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  • If a function that implements the web. Some features of the implementation of web services

If a function that implements the web. Some features of the implementation of web services

8.41 When defining the type of a property of an objectXDTO type information includes:

1.only type name

2. type name and namespace name

3.type name and XDTO package name

4.type name and XDTO factory name

8.42 ManagerWEB services solves the problem:

1.controlling the infobase connection pool WSDL service description, SOAP protocol implementation the work of the WEB application

4. correct answers 1,2

5.the answers are 2,3

6. correct answers 1,2,3

8.43 Configuration Object" WEThe service "is used for:

2.organization of access to web services via a static link

3. exporting the functionality of this infobase

8.44 Configuration Object" WsLink"is used for:

1.organizing dynamic access to web services

2. organizing an appeal toweb-services but a static link

3.export the functionality of this infobase

8.45 If the function that implements the operationWEB service, returns some value. Then such a value is determined (when setting up the corresponding configuration object) as having the type:

4.xml element

5. object or valueXDTO

6. Answers 1, 2, 3 are correct

8.46 When referring toWEB to a service using a static link, the sequence of actions is as follows:

1.receiving a wsdl description, setting up a connection (creating a proxy), accessing a service operation

2. setting up a connection (creating a proxy), accessing a service operation

8.47 When referring toWEB to a service using a dynamic link, the sequence of actions is as follows:

1. gettingwsdl descriptions, setting up a connection (creating a proxy), referring to a service operation

2.Configuring connection (creating a proxy), accessing the service operation

3.requesting a service operation

8.48 If the function that implements the operationWEB service, takes some value as a parameter. Then such a value is determined (when setting up the corresponding configuration object) as having the type:

4.xml element

5. object or valueXDTO

6. correct answers 1,2,3

8.49 How can you determine in which exchange plans for a particular application object auto-registration is indicated?

1. In the object editing window, section "Data exchange"

2. By calling the "Properties palette" window for this object

3. By calling the "Additional" window for this object (the "Exchange plans" tab)

4. All of the above is true.

5. Answers 1 and 3 are correct

8.50 For applied objects in the configuration object editing window on the "Data exchange" tab, indicate ...

1.objects, when changing which, this object should be exchanged

2.objects that should be exchanged when this object changes plans, when the exchange is performed according to which the given object will change

4. exchange plans that will take into account changes in this object

8.51 EditingOLE-objects carried out:

1. The editor of spreadsheet documents built into the platform

2. The OLE-object editor built into the platform

3. Application associated withOLE-object

8.52 External files of spreadsheet documents:

1. Have an XML extension

2. Have an extensionMXL

3. Can have any extension

4. Don't exist. All spreadsheet documents are embedded in the Configuration

8.53 Automation-server "1C: Enterprise 8" ...

1.Gives access to all properties and methods of its global context

2. Provides access to additional properties and methods for performing actions specific to work in Automation mode

3. Allows you to manage the 1C: Enterprise8 system application from other applications, as well as perform actions similar to interactive

4. all the above answers are correct


2. is implemented entirely in software

3. implemented using the "Exchange plans" configuration object

4.implemented by the exchange master built into the platform

9. Service of the applied solution

9.1 What is the order in which the platform and configuration are installed?

1. You must first install the platform, then install the configuration based on the template

2. You must first install the configuration, and then the platform

3. The order of installation does not matter

9.2 Typical installation of the "1C: Enterprise 8" platform ...

1.assumes a separate installation on each user computer, further platform updates can be made automatically from the server

2. assumes a separate installation on each user computer, further platform updates can be carried out only on each user computer

3.provides installation on a server with further copying of the necessary files to users' computers; further platform updates can be made automatically from the server

4.assumes the installation of a local version for one user

9.3 What needs to be done to update the technological platform during a typical 1C: Enterprise installation?

1. In the configurator mode, specify the update file

2. Run the installer included in the distribution

3. In the configurator mode, specify the delivery file

9.4 Administrative Installation ...

1.assumes the installation of the platform on each individual user computer

2. involves the installation of the platform by the Administrator on one computer, with further copying of executable files from it to the workstations of users of the local network

3.assumes the installation of the configuration on the 1C: Enterprise server, with the definition of a user with Administrator access rights

9.5 When updating the technological platform during the administrative installation of 1C: Enterprise ...

1. it is enough for the administrator to update the platform only in the place of the administrative installation; users themselves will be able to update the platform on local computers

2.the administrator must update the platform at the administrative installation location and on all computers on the local network, users are not allowed to update

3.the administrator must update the platform only on computers on the local network, users have the same ability

4.the administrator must update the platform only on computers on the local network, users do not have this option

9.6 Is it allowed for a typical installation of 1C: Enterprise in a client-server version, the operation of client and server applications of different releases of the technological platform?

1. Allowed

2. Not allowed, it is necessary to update both the server application and the client applications

3. It is allowed, it is necessary to update the server application

9.7 Using Batch Run Mode ...

1.Allows automatic unloading / loading, testing and correction of the infobase

2.Allows you to run both modes of the program without interactive intervention

3.Allows for syntactic control and configuration validation

4.the correct answer is I and 2

5. the correct answer is 1,2 and 3

9.8 Launch parameters from the 1C: Enterprise command line ...

1.determine the information base, user, his, password, launch mode, rules for performing these operations in an external file

2.determine the information base, the user, his password, the launch mode, the rules for performing the specified operations specified in the command line

3. Verpah Answers I and 2 correct answer

9.9 What does the command line allow?

A web service is an integration tool that provides a service architecture concept. That is, the 1C system can be presented as a set of independent services for third-party systems, and in turn can act as a consumer of such services. Architecture diagram:

The web service manager shown in the diagram closes the following tasks:

  • manages a pool of infobase connections
  • supports service description in WSDL format (Web Services Description Language, XML-based web services description language)
  • implements the SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) protocol, provides serialization of messages, calls the necessary web services

In the configuration, web services are implemented as common objects:

For webservice, a set of operations is specified, each of which can be characterized by certain parameters for data transmission:

The web service works using XML, so it needs to specify a markup schema; for this, the web service refers to the XDTO package:

Question 08.42 of exam 1C: Professional on the platform. WEB service manager solves the problem:

  1. infobase connection pool management
  2. WSDL support for service description, SOAP protocol implementation
  3. WEB application support
  4. correct answers 1,2
  5. correct answers 2,3
  6. correct answers 1,2,3

The fourth correct answer is that the web service does not provide operation of the web application (see above its functions).

Question 08.43 of exam 1C: Professional on the platform. The configuration object "WEB service" is used for:

  1. organizing calls to web services using a static link
  2. exporting the functionality of this infobase

The third correct answer is that a web service specifies some functionality that can be accessed from outside this database.

Question 08.44 of exam 1C: Professional on the platform. The "WSLink" configuration object is used to:

  1. organizing a dynamic call to web services
  2. organizing calls to web services using a static link
  3. exporting the functionality of this infobase

The correct answer is the second. A WS-link is a generic configuration object for accessing third-party web services through a static link. The link consists of a data model, essentially an XDTO package, and a web service from which the link is published:

Question 08.45 of exam 1C: Professional on the platform. If the function that implements the operation of the WEB service returns any value. Then such a value is determined (when setting up the corresponding configuration object) as having the type:

  1. Line
  2. Number
  3. Boolean
  4. XML element
  5. XDTO object or value
  6. correct answers 1,2,3

The correct answer is the fifth.

Question 08.48 of exam 1C: Professional on the platform. If the function that implements the operation of the WEB service takes any value as a parameter. Then such a value is determined (when setting up the corresponding configuration object) as having the type:

  1. Line
  2. Number
  3. Boolean
  4. XML element
  5. XDTO object or value
  6. correct answers 1,2,3

The correct answer is similar to the fifth one.

Question 08.46 of exam 1C: Professional on the platform. When accessing the WEB service using a static link, the sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. getting a wsdl description, setting up a connection (creating a proxy), accessing a service operation
  2. setting up a connection (creating a proxy), accessing a service operation
  3. service operation call

The correct answer is the second - in the case of a static link, you don't need to get a wsdl description every time.

Question 08.47 of exam 1C: Professional on the platform. When accessing the WEB service via a dynamic link, the sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. getting a wsdl description, setting up a connection (creating a proxy), accessing a service operation
  2. setting up a connection (creating a proxy), accessing a service operation
  3. service operation call

The correct answer is the first.

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Web services

The mechanism of Web services allows you to use 1C: Enterprise as a set of services in complex distributed and heterogeneous systems, and also allows you to integrate 1C: Enterprise with other industrial systems using a service-oriented architecture.

Adding a Web Service

To add a Web service to the configuration tree, select the branch General - Web Services and execute the Add context menu command.
As a result of the command execution, the Web service editing window will open.

On the Other tab of the Web service editing window, set the following parameters:
Namespace URI- contains the URI of the Web service namespace. Each Web service can be uniquely identified by its name and the URI of the namespace to which it belongs.
● XDTO packages - a list of XDTO packages, the types of which can be used as return value types for operations and types of parameters for Web service operations.
Publication file name- the name of the Web service description file, which is located on the web server.
To gain access to the Web service, you must use the address, which is formed as follows: <Имя хоста веб-сервера>/<Имя виртуального каталога>/ ws /<Имя Web-сервиса> or <Имя хоста веб-сервера>/<Имя виртуального каталога>/ ws /<Адрес Web-сервиса> .
So, if the virtual directory has the name DemoWS, the name of the Web service in the configurator is indicated as DemonstrationWS, and DemoWorkWS is specified as the address, the Web service can be accessed simultaneously at two addresses (to gain access from the local machine):
http: // localhost / DemoWS / ws / DemoWorksWS or http: // localhost / DemoWS / ws / DemoWorkWS.
In addition, the tab contains the Module button, which allows you to open the Web service module for editing.

Hierarchical structure of the web service

Each Web service described in the configuration tree can contain a set of operations. Each operation must have a corresponding exported procedure described in the Web service module.

Description of the web service

In turn, each operation can contain a set of parameters, the names of which must correspond to the names of the parameters of the procedure describing the given operation.

Web service operations

On the Operations tab, you add a Web service operation. Operation properties are edited in the Properties palette.

Web service operation properties

Return type- the type of value returned by the Web service operation. It can be an XDTO value type or an XDTO object type.
Possibly empty- indicates whether the return value can be undefined.
In transaction - Indicates whether the code of the Web service module will be executed in a transaction or not. If the property is set, then when the Web service is called, a transaction will be automatically started, and upon completion, the transaction will either be committed or the transaction will be rolled back (depending on the results of execution). If the property is not set, no transaction will be started when the Web service module starts executing.
Procedure name - the name of the export procedure of the Web service module that will be executed when this property is called.
Data Lock Control Mode- indicates which locks will be used when accessing data.

Operation parameters

On the Operations tab for the specified operation, you need to set the parameters of the Web service operation. Editing parameter properties
is executed in the properties palette.

Operation parameter properties

Value type - the type of the value of the Web service operation parameter. It can be an XDTO value type or an XDTO object type.
Possibly empty- indicates whether the value of the operation parameter can take an undefined value.
Transmission direction- defines the direction of data transfer using this parameter. Possible values:
● Input - means that the parameter can be used only for transmitting data to the Web service.
● Output - means that the parameter can only be used to receive data from the Web service.
Input - Output- means that the parameter can be used both to transmit data and to receive it from a Web service.

Specifying System-Defined Types

To use the types defined by the 1C: Enterprise system in the Web service (for example, in the parameters and return value of operations), you need to define XDTO packages in the configuration and for each package specify in its list of imported packages (the Import Directives property) a set of platform packages, in which these types are included. For the namespace URI for specifying a type, see Object Type Syntax Assistant.

Publishing Web Services

The task of publishing is reduced to placing the publish file in the appropriate directory. In order to publish, you should execute the menu command “ Administration - Web Server Publishing ...“.

As a result of executing this command, a window will open in which the infobase is published on the local computer.

Attention! The operation requires administrator rights (for Windows) or superuser rights (for Linux) on the computer where the publication is performed

Basic Publishing Settings

On the “ The main”Displays the data required to complete the publication.

If the publication has not been performed before, then the field values ​​(settings) are filled with default values ​​(the name is selected from the name of the infobase). Change these settings if required.
If the publication has already been performed, then the settings are selected according to those previously specified.
If the system, when opening the dialog with the current settings, finds a publication, but its data differs from these settings, a request is issued to replace the settings.
If a publication by settings is not found, a warning is issued.

Select a web server and specify the directory where the publish file will be written.
The list of web servers is generated automatically based on the installed web servers.

The publication name must follow the URL rules (RFC 1738).
If the web server is Apache 2.2 or Apache 2.4, then US ASCII characters must be used for the directory name.

Note. When using the Apache web server, both web server versions are available for selection in the settings dialog. Please note that the publishing settings for Apache 2.2 and Apache 2.4 are incompatible. Therefore, it is necessary to select the correct version of the web server in the dialog.

Specify whether you want to publish a thin client and a web client, as well as web and HTTP services.

If the checkbox “ Publish standard ODATA interface”Is installed, the ODATA service will be published, which allows you to read and modify infobase data using HTTP requests.

On the “ Web services"Check the box" Publish Web Services”And build the list in the table by checking the boxes for the Web services that you want to publish.

If the checkbox "Publish Web Services by Default" is checked, then when the publication is updated, the selected web services will be published automatically. Otherwise, web services will be marked as unpublished.

If the checkbox "Publish Extension Web Services by Default" is installed, then when the publication is updated, the web services added by the extensions will be published automatically.

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Some excerpts:

1.1 The value of the "Code series" property of the "Directory" configuration object can be set: in the entire directory, within the subordination, within the subordination to the owner.
1.2 User-editable information is contained in the infobase object.
1.3 In the full-text search engine, the expression “! Scarlet” is used for searching based on synonyms for the word “scarlet”.
1.4 External processing is used at the debugging stage to make changes to processing more quickly.
1.5 "Object" - "file type": external processing - "epf", external report - "erf", configuration - "cf".

7.1 When configuring data access restrictions, it is allowed to set several (by the number of fields) restrictions for the "Read" right.
7.2 When configuring data access restriction, the values ​​of session parameters and data from tables (queries) can be used as values ​​for restricting data access.

8.1 From the point of view of XML serialization, the value of the "DocumentRef.DocumentName" type belongs to simple types.
8.2 No more than one index file can be opened at the same time as a dbf file.
8.3 When accessing the 1C: Enterprise 8 database via OLE, a procedure is executed - the event handler "At the Beginning of SystemWork" defined in the application module.
8.4 Drawing
8.5 When writing a value using XML serialization to an XML document, methods related to XML serialization and the XMLWriter object are used.
8.6 When accessing the 1C: Enterprise 8 database via COM, a procedure is executed - the event handler "AtSystemStarting", defined in the external connection module.
8.7 Figure
8.8 The event “On ReceivingDataFromSlave”, defined in the exchange plan module, occurs when receiving data from the slave node when the “Distributed database” flag is checked for this exchange plan.
8.9 When sequentially reading from a text file, both line-by-line and character-by-character reading is possible.
8.10 In a procedure that will be called when connecting to a database via COM, you cannot use "Form.Open ()".
8.11 When using the distributed database engine, configuration changes are included in standard exchange messages.
8.12 When using the mechanism of distributed infobases in the corresponding object "Exchange plan" of a separately taken infobase (included in the distributed one), the main (but it may be absent) and subordinate bases are determined.
8.13 To create an object that will be used to access another 1C: Enterprise 8 infobase from one 1C: Enterprise 8 database via OLE, the New COMObject constructor is used.
8.14 Simple XML serialization includes all types that are represented as XML elements with text-only content.
8.15 An instance of an XBase object allows you to simultaneously organize work with only one file of the dbf format.
8.16 To receive mail directly from the mail server (without using the installed mail client), the "InternetMail" object is used.
8.17 ActiveX controls can be used in form dialog without restriction.
8.18 Complex types, from the point of view of XML serialization, include types whose values ​​are represented as XML elements containing nested elements.
8.19 An exchange plan can have only one predefined node (which cannot be deleted or marked for deletion).
8.20 From an XML serialization point of view, a ValueStore value is a simple type.
8.21 To access the properties of ActiveX controls from a form module, use the "Form Elements" property.
8.22 When using universal exchange mechanisms (in turn, using exchange plans), the change registration table for objects whose change was sent in a generated message is cleared in the order specified by the programmer (after sending a message / after receiving a receipt for receiving a sent message, etc.) ...
8.23 When using the mechanism of distributed information databases, the table of registration of changes for the objects, the change of which was sent in the generated message is cleared after receiving the receipt of the sent message.
8.24 From an XML serialization point of view, a value of type "ConstantManagerValues.Constant name" is a complex type.
8.25 When working with the "InternetMail" object, you can only select all letters (or headers) located on the server.
8.26 An ActiveX control cannot be used as a layout. But an HTML document, an Active document, a Microsoft Word program file, a data composition layout layout - you can.
8.27 When using the Universal Data Exchange feature, the collision resolution process is not platform-specific by default.
8.28 When working with an external component: after program loading, objects of the external component are connected to 1C: Enterprise 8.
8.29 When using exchange plans, the composition of the nodes for which the registration of changes to objects is taking place can be adjusted when working with the object.
8.30 The "XSL Transformation" object is intended for converting an XML document into another document of a valid format.
8.31 With the help of XML serialization tools in an XML document, you can save values ​​of the following types: Value store, picture, string of unlimited length.
8.32 The "HTML Document Field" control allows you to view html documents both on the local network and on the Internet (received in any way?).
8.33 To track when the HTML document is fully loaded in the HTML Document Field control, you can use the Document Generated event handler of this control, in which the URL property is checked for equality to the specified resource address.
8.34 To receive mail through the mail client installed on the user's computer, the "Mail" object is used.
8.35 When an XDTO factory is created programmatically, the types defined in it cannot be extended, they are fully defined at creation.
8.36 Types defined in the global XDTO factory can be extended by creating XDTO packages, changing the composition of configuration objects.
8.37 XDTO factory is a set of XML schemas.
8.38 XDTO package is an XML document schema.
8.39 Within the XDTO package being created (without using the import directive), you can use the types defined only in this package and the types standard for XML.
8.40 Within the XDTO model, the "Facet" concept refers to the XDTO value type.
8.41 When defining the type of a property of an XDTO object, the type information includes the type name and the name of the namespace.
8.42 The WEB service manager solves the problem of managing the pool of connections with infobases and supporting WSDL service descriptions, implementing the SOAP protocol.
8.43 The "WEB service" configuration object is used to export the functionality of this infobase.
8.44 The "WSLink" configuration object is used to organize calls to web servers using a static link.
8.45 If the function that implements the operation of the WEB service returns any value, then such a value is defined (when setting up the corresponding configuration object) as having a type: an object or an XDTO value.

9.1 It doesn't matter if you install first: configuration or platform.
9.5 When updating the technological platform during the administrative installation of 1C: Enterprise, the administrator only needs to update the platform at the place of the administrative installation; users themselves will be able to update the platform on local computers.
9.6 In a typical installation of 1C: Enterprise in a client-server version, the operation of client and server applications of different releases of the technological platform is not allowed, it is necessary to update both the service application and the client applications.
9.7 Using the batch launch mode allows you to: automatically unload / load, test and correct the infobase; run both modes of programs without interactive intervention; perform syntactic control and configuration check.
9.8 Launch parameters from the 1C: Enterprise command line determine the infobase, user, his password, launch mode, rules for performing specified operations in an external file / specified in the command line.
9.9 Using the command line allows you to launch the program in 1C: Enterprise or Configurator mode by specifying the infobase directory, user, password, etc. as parameters. But you cannot block the actions of the user specified in the parameter in 1C: Enterprise mode.
9.10 Batch mode of the configurator allows you to start the configurator and automatically execute the procedures specified in a separate file or command line for saving the configuration to a file, testing the infobase, etc.
9.11 Configuration templates serve as prototypes of the created infobases and are installed in the directory of templates specified by the user.
9.12 To create a new infobase for the file-based system operation, you need to: in the 1C: Enterprise launch window, select Add - Create a new infobase - select from templates or empty - specify the database name - specify the infobase directory.
9.13 To add an existing infobase for a client-server version of the system operation, you need to: in the 1C: Enterprise launch menu, select "Add" - "Add an existing infobase to the list" - specify the name of the base - specify "On the 1C: Enterprise server" - specify the name the database on the server and the server name.
9.14 The infobase list contains links to registered infobases and can be adjusted manually or programmatically.

10.1. In Platform 8.3, the ability to use regular and managed forms depends on the configuration settings and the client application.
10.2. Normal forms can only be used in the thick client.
10. 3. The use of managed forms depends on the configurator settings: in the thick client in the normal application mode; in a thick client in managed application mode; in the thin client; in the web client.
10.4. Auto-conversion of regular forms to managed forms and vice versa is not supported.
10.5. The main attribute of the form defines both the data source for the form as a whole and the standard platform capabilities for working with the form data of the type specified for the main attribute.
10.6. Form details are needed to describe the composition of the data that is displayed, edited or stored in the form.
10.7. To assign a main attribute to an arbitrary managed form, set the "Main attribute" checkbox in the properties of the form attribute.
10.8. To assign a basic attribute to an arbitrary main form, you need to fill in the "Data" property of the form by selecting the required form attribute.
10.9. A form can have only one main attribute.
10.10. The purpose of the main forms of applied objects is that they are called instead of those automatically generated by default when the object is accessed accordingly.
10.11. The ability to set a regular or managed form as the main one depends on the configurator settings.
10.12. The home page work area is typed from a list of managed forms.
10.13. You can place forms in the desktop area: horizontally - no more than two, vertically - in any number.
10.14. The start page can only be displayed in the main window.
10.15. Managed list forms can be displayed in the main window and in the sub window.
10.16. Setting up a form in runtime allows you to change the visibility of controls existing on the form, change the format, width, height, title text, and other properties of controls existing on the form. But you cannot remove and add controls to the form in this way.
10.17. Customizing the list in runtime allows you to change the order, composition, hierarchical presentation and conditional design of records.
10.18. The order in which items are traversed in a managed form depends on user roles and functional options, but can be changed programmatically and interactively by the user within the available items.
10.19. The navigation bar can exist in the main window and sub-windows.
10.20. Form parameters are designed to organize functional communication between forms and control the functionality of the form when it is opened.
10.21. If you have one key parameter, you can add another by assigning an appropriate value to the form parameter property.
10.22. The usual parameter exists only when creating a form, the key parameter is always present.
10.23. To add a command in the form of a button on a managed form, you can add a button control to the form, assign a command from the list of form commands, and define the command algorithm in the module. Or drag and drop a command into the element tree.
10.24. ----
10.25. To add a command in the form of a button on a regular form, you can place a button control on the form, assign an event handler for the Press event, and define the command algorithm in the form module.
10.26. Using the "Indicator" control, you can display the current state of a numeric form attribute, and only it.
10.27. Drawing
10.28. The behavior of controls is standard, but there are specific behaviors defined by form extensions, control extensions, and display-related extensions.
10.29. The radio button control allows you to select one value from several predefined options.
10.30. The ability of the system for creating "on the fly" forms by default in the "1C: Enterprise" mode should be used in all cases when it is not required to perform program actions in the form, and there are no special requirements in relation to the appearance of the object form on the part of the user.
10.31 Pivot Chart is a control designed for interactive analysis of multidimensional data in a graphical form.
10.32 To store the value of a radio button control, you can use a form attribute that is created by the designer when you add a radio button to a form or a pre-existing form attribute.
10.33 When using the "MaxSeriesNumber" chart property, if the number of series exceeds the maximum value, the series are selected according to the algorithm: for each series, the maximum point value is searched for, these values ​​are sorted and the (MaximumSeriesNumber - 1) series is selected from the resulting list for display. The values ​​of the remaining series are summarized and displayed in the "Summary" series.
10.34 Anchors are used to provide control over the behavior of the border of controls when resizing a regular form.
10.35 When controls are located in a regular form panel, they can be anchored to the borders of other controls located in the panel and to the borders of the panel.
10.36 When creating a "Checkbox" control using the button on the "Controls" toolbar, a form attribute with the "Boolean" value type will be created.
10.37 The value of the "ChartValue" type allows you to get the chart value and the decoding value at a certain point and series.
10.38 To enable the ability to interactively reconfigure the crawl order of regular form controls, uncheck the "Auto crawl order" checkbox in the form properties.
10.39 The control element "Inscription" is intended for placement in the form of explanatory information, hyperlinks, creeping line, pictures with explanatory information.
10.40 The chart property "BaseValue" contains the initial value of the coordinates. It is used when the changes in the parameter displayed in the diagram are incommensurably small compared to its minimum value.
10.41 When placing controls on a form, you cannot place the same item on two pages.
10.42 If a dictionary attribute is specified for the "Label" control as a data source, then the information displayed by the label will be determined by the value of the attribute specified in the "Data" property of the "Label" control.
10.43 The number of forms subordinate to the "Nomenclature" reference book is arbitrary.
10.44 The HTML document field control is intended for viewing or editing HTML documents.
10.45 You can edit the HTML document displayed in the HTML Document Field control in 1C: Enterprise mode.

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