similar images... Now let's uniqueize this picture. using Photoshop.

Step one... Open the picture in the program, select from the top menu "Image → Image rotation → Flip canvas horizontally". It will turn out mirror reflection the original picture. Now Google finds only 5 images. By the way, this is not always so lucky, especially if the image is of value for lovers of “uniqueness” 🙂

Step two... Now let's rotate the image a bit and crop it to remove the resulting white edges. To rotate, use the same tool as above: Image → Image Rotation → Arbitrary. Usually 1-3 ° is enough, you can turn in any direction as it suits you best. After rotating, crop the picture a little to trim the sides.

That's all. Let's see what we got:

As you can see - in google search found only 3 similar images. This is enough for most tasks; after such simple processing, your picture will almost certainly end up in the index. It happens (very often, moreover) that after Photoshop the image becomes completely unique. But not always, I suppose, it depends on the uniqueness of the color combination, the popularity of the picture and other factors.

In this article, I tried to tell you how to make a picture unique and interesting for search engines. I didn't mention color correction, frames, watermarks - guys, this hasn't worked for a long time. So why waste your time? A minute or two, and your image is either unique or not entirely (you can look for another if it doesn't fit). In general, uniqueize, experiment, ask questions in the comments 🙂

Hello, friends! Today on the blog we will consider the question of how to make a picture unique for search engines. Bloggers often ask this question. For example, you found on the Internet good pictures or photos and want to use them in an article on your blog. But pictures from the Internet are usually not unique. In this article we will learn how to make unique images from non-unique pictures (photos).

Why do you need uniqueness of photos and images

The uniqueness of photos and images is also important. Of course, for non-exceptional photos and pictures, search engines will not impose a BAN on the site, but will lower it to search results... As a result, the site will be poorly promoted, and the positions of articles will be low.

We often take photos and pictures from the Internet for our articles. At the same time, we do not always think about whether the picture is unique or not. Although it only takes a few seconds to check a photo or a picture for uniqueness, we often ignore it.

There are also programs and services to check the uniqueness of a picture. In the previous articles "" and "", we examined in detail two services, ETxt and TinEye, for checking images for uniqueness. If you have not done this work yet, I advise you to look at the above articles, by the way, there is also a video there.

Now let's get down to practice on how to make a picture unique to search engines. There is a video at the end of the article that shows you step by step how to change the uniqueness of an image. For those who prefer to work according to the text of the article, there will be a description below.

So, you have downloaded photos and pictures from the Internet, have chosen the most relevant ones for your article on the blog (website). Now let's move on to fixing the uniqueness. We need to open the TinEye program and determine the uniqueness of each picture. If an image or photo is repeated on the Internet at least once, then it can no longer be unique. Unique pictures are usually found on paid exchanges and various photo stocks.

Suppose, as a result of checking an image for uniqueness, it turned out that it needs to be made unique. To do this, you need to use either Photoshop or Pixlr ( online Photoshop), or any other graphics editor that has the "Transformation" function. Keep in mind that simply resizing the image does not change the uniqueness in any way. Of course, if you work with layers, overlay images on top of each other, you can get the result, but this is time consuming.

To make the image unique, we will use the online Photoshop program Pixlr. Links to articles on working with the Pixlr program will be given at the end of this article. We open online program and load the image we need into it. Next, select the "Edit" mode and select "Free Transform" (see the screen, shown with white arrows).

Markers appear on the picture (see screen 2). Now you need to move the marker with the mouse, for example, from left to right, and you will flip the image 180 degrees, make it mirrored.

Not all images can be flipped this way. If you flip an image with text in this way, then the text will not be readable. In this case, it is enough to slightly rotate the image or photo (by a few percent). After that, we save the resulting image. You can also move the image vertically or rotate it.

We return to the TinEye service page and load the resulting image into it, check the uniqueness. If the service shows a result in the search of 0, then the work can be considered finished. If you have not received the result, the work on changing the uniqueness should be repeated. As you can see, you can quickly make your photos and pictures unique in a few seconds.

Good day, dear reader! Today I will continue the topic about the uniqueness of content that I started in my own. We will talk about how to make a unique picture for the site. I will tell you what methods of creating unique pictures there are and which of them I myself use in my work. So let's get started?

How to make a unique picture for a website?

I think that for a start it will not be superfluous to understand what is the essence of the uniqueness of the pictures?

Today, on the Internet, any image that is no longer on the network is considered unique (it is one and only on one site). Does this mean that a unique image for Yandex or Google algorithms will be unique for the user? In most cases, no. The thing is that the same images taken by someone from the Internet undergo a number of metamorphoses and various interventions, which the algorithms of Yandex and Google are simply not able to track it down. It turns out that almost everyone can make a unique picture for a website? Yes and no..

Today, Yandex and Google algorithms can recognize images and remember on which site a unique picture first appeared. If you, for example, took a picture from a search and placed it on your site, then, of course, such an image will no longer be unique for search engines. It turns out that such a picture will not play important role in website promotion, and in some cases it can even harm. You can learn how to check a picture for uniqueness.

Several ways to make a unique picture for the site

First and the easiest way to create in my opinion unique image- take a picture from the Internet and spend with it a certain job... We will not talk about the moral and ethical side now. this issue, because we are interested in the result))

Second way Is creation own photos... Of course, this method is not suitable for everyone, since it requires a lot of time, effort and knowledge.

The third way Is creation graphic drawings with the help of special services and programs, which, again, requires time, knowledge and experience.

Quite possible that there are some other ways that I do not know about. I would be grateful if you write about it in the comments.

Today we will dwell on the first method in more detail and learn how to make a unique picture for a site from those already available on the Internet.

The most affordable options for creating unique pictures

In my practice of creating unique pictures, I mainly use collages consisting of one or more pictures. Here I apply image processing techniques such as: specular reflection, warp, rotation, tilt, perspective and distortion.

Create a collage from other pictures

I mainly use a collage of four or more images when I need to create the so-called master image of the entire article. However, I use collages of two images even more often, since it is not difficult to achieve uniqueness of such a picture. In addition, collages of two pictures are great for illustrations, because two pictures in one look more informative. But it can be much more difficult to make a collage from one picture unique. For work, I select thematic pictures and make a collage of the required size using Photoshop or the Smilebox program.

Why do I mainly use collages in my work?

Firstly, when working with collages, such techniques as image rotation, deformation, distortion and perspective fully justify themselves. If we take, for example, a photo, then without a collage it will really be possible to apply only mirror reflection, and this technique is widely used by optimizers on the Internet. This means that it will be difficult to achieve uniqueness. The rest of the techniques for the photo can be applied extremely rarely. Hence the conclusion that it is not difficult to make collages unique.

Secondly, collages made with the expectation of site design look great. They look interesting, lively and add color to all content. Here, it is just possible to fully express freedom when working with pictures and artistic taste.

Here's an example of a collage that I made in 5 minutes specifically for this article. I use such collages in my practice on my other site KinderBoo.Ru

Collages made with site design in mind look great. They look interesting, lively and add color to all content.

You may ask, why don't you, Sergey, use the same collages on your blog?

The thing is that my blog is focused on business on the Internet. Therefore, the bulk of my articles are of a practical nature and as pictures I mainly use screenshots as illustrations for practical action... And the screenshots, as you probably already guessed, are unique (if you made them yourself).

By the way, today and in this article, I also decided to use the collage as the main picture of the post (post thumbnail).

After I posted both pictures in the article, I immediately decided to check them for uniqueness in Yandex. Here are the results for both pictures I got:

How to make a collage for a website using Photoshop?

Well, let's move from theory to practice and I will clearly show you how to make a unique picture for a website. Especially for you, I recorded a video tutorial on how to make a collage for a website using Photoshop.

By the way, if suddenly you do not have a photoshop program, then you can find it by going to the page

And that's all for me today. I hope that my article on how to make a unique picture for a website and a video tutorial on creating a collage were useful for you!

If you have experience in creating unique pictures or you know others available ways, then be sure to write about it below in the comments. It will be useful for me too.

I wish you success!

Best regards, Sergey Podyukov
"Webmaster's Workshop"

If you take several images from the Internet, somehow combine them, make your own inscriptions, change the size, etc.

The resulting image will be completely different from the downloaded ones, but not for search engines that can easily recognize color code Images.

Even if the color of the picture is different, this does not mean that it will be unique.

Therefore, we can conclude that, according to search engines, uniqueness should be considered from two points of view:

  1. Uniqueness in terms of uniqueness.

This can be a portrait photo you just took or a landscape shot.

  1. Uniqueness from the point of view of search engines.

In this case, you can somehow redesign the picture, add something, make a frame for it, and the like.

In addition to being unique, it is important that the image for the site is properly optimized. You can see how to optimize the image for the site.

But simple changes you won't be able to do it. To make the picture 100% unique, more radical changes are needed.

Checking an image for uniqueness on the TinEye service

You can check the uniqueness of the picture on popular service TinEye.

The verification process is very simple.

You need to download an image from a computer using the drag-and-drop method or from a site - specify the URL, and get the verification results in the form of a number of similar images.

Image verification in Google Images

Another way to check is to upload a picture to a special Google service, which has the ability to search for images. It is called Google Pictures and is located at

They may contain images different sizes and flowers. That is, in in this case we see that the picture is not unique.

How to make a picture unique

There are decent ways to make a picture unique, but there are few effective ones.

These are ways in which the picture itself and its position in space change radically.

These include various rotations, changing the display of the picture horizontally and vertically. And also changing the size of the picture.

If the picture is popular enough, then, in particular, changing the size often does not work to make it unique.

In most cases, various text overlays, or placing a picture inside another, applying a frame and other techniques, also do not work.

More radical ways, using which you can make the picture unique, are as follows:

  1. Horizontal change. To change the display of the picture horizontally, you can use Photoshop... Or almost any other graphic editor for example where this function exists.

Then the picture for uniqueness can be checked again in the TinEye service, or in Google Pictures.

But it must be borne in mind that the method of changing the display of the image horizontally or vertically will work only if no one has applied it to this image before.

Another condition for applying the method is that the new display of the picture should not harm its readability.

If the picture does not convey the essence, it will look wrong, then this way you just can't use it. In this case, as an example, the license plate on the car is turned upside down.

2. Rotate the picture. Another way to make a picture unique is to rotate it. It can also be done in graphics program, such as IrfanView. Rotate the image to arbitrary angle and save.

The check shows that in this case the picture is unique. Here the main thing will be determined with the desired angle of rotation.

If, for example, the angle of rotation is changed by a little, then unique picture it will not work.

In conclusion, it should be said that there will not be much harm from non-unique images. But if the pictures are still made unique, then it is really possible to get additional traffic to the site from search engines.

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