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Social media promotion options. Promotion of a social network and in social

Today we will talk about business promotion on social media... In this article, I will talk about why you generally need to promote a business on social networks, what tasks can be solved by this, and dwell on the specific features of promoting a business on each of the most popular social networks. So, first things first.

Why promote your business on social media?

First of all, you need to understand that social networks are a huge target audience for promoting goods or services. Hundreds of millions of users are registered there, who can become your customers, or at least learn about the existence of your company / products.

Promotion of goods in social networks is interesting both for large companies of the world, state, regional level, and for local, local importance. This method of promoting and advertising a business is also interesting because the costs for it, in comparison with other types of promotion and advertising, are relatively small, in some cases they may be absent altogether. At the same time, business promotion on social networks shows a fairly high return, especially if it is carried out correctly.

Often, entrepreneurs who want to integrate their business into social networks do not fully understand, do not have a clear idea of ​​why they are doing this. For example, they believe that being represented on social networks is fashionable, this is the current trend, “everyone does it, so I need it too”. This approach will not bring good results, since a businessman must first clearly understand what exactly he wants to achieve with his presence in social networks, and based on this, build his promotion policy.

There are 3 main goals that a business promotion on social media can assume:

1. An increase in the number of sales of a product or service. This is the main goal, but not the only one. In this case, the best method of promotion would be advertising campaigns in social networks that promote certain goods and services. It is not even necessary to create your own account or community here - people who click on the advertisement can go directly to the company's website and make purchases there or use contact information.

2. Promotion of a brand of a product or service. This is another task that requires a different approach. For this purpose, it is best to create a thematic page or community and increase the number of its subscribers / participants. For example, by organizing contests that encourage reposts of records, inviting friends to the community, etc.

3. Increasing customer loyalty to the company. This is the most difficult task requiring the most painstaking work. Here you will need high-quality accounts / communities with constant publication of news, answers to complaints and questions from subscribers, the ability to resolve conflict situations. That is, such work will require a separate competent employee of the company (for large companies - even several such employees). However, the possibility of a direct dialogue between a consumer and a business representative is always an undeniable competitive advantage.

The achievement of the second and third goals has an indirect impact on the main task - increasing sales.

Many entrepreneurs who are just mastering business promotion in social networks think that for this it is enough to create an account or a community in each social network and periodically place advertisements there. In practice, however, such an approach is unlikely to bring any results at all, it will only take a certain amount of time.

Business promotion in VKontakte.

Vkontakte ( is a social network leading in the Russian Internet in terms of the number of its audience. The number of its users exceeds 270 million, of which more than 60 million visit their pages daily. The average age of users is 17-35 years old. The main disadvantage here is that this social network has a fairly large percentage of people with a low level of paying capacity (schoolchildren, students, unemployed).

Opportunities for promoting a business in contact are quite wide:

- Creation of public pages or communities to promote goods and services;

An interesting thematic picture with a brief overview of the product / service / community will serve as an ideal material to attract the attention of VKontakte users.

Business promotion in VKontakte is suitable for wide areas of activity, first of all - for inexpensive goods and services aimed at young people, local business objects, online stores, promotion of any nature.

Business promotion on Facebook.

Facebook ( is the world's largest social network popular on the Russian Internet. In total, almost 1.5 billion users are registered here, about half of them are active daily, the number of the Russian-speaking segment is about 10 million. Facebook, in contrast to VKontakte, is visited mainly by people of medium and high social status and income aged 25 to 45 years, the percentage of insolvent audience is minimal here. Famous businessmen and politicians have their Facebook accounts. If VKontakte is more an entertainment social network, then Facebook is a business and informational one: people come here to get information.

The main directions for promoting goods and services on Facebook:

- Creation and promotion of your own from public pages;

An important difference between Facebook and VKontakte is that likes are displayed here in the news feed of all the user's friends, thus, the advertising record is more easily distributed to a wider audience.

Business promotion on Facebook is suitable for goods and services aimed at business, literate people, promotion of all kinds of conferences, seminars, business trainings, information sites.

Business promotion in Odnoklassniki.

Odnoklassniki ( is the first social network to become popular on the Russian Internet. To date, its popularity has dropped somewhat, however, there are more than 200 million registered users here, and about 45 million use the service every day. The main feature here is that among the users there are a lot of elderly people, of retirement age, the average age here is maximum in comparison with other social networks: 25-50 years. In addition, many Russian-speaking netizens are expatriates living abroad.

Opportunities for business promotion in Odnoklassniki:

- Creation of thematic groups;

Ideal content for promoting a product or service on Odnoklassniki will be an attention-grabbing picture / status / video of a cool or socially significant nature, unobtrusively advertising your brand. Here, as in Facebook, each like (class) is displayed in the friends' news feed, so by posting bright, funny, meaningful statuses, pictures or videos that will make you want to click “class”, you can promote your brand well.

Business promotion in Odnoklassniki is designed for the simplest, ordinary people, mainly the older generation, and is also suitable for goods and services designed for the widest audience, media sites.

Business promotion on Twitter.

There are significantly fewer opportunities for business promotion here. However, here you can create a hashtag of your own brand (for example, #fingenia) and promote it through the purchase of advertising in promoted accounts with a large number of subscribers.

To promote on Twitter, you need to use a short message, preferably with hashtags (your own or popular), containing a link to your site.

Business promotion on Instagram.

You can use Instagram to promote your brand by posting thematic photos and videos in your own account and purchasing such posting in the most visited thematic accounts.

To promote on Instagram, you need high-quality, bright, cool, eye-catching photos and videos. When posting, it is advisable to use hashtags (both your own and popular ones).

Business promotion on Instagram is ideal for promoting youth product brands.

You have gotten some idea of ​​what is involved in promoting a business on social media, what directions and options you can use for this. Of course, this is only general information, in future publications I will consider some important aspects in more detail over time.

In conclusion, I want to draw your attention to the fact that you do not always need to try to cover all social networks at once - it is better to choose 2-3 or even one that is most suitable for your situation and focus all your efforts on it. In addition, you need to be very careful about choosing your target audience (targeting), which will greatly affect the success of an advertising campaign.

Until we meet again on the site that will teach you effective ways to make money, invest, manage personal finances and family budget, and build competent cooperation with banks.

1. Terms and definitions In this agreement on the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), the following terms have the following definitions: Operator - IE Dneprovsky Oleg Alexandrovich. Acceptance of the Agreement - full and unconditional acceptance of all the terms of the Agreement by sending and processing personal data. Personal data - information entered by the User (the subject of personal data) on the site and directly or indirectly related to this User. User - any natural or legal person who has successfully completed the procedure for filling in the input fields on the site. Filling in the input fields is the procedure for sending the User's first name, surname, phone number, personal e-mail address (hereinafter - Personal data) to the database of registered users of the site, made for the purpose of identifying the User. As a result of filling in the input fields, personal data is sent to the Operator's database. Filling in the input fields is voluntary. site - a site located on the Internet and consisting of one page. 2. General provisions 2.1. This Agreement was drawn up on the basis of the requirements of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data" and the provisions of Article 13.11 on "Violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of personal data" of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and applies to all personal data that the Operator can obtain about the User while using the Site. 2.2. Filling in the input fields by the User on the Site means the User's unconditional consent to all the terms of this Agreement (Agreement Acceptance). In case of disagreement with these conditions, the User does not fill in the input fields on the Site. 2.3. The User's consent to the provision of personal data to the Operator and their processing by the Operator is valid until the termination of the Operator's activities or until the User withdraws consent. By accepting this Agreement and going through the Registration procedure, as well as making subsequent access to the Site, the User confirms that he, acting on his own will and in his interest, transfers his personal data for processing to the Operator and agrees to their processing. The user is notified that the processing of his personal data will be carried out by the Operator on the basis of Federal Law No. 152-ФЗ dated July 27, 2006 "On Personal Data". 3. List of personal data and other information about the user to be transferred to the Operator 3. 1. When using the Operator's Site, the User provides the following personal data: 3.1.1. Reliable personal information that the User provides about himself / herself when filling in the input fields and / or in the process of using the services of the Site, including last name, first name, patronymic, phone number (home or mobile), personal email address. 3.1.2. Data that is automatically transmitted to the services of the Site in the course of their use using the software installed on the User's device, including the IP address, information from Cookies, information about the User's browser (or other program through which the services are accessed). 3.2. The operator does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by the User. In this case, the Operator assumes that the User provides reliable and sufficient personal information on the issues proposed in the Input Fields. 4. Purposes, rules for the collection and use of personal data 4.1. The operator processes personal data that are necessary to provide services and provide services to the User. 4.2. The User's personal data is used by the Operator for the following purposes: 4.2.1. User identification; 4.2.2. Providing the User with personalized services and services (as well as informing about new promotions and services of the company by sending letters); 4.2.3. Maintaining communication with the User, if necessary, including sending notifications, requests and information related to the use of services, the provision of services, as well as processing requests and applications from the User; 4.3. During the processing of personal data, the following actions will be performed: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, blocking, deletion, destruction. 4.4. The user does not object that the information specified by him in certain cases may be provided to the authorized state bodies of the Russian Federation in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.5. The User's personal data is stored and processed by the Operator in the manner prescribed by this Agreement, during the entire period of the Operator's activities. 4.6. The processing of personal data is carried out by the Operator by maintaining databases, automated, mechanical, manual methods. 4.7. The site uses cookies and other technologies to track the use of the Site's services. This data is necessary to optimize the technical work of the Site and improve the quality of the provision of services. The Site automatically records information (including URL, IP address, browser type, language, date and time of the request) about each visitor to the Site. The user has the right to refuse to provide personal data when visiting the Site or disable cookies, but in this case, not all functions of the Site may work correctly. 4.8. The confidentiality conditions provided for in this Agreement apply to all information that the Operator can receive about the User during the latter's stay on the Site and using the Site. 4.9. Information that is publicly disclosed in the course of the execution of this Agreement, as well as information that can be obtained by the parties or third parties from sources to which any person has free access, is not confidential. 4.10. The Operator takes all necessary measures to protect the confidentiality of the User's personal data from unauthorized access, modification, disclosure or destruction, including: provides constant internal verification of the processes of collecting, storing and processing data and ensuring security; ensures the physical security of data, preventing unauthorized access to technical systems that ensure the operation of the Site, in which the Operator stores personal data; provides access to personal data only to those employees of the Operator or authorized persons who need this information to perform duties directly related to the provision of services to the User, as well as the operation, development and improvement of the Site. 4.11. With regard to the User's personal data, their confidentiality is preserved, except for cases of voluntary provision by the User of information about himself for general access to an unlimited number of persons. 4.12. The transfer by the Operator of the User's personal data is lawful when the Operator is reorganized and the rights are transferred to the Operator's successor, while all obligations to comply with the terms of this Agreement in relation to the personal information received by him are transferred to the legal successor. 4.13. This Statement applies only to the Operator's Site. The company does not control and is not responsible for the sites (services) of third parties to which the user can click on the links available on the Operator's Site, including in the search results. On such Sites (services), the user may collect or request other personal information, as well as other actions may be performed 5. User rights as a subject of personal data, modification and deletion of personal data by the user 5.1. The user has the right to: 5.1.2. Require the Operator to clarify his personal data, block or destroy them if the personal data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained or not necessary for the stated purpose of processing, as well as take legal measures to protect their rights. 5.1.3. Receive information regarding the processing of his personal data, including information containing: confirmation of the fact of personal data processing by the Operator; the purposes and methods of processing personal data used by the operator; the name and location of the Operator; processed personal data relating to the relevant subject of personal data, the source of their receipt, unless another procedure for submitting such data is provided for by federal law; terms of processing personal data, including the terms of their storage; other information provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.2. Withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data can be carried out by the User by sending to the Operator an appropriate written (printed on material medium and signed by the User) notification. 6. Obligations of the Operator. Access to personal data 6.1. The Operator undertakes to ensure that unauthorized and inappropriate access to the personal data of Users of the Operator's Site is prevented. At the same time, authorized and targeted access to the personal data of the Site Users will be considered to be access to them by all interested parties, implemented within the framework of the goals of the activities and topics of the Operator's Site. At the same time, the Operator is not responsible for the possible inappropriate use of the Users' personal data, which occurred as a result of: technical problems in the software and in technical means and networks outside the control of the Operator; in connection with the intentional or unintentional use of the Operator's Sites not for their intended purpose by third parties; 6.2 The operator takes the necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect the user's personal information from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions of third parties with it. 7. Changes to the Privacy Policy Statement. Applicable law 7.1. The Operator has the right to make changes to this Regulation without any special notification to the Users. When changes are made in the current edition, the date of the last update is indicated. The new version of the Regulation comes into force from the moment it is posted, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Regulation. 7.2. The law of the Russian Federation shall apply to these Regulations and the relationship between the User and the Operator arising in connection with the application of the Regulations. I agree I do not accept

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Demand creates supply - a well-known phrase. But today it can be changed to supply and promotion creates demand. This is how the journey of various goods to consumers begins. And social networks, which cope with this task quite successfully, will help to interest and induce to buy. Promotion of goods and services in social networks - we offer an overview on this relevant topic.

Strategy Development

Probably no one is needed in 2018 to convince that social networks are an effective and modern channel for advertising and sales. The statistics of 2017 provide convincing arguments: more than 3 billion people in the world have a registered account in one or several services. About $ 1.5 trillion was spent on online purchases per year. And this is only the official statistics, which does not include officially unregistered online stores. A person, having chosen something in a mobile application, often goes to the website of an online store or contacts a retail network for a purchase, which is also not reflected in the statistics. The main role in product promotion is played by Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and other networks. Therefore, the business is actively adopting these resources and achieving success.

  • Goals and objectives from working in social networks.
  • Target audience of the product and to what extent they are interested in communication services.
  • Choice of resources and tools.
  • Parameters of checks and evaluation of the result.

What to promote

The question arises - what kind of products are successfully promoted through this channel? Or is absolutely everything suitable? Based on marketing research, depending on the social network, its characteristics, the prevailing audience, different groups of goods will be in demand. And yet there are leaders:

  • Fashion industry goods - clothing, footwear, accessories.
  • Cosmetics, perfumery.
  • For children - clothes, shoes, toys, hygiene and care products.
  • Hand made products, souvenirs, unique items from limited editions, jewelry.
  • Automotive components, tools, accessories.
  • Books.
  • Computer and household appliances, accessories for it.
  • Products are environmentally friendly, natural.
  • Services - trainings, consultations, services of IT specialists, marketers, preparation of confectionery products to order, catering.
  • Tourist trips.
  • The property.
  • Alcohol.
  • Tobacco products (including smoking mixtures, electronic cigarettes).
  • Weapon.
  • Games for ages 18+ with violent scenes.
  • Political parties, campaign for candidates for a certain post.

There are no restrictions on the value of the promoted product. Only the goal from leading the group will be different. For example, if a page with women's clothing will return directly to sales, then automobile concerns increase the loyalty of their customers with the help of quick communication on the pages, talk about their new products, and interest them in interesting materials about their factories, customers, and prizes. This affects sales to a certain extent, although not directly.

About goals

You need to understand what the goal is. What is the page on the social network for, what is its task? A list of the most basic goals:

  • To acquaint the market with a new product / service.
  • Increase sales or average check.
  • Help, advice, customer support channel.
  • Make customers permanent.
  • Improve the image of the company / product, remove the existing negative.

Who to promote

You will need to understand as accurately as possible who the potential buyer of the promoted product is. This is a set of criteria such as gender, age, income level, place of residence, marital status, hobbies and interests. It is important to know what problems the target audience has, which are solved with the help of your proposal. These options will help you get your social media targeting right and know what to write about in order to resonate with your followers.

Where to promote

In which social network is it better to promote the product? The list of social networks in 2018 has hundreds of such resources. Which of them to give preference depends on the product and the "habitat" of its target audience. Many of the sites provide advertisers with the socio-demographic data of users. It remains only to compare with the portrait of our clients - we choose those where the coincidence is maximal.
The main promotion resources are with the largest number of users. This:

Other services will also be useful, especially if they are relevant to the topic. For example, products for newborns and babies are well suited for BabyBlog, and cars and everything for them - for NUMBER or AvtoBlog networks. And yet - first of all, the most popular, and only then thematic.

How to promote a product through social media

Let's consider the main methods and tools that are used to promote products. For convenience, we will review each of the popular social networks separately. Let's take the most popular options: VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram.

In contact with

The most popular network in Russia. The total number of users is 462 million, so almost everything can be promoted here - among such a number of people, there will certainly be buyers. The largest number of registered participants was at the age of 18-34, a large audience under 18 (a quarter of the entire database), the most active participants were at the age of 18-25. People over 45 read more of others than they write themselves.

The peculiarity of the network is a lot of publication, as a result, the feeds are updated quickly and in order for the materials to be noticed, you need to write more often. There is no ideal time (peak of user activity) - the working new Prometheus algorithm will show the best and most interesting information at the right time for each account. Habits and interests are taken as a basis, which made it possible to promote quality content for free and with great reach.

The main methods of promotion in VK:

A group is an option for discussion or discussion. The public page is optimal for business promotion. Activities for training and educational programs. The advantage of public pages is indexing by search engines, which, in the presence of SEO-optimized content and a suitable description, will give additional visitors. There are several main stages of promotion.

Task number 1 - design. You can set comment options, obscene language filters. Community appearance: avatar, thumbnail.

Task number 2 - attracting subscribers. There are enough methods to do this for every taste, we will list the main ones:

  • Analysis of competitors - before tackling your group, it will not be superfluous to see what others have. We find similar groups, analyze what they publish, what audience responses, what they like. Now we roughly understand what is needed.
  • Publications are copyrighted and not simply copied on other resources. Ideally, with high-quality photographs (or videos) related to the topic of the material. You can add hashtags (relevant to the topic). Regularity - every 2-3 days or more. The 80/20 rule works - 80% of entertainment and information content, only 20% - selling (about goods and services).
  • Tell your friends - invite them to subscribe (using the button of the same name in the action section or by direct messages).
  • Placement of links and mentions on a public page in your personal: URL, place of work, share your successes and news there.
  • Stories - This form of content is becoming more and more popular across different networks. The idea is to tell a short story, a situation in which this or that thing came in handy (of course, from the promoted product).
  • Contests are a gift for subscribers who repost or fulfill another condition. Depending on the gift and how the information about the competition is disseminated, a large number can be attracted in one competition (up to several hundred people). Post example:

An important point - after choosing a winner, many will unsubscribe, so it is required to maximize the interest of people to stay in the group while the subscription is valid.

  • Consulting actions - when promoting services, you can sort out some of the situations for free by choosing a question from those suggested by the audience.
  • Polls, polls - work on the engagement of subscribers, encouraging them to write comments. For instance:

  • Tips - ask subscribers a question. For example, advise what to see, or read how to achieve something ... Everyone loves to give advice, so the activity in the group increases.
  • Reviews - people who bought the product (especially positive ones) are well promoted:

  • Subscription discount - two birds with one stone: expanding the subscriber base and encourage buying:

  • Showcase - to show the product by the face on the page, albums are organized, with photos and descriptions of the promoted products. For instance:


A photo network with a rapidly growing number of users. Only Facebook is second in popularity in the world. According to statistics, the maximum activity of users is in the morning (from 8 to 9 o'clock), in the evening (from 17 to 18) and at night (up to 2 o'clock). Almost 80% of users are women, the largest group of people between the ages of 18 and 29. Instagram is distinguished by high activity of participants who will want to use the application once a day or more often.

Much attention is paid to photographs, not pages of text, so it is advisable to accompany all publications with colorful and high-quality visual materials. It makes sense to promote everything that is well visualized - clothing, accessories, food, real estate, cosmetics, everything made or improved with your own hands.

Stages of work:

  1. We create a page. A company logo (or product photo) is required for a profile photo. We briefly describe the essence of the business, indicate contact information (website, contacts for communication).
  2. We attract a subscriber base and offer them our products and services.

Basic tools for Instagram:

  • Showcase - professional, attractive product photos, the best advertising. Ideally, involve a photographer, use professional equipment, play with the filters that are in the service itself (the most effective filters for photo processing are Mayfair, Normal, Inkwell, Lo-fi, Valencia, Rise and Amaro). We show the kitchen from the inside, successful examples of work, employees in the process of making something. The task is to present the product in such a way that it would be impossible to resist the purchase:

  • Targeted advertising - promotion using the service itself. You will have to pay for attraction (about 30-50 rubles for one). Advantages: high probability of finding the right audience by numerous targeting parameters.
  • Hashtags - free product promotion among those who are looking for something on these tags.

Finding people interested by hashtags is easy:

  • Contests - both our own and Giveaway (simultaneous subscription to all sponsors). The rapid growth of subscribers opens up a lot of opportunities for someone to promote products. The main thing is to have time to do this before they unsubscribe (which in 50% or more cases occurs after the end of the competition). Example:

  • Discounts for subscriptions (reposts):


The most popular resource in the world. It is considered more "age" in comparison with VKontakte and Instagram, although the largest group of subscribers is aged 25-34 years. A little behind in terms of the number of categories 35-44 and 45-54 years. Women predominate (77%). Managers of various industries, IT specialists, entrepreneurs prefer to use Facebook. As a result, the promotion of the fashion sector, education, tourism, and the banking sector gives excellent results.

We create a profile, and it is better to choose a business account. The avatar and cover are loaded, a template is selected (available: "Services", "Company", "Sites", "Non-profit organization", "Policies", "Restaurants and cafes", "Shopping" or "Standard"). Filled in all the fields (information, photos, videos and others), give credibility and authority to the page.

Attracting target audience:

We have listed only the most common methods in the three leading social networks. And, of course, business opportunities are not limited to them. Each network offers dozens of tool options and deserves a separate material for detailed study. But the tools are in many ways similar and, having understood the general principle, you can successfully set up work in other networks.

Product promotion cost

Directly depends on the amount of work. The choice of a social network, their number, frequency of publications plays a role. One price option will be obtained if the materials (with photos, facts, descriptions) are prepared by the employees of your company, and the task of SMM experts is only to slightly edit them. And a completely different amount will cost a full cycle: finding and compiling the necessary content, page promotion.

The way the communication with subscribers will be organized also affects. To simplify the work (and reduce the cost), you can create bots that will answer standard questions. A more time-consuming process is the employee who writes the answers himself.

An important factor is the organization of competitions that work well for expanding the base. But you have to spend money on a prize, the cost of which is 5 thousand rubles and more. For a less valuable gift, few are willing to participate.

The minimum cost for SMM per month is from 5 thousand rubles. This amount barely pays for the time spent planning the campaign, selecting the tools and launching it.

Typical mistakes

There are quite a few pitfalls in social networks. Not knowing about them, you can ruin even a successful business, spend more than the planned budget or time. Therefore, it is better to know the "enemies" by sight and bypass them. The main mistakes when promoting a product on social networks are presented below.

Waiting for immediate results

It is worth waiting for a return, even though the promotion is entrusted to external SMM specialists, no earlier than in 2-3 months. Less is the exception to the rule. It will take time both to fill the group with materials and to attract subscribers. It can be compared to the beginning of a store, when advertising has already brought customers, and the goods are in the process of placing on the shelves. There is no need to wait for purchases.

Long-awaited results can be slowed down by:

  • High cost or specificity of goods - for example, when the price is above $ 1000 or the sale of large agricultural equipment. In such cases, social networks should be one of the parts of a comprehensive marketing campaign, they can be a channel of communication with customers. Pre and post-sales consulting, background information, answering questions - a definite plus to the brand image, a method of increasing audience loyalty.
  • The existing negative image of the company - if consumers have already formed this opinion, then they will have to try to correct the situation. Against the background of the general negativity, it will not work to interest new products. The way to solve the problem is to find the causes of the problems, eliminate them, convince their clients to change for the better.

Do it yourself

The issue of product promotion, creation and maintenance of a group, filling with content can and really want to do it yourself. It seems that everything is simple - the director of the company can easily drop a few lines on social networks himself. Or give a task to your employees, setting aside five minutes of working time. This approach is a fairly common misconception for small companies that have limited budgets. And yet, the results of inept actions, mistakes in the use of tools can not only fail to bring sales growth, but also worsen the company's image.

A separate risk is that the employee who led the group becomes a valuable cadre who will have to be retained by any means on the staff. Otherwise, he can take clients with him.

The services of professional SMM specialists will completely overlap with increased profits when a well-built strategy begins to work. And you shouldn't save too much on this. With limited finances, it is better to start promoting on one site, and not on several at once.

Let's start, let's go and ... stop

To abandon everything if there is no positive dynamics in sales for 2-3 months is an option that occurs to many in such a situation. However, it is better not to panic, analyze what has been done and the results, change the approach, the contractor, the network. Success will surely smile on the persistent. They really sell through social networks, you just need to find a working strategy. Leaving existing subscribers is a tangible damage to the image.

Mountains of gold

I want everything at once, and so the meeting promises of instant success captivate. And the purchase price of subscribers on the exchanges is not that high. But it's worth thinking about what you need to get in the end. You need a high-quality audience, and for this you need to provide interesting information, hold contests, and give prizes. This way the group will grow and willingly distribute the materials further, increasing their reach. Exchange subscribers will not become real customers.

One-way communication

When organizing the promotion of goods on social networks, you should not expect that the page will be just something like a translator of advertising. Publications are important, but one of the main differences from a website is two-way communication. Questions, comments, criticism should not remain unanswered, and in a short time (up to several hours). You can find out about the response time by looking at the information on the page itself (for example, on Facebook):


Periodic monitoring of key indicators will help to understand how the goal is being achieved (about setting goals - see above) and how effectively the budget is spent. Moreover, intermediate cuts are needed, and not only the final one, when all the funds have already been spent, but there is no return. Analytics tools such as Google Analytics, Yandex. Metrics, Amplitude. With their help, you can track sales through social networks, registrations, subscriptions to newsletters - that is, any conversions. Analytics services Curalate and Blitzmetrics will allow you to evaluate the results of notes with visual content.

Carbon copy

A simple repetition of the actions of competitors and colleagues in the shop does not guarantee excellent results. Even if it worked for them "with a bang." Author's content (instead of copying), their contests and promotions are more appreciated by both people and systems. The "Prometheus" algorithm alone with a huge audience coverage with unique materials is worth a lot.

Choosing an SMM agency

It was decided to entrust the promotion of goods to professional marketers. How to determine their level of professionalism and understand that the task is within their reach. The question is especially relevant for small companies that cannot afford the recognized leaders of the SMM market.

The main points to which we pay attention:

  • It is good if the agency specializes only in social networks, and does not promote on any resources. Better narrowly focused employees than knowing a little bit of everything.
  • Portfolio - samples of work, examples and results of previous projects will help to make an impression, to understand whether you want something like that. It will not be superfluous to ask about the personal experience of those employees who will work on your project.

Instagram advertising

- a convenient service for sharing and video between users. And if earlier they were skeptical about this site, today it is an excellent platform for placing ads. Users love bright pictures and a minimum of descriptions. Advertising on social networks is aimed exactly at this.

Instagram users earn money based on the popularity of their page. likes to follow their idols, so advertising posts of famous people are expensive. For example, Ksenia Sobchak demands 200 thousand rubles for placing an ad, and Sergei Shnurov - as much as 1.5 million rubles. There is a lot of money, but the method of attracting stars for advertising is very effective. It is believed that for every ruble spent on such advertising, 4–10 rubles can be returned. Types of Instagram ads:

  • following a link- placement of the advertiser's website address on the star page;
  • video advertising- thirty-second videos with a description of the goods, and if the budget allows - the idols themselves will advertise the products;
  • installation- on Instagram, you can advertise programs for your phone. According to statistics, thousands are ready to download them every day;
  • carousel- a selection of images describing the product. This format is considered better than just one picture;
  • attracting followers for the purpose of promotion- the more subscribers, the more chances you have to become famous and sell your products.

Facebook Ads

Advertising on Facebook appeared much earlier than on other social networks. The site managed to develop many tools and convenient formats for promoting goods and services. In addition to the types of advertising used on Instagram, it offers the following product presentation options:

  • the photo with a short description (up to 90 characters);
  • collection- use of videos and photos in an advertisement;
  • ring gallery- simultaneous placement of up to ten videos or pictures with links;
  • canvas- a blank slate for the advertiser's ideas and creativity. You can place anything on it and in any order.

Social media advertising offers many opportunities for creativity. Facebook not only contributes to this by developing many ad formats, but also offers several options for posting publications:

  1. Accommodation through the administration of groups... The cost of advertising depends on the popularity. The approximate price per day is 1000–2000 rubles.
  2. Mobile Ads and targeted advertising in social networks is placed independently by choosing the correct publication settings. You pay for impressions and clicks. In the first case, the advertiser sets a daily budget and his own price per 1000 impressions. In the second, payment takes place upon the fact of useful actions of users (clicks on the link). The cost varies between 8-20 rubles. Payment is made from a bank card or via.

Self-hosted social media advertising is a relatively inexpensive way to promote a product. The sites, although created for communication, are also convenient for the advertiser, who can always familiarize himself with the publication statistics, change the rates or adjust the settings.

Vkontakte advertising

Not so long ago, the resource was a network for schoolchildren. But the developers, having heard about the successes of other social networks in the field, decided to keep up.

The social network Vkontakte has its own targeting tool. If on Facebook and on other sites, user data is taken from information about the IP address of the computer, then Vkontakte draws information from the information specified in the user profile. Why is it convenient?

A person living in Moscow and going on a business trip to Barnaul for a couple of days will hardly be interested in new deliveries to Barnaul boutiques. Vkontakte will show those ads that refer to the user's permanent place of residence.

Vkontakte offers several ad formats. Large images or community advertisements are popular. Accommodation can be either independent or through the administration of groups.

The cost of placing in communities is from 200 rubles. depending on the activity of users and the number. Publication for 200 rubles. possible in a community with 50,000 followers. Groups with audiences in the millions are asking for a lot more. Independent publications will cost 6-10 rubles. for 1000 impressions. The price depends on the coverage and the chosen settings.

Is there free social media advertising? Yes. For people with free time, one of the following promotion options can be considered:

  • promotion of your page, or, moreover, over time you can make good money on this;
  • posting ads in local communities;
  • mutual promotion of products through the Vkontakte, Facebook and Instagram exchanges.

Advertising on social networks is very convenient for the busy and for the freer people. For users on a budget and a fat wallet. All growing companies and small businesses should take note of the ways to promote their products, which today are striking in their all-encompassing nature.

It is difficult to imagine that few people once believed in the success of social networks. Services were considered unpromising not only for business promotion, but also for simple communication. Today, the social segment of the Internet is one of the fastest growing.

Features of business promotion on social networks: Vkontakte

The choice of a social network for promotion is not easy. Experts recommend a comprehensive approach to promotion: use several sites. VK is almost a universal service. Promotion of a photographer on social networks often begins with the promotion of Vkontakte. In the groups of the network, other services and various goods are effectively sold. You can also start promoting a restaurant on social networks with VK. The main condition is the concentration in this network of the main target audience of the company.

VK has a number of advantages over other services. Deep targeting is key. Promotion here can be carried out taking into account gender, age, interests, profession of representatives of the target audience.

The VK group can be positioned by interests, assortment, brand. The first type of community is the most popular. Brand groups unite about 7% of VK users. According to statistics, about 12% of users enter the assortment communities (offering certain goods, services).

Promotion of services in social networks: Facebook

Facebook is called a marketing breakthrough. But the service is quite specific. The strength of Facebook is its user. He is usually educated, successful, and has a certain level of purchasing power.

The peculiarity of the network is its coverage. Facebook has a billion audience, but is not considered a massive network. Mainly specialists of various levels and spheres of activity, middle and top managers, programmers, marketers, etc. communicate here. Accordingly, the network can be effective for promoting innovations, technologies, branded equipment, and business solutions. But to promote a tableware or baby food store in FB is a thankless task.

Unlike VK, Facebook users show more interest in branded public pages than in interest groups. This can be used to promote the company.

Brand promotion on social media: Twitter

Promotion of a product on social networks is impossible without posting relevant content in public or groups. It can be different, but practice shows that text content is of the greatest interest. Twitter has a hard limit on the length of a post. One message cannot exceed 140 characters. This is not enough for full-fledged promotion through text content. But Twitter is still actively used to promote companies, brands, individuals.

Promotion is carried out by creating and maintaining your own twitter channel. There is no single effective (universal) mechanism for this. Most often, promotion specialists use the method of announcing events on the channels of popular twitter bloggers.

Promotion of services in social networks: Google+

Many specialized agencies today offer the promotion of services in social networks, including Google+. The young network is not positioned as a competitor to FB or VK, it has its own chips. Google has recently introduced the so-called business pages. The latter are full-fledged representative offices of the company in Google.

It has been noticed that the search engine of the same name is more loyal to sites that have representative offices in Google. In addition, customers can leave reviews on the business page, so potential customers will see them. Company data is automatically sent to Google Maps. Therefore, one more plus of having a business page appears: in the search results for a commercial request, companies that are indicated on Google maps appear first.

Mistakes in promoting a company in social networks

Promotion in the social segment of the Internet has many nuances and features. Not every project is successful. Three common promotion mistakes lead to low performance indicators:

  1. Incorrect use of strategies, promotion methods, violation of promotion rules.
  2. Fast acting principle. Promotion according to the scheme: created groups wherever possible, caught up with traffic, completed promotion.
  3. Lack of a clear end goal.

The main mistakes in promoting a brand, company, product or service will be avoided by productive cooperation with an experienced social media promotion specialist. Naturally, such cooperation will not be free. But the investment is worth it. If your ultimate goal is to increase the company's profits, it is hardly worth skimping on the tools to achieve it.

Is there a universal scheme for promoting a business in social networks?

Each customer of promotion services wants to clearly understand what and how will be performed to achieve the goal. Many people are interested in the question of the existence of a universal (proven, effective, non-malfunctioning) scheme. There really is such a scheme. But it is more correct to call it basic, and not universal. On the basis of this scheme, network promotion programs are built, taking into account the specifics and characteristics of a particular site.

The basic scheme provides for interaction with the audience to increase the latter's loyalty to the brand, product, service. If the ultimate goal of the customer of promotion services is to increase sales, then the following algorithm works effectively: arousing interest from a potential client, identifying (forming) needs, presenting a solution (service, product), closing the need with this solution (service, product), communication and after-sales service , the formation of a new need. Then the cycle repeats.

This scheme is actively used by foreign experts in the network promotion of brands, companies, goods, services. Its effectiveness has been repeatedly tested in domestic business segments.

What does this scheme of working with the target audience give? It allows you to get those 20% of customers that will bring the company up to 80% of the profit. In fact, the scheme provides the customer with promotion services by real buyers of services or goods.

Promotion in social networks is an affordable and in-demand tool. But, like any other, they need to be able to use them correctly. Do you want to minimize risks (image, financial), get an effective result in a short time? Trust the implementation of social promotion projects to the professionals of Unis-Profi LLC.

What does Unis-Profi offer?

Our company implements the maximum program for your group / page to fulfill its tasks:

  • Product audit,
  • Analysis of the competitive environment,
  • Determination of the target audience,
  • Copyright (brand information),
  • Attracting subscribers,
  • Filling content.

You can order an audit right now. The audit of the group in social networks is free of charge. We will not only analyze the current situation, but also give recommendations, some of which you can implement yourself.

What is included in social media promotion?

  • Analysis of the current situation,
  • Development of a promotion strategy,
  • Preparation and placement of content in a group, on a page,
  • Moderation, communication with participants, subscribers,
  • Attracting members / subscribers to a group, to a page,
  • Setting up and running an advertising campaign (VK, FB, Instagram),
  • Attraction of clients.

Maintenance cost (per month)

x Twitter service - 5000 rubles.

x Google+ service - 5000 rubles.

x Vkontakte group service - 10,000 rubles.

x Maintenance of the Facebook group - 10,000 rubles.

x Service for the Odnoklassniki group - 10,000 rubles.

x Instagram service - 10,000 rubles.

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