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The camera app has crashed. The camera on the phone does not work: what to do? Installing Special Utilities

Many users of smartphones running on the operating Android system, are often disappointed in the quality of photographs taken by the camera of their device, because in Internet reviews and other owners of such devices, the photos turned out much better. What could be the causes of this problem and how to improve the camera on Android?

Some of the possible reasons:

  1. Marriage of the camera;
  2. Errors in the program "Camera";
  3. Incorrect camera settings.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

1 Camera failure. Multi-colored stripes in the photo, spots, strong blurring are, with a high probability, a marriage of the camera itself. That happens. And if your smartphone is still under warranty, you should take it to the store for an exchange or take it to a service center.

2 Errors in the program "Camera". Firmware manufacturers sometimes make “blunders” by releasing unfinished software for sale. Typical symptoms such “hack-work” are: inverted colors in the photo, an inverted image, or the camera completely refusing to start.

What to do in this case? Fortunately, there are many programs that are analogous to a standard camera, and if you wish, you can install any of them on your smartphone, or even all at once.

Applications - replacing the standard "Camera"

HD Camera

Great app with huge amount manual settings, through which you can adjust the image size (number of megapixels) and photo compression quality, as well as white balance, and select various scenes shooting. As a bonus, there is a tilt position of the smartphone, which will allow you to take photos without filling up the horizon and a QR code scanner.

Download the HD Camera app on your smartphone: link

DSLR Camera

An excellent application with many settings that will make you feel like a real photographer. Among useful features it is worth noting the choice of ISO, a visual histogram, a grid for easy frame building, tracking focus, white balance and much more.

Download the DSLR Camera app on your smartphone: link

3 Incorrect camera settings. It would seem a trifle, but many do not know that despite the declared presence in the cell of five, eight, thirteen, etc. megapixels, given parameter can be set arbitrarily. And not always when buying a device, it is set to the maximum. Therefore, first of all, you should go to the settings of your camera and see what mode is set.

The higher the image resolution, the more likely the fact that the photo will look better on a computer or TV screen. Also try to adjust the white balance (WB), it is possible that it gives unrealistic colors.

It is very important to set up the camera on your smartphone and enjoy high-quality pictures. And by the way, an important detail is the ability to turn off the sound when shooting. This greatly simplifies life in rooms where silence is required (for example: a library, a lecture room, etc.). To learn how to mute your camera, see the article:

Good pictures for you!

Ordinary cameras are losing their popularity: development mobile gadgets and the regular reduction in pricing policy has practically equalized the cost with models of budget and middle-class cameras.

Moreover, when buying a smartphone, the user receives a mini-computer with unlimited possibilities. But it happens that at the most inopportune moment the camera on the Android device does not work. Unlike a conventional camera, the list of problems and solutions when the camera is not working on a smartphone is quite extensive.

Causes of the malfunction

Majority experienced users can independently determine the nature of the breakdown. First of all, it is necessary to deal with the details, previous events and actions. This will help identify one of two categories of breakdowns - physical or software.

To malfunctions physical (mechanical) nature include falls, vibrations, shakes, shocks, and so on. There are also more banal situations when dust and moisture get into the camera sensor. In some cases, the culprit may be memory: both internal and microSD card. The outcome of such problems is often unpleasant for users, especially financially.

As for the category program errors, everything is simpler here. These include the installation of an inappropriate or conflicting application with the camera, incorrect settings operating system and related programs, as well as installing an unfinished update (including the official one).

More serious reasons: virus infection or incorrect flashing of the gadget.

To find a solution, it is necessary to act according to the rule "From simple to complex". No need to immediately disassemble the device and reflash it. You need to start with those actions that definitely will not bring collateral damage.

Software bugs

  • Virus infection. A very , which is growing in proportion to the popularity of Android. To solve it, you need to install antivirus program, scan the system and remove all threats. More process.
  • Out of memory. In the process of using a smartphone, the internal memory can be filled to capacity. In this case, the camera will turn on, but you will not be able to record video or take photos. Make sure the volume free space enough to perform camera functions. This also applies to microSD cards, which are used to expand memory. We wrote about how to correctly free up memory.
  • Clearing the cache. Temporary files are accumulated in the system and when using the camera. This leads to a cache overflow, so there are simply not enough resources to perform actions. Periodic cleaning is required. For this you need to go to Settings - Applications - Camera. At the bottom of the window that opens, there is a Clear Cache button.
  • Wrong setting . The main problem often is the choice of where to save camera recordings. If the option was set to a microSD card, which was later removed, you need to adjust the settings.
  • Application conflict. If problems with the camera started after installing any application, you need to uninstall it and check the operation of the device.
  • Incorrect firmware. Sometimes you have to install . It is very important to install the correct version software from the official site. Otherwise, some functions (camera, sound, screen rotation, Wi-Fi) may not work. In the worst case, the device will stop starting at all, so be careful.
  • OS update. Standard Settings imply automatic update operating system to new version. Despite the fact that the upgrade is provided by the manufacturer, related problems often occur, including with the camera. To fix the problem, you can roll back the system, i.e. install more old version platform that ensured the performance of all modules. It is also recommended to disable subsequent automatic updates.

ATTENTION! If the gadget is on warranty service, it is recommended that you contact the service center or shop. Most changes to the operating system or self-installation Firmware is a reason to void the warranty.

Physical malfunctions

Physical damage is a reason to contact the service center for repair. But there are also simple solutions that may be effective. These actions can be performed independently:

  • Checking the health and integrity of the memory card. When saving videos and pictures to a memory card, the camera may give an error. Flash memory has a limited life cycle, therefore it is recommended to test the storage medium for errors and "dead" memory cells. For a quick clarification, you can install a verified memory card in your gadget and check the camera's performance.
  • Cleaning the lens. The camera sensor is protected by a special glass, which can get dust, moisture, etc. In this case, the unit will not be able to focus and will stop working. Carefully clean the glass with special means(microfiber, monitor cleaning liquid).

If all of the above options did not solve the problem, then it is most likely associated with a critical breakdown. Such failures are the result long contact with water, strong impacts, falls and other impacts from the outside. This leads to failure of sensors, stabilizers, loops. The worst case is considered a breach of integrity. printed circuit board, which is responsible for the operation of all components of the device.

Complex damage is not always repairable even by specialists in service centers, so you need to be careful when using your mobile friend. To protect your smartphone from damage, you need to follow the following recommendations:

  • Purchase equipment in trusted outlets that guarantee the quality of goods and protection against fakes.
  • Buy products from trusted brands that have positive reviews.
  • Choose a device for your own comfortable use. Weight and dimensions must fully satisfy the physical characteristics of each person. The choice is very large, you can always

If the camera does not turn on on Android, then the causes of the problem may lie in software errors or problems at the hardware level. The user can deal with errors in the operation of the system on his own, but the replacement of a failed component will require the intervention of a specialist.

This article is suitable for all brands that produce phones on Android 9/8/7/6: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

Possible reasons why the camera does not turn on

If you didn’t drop or beat your Android device, but at some point found that the camera was not working, then most likely the reason for this is. It could be:

  • Incorrect camera setting.
  • Application conflict.
  • Out of memory.
  • Cache overflow.
  • Virus infection.
  • Incorrect firmware.

If everything is in order with the system, pay attention to the physical state of the module. The camera may not turn on due to mechanical damage after an impact or fall, or contamination of the lens.

What to do

If the camera suddenly stops turning on, restart your device. Restarting the system will help resolve non-critical crashes and return the photo and video app to a working state.


If the camera turns on but does not save photos, check its settings. Pay attention to which save path is specified. It often happens that a memory card is selected in the settings, which in this moment removed from the device. Try resetting your camera settings to default (not all Android versions there is such an option).


Pay attention to the state of memory: if there is no space, then photos and videos have nowhere to be saved. Perhaps the problem is not in the camera itself, but in the application that serves it. To fix errors, clear the cache standard program:

  1. Open settings.
  2. Go to the Applications section.
  3. Select standard application"Camera".
  4. Clear data and cache.

If the standard application does not work, download from Play market another program with camera functions. However, keep in mind that just the presence of such an application may be the reason that the camera will not turn on. Try different applications and configuration to see if they affect the functionality of the module.

Another reason may be. To exclude this option, install several antivirus utilities and scan the system. It will be useful to check the operation of the camera in safe mode Android. If it starts there, and in normal mode- no, clean the system from viruses and suspicious applications.

Can be used . All data will be deleted from the memory, but you will know for sure that there are no conflicting or malicious applications in the phone.


If problems in the operation of the camera arose after updating the system or flashing the device, then the logical solution would be to roll back to previous state. You will have to flash the device again using a verified official build.

Many people choose Android gadgets based on a variety of parameters. One of them is the opportunity to get a high-quality camera or video camera for relatively little money. But due to open source code platforms and for a number of other reasons, this option may not work correctly. In this essay, the question will be considered in detail - what to do if the camera on Android does not work.

Possible reasons

There can be many reasons for this phenomenon. We list the most common:

  1. The first reason is a firmware update. This procedure is automatic on the shell, but it can cause a crash important settings and incorrect work cameras. In this case, you can use .
  2. The second reason - . AT last years co rapid development platforms, this reason has become one of the most common. If you do not install an antivirus and often visit unfamiliar sites, the risk of catching this is very high.
  3. Mechanical damage. If the gadget falls, one of the modules that is responsible for the camera settings may be damaged.
  4. Dirt or dust on the sensor. For many manufacturers, such modules are moved to the outside, if something gets on it, the option starts to work incorrectly.
  5. Module cache clogging.

Android Camera Enhancement: Video

How to set up the camera on Android

Now let's list possible ways Troubleshooting and how to set up the camera on Android:

How to turn off the camera sound on Android: Video

Skype integration issues

Many people who use a smartphone for the first time with a downloaded IP telephony program are wondering why the camera in Skype on Android does not work. There may be several reasons for this.

The most main version utility is still under development, or simply does not fit under current version operating shell.

Another case is that the camera settings are not set to work with such programs. This option is enabled in various phones differently.

Thus, from the foregoing, it can be understood that working with the camera on Android has a number of features that must be taken into account, then there will be no problems when using the module and the operating system.

Camera not working on Android: Video

    Al 25.09.2015 02:53

    The camera takes a picture of the photo, but I go to the gallery instead of it there empty file. Doesn't take video at all. In gallery I can't create new album or move a photo from one to another. There is only 1 album. This is after a factory reset.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 19.10.2015 09:39

    This is very individual question. Solutions for each phone are different. First, check which update you installed and what version of Android was before? Second, try to do general reset. Thirdly, maybe the camera itself is out of order and is malfunctioning. Fourth, there is an option to reflash the gadget yourself. That is, you yourself are looking for and downloading desired firmware. Then install the drivers for your gadget on the computer, install the program for the firmware. Put your phone into firmware mode. Connect to computer, run desired program, specify the path to the firmware files and flash. If you yourself are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to take the device to a repair shop, where the guys will quickly figure out what the problem is and solve it. The truth is you have to pay. And independent attempts at a solution may not only not help, but also aggravate the situation and disable the gadget without the possibility of repair. So, do not spare money, take it to repair.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 28.10.2015 08:37 D1%82-%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B0 . Maybe ask a question and get an answer. Tell me what gadget in question? After all, there are some models in which the sore spot is the camera. For example, on TF201 Prime and all its modifications have such a drawback. In this case, only replacing the camera with a cable helps, because the cable itself is frayed.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 28.10.2015 08:39

    Hello. The camera may not work different reasons both hardware and software. By software bugs. Here you can personally restart the gadget. If the problem persists, then do full reset to factory settings. If this does not help, then you can try to flash the device. But, if you doubt that you can do it, then it’s better not to take it. In this case, it is best to seek the help of professionals. For hardware issues. Sometimes it happens that the camera breaks for technical reasons (hardware). That is, the cable may be frayed, the contacts may be oxidized, the camera itself is out of order, the camera controller, autofocus or other camera controls. Independently mono only replace the camera itself and the cable to it (usually they are inseparable). But, for this you have to disassemble the gadget and replace it all. Again, I recommend you turn to professionals, as you yourself can make things worse. Read here - %B5%D1%82-%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B0 . Maybe ask a question and they will answer you)

    Eugene 10/29/2015 18:40

    Hello, the camera does not work, something was pressed by the child! Writes the camera application is stopped. I demolished everything to the factory settings, it did not help, I installed other camera applications, the same thing is written, the camera application is stopped. It takes pictures of itself (the screen), but neither the main nor the front camera works. Sony T3 phone. Android 4.4 what to do tell me?

    Team V-ANDROIDE 16.11.2015 14:01

    Hello. Everything is quite simple. Unfortunately, there is no Sony phone at hand right now, but I will describe the procedure on Samsung example. Just do everything by analogy. The bottom line is that you need to enter the settings. Next, we find the “Application Manager” (or simply “Applications”). All applications installed on the phone will be displayed here. I have them divided into five groups. Here you need to find the "Camera" application. If you have multiple tabs at the top, then the Camera app will be in the All or Disabled (or Disabled) tab. Your task is to find the application "Camera". Select it and click the "Enable" or "Enable" button. If this does not help, then, as a last resort, you can try to flash the gadget. But, here, too, 100% option. If the phone is under warranty, then you can contact the store where you bought it or the service center under warranty (it’s better to go to the store, and they will send you where you need to go). If the warranty is no longer there, then you can try to flash it yourself.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 16.11.2015 14:02

    Team V-ANDROIDE 16.11.2015 14:03

    Hello. As I understand it, you have already tried all the instructions in the article and nothing helps? If you have already done a factory reset, but the camera still does not work, then the reason is in the hardware. This means that the camera itself has died and needs to be replaced. In order to be completely sure of this, you can try to flash your phone. That is, download a new official firmware for your phone, the appropriate drivers and utilities for flashing through a computer and flash the phone. If this does not help, then 100% you need to change the camera module itself.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 14.12.2015 14:15

    Hello. Cyanogen does not always work normally. Moreover, it is often in these firmware that there are problems with cameras. I have repeatedly encountered the problem of non-working autofocus and the entire camera. Therefore, if possible, it is better to go to the official firmware. Better yet, install a service firmware for yourself and do not use any Cynogenes.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 30.12.2015 15:52

    Hello. Most likely, the problem is that the front camera module burned out or the cable frayed. That's all. The solution is to replace the camera together with the module and the cable (they are sold as an assembly). If you can't choose desired camera(by size, model, form factor, cable, and so on), it is better to contact the service center. At the same time, you must understand that in order to replace this component, you will have to disassemble your device (tablet or smartphone). Again, if you do not know how this is done, then it is better to take it to repair.

    Ati 01/06/2016 10:14

    Hello! help me lenovo k 30-t camera sometimes works sometimes not, english version.
    writes unfortunately has stopped, sometimes a black screen and reboot, sometimes it was not possible to connect, tried to install another firmware, installed other programs, nothing has changed. sometimes it works well, sometimes it works but the quality is bad. front works if left on the front. now it's android 4.4.4 k30-ts048_150805

    Anastasia 13.01.2016 05:55

    I have a similar problem with the camera on the Qumo 500 phone - the icon for flipping the camera from the main to the front disappeared by itself .... from the frontal and photo and video is done, but not from the main one !!! I tried to reset the settings, and poked around in the camera settings .... did not help! I wanted to clear the cache, but I couldn’t find the camera in the applications!?! What else can be done???

    Team V-ANDROIDE 13.01.2016 20:29

    Hello. This suggests that the camera itself is out of order. Maybe the camera cable has frayed, maybe the whole module has been covered ... here it is already necessary to disassemble and look, call and so on. In any case, at home you will not do anything. Take it in for repair. The camera just needs to be replaced and that's it.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 13.01.2016 20:31

    Hello. If you tried to reset to factory settings and reflashed (you only need to use official service firmware), then I have no more advice. Take it in for repair. Most likely, the camera simply moves away, or the cable loses contact somewhere, or is frayed, or maybe the camera module itself has burned out and is now working with varying degrees of success. In any case, most likely, you will have to change the entire camera module.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 13.01.2016 20:32

    Hello. What firmware did you install? Custom or official? I do not recommend flashing devices at all. And if you flash it, then only as a last resort and use only official service firmware. Custom firmware often gives different failures, and here you do everything at your own peril and risk. Disabled the device - carry it in for repair. Try to return the firmware that was before or install a new, but official service version. Or take it in for repair. I don't have any other options.

    Tanyusha 19.01.2016 15:57

    Hello, help answer the question!
    I have a Samsung Galaxy A5, the phone is new, but something happened. The camera works, takes pictures, but as soon as I want to turn on the video, it knocks out: Camera failure warning. That is, the problem is that the video is not being filmed 🙁

    Mariana 24.01.2016 07:24

    Hello. After installing another Skype updates app stopped working front-camera. Works in other applications. Yes, and here, when dialing, I see myself, but when I call, I don’t. lenovo phone k910. The essence of the question is this: is it a jamb of an application or a phone and how to solve it?

    Team V-ANDROIDE 09.02.2016 12:19

    Hello. Have you done a factory reset? In this case, you need to either reflash the device or replace the camera. That is, the firmware will fix all software failures, but if this does not help, then the problem is not in the software part, but in the hardware. In this case, you just need to replace the camera. If you flash it yourself, then use only official service firmware. If you won’t flash it yourself or the firmware didn’t help, then bring it in for repair, since you yourself are unlikely to replace the camera at home. To do this, you will have to disassemble the gadget and replace the entire camera module with a cable.

    Hello. Most likely this software failure. It is solved by resetting to factory settings. But, if the reset did not help (this may be), then you need to reflash the device. If you are afraid to flash it yourself, or you cannot find the firmware, or the firmware did not help, then bring it in for repair, since you yourself are unlikely to be able to do anything.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 09.02.2016 12:20

    Hello. This is the jamb of the application. The fact is that for some time now Skype has been acquired by Microsoft, which made this program very unstable and buggy. If speak about computer version, then the last working version was Skype 6.0. In general, after Skype passed into the hands of Microsoft, the program is very buggy. So I recommend that you remove new skype, install the old version and use it (do not update in any way). The program is buggy both on Android devices and on computers. Open Play Store and uninstall the update. Otherwise, wait for another update in which this bug will be fixed. By the way, there is video communication in Viber and other similar applications.

    Alexey 03/02/2016 12:23

    Hello, there was also a problem with the camera, it shoots a video, it does not take a photo, I tried to download alternative programs galleries and cameras, I tried resetting the settings, renaming the folder and rebooting the phone, it only shoots video, the photo does not want to be saved

    Ekaterina 03.03.2016 16:24

    Team V-ANDROIDE 16.03.2016 10:59

    Hello. If you have tried everything, then there are only two options left. Try flashing your device. If the firmware does not help (or you are afraid to flash it yourself), then bring it to repair. No camera settings mobile devices no. Therefore, you are unlikely to be able to do anything. And here is the logic. If the problem is software. then the firmware will solve it (the firmware should only be installed by the official service one). If the problem is hardware (that is, not software, namely, some physical component of the camera has failed - a controller, a matrix or another), then only replacing the camera will help. The fact that the video shoots does not mean that the photo should also work. Although there is only one camera, different chips are responsible for video and photo. Therefore, the reason can be both software and hardware. Here you need to check, watch and try (first the firmware, and then the replacement of the camera).

    Team V-ANDROIDE 16.03.2016 11:00

    hello. If you have tried everything, then there are only two options left. Try flashing your device. If the firmware does not help (or you are afraid to flash it yourself), then bring it to repair. There are no camera settings in mobile devices. Therefore, you are unlikely to be able to do anything. And here is the logic. If the problem is software. then the firmware will solve it (the firmware should only be installed by the official service one). If the problem is hardware (that is, not software, namely, some physical component of the camera has failed - a controller, a matrix or another), then only replacing the camera will help. The fact that the video shoots does not mean that the photo should also work. Although there is only one camera, different chips are responsible for video and photo. Therefore, the reason can be both software and hardware. Here you need to check, watch and try (first the firmware, and then the replacement of the camera).

    Anko 18.03.2016 21:43

    hello! I have huawei phone p8. the phone was repaired (changed completely back cover) after that, the front camera stopped working, writes “camera error, unable to connect to the camera”, but these are still victories, after this plate the camera completely stops responding - that is. e and the usual one does not work, it starts working after a reboot or if you clear the cache. but if you turn on the fpontal one again, then history repeats itself.

    Artyom 03/21/2016 19:49

    Catherine wrote 18 days ago

    Hello, I have a problem with the camera. I turn it on and it shows a black screen. I'm trying to press the buttons and nothing, after a few minutes the application writes the camera does not work, close it? Please tell me what to do!!!
    Ekaterina, did you find a solution?

    Rodion 01.04.2016 14:46

    Hello! Telephone Sony Xperia C (you can look on the Internet). The camera weighs only 6mb, but after clearing the cache it began to weigh 1.5mb. So far, the camera has worked perfectly, no complaints. Yes ... I have viruses that cannot be removed, such as “smart host, adobe air, etc. ... They are of the “system” type, since it is impossible to remove them, they allegedly write “impossible to remove system file". But I deleted them with a root ... But they are downloaded again! And so endlessly. No antivirus will stop, most likely, it will stop the antivirus. I tried all the antiviruses, everything! This virus is very annoying. You enter the game, the game stops and so on endlessly, if you do not click on the tabs and remove the virus that got out, but after about two minutes this crap appears again. Downloaded the program Titanium Backup and froze all viruses with it, but that was a long time ago. Now everything is frozen and they can’t be deleted in any way, even the firmware won’t help ... The Play Market also doesn’t work for me, since I downloaded freedom, I didn’t know that the play market would break from this. Rescue, please!

    Team V-ANDROIDE 04/06/2016 11:13

    Hello. Most likely, during the repair, the cable of the camera (front) was damaged or the connector was connected incorrectly. Therefore, you should go to the people who did the repairs and tell them that such a problem appeared after their repair. Let them fix it. I will not advise you anything else, since most likely the problem is hardware (replacement of the cable or the entire camera).

    Oleg 04/07/2016 13:34

    Hello. ASUS phone Zenfone. The selfie mode in the camera stopped working. That is, when you turn on the “selfie” mode, the camera does not switch to the rear, but remains to work on the front. Moreover, the camera itself works both front and rear. With what it can be connected? Maybe due to an update?

    Hello. What makes you think that the firmware will not help. Based on what you described, then you just have to do a factory reset with formatting the flash drive and internal memory to remove everything. If this does not help, then you will need to flash the device. At the same time, before you flash it, you need to remove the USB flash drive and format it on the computer. Firmware is best to install the official service. The firmware will solve all the described problems. And don't download unverified files from left sites anymore.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 13.04.2016 09:08

    Hello. If you've tried everything, how can I help you? Have you tried doing a factory reset? If this does not help, then you need to flash it. Firmware must be installed official service. Such firmware is not buggy and works more stable than others. In general, there can be two reasons why the camera does not work. The first is software and is treated by resetting to factory settings or firmware. The second is hardware. Such errors are treated by replacing a non-working device. That is, the cable from the camera could be frayed, the camera module itself or the camera itself (matrix or other components) could fail. All this is impossible to fix. Therefore, it remains only to replace the camera. Hence the conclusion - if the reset to the factory settings did not help, then flash it. If the firmware did not help, then you need to change the camera. Cameras are already sold with cables, so you will replace both the cable and the entire camera module at the same time. If you yourself cannot flash, change cameras, and so on, then take it to repair.

    Andrey 04/14/2016 14:52

    Hello. Land Rover Discovery v8 phone bought a new one in an online store, a week later when the camera or video is turned on, green interference appears on the screen like a matrix in the film, but they are not on the front camera when the photo itself is half clear half blurry completely. Throwing it to the factory did not help, alternative applications did not help. With what can be connected? Programmatically (reflash) or the slipper module itself (that is, replacing the camera will fix it) ??? Please advise, thanks in advance!

    Safatich 24.04.2016 14:04

    Hello. Writes that the camera is not found. Previously saved by resetting the settings. But after last reset For some reason, the standard camera application itself disappeared. I tried to download from Google, it also writes the camera is not detected. Firmware latest official

    Nastya 07.05.2016 14:48

    I have a Huawei P8, I still don’t understand how it happened, but I got defocused rear camera, with front everything ok, back comes in waves, why?
    I already did everything and settings reset, factory antivirus, reset the cache, now I don’t know what else to do .... ((
    Help please :3

    Nikita 08.05.2016 14:08

    Tired of simple 4.4.2 kit kat. I upgraded to 5.1.1 lollipop. The bad firmware was called rr-remix. After the firmware, when entering the camera, there was an inscription Error connecting to the camera. I put factory firmware. And the camera seems to turn on, but only for a minute, and then the device freezes and the black screen. Problem with the module and carry it in for repair?

    Team V-ANDROIDE 25.05.2016 12:58

    Hello. Interference on the camera indicates that the camera cable is broken or there is no contact. In general, this is not software problem, but hardware. That is, your need to disassemble the phone and check the camera cable and the camera module itself. Most likely, this is a factory marriage. Especially since the phone is new. Therefore, I do not advise you to climb into its “insides” yourself, as this will void your warranty. It is better to contact the store where you bought the phone and tell what happened. You should have it replaced or repaired under warranty.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 25.05.2016 13:01

    Hello. If there are two cameras and there is a function for switching between cameras, then look for the icon more carefully. When you start the camera, what camera is running? Front, do you mean the camera that is looking at you? So you see yourself on the screen? or “front” is the main camera (so-called rear camera)? It is possible that the cameras in your device cannot be switched. That is, when you start the camera (photo or video), the main camera with which you take photos and videos works. And with video calls, the call goes to the front camera so that your interlocutor sees your face. At the same time, it is not possible to switch cameras (the system itself determines when which camera to use).

    Hello. It is possible that this is a hardware problem. That is, the camera itself is out of order or the cable is broken. But it may be that the firmware is buggy and even a reset does not help fix the error. Nothing can be said for certain here. Try to flash your gadget. In this case, you can install not the most new firmware, but the main thing is to install exactly the official service firmware (albeit previous version) – . If the firmware does not help (or if you are afraid to flash it yourself), then bring it in for repair. If the problem is hardware, then you definitely can’t fix it yourself.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 25.05.2016 13:02

    Hello. You have tried everything, so it remains to try to flash -. Even if the firmware does not help (or you are afraid to flash it yourself), then bring it to repair. It is possible that this is a hardware problem. That is, the camera itself failed. Or maybe the matrix and the camera are in order, but the autofocus system is out of order. In any case, the entire camera (the entire module) is changing, since it is all assembled and it is impossible to replace any driver separately. I do not think that you can replace the camera on your device at home.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 25.05.2016 13:02

    Hello. It is possible that this is a hardware problem. That is, the camera itself is out of order or the cable is broken. But maybe the firmware is buggy. Therefore, first of all, try doing a factory reset -. If even a reset does not help fix the error, then you will have to flash it. But, nothing can be said for sure. Try to flash your gadget. At the same time, you can install not the newest firmware, but the main thing is to install the official service firmware (albeit the previous version) -. If the firmware does not help (or if you are afraid to flash it yourself), then bring it in for repair. If the problem is hardware, then you definitely won’t fix it yourself, since you need to replace the non-working camera with a new one.

    Hello. Try flashing again. But, this time install the official service firmware Lollipop (5.0.1). Even if there are problems with the camera on the service firmware, take it in for repair. I don't know any other options.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 25.05.2016 13:03

    Hello. What does “I take a screenshot on the camera” mean? I don't understand what you are doing. Do you take photos with a camera? Or do you take a screenshot? Please clarify what you are doing there. It is possible that this is a hardware problem. That is, the camera itself is out of order or the cable is broken. But maybe the firmware is buggy. Therefore, first of all, try doing a factory reset -. If even a reset does not help fix the error, then you will have to flash it. But, nothing can be said for sure. Try to flash your gadget. At the same time, you can install not the newest firmware, but the main thing is to install the official service firmware (albeit the previous version) -. If the firmware does not help (or if you are afraid to flash it yourself), then bring it in for repair. If the problem is hardware, then you definitely won’t fix it yourself, since you need to replace the non-working camera with a new one.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 06/01/2016 20:59

    Hello. Most likely, the problem is in the loop. Generally, similar problems can be both hardware (the cable is broken, the contacts are oxidized, or the camera itself is out of order), and software (a software failure occurs). Software failures can be solved by resetting the device to factory settings -, or firmware. But, if the reset did not help, then this indicates that the problem is hardware and you just need to replace the camera and cable. To do this, you will have to disassemble the device. If you yourself do not have experience, then it is better to immediately bring it to repair. On some devices, you can separately replace the camera cable (if the problem is in it), but more often, the cable and the camera are soldered and already assembled, so you will have to change everything together.

    Anastasia 13.06.2016 18:32

    Hello, I'm having problems with the front camera.
    As soon as you turn it on, the screen is vertically striped and some kind of blue-violet color. Pictures are also obtained with all the distortions.
    Everything is fine with the front camera
    Tell me, please, what could it be?

    Team V-ANDROIDE 16.06.2016 14:24

    Hello. I take it your camera isn't working? There may be two reasons for this. If the problem is software, then it can be solved by resetting to factory settings () or, if this does not help, then firmware. If the problem is hardware (even if the firmware did not help), then you need to change the camera itself, since it is out of order (either the cable has frayed, or the module itself has burned out). At home, you are unlikely to change. This is not difficult to do, then you need to know which camera to buy (by connectors, size and form factor), disassemble the device, carefully replace and assemble everything.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 29.06.2016 18:51

    Hello. This indicates that there is a problem with the cable or connector. In general, the problem is hardware. That is, you need to disassemble the phone and check the integrity of the harness with which the camera is connected, whether there are any kinks and scuffs anywhere, whether everything is securely connected in the connectors. If you can’t disassemble it yourself or doubt your abilities, then it’s better to immediately bring it in for repair. There are no other options here. Remember that attempts self repair can lead to more complex damage and costly repairs.

    Hello. If the reboot does not help, then it is quite possible that this is a hardware problem. That is, you will have to replace the camera with a cable. But, before doing this, you need to try doing a factory reset -. If even this does not help, then in this case, bring it in for repair, or disassemble the phone yourself and check the camera and cable and change them to new ones.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 29.06.2016 18:52

    Hello. Most likely, it is the camera that has failed. Therefore, you need to carry your phone (tablet) for repair. You can, of course, try to reset to factory settings -. But, I repeat, most likely everything, it is necessary to replace the camera. Cameras often fail due to a cable that frays. It often happens that the camera is forgotten to be turned off and it fails (since it is not designed for long-term operation). In general, there are many reasons why a camera can fail, but there is only one solution - replacement.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 13.07.2016 20:28

    Hello. How do you determine the number of pixels in an image? What firmware did you install? Maybe you installed a custom firmware that just doesn't work correctly. Personally, I recommend installing official service firmware, as they work best.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 13.07.2016 20:43

    There may be two reasons for this. If the problem is software, then it can be solved by resetting to factory settings () or, if this does not help, then firmware. If the problem is hardware (even if the firmware did not help), then you need to change the camera itself, since it is out of order (either the cable has frayed, or the module itself has burned out).

    Angelina 15.07.2016 16:31

    Camera does not work.
    The child deleted his native camera from the phone, but then it restored itself, but when I go there, they write to me that “unfortunately, the camera application was stopped forcibly tell me what to do
    No matter which camera you download, it writes the same thing ..
    Today I formatted the whole phone, but the camera still does not work.
    I have an LG phone

    Yura 20.07.2016 13:50

    The answer to all questions. More people do a RESET (factory reset), and this is not right! (Even if you did not reset the settings) On the contrary, you need to return the factory settings!
    Settings-Restore and reset-Return to factory settings.

    Team V-ANDROIDE 28.07.2016 10:40

    Hello. One option is to specify “Save photos and videos to internal memory” in the camera settings. Sometimes, such an error occurs due to a flash drive that does not work correctly. That is, either format the flash drive at a low level, and then in normal mode in file system FAT32, or buy a new flash drive (from a normal manufacturer). Perhaps the Gallery app itself and the Camera app are buggy. Therefore, if the first option did not help you, then try installing (from Play Store) application for viewing photos (gallery) and camera. There are many different alternative applications. Try which one works best and you like it better. Well, you can try to reset to factory settings - (but there is no 100% guarantee that the reset will help, here you already decide whether to do it or not).

    Team V-ANDROIDE 10.08.2016 21:31

    Hello. The simplest and fast way recovery - do a factory reset -. If you do not want to do a reset, then you can try to activate the camera manually. First, restart your phone. If the camera does not work, then enter the application manager, find the camera there (perhaps there will be a “Disabled” section in the application manager, in general, find the “Camera” application somewhere in the manager). Then open it and look, there should be a button “To default settings” or “Enable”. Watch carefully. As a last resort, do a factory reset.

    Kostya 19.08.2016 21:54

    In the camera settings, before flashing the smartphone, the front camera could take photos with a quality of 5 mp, after flashing the mts, it became available maximum value 4 MP in widescreen, and 5 MP in non-full screen mode. The quality of the front camera also deteriorated: it was max. the value is 2 mp, after flashing it became 1 mp. MTS Phone smart sprint 4g. The firmware is official.

    Sergey 08/25/2016 04:49

    Greetings. Fly iq446. The rear (front) camera stopped working. The front is working fine. The icon for switching from one to another just disappeared. With all this, the flash located at the back does not work either. I tried to turn it on like a flashlight, swears. What options? Sew?

    Team V-ANDROIDE 25.08.2016 11:34

    Hello. Most likely some kind of software glitch. Try doing a factory reset. If it does not help, then bring it in for repair, since it is possible that the camera module itself is damaged, and you yourself cannot repair or replace it.

    Zalina 28.08.2016 20:04

    Hello.. front camera problem.. htc phone one mini.. earlier, without problems, swiping from right to left switched the camera to the front one and vice versa.. now not (((I can’t switch to the front camera in any way .. and in the file where the photos for viewing on the background open chamber there were only those that were taken .. now there are all the photos including pictures and stuff ((What could be the problem .. maybe somewhere you can set it up ((what to do ((?

    Ulyana 28.08.2016 21:19

    I have this problem ... .. I ordered the front camera from aliexpress HOMTOM HT3 does not work, and the front camera generally shoots upside down. The flashlight does not work ... it gives an error graphic error interface… What to do? I updated, reset everything to factory settings ... nothing helped .... help me

    Team V-ANDROIDE 08.09.2016 11:25

    Hello. What is the question? It happens. Apparently the firmware is just not very well optimized. It also happens that WiFi stops working, sometimes the camera does not work at all. It remains to wait for the firmware to be finished and the next update to be released, which will fix all the bugs and shortcomings. You, as an option - return to old firmware where everything worked.

With the question "Why doesn't the camera work on Android?" any user may encounter. Do not immediately panic and rush to the nearest service center. Maybe it's small hardware failure, which you can quite easily decide on your own. Therefore it is important to know possible reasons such problems and how to fix them.

Reasons and ways to fix the problem with a non-working camera on an Android tablet

The reasons

The most common reasons for a breakdown or malfunction of the Android camera can be the following:

  1. Due to, which is installed automatically in most cases, there may be malfunctions in the operation of the device as a whole. Also, problems may affect the operating mode of the camera, as a result of which it may stop working.
  2. An important reason may be on a tablet or smartphone. Especially in recent times this has become especially important. It never hurts to be careful.
  3. Mechanical damage to the device can also adversely affect the operation of the device's camera. If you drop your tablet on asphalt or in water, you may damage special module responsible for the operation of the camera.
  4. Manufacturers of devices with camera modules placed on the outside are especially concerned with problems associated with the ingress of dust and other contaminants.
  5. Another influencing factor may be a clogged module cache.


Naturally, you need to be familiar with existing ways fix these problems.

After the performed manipulations, everything should work again.

If the front camera on Android has stopped working for you, and only a black screen is visible, you should contact the service center or the store where you bought the device. You can use warranty repair in case the reason for the breakdown of the camera was not your interference both inside and the banal fall of the device. Well, you can always count on paid repairs.

Now you know the reasons why the camera does not work on Android, as well as some popular ways solutions to this problem. Perhaps one of them will help you. If not, then most likely the problems have become more widespread, and you should probably seek help from a specialist.

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